AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C03) - Course Curriculum


Public Introduction (4:04)

Finding and Using the Course Resources (14:31)

Site tools and features (8:36)

AWS Exams (17:32)

Scenario - Animals4life (13:28)

Connect with other students and your instructor (3:10)



AWS Accounts - The basics (11:33)

[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP1 - Creating GENERAL AWS Account (14:44)

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) (8:25)

[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP2 - Securing GENERAL AWS Account (9:44)

[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP3 - Creating a Budget (6:46)

[DO_IT_YOURSELF] Creating the Production Account (4:59)

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Basics (13:01)

[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP4 - Adding IAMADMIN to GENERAL Account (12:36)


IAM Access Keys (7:10)

[DEMO] Creating Access keys and setting up AWS CLI v2 tools (17:43)


OSI 7-Layer Networking Model

OSI Model Introduction (4:46)

Layer 1 - Physical (10:00)

Layer 3 - Network - PART1 (12:06)

Layer 3 - Network - PART2 (19:13)

Layer 3 - Network - PART3 (15:15)

Layer 4&5 - Transport & Session - PART1 (15:39)

Layer 4&5 - Transport & Session - PART2 (13:54)

Other Networking (MORE COMING SOON)

Network Address Translation (NAT) - PART1 (11:00)

Network Address Translation (NAT) - PART2 (9:38)

IP Address Space & Subnetting - PART1 (14:37)

IP Address Space & Subnetting - PART2 (10:32)

Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Attacks (14:35)

VLANs, TRUNKS & QinQ (16:14)

Decimal to Binary Conversion (IP Addressing) (17:12)

SSL & TLS (11:19)

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) 101 (17:03)

Stateful vs Stateless Firewalls (14:04)

JumboFrames (4:35)

Layer 7 Firewalls (7:44)

IP Sec VPN Fundamentals (14:48)

Fibre Optic Cable 101 (11:21)


Encryption 101 - PART1 (13:56)

Encryption 101 - PART2 (6:42)

Envelope Encryption (8:06)

Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) (6:40)

Hash Functions & Hashing (13:19)

Digital Signatures (9:26)


DNS #1 - What does DNS do (2:56)

DNS #2 - Why does DNS need a complex architecture (13:19)

DNS #3 - How DNS actually works … walking the tree (8:46)

DNS #4 - What happens when a domain is registered? (4:27)

DNSSEC #1 - Why do we need DNSSEC (11:08)

DNSSEC #2 - How DNSSEC Works within a Zone (17:34)

DNSSEC #3 - DNSSEC Chain of Trust (8:16)

DNSSEC #4 - DNSSEC Root Signing Ceremony (7:53)

Containers & Virtualization (MORE COMING SOON)

Kubernetes 101 (11:27)


Recovery Point Objective (RPO) & Recovery Time Objective (RTO) (16:54)

Data Formats & Configuration Formats (MORE COMING SOON)

YAML aint markup language (YAML) 101 (6:12)

Javascript Object Notation (JSON) 101 (4:25)


What is Cloud Computing? (13:30)

Public vs Private vs Multi vs Hybrid Cloud .. (8:38)

Cloud Service Models (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS) (10:25)


AWS Public vs Private Services (7:04)

AWS Global Infrastructure (14:53)

AWS Default Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (15:19)

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Basics (14:46)

[DEMO] My First EC2 Instance - PART1 (10:58)

[DEMO] My First EC2 Instance - PART2 (9:40)

Simple Storage Service (S3) Basics (15:48)

[DEMO] My First S3 Bucket (18:34)

CloudFormation (CFN) Basics (12:28)

[DEMO] Simple Automation With CloudFormation (CFN) (15:52)

CloudWatch (CW) Basics (13:45)

[Demo] Simple Monitoring with Cloudwatch (15:31)

Shared Responsibility Model (6:20)

High-Availability vs Fault-Tolerance vs Disaster Recovery (17:21)

Route53 (R53) Fundamentals (6:29)

[DEMO] Registering a Domain with route53 (9:49)

DNS Record Types (13:25)

Fundamentals Section Quiz


IAM Identity Policies (15:52)

IAM Users and ARNs (13:49)

[DEMO] Simple Identity Permissions in AWS (16:06)

IAM Groups (7:48)

[DEMO] Permissions control using IAM Groups (9:24)

IAM Roles - The Tech (8:13)

When to use IAM Roles (15:27)

Service-linked Roles & PassRole (5:16)

AWS Organizations (12:56)

[DEMO] AWS Organizations (19:48)

Service Control Policies (SCPs) (12:44)

[DEMO] Using Service Control Policies (16:45)

CloudWatch Logs (7:16)

CloudTrail (11:40)

[DEMO] Implementing an Organizational Trail (18:23)

AWS Control Tower 101 (15:42)

IAM & Orgs Section Quiz


S3 Security (Resource Policies & ACLs) (18:19)

S3 Static Hosting (10:36)

[Demo] Creating a static website with S3 (17:55)

Object Versioning & MFA Delete (7:41)

[DEMO] - S3 Versioning (15:45)

S3 Performance Optimization (11:42)

[DEMO] - S3 Performance (5:06)

Key Management Service (KMS) (18:38)

[DEMO] KMS - Encrypting the battle-plans with KMS (12:43)

S3 Object Encryption CSE/SSE (23:31)

[DEMO] Object Encryption and Role Separation (14:50)

S3 Bucket Keys (5:59)

S3 Object Storage Classes - PART1 (9:23)

S3 Object Storage Classes - PART2 (11:41)

S3 Lifecycle Configuration (8:13)

S3 Replication (13:59)

[DEMO] Cross-Region Replication of an S3 Static Website (19:52)

S3 PreSigned URLs (11:11)

[DEMO] Creating and using PresignedURLs (18:23)

S3 Select and Glacier Select (5:32)

S3 Events (4:32)

S3 Access Logs (3:05)

S3 Object Lock (9:52)

S3 Access Points (5:52)

[DEMO] Multi-Region Access Points (MRAP) (20:25)

S3 Section Quiz


VPC Sizing and Structure - PART1 (11:48)

VPC Sizing and Structure - PART2 (11:16)

Custom VPCs - PART1 - THEORY (10:10)

[DEMO] Custom VPCs - PART2 - DEMO (5:40)

VPC Subnets (10:42)

[DEMO] Implement multi-tier VPC subnets (15:24)

VPC Routing, Internet Gateway & Bastion Hosts (17:35)

[DEMO] Configuring A4l public subnets and Jump-box - PART1 (13:45)

[DEMO] Configuring A4l public subnets and Jump-box - PART2 (11:45)

Stateful vs Stateless Firewalls (14:04)

Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) (12:38)

Security Groups (SG) (11:48)

Network Address Translation (NAT) & NAT Gateway - PART1 (13:43)

Network Address Translation (NAT) & NAT Gateway - PART2 (11:08)

[DEMO] Implementing private internet access using NAT Gateways (19:25)

VPC Basics Section Quiz


Virtualization 101 (12:27)

EC2 Architecture and Resilience (12:36)

EC2 Instance Types - PART1 (11:52)

EC2 Instance Types - PART2 (8:13)

[DEMO] EC2 SSH vs EC2 Instance Connect (17:06)

Storage Refresher (14:16)

Elastic Block Store (EBS) Service Architecture (8:43)

EBS Volume Types - General Purpose (9:23)

EBS Volume Types - Provisioned IOPS (6:15)

EBS Volume Types - HDD-Based (4:32)

Instance Store Volumes - Architecture (9:00)

Choosing between the EC2 Instance Store and EBS (8:49)

Snapshots, Restore & Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR) (10:55)

[DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART1 (15:16)

[DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART2 (14:13)

[DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART3 (14:27)

EBS Encryption (8:22)

Network Interfaces, Instance IPs and DNS (15:58)

[DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART1 (12:27)

[DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART2 (12:36)

Amazon Machine Images (AMI) (13:58)

[DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART1 (9:38)

[DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART2 (10:57)

[DEMO] Copying & Sharing an AMI (8:35)

EC2 Purchase Options - PART1 (9:22)

EC2 Purchase Options - PART2 (11:56)

Reserved Instances - the rest (11:58)

Instance Status Checks & Auto Recovery (7:42)

[DEMO] Shutdown, Terminate & Termination Protection (5:40)

Horizontal & Vertical Scaling (11:23)

Instance Metadata [THEORY & DEMO] (15:46)

EC2 Basics Section Quiz


Introduction to Containers (17:13)

[DEMO] Creating ‘container of cats’ Docker Image (18:15)

ECS - Concepts (10:25)

ECS - Cluster Mode (13:09)

[DEMO] - Deploying ‘container of cats’ using Fargate (13:13)

Elastic Container Registry (ECR) (4:14)

Kubernetes 101 (11:27)

Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 101 (6:14)

Containers Section Quiz


Bootstrapping EC2 using User Data (10:25)

[DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART1 (15:00)

[DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART2 (6:45)

Enhanced Bootstrapping with CFN-INIT (11:52)

[DEMO] CFN-INIT and CFN Creation Policies (12:29)

EC2 Instance Roles & Profile (4:18)

[DEMO] Using EC2 Instance Roles (13:31)

SSM Parameter Store (6:16)

[DEMO] Parameter Store (16:11)

System and Application Logging on EC2 (6:15)

[DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART1 (11:51)

[DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART2 (8:08)

EC2 Placement Groups (14:29)

Dedicated Hosts (8:56)

Enhanced Networking & EBS Optimized (6:57)

Advanced EC2 Section Quiz


R53 Public Hosted Zones (6:28)

R53 Private Hosted Zones (5:10)

CNAME vs R53 Alias (5:19)

Simple Routing (2:17)

R53 Health Checks (12:41)

Failover Routing (1:53)

[DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART1 (16:41)

[DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART2 (6:28)

Multi Value Routing (2:32)

Weighted Routing (3:24)

Latency Routing (2:44)

Geo-location Routing (5:02)

Geo-proximity (4:50)

R53 Interoperability (11:50)

Implementing DNS-SEC using Route53 (17:43)

Route53 Section Quiz


Database Refresher & MODELS - PART1 (8:51)

Database Refresher & MODELS - PART2 (14:45)

ACID vs BASE (11:02)

Databases on EC2 (13:08)

[DEMO] Splitting Wordpress Monolith => APP & DB (18:01)

Relational Database Service (RDS) Architecture (11:39)

[DEMO] Migrating EC2 DB into RDS - PART1 (18:20)

[DEMO] Migrating EC2 DB into RDS - PART2 (12:58)

Relational Database Service (RDS) MultiAZ - Instance and Cluster (11:54)

RDS Automatic Backup, RDS Snapshots and Restore (8:52)

RDS Read-Replicas (6:36)

[DEMO] MultiAZ & Snapshot Restore with RDS - PART1 (14:05)

[DEMO] MultiAZ & Snapshot Restore with RDS - PART2 (12:07)

RDS Data Security (7:03)

RDS Custom (5:22)

Aurora Architecture (13:44)

Aurora Serverless (9:52)

[DEMO] Migrating to Aurora Serverless [DON’T DO THIS DEMO, IT WON’T WORK, UPDATING to SERVERLESSv2] (14:47)

Aurora Global Database (5:08)

Multi-master writes (7:51)

Relational Database Service (RDS) - RDS Proxy (9:47)

Database Migration Service (DMS) (11:03)

RDS Section Quiz


EFS Architecture (9:05)

[DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART1 (8:51)

[DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART2 (11:32)

[DEMO] Using EFS with Wordpress (16:00)

AWS Backup (6:36)

Network Storage Section Quiz


Regional and Global AWS Architecture (10:42)

Evolution of the Elastic Load Balancer (4:10)

Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART1 (10:18)

Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART2 (12:32)

Application Load balancing (ALB) vs Network Load Balancing (NLB) (16:20)

Launch Configuration and Templates (4:00)

Auto-Scaling Groups (16:01)

ASG Scaling Policies (10:23)

ASG Lifecycle Hooks (4:41)

ASG HealthCheck Comparison - EC2 vs ELB (3:38)

SSL Offload & Session Stickiness (12:11)

[DEMO] Seeing Session Stickiness in Action (12:57)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART1 (14:24)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART2 (10:43)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE2 (12:58)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE3 (19:30)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE4 (18:04)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART1 (11:31)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART2 (14:56)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE6 (5:48)

Gateway Load Balancer (13:40)

HA and Scaling Section Quiz


Architecture Deep Dive - PART1 (8:52)

Architecture Deep Dive - PART2 (13:09)

AWS Lambda - PART1 (11:25)

AWS Lambda - PART2 (13:59)

AWS Lambda - PART3 (17:03)

CloudWatchEvents and EventBridge (6:54)

[DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART1 (13:44)

[DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART2 (18:49)

Serverless Architecture (12:56)

Simple Notification Service (7:49)

Step Functions (16:09)

API Gateway 101 (16:27)

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART1 (5:01)

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART2 (8:24)

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART3 (12:31)

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART4 (13:31)

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART5 (12:55)

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART6 (2:39)

Simple Queue Service (15:30)

SQS Standard vs FIFO Queues (3:29)

SQS Delay Queues (4:38)

SQS Dead-Letter Queues (4:17)

Kinesis Data Streams (7:52)

Kinesis Data Firehose (9:11)

Kinesis Data Analytics (8:51)

Kinesis Video Streams (5:09)

Amazon Cognito - User and Identity Pools (14:44)

AWS Glue 101 (6:23)

Amazon MQ 101 (8:15)

Amazon AppFlow (3:30)

Serverless and App Services Section Quiz


Cloudfront Architecture (14:56)

CloudFront (CF) - Behaviors (9:21)

CloudFront - TTL and Invalidations (13:48)

ACM (11:21)

Cloudfront and SSL/TLS (14:59)

CloudFront (CF) - Origin Types & Origin Architecture (10:20)

[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding a CDN to a static Website-PART1 (16:23)

[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding a CDN to a static Website-PART2 (12:24)

[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding an Alternate CNAME and SSL (11:12)

CloudFront - Security - OAI & Custom Origins (8:50)

CloudFront - Private Distribution & Behaviors (7:49)

[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Using Origin Access Control (OAC) (new version of OAI) (11:21)

Lambda@Edge (8:03)

Global Accelerator (10:29)

CDN and Optimization Section Quiz


VPC Flow Logs (9:56)

Egress-Only Internet gateway (6:46)

VPC Endpoints (Gateway) (11:14)

VPC Endpoints (Interface) (11:26)

[DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Interface - PART1 (11:59)

[DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Gateway - PART2 (9:59)

[DEMO] Egress-Only Internet Gateway - PART3 (7:57)

VPC Peering (9:04)

[DEMO] VPC Peering (22:38)

Advanced VPC Section Quiz


Border Gateway Protocol 101 (17:29)

IPSec VPN Fundamentals (14:54)

AWS Site-to-Site VPN (18:05)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE0 - SETUP (4:52)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE1 - AWS VPN (10:01)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE2 - on-prep pfSense Config (17:09)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE3 - Routing & Security (10:29)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE4 - Testing (5:42)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE5 - Cleanup (1:50)

Direct Connect (DX) Concepts (9:37)

Direct Connect (DX) Resilience (13:50)

Direct Connect (DX) - Public VIF + VPN (Encryption) (6:43)

Transit Gateway (10:26)

Storage Gateway - Volume (14:15)

Storage Gateway - Tape (VTL) (12:11)

Storage Gateway - File (12:15)

Snowball / Edge / Snowmobile [NEW VERSION COMING SOON] (10:47)

Directory Service (15:50)

DataSync (9:27)

FSx for Windows Servers (11:32)

FSx For Lustre (13:57)

AWS Transfer Family (10:24)

Hybrid and Migration Section Quiz


AWS Secrets Manager (7:44)

Application Layer (L7) Firewall (7:44)

Web Application Firewall (WAF), WebACLs, Rule Groups and Rules (19:18)

AWS Shield (9:47)

CloudHSM (14:36)

AWS Config (6:14)

Amazon Macie (12:04)

[DEMO] Amazon Macie (15:35)

Amazon Inspector (6:28)

Amazon Guard Duty (4:14)

Section Quiz


CloudFormation Physical & Logical Resources (7:30)

[DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART1 (10:28)

[DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART2 (11:28)

CloudFormation Template and Pseudo Parameters (6:53)

CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions (14:28)

CloudFormation Mappings (4:30)

CloudFormation Outputs (3:37)

[DEMO] Template v2 - Portable (13:34)

CloudFormation Conditions (7:24)

CloudFormation DependsOn (7:14)

CloudFormation Wait Conditions & cfn-signal (11:52)

CloudFormation Nested Stacks (13:55)

CloudFormation Cross-Stack References (10:05)

CloudFormation Stack Sets (9:12)

CloudFormation Deletion Policy (5:24)

CloudFormation Stack Roles (6:47)

CloudFormation Init (CFN-INIT) (8:48)

CloudFormation cfn-hup (4:13)

[DEMO] wait conditions, cfn-signal, cfn-init and cfn-hup - PART1 (12:51)

[DEMO] wait conditions, cfn-signal, cfn-init and cfn-hup - PART2 (14:42)

CloudFormation ChangeSets [NEW VERSION COMING SOON] (11:03)

CloudFormation Custom Resources (11:03)

[DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART1 (9:12)

[DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART2 (13:27)


DynamoDB - Architecture (10:49)

DynamoDB - Operations, Consistency and Performance-PART1 (13:06)

DynamoDB - Operations, Consistency and Performance-PART2 (11:24)

DynamoDB Local and Global Secondary Indexes (12:35)

DynamoDB - Streams & Lambda Triggers (9:10)

DynamoDB - Global Tables (5:09)

DynamoDB - Accelerator (DAX) (10:58)

DynamoDB - TTL (4:49)

Amazon Athena (8:19)

[DEMO] Athena Demo - PART1 (13:31)

[DEMO] Athena Demo - PART2 (11:37)

Elasticache (12:51)

Redshift Architecture (11:32)

Redshift DR and Resilience (3:40)

NoSQL Section Quiz


Amazon Comprehend (7:28)

Amazon Kendra (5:00)

Amazon Lex (5:51)

Amazon Polly (4:04)

Amazon Rekognition (4:18)

Amazon Textract (8:42)

Amazon Transcribe (4:55)

Amazon Translate (4:32)

Amazon Forecast 101 (4:04)

Amazon Fraud Detector (3:34)

Amazon SageMaker (5:39)


AWS Local Zones (8:52)


General AWS Exam Technique - 3 Phase Approach (8:56)

General AWS Question Technique - PART1 (14:12)

General AWS Question Technique - PART2 (9:01)

Practice Exam #1

Practice Exam #2


Thanks! and a favour (3:15)



Analytics (18)

Amazon AppFlowNo-code integration for SaaS apps and AWS services
Amazon AthenaQuery data in Amazon S3 using SQL
AWS Clean RoomsCollaborate and analyze collective datasets without sharing raw data
Amazon CloudSearchManaged search service
AWS Data ExchangeFind, subscribe to, and use third-party data in the cloud
AWS Data PipelineOrchestration service for periodic, data-driven workflows
Amazon DataZoneUnlock data across organizational boundaries with built-in governance
AWS Entity ResolutionLink records stored across multiple applications, channels, and data stores
Amazon EMRHosted Hadoop framework
Amazon FinSpaceStore, catalog, prepare, and analyze financial industry data
AWS GlueSimple, scalable, and serverless data integration
Amazon KinesisAnalyze real-time video and data streams
AWS Lake FormationBuild a secure data lake in days
Amazon Managed Service for Apache FlinkProcess and analyze streaming data using Apache Flink
Amazon MSKFully managed Apache Kafka service
Amazon OpenSearch ServiceDeploy, operate, and scale OpenSearch clusters in the AWS Cloud
Amazon QuickSightFast business analytics service
Amazon RedshiftFast, simple, cost-effective data warehouse service

Application Integration (7)

Amazon EventBridgeServerless event bus for SaaS apps and AWS services
Amazon MQManaged message broker service
Amazon MWAAManaged orchestration service for Apache Airflow
Amazon SNSPub/sub, SMS, email, and mobile push notifications
Amazon SQSManaged message queues
AWS Step FunctionsCoordination for distributed applications
Amazon SWFBuild applications that coordinate work across distributed components

AWS Management Console (3)

AWS Console Mobile ApplicationView and manage resources to support incident response while on the go
AWS Management ConsoleWeb-based user interface comprising multiple AWS service consoles
AWS Sign-InFind help signing in and out of your account

Blockchain (2)

AWS Blockchain TemplatesQuickly create and deploy open-source blockchain frameworks on AWS
Amazon Managed BlockchainCreate and manage scalable blockchain networks

Business Applications (11)

AWS AppFabricAggregate and analyze data across SaaS applications
Amazon ChimeFrustration-free meetings, video calls, and chat
Amazon Chime SDKReal-time messaging, audio, video, and screen sharing
Amazon ConnectOmnichannel cloud contact center
Amazon HoneycodeBuild mobile and web apps without programming
Amazon PinpointMultichannel marketing communications
Amazon SESHigh-scale inbound and outbound email
AWS Supply ChainReduce risks and lower costs with ML-powered supply chain application
AWS WickrProtect enterprise communications with end-to-end encryption
Amazon WorkDocsSecure enterprise document storage and sharing
Amazon WorkMailSecure email and calendaring

Cloud Financial Management (4)

AWS Application Cost ProfilerProvides granular cost insights for your multi-tenant applications
AWS Billing and Cost ManagementFind features that help you pay your bills and optimize your costs
AWS Pricing CalculatorCreate cost estimates that match your AWS use case
Savings PlansSave on compute usage with flexible pricing

Compute (15)

AWS App RunnerProduction web applications at scale made easy for developers
AWS BatchRun batch jobs at any scale
Amazon EC2Create and run virtual servers in the cloud
Amazon EC2 Image BuilderAutomate lifecycle management of “golden” server images
AWS Elastic BeanstalkRun and manage web apps
AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows ServerMigrate legacy apps to AWS supported versions without code refactoring
AWS LambdaRun code without thinking about servers
Amazon LightsailLaunch and manage virtual private servers
AWS Local ZonesRun latency sensitive applications closer to end users
AWS OutpostsRun AWS infrastructure on-premises
AWS ParallelClusterDeploy and manage high performance computing clusters in the AWS Cloud
AWS SAMBuild serverless applications on AWS
AWS Serverless Application RepositoryDiscover, deploy, and publish serverless applications
AWS SimSpace WeaverBuild and run large-scale spatial simulations in the AWS Cloud
AWS WavelengthDeliver ultra-low latency applications for 5G devices

Containers (5)

AWS App2ContainerContainerize and migrate existing applications
Amazon ECREasily store, manage, and deploy container images
Amazon ECSHighly secure, reliable, and scalable way to run containers
Amazon EKSRun Kubernetes on AWS without operating your own Kubernetes clusters
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWSManaged OpenShift in the cloud

Cryptography & PKI (8)

AWS Certificate ManagerProvision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates
AWS CloudHSMHardware-based key storage for regulatory compliance
AWS Crypto ToolsHelping you do cryptography right, even without special expertise
AWS Cryptographic Services OverviewFind crypto services to help protect your data
AWS KMSManaged creation and control of encryption keys
AWS PKI Services OverviewFind multiple services to help protect your data at rest or in transit
AWS Private Certificate AuthorityCreate private certificates to identify resources and protect data
AWS SignerValidate AWS Lambda and IoT device code against a digital signature

Customer Enablement Services (5)

AWS IQFind AWS Certified third-party experts for on-demand project work
AWS Incident Detection and ResponseProactive monitoring and incident management for production workloads
AWS Managed ServicesInfrastructure operations management for AWS
AWS Professional ServicesGet help executing your enterprise cloud computing initiatives
AWS Training and CertificationExplore AWS learning opportunities

Database (10)

Amazon AuroraHigh performance managed relational database engine
Amazon DocumentDBFully managed document database
Amazon DynamoDBManaged NoSQL database
Amazon ElastiCacheIn-memory caching service
Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)Managed Cassandra-compatible database
Amazon MemoryDB for RedisRedis-compatible, durable, in-memory database service
Amazon NeptuneFully managed graph database service
Amazon QLDBFully managed ledger database
Amazon RDSSet up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud
Amazon TimestreamFully managed time series database

Developer Tools (18)

AWS Application ComposerVisually design and build serverless applications quickly
AWS Cloud Control APIManage AWS and third-party cloud infrastructure with consistent APIs
AWS Cloud9Write, run, and debug code on a cloud IDE
AWS CloudShellCommand line access to AWS resources and tools directly from a browser
AWS CodeArtifactArtifact management for software development
AWS CodeBuildBuild and test code
Amazon CodeCatalystUnified software development service to develop and deliver on AWS
AWS CodeCommitStore code in private Git repositories
AWS CodeDeployAutomate code deployments
AWS CodePipelineRelease software using continuous delivery
AWS CodeStarDevelop and deploy AWS applications
Amazon CodeWhispererBuild applications faster with the ML-powered coding companion
AWS Fault Injection SimulatorImprove resiliency and performance with controlled experiments
AWS Microservice Extractor for .NETReduce time and effort to convert large applications to microservices
Porting Assistant for .NETPort Microsoft .NET Framework applications to .NET Core
SDKs and Tools Reference GuideFind information applicable to multiple SDKs and tools
Toolkit for .NET RefactoringReduce time and effort to refactor legacy .NET apps for AWS Cloud
AWS X-RayAnalyze and debug your applications

End User Computing (6)

AppStream 2.0Stream desktop applications securely to a browser
NICE DCVConnect securely to graphic-intensive 3D apps on remote servers
Amazon WAMDeploy and manage applications for Amazon WorkSpaces
Amazon WorkSpacesVirtual desktops in the cloud
Amazon WorkSpaces CoreVirtual desktop infrastructure that works with third-party solutions
Amazon WorkSpaces WebProvide secure access to internal websites and SaaS applications

Front-End Web & Mobile (8)

AWS AmplifyBuild, deploy, host, and manage scalable web and mobile apps
AWS Amplify (AWS Mobile SDK for Android)Build native Android applications powered by AWS
AWS Amplify iOS (AWS Mobile SDK for iOS)Build native iOS applications powered by AWS
AWS AppSyncAccelerate app development with fully-managed, scalable GraphQL APIs
AWS Device FarmTest Android, iOS, and web apps on real devices in the AWS Cloud
Amazon Location ServiceSecurely and easily add location data to applications
AWS Mobile SDK for UnityFind .NET classes that enable games written with Unity to utilize AWS
Amazon SilkCreate a faster, more responsive mobile browsing experience

Game Development (4)

AWS GameKitBuild game backend services with AWS while working in a game engine
Amazon GameLiftSimple, fast, cost-effective dedicated game server hosting
Amazon GameSparksMulti-service backend for game developers
Amazon LumberyardA free cross-platform 3D game engine (binaries no longer offered)

General Reference (6)

AWS GlossaryFind definitions for AWS terms
AWS Security CredentialsLearn how to specify AWS security credentials
AWS Service EndpointsConnect programmatically to an AWS service using endpoints
Service Quotas referenceView the AWS workload quotas for AWS services
Tagging AWS ResourcesAssign metadata to your AWS resources in the form of tags
AWS SupportLearn about the components and features that AWS Support provides

Internet of Things (IoT) (13)

FreeRTOSReal-time operating system for microcontrollers
AWS IoT 1-ClickOne click creation of an AWS Lambda trigger
AWS IoT AnalyticsAnalytics for IoT devices
AWS IoT CoreConnect devices to the cloud
AWS IoT Device DefenderSecurity management for IoT devices
AWS IoT Device ManagementOnboard, organize, and remotely manage IoT devices
AWS IoT EventsIoT event detection and response
AWS IoT ExpressLinkQuickly and easily develop secure IoT devices
AWS IoT FleetWiseCollect, transform, and transfer vehicle data to the cloud
AWS IoT GreengrassLocal compute, messaging, and sync for devices
AWS IoT RoboRunnerBuild applications that help fleets of robots work together seamlessly
AWS IoT SiteWiseIoT data collector and interpreter
AWS IoT TwinMakerOptimize operations by creating digital twins of real-world systems

Machine Learning (34)

Amazon A2IEasily implement human review of ML predictions
Apache MXNet on AWSScalable, open-source deep learning framework
Amazon BedrockAccess best-in-class foundation models to build generative AI applications
Amazon CodeGuruFind your most expensive lines of code
Amazon CodeWhispererBuild applications faster with the ML-powered coding companion
Amazon ComprehendDiscover insights and relationships in text
Amazon Comprehend MedicalDetect and return useful information in unstructured clinical text
AWS Deep Learning AMIDeep learning on Amazon EC2
AWS Deep Learning ContainersDocker images for deep learning
AWS DeepComposerML enabled musical keyboard
AWS DeepLensDeep learning enabled video camera
AWS DeepRacerAutonomous 1/18th scale race car, driven by ML
Amazon DevOps GuruImprove application availability with ML-powered cloud operations
Amazon Elastic InferenceDeep learning inference acceleration
Amazon ForecastIncrease forecast accuracy using machine learning
Amazon Fraud DetectorDetect more online fraud faster
AWS HealthImagingManage medical imaging data
AWS HealthLakeSecurely store, transform, query, and analyze health data in minutes
AWS HealthOmicsTransform omics data into insights
Amazon KendraReinvent enterprise search with ML
Amazon LexBuild voice and text chatbots
Amazon Lookout for EquipmentDetect abnormal equipment behavior by analyzing sensor data
Amazon Lookout for MetricsAutomatically detect anomalies in metrics and identify the root cause
Amazon Lookout for VisionSpot product defects and automate quality inspection
Amazon Machine LearningLearn about Amazon machine learning services
Amazon MonitronReduce unplanned equipment downtime with predictive maintenance and ML
AWS PanoramaImprove your operations with computer vision at the edge
Amazon PersonalizeBuild real-time recommendations into your applications
Amazon PollyTurn text into life-like speech
Amazon RekognitionAnalyze image and video
Amazon SageMakerBuild, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale
Amazon TextractExtract text and data from documents
Amazon TranscribeAutomatic speech recognition
Amazon TranslateNatural and fluent language translation

Management & Governance (35)

AWS AppConfigQuickly deploy application configurations to applications of any size
Auto ScalingScale multiple resources to meet demand
AWS Account ManagementManage your AWS accounts as a group
AWS ChatbotChatOps for AWS
AWS CloudFormationCreate and manage resources with templates
AWS CloudTrailTrack and monitor activities by users, roles, or AWS services
Amazon CloudWatchMonitor resources and applications
AWS CLICommand line interface tool to manage AWS services
AWS Compute OptimizerIdentify optimal AWS compute resources
AWS ConfigTrack and evaluate configuration changes
AWS Console Mobile ApplicationView and manage resources to support incident response while on-the-go
AWS Control TowerSet up and govern a secure, compliant multi-account environment
Amazon Data Lifecycle ManagerAutomate management of Amazon EBS snapshots and Amazon EBS-backed AMIs
AWS HealthFind information about events that can affect your AWS resources
AWS Launch WizardEasily size, configure, and deploy third-party applications on AWS
AWS License ManagerTrack and manage software licenses across multiple AWS Regions
Amazon Managed GrafanaVisualize and analyze your operational data at scale
Amazon Managed Service for PrometheusHighly available, secure, and managed monitoring for your containers
AWS Management ConsoleWeb-based user interface comprising multiple AWS service consoles
AWS OpsWorksAutomate operations with Chef and Puppet
AWS OrganizationsCentral governance and management across AWS accounts
AWS ProtonAutomate management for container and serverless deployments
AWS Resilience HubPrepare and protect your applications from disruptions
AWS Resource ExplorerSearch for and discover relevant resources across AWS
AWS Resource GroupsSee your resources across the AWS Regions in your AWS account
AWS Service CatalogCreate and use standardized products
AWS Service Management ConnectorProvision, manage, and operate AWS resources within ITSM tools
Service QuotasView and manage your AWS workload quotas easily and at scale
AWS Systems ManagerGain operational insights and take action
Tag EditorAdd, edit, or delete tags on multiple AWS resources
AWS Telco Network BuilderAutomate the deployment and management of your telco networks on AWS
AWS Tools for PowerShellScript operations on AWS resources from the PowerShell command line
AWS Trusted AdvisorOptimize performance and security
AWS User NotificationsUnifies the notification experience across AWS services
AWS Well-Architected ToolReview and improve your workloads

Marketplace (1)

AWS MarketplaceBuy or sell software that runs on AWS

Media Services (11)

AWS Cloud Digital Interface SDKMigrate timing-critical uncompressed video workflows to the cloud
Amazon Elastic TranscoderEasy-to-use scalable media transcoding
AWS Elemental MediaConnectReliable and secure live video transport
AWS Elemental MediaConvertConvert file-based video content
AWS Elemental MediaLiveConvert live video content
AWS Elemental MediaPackageVideo origination and packaging
AWS Elemental MediaStoreStore and deliver video assets for live streaming media workflows
AWS Elemental MediaTailorVideo personalization and monetization
AWS Elemental On-PremisesEncode and package video assets with on-premises software
Amazon Interactive Video ServiceBuild engaging live stream experiences
Amazon Nimble StudioAccelerate content creation in the cloud

Migration & Transfer (8)

AWS Application Discovery ServiceDiscover on-premises applications to streamline migration
AWS Application Migration ServiceAutomate application migration and modernization
AWS Database Migration ServiceMigrate databases with minimal downtime
AWS DataSyncSimple, fast, online data transfer
AWS Mainframe ModernizationMigrate, modernize, operate, and run mainframe workloads
AWS Migration HubTrack migrations from a single place
AWS Schema Conversion ToolConvert source schema and most code to target-compatible format
AWS Transfer FamilyFully managed SFTP, FTPS, and FTP service

Networking & Content Delivery (14)

Amazon API GatewayBuild, deploy, and manage APIs
AWS App MeshMonitor and control microservices
Amazon CloudFrontGlobal content delivery network
AWS Cloud MapService discovery for cloud resources
AWS Direct ConnectDedicated network connection to AWS
Elastic Load BalancingDistribute incoming traffic across multiple targets
AWS Global AcceleratorImprove global application availability and performance
AWS Private 5GEasily deploy, manage, and scale a private cellular network
Amazon Route 53Highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service
Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery ControllerMove traffic for application disaster recovery
AWS Verified AccessProvide secure access to corporate applications without a VPN
Amazon VPCIsolated cloud resources
Amazon VPC LatticeSimplify service-to-service connectivity, security, and monitoring
AWS VPNSecurely access your network resources

Quantum Computing (1)

Amazon BraketAccelerate quantum computing research

Robotics (1)

AWS RoboMakerDevelop, test, and deploy robotics applications

Satellite (1)

AWS Ground StationFully managed ground station as a service

Security, Identity, & Compliance (23)

AWS ArtifactOn-demand access to AWS compliance reports
AWS Audit ManagerAudit your AWS usage to simplify how you assess risk and compliance
Amazon Cloud DirectoryStore hundreds of millions of application-specific objects
Amazon CognitoIdentity management for your apps
Amazon DetectiveInvestigate potential security issues
AWS Directory ServiceSet up and run Microsoft Active Directory with AWS services
AWS Firewall ManagerDeploy network security across your VPCs with just a few clicks
AWS GovCloud (US)Move sensitive workloads into the cloud
Amazon GuardDutyManaged threat detection service
AWS Identity and Access ManagementSecurely manage access to services and resources
AWS IAM Identity CenterManage single sign-on access to AWS accounts and apps
Amazon InspectorAutomated and continual vulnerability management at scale
Amazon MacieDiscover and protect your sensitive data at scale
AWS Network FirewallDeploy network security across your Amazon VPCs with just a few clicks
AWS Payment CryptographyFully managed payment cryptography service
AWS Resource Access ManagerSimple, secure service to share AWS resources
AWS Secrets ManagerRotate, manage, and retrieve secrets
Security DocumentationSecurity documentation by category
AWS Security HubUnified security and compliance center
Amazon Security LakeAutomatically centralize your security data with a few clicks
AWS ShieldDDoS protection
Amazon Verified PermissionsPermissions management and authorization for custom applications
AWS WAFFilter malicious web traffic

Serverless (10)

Amazon API GatewayBuild, deploy, and manage APIs
AWS AppSyncAccelerate app development with fully-managed, scalable GraphQL APIs
Amazon DynamoDBManaged NoSQL database
Amazon EventBridgeServerless event bus for SaaS apps and AWS services
AWS FargateServerless compute for containers
AWS LambdaRun code without thinking about servers
Amazon S3Object storage built to retrieve any amount of data from anywhere
Amazon SNSPub/sub, SMS, email, and mobile push notifications
AWS Step FunctionsCoordinate components for distributed applications
Amazon SQSManaged message queues

Storage (9)

AWS BackupCentralized backup across AWS services
Amazon EBSAmazon EC2 block storage volumes
Amazon EFSFully managed file system for Amazon EC2
AWS Elastic Disaster RecoveryScalable, cost-effective application recovery to AWS
Amazon FSxLaunch, run, and scale feature-rich and high-performing file systems
Amazon S3Object storage built to retrieve any amount of data from anywhere
Amazon S3 GlacierLow-cost archive storage in the AWS Cloud
AWS Snow FamilyMove petabytes of data to and from AWS, or process data at the edge
AWS Storage GatewayHybrid storage integration


NameDescriptionWhat to buy?Where to buy?
AWS MarketplaceOnline store where you can buy or sell software that runs on Amazon Web Services.
Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Marketplace 1Paid AMI (OS)

Metrics collected by the CloudWatch Agent

CloudWatch Agent allows do the following:

  • Collect internal system-level metrics from Amazon EC2 instances across operating systems

    PlatformWhere CloudWatch Agent collects metrics from?Metrics
    WindowsWindows Performance Monitor
    Available bytes
    Cache Faults/sec
    Page Faults/sec
    LinuxMemory metrics: /proc/meminfo
    Active (Bytes)
    Available (Bytes)
    Available Percent (Percent)
    Buffered (Bytes)
    Cached (Bytes)
    Free (Bytes)
    Inactive (Bytes)
    Total (Bytes)
    Used (Bytes)
    Used Percent (Percent)
    Mac~ Linux~ Linux
  • Collect system-level metrics from on-premises servers.

  • Retrieve custom metrics from your applications or services using the StatsD and collectd protocols.

  • Collect logs from Amazon EC2 instances and on-premises servers,


NoExamScoreScore PercentFinalExam TimeTest Date
1Cantrill 149/6176%XOct 16, 2023
2Cantrill 249/6180%XOct 17, 2023
3Tutorials Dojo 143/6566%X01:15:26Oct 18, 2023
4Tutorials Dojo 249/6575%Passed01:03:59Oct 19, 2023
5Tutorials Dojo 1 (2nd time)59/6591%Passed00:36:26Oct 20, 2023
6Tutorials Dojo 346/6571%X00:56:51Oct 21, 2023
7Tutorials Dojo 446/6571%X01:03:39Oct 22, 2023
8Tutorials Dojo 549/6575%Passed00:52:07Oct 23, 2023, 15h
9Tutorials Dojo 648/6574%Passed00:58:01Oct 23, 2023, 20h
10Tutorials Dojo Bonus Test34/4575%Passed00:44:37Oct 24, 2023, 10h
11Tutorials Dojo 3 (2nd time)56/6586%Passed01:10:00Oct 24, 2023, 15h
12Tutorials Dojo 4 (2nd time)59/6591%Passed00:51:06Oct 24, 2023, 18h
13Tutorials Dojo Final Test60/6592%Passed00:46:49Oct 25, 2023, 0h
14REAL AWS EXAM50/65 (Maybe)785/1000Passed02:10:00Oct 26, 2023, 9h



Amazon S3 is natively integrated with AWS Backup:

  • Continuous backups (PITR)
  • Periodic backups.


  • Snapshot are incremental volume copied to S3.

  • The snapshot deletion process is designed so that you need to retain only the most recent snapshot in order to create volumes.

  • Manually Snapshots:

  • Automatic snapshot creation (NOT NATIVE):

    • Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager
    • AWS Backup.


  • Manually Snapshots
  • Automated Backups:
    • 0 to 35 days retention.
    • RDS also use S3 to store transaction logs every 5 minutes.


  • On-Demand Backup
  • PITR:
    • 35 day recovery window
    • 1s Granularity


  • Manually Snapshots
  • Automatically increment backup:
    • Every 8 hours or 5 GB of data
    • 1-day retention (default, configurable up to 35 days)

Backup to S3 bucket, configurable to copy snapshots to another region for DR.


AWS provides multiple services that you can use to scale your application.

Auto scaling is enabled by Amazon CloudWatch and is available at no additional charge beyond the service fees for CloudWatch and the other AWS resources that you use.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling (Auto Scaling groups)

Ensure that you have the correct number of Amazon EC2 instances available to handle the load for your application.

Application Auto Scaling

Auto scaling for resources beyond just EC2, e.g.

  • Aurora replicas
  • DynamoDB tables and global secondary indexes
  • Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) services
    • AWS Fargate
  • Lambda function provisioned concurrency
  • Spot Fleet requests

AWS Scaling Plan

Configure auto scaling for related or associated scalable resources (Aurora, DynamoDB, (EC2) Spot Fleet, EC2 Auto Scaling, and ECS)

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS)’s autoscaling

Cluster Autoscaling

  • Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler
  • Karpenter

Pod Scaling

  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler: automatically scales the number of Pods in a deployment, replication controller, or replica set based on that resource’s CPU utilization.

  • Vertical Pod Autoscaler: automatically adjusts the CPU and memory reservations for your Pods to help “right size” your applications

AWS Services with Infrequently Access (IA)

Amazon S3

Amazon S3 Standard-IA

Amazon S3 One Zone–IA


Amazon EFS

Amazon EFS Standard-IA

Amazon EFS One Zone–IA


Amazon DynamoDB Standard-IA

Reduce DynamoDB costs by up to 60 percent

Tutorials Dojo Exams


Scored: 49/61 (76%)

q8. ebs: inspect

CloudWatch, not CloudWatch Logs ???

q9. dynamodb: eventually consistent read

  • Can receive outdated data
  • Use less RCU than a strong consistent read ???

q11. s3: maximum performance

S3 Transfer Acceleration ???

q13. s3: access from external account

Use an IAM role ???

q18 ec2: ephemeral0 data

Won’t be lost after a restart

q20. vpc: 3 azs, 2 tier, subnets?

6 = 3 x 2

q28. ebs: backup

Snapshot backup ???

q29. cloudwatch: ec2 metrics

Without CWAgents

  • CPU
  • Disk
  • Network

With CWAgent

  • Memory

q34. elastic ip

Cost money event if not associated with anything

q37. ec2 - placement group: number of instance?

q45. allow network connectivity between 2+ vpc?

  • VPC Peer
  • Transit Gateway ???

q47. storage gateway vs nat gateway

Which one can extend capacity of on-premise?

q49. dynamodb: increase rcu vs dax?

q52. ec2 - instance store: when will the cache data be lost?

q54. cloudfront: can improve performance of static or dynamic content.

q55. s3 - storage classes

S3 Standard IA: Same performance as S3 Standard

q59. vpc: direct connect

Won’t traverse the public internet.


Scored: 49/61 (80%)

Q4. EC2: Access AWS resources?

EC2 Instance Role (EC2 Instance Profile)

Q28. S3: Encryption

SSE-S3: Admin can see the data ⭐ SSE-C: Custom’s Key ⭐⭐ SSE-KMS: Key Rotation, Role Separation ⭐⭐⭐

Q30. Site to Site VPN - Problem

Q31. DDoS Attach + ALB

AWS Shield Standard: L3/L4 AWS Shield Advanced: L7 👉 DDoS Protection

Q35. Scale out based on S3 event


Q36. NACL vs SG

  • NACL:

    • Associated with a subnet 👉 applied to all instances in that subnet
    • Support both ALLOW/DENY rule
  • SG:

    • Associated with an instance
    • Only support ALLOW rule

Q46. Which components are needed to create a custom public VPC for an EC2 instance to access public internet?

Alt text VPC Resource Map

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

    • Availability Zones

      • AZ-A

        • Subnets: Need connect to public internet

          • Subnet: (Public)

            • EC2 Instance:

              • Associated SG
              • Be default has no public IPv4 address 👉 Be default, these instances can communicate with each other, but can’t access the internet.
            • Associated NACL.

            • Associated Route Table (or default main route table)

              • route traffics to IGW
          • Subnet: (Private)

            • EC2 Instance:

              • Associated SG
            • Associated NACL.

            • Associated Route Table (or default main route table)

              • route traffics to NATGW
        • NAT Gateways (NATGW)

      • AZ-B

    • Router:

      • Route Tables: Explicitly associate a subnet with a particular route table.
      • Main Route Table: Otherwise, the subnet is implicitly associated with the main route table.
    • NACLs:

      • Associated with subnets
    • Default NACL: ALLOW all traffics (~ Has no effect)

    • Security Groups (SGs):

      • Associated with AWS resources
  • AWS Public Zone

    • Internet Gateway (IGW)
  • Public Internet

Alt text

  • Default VPC:

    • AZs:

      • AZ-A

        • Default Subnet (Public): /20

          • EC2 instance: (if created)

            • Automatically assign public DNS hostname with public IP addresses
          • Associated with default NACL

          • Associated with main route table

      • AZ-B

      • AZ-C

    • Router:

      • Main Route Table:

        Alt text

        • Send all ( traffics to the IGW.
    • Default NACL: ALLOW all traffics (~ Has no effect): associated with default VPC

      Alt text

    • Default SG: associated with default VPC

      Alt text

    • Associate the default DHCP options set for your AWS account with default VPC.

  • AWS Public Zone:

    • IGW: connected to default VPC.

Q58. VPC: Private Subnet. How to ensure the instance have outgoing access to the internet?

  • IPv4: Use a NATGW

  • IPv6: Use a Egress-Only IGW

Q47. RDS Single AZ vs RDS Multi-AZ vs RDS Multi-Region vs RDS Read Replicas

EndpointsHigh AvailabilityRead Scalability
Single AZInstance endpoint 1🔳🔳
Multi-AZ InstanceInstance endpoint🔳
(Automatically failover to standby replica 5)
Multi-AZ Cluster 10Multiple:⬜⬜⬜⬜
- Cluster endpoint (Writer endpoint)
- Reader endpoint
- Instance endpoints
Read ReplicasMultiple:⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜
- Source DB instance endpoint
- Each replica has its own instance endpoint 20
- (Aurora) Custom endpoints 21

Q50. ENI

An EC2 instance can have multiple ENIs attached, but these ENIs must be in the same AZ.

Q54. Multicast for EC2

Transit Gateway supports routing multicast traffic between subnets of attached VPCs

Q55. Big number of users need to access AWS resources?

Q56. EC2 - Connect to Linux instance

  • Connect from your local OS (machine)

    • SSH
  • Connect from any local OS (machine)

    • Session Manager:

      • Introduced in Sep 2018

      • Provides a browser-based

        • interactive shell, CLI
        • remote desktop access for managing instances on your cloud, or on-premises and edge devices

        without the need to open inbound ports, manage SSH keys, or use bastion hosts

      • Setting up Session Manager

    • EC2 Instance Connect:

      • Introduced in June 2019.

      • With EC2 Instance Connect, you use IAM policies and principals to control SSH access to your instances, removing the need to share and manage SSH key.

        • Option 1: Using your own key and any SSH client

          • Manually create SSH.

            $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f my_key
          • Use EC2 Instance Connect to push our SSH public key to the instance.

            $ aws ec2-instance-connect send-ssh-public-key
          • Connect to the instance using our private key

            $ ssh 0i my_key <EC2_INSTANCE_DNS_NAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS>
        • Option 2: Using AWS CLI ec2-instance-connect ssh command

          • Specify the instance ID

            $ aws ec2-instance-connect ssh --instance-id i-1234567890example
          • Specify the instance ID and our own key

            $ aws ec2-instance-connect ssh --instance-id i-1234567890example --private-key-file /path/to/key.pem
      • With EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint (introduced in Jun 2023), the EC2 instance even doesn’t need a public IP address.

Q57. SQS & ASG scale based on queue length: What will happen if SQS doesn’t have Dead Letter Queue?

Messages fill up the queue, ASG scale up 👉 A lot of money will go away

Q58. How to ensure EC2 instances in a private subnet have only outgoing access to the internet?

Tutorials Dojo Exams

TUTORIALS DOJO - Practice Exam - Time-mode Set 1

Scored: 43/65 (66.15%)

  • SAA – Design Cost-Optimized Architectures: 50%
  • SAA – Design High-Performing Architectures: 68.18%
  • SAA – Design Resilient Architectures: 73.68%
  • SAA – Design Secure Architectures: 59.09%

SAA - Design Cost-Optimized Architectures


A company is using AWS Fargate to run a batch job whenever an object is uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket. The minimum ECS task count is initially set to 1 to save on costs and should only be increased based on new objects uploaded to the S3 bucket.

Which is the most suitable option to implement with the LEAST amount of effort?

- Set up an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to detect S3 object PUT operations and set the target to a Lambda function that will run the StartTask API command.
- Set up an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to detect S3 object PUT operations and set the target to the ECS cluster to run a new ECS task.
- Set up an alarm in Amazon CloudWatch to monitor S3 object-level operations that are recorded on CloudTrail. Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule that triggers the ECS cluster when new CloudTrail events are detected.
- Set up an alarm in CloudWatch to monitor S3 object-level operations recorded on CloudTrail. Set two alarm actions to update the ECS task count to scale-out/scale-in depending on the S3 event.

cloudwatch - cloudwatch logs - cloudtrail - cloudwatch events - eventbridge?

  • CloudWatch: Monitor resources and applications

    • CloudWatch Logs: Monitor, store, and access your log files from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances, AWS CloudTrail, or other sources.

    • CLoudWatch Events: Is now Amazon EventBridge

  • CloudTrail: Track and monitor activities by users, roles, or AWS services

  • EventBridge: Serverless event bus for SaaS apps and AWS services


An AI-powered Forex trading application consumes thousands of data sets to train its machine learning model. The application’s workload requires a high-performance, parallel hot storage to process the training datasets concurrently. It also needs cost-effective cold storage to archive those datasets that yield low profit.

Which of the following Amazon storage services should the developer use?

- Use Amazon FSx For Lustre and Amazon EBS Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes for hot and cold storage respectively.
- Use Amazon FSx For Lustre and Amazon S3 for hot and cold storage respectively.
- Use Amazon Elastic File System and Amazon S3 for hot and cold storage respectively.
- Use Amazon FSx For Windows File Server and Amazon S3 for hot and cold storage respectively.

ebs is not suitable for archiving datasets -> s3 is better option


An e-commerce company operates a highly scalable web application that relies on an Amazon Aurora database. As their users multiply, they've noticed that the read replica struggles to keep up with the increasing read traffic, leading to performance bottlenecks during peak periods.

As a solutions architect, which of the following will address the issue with the most cost-effective solution?

- Increase the size of the Amazon Aurora DB cluster.
- Use automatic scaling for the Amazon Aurora read replica using Aurora Auto Scaling.
- Implement read scaling with Amazon Aurora Global Database.
- Set up a read replica that can operate across different regions.

aurora auto scaling vs aurora serverless

  • Aurora Auto Scaling: Dynamically adjusts the number of Aurora Replicas (reader DB instances) provisioned for an Aurora DB cluster.

  • Aurora Serverless: On-demand, autoscaling the capacity of Aurora DB cluster resource


A retail company receives raw .csv data files into its Amazon S3 bucket from various sources on an hourly basis. The average file size of these data files is 2 GB.

An automated process must be set up to convert these .csv files to a more efficient Apache Parquet format and store the output files in another S3 bucket. Additionally, the conversion process must be automatically triggered whenever a new file is uploaded into the S3 bucket.

Which of the following options must be implemented to meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

- Use a Lambda function triggered by an S3 PUT event to convert the .csv files to Parquet format. Use the AWS Transfer Family with SFTP service to move the output files to the target S3 bucket.
- Utilize an AWS Glue extract, transform, and load (ETL) job to process and convert the .csv files to Apache Parquet format and then store the output files into the target S3 bucket. Set up an S3 Event Notification to track every S3 PUT event and invoke the ETL job in AWS Glue through Amazon SQS.
- Set up an Apache Spark job running in an Amazon EC2 instance and create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to monitor S3 PUT events in the S3 bucket. Configure AWS Lambda to invoke the Spark job for every new .csv file added via a Function URL.
- Create an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) job and a Data Catalog table in AWS Glue. Configure the AWS Glue crawler to run on a schedule to check for new files in the S3 bucket every hour and convert them to Parquet format.

aws glue

  • Simple, scalable, and serverless data integration
  • Serverless ETL
  • Glue Job can be triggered manually or via events using EventBridge


A company is using a combination of API Gateway and Lambda for the web services of the online web portal that is being accessed by hundreds of thousands of clients each day. They will be announcing a new revolutionary product and it is expected that the web portal will receive a massive number of visitors all around the globe.

How can you protect the backend systems and applications from traffic spikes?

- Use throttling limits in API Gateway
- API Gateway will automatically scale and handle massive traffic spikes so you do not have to do anything.
- Manually upgrade the EC2 instances being used by API Gateway
- Deploy Multi-AZ in API Gateway with Read Replica

api gateway works at any scale, just pay money.

Throttle API requests for our budget (and for better throughtput)



An online learning company hosts its Microsoft .NET e-Learning application on a Windows Server in its on-premises data center. The application uses an Oracle Database Standard Edition as its backend database.

The company wants a high-performing solution to migrate this workload to the AWS cloud to take advantage of the cloud’s high availability. The migration process should minimize development changes, and the environment should be easier to manage.

Which of the following options should be implemented to meet the company requirements? (Select TWO.)

- Migrate the Oracle database to Amazon RDS for Oracle in a Multi-AZ deployment by using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS).
- Refactor the application to .NET Core and run it as a serverless container service using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) with AWS Fargate.
- Use AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) to migrate the on-premises Oracle database server to a new Amazon EC2 instance.
- Rehost the on-premises .NET application to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Multi-AZ environment which runs in multiple Availability Zones.
- Provision and replatform the application to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) with Amazon EC2 worker nodes. Use the Windows Server Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and deploy the .NET application using to the ECS cluster via the Amazon ECS Anywhere service.

aws database migration service (aws dms)

Migrate on-premises databases to the AWS Cloud.

aws beanstalk: run and manage web apps

Reduces the operational overhead by taking care of provisioning the needed resources for your application.


A popular social media website uses a CloudFront web distribution to serve their static contents to their millions of users around the globe. They are receiving a number of complaints recently that their users take a lot of time to log into their website. There are also occasions when their users are getting HTTP 504 errors. You are instructed by your manager to significantly reduce the user's login time to further optimize the system.

Which of the following options should you use together to set up a cost-effective solution that can improve your application's performance? (Select TWO.)

- Customize the content that the CloudFront web distribution delivers to your users using Lambda@Edge, which allows your Lambda functions to execute the authentication process in AWS locations closer to the users.
- Use multiple and geographically disperse VPCs to various AWS regions then create a transit VPC to connect all of your resources. In order to handle the requests faster, set up Lambda functions in each region using the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) service.
- Configure your origin to add a Cache-Control max-age directive to your objects, and specify the longest practical value for max-age to increase the cache hit ratio of your CloudFront distribution.
- Deploy your application to multiple AWS regions to accommodate your users around the world. Set up a Route 53 record with latency routing policy to route incoming traffic to the region that provides the best latency to the user.
- Set up an origin failover by creating an origin group with two origins. Specify one as the primary origin and the other as the second origin which CloudFront automatically switches to when the primary origin returns specific HTTP status code failure responses.

lambda@edge: run lambda functions to customize the content that cloudfront delivers

cloudfront - origin failover


A company wishes to query data that resides in multiple AWS accounts from a central data lake. Each account has its own Amazon S3 bucket that stores data unique to its business function. Users from different accounts must be granted access to the data lake based on their roles.

Which solution will minimize overhead and costs while meeting the required access patterns?

- Use AWS Lake Formation to consolidate data from multiple accounts into a single account.
- Use AWS Kinesis Firehose to consolidate data from multiple accounts into a single account.
- Create a scheduled Lambda function for transferring data from multiple accounts to the S3 buckets of a central account
- Use AWS Control Tower to centrally manage each account's S3 buckets.

aws lake formation: build a secure data lake in days

aws kinesis: analyze real-time video and data streams

  • Kinesis Video Streams: Capture, process, and store video streams for analytics and machine learning.
  • Kinesis Data Streams: Build custom applications that analyze data streams using popular stream-processing frameworks.
  • Kinesis Data Firehose: Load data streams into AWS data stores.

aws control tower: set up and govern a secure, compliant multi-account environment

aws organizations: central governance and management across aws accounts


An online cryptocurrency exchange platform is hosted in AWS which uses ECS Cluster and RDS in Multi-AZ Deployments configuration. The application is heavily using the RDS instance to process complex read and write database operations. To maintain the reliability, availability, and performance of your systems, you have to closely monitor how the different processes or threads on a DB instance use the CPU, including the percentage of the CPU bandwidth and total memory consumed by each process.

Which of the following is the most suitable solution to properly monitor your database?

- Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor the CPU Utilization of your database.
- Create a script that collects and publishes custom metrics to CloudWatch, which tracks the real-time CPU Utilization of the RDS instance, and then set up a custom CloudWatch dashboard to view the metrics.
- Enable Enhanced Monitoring in RDS.
- Check the CPU% and MEM% metrics which are readily available in the Amazon RDS console that shows the percentage of the CPU bandwidth and total memory consumed by each database process of your RDS instance.

rds enhanced monitoring

  • CloudWatch gathers metrics about CPU utilization from the hypervisor for a DB instance
  • Enhanced Monitoring gathers its metrics from an agent on the instance ~ EC2 CloudWatch Agent


A suite of web applications is hosted in an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances across three Availability Zones and is configured with default settings. There is an Application Load Balancer that forwards the request to the respective target group on the URL path. The scale-in policy has been triggered due to the low number of incoming traffic to the application.

Which EC2 instance will be the first one to be terminated by your Auto Scaling Group?

- The EC2 instance which has the least number of user sessions
- The EC2 instance which has been running for the longest time
- The EC2 instance launched from the oldest launch configuration
- The instance will be randomly selected by the Auto Scaling group

auto scaling group's [termination policy](

  • Maximum availability: Kill instance in the AZs with the most instances (and oldest Launch Configuration)
  • Keep most updated instance: Kill instance with oldest LC
  • Maximum instance usage: Kill the instance closest to billing hour.
  • Finally: random.


An online shopping platform is hosted on an Auto Scaling group of Spot EC2 instances and uses Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL as its database. There is a requirement to optimize your database workloads in your cluster where you have to direct the production traffic to your high-capacity instances and point the reporting queries sent by your internal staff to the low-capacity instances.

Which is the most suitable configuration for your application as well as your Aurora database cluster to achieve this requirement?

- Configure your application to use the reader endpoint for both production traffic and reporting queries, which will enable your Aurora database to automatically perform load-balancing among all the Aurora Replicas.
- In your application, use the instance endpoint of your Aurora database to handle the incoming production traffic and use the cluster endpoint to handle reporting queries.
- Create a custom endpoint in Aurora based on the specified criteria for the production traffic and another custom endpoint to handle the reporting queries.
- Do nothing since by default, Aurora will automatically direct the production traffic to your high-capacity instances and the reporting queries to your low-capacity instances.

aurora custom endpoint: provides load-balanced database connections based on criteria other than the read-only or read-write capability of the db instances


A company has recently migrated its microservices-based application to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). As part of the migration, the company must ensure that all sensitive configuration data and credentials, such as database passwords and API keys, are stored securely and encrypted within the Amazon EKS cluster's etcd key-value store.

What is the most suitable solution to meet the company's requirements?

- Enable secret encryption with a new AWS KMS key on an existing Amazon EKS cluster to encrypt sensitive data stored in the EKS cluster's etcd key-value store.
- Use AWS Secrets Manager with a new AWS KMS key to securely manage and store sensitive data within the EKS cluster's etcd key-value store.
- Enable default Amazon EBS volume encryption for the account with a new AWS KMS key to ensure encryption of sensitive data within the Amazon EKS cluster.
- Use Amazon EKS default options and the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver as an add-on to securely store sensitive data within the Amazon EKS cluster.

k8s has its own mechanism for storing secret, which are default store as plain text in etcd key-value store.

We can apply envelope encryption to encrypt these secrets with AWS KMS before stored them in etcd store.



A financial application is composed of an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances, an Application Load Balancer, and a MySQL RDS instance in a Multi-AZ Deployments configuration. To protect the confidential data of your customers, you have to ensure that your RDS database can only be accessed using the profile credentials specific to your EC2 instances via an authentication token.

As the Solutions Architect of the company, which of the following should you do to meet the above requirement?

- Enable the IAM DB Authentication.
- Configure SSL in your application to encrypt the database connection to RDS.
- Create an IAM Role and assign it to your EC2 instances which will grant exclusive access to your RDS instance.
- Use a combination of IAM and STS to restrict access to your RDS instance via a temporary token.

rds - [iam db authentication](

To connect to DB instance, we’ll use an authentication token (generated using the IAM role’s credential).


An online medical system hosted in AWS stores sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of the users in an Amazon S3 bucket. Both the master keys and the unencrypted data should never be sent to AWS to comply with the strict compliance and regulatory requirements of the company.

Which S3 encryption technique should the Architect use?

- Use S3 client-side encryption with a KMS-managed customer master key.
- Use S3 client-side encryption with a client-side master key.
- Use S3 server-side encryption with a KMS managed key.
- Use S3 server-side encryption with customer provided key.

kms-managed cmk: key will be sent to aws

Server-side encryption: unencrypted data will be sent to AWS

-> Client-side encryption with a client-side master key.


A tech company that you are working for has undertaken a Total Cost Of Ownership (TCO) analysis evaluating the use of Amazon S3 versus acquiring more storage hardware. The result was that all 1200 employees would be granted access to use Amazon S3 for the storage of their personal documents.

Which of the following will you need to consider so you can set up a solution that incorporates a single sign-on feature from your corporate AD or LDAP directory and also restricts access for each individual user to a designated user folder in an S3 bucket? (Select TWO.)

[identity federation (with saml)]( pass information about a user between

  • a SAML authority (called an identity provider or IdP)
  • a SAML consumer (called a service provider or SP)

iam identity provider (idp): manage user identities outside of aws and give these external user identities permissions to use aws resources in your account.

  • Setup Identity Provider and Identity Federation.
  • Setup an AWS Security Token Service to generate temporary tokens (STS supports SAML)
  • Configure an IAM role and an IAM Policy to access the bucket.


A business has recently migrated its applications to AWS. The audit team must be able to assess whether the services the company is using meet common security and regulatory standards. A solutions architect needs to provide the team with a report of all compliance-related documents for their account.

Which action should a solutions architect consider?

- Run an Amazon Inspector assessment job to download all of the AWS compliance-related information.
- Use AWS Artifact to view the security reports as well as other AWS compliance-related information.
- Run an Amazon Macie job to view the Service Organization Control (SOC), Payment Card Industry (PCI), and other compliance reports from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
- View all of the AWS security compliance reports from AWS Security Hub.

amazon macie: discover and protect your sensitive data at scale -> s3

amazon inspector: automated and continual vulnerability management at scale -> ec2, ecr, lambda

amazon artifact: on-demand access to aws compliance reports: soc, pci, baa, nda -> reports

amazon security hub: unified security and compliance center -> dashboard / overview


A company uses an Application Load Balancer (ALB) for its public-facing multi-tier web applications. The security team has recently reported that there has been a surge of SQL injection attacks lately, which causes critical data discrepancy issues. The same issue is also encountered by its other web applications in other AWS accounts that are behind an ALB. An immediate solution is required to prevent the remote injection of unauthorized SQL queries and protect their applications hosted across multiple accounts.

As a Solutions Architect, what solution would you recommend?

- Use AWS Network Firewall to filter web vulnerabilities and brute force attacks using stateful rule groups across all Application Load Balancers on all AWS accounts. Refactor the web application to be less susceptible to SQL injection attacks based on the security assessment.
- Use AWS WAF and set up a managed rule to block request patterns associated with the exploitation of SQL databases, like SQL injection attacks. Associate it with the Application Load Balancer. Integrate AWS WAF with AWS Firewall Manager to reuse the rules across all the AWS accounts.
- Use Amazon Macie to scan for vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. Refactor the web application to be less susceptible to SQL injection attacks based on the security assessment. Utilize the AWS Audit Manager to reuse the security assessment across all AWS accounts.
- Use Amazon GuardDuty and set up a managed rule to block request patterns associated with the exploitation of SQL databases, like SQL injection attacks. Associate it with the Application Load Balancer and utilize the AWS Security Hub service to reuse the managed rules across all the AWS accounts

aws network firewall: a stateful, managed, network firewall and intrusion detection and prevention service for your virtual private cloud (vpc).

aws firewall manager: simplifies your aws waf administration and maintenance tasks across multiple accounts and resources

aws waf: filter malicious web traffic

amazon guard duty: managed threat detection service; identify unexpected and potentially unauthorized or malicious activity in your aws environment.


A company requires all the data stored in the cloud to be encrypted at rest. To easily integrate this with other AWS services, they must have full control over the encryption of the created keys and also the ability to immediately remove the key material from AWS KMS. The solution should also be able to audit the key usage independently of AWS CloudTrail.

Which of the following options will meet this requirement?

- Use AWS Key Management Service to create AWS-owned CMKs and store the non-extractable key material in AWS CloudHSM.
- Use AWS Key Management Service to create a CMK in a custom key store and store the non-extractable key material in Amazon S3.
- Use AWS Key Management Service to create AWS-managed CMKs and store the non-extractable key material in AWS CloudHSM.
- Use AWS Key Management Service to create a CMK in a custom key store and store the non-extractable key material in AWS CloudHSM.

kms - [custom key store](

-> We own and manage


A medical records company is planning to store sensitive clinical trial data in an Amazon S3 repository with the object-level versioning feature enabled. The Solutions Architect is tasked with ensuring that no object can be overwritten or deleted by any user in a period of one year only. To meet the strict compliance requirements, the root user of the company’s AWS account must also be restricted from making any changes to an object in the S3 bucket.

Which of the following is the most secure way of storing the data in Amazon S3?

- Enable S3 Object Lock in governance mode with a retention period of one year.
- Enable S3 Object Lock in compliance mode with a retention period of one year.
- Enable S3 Object Lock in governance mode with a legal hold of one year.
- Enable S3 Object Lock in compliance mode with a legal hold of one year.

s3 object lock

  • Retention:

    • Retention Mode:

      • Governance: Big Brother can by pass it.
      • Compliance: It’s universe law, nobody can do anything
    • Retention Period: A fixed period of time during which an object remains locked

  • Legal holds: ~ Retention Periods but has no expiration date


A government entity is conducting a population and housing census in the city. Each household information uploaded on their online portal is stored in encrypted files in Amazon S3. The government assigned its Solutions Architect to set compliance policies that verify data containing personally identifiable information (PII) in a manner that meets their compliance standards. They should also be alerted if there are potential policy violations with the privacy of their S3 buckets.

Which of the following should the Architect implement to satisfy this requirement?

- Set up and configure Amazon Macie to monitor their Amazon S3 data.
- Set up and configure Amazon Kendra to monitor malicious activity on their Amazon S3 data
- Set up and configure Amazon Polly to scan for usage patterns on Amazon S3 data
- Set up and configure Amazon Fraud Detector to send out alert notifications whenever a security violation is detected on their Amazon S3 data.

amazon kendra: reinvent enterprise search with ml

amazon polly: turn text into life-like speech

amazon fraud detector: detect more online fraud faster

TUTORIALS DOJO - Practice Exam - Time-mode Set 2

Scored: 49 of 65 point(s), (75.38%) - 01:03:59

  • SAA – Design Cost-Optimized Architectures: 72.73%
  • SAA – Design High-Performing Architectures: 92.86%
  • SAA – Design Resilient Architectures: 68.42%
  • SAA – Design Secure Architectures: 71.43%

Category: SAA - Design Cost-Optimized Architectures


A media company hosts large volumes of archive data that are about 250 TB in size on their internal servers. They have decided to move these data to S3 because of its durability and redundancy. The company currently has a 100 Mbps dedicated line connecting their head office to the Internet.

Which of the following is the FASTEST and the MOST cost-effective way to import all these data to Amazon S3?

- Upload it directly to S3
- Establish an AWS Direct Connect connection then transfer the data over to S3.
- Use AWS Snowmobile to transfer the data over to S3.
- Order multiple AWS Snowball devices to upload the files to Amazon S3.

aws snow family:

  • Snowcone: 8TB - 14TB
  • Snowball: 80TB
  • Snowball Edge:
    • Snowball Edge Compute Optimized: 80TB + EC2
    • Snowball Edge Storage Optimized: 210TB + EC2
  • Snowmobile: 100PB


A company has a serverless application made up of AWS Amplify, Amazon API Gateway and a Lambda function. The application is connected to an Amazon RDS MySQL database instance inside a private subnet. A Lambda Function URL is also implemented as the dedicated HTTPS endpoint for the function, which has the following value:

There are times during peak loads when the database throws a “too many connections” error preventing the users from accessing the application.

Which solution could the company take to resolve the issue?

- Increase the concurrency limit of the Lambda function
- Provision an RDS Proxy between the Lambda function and RDS database instance
- Increase the rate limit of API Gateway
- Increase the memory allocation of the Lambda function

rds - “too many connections”

rds proxy: allow your applications to pool and share database connections to improve their ability to scale.


A company is building an internal application that serves as a repository for images uploaded by a couple of users. Whenever a user uploads an image, it would be sent to Kinesis Data Streams for processing before it is stored in an S3 bucket. If the upload was successful, the application will return a prompt informing the user that the operation was successful. The entire processing typically takes about 5 minutes to finish.

Which of the following options will allow you to asynchronously process the request to the application from upload request to Kinesis, S3, and return a reply in the most cost-effective manner?

- Use a combination of Lambda and Step Functions to orchestrate service components and asynchronously process the requests.
- Use a combination of SQS to queue the requests and then asynchronously process them using On-Demand EC2 Instances.
- Replace the Kinesis Data Streams with an Amazon SQS queue. Create a Lambda function that will asynchronously process the requests.
- Use a combination of SNS to buffer the requests and then asynchronously process them using On-Demand EC2 Instances.

kinesis data streams vs sqs

  • Kinesis Data Streams: Provide real-time analyzing, but required provisioning shards
  • SQS: Use with Lambda (and its Event Sourcing) provides a cost-efficient solution

SAA - Design High-Performing Architectures


A software company has resources hosted in AWS and on-premises servers. You have been requested to create a decoupled architecture for applications which make use of both resources.

Which of the following options are valid? (Select TWO.)

- Use SWF to utilize both on-premises servers and EC2 instances for your decoupled application
- Use RDS to utilize both on-premises servers and EC2 instances for your decoupled application
- Use SQS to utilize both on-premises servers and EC2 instances for your decoupled application
- Use VPC peering to connect both on-premises servers and EC2 instances for your decoupled application

amazon simple workflow service (swf): build applications that coordinate work across distributed components.

vpc peering: only works for vpcs, doesn't work with on-premise networks

SAA - Design Resilient Architectures


A company has a static corporate website hosted in a standard S3 bucket and a new web domain name that was registered using Route 53. You are instructed by your manager to integrate these two services in order to successfully launch their corporate website.

What are the prerequisites when routing traffic using Amazon Route 53 to a website that is hosted in an Amazon S3 Bucket? (Select TWO.)

- The S3 bucket name must be the same as the domain name
- A registered domain name
- The record set must be of type "MX"
- The S3 bucket must be in the same region as the hosted zone
- The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) option should be enabled in the S3 bucket

s3 static website - custom domain: "the s3 bucket name must be the same as the domain name"

What if someone use my domain name for their bucket???


As part of the Business Continuity Plan of your company, your IT Director instructed you to set up an automated backup of all of the EBS Volumes for your EC2 instances as soon as possible.

What is the fastest and most cost-effective solution to automatically back up all of your EBS Volumes?

- For an automated solution, create a scheduled job that calls the "create-snapshot" command via the AWS CLI to take a snapshot of production EBS volumes periodically.
- Set your Amazon Storage Gateway with EBS volumes as the data source and store the backups in your on-premises servers through the storage gateway.
- Use an EBS-cycle policy in Amazon S3 to automatically back up the EBS volumes.
- Use Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (Amazon DLM) to automate the creation of EBS snapshots.

ebs - backup: use amazon dlm

amazon data lifecycle manager (amazon dlm): automate management of amazon ebs snapshots and amazon ebs-backed amis


A DevOps Engineer is required to design a cloud architecture in AWS. The Engineer is planning to develop a highly available and fault-tolerant architecture consisting of an Elastic Load Balancer and an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances deployed across multiple Availability Zones. This will be used by an online accounting application that requires path-based routing, host-based routing, and bi-directional streaming using Remote Procedure Call (gRPC).

Which configuration will satisfy the given requirement?

- Configure an Application Load Balancer in front of the auto-scaling group. Select gRPC as the protocol version.
- Configure a Network Load Balancer in front of the auto-scaling group. Use a UDP listener for routing.
- Configure a Network Load Balancer in front of the auto-scaling group. Create an AWS Global Accelerator accelerator and set the load balancer as an endpoint.
- Configure a Gateway Load Balancer in front of the auto-scaling group. Ensure that the IP Listener Routing uses the GENEVE protocol on port 6081 to allow gRPC response traffic.

elastic load balancer protocol:

  • Application Load Balancer: HTTP/s and gRPC
  • Network Load Balancer: TCP, UDP, TLS
  • Gateway Load Balancer: IP


A company has multiple VPCs with IPv6 enabled for its suite of web applications. The Solutions Architect tried to deploy a new Amazon EC2 instance but she received an error saying that there is no IP address available on the subnet.

How should the Solutions Architect resolve this problem?

- Set up a new IPv4 subnet with a larger CIDR range. Associate the new subnet with the VPC and then launch the instance.
- Ensure that the VPC has IPv6 CIDRs only. Remove any IPv4 CIDRs associated with the VPC.
- Set up a new IPv6-only subnet with a large CIDR range. Associate the new subnet with the VPC then launch the instance.
- Disable the IPv4 support in the VPC and use the available IPv6 addresses.

vpc: ipv4 vs ipv6

  • IPv4 is the default IP addressing system for VPC => Cannot be disabled
  • IPv6: optional


A company hosts its web application on a set of Amazon EC2 instances in an Auto Scaling group behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB). The application has an embedded NoSQL database. As the application receives more traffic, the application becomes overloaded mainly due to database requests. The management wants to ensure that the database is eventually consistent and highly available.

Which of the following options can meet the company requirements with the least operational overhead?

- Change the ALB with a Network Load Balancer (NLB) to handle more traffic and integrate AWS Global Accelerator to ensure high availability. Configure replication of the NoSQL database on the set of Amazon EC2 instances to spread the database load.
- Configure the Auto Scaling group to spread the Amazon EC2 instances across three Availability Zones. Use the AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) with a replication server and an ongoing replication task to migrate the embedded NoSQL database to Amazon DynamoDB
- Change the ALB with a Network Load Balancer (NLB) to handle more traffic. Use the AWS Migration Service (DMS) to migrate the embedded NoSQL database to Amazon DynamoDB.
- Configure the Auto Scaling group to spread the Amazon EC2 instances across three Availability Zones. Configure replication of the NoSQL database on the set of Amazon EC2 instances to spread the database load.

Least operational overhead: No need to change ALB to NLB


A company runs a messaging application in the ap-northeast-1 and ap-southeast-2 region. A Solutions Architect needs to create a routing policy wherein a larger portion of traffic from the Philippines and North India will be routed to the resource in the ap-northeast-1 region.

Which Route 53 routing policy should the Solutions Architect use?

- Geoproximity Routing
- Geolocation Routing
- Latency Routing
- Weighted Routing

route 53: geoproximity routing vs geolocation routing vs latency-based routing

  • Geolocation Routing: Location of user
  • GeoProximity Routing: Location of user AND AWS resources (with bias)
  • Latency-based Routing

SAA - Design Secure Architectures


A solutions architect is designing a three-tier website that will be hosted on an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group fronted by an Internet-facing Application Load Balancer (ALB). The website will persist data to an Amazon Aurora Serverless DB cluster, which will also be used for generating monthly reports.

The company requires a network topology that follows a layered approach to reduce the impact of misconfigured security groups or network access lists. Web filtering must also be enabled to automatically stop traffic to known malicious URLs and to immediately drop requests coming from blacklisted fully qualified domain names (FQDNs).

Which network topology provides the minimum resources needed for the website to work?

- Set up an Application Load Balancer deployed in a public subnet, then host the Auto Scaling Group of Amazon EC2 instances and the Aurora Serverless DB cluster in private subnets. Launch an AWS Network Firewall with the appropriate firewall policy to automatically stop traffic to known malicious URLs and drop requests coming from blacklisted FQDNs. Reroute your Amazon VPC network traffic through the firewall endpoints.
- Set up an Application Load Balancer and a NAT Gateway deployed in public subnets. Launch the Auto Scaling Group of Amazon EC2 instances and Aurora Serverless DB cluster in private subnets. Directly integrate the AWS Network Firewall with the Application Load Balancer to automatically stop traffic to known malicious URLs and drop requests coming from blacklisted FQDNs.
- Set up an Application Load Balancer in front of an Auto Scaling group of Amazon EC2 instances with an Aurora Serverless DB cluster to persist data. Launch a NAT Gateway in a public subnet to restrict external services from initiating a connection to the EC2 instances and immediately drop requests from unauthorized FQDNs. Deploy all other resources in private subnets.
- Set up an Auto Scaling group of Amazon EC2 instances behind an Application Load Balancer with an Aurora Serverless DB cluster to store application data. Deploy all resources in a public subnet. Configure host-based routing to the Application Load Balancer to stop traffic to known malicious URLs and drop requests from blacklisted FQDNs.

aws network firewall

Traffic from VPC need to be routed to Network Firewall through the firewall endpoints.


A company needs to assess and audit all the configurations in their AWS account. It must enforce strict compliance by tracking all configuration changes made to any of its Amazon S3 buckets. Publicly accessible S3 buckets should also be identified automatically to avoid data breaches.

Which of the following options will meet this requirement?

- Use AWS Trusted Advisor to analyze your AWS environment.
- Use AWS IAM to generate a credential report.
- Use AWS Config to set up a rule in your AWS account.
- Use AWS CloudTrail and review the event history of your AWS account.

aws config: _track_ and _evaluate_ configuration changes

aws trusted advisor: optimize performance and security

  • Inspects your AWS environment and recommends ways to save money, close security gaps, and improve system availability and performance.


A media company has two VPCs: VPC-1 and VPC-2 with peering connection between each other. VPC-1 only contains private subnets while VPC-2 only contains public subnets. The company uses a single AWS Direct Connect connection and a virtual interface to connect their on-premises network with VPC-1.

Which of the following options increase the fault tolerance of the connection to VPC-1? (Select TWO.)

- Establish a new AWS Direct Connect connection and private virtual interface in the same region as VPC-2.
- Establish a hardware VPN over the Internet between VPC-2 and the on-premises network.
- Establish a hardware VPN over the Internet between VPC-1 and the on-premises network.
- Use the AWS VPN CloudHub to create a new AWS Direct Connect connection and private virtual interface in the same region as VPC-2.
- Establish another AWS Direct Connect connection and private virtual interface in the same AWS region as VPC-1.

aws vpn: securely access your network resources (by establishing a secure and private tunnel from your network or device to the aws cloud.)

  • AWS Site-to-Site VPN: AWS managed VPN services
  • AWS Client VPN: client-based managed VPN service

aws direct connect: dedicated network connection to aws (from your on-premises network)


A multinational company currently operates multiple AWS accounts to support its operations across various branches and business units. The company needs a more efficient and secure approach in managing its vast AWS infrastructure to avoid costly operational overhead.

To address this, they plan to transition to a consolidated, multi-account architecture while integrating a centralized corporate directory service for authentication purposes.

Which combination of options can be used to meet the above requirements? (Select TWO.)

- Set up a new entity in AWS Organizations and configure its authentication system to utilize AWS Directory Service directly.
- Establish an identity pool through Amazon Cognito and adjust the AWS IAM Identity Center settings to allow Amazon Cognito authentication.
- Utilize AWS CloudTrail to enable centralized logging and monitoring across all AWS accounts.
- Integrate AWS IAM Identity Center with the corporate directory service for centralized authentication. Configure a service control policy (SCP) to manage the AWS accounts.
- Implement AWS Organizations to create a multi-account architecture that provides a consolidated view and centralized management of AWS accounts.

service control policy (scp): a feature of aws organizations

  • A type of organization policy that you can use to manage permissions in your organization.


A startup has multiple AWS accounts that are assigned to its development teams. Since the company is projected to grow rapidly, the management wants to consolidate all of its AWS accounts into a multi-account setup. To simplify the login process on the AWS accounts, the management wants to utilize its existing directory service for user authentication

Which combination of actions should a solutions architect recommend to meet these requirements? (Select TWO.)

- Create an identity pool on Amazon Cognito and configure it to use the company’s directory service. Configure AWS IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On) to accept Cognito authentication.
- On the master account, use AWS Organizations to create a new organization with all features turned on. Enable the organization’s external authentication and point it to use the company’s directory service.
- Create Service Control Policies (SCP) in the organization to manage the child accounts. Configure AWS IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On) to use AWS Directory Service.
- On the master account, use AWS Organizations to create a new organization with all features turned on. Invite the child accounts to this new organization.
- Configure AWS IAM Identity Center (AWS Single Sign-On) for the organization and integrate it with the company’s directory service using the Active Directory Connector

aws iam identity center: manage single sign-on access to aws accounts and apps

amazon cognito: identity management for your apps

  • Customer already has Active Directory Service -> No need to use Amazon Cognito -> use AWS IAM Identity Center with the Active Director Connector


A company is hosting its web application in an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances behind an Application Load Balancer. Recently, the Solutions Architect identified a series of SQL injection attempts and cross-site scripting attacks to the application, which had adversely affected their production data.

Which of the following should the Architect implement to mitigate this kind of attack?

- Use Amazon Guard​Duty to prevent any further SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks in your application.
- Using AWS Firewall Manager, set up security rules that block SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks. Associate the rules to the Application Load Balancer.
- Block all the IP addresses where the SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks originated using the Network Access Control List.
- Set up security rules that block SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks in AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF). Associate the rules to the Application Load Balancer.

block sql injection

  • AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF): can block SQL injection.

  • GuardDuty: only detect SQL injection, not block.

[aws waf, aws shield, and aws firewall manager]( used together to create a comprehensive security solution

  • AWS WAF: Protect your web applications from common exploits

    • Monitor web requests that your end users send to your applications and to control access to your content.

    • Used for API Gateway, Load Balancer, Cloudfront.

    • Block SQL injection, XSS (cross-site scripting)

    • Can minimize the effects of a DDOS attack

  • AWS Shield: Managed DDoS protection

    • Provides protection against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks for AWS resources, at the network and transport layers (layer 3 and 4) and the application layer (layer 7)

    • Can use for more services: EC2, Route53

    • Shield Standard: Free, L3-L4

    • Shield Advanced: Cost money, L7

  • AWS Firewall Manager: Centrally configure and manage firewall rules across your accounts

    Provides management of protections like AWS WAF and Shield Advanced across accounts and resources, even as new resources are added.

how about aws network firewall?

AWS Network Firewall: Deploy network firewall security across your VPCs

TUTORIALS DOJO - Practice Exam - Time-mode Set 3

  • Scored: 46/65 (70.77%)
    • SAA – Design Cost-Optimized Architectures: 55.56%
    • SAA – Design High-Performing Architectures: 71.43%
    • SAA – Design Resilient Architectures: 72.22%
    • SAA – Design Secure Architectures: 76.47%
  • Time: 00:56:51
  • Date: Oct 21, 2023

SAA - Design Cost-Optimized Architectures


A solutions architect is managing an application that runs on a Windows EC2 instance with an attached Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. To save cost, management has decided to stop the instance during off-hours and restart it only when needed. It has been observed that the application takes several minutes to become fully operational which impacts productivity.

How can the solutions architect speed up the instance’s loading time without driving the cost up?

- Migrate the application to a Linux-based EC2 instance.
- Migrate the application to an EC2 instance with hibernation enabled.
- Enable the hibernation mode on the EC2 instance.
- Disable the Instance Metadata Service to reduce the things that need to be loaded at startup.

ec2 - hibernation

  • Quickly pausing and resuming the instances, by saving the memory footprint to disk.
  • Can only be enable at launch
  • Pay as stopped instances:
    • No hourly charging
    • EBS volume.
    • Elastic IP Address.


In Amazon EC2, you can manage your instances from the moment you launch them up to their termination. You can flexibly control your computing costs by changing the EC2 instance state.

Which of the following statements is true regarding EC2 billing? (Select TWO.)

- You will be billed when your On-Demand instance is in pending state.
- You will be billed when your Spot instance is preparing to stop with a stopping state.
- You will be billed when your On-Demand instance is preparing to hibernate with a stopping state.
- You will be billed when your Reserved instance is in terminated state.
- You will not be billed for any instance usage while an instance is not in the running state.

ec2 states:

  • pending
  • running 💸
    • rebooting
    • stopping - stopped (EBS-backed instances)
      • hibernate 💸
  • shutting-down
  • terminated (Terminated Reserver Instances are still billed 💸)


A company has established a dedicated network connection from its on-premises data center to AWS Cloud using AWS Direct Connect (DX). The core network services, such as the Domain Name System (DNS) service and Active Directory services, are all hosted on-premises. The company has new AWS accounts that will also require consistent and dedicated access to these network services.

Which of the following can satisfy this requirement with the LEAST amount of operational overhead and in a cost-effective manner?

- Set up another Direct Connect connection for each and every new AWS account that will be added.
- Set up a new Direct Connect gateway and integrate it with the existing Direct Connect connection. Configure a VPC peering connection between AWS accounts and associate it with Direct Connect gateway.
- Create a new AWS VPN CloudHub. Set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection for additional AWS accounts.
- Create a new Direct Connect gateway and integrate it with the existing Direct Connect connection. Set up a Transit Gateway between AWS accounts and associate it with the Direct Connect gateway.

transit gateway & direct connect gateway ??? todo

direct connect connection/gateway ??? todo

vpn traverses the public internet, doesn't use a dedicated connection


A company is hosting an application on EC2 instances that regularly pushes and fetches data in Amazon S3. Due to a change in compliance, the instances need to be moved on a private subnet. Along with this change, the company wants to lower the data transfer costs by configuring its AWS resources.

How can this be accomplished in the MOST cost-efficient manner?

- Set up a NAT Gateway in the public subnet to connect to Amazon S3.
- Create an Amazon S3 interface endpoint to enable a connection between the instances and Amazon S3.
- Create an Amazon S3 gateway endpoint to enable a connection between the instances and Amazon S3.
- Set up an AWS Transit Gateway to access Amazon S3.

vpc endpoints for s3: provide _private_ access to aws public services (s3)

  • Gateway endpoint:

    • via Route Table’s Prefix List, without IGW, NATGW, PrivateLink

    • Free

  • Interface endpoint:

    • via DNS using Private IP Address 👉 more features

      • access from on-premises
      • access from VPC in another AWS Region (using VPC Peering, Transit Gateway)
    • Billed 💸

SAA - Design High-Performing Architectures


A data analytics company is setting up an innovative checkout-free grocery store. Their Solutions Architect developed a real-time monitoring application that uses smart sensors to collect the items that the customers are getting from the grocery’s refrigerators and shelves then automatically deduct it from their accounts. The company wants to analyze the items that are frequently being bought and store the results in S3 for durable storage to determine the purchase behavior of its customers.

What service must be used to easily capture, transform, and load streaming data into Amazon S3, Amazon OpenSearch Service, and Splunk?

- Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
- Amazon DynamoDB Streams
- Amazon Redshift
- Amazon SQS

amazon kinesis data firehose: load data streams into aws data stores.

amazon athena: query data in amazon s3 using sql

amazon redshift: fast, simple, cost-effective data warehouse service


A large financial firm in the country has an AWS environment that contains several Reserved EC2 instances hosting a web application that has been decommissioned last week. To save costs, you need to stop incurring charges for the Reserved instances as soon as possible.

What cost-effective steps will you take in this circumstance? (Select TWO.)

- Stop the Reserved instances as soon as possible.
- Contact AWS to cancel your AWS subscription.
- Go to the AWS Reserved Instance Marketplace and sell the Reserved instances.
- Terminate the Reserved instances as soon as possible to avoid getting billed at the on-demand price when it expires.
- Go to the online shopping website and sell the Reserved instances.

ec2 - reserved instance

Reserved Instance Marketplace: Resell unused Standard Reserved Instances

ec2 - stop instance vs terminate instance

  • Stopped: still be billed
  • Terminated: not billed


An on-premises server uses an SMB network file share to store application data. The application produces around 50 MB of data per day, but it only needs to access some of it for daily processes. To save on storage costs, the company plans to copy all the application data to AWS, however, they want to retain the ability to retrieve data with the same low-latency access as the local file share. The company does not have the capacity to develop the needed tool for this operation.

Which AWS service should the company use?

- AWS Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
- AWS Snowball Edge
- AWS Storage Gateway

nfs vs storage gateway

  • NFS: files are stored on AWS -> high-latency
  • Storage Gateway - File: low-latency


A Data Analyst in a financial company is tasked to provide insights on stock market trends to the company's clients. The company uses AWS Glue extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs in daily report generation, which involves fetching data from an Amazon S3 bucket. The analyst discovered that old data from previous runs were being reprocessed, causing the jobs to take longer to complete.

Which solution would resolve the issue in the most operationally efficient way?

- Increase the size of the dataset used in the job to speed up the extraction and analysis process.
- Parallelize the job by splitting the dataset into smaller partitions and processing them simultaneously using multiple EC2 instances.
- Create a Lambda function that removes any data already processed. Then, use Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) to trigger this function whenever the ETL job's status switches to SUCCEEDED.
- Enable job bookmark for the ETL job.

aws glue - job bookmarking

  • maintain state information and prevent the reprocessing of old data.


A company is deploying a Microsoft SharePoint Server environment on AWS using CloudFormation. The Solutions Architect needs to install and configure the architecture that is composed of Microsoft Active Directory (AD) domain controllers, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, multiple Amazon EC2 instances to host the Microsoft SharePoint Server and many other dependencies. The Architect needs to ensure that the required components are properly running before the stack creation proceeds.

Which of the following should the Architect do to meet this requirement?

- Configure the DependsOn attribute in the CloudFormation template. Send a success signal after the applications are installed and configured using the cfn-init helper script.
- Configure a UpdatePolicy attribute to the instance in the CloudFormation template. Send a success signal after the applications are installed and configured using the cfn-signal helper script.
- Configure the UpdateReplacePolicy attribute in the CloudFormation template. Send a success signal after the applications are installed and configured using the cfn-signal helper script.
- Configure a CreationPolicy attribute to the instance in the CloudFormation template. Send a success signal after the applications are installed and configured using the cfn-signal helper script.

cloudformation: creationpolicy & cfn-signal

  • CreationPolicy: Wait on resource configuration actions before stack creation proceeds.
  • cfn-signal: Signals CloudFormation to indicate whether Amazon EC2 instances have been successfully created/updated


A solutions architect is in charge of preparing the infrastructure for a serverless application. The application is built from a Docker image pulled from an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository. It is compulsory that the application has access to 5 GB of ephemeral storage.

Which action satisfies the requirements?

- Deploy the application to an Amazon ECS cluster that uses Fargate tasks.
- Deploy the application in a Lambda function with Container image support. Set the function’s storage to 5 GB.
- Deploy the application in a Lambda function with Container image support. Attach an Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) volume to the function.
- Deploy the application Amazon ECS cluster with EC2 worker nodes and attach a 5 GB Amazon EBS volume.

aws fargate: serverless compute for containers

By default, Fargate tasks are given a minimum of 20 GiB of free ephemeral storage

SAA - Design Resilient Architectures


A tech startup is launching an on-demand food delivery platform using Amazon ECS cluster with an AWS Fargate serverless compute engine and Amazon Aurora. It is expected that the database read queries will significantly increase in the coming weeks ahead. A Solutions Architect recently launched two Read Replicas to the database cluster to improve the platform's scalability.

Which of the following is the MOST suitable configuration that the Architect should implement to load balance all of the incoming read requests equally to the two Read Replicas?

- Use the built-in Reader endpoint of the Amazon Aurora database.
- Use the built-in Cluster endpoint of the Amazon Aurora database.
- Enable Amazon Aurora Parallel Query.
- Create a new Network Load Balancer to evenly distribute the read queries to the Read Replicas of the Amazon Aurora database.

aurora - reader endpoint:

  • A reader endpoint for an Aurora DB cluster provides load-balancing support for read-only connections to the DB cluster


An online registration system hosted in an Amazon EKS cluster stores data to a db.t4g.medium Amazon Aurora DB cluster. The database performs well during regular hours but is unable to handle the traffic surge that occurs during flash sales. A solutions architect must move the database to Aurora Serverless while minimizing downtime and the impact on the operation of the application.

Which change should be taken to meet the objective?

- Use AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) to migrate to a new Aurora Serverless database.
- Change the Aurora Instance class to Serverless
- Take a snapshot of the DB cluster. Use the snapshot to create a new Aurora DB cluster.
- Add an Aurora Replica to the cluster and set its instance class to Serverless. Failover to the read replica and promote it to primary.

aurora serverless

  • The DB instance cannot be changed from Provisioned to Serverless after created.

  • After the DB instanced is created, need to use AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) to migrate data from the existing DB cluster to a new Aurora Serverless database.


An online stocks trading application that stores financial data in an S3 bucket has a lifecycle policy that moves older data to Glacier every month. There is a strict compliance requirement where a surprise audit can happen at anytime and you should be able to retrieve the required data in under 15 minutes under all circumstances. Your manager instructed you to ensure that retrieval capacity is available when you need it and should handle up to 150 MB/s of retrieval throughput.

Which of the following should you do to meet the above requirement? (Select TWO.)

- Retrieve the data using Amazon Glacier Select.
- Use Expedited Retrieval to access the financial data.
- Use Bulk Retrieval to access the financial data.
- Specify a range, or portion, of the financial data archive to retrieve.
- Purchase provisioned retrieval capacity.

s3 - read data from glacier

  • Bulk: Lowest (5-12 hours), cheapest
  • Standard: 3-5 hours
  • Expedited: Fastest (1-5 mins)
    • Buy Provisioned capacity to ensure Expedited retrievals is available.

amazon glacier select: filter objects using sql


A FinTech startup deployed an application on an Amazon EC2 instance with attached Instance Store volumes and an Elastic IP address. The server is only accessed from 8 AM to 6 PM and can be stopped from 6 PM to 8 AM for cost efficiency using Lambda with the script that automates this based on tags.

Which of the following will occur when the EC2 instance is stopped and started? (Select TWO.)

- The underlying host for the instance is possibly changed.
- The ENI (Elastic Network Interface) is detached.
- All data on the attached instance-store devices will be lost.
- The Elastic IP address is disassociated with the instance.
- There will be no changes.

ec2 - instance store:

  • Its data will be lost if the EC2 instance is stopped / terminated.

ec2 - elastic ip address and ebs storage won't be effect after an instance is stopped.


An aerospace engineering company recently adopted a hybrid cloud infrastructure with AWS. One of the Solutions Architect’s tasks is to launch a VPC with both public and private subnets for their EC2 instances as well as their database instances.

Which of the following statements are true regarding Amazon VPC subnets?
(Select TWO.)

- EC2 instances in a private subnet can communicate with the Internet only if they have an Elastic IP.
- Each subnet maps to a single Availability Zone.
- The allowed block size in VPC is between a /16 netmask (65,536 IP addresses) and /27 netmask (32 IP addresses).
- Every subnet that you create is automatically associated with the main route table for the VPC.
- Each subnet spans to 2 Availability Zones.

vpc supports cidr blocks from /16 to /28

SAA - Design Secure Architectures


A solutions architect is writing an AWS Lambda function that will process encrypted documents from an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file system. The documents are protected by an AWS KMS customer key. After processing the documents, the Lambda function will store the results in an S3 bucket with an Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval storage class. The solutions architect must ensure that the files can be decrypted by the Lambda function.

Which action accomplishes the requirement?

- Attach the kms:decrypt permission to the Lambda function’s execution role. Add a statement to the AWS KMS key’s policy that grants the function’s execution role the kms:decrypt permission.
- Attach the kms:decrypt permission to the Lambda function’s resource policy. Add a statement to the AWS KMS key’s policy that grants the function’s resource policy ARN the kms:decrypt permission.
- Attach the kms:decrypt permission to the Lambda function’s execution role. Add a statement to the AWS KMS key’s policy that grants the function’s ARN the kms:decrypt permission.
- Attach the kms:decrypt permission to the Lambda function’s resource policy. Add a statement to the AWS KMS key’s policy that grants the function’s execution role the kms:decrypt permission.

allow an lambda permission to use kms:

  • Attach the kms:decrypt permission to the Lambda function’s execution role
  • Add a statement to the AWS KMS key policy that grants the function’s execution role the kms:decrypt permission.


A company that is rapidly growing in recent months has been in the process of setting up IAM users on its single AWS Account. A solutions architect has been tasked to handle the user management, which includes granting read-only access to users and denying permissions whenever an IAM user has no MFA setup. New users will be added frequently based on their respective departments.

Which of the following action is the MOST secure way to grant permissions to the new users?

- Launch an IAM Group for each department. Create an IAM Policy that enforces MFA authentication with the least privilege permission. Attach the IAM Policy to each IAM Group.
- Create a Service Control Policy (SCP) that enforces MFA authentication for each department. Add a trust relationship to every SCP and attach it to each IAM User.
- Create an IAM Role that enforces MFA authentication with the least privilege permission. Set up a corresponding IAM Group for each department. Attach the IAM Role to the IAM Groups.
- Set up IAM roles for each IAM user and associate a permissions boundary that defines the maximum permissions.

iam group

  • Cannot attach an IAM Role to an IAM Group.


A company hosted a web application on a Linux Amazon EC2 instance in the public subnet that uses a non-default network ACL. The instance uses a default security group and has an attached Elastic IP address. The network ACL is configured to block all inbound and outbound traffic. The Solutions Architect must allow incoming traffic on port 443 to access the application from any source.

Which combination of steps will accomplish this requirement? (Select TWO.)

- In the Security Group, add a new rule to allow TCP connection on port 443 from source
- In the Network ACL, update the rule to allow both inbound and outbound TCP connection on port 443 from source and to destination
- In the Security Group, create a new rule to allow TCP connection on port 443 to destination
- In the Network ACL, update the rule to allow outbound TCP connection on port 32768 - 65535 to destination
- In the Network ACL, update the rule to allow inbound TCP connection on port 443 from source and outbound TCP connection on port 32768 - 65535 to destination

vpc - nacl:

  • The client that initiates the request chooses the ephemeral port range.
  • In practice, to cover the different types of clients that might initiate traffic to public-facing instances in your VPC, you can open ephemeral ports 1024-65535.

To turn on the connection to a service running on an instance, the associated network ACL must allow the following:

  • Inbound traffic on the port that the service is listening on
  • Outbound traffic to ephemeral ports


A company is generating confidential data that is saved on their on-premises data center. As a backup solution, the company wants to upload their data to an Amazon S3 bucket. In compliance with its internal security mandate, the encryption of the data must be done before sending it to Amazon S3. The company must spend time managing and rotating the encryption keys as well as controlling who can access those keys.

Which of the following methods can achieve this requirement? (Select TWO.)

- Set up Server-Side Encryption with keys stored in a separate S3 bucket.
- Set up Client-Side Encryption with a customer master key stored in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
- Set up Client-Side Encryption with Amazon S3 managed encryption keys.
- Set up Server-Side Encryption (SSE) with EC2 key pair.
- Set up Client-Side Encryption using a client-side master key.

s3 object encryption:

  • Server-Side Encryption (SSE):

    • SSE-S3 (Amazon S3 managed keys)
    • SSE-C (Customer-provided keys)
  • Client-Side Encryption (CSE):

    • CSE-Client Master key

TUTORIALS DOJO - Practice Exam - Time-mode Set 4

  • Scored: 46/65 (71%)
    • SAA – Design Cost-Optimized Architectures: 75%
    • SAA – Design High-Performing Architectures: 81.82%
    • SAA – Design Resilient Architectures: 55.56%
    • SAA – Design Secure Architectures: 70.59%
  • Time: 01:03:40
  • Date: Oct 22, 2023

SAA - Design Cost-Optimized Architectures


A company is looking to store their confidential financial files in AWS which are accessed every week. The Architect was instructed to set up the storage system which uses envelope encryption and automates key rotation. It should also provide an audit trail that shows who used the encryption key and by whom for security purposes.

Which combination of actions should the Architect implement to satisfy the requirement in the most cost-effective way? (Select TWO.)

- Use Amazon S3 to store the data.
- Use Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive to store the data.
- Configure Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Keys (SSE-C).
- Configure Server-Side Encryption with Amazon S3-Managed Keys (SSE-S3).
- Configure Server-Side Encryption with AWS KMS-Managed Keys (SSE-KMS).

s3 - server-side encryption

  • SSE-S3
  • SSE-KMS: support audit
  • SSE-C:
EncryptionFullnameWho Manages Key?Who Manages Encryption Process?Notes
SSE-S3SSE with Amazon S3 managed keysS3S3Default
SSE-KMSSSE with AWS KMS keysAWS managed keyS3Support audit keys usage…
Customer managed key (CMK) - Renamed to KMS Key
SSE-CSSE with Customer-Provided KeyCustomerS3Use your own encryption key


A web application is hosted in an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances deployed across multiple Availability Zones behind an Application Load Balancer. You need to implement an SSL solution for your system to improve its security which is why you requested an SSL/TLS certificate from a third-party certificate authority (CA).

Where can you safely import the SSL/TLS certificate of your application? (Select TWO.)

- AWS Certificate Manager
- IAM SSL certificate storage
- A private S3 bucket with versioning enabled
- An S3 bucket configured with server-side encryption with customer-provided encryption keys (SSE-C)
- CloudFront

which services support storing ssl certificate?

  • AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
  • IAM SSL certificate storage (Used for region that not support ACM)

SAA - Design High-Performing Architectures


A company hosts all its applications on its data center on the US East Coast. Most of the workloads are legacy applications that are hosted on individual virtual machines running in Linux and Windows operating systems. The company plans to migrate all of its VM workloads to the AWS cloud. To minimize changes in the applications during the migration process, it has been decided that the company will use a “lift-and-shift” strategy. The company also wants to minimize downtime during the migration process.

Which of the following options should the Solutions Architect implement for this scenario?

- Export the on-premises VMs and upload the images to an Amazon S3 bucket. Use VM Import/Export service to import the images and launch them as Amazon EC2 instances.
- Install the AWS Replication Agent on each of the on-premises VMs to continuously replicate the servers to AWS. Use AWS Migration Service (AWS MGN) to launch test instances and perform cutover once testing is completed.
- Use the AWS Application Discovery Service for lift-and-shift migrations. Deploy the AWS Application Discovery Agent to the on-premises data center to start the replication process. After the replication task is completed, launch Amazon EC2 instances based on the created AMIs.
- Utilize AWS DataSync to migrate the application workloads to AWS. Deploy the AWS DataSync VM on the on-premises data center. Once replication is completed, launch Amazon EC2 instances based on the created AMIs.

aws application migration service: automate application migration and modernization

aws application discovery service: discover on-premises applications to streamline migration

aws database migration service: migrate databases with minimal downtime

aws datasync: simple, fast, online data transfer


An automotive company is working on an autonomous vehicle development and deployment project using AWS. The solution requires High Performance Computing (HPC) in order to collect, store and manage massive amounts of data as well as to support deep learning frameworks. The Linux EC2 instances that will be used should have a lower latency and higher throughput than the TCP transport traditionally used in cloud-based HPC systems. It should also enhance the performance of inter-instance communication and must include an OS-bypass functionality to allow the HPC to communicate directly with the network interface hardware to provide low-latency, reliable transport functionality.

Which of the following is the MOST suitable solution that you should implement to achieve the above requirements?

- Attach an Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) on each Amazon EC2 instance to accelerate High Performance Computing (HPC).
- Attach an Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) on each Amazon EC2 instance to accelerate High Performance Computing (HPC).
- Attach an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) on each Amazon EC2 instance to accelerate High Performance Computing (HPC).
- Attach a Private Virtual Interface (VIF) on each Amazon EC2 instance to accelerate High Performance Computing (HPC).

eni - ena - efa

  • Elastic Network Interface (ENI): logical networking component in a VPC that represents a virtual network card

  • Elastic Network Adapter (ENA): High Performance Network Interface for Amazon EC2

    • Enhanced networking: up to 100 Gbps
    • provide traditional IP networking features
  • Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA): network device to accelerate High Performance Computing (HPC) applications

    • support OS-bypass capabilities: allow HPC communicate directly with the EFA device.


A company has a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster that is composed of EC2 Instances with Provisioned IOPS (io1) volume to process transaction-intensive, low-latency workloads. The Solutions Architect must maintain high IOPS while keeping the latency down by setting the optimal queue length for the volume. The size of each volume is 10 GiB.

Which of the following is the MOST suitable configuration that the Architect should set up?


A company has a web-based order processing system that is currently using a standard queue in Amazon SQS. The IT Manager noticed that there are a lot of cases where an order was processed twice. This issue has caused a lot of trouble in processing and made the customers very unhappy. The manager has asked you to ensure that this issue will not recur.

What can you do to prevent this from happening again in the future? (Select TWO.)

- Alter the retention period in Amazon SQS.
- Alter the visibility timeout of SQS.
- Replace Amazon SQS and instead, use Amazon Simple Workflow service.
- Change the message size in SQS.
- Use an Amazon SQS FIFO Queue instead.

ensure a queue's messages are not process twice:

  • SQS FIFO Queue
  • Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF)

SAA - Design Resilient Architectures


A company recently launched an e-commerce application that is running in eu-east-2 region, which strictly requires six EC2 instances running at all times. In that region, there are 3 Availability Zones (AZ) that you can use - eu-east-2a, eu-east-2b, and eu-east-2c.

Which of the following deployments provide 100% fault tolerance if any single AZ in the region becomes unavailable? (Select TWO.)

- eu-east-2a with two EC2 instances, eu-east-2b with two EC2 instances, and eu-east-2c with two EC2 instances
- eu-east-2a with two EC2 instances, eu-east-2b with four EC2 instances, and eu-east-2c with two EC2 instances
- eu-east-2a with four EC2 instances, eu-east-2b with two EC2 instances, and eu-east-2c with two EC2 instances
- eu-east-2a with six EC2 instances, eu-east-2b with six EC2 instances, and eu-east-2c with no EC2 instances
- eu-east-2a with three EC2 instances, eu-east-2b with three EC2 instances, and eu-east-2c with three EC2 instances

fault tolerance: ability of a system to remain in operation even if some of the components used to build the system fail


A company has a web application hosted in AWS cloud where the application logs are sent to Amazon CloudWatch. Lately, the web application has recently been encountering some errors which can be resolved simply by restarting the instance.

What will you do to automatically restart the EC2 instances whenever the same application error occurs?

- First, look at the existing CloudWatch logs for keywords related to the application error to create a custom metric. Then, create a CloudWatch alarm for that custom metric which invokes an action to restart the EC2 instance.
- First, look at the existing CloudWatch logs for keywords related to the application error to create a custom metric. Then, create an alarm in Amazon SNS for that custom metric which invokes an action to restart the EC2 instance.
- First, look at the existing Flow logs for keywords related to the application error to create a custom metric. Then, create a CloudWatch alarm for that custom metric which invokes an action to restart the EC2 instance.
- First, look at the existing Flow logs for keywords related to the application error to create a custom metric. Then, create a CloudWatch alarm for that custom metric which calls a Lambda function that invokes an action to restart the EC2 instance.

cloudwatch alarm can stop, terminate, reboot, recover an ec2 instance


A company plans to deploy an application in an Amazon EC2 instance. The application will perform the following tasks:

Read large datasets from an Amazon S3 bucket.

Execute multi-stage analysis on the datasets.

Save the results to Amazon RDS.

During multi-stage analysis, the application will store a large number of temporary files in the instance storage. As the Solutions Architect, you need to recommend the fastest storage option with high I/O performance for the temporary files.

Which of the following options fulfills this requirement?

- Enable Transfer Acceleration in Amazon S3.
- Configure RAID 1 in multiple instance store volumes.
- Attach multiple Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes in the instance.
- Configure RAID 0 in multiple instance store volumes.

raid 0:

  • I/O is distributed across the volumes in a stripe
  • higher level of performance for a file system than you can provision on a single Amazon EBS volume

raid 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: not recommended for ebs


A company deployed an online enrollment system database on a prestigious university, which is hosted in RDS. The Solutions Architect is required to monitor the database metrics in Amazon CloudWatch to ensure the availability of the enrollment system.

What are the enhanced monitoring metrics that Amazon CloudWatch gathers from Amazon RDS DB instances which provide more accurate information? (Select TWO.)

monitor ec2:

  • CloudWatch default metric

    • CPU utilization from hypervisor
    • Disk
    • Network
  • CloudWatch Agent:

    • Memory
    • Sub-resource metrics such as per-CPU core

monitor rds:

  • Default metric

    • CPU utilization from hypervisor
    • Database connections
    • Free memory
  • Enhanced Monitoring:

    • OS processes
    • RDS processes


A data analytics company, which uses machine learning to collect and analyze consumer data, is using Redshift cluster as their data warehouse. You are instructed to implement a disaster recovery plan for their systems to ensure business continuity even in the event of an AWS region outage.

Which of the following is the best approach to meet this requirement?

- Create a scheduled job that will automatically take the snapshot of your Redshift Cluster and store it to an S3 bucket. Restore the snapshot in case of an AWS region outage.
- Do nothing because Amazon Redshift is a highly available, fully-managed data warehouse which can withstand an outage of an entire AWS region.
- Use Automated snapshots of your Redshift Cluster.
- Enable Cross-Region Snapshots Copy in your Amazon Redshift Cluster.

amazon redshift backup:

  • Manually Snapshots
  • Automatically increment backup:
    • Every 8 hours or 5 GB of data
    • 1-day retention (default, configurable up to 35 days)

Backup to S3 bucket, configurable to copy snapshots to another region for DR.


Every week, an e-commerce company announces a sales promotion, causing its application hosted on an Auto Scaling group to experience intermittent downtime. Because of long initialization times, the application only becomes operational minutes before a new EC2 instance turns into RUNNING state. A solutions architect must devise a solution that launches capacity in advance based on a forecasted load in order to scale faster.

Which solution meets the requirements with the least amount of effort?

- Configure the Auto Scaling group to use predictive scaling.
- Use Amazon Forecast to analyze and predict the workload pattern of the application. Create a scheduled scaling policy based on the prediction results.
- Create a dynamic scaling policy based on the historical average CPU load of the application.
- Create a Scheduled Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) Rule that runs a scaling job on a Lambda function every midnight.

auto scaling group (asg) policies:

  • Manually
  • Scheduled
  • Dynamic
    • Simple
    • Stepped
    • Target Tracking
  • Predictive


A company has a fixed set of Amazon EC2 instances inside a VPC in the AWS cloud. The instances run a mission-critical application. In a recent incident, one of the EC2 instances suddenly powered down which affected the availability of the application. To avoid this incident in the future, the management wants to get notified of any upcoming AWS events that may affect these EC2 instances.

Which of the following options is the recommended action to meet the above requirements?

- Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule that is scheduled to run every 24 hours. Set the target to an AWS Lambda function that will check AWS Service Health Dashboard and send notifications for any events that may affect Amazon EC2 instances.
- Set up an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to check for any status change for Amazon EC2 instances. Set the target to an AWS Lambda function that will send a notification and restart the affected Amazon EC2 instances.
- Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to check for AWS Personal Health Dashboard events that are related to Amazon EC2 instances. To send notifications, set an Amazon SNS topic as a target for the rule.
- Set up an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to check for AWS Service Health Dashboard events that are related to Amazon EC2 instances. To send notifications, set an Amazon SNS topic as a target for the rule.

notify for ec2 instance:

  • All EC2 instances:

    • Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to check for AWS Personal Health Dashboard events that are related to Amazon EC2 instances.
    • To send notifications, set an Amazon SNS topic as a target for the rule.
  • A specific EC2 instance:

    Use CloudWatch Alarm and EC2 Action to interact with EC2 instance.


A newly hired Solutions Architect is checking all of the security groups and network access control list rules of the company's AWS resources. For security purposes, the MS SQL connection via port 1433 of the database tier should be secured. Below is the security group configuration of their Microsoft SQL Server database:

The application tier hosted in an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances is the only identified resource that needs to connect to the database. The Architect should ensure that the architecture complies with the best practice of granting least privilege.

Which of the following changes should be made to the security group configuration?

- For the MS SQL rule, change the Source to the security group ID attached to the application tier.
- For the MS SQL rule, change the Source to the EC2 instance IDs of the underlying instances of the Auto Scaling group.
- For the MS SQL rule, change the Source to the static AnyCast IP address attached to the application tier.
- For the MS SQL rule, change the Source to the Network ACL ID attached to the application tier.

security group referencing

When you specify a security group as the source or destination for a rule (of a security group), the rule affects all instances that are associated with the security groups.

SAA - Design Secure Architectures


A startup launched a new FTP server using an On-Demand EC2 instance in a newly created VPC with default settings. The server should not be accessible publicly but only through the IP address and nowhere else.

Which of the following is the most suitable way to implement this requirement?

- Create a new inbound rule in the security group of the EC2 instance with the following details: Protocol: TCP Port Range: 20 - 21 Source:
- Create a new inbound rule in the security group of the EC2 instance with the following details: Protocol: UDP Port Range: 20 - 21 Source:
- Create a new Network ACL inbound rule in the subnet of the EC2 instance with the following details: Protocol: TCP Port Range: 20 - 21 Source: Allow/Deny: ALLOW
- Create a new Network ACL inbound rule in the subnet of the EC2 instance with the following details: Protocol: UDP Port Range: 20 - 21 Source: Allow/Deny: ALLOW

default nacl allows all inbound and outbound traffic

cidr `/0`: the entire network -> is not used in sg and nacl.

CIDR /32: One IP address.


A food company bought 50 licenses of Windows Server to be used by the developers when launching Amazon EC2 instances to deploy and test applications. The developers are free to provision EC2 instances as long as there is a license available. The licenses are tied to the total CPU count of each virtual machine. The company wants to ensure that developers won’t be able to launch new instances once the licenses are exhausted. The company wants to receive notifications when all licenses are in use.

Which of the following options is the recommended solution to meet the company's requirements?

- Define licensing rules on AWS License Manager to track and control license usage. Enable the option to “Enforce license limit” to prevent going over the number of allocated licenses. Add an Amazon SNS topic to send notifications and alerts.
- Define license configuration rules on AWS Certificate Manager to track and control license usage. Enable the option to “Enforce certificate limit” to prevent going over the number of allocated licenses. Add an Amazon SQS queue with ChangeVisibility Timeout configured to send notifications and alerts.
- Upload the licenses on AWS Systems Manager Fleet Manager to be encrypted and distributed to Amazon EC2 instances. Attach an IAM role on the EC2 instances to request a license from the Fleet Manager. Set up an Amazon SNS to send notifications and alerts once all licenses are used
- Configure AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) to track and control the licenses used by AWS resources. Configure AWS RAM to provide available licenses for Amazon EC2 instances. Set up an Amazon SNS to send notifications and alerts once all licenses are used.

aws license manager: track and manage software licenses across multiple aws regions

aws systems manager's fleet manager: ui for managing nodes/ec2 instance.

aws resource access manager (aws ram): simple, secure service to share aws resources


A company has a regional API Gateway in the us-east-2 region that serves as a proxy to a backend service. Clients connect to the service using the invoke URL of the API stage. To improve usability, the company wants to associate a custom domain name ( with the API. Moreover, the domain name must support HTTPS to ensure secure connections. The company has an existing hosted zone for its domain on Amazon Route 53.

Which of the following would be the next step to achieve the company's objective?

- Request a public certificate in the us-east-1 region for using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Create a regional API Gateway domain name and associate it with and the ACM certificate. In Route 53, create an alias record for that points to the API Gateway domain name.
- Import an existing public certificate for into AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) in the us-east-2. In Route 53, create a CNAME record for that points to the invoke URL of the API Gateway stage.
- Use the AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM PCA) to generate a private certificate for Override the invoke URL using stage variables.
- Request a public certificate in the us-east-2 region for using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Create a regional API Gateway domain name and associate it with and the ACM certificate. In Route 53, create an alias record for that points to the API Gateway domain name.

when using regional api gateway, the certificate for the domain name needs to be in the same region.


A media company needs to configure an Amazon S3 bucket to serve static assets for the public-facing web application. Which methods ensure that all of the objects uploaded to the S3 bucket can be read publicly all over the Internet? (Select TWO.)

- Grant public read access to the object when uploading it using the S3 Console.
- Configure the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) of the S3 bucket to allow objects to be publicly accessible from all domains.
- Configure the S3 bucket policy to set all objects to public read.
- Create an IAM role to set the objects inside the S3 bucket to public read.
- Do nothing. Amazon S3 objects are already public by default.

by default, all amazon s3 resources such as buckets, objects, and related subresources are private.

To public all objects in a bucket:

  • Unblocking the bucket. -> Configure the S3 bucket policy to set all objects to public read.
  • Explicit allows public read -> Using bucket policy.
  • Or manually public objects -> Grant public read access to the object when uploading it using the S3 Console.


An online survey startup is collecting real estate data in the United States for several years. The startup already has a total of 5 TB of data stored in an Amazon S3 bucket located in the us-east-1 Region. All real estate data must be shared with a European AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP) Partner which also uses Amazon S3 for storage. Due to budget constraints, the startup must keep its data transfer costs in S3 as low as possible and disable anonymous access.

Which solution meets this requirement MOST cost-effectively?

- Enable the Requester Pays feature on the Amazon S3 bucket to lower data transfer costs and disable anonymous access
- Enable Cross-Region Replication(CRR) on the startup’s S3 bucket to automatically copy the S3 content to the partner’s S3 bucket in Europe.
- Enable cross-account access of the startup’s S3 bucket to allow the data downloads and exclusive access from the partner’s AWS account
- Enable S3 Object Lock in governance mode to lower data transfer costs and set a Legal Hold for each object to disable anonymous access

s3 - requester pay

  • In general, bucket owners pay for all Amazon S3 storage and data transfer costs that are associated with their bucket.
  • With Requester Pays buckets,
    • The requester (instead of the bucket owner) pays the cost of the request and the data download from the bucket.
    • The bucket owner always pays the cost of storing data.

TUTORIALS DOJO - Practice Exam - Time-mode Set 5

  • Scored: 49/65 (75%)

    • SAA – Design Cost-Optimized Architectures: 100%
    • SAA – Design High-Performing Architectures: 73.08%
    • SAA – Design Resilient Architectures: 75%
    • SAA – Design Secure Architectures: 73.91%
  • Time: 00:52:07

  • Date: Oct 23, 2023, 15h

SAA - Design Cost-Optimized Architectures

SAA - Design High-Performing Architectures


A Solutions Architect is migrating several Windows-based applications to AWS that require a scalable file system storage for high-performance computing (HPC). The storage service must have full support for the SMB protocol and Windows NTFS, Active Directory (AD) integration, and Distributed File System (DFS).

Which of the following is the MOST suitable storage service that the Architect should use to fulfill this scenario?

- Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
- Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive
- AWS DataSync
- Amazon FSx for Lustre


  • FSx for Lustre: Linux, HPC
  • FSx for Windows File Server


A company has a web application hosted in their on-premises infrastructure that they want to migrate to AWS cloud. Your manager has instructed you to ensure that there is no downtime while the migration process is on-going. In order to achieve this, your team decided to divert 50% of the traffic to the new application in AWS and the other 50% to the application hosted in their on-premises infrastructure. Once the migration is over and the application works with no issues, a full diversion to AWS will be implemented. The company's VPC is connected to its on-premises network via an AWS Direct Connect connection.

Which of the following are the possible solutions that you can implement to satisfy the above requirement? (Select TWO.)

- Use a Network Load balancer with Weighted Target Groups to divert the traffic between the on-premises and AWS-hosted application. Divert 50% of the traffic to the new application in AWS and the other 50% to the application hosted in their on-premises infrastructure.
- Use an Application Elastic Load balancer with Weighted Target Groups to divert and proportion the traffic between the on-premises and AWS-hosted application. Divert 50% of the traffic to the new application in AWS and the other 50% to the application hosted in their on-premises infrastructure.
- Use Route 53 with Failover routing policy to divert and proportion the traffic between the on-premises and AWS-hosted application. Divert 50% of the traffic to the new application in AWS and the other 50% to the application hosted in their on-premises infrastructure.
- Use Route 53 with Weighted routing policy to divert the traffic between the on-premises and AWS-hosted application. Divert 50% of the traffic to the new application in AWS and the other 50% to the application hosted in their on-premises infrastructure.

application load balancer: supports weighted target groups


A research institute has developed simulation software that requires significant computational power. Currently, the software runs on a local server with limited resources, taking several hours to complete each simulation. The server has 32 virtual CPUs (vCPUs) and 256 GiB of memory. The institute plans to migrate the software to AWS. Their objective is to speed up the simulations by running them in parallel.

As a Solutions Architect, which solution will achieve this goal with the LEAST operational overhead?

- Utilize AWS Batch to manage the execution of the software.
- Consider using Amazon EC2 Spot Instances to run the simulations.
- Use Lambda functions to process simulation tasks in parallel.
- Run the simulations using AWS Fargate.

aws batch: run batch jobs at any scale


A company plans to implement a hybrid architecture. They need to create a dedicated connection from their Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to their on-premises network. The connection must provide high bandwidth throughput and a more consistent network experience than Internet-based solutions.

Which of the following can be used to create a private connection between the VPC and the company's on-premises network?

- AWS Direct Connect
- Transit VPC
- Transit Gateway with equal-cost multipath routing (ECMP)
- AWS Site-to-Site VPN

aws direct connect: dedicated network connection to aws


A healthcare company manages patient data using a distributed system. The organization utilizes a microservice-based serverless application to handle various aspects of patient care. Data has to be retrieved and written from multiple Amazon DynamoDB tables.

The primary goal is to enable efficient retrieval and writing of data without impacting the baseline performance of the application as well as ensuring seamless access to patient information for healthcare professionals.

Which of the following is the MOST operationally efficient solution?

- Utilize AWS AppSync pipeline resolvers
- Launched AWS Lambda functions with an edge-optimized Amazon API Gateway
- Set up DynamoDB connector for Amazon Athena Federated Query
- Use CloudFront function

aws appsync: accelerate app development with fully-managed, scalable graphql apis

  • AWS AppSync Pipeline Resolver: orchestrating requests to multiple data sources.

    Simplify client-side application complexity and help enforce server-side business logic controls by


A company has multiple research departments that have deployed several resources to the AWS cloud. The departments are free to provision their own resources as they are needed. To ensure normal operations, the company wants to track its AWS resource usage so that it is not reaching the AWS service quotas unexpectedly.

Which combination of actions should the Solutions Architect implement to meet the company requirements? (Select TWO.)

- Create an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic and configure it as a target for notifications.
- Capture the events using Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) and use an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic as the target for notifications.
- Query the AWS Trusted Advisor Service Limits check every 24 hours by calling the DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks API operation. Ensure that your AWS account has a Developer support plan.
- Write an AWS Lambda function that refreshes the AWS Trusted Advisor Service Limits checks and set it to run every 24 hours.
- Utilize the AWS managed rule on AWS Config to monitor AWS resource service quotas. Schedule this checking using an AWS Lambda function.

**aws trusted advisor**: optimize performance and security

Trusted Advisor inspects your AWS environment and recommends ways to save money, close security gaps, and improve system availability and performance.

  • AWS Trusted Advisor Service Limits:
    • Monitor the service quotas in all Regions.
    • Alerts you if your account reaches more than 80% of a service quota in any Region.


A company has multiple AWS Site-to-Site VPN connections placed between their VPCs and their remote network. During peak hours, many employees are experiencing slow connectivity issues, which limits their productivity. The company has asked a solutions architect to scale the throughput of the VPN connections.

Which solution should the architect carry out?

- Associate the VPCs to an Equal Cost Multipath Routing (ECMR)-enabled transit gateway and attach additional VPN tunnels.
- Add more virtual private gateways to a VPC and enable Equal Cost Multipath Routing (ECMR) to get higher VPN bandwidth.
- Modify the VPN configuration by increasing the number of tunnels to scale the throughput.
- Re-route some of the VPN connections to a secondary customer gateway device on the remote network’s end.

aws site-to-site vpn throughput limit: 1.25 gbps

  • Scale VPN with Transit Gateway - Equal Cost Multipath Routing (ECMP).

    Establish multiple VPN tunnels to an ECMP-enabled transit gateway

SAA - Design Resilient Architectures


A company needs to accelerate the performance of its AI-powered medical diagnostic application by running its machine learning workloads on the edge of telecommunication carriers' 5G networks. The application must be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster and have role-based access control (RBAC) access to IAM users and roles for cluster authentication.

Which of the following should the Solutions Architect implement to ensure single-digit millisecond latency for the application?

- Launch the application to an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster. Create node groups in Wavelength Zones for the Amazon EKS cluster via the AWS Wavelength service. Apply the AWS authenticator configuration map (aws-auth ConfigMap) to your cluster.
- Host the application to an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster. Set up node groups in AWS Wavelength Zones for the Amazon EKS cluster. Attach the Amazon EKS connector agent role (AmazonECSConnectorAgentRole) to your cluster and use AWS Control Tower for RBAC access.
- Launch the application to an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster. Create VPC endpoints for the AWS Wavelength Zones and apply them to the Amazon EKS cluster. Install the AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes (aws-iam-authenticator) to your cluster.
- Host the application to an Amazon EKS cluster and run the Kubernetes pods on AWS Fargate. Create node groups in AWS Wavelength Zones for the Amazon EKS cluster. Add the EKS pod execution IAM role (AmazonEKSFargatePodExecutionRole) to your cluster and ensure that the Fargate profile has the same IAM role as your Amazon EC2 node groups.

aws wavelength: deliver ultra-low latency applications for 5g devices

  • Application traffic can reach application servers running in Wavelength Zones without leaving the mobile providers’ network

iam and k8s:

  • Enable with AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes, which runs on the Amazon EKS control plane.
  • The authenticator gets its configuration information from the aws-auth ConfigMap (AWS authenticator configuration map).


A top investment bank is in the process of building a new Forex trading platform. To ensure high availability and scalability, you designed the trading platform to use an Elastic Load Balancer in front of an Auto Scaling group of On-Demand EC2 instances across multiple Availability Zones. For its database tier, you chose to use a single Amazon Aurora instance to take advantage of its distributed, fault-tolerant, and self-healing storage system.

In the event of system failure on the primary database instance, what happens to Amazon Aurora during the failover?

- Amazon Aurora flips the canonical name record (CNAME) for your DB Instance to point at the healthy replica, which in turn is promoted to become the new primary.
- Aurora will attempt to create a new DB Instance in the same Availability Zone as the original instance and is done on a best-effort basis.
- Amazon Aurora flips the A record of your DB Instance to point at the healthy replica, which in turn is promoted to become the new primary.
- Aurora will first attempt to create a new DB Instance in a different Availability Zone of the original instance. If unable to do so, Aurora will attempt to create a new DB Instance in the original Availability Zone in which the instance was first launched.

aurora failover: automatically handled by amazon aurora

  1. If you have an Amazon Aurora Replica

    Amazon Aurora flips the canonical name record (CNAME) for your DB Instance to point at the healthy replica

  2. If you are running Aurora Serverless and the DB instance or AZ becomes unavailable

    Aurora will automatically recreate the DB instance in a different AZ.

  3. Otherwise:

    Aurora will attempt to create a new DB Instance in the same Availability Zone as the original instance.

    The replacement is done on a best-effort basis and may not succeed


A client is hosting their company website on a cluster of web servers that are behind a public-facing load balancer. The client also uses Amazon Route 53 to manage their public DNS.

How should the client configure the DNS zone apex record to point to the load balancer?###

SAA - Design Secure Architectures


An application is hosted on an EC2 instance with multiple EBS Volumes attached and uses Amazon Neptune as its database. To improve data security, you encrypted all of the EBS volumes attached to the instance to protect the confidential data stored in the volumes.

Which of the following statements are true about encrypted Amazon Elastic Block Store volumes? (Select TWO.)

- All data moving between the volume and the instance are encrypted.
- Snapshots are automatically encrypted.
- Snapshots are not automatically encrypted.
- Only the data in the volume is encrypted and not all the data moving between the volume and the instance.
- The volumes created from the encrypted snapshot are not encrypted.

ebs encryption

  • Data at rest inside the volume 👈 Encryption at rest
  • All data moving between the volume and the instance 👈 Encryption in-transit
  • All snapshots created from the volume
  • All volumes created from those snapshots


A company has a UAT and production EC2 instances running on AWS. They want to ensure that employees who are responsible for the UAT instances don't have access to work on the production instances to minimize security risks.

Which of the following would be the best way to achieve this?

- Launch the UAT and production EC2 instances in separate VPC's connected by VPC peering.
- Provide permissions to the users via the AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) service to only access EC2 instances that are used for production or development.
- Launch the UAT and production instances in different Availability Zones and use Multi Factor Authentication.
- Define the tags on the UAT and production servers and add a condition to the IAM policy which allows access to specific tags.

best practice to control access to ec2 instances:

  • Tag the EC2 instances, to categorize by purpose, owner, or environment…
  • Control access using resource tags and IAM policy.


A Solutions Architect is working for a fast-growing startup that just started operations during the past 3 months. They currently have an on-premises Active Directory and 10 computers. To save costs in procuring physical workstations, they decided to deploy virtual desktops for their new employees in a virtual private cloud in AWS. The new cloud infrastructure should leverage the existing security controls in AWS but can still communicate with their on-premises network.

Which set of AWS services will the Architect use to meet these requirements?

- AWS Directory Services, VPN connection, and ClassicLink
- AWS Directory Services, VPN connection, and Amazon Workspaces
- AWS Directory Services, VPN connection, and AWS Identity and Access Management
- AWS Directory Services, VPN connection, and Amazon S3

aws workspaces: virtual desktops in the cloud


An operations team has an application running on EC2 instances inside two custom VPCs. The VPCs are located in the Ohio and N.Virginia Region respectively. The team wants to transfer data between the instances without traversing the public internet.

Which combination of steps will achieve this? (Select TWO.)

- Set up a VPC peering connection between the VPCs.
- Create an Egress-only Internet Gateway.
- Re-configure the route table’s target and destination of the instances’ subnet.
- Launch a NAT Gateway in the public subnet of each VPC.
- Deploy a VPC endpoint on each region to enable a private connection.

peering vpc - setup

  • Create, invite, accept VPC Peering Connection
  • Update each VPC’s Route Table to point to IP range of other VPC.


A company troubleshoots the operational issues of their cloud architecture by logging the AWS API call history of all AWS resources. The Solutions Architect must implement a solution to quickly identify the most recent changes made to resources in their environment, including creation, modification, and deletion of AWS resources. One of the requirements is that the generated log files should be encrypted to avoid any security issues.

Which of the following is the most suitable approach to implement the encryption?

- Use CloudTrail and configure the destination Amazon Glacier archive to use Server-Side Encryption (SSE).
- Use CloudTrail and configure the destination S3 bucket to use Server-Side Encryption (SSE).
- Use CloudTrail and configure the destination S3 bucket to use Server Side Encryption (SSE) with AES-128 encryption algorithm.
- Use CloudTrail with its default settings.

cloudtrail - encryption

By default, CloudTrail event log files are encrypted using Amazon S3 server-side encryption (SSE)


An e-commerce company’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has taken necessary measures to ensure that sensitive customer data is secure in the cloud. However, the company recently discovered that some customer Personally Identifiable Information (PII) was mistakenly uploaded to an S3 bucket.

The company aims to rectify this mistake and prevent any similar incidents from happening again in the future. Additionally, the company would like to be notified if this error occurs again.

As the Solutions Architect, which combination of options should you implement in this scenario? (Select TWO.### )

- Identify sensitive data using Amazon Macie and create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to capture the SensitiveData event type.
- Set up an Amazon SNS topic as the target for an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule that sends notifications when the error occurs again.
- Identify sensitive data using Amazon GuardDuty by creating an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to include the CRITICAL event types from GuardDuty findings.
- Set up an Amazon SQS as the target for an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule that sends notifications when the error occurs again.
- Set up an AWS IoT Message Broker as the target for an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule that sends notifications when the SensitiveData:S3Object/Personal event occurs again.

s3 - pii:

  • Use Amazon Macie to automatically detect sensitive data.
  • Then use EventBridge and SNS to send notification.

TUTORIALS DOJO - Practice Exam - Time-mode Set 6

  • Scored: 48/65 (74%)

    • SAA – Design Cost-Optimized Architectures: 50%
    • SAA – Design High-Performing Architectures: 78.26%
    • SAA – Design Resilient Architectures: 72.73%
    • SAA – Design Secure Architectures: 75%
  • Time: 00:58:01

  • Date: Oct 23, 2023, 20h

SAA - Design Cost-Optimized Architectures


A multinational corporate and investment bank is regularly processing steady workloads of accruals, loan interests, and other critical financial calculations every night from 10 PM to 3 AM on their on-premises data center for their corporate clients. Once the process is done, the results are then uploaded to the Oracle General Ledger which means that the processing should not be delayed or interrupted. The CTO has decided to move its IT infrastructure to AWS to save costs. The company needs to reserve compute capacity in a specific Availability Zone to properly run their workloads.

As the Senior Solutions Architect, how can you implement a cost-effective architecture in AWS for their financial system?

- Use On-Demand EC2 instances which allows you to pay for the instances that you launch and use by the second. Reserve compute capacity in a specific Availability Zone to avoid any interruption.
- Use Regional Reserved Instances to reserve capacity on a specific Availability Zone and lower down the operating cost through its billing discounts.
- Use On-Demand Capacity Reservations, which provide compute capacity that is always available on the specified recurring schedule.
- Use Dedicated Hosts which provide a physical host that is fully dedicated to running your instances, and bring your existing per-socket, per-core, or per-VM software licenses to reduce costs.

ec2 - capacity reservations vs reserved instances

  • (On-demand) Capacity Reservations:

    • Reserve compute capacity for your Amazon EC2 instances in a specific Availability Zone for any duration
    • Full price
  • Reserve Instances:

    • Regional Reserve Instances: Save money
    • Zone Reserve Instances: Save money


A company plans to use a cloud storage service to temporarily store its log files. The number of files to be stored is still unknown, but it only needs to be kept for 12 hours.

Which of the following is the most cost-effective storage class to use in this scenario?

- Amazon S3 Standard
- Amazon S3 One Zone-IA
- Amazon S3 Standard-IA
- Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive

s3 - min storage duration

Storage ClassMin Storage Duration
Standard, Intelligent-Tier-
Standard-IA, One Zone - IA30 days
Glacier Instant/Flexible Retrieval90 days
Glacier Deep Archive180 days

SAA - Design High-Performing Architectures


A Solutions Architect needs to launch a web application that will be served globally using Amazon CloudFront. The application is hosted in an Amazon EC2 instance which will be configured as the origin server to process and serve dynamic content to its customers.

Which of the following options provides high availability for the application?

- Use Amazon S3 to serve the dynamic content of your web application and configure the S3 bucket to be part of an origin group.
- Launch an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances and configure it to be part of an origin group.
- Provision two EC2 instances deployed in different Availability Zones and configure them to be part of an origin group.
- Use Lambda@Edge to improve the performance of your web application and ensure high availability. Set the Lambda@Edge functions to be part of an origin group.

cloudfront - origin _failover_

Needs an origin groups with 2 origin:

  • a primary origin
  • a secondary origin


A company requires corporate IT governance and cost oversight of all of its AWS resources across its divisions around the world. Their corporate divisions want to maintain administrative control of the discrete AWS resources they consume and ensure that those resources are separate from other divisions.

Which of the following options will support the autonomy of each corporate division while enabling the corporate IT to maintain governance and cost oversight? (Select TWO.)

- Use AWS Trusted Advisor and AWS Resource Groups Tag Editor
- Enable IAM cross-account access for all corporate IT administrators in each child account.
- Create separate VPCs for each division within the corporate IT AWS account. Launch an AWS Transit Gateway with equal-cost multipath routing (ECMP) and VPN tunnels for intra-VPC communication.
- Use AWS Consolidated Billing by creating AWS Organizations to link the divisions’ accounts to a parent corporate account.
- Create separate Availability Zones for each division within the corporate IT AWS account. Improve communication between the two AZs using the AWS Global Accelerator.

iam cross-account access: delegate access across aws accounts

e.g. 2 accounts for resources:

  • Production account: For production resources
  • Development account: For developments resources

IAM user groups: Developers can

  • Always access resources in Development
  • From time to time, access resources in Production account.


A company has a fleet of running Spot EC2 instances behind an Application Load Balancer. The incoming traffic comes from various users across multiple AWS regions, and you would like to have the user's session shared among the fleet of instances.

A Solutions Architect is required to set up a distributed session management layer that will provide scalable and shared data storage for the user sessions that supports multithreaded performance. The cache layer must also detect any node failures and replace the failed ones automatically.

Which of the following would be the best choice to meet the requirement while still providing sub-millisecond latency for the users?

elasticache - redis vs memcached

  • Redis: Advance structure, replicas

  • Memcached: Multi-threads, multi-nodes.


A Solutions Architect is working for a weather station in Asia with a weather monitoring system that needs to be migrated to AWS. Since the monitoring system requires a low network latency and high network throughput, the Architect decided to launch the EC2 instances to a new cluster placement group. The system was working fine for a couple of weeks, however, when they try to add new instances to the placement group that already has running EC2 instances, they receive an 'insufficient capacity error'.

How will the Architect fix this issue?

- Stop and restart the instances in the Placement Group and then try the launch again.
- Create another Placement Group and launch the new instances in the new group.
- Verify all running instances are of the same size and type and then try the launch again.
- Submit a capacity increase request to AWS as you are initially limited to only 12 instances per Placement Group.

ec2 - placement group - error adding instance 'insufficient capacity error'

  • Amazon does not currently have enough available On-Demand capacity on the existing host to fulfill your request.

Workaround: Stop all instances, then start -> Maybe a new host have enough capacity


A manufacturing company launched a new type of IoT sensor. The sensor will be used to collect large streams of data records. You need to create a solution that can ingest and analyze the data in real-time with millisecond response times.

Which of the following is the best option that you should implement in this scenario?

- Ingest the data using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and create an AWS Lambda function to store the data in Amazon Redshift.
- Ingest the data using Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and create an AWS Lambda function to store the data in Amazon DynamoDB.
- Ingest the data using Amazon Simple Queue Service and create an AWS Lambda function to store the data in Amazon Redshift.
- Ingest the data using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and create an AWS Lambda function to store the data in Amazon DynamoDB.

latency: redshift vs dynamodb

  • Redshift: sub-second (s)
  • DynamoDB: millisecond (ms)

SAA - Design Resilient Architectures


A company developed a financial analytics web application hosted in a Docker container using MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js) stack. You want to easily port that web application to AWS Cloud which can automatically handle all the tasks such as balancing load, auto-scaling, monitoring, and placing your containers across your cluster.

Which of the following services can be used to fulfill this requirement?

- AWS CloudFormation
- AWS Compute Optimizer
- Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk

elastic beanstalk: run and manage web apps

  • Reduces the operational overhead by taking care of provisioning the needed resources for your application

  • Elastic Beanstalk supports:

    • applications developed in Go, Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby
    • custom environment with Docker
  • When you deploy your application, Elastic Beanstalk

    • builds the selected supported platform version
    • provisions one or more AWS resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances, to run your application.

ecs: run highly secure, reliable, and scalable containers

elastic beanstalk vs ecs

  • Elastic Beanstalk:

    Automatically handles the details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, scaling, and application health monitoring.

    => Quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS Cloud without having to learn about the infrastructure that runs those applications

  • ECS:

    Need to manually config Service Auto Scaling, Service Load Balancing, and Monitoring with CloudWatch


A company is running an on-premises application backed by a 1TB MySQL 8.0 database. A couple of times each month, the production data is fully copied to a staging database at the request of the analytics team. The team can't work on the staging database until the copy is finished, which takes hours.

Throughout this period, the application experiences intermittent downtimes as well. To expedite the process for the analytics team, a solutions architect must redesign the application's architecture in AWS. The application must also be highly resilient to disruptions.

Which combination of actions best satisfies the given set of requirements while being the most cost-effective? (Select TWO)

aurora - clone:

  • Creating a Aurora clone is faster and more space-efficient than physically copying the data using other techniques, such as restoring from a snapshot like you would in Amazon RDS

  • Aurora uses a copy-on-write protocol to create a clone.

aurora - storage:

  • Aurora data is stored in the cluster volume, which is a single, virtual volume that uses solid state drives (SSDs)
    • A cluster volume consists of copies of the data across three Availability Zones in a single AWS Region.
      • The data is automatically replicated across Availability Zones,


A cryptocurrency company wants to go global with its international money transfer app. Your project is to make sure that the database of the app is highly available in multiple regions.

What are the benefits of adding Multi-AZ deployments in Amazon RDS? (Select TWO.)

- Provides enhanced database durability in the event of a DB instance component failure or an Availability Zone outage.
- Significantly increases the database performance.
- Creates a primary DB Instance and synchronously replicates the data to a standby instance in a different Availability Zone (AZ) in a different region.
- Increased database availability in the case of system upgrades like OS patching or DB Instance scaling.
- Provides SQL optimization.

rds multi-az failover:

  • Loss of availability in primary Availability Zone

  • Primary DB instance:

    • Loss of network connectivity to primary
    • Compute unit failure on primary
    • Storage failure on primary
  • DB instance scaling or system upgrades:

    Applied first on the standby prior then automatic failover


A Solutions Architect is managing a three-tier web application that processes credit card payments and online transactions. Static web pages are used on the front-end tier while the application tier contains a single Amazon EC2 instance that handles long-running processes. The data is stored in a MySQL database. The Solutions Architect is instructed to decouple the tiers to create a highly available application.

Which of the following options can satisfy the given requirement?

- Move all the static assets and web pages to Amazon CloudFront. Use Auto Scaling in Amazon EC2 instance. Migrate the database to Amazon RDS with Multi-AZ deployments configuration.
- Move all the static assets, web pages, and the backend application to a larger instance. Use Auto Scaling in Amazon EC2 instance. Migrate the database to Amazon Aurora.
- Move all the static assets to Amazon S3. Set concurrency limit in AWS Lambda to move the application to a serverless architecture. Migrate the database to Amazon DynamoDB.
- Move all the static assets and web pages to Amazon S3. Re-host the application to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) containers and enable Service Auto Scaling. Migrate the database to Amazon RDS with Multi-AZ deployments configuration.

cloudfront cannot host data, only cache data.


A disaster recovery team is planning to back up on-premises records to a local file server share through SMB protocol. To meet the company’s business continuity plan, the team must ensure that a copy of data from 48 hours ago is available for immediate access. Accessing older records with delay is tolerable.

Which should the DR team implement to meet the objective with the LEAST amount of configuration effort?

- Use an AWS Storage File gateway with enough storage to keep data from the last 48 hours. Send the backups to an SMB share mounted as a local disk.
- Create an SMB file share in Amazon FSx for Windows File Server that has enough storage to store all backups. Access the file share from on-premises.
- Mount an Amazon EFS file system on the on-premises client and copy all backups to an NFS share.
- Create an AWS Backup plan to copy data backups to a local SMB share every 48 hours.

aws file gateway - handle writes

  • When a client writes data to a file via File Gateway, that data is first written to the local cache disk on the gateway itself.

    • Once the data has been safely persisted to the local cache, only then does the File Gateway acknowledge the write back to the client.
  • From there, File Gateway transfers the data to the S3 bucket asynchronously in the background, optimizing data transfer using multipart parallel uploads, and encrypting data in transit using HTTPS.


A website hosted on Amazon ECS container instances loads slowly during peak traffic, affecting its availability. Currently, the container instances are run behind an Application Load Balancer, and CloudWatch alarms are configured to send notifications to the operations team if there is a problem in availability so they can scale out if needed. A solutions architect needs to create an automatic scaling solution when such problems occur.

Which solution could satisfy the requirement? (Select TWO.)

- Create an AWS Auto Scaling policy that scales out an ECS service when the ALB endpoint becomes unreachable.
- Create an AWS Auto Scaling policy that scales out the ECS service when the ALB hits a high CPU utilization.
- Create an AWS Auto Scaling policy that scales out the ECS cluster when the ALB target group’s CPU utilization is too high.
- Create an AWS Auto Scaling policy that scales out the ECS service when the service’s memory utilization is too high.
- Create an AWS Auto Scaling policy that scales out the ECS cluster when the service’s CPU utilization is too high.

ecs auto scaling - metric:

  • ECS Instances (~ K8s Node):

    • CPU Utilization
    • Disk
      • Disk Reads
      • Disk Read Operations
      • Disk Writes
      • Disk Write Operations
    • Network
      • Network In
      • Network Out
    • Status Check Failed
      • Status Check Failed (Any)
      • Status Check Failed (Instance)
      • Status Check Failed (System)
  • ECS Service (~ K8s Pod):

    • ECSServiceAverageCPUUtilization
    • ECSServiceAverageMemoryUtilization
    • ALBRequestCountPerTarget

SAA - Design Secure Architectures


A company has several websites and hosts its infrastructure on the AWS Cloud. The mission-critical web applications are hosted on fleets of Amazon EC2 instances behind Application Load Balancers. The company uses AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) provided certificate on the ALBs to enable HTTPS access on its websites. The security team wants to get notified 30 days before the expiration of the SSL certificates.

Which of the following can the Solutions Architect implement to meet this request? (Select TWO.)

- Use AWS Config to manually create a rule that checks for certificate expiry on ACM. Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to send an alert to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic when AWS Config flags a resource.
- Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule that will check AWS Health or ACM expiration events related to ACM certificates. Send an alert notification to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic when a certificate is going to expire in 30 days.
- Modify all certificates to use the AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority. Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule that will check for ACM events that shows certificates expiring within 30 days. Set the target to invoke an AWS Lambda function to send a message to an Amazon SNS topic.
- Utilize AWS Trusted Advisor to check for the ACM certificates that will expire in 30 days. Using this metric, create an Amazon CloudWatch alarm that will send an alert to an AWS Systems Manager OpsItem.
- Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule and schedule it to run every day to identify the expiring ACM certificates. Configure to rule to check the DaysToExpiry metric of all ACM certificates in Amazon CloudWatch. Send an alert notification to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic when a certificate is going to expire in 30 days.

monitor expiration of certificates

  • Option 1: Use the ACM built-in Certificate Expiration event
    • ACM sends daily expiration events for all active certificates (public, private and imported) starting 45 days prior to expiration.
    • AWS Health events are generated for ACM certificates that are eligible for renewal.
  • Option 2: Use the DaysToExpiry metric


An application is hosted in an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances and a Microsoft SQL Server on Amazon RDS. There is a requirement that all in-flight data between your web servers and RDS should be secured.

Which of the following options is the MOST suitable solution that you should implement? (Select TWO.)

- Force all connections to your DB instance to use SSL by setting the rds.force_ssl parameter to true. Once done, reboot your DB instance.
- Download the Amazon RDS Root CA certificate. Import the certificate to your servers and configure your application to use SSL to encrypt the connection to RDS.
- Specify the TDE option in an RDS option group that is associated with that DB instance to enable transparent data encryption (TDE).
- Enable the IAM DB authentication in RDS using the AWS Management Console.
- Configure the security groups of your EC2 instances and RDS to only allow traffic to and from port 443.

use secure sockets layer (ssl) to encrypt connections between your client applications and your amazon rds db instances running microsoft sql server.

  • Download the Amazon RDS Root CA certificate. Import the certificate to your servers and configure your application to use SSL to encrypt the connection to RDS.
  • Force all connections to your DB instance to use SSL by setting the rds.force_ssl parameter to true. Once done, reboot your DB instance.


A company is designing a customized text messaging service that targets its mobile app users. As part of its multi-engagement marketing campaign, a company needs to send a one-time confirmation message to all of its subscribers using Short Message Service (SMS). The solutions architect must design the system to allow a subscriber to reply to the SMS messages.

The customer responses must be kept for an entire year for analysis and targeted sale promotions. In addition, the SMS responses must also be collected, processed, and analyzed in near-real-time.

Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

- Create a new topic in Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and an Amazon Kinesis data stream configured with all its default settings. Send SMS messages using Amazon SNS. Integrate the Kinesis data stream to the SNS topic for data collection, archiving, and analysis.
- Launch a new Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue to send out SMS messages. Use AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda to collect, process, and analyze responses. Store the data to Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval.
- Create an Amazon Pinpoint journey for the multi-engagement SMS marketing campaign and an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream for analysis. Configure Amazon Pinpoint to send events to the Kinesis data stream for collection, processing, and analysis. Set the retention period of the Kinesis data stream to 365 days.
- Set up an Amazon Connect contact flow to send the confirmation SMS messages to the mobile app users. Deploy an AWS Lambda function to process and analyze the responses. Store the data to Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval

amazon pinpoint: multichannel marketing communications

Engage your customers by sending them email, SMS and voice messages, and push notifications.

  • send targeted messages (such as promotions and retention campaigns)
  • send transactional messages (such as order confirmations and password reset messages)


A Solutions Architect created a brand new IAM User with a default setting using AWS CLI. This is intended to be used to send API requests to Amazon S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, and other AWS resources of the company’s cloud infrastructure.

Which of the following must be done to allow the user to make API calls to the AWS resources?

- Do nothing as the IAM User is already capable of sending API calls to your AWS resources.
- Enable Multi-Factor Authentication for the user.
- Assign an IAM Policy to the user to allow it to send API calls.
- Create a set of Access Keys for the user and attach the necessary permissions.

authenticate for making api calls to aws resources

  • Long-term credentials: Access key

TUTORIALS DOJO - Practice Exam - Time-mode Set 7 - Bonus

  • Scored: 34/45 (75%)

    • SAA – Design Cost-Optimized Architectures: 57.14%
    • SAA – Design High-Performing Architectures: 100%
    • SAA – Design Resilient Architectures: 75%
    • SAA – Design Secure Architectures: 70.59%
  • Time: 00:44:37

  • Date: Oct 24, 2023, 10h

SAA - Design Cost-Optimized Architectures


A large corporation has several Windows file servers in various departments within its on-premises data center. To improve its data management and scalability, the corporation has to migrate and integrate its files into an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system while keeping the current file permissions intact.

Which of the following solutions will fulfill the company's requirements? (Select TWO.)

- Set up AWS DataSync agents on the corporation's on-premises file servers and schedule DataSync tasks for transferring data to the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.

- Utilize the AWS CLI to copy the file shares from each on-premises file server to an Amazon S3 bucket. Then, schedule AWS DataSync tasks to move the data from S3 to the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system

- Extract the drives from the individual file servers and transport them to AWS via the AWS Snowmobile service. Import the file server data into Amazon S3 from Snowmobile. Afterward, configure the AWS DataSync tasks to sync the data from S3 to the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.

- Acquire an AWS Snowcone device, then connect with the on-premises network. Use AWS OpsHub to launch the AWS DataSync agent AMI and activate the agent via the AWS Management Console. Schedule DataSync tasks to transfer the data to the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.

- Order an AWS Snowball Edge Storage Optimized device, link it to the on-premises network, and transfer data using the AWS CLI. Return the device to AWS for data import into Amazon S3. Configure AWS DataSync tasks to migrate the data from S3 to the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system

aws datasync: simple, fast, online data transfer

An online data movement and discovery service that simplifies data migration and helps you quickly, easily, and securely transfer your file or object data to, from, and between AWS storage services.

aws opshub: graphical user interface to manage aws snowball devices


A FinTech company has been running its compute workload on the AWS Cloud. In order to quickly release the application, the developers have deployed several Amazon EC2 instances, Auto Scaling groups and AWS Lambda functions for the different components of the application stack. After a few weeks of operation, the users are complaining of slow performance in certain components of the application. The QA engineers suspect that the servers are not able to handle the traffic being sent to the application.

Which of the following actions should be taken to verify and resolve the above issue?

- Enable AWS Compute Optimizer to see recommendations on optimal sizing of compute-related resources. Implement changes based on the recommendations.

- Use AWS Trusted Advisor and select the cost optimization category to identify overutilized and underutilized resources. Resize the compute resources based on the recommendations.

- Use AWS Cost Explorer to gather cost information on all compute-related resources. Increase the size of the instances based on how much budget is allowed by the company.

- Use AWS CloudWatch to view performance metrics of the compute resources. Create a CloudWatch dashboard to identify overutilized or underutilized resources.

aws compute optimizer: identify optimal aws compute resources

  • Analyzes the configuration and utilization metrics of your AWS resources
  • Reports whether your resources are optimal
  • Generates optimization recommendations to reduce the cost and improve the performance of your workloads


A Solutions Architect needs to ensure that all of the AWS resources in Amazon VPC don’t go beyond their respective service limits. The Architect should prepare a system that provides real-time guidance in provisioning resources that adheres to the AWS best practices.

Which of the following is the MOST appropriate service to use to satisfy this task?

- AWS Cost Explorer

- AWS Budgets

- AWS Trusted Advisor

- Amazon Inspector

aws inspector: continual vulnerability management at scale

Alt text

aws trusted advisor: optimize performance and securityimage

Alt text

aws budgets: set custom budgets and receive alerts

Alt text

aws cost explorer: visualize and explore your aws costs and usage

Alt text

SAA - Design High-Performing Architectures

SAA - Design Resilient Architectures


A company faces performance degradation due to intermittent traffic spikes in its application. The application is deployed across multiple EC2 instances within an Auto Scaling group and is fronted by a Network Load Balancer (NLB). The operations team found out that HTTP errors are not being detected by the NLB. As a result, clients are continuously routed to unhealthy targets and are never replaced, which impacts the availability of the application.

Which solution could resolve the issue with the least amount of development overhead?

- Use an Application Load Balancer (ALB) in place of the NLB. Enable HTTP health checks using the application's path.

- Increase the NLB's idle timeout to allow more time for requests to be processed, reducing the occurrence of intermittent HTTP/s errors.

- Configure CloudFront as a content delivery network (CDN) in front of the NLB to reduce the load on the instances and improve performance.

- Configure the NLB to perform HTTP health checks on the critical paths of the application.

nlb: only support tcp, udp, tls, but it can perform http/s health check.


A company plans to design an application that can handle batch processing of large amounts of financial data. The Solutions Architect is tasked to create two Amazon S3 buckets to store the input and output data. The application will transfer the data between multiple EC2 instances over the network to complete the data processing.

Which of the following options would reduce the data transfer costs?

- Deploy the Amazon EC2 instances behind an Application Load Balancer.

- Deploy the Amazon EC2 instances in the same Availability Zone.

- Deploy the Amazon EC2 instances in the same AWS Region.

- Deploy the Amazon EC2 instances in private subnets in different Availability Zones.

data transfer within the same availability zone is free.


An advertising company is currently working on a proof of concept project that automatically provides SEO analytics for its clients. Your company has a VPC in AWS that operates in a dual-stack mode in which IPv4 and IPv6 communication is allowed. You deployed the application to an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances with an Application Load Balancer in front that evenly distributes the incoming traffic. You are ready to go live but you need to point your domain name ( to the Application Load Balancer.

In Route 53, which record types will you use to point the DNS name of the Application Load Balancer? (Select TWO.)

- Non-Alias with a type "A" record set

- Alias with a type "AAAA" record set

- Alias with a type "CNAME" record set

- Alias with a type "A" record set

- Alias with a type of “MX” record set

cname record vs route 53 alias record

  • CNAME record: doesn’t work with zone apex (root domain name)

  • Route 53 alias record:

    • make CNAME record work with zone apex 👉 can create alias CNAME to point to another domain
    • make other record point to domain name
    • can point to AWS resources e.g. An alias A Record point to DNS name of a LB

SAA - Design Secure Architectures


A serverless application has been launched on the DevOps team’s AWS account. Users from the development team’s account must be granted permission to invoke the Lambda function that runs the application. The solution must use the principle of least privilege access.

Which solution will fulfill these criteria?

- On the function’s resource-based policy, add a permission that includes the lambda:InvokeFunction as action and arn:aws:iam::[DEV AWSAccount Number]:root as principal.

- On the function’s resource-based policy, add a permission that includes the lambda:* as action and arn:aws:iam::[DevOps AWS Account Number]:root as principal.

- On the function’s execution role, add a permission that includes the lambda:* as action and arn:aws:iam::[DevOps AWS Account Number]:root as principal.

- On the function’s execution role, add a permission that includes the lambda:InvokeFunction as action and arn:aws:iam::[DEV AWS Account Number]:root as principal.

permission to invoke a lambda function

Use the Lambda function’s resource policy:

  • Principal: the ARN of dev account
  • Action: lambda:InvokeFunction

lambda function's `execution role`

Give the Lambda function permissions to access AWS resources.


A large electronics company is using Amazon Simple Storage Service to store important documents. For reporting purposes, they want to track and log every request access to their S3 buckets including the requester, bucket name, request time, request action, referrer, turnaround time, and error code information. The solution should also provide more visibility into the object-level operations of the bucket.

Which is the best solution among the following options that can satisfy the requirement?

- Enable AWS CloudTrail to audit all Amazon S3 bucket access.

- Enable server access logging for all required Amazon S3 buckets.

- Enable the Requester Pays option to track access via AWS Billing.

- Enable Amazon S3 Event Notifications for PUT and POST.

cloudtrail logs vs s3 server access logs

  • CloudTrail Logs: record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in Amazon S3
  • S3 server access logs: detailed records for the requests that are made to an S3 bucket
    • Fields for Object Size, Total Time, Turn-Around Time, and HTTP Referrer for log records
    • Lifecycle transitions, expirations, restores
    • Invalid Authentication



A company runs its multitier online shopping platform on AWS. Every new sale transaction is published as a message in an open-source RabbitMQ queue that runs on an Amazon EC2 instance. There is a consumer application is hosted on a separate EC2 instance that consumes the incoming messages, which then stores the transaction in a self-hosted PostgreSQL database on another EC2 instance.

All of the EC2 instances used are in the same Availability Zone in the eu-central-1 Region. A solutions architect needs to redesign its cloud architecture to provide the highest availability with the least amount of operational overhead.

What should a solutions architect do to meet the company’s requirements above?

- Migrate the RabbitMQ queue to Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS). Rehost the consumer application to an Amazon OpenSearch Service (Amazon Elasticsearch) cluster. Migrate the PostgreSQL database to an Amazon Aurora Serverless cluster

- Migrate the RabbitMQ queue to Amazon MQ to a cluster broker deployment setup. Launch a Multi-AZ Auto Scaling group for the Amazon EC2 instances that host the consumer application. Migrate the existing database to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL in a Multi-AZ Deployment configuration.

- Migrate the RabbitMQ queue to an Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances. Rehost the consumer application to an Amazon ECS cluster with AWS Fargate. Migrate the PostgreSQL database to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL using the Aurora cloning feature.

- Migrate the RabbitMQ queue to a redundant pair (active/standby) of Amazon MQ brokers in AWS. Launch a Multi-AZ Auto Scaling group for the Amazon EC2 instances that host the consumer application. Migrate the PostgreSQL database to Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL with cross-Region read replicas

amazon mq:

  • A single-instance broker: is comprised of one broker in one Availability Zone behind a Network Load Balancer (NLB) The broker communicates with your application and with an Amazon EBS storage volume.

  • A cluster deployment: is a logical grouping of three RabbitMQ broker nodes behind a Network Load Balancer, each sharing users, queues, and a distributed state across multiple Availability Zones (AZ).


A company has both on-premises data center as well as AWS cloud infrastructure. They store their graphics, audio, videos, and other multimedia assets primarily in their on-premises storage server and use an S3 Standard storage class bucket as a backup. Their data is heavily used for only a week (7 days) but after that period, it will only be infrequently used by their customers. The Solutions Architect is instructed to save storage costs in AWS yet maintain the ability to fetch a subset of their media assets in a matter of minutes for a surprise annual data audit, which will be conducted on their cloud storage.

Which of the following are valid options that the Solutions Architect can implement to meet the above requirement? (Select TWO.)

- Set a lifecycle policy in the bucket to transition the data from Standard storage class to Glacier after one week (7 days).

- Set a lifecycle policy in the bucket to transition the data to S3 - Standard IA storage class after one week (7 days).

- Set a lifecycle policy in the bucket to transition the data to S3 - One Zone-Infrequent Access storage class after one week (7 days).

- Set a lifecycle policy in the bucket to transition the data to S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class after one week (7 days).

- Set a lifecycle policy in the bucket to transition to S3 - Standard IA after 30 days

s3 standard-ia or s3 one zone-ia:

  • Minimum Days for Transition from Standard: 30 days
  • Minimum 30-Day Storage Charge: 30 days


A well-known music streaming service is planning to broaden its platform globally. However, the company must ensure that listeners in certain countries cannot access specific music content until it is officially launched in their respective regions, in accordance with its music licensing agreements and restrictions.

To achieve this, the company will utilize Amazon CloudFront's content delivery network and Origin Access Control (OAC) feature to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the content. Customized error messages must also be configured for users who are not authorized to access particular music tracks.

What solution would be able to fulfill these requirements?

- Configure CloudFront to return a custom error response to the viewer. Use both signed URLs and signed cookies for secure content access.

- Configure CloudFront to return a custom error response to the viewer. Implement a time-restricted IAM access policy for CloudFront distribution.

- Configure CloudFront to return a custom error response to the viewer. Set up a CloudFront Function URL to control access.

- Configure CloudFront to return a custom error response to the viewer and apply geographic restrictions using an Allow list.

cloudfront supports `geo blocking` (`geographic restrictions`)

Correct answers


amazon managed service for prometheus: highly available, secure, and managed monitoring for your containers

Collects metrics

amazon managed grafana: visualize and analyze your operational data at scale

Visualize metrics to dashboard

amazon quantum ledger database (qldb): fully managed ledger database

Provides a transparent, immutable, and cryptographically verifiable transaction log owned by a central trusted authority.

👉 Track all application data changes, and maintain a complete and verifiable history of changes over time.

TUTORIALS DOJO - Practice Exam - Time-mode Set 8 - Final Test

  • Scored: 60/65 (92%)

    • SAA - Design Cost-Optimized Architectures: 85.71%
    • SAA - Design High-Performing Architectures: 94.12%
    • SAA - Design Resilient Architectures: 95.24%
    • SAA - Design Secure Architectures: 90%
  • Time: 00:46:52

  • Date: 2023/10/25, 0h

SAA - Design Cost-Optimized Architectures


A company is building an internal application that serves as a repository for images uploaded by a couple of users. Whenever a user uploads an image, it would be sent to Kinesis Data Streams for processing before it is stored in an S3 bucket. If the upload was successful, the application will return a prompt informing the user that the operation was successful. The entire processing typically takes about 5 minutes to finish.

Which of the following options will allow you to asynchronously process the request to the application from upload request to Kinesis, S3, and return a reply in the most cost-effective manner?

- Use a combination of Lambda and Step Functions to orchestrate service components and asynchronously process the requests.

- Use a combination of SQS to queue the requests and then asynchronously process them using On-Demand EC2 Instances.

- Replace the Kinesis Data Streams with an Amazon SQS queue. Create a Lambda function that will asynchronously process the requests.

- Use a combination of SNS to buffer the requests and then asynchronously process them using On-Demand EC2 Instances.

asynchronous process, cost-effective

SQS + Lambda

SAA - Design High-Performing Architectures


A company has an on-premises MySQL database that needs to be replicated in Amazon S3 as CSV files. The database will eventually be launched to an Amazon Aurora Serverless cluster and be integrated with an RDS Proxy to allow the web applications to pool and share database connections. Once data has been fully copied, the ongoing changes to the on-premises database should be continually streamed into the S3 bucket. The company wants a solution that can be implemented with little management overhead yet still highly secure.

Which ingestion pattern should a solutions architect take?

- Set up a full load replication task using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). Launch an AWS DMS endpoint with SSL using the AWS Network Firewall service.

- Create a full load and change data capture (CDC) replication task using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). Add a new Certificate Authority (CA) certificate and create an AWS DMS endpoint with SSL.

- Use an AWS Snowball Edge cluster to migrate data to Amazon S3 and AWS DataSync to capture ongoing changes. Create your own custom AWS KMS envelope encryption key for the associated AWS Snowball Edge job.

- Use AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) to convert MySQL data to CSV files. Set up the AWS Server Migration Service (AWS MGN) to capture ongoing changes from the on-premises MySQL database and send them to Amazon S3.

replicate database on s3 as csv, stream on-going changes, min management overhead

AWS Database Migration Service + Change Data Capture (CDC)

SAA - Design Resilient Architectures


An e-commerce company is receiving a large volume of sales data files in .csv format from its external partners on a daily basis. These data files are then stored in an Amazon S3 Bucket for processing and reporting purposes.

The company wants to create an automated solution to convert these .csv files into Apache Parquet format and store the output of the processed files in a new S3 bucket called “tutorialsdojo-data-transformed”. This new solution is meant to enhance the company’s data processing and analytics workloads while keeping its operating costs low.

Which of the following options must be implemented to meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

- Integrate Amazon EMR File System (EMRFS) with the source S3 bucket to automatically discover the new data files. Use an Amazon EMR Serverless with Apache Spark to convert the .csv files to the Apache Parquet format and then store the output in the "tutorialsdojo-data-transformed" bucket.

- Utilize an AWS Batch job definition with Bash syntax to convert the .csv files to the Apache Parquet format. Configure the job definition to run automatically whenever a new .csv file is uploaded to the source bucket.

- Use Amazon S3 event notifications to trigger an AWS Lambda function that converts .csv files to Apache Parquet format using Apache Spark on an Amazon EMR cluster. Save the processed files to the “tutorialsdojo-data-transformed" bucket.

- Use AWS Glue crawler to automatically discover the raw data file in S3 as well as check its corresponding schema. Create a scheduled ETL job in AWS Glue that will convert .csv files to Apache Parquet format and store the output of the processed files in the “tutorialsdojo-data-transformed" bucket.

csv store in s3, automated convert to parquet -> store in a s3 bucket; min operation cost

  • Working Solutions:
    • AWS Batch + bash script
    • Amazon EMR

amazon emr: hosted hadoop framework

  • Amazon EMR Serverless

SAA - Design Secure Architectures


A government agency plans to store confidential tax documents on AWS. Due to the sensitive information in the files, the Solutions Architect must restrict the data access requests made to the storage solution to a specific Amazon VPC only. The solution should also prevent the files from being deleted or overwritten to meet the regulatory requirement of having a write-once-read-many (WORM) storage model.

Which combination of the following options should the Architect implement? (Select TWO.)

- Set up a new Amazon S3 bucket to store the tax documents and integrate it with AWS Network Firewall. Configure the Network Firewall to only accept data access requests from a specific Amazon VPC.

- Configure an Amazon S3 Access Point for the S3 bucket to restrict data access to a particular Amazon VPC only.

- Create a new Amazon S3 bucket with the S3 Object Lock feature enabled. Store the documents in the bucket and set the Legal Hold option for object retention.

- Store the tax documents in the Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval storage class to restrict fast data retrieval to a particular Amazon VPC of your choice.

- Enable Object Lock but disable Object Versioning on the new Amazon S3 bucket to comply with the write-once-read-many (WORM) storage model requirement.

s3 - worm

👉 S3 - Object Lock + Legal Hold

s3 - restrict access to a vpc

👉 S3 Access Point


A social media company needs to capture the detailed information of all HTTP requests that went through their public-facing Application Load Balancer every five minutes. The client's IP address and network latencies must also be tracked. They want to use this data for analyzing traffic patterns and for troubleshooting their Docker applications orchestrated by the Amazon ECS Anywhere service.

Which of the following options meets the customer requirements with the LEAST amount of overhead?

- Enable AWS CloudTrail for their Application Load Balancer. Use the AWS CloudTrail Lake to analyze and troubleshoot the application traffic.
- Enable access logs on the Application Load Balancer. Integrate the Amazon ECS cluster with Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights to analyze traffic patterns and simplify troubleshooting.
- Install and run the AWS X-Ray daemon on the Amazon ECS cluster. Use the Amazon CloudWatch ServiceLens to analyze the traffic that goes through the application.
- Integrate Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) metrics on the Application Load Balancer to capture the client IP address. Use Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights to analyze traffic patterns.

elb - access logs

Capture detailed information about requests sent to your load balancer

  • Disabled by default


aws services with access logs:

  • S3
  • ELB
  • CloudFront: or standard logs
  • API Gateway



Amazon Athena: Query data in Amazon S3 using SQL

athena vs redshift spectrum

SQL query data in S3

  • Athena: Serverless, simple query
  • Redshift Spectrum: Provision resources, complex query

Amazon EMR: Hosted Hadoop framework

csv store in s3, automated convert to parquet -> store in a s3 bucket; min operation cost

  • Working Solutions:
    • AWS Batch + bash script
    • Amazon EMR

amazon emr: hosted hadoop framework

  • Amazon EMR Serverless

AWS Glue: Simple, scalable, and serverless data integration

aws glue

  • Serverless ETL
  • Glue Job can be triggered manually or via events using EventBridge

aws glue - job bookmarking

  • maintain state information and prevent the reprocessing of old data.

Amazon Kinesis: Analyze real-time video and data streams

- kinesis video streams: capture, process, and store video streams for analytics and machine learning.

  • Kinesis Data Streams: Build custom applications that analyze data streams using popular stream-processing frameworks.
  • Kinesis Data Firehose: Load data streams into AWS data stores.

kinesis data streams vs sqs

  • Kinesis Data Streams: Provide real-time analyzing, but required provisioning shards
  • SQS: Use with Lambda (and its Event Sourcing) provides a cost-efficient solution

asynchronous process, cost-effective (alternative to kinesis data streams)

SQS + Lambda

AWS Lake Formation: Build a secure data lake in days

Amazon QuickSight: Fast business analytics service

Amazon Redshift: Fast, simple, cost-effective data warehouse service

amazon redshift backup:

  • Manually Snapshots
  • Automatically increment backup:
    • Every 8 hours or 5 GB of data
    • 1-day retention (default, configurable up to 35 days)

Backup to S3 bucket, configurable to copy snapshots to another region for DR.

latency: redshift vs dynamodb

  • Redshift: sub-second (s)
  • DynamoDB: millisecond (ms)

redshift spectrum vs athena

SQL query data in S3

  • Redshift Spectrum: Provision resources, complex query
  • Athena: Serverless, simple query

Application Integration

Amazon EventBridge: Serverless event bus for SaaS apps and AWS services

Amazon MQ: Managed message broker service

amazon mq:

  • A single-instance broker: is comprised of one broker in one Availability Zone behind a Network Load Balancer (NLB) The broker communicates with your application and with an Amazon EBS storage volume.
  • A cluster deployment: is a logical grouping of three RabbitMQ broker nodes behind a Network Load Balancer, each sharing users, queues, and a distributed state across multiple Availability Zones (AZ).

Amazon SNS: Pub/sub, SMS, email, and mobile push notifications

Amazon SQS: Managed message queues

AWS Step Functions: Coordination for distributed applications

Amazon SWF: Build applications that coordinate work across distributed components

ensure a queue's messages are not process twice:

  • SQS FIFO Queue
  • Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF)

Business Applications

Amazon SES: High-scale inbound and outbound email

Amazon Pinpoint: Multichannel marketing communications |

Engage your customers by sending them email, SMS and voice messages, and push notifications.

  • send targeted messages (such as promotions and retention campaigns)
  • send transactional messages (such as order confirmations and password reset messages)

Cloud Financial Management

AWS Billing and Cost Management: Find features that help you pay your bills and optimize your costs

aws budgets: set custom budgets and receive alerts

Alt text

aws cost explorer: visualize and explore your aws costs and usage

Alt text


AWS Batch: Run batch jobs at any scale

csv store in s3, automated convert to parquet -> store in a s3 bucket; min operation cost

  • Working Solutions:
    • AWS Batch + bash script
    • Amazon EMR

amazon emr: hosted hadoop framework

  • Amazon EMR Serverless

Amazon EC2: Create and run virtual servers in the cloud

ec2 - hibernation

  • Quickly pausing and resuming the instances, by saving the memory footprint to disk.
  • Can only be enable at launch
  • Pay as stopped instances:
    • No hourly charging
    • EBS volume.
    • Elastic IP Address.

ec2 states:

  • pending
  • running 💸
    • rebooting
    • stopping - stopped (EBS-backed instances)
      • hibernate 💸
  • shutting-down
  • terminated (Terminated Reserver Instances are still billed 💸)

ec2 - reserved instance

Reserved Instance Marketplace: Resell unused Standard Reserved Instances

ec2 - stop instance vs terminate instance

  • Stopped: still be billed
  • Terminated: not billed

ec2 - instance store:

  • Its data will be lost if the EC2 instance is stopped / terminated.

ec2 - elastic ip address and ebs storage won't be effect after an instance is stopped.

security group referencing

When you specify a security group as the source or destination for a rule (of a security group), the rule affects all instances that are associated with the security groups.

eni - ena - efa

  • Elastic Network Interface (ENI): logical networking component in a VPC that represents a virtual network card

  • Elastic Network Adapter (ENA): High Performance Network Interface for Amazon EC2

    • Enhanced networking: up to 100 Gbps
    • provide traditional IP networking features
  • Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA): network device to accelerate High Performance Computing (HPC) applications

    • support OS-bypass capabilities: allow HPC communicate directly with the EFA device.

fault tolerance: ability of a system to remain in operation even if some of the components used to build the system fail

cloudwatch alarm can stop, terminate, reboot, recover an ec2 instance

monitor ec2:

  • CloudWatch default metric

    • CPU utilization from hypervisor
    • Disk
    • Network
  • CloudWatch Agent:

    • Memory
    • Sub-resource metrics such as per-CPU core

notify for ec2 instance:

  • All EC2 instances:

    • Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to check for AWS Personal Health Dashboard events that are related to Amazon EC2 instances.
    • To send notifications, set an Amazon SNS topic as a target for the rule.
  • A specific EC2 instance:

    Use CloudWatch Alarm and EC2 Action to interact with EC2 instance.

best practice to control access to ec2 instances:

  • Tag the EC2 instances, to categorize by purpose, owner, or environment…
  • Control access using resource tags and IAM policy.

ec2 - capacity reservations vs reserved instances

  • (On-demand) Capacity Reservations:

    • Reserve compute capacity for your Amazon EC2 instances in a specific Availability Zone for any duration
    • Full price
  • Reserve Instances:

    • Regional Reserve Instances: Save money
    • Zone Reserve Instances: Save money

ec2 - placement group - error adding instance 'insufficient capacity error'

  • Amazon does not currently have enough available On-Demand capacity on the existing host to fulfill your request.

Workaround: Stop all instances, then start -> Maybe a new host have enough capacity

ec2 auto scaling group's [termination policy](

  • Maximum availability: Kill instance in the AZs with the most instances (and oldest Launch Configuration)
  • Keep most updated instance: Kill instance with oldest LC
  • Maximum instance usage: Kill the instance closest to billing hour.
  • Finally: random.

auto scaling group (asg) policies:

  • Manually
  • Scheduled
  • Dynamic
    • Simple
    • Stepped
    • Target Tracking
  • Predictive

[data transfer]

  • Data transferred between EC2 & RDS, Redshift, ElastiCache instances, and ENI in the same AZ is free.
  • Data transferred directly between EC2 & S3, EBS direct APIs, Glacier, DynamoDB, SES, SQS, Kinesis, ECR, SNS or SimpleDB in the same AWS Region is free.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk: Run and manage web apps

Reduces the operational overhead by taking care of provisioning the needed resources for your application.

elastic beanstalk: run and manage web apps

  • Reduces the operational overhead by taking care of provisioning the needed resources for your application

  • Elastic Beanstalk supports:

    • applications developed in Go, Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby
    • custom environment with Docker
  • When you deploy your application, Elastic Beanstalk

    • builds the selected supported platform version
    • provisions one or more AWS resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances, to run your application.

elastic beanstalk vs ecs

  • Elastic Beanstalk:

    Automatically handles the details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, scaling, and application health monitoring.

    => Quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS Cloud without having to learn about the infrastructure that runs those applications

  • ECS:

    Need to manually config Service Auto Scaling, Service Load Balancing, and Monitoring with CloudWatch

AWS Lambda: Run code without thinking about servers

allow an lambda permission to use kms:

  • Attach the kms:decrypt permission to the Lambda function’s execution role
  • Add a statement to the AWS KMS key policy that grants the function’s execution role the kms:decrypt permission.

permission to invoke a lambda function

Use the Lambda function’s resource policy:

  • Principal: the ARN of dev account
  • Action: lambda:InvokeFunction

lambda function's `execution role`

Give the Lambda function permissions to access AWS resources.

AWS Wavelength: Deliver ultra-low latency applications for 5G devices

  • Application traffic can reach application servers running in Wavelength Zones without leaving the mobile providers’ network


Amazon ECR: Easily store, manage, and deploy container images

Amazon ECS: Highly secure, reliable, and scalable way to run containers

elastic beanstalk vs ecs

  • Elastic Beanstalk:

    Automatically handles the details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, scaling, and application health monitoring.

    => Quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS Cloud without having to learn about the infrastructure that runs those applications

  • ECS:

    Need to manually config Service Auto Scaling, Service Load Balancing, and Monitoring with CloudWatch

ecs auto scaling - metric:

  • ECS Instances (~ K8s Node):

    • CPU Utilization
    • Disk
      • Disk Reads
      • Disk Read Operations
      • Disk Writes
      • Disk Write Operations
    • Network
      • Network In
      • Network Out
    • Status Check Failed
      • Status Check Failed (Any)
      • Status Check Failed (Instance)
      • Status Check Failed (System)
  • ECS Service (~ K8s Pod):

    • ECSServiceAverageCPUUtilization
    • ECSServiceAverageMemoryUtilization
    • ALBRequestCountPerTarget

Amazon EKS: Run Kubernetes on AWS without operating your own Kubernetes clusters

iam and k8s:

  • Enable with AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes, which runs on the Amazon EKS control plane.
  • The authenticator gets its configuration information from the aws-auth ConfigMap (AWS authenticator configuration map).

Cryptography & PKI

AWS Certificate Manager (ACM): Provision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates

which services support storing ssl certificate?

  • AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
  • IAM SSL certificate storage (Used for region that not support ACM)

when using regional api gateway, the certificate for the domain name needs to be in the same region.

monitor expiration of certificates

  • Option 1: Use the ACM built-in Certificate Expiration event
    • ACM sends daily expiration events for all active certificates (public, private and imported) starting 45 days prior to expiration.
    • AWS Health events are generated for ACM certificates that are eligible for renewal.
  • Option 2: Use the DaysToExpiry metric

AWS CloudHSM: Hardware-based key storage for regulatory compliance

AWS KMS: Managed creation and control of encryption keys

k8s has its own mechanism for storing secret, which are default store as plain text in etcd key-value store.

We can apply envelope encryption to encrypt these secrets with AWS KMS before stored them in etcd store.


kms - [custom key store](

-> We own and manage

allow an lambda permission to use kms:

  • Attach the kms:decrypt permission to the Lambda function’s execution role
  • Add a statement to the AWS KMS key policy that grants the function’s execution role the kms:decrypt permission.

s3 object encryption:

  • Server-Side Encryption (SSE):

    • SSE-S3 (Amazon S3 managed keys)
    • SSE-C (Customer-provided keys)
  • Client-Side Encryption (CSE):

    • CSE-Client Master key
EncryptionFullnameWho Manages Key?Who Manages Encryption Process?Notes
SSE-S3SSE with Amazon S3 managed keysS3S3Default
SSE-KMSSSE with AWS KMS keysAWS managed keyS3Support audit keys usage…
Customer managed key (CMK) - Renamed to KMS Key
SSE-CSSE with Customer-Provided KeyCustomerS3Use your own encryption key


Amazon Aurora: High performance managed relational database engine

aurora auto scaling vs aurora serverless

  • Aurora Auto Scaling: Dynamically adjusts the number of Aurora Replicas (reader DB instances) provisioned for an Aurora DB cluster.
  • Aurora Serverless: On-demand, autoscaling the capacity of Aurora DB cluster resource

aurora serverless

  • The DB instance cannot be changed from Provisioned to Serverless after created.
  • After the DB instanced is created, need to use AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) to migrate data from the existing DB cluster to a new Aurora Serverless database.

aurora custom endpoint: provides load-balanced database connections based on criteria other than the read-only or read-write capability of the db instances

aurora - reader endpoint:

  • A reader endpoint for an Aurora DB cluster provides load-balancing support for read-only connections to the DB cluster

aurora failover: automatically handled by amazon aurora

  1. If you have an Amazon Aurora Replica

    Amazon Aurora flips the canonical name record (CNAME) for your DB Instance to point at the healthy replica

  2. If you are running Aurora Serverless and the DB instance or AZ becomes unavailable

    Aurora will automatically recreate the DB instance in a different AZ.

  3. Otherwise:

    Aurora will attempt to create a new DB Instance in the same Availability Zone as the original instance.

    The replacement is done on a best-effort basis and may not succeed

aurora - clone:

  • Creating a Aurora clone is faster and more space-efficient than physically copying the data using other techniques, such as restoring from a snapshot like you would in Amazon RDS
  • Aurora uses a copy-on-write protocol to create a clone.

aurora - storage:

  • Aurora data is stored in the cluster volume, which is a single, virtual volume that uses solid state drives (SSDs)
    • A cluster volume consists of copies of the data across three Availability Zones in a single AWS Region.
      • The data is automatically replicated across Availability Zones,

Amazon DynamoDB: Managed NoSQL database

latency: redshift vs dynamodb

  • Redshift: sub-second (s)
  • DynamoDB: millisecond (ms)

Amazon ElastiCache: In-memory caching service

elasticache - redis vs memcached

  • Redis: Advance structure, replicas
  • Memcached: Multi-threads, multi-nodes.

Amazon Quantum Ledger Database - QLDB: Fully managed ledger database

Provides a transparent, immutable, and cryptographically verifiable transaction log owned by a central trusted authority.

👉 Track all application data changes, and maintain a complete and verifiable history of changes over time.

Amazon RDS: Set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud

rds enhanced monitoring

  • CloudWatch gathers metrics about CPU utilization from the hypervisor for a DB instance
  • Enhanced Monitoring gathers its metrics from an agent on the instance ~ EC2 CloudWatch Agent

monitor rds:

  • Default metric

    • CPU utilization from hypervisor
    • Database connections
    • Free memory
  • Enhanced Monitoring:

    • OS processes
    • RDS processes

rds - [iam db authentication](

To connect to DB instance, we’ll use an authentication token (generated using the IAM role’s credential).

rds - “too many connections”

RDS Proxy: allow your applications to pool and share database connections to improve their ability to scale.

rds multi-az failover:

  • Loss of availability in primary Availability Zone

  • Primary DB instance:

    • Loss of network connectivity to primary
    • Compute unit failure on primary
    • Storage failure on primary
  • DB instance scaling or system upgrades:

    Applied first on the standby prior then automatic failover

use secure sockets layer (ssl) to encrypt connections between your client applications and your amazon rds db instances running microsoft sql server.

  • Download the Amazon RDS Root CA certificate. Import the certificate to your servers and configure your application to use SSL to encrypt the connection to RDS.
  • Force all connections to your DB instance to use SSL by setting the rds.force_ssl parameter to true. Once done, reboot your DB instance.

Front-End Web & Mobile

AWS AppSync: Accelerate app development with fully-managed, scalable GraphQL APIs

aws appsync pipeline resolver: orchestrating requests to multiple data sources.

Simplify client-side application complexity and help enforce server-side business logic controls by

Machine Learning

Amazon Comprehend: Discover insights and relationships in text

Amazon Comprehend Medical: Detect and return useful information in unstructured clinical text

AWS Deep Learning AMI: Deep learning on Amazon EC2

Amazon Forecast: Increase forecast accuracy using machine learning

Amazon Fraud Detector: Detect more online fraud faster

Amazon Kendra: Reinvent enterprise search with ML

Amazon Lex: Build voice and text chatbots

Amazon Polly: Turn text into life-like speech

Amazon Rekognition: Analyze image and video

Amazon SageMaker: Build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale

Amazon Textract: Extract text and data from documents

Amazon Transcribe: Automatic speech recognition

Amazon Translate: Natural and fluent language translation

Management & Governance

Auto Scaling: Scale multiple resources to meet demand

AWS CloudFormation: Create and manage resources with templates

cloudformation: creationpolicy & cfn-signal

  • CreationPolicy: Wait on resource configuration actions before stack creation proceeds.
  • cfn-signal: Signals CloudFormation to indicate whether Amazon EC2 instances have been successfully created/updated

AWS CloudTrail: Track and monitor activities by users, roles, or AWS services

cloudtrail - encryption

By default, CloudTrail event log files are encrypted using Amazon S3 server-side encryption (SSE)

cloudtrail logs vs s3 server access logs

  • CloudTrail Logs: record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in Amazon S3
  • S3 server access logs: detailed records for the requests that are made to an S3 bucket
    • Fields for Object Size, Total Time, Turn-Around Time, and HTTP Referrer for log records
    • Lifecycle transitions, expirations, restores
    • Invalid Authentication

Amazon CloudWatch: Monitor resources and applications

cloudwatch alarm can stop, terminate, reboot, recover an ec2 instance

monitor ec2:

  • CloudWatch default metric

    • CPU utilization from hypervisor
    • Disk
    • Network
  • CloudWatch Agent:

    • Memory
    • Sub-resource metrics such as per-CPU core

monitor rds:

  • Default metric

    • CPU utilization from hypervisor
    • Database connections
    • Free memory
  • Enhanced Monitoring:

    • OS processes
    • RDS processes

monitor expiration of certificates

  • Option 1: Use the ACM built-in Certificate Expiration event
    • ACM sends daily expiration events for all active certificates (public, private and imported) starting 45 days prior to expiration.
    • AWS Health events are generated for ACM certificates that are eligible for renewal.
  • Option 2: Use the DaysToExpiry metric

AWS CLI: Command line interface tool to manage AWS services

AWS Compute Optimizer: Identify optimal AWS compute resources |

- analyzes the configuration and utilization metrics of your aws resources

  • Reports whether your resources are optimal
  • Generates optimization recommendations to reduce the cost and improve the performance of your workloads

AWS Config: Track and evaluate configuration changes

AWS Control Tower: Set up and govern a secure, compliant multi-account environment

Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager: Automate management of Amazon EBS snapshots and Amazon EBS-backed AMIs

AWS Health: Find information about events that can affect your AWS resources

AWS License Manager: Track and manage software licenses across multiple AWS Regions

Amazon Managed Grafana: Visualize and analyze your operational data at scale

Visualize metrics to dashboard

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus: Highly available, secure, and managed monitoring for your containers

Collects metrics

AWS Management Console: Web-based user interface comprising multiple AWS service consoles

AWS Organizations: Central governance and management across AWS accounts

service control policy (scp): a feature of aws organizations

  • A type of organization policy that you can use to manage permissions in your organization.

AWS Proton: Automate management for container and serverless deployments

AWS Systems Manager: Gain operational insights and take action

aws systems manager's fleet manager: ui for managing nodes/ec2 instance.

Tag Editor: Add, edit, or delete tags on multiple AWS resources

AWS Trusted Advisor: Optimize performance and security

Alt text

Inspects your AWS environment and recommends ways to save money, close security gaps, and improve system availability and performance.

**aws trusted advisor** _service limits_:

  • Monitor the service quotas in all Regions.
  • Alerts you if your account reaches more than 80% of a service quota in any Region.

AWS Well-Architected Tool: Review and improve your workloads


cloudwatch - cloudwatch logs - cloudtrail - cloudwatch events - eventbridge?

  • CloudWatch: Monitor resources and applications

    Monitor your AWS resources and the applications you run on AWS in real time.

    • CloudWatch Logs: Monitor, store, and access your log files from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances, AWS CloudTrail, or other sources.
    • CloudWatch Logs Insights: query logs with SQL-like syntax
    • CLoudWatch Events: Is now Amazon EventBridge


- cloudtrail: track and monitor activities by users, roles, or aws services

Migration & Transfer

AWS Application Discovery Service: Discover on-premises applications to streamline migration

AWS Application Migration Service: Automate application migration and modernization

AWS Database Migration Service: Migrate databases with minimal downtime

Migrate on-premises databases to the AWS Cloud.

replicate database on s3 as csv, stream on-going changes, min management overhead

AWS Database Migration Service + Change Data Capture (CDC)

AWS DataSync: Simple, fast, online data transfer

An online data movement and discovery service that simplifies data migration and helps you quickly, easily, and securely transfer your file or object data to, from, and between AWS storage services.

AWS Schema Conversion Tool: Convert source schema and most code to target-compatible format

Networking & Content Delivery

Amazon API Gateway: Build, deploy, and manage APIs

api gateway works at any scale, just pay money.

Throttle API requests for our budget (and for better throughtput)


when using regional api gateway, the certificate for the domain name needs to be in the same region.

Amazon CloudFront: Global content delivery network

cloudfront supports `geo blocking` (`geographic restrictions`)

lambda@edge: run lambda functions to customize the content that cloudfront delivers

cloudfront - origin _failover_

Needs an origin groups with 2 origin:

  • a primary origin
  • a secondary origin

cloudfront cannot host data, only cache data.

AWS Direct Connect: Dedicated network connection to AWS

from your on-premises network

Elastic Load Balancing: Distribute incoming traffic across multiple targets

elastic load balancer protocol:

  • Application Load Balancer: HTTP/s and gRPC
  • Network Load Balancer: TCP, UDP, TLS
  • Gateway Load Balancer: IP

application load balancer: supports weighted target groups

nlb: only support tcp, udp, tls, but it can perform http/s health check.

elb - access logs

Capture detailed information about requests sent to your load balancer

  • Disabled by default


aws services with access logs:

  • S3
  • ELB
  • CloudFront: or standard logs
  • API Gateway

AWS Global Accelerator: Improve global application availability and performance

Improve application availability, performance, and security using the AWS global network

What is it?

A service in which you create accelerators to improve the performance of your applications for local and global users

How it works?

Alt text

Why use it?

  • Take advantage of AWS Global Infrastructure to onboard your user traffic at one of the Global Accelerator edge locations.
  • Users can access your application endpoints through static IP addresses to enjoy deterministic routing independent of DNS.

Use cases

  • Global traffic manager Use traffic dials to route traffic to the nearest Region or achieve fast failover across Regions.

  • API acceleration Accelerate API workloads by up to 60%, leveraging TCP termination at the edge.

  • Global static IP Simplify allowlisting in enterprise firewalling and IoT use cases.

  • Low-latency gaming and media workloads Use custom routing to deterministically route traffic to a fleet of EC2 instances.

global accelerator & elb

global accelerator vs cloudfront


Amazon Route 53: Highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service

route 53: geoproximity routing vs geolocation routing vs latency-based routing

  • Geolocation Routing: Location of user
  • GeoProximity Routing: Location of user AND AWS resources (with bias)
  • Latency-based Routing

cname record vs route 53 alias record

  • CNAME record: doesn’t work with zone apex (root domain name)
  • Route 53 alias record:
    • make CNAME record work with zone apex 👉 can create alias CNAME to point to another domain
    • make other record point to domain name
    • can point to AWS resources e.g. An alias A Record point to DNS name of a LB

Amazon VPC: Isolated cloud resources

data transfer

  • S3: within the same Region is free.
  • Others (EC2) within the same Availability Zone is free.

vpc peering: only works for vpcs, doesn't work with on-premise networks

vpc peering - setup

  • Create, invite, accept VPC Peering Connection
  • Update each VPC’s Route Table to point to IP range of other VPC.

vpc: ipv4 vs ipv6

  • IPv4 is the default IP addressing system for VPC => Cannot be disabled
  • IPv6: optional

vpc supports cidr blocks from /16 to /28

cidr `/0`: the entire network -> is not used in sg and nacl.

CIDR /32: One IP address.

vpc endpoints for s3: provide _private_ access to aws public services (s3)

  • Gateway endpoint:

    • via Route Table’s Prefix List, without IGW, NATGW, PrivateLink
    • Free
  • Interface endpoint:

    • via DNS using Private IP Address 👉 more features

      • access from on-premises
      • access from VPC in another AWS Region (using VPC Peering, Transit Gateway)
    • Billed 💸

vpc - nacl:

  • The client that initiates the request chooses the ephemeral port range.
  • In practice, to cover the different types of clients that might initiate traffic to public-facing instances in your VPC, you can open ephemeral ports 1024-65535.

To turn on the connection to a service running on an instance, the associated network ACL must allow the following:

  • Inbound traffic on the port that the service is listening on
  • Outbound traffic to ephemeral ports

eni - ena - efa

  • Elastic Network Interface (ENI): logical networking component in a VPC that represents a virtual network card

  • Elastic Network Adapter (ENA): High Performance Network Interface for Amazon EC2

    • Enhanced networking: up to 100 Gbps
    • provide traditional IP networking features
  • Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA): network device to accelerate High Performance Computing (HPC) applications

    • support OS-bypass capabilities: allow HPC communicate directly with the EFA device.

security group referencing

When you specify a security group as the source or destination for a rule (of a security group), the rule affects all instances that are associated with the security groups.

default nacl allows all inbound and outbound traffic

s3 - restrict access to a vpc

👉 S3 Access Point

AWS VPN: Securely access your network resources

By establishing a secure and private tunnel from your network or device to the AWS Cloud.)

- aws site-to-site vpn: aws managed vpn services

  • AWS Client VPN: client-based managed VPN service

aws site-to-site vpn throughput limit: 1.25 gbps

  • Scale VPN with Transit Gateway - Equal Cost Multipath Routing (ECMP).

    Establish multiple VPN tunnels to an ECMP-enabled transit gateway

Security, Identity, & Compliance

AWS Artifact: On-demand access to AWS compliance reports


Amazon Cognito: Identity management for your apps

  • Customer already has Active Directory Service -> No need to use Amazon Cognito -> use AWS IAM Identity Center with the Active Director Connector

AWS Directory Service: Set up and run Microsoft Active Directory with AWS services

AWS Firewall Manager: Deploy network security across your VPCs with just a few clicks

Simplifies your AWS WAF administration and maintenance tasks across multiple accounts and resources

Amazon GuardDuty: Managed threat detection service

Identify unexpected and potentially unauthorized or malicious activity in your AWS environment.

block sql injection

  • AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF): can block SQL injection.
  • GuardDuty: only detect SQL injection, not block.

AWS Identity and Access Management - IAM: Securely manage access to services and resources

authenticate for making api calls to aws resources

  • Long-term credentials: Access key

[identity federation (with saml)]( pass information about a user between

  • a SAML authority (called an identity provider or IdP)
  • a SAML consumer (called a service provider or SP)

iam identity provider (idp): manage user identities outside of aws and give these external user identities permissions to use aws resources in your account.

  • Setup Identity Provider and Identity Federation.
  • Setup an AWS Security Token Service to generate temporary tokens (STS supports SAML)
  • Configure an IAM role and an IAM Policy to access the bucket.

iam group

  • Cannot attach an IAM Role to an IAM Group.

which services support storing ssl certificate?

  • AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
  • IAM SSL certificate storage (Used for region that not support ACM)

iam and eks:

  • Enable with AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes, which runs on the Amazon EKS control plane.
  • The authenticator gets its configuration information from the aws-auth ConfigMap (AWS authenticator configuration map).

iam cross-account access: delegate access across aws accounts

e.g. 2 accounts for resources:

  • Production account: For production resources
  • Development account: For developments resources

IAM user groups: Developers can

  • Always access resources in Development
  • From time to time, access resources in Production account.

AWS IAM Identity Center: Manage single sign-on access to AWS accounts and apps

Amazon Inspector: Automated and continual vulnerability management at scale

EC2, ECR, Lambda

Alt text

Amazon Macie: Discover and protect your sensitive data at scale


AWS Network Firewall: Deploy network security across your Amazon VPCs with just a few clicks

A stateful, managed, network firewall and intrusion detection and prevention service for your virtual private cloud (VPC).

Traffic from VPC need to be routed to Network Firewall through the firewall endpoints.

AWS Resource Access Manager: Simple, secure service to share AWS resources

AWS Secrets Manager: Rotate, manage, and retrieve secrets

AWS Security Hub: Unified security and compliance center |

Dashboard / Overview

AWS Shield: DDoS protection

AWS WAF: Filter malicious web traffic

XSS, SQL-injection

[aws waf, aws shield, and aws firewall manager]( used together to create a comprehensive security solution

  • AWS WAF: Protect your web applications from common exploits

    • Monitor web requests that your end users send to your applications and to control access to your content.
    • Used for API Gateway, Load Balancer, Cloudfront.
    • Block SQL injection, XSS (cross-site scripting)
    • Can minimize the effects of a DDOS attack
  • AWS Shield: Managed DDoS protection

    • Provides protection against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks for AWS resources, at the network and transport layers (layer 3 and 4) and the application layer (layer 7)
    • Can use for more services: EC2, Route53
    • Shield Standard: Free, L3-L4
    • Shield Advanced: Cost money, L7
  • AWS Firewall Manager: Centrally configure and manage firewall rules across your accounts

    Provides management of protections like AWS WAF and Shield Advanced across accounts and resources, even as new resources are added.


Amazon API Gateway: Build, deploy, and manage APIs

AWS AppSync: Accelerate app development with fully-managed, scalable GraphQL APIs

Amazon DynamoDB: Managed NoSQL database

Amazon EventBridge: Serverless event bus for SaaS apps and AWS services

AWS Fargate: Serverless compute for containers

aws fargate: serverless compute for containers

By default, Fargate tasks are given a minimum of 20 GiB of free ephemeral storage

AWS Lambda: Run code without thinking about servers

Amazon S3: Object storage built to retrieve any amount of data from anywhere

Amazon SNS: Pub/sub, SMS, email, and mobile push notifications

AWS Step Functions: Coordinate components for distributed applications

Amazon SQS: Managed message queues

ensure a queue's messages are not process twice:

  • SQS FIFO Queue
  • Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF)

asynchronous process, cost-effective

SQS + Lambda


AWS Backup: Centralized backup across AWS services

Amazon EBS: Amazon EC2 block storage volumes

ebs is not suitable for archiving datasets -> s3 is better option

ebs - backup: use amazon data lifecycle manager (amazon dlm)

raid 0:

  • I/O is distributed across the volumes in a stripe
  • higher level of performance for a file system than you can provision on a single Amazon EBS volume

RAID 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: NOT recommended for EBS

ebs encryption

  • Data at rest inside the volume 👈 Encryption at rest
  • All data moving between the volume and the instance 👈 Encryption in-transit
  • All snapshots created from the volume
  • All volumes created from those snapshots

Amazon EFS: Fully managed file system for Amazon EC2

efs vs storage gateway

  • EFS: files are stored on AWS -> high-latency
  • Storage Gateway - File: low-latency

Amazon FSx: Launch, run, and scale feature-rich and high-performing file systems


  • FSx for Lustre: Linux, HPC
  • FSx for Windows File Server

Amazon S3: Object storage built to retrieve any amount of data from anywhere

kms-managed cmk: key will be sent to aws

Server-side encryption: unencrypted data will be sent to AWS

-> Client-side encryption with a client-side master key.

s3 object lock

  • Retention:

    • Retention Mode:

      • Governance: Big Brother can by pass it.
      • Compliance: It’s universe law, nobody can do anything
    • Retention Period: A fixed period of time during which an object remains locked

  • Legal holds: ~ Retention Periods but has no expiration date

s3 static website - custom domain: "the s3 bucket name must be the same as the domain name"

What if someone use my domain name for their bucket ??? TODO

s3 - read data from glacier

  • Bulk: Lowest (5-12 hours), cheapest
  • Standard: 3-5 hours
  • Expedited: Fastest (1-5 mins)
    • Buy Provisioned capacity to ensure Expedited retrievals is available.

s3 object encryption:

  • Server-Side Encryption (SSE):

    • SSE-S3 (Amazon S3 managed keys)
    • SSE-C (Customer-provided keys)
  • Client-Side Encryption (CSE):

    • CSE-Client Master key

by default, all amazon s3 resources such as buckets, objects, and related subresources are private.

To public all objects in a bucket:

  • Unblocking the bucket. -> Configure the S3 bucket policy to set all objects to public read.
  • Explicit allows public read -> Using bucket policy.
  • Or manually public objects -> Grant public read access to the object when uploading it using the S3 Console.

vpc endpoints for s3: provide _private_ access to aws public services (s3)

  • Gateway endpoint:

    • via Route Table’s Prefix List, without IGW, NATGW, PrivateLink
    • Free
  • Interface endpoint:

    • via DNS using Private IP Address 👉 more features

      • access from on-premises
      • access from VPC in another AWS Region (using VPC Peering, Transit Gateway)
    • Billed 💸

s3 select: filter objects with sql syntax using bucket name & object key

s3 - requester pay

  • In general, bucket owners pay for all Amazon S3 storage and data transfer costs that are associated with their bucket.
  • With Requester Pays buckets,
    • The requester (instead of the bucket owner) pays the cost of the request and the data download from the bucket.
    • The bucket owner always pays the cost of storing data.

s3 - pii:

  • Use Amazon Macie to automatically detect sensitive data.
  • Then use EventBridge and SNS to send notification.

s3 - min storage duration

Storage ClassMin Storage Duration
Standard, Intelligent-Tier-
Standard-IA, One Zone - IA30 days
Glacier Instant/Flexible Retrieval90 days
Glacier Deep Archive180 days

s3 standard-ia or s3 one zone-ia:

  • Minimum Days for Transition from Standard: 30 days
  • Minimum 30-Day Storage Charge: 30 days

data transfer

  • S3: within the same Region is free.
  • Others (EC2) within the same Availability Zone is free.

replicate database on s3 as csv, stream on-going changes, min management overhead

AWS Database Migration Service + Change Data Capture (CDC)

s3 - worm

👉 S3 - Object Lock + Legal Hold

s3 - restrict access to a vpc

👉 S3 Access Point

s3 server access logs vs cloudtrail logs

  • CloudTrail Logs: record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in Amazon S3
  • S3 server access logs: detailed records for the requests that are made to an S3 bucket
    • Fields for Object Size, Total Time, Turn-Around Time, and HTTP Referrer for log records
    • Lifecycle transitions, expirations, restores
    • Invalid Authentication

aws services with access logs:

  • S3
  • ELB
  • CloudFront: or standard logs
  • API Gateway

Amazon S3 Glacier: Low-cost archive storage in the AWS Cloud

amazon glacier select: ffilter objects with sql syntax using bucket name & object key

AWS Snow Family: Move petabytes of data to and from AWS, or process data at the edge

aws snow family:

  • Snowcone: 8TB - 14TB
  • Snowball: 80TB
  • Snowball Edge:
    • Snowball Edge Compute Optimized: 80TB + EC2
    • Snowball Edge Storage Optimized: 210TB + EC2
  • Snowmobile: 100PB

aws opshub: graphical user interface to manage aws snowball devices

AWS Storage Gateway: Hybrid storage integration

nfs vs storage gateway

  • NFS: files are stored on AWS -> high-latency
  • Storage Gateway - File: low-latency

aws file gateway - handle writes

  • When a client writes data to a file via File Gateway, that data is first written to the local cache disk on the gateway itself.

    • Once the data has been safely persisted to the local cache, only then does the File Gateway acknowledge the write back to the client.
  • From there, File Gateway transfers the data to the S3 bucket asynchronously in the background, optimizing data transfer using multipart parallel uploads, and encrypting data in transit using HTTPS.


AWS Accounts - The basics (11:33)

AWS Accounts

[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP1 - Creating GENERAL AWS Account (14:44)

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) (8:25)


Multi-factor Authentication

[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP2 - Securing GENERAL AWS Account (9:44)

Securing General AWS Account

[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP3 - Creating a Budget (6:46)

[DO_IT_YOURSELF] Creating the Production Account (4:59)

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Basics (13:01)

Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text

[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP4 - Adding IAMADMIN to GENERAL Account (12:36)


IAM Access Keys (7:10)

Long-term Credentials Username/Password vs IAM Access Keys IAM Access Key’s 2 Parts

[DEMO] Creating Access keys and setting up AWS CLI v2 tools (17:43)


OSI 7-Layer Networking Model

OSI Model Introduction (4:46)

Alt text

Alt text

Layer 1 - Physical (10:00)

Alt text

Alt text

Alt text

Alt text

**mac vs mac address**?

  • MAC: Medium Access Control, also called Media Access Control

  • MAC Address: Medium Access Control Address,

    • also known as hardware address, or physical address
    • a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC) for use as a network address in communications within a network segment

Alt text

Alt text Left game sends Frame F1 to Right game

Alt text Right game sends Frame F2 to Left game - Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

layers are independent

Conceptually, left L2 is talking to right L2.

Alt text Collision Detection (CD)

Alt text OSI Layer 2 - Try using a Hub

Alt text OSI Layer 2 - Using a Switch - MAC Address Table

Alt text OSI Layer 2 Data Link: MAC Address 👉️ Median Access Control & Collision Detection, Switch

Layer 3 - Network - PART1 (12:06)

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - Layer 3LAN (Local Area Network) use Ethernet protocol

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - Long distant point to point (P2P) links use other protocols: PPP/MPLS/ATM…

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - Internet Protocol (IP), a Layer-3 protocol, moves data between LAN without direct P2P links, by adding cross network IP addressing and routing

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - IP Packets are moved step by step from source to destination via intermediate networks, encapsulated in different frames along the way.

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - Routers (L3) devices, remove frame encapsulation and add new frame encapsulation at every hop 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - IP v4 package structure

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - IP v6 package structure

Layer 3 - Network - PART2 (19:13)

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - IPv4 Addressing

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - Subnet Mask

ipv4 classful addressing

Class A, class B, class C


ipv4 reserved ip address

  • Class A

    • Local network
    • Private network
    • Loopback of local host
  • Class B

    • Link-local address when no IP address is specified

      • AWS EC2 Instance Metadata Service
    • Private network

      • AWS default VPC size
  • Class C

    • Private network


Alt text OSI Layer 3 - Route Tables & Routes

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - Router compares packet destination IP & route table for matching destinations and is forwarded on to the Next Hop/Target. The more specific prefixes are preferred (0 lowest. 32 highest)

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - Packets are routed, hop by hop across the internet. From source to destination.

Layer 3 - Network - PART3 (15:15)

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - IP Routing - Same local network

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - IP Routing - 2 different networks

Alt text OSI Layer 3 - L3 Summary

Layer 4&5 - Transport & Session - PART1 (15:39)

Alt text L3 problems

Alt text TCP & UDP

Alt text TCP Segments

Alt text TCP Header

Layer 4&5 - Transport & Session - PART2 (13:54)

Alt text Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a connection based protocol.

Alt text TCP Flags 🏴🏳️

Alt text TCP Connection 3-way Handshake 🤝

Alt text Stateless firewall

Alt text Stateful firewall

Other Networking (MORE COMING SOON)

Network Address Translation (NAT) - PART1 (11:00)

Alt text NAT - Types of NATs

why nat?

  • Overcome IPv4 shortages.
  • Security: hide private IP

Alt text Static NAT - Outbound Traffic

static nat maintains a nat table to map privateip : public ip (1:1)>

👉️ In AWS, Internet Gateway (IGW) is a static NAT.

Alt text Static NAT - Inbound Traffic👉️

Network Address Translation (NAT) - PART2 (9:38)

Alt text Dynamic NAT

dynamic nat maintains a nat table:

  • Dynamic NAT maps PrivateIP : Public IP (1:1 first available).
  • Public IP allocations are temporary allocations from a Public IP Pool, the pool may be out-of-public IPs.

Alt text Port Address Translating (PAT)

pat records the source (private) ip and source port:

  • PAT replaces the source IP with the single Public IP and a public source port
  • The Public IP and public source port are allocated from a pool which allows IP Overloading (many to one)

in aws, nat gateway (natgw) is a pat.

nat vs pat

  • NAT Alt text
  • PAT: is a type of Dynamic NAT Alt text


IP Address Space & Subnetting - PART1 (14:37)

Alt text IPv4 Addressing

Alt text IPv4 Address Space

IP Address Space & Subnetting - PART2 (10:32)

Alt text IPv4 - Private Ranges

Alt text IPv4 vs IPv6 Address Space

classless inter-domain routing (cidr)

A method for allocating IP addresses and for IP routing.

CIDR is introduced in 1993 to replace the previous classful network addressing architecture

See Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) | Wikipedia


The process of spitting a larger network into more smaller subnets

Alt text Subnetting and CIDR

Alt text Subnetting - Start and end calculation

Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Attacks (14:35)

Alt text DDOS - Overview

ddos types:

  • Layer 7:
    • HTTP Flood
    • DNS Fllod
  • Layer 4:
    • (TCP) SYN Flood

Alt text Without DDOS - Normal App

Alt text DDOS - Application Layer Attack (HTTP Flood)

Alt text DDOS - Protocol Attack (SYN Flood)

Alt text DDOS - Volumetric / Amplification Attack

VLANs, TRUNKS & QinQ (16:14)

Alt text Physical Segment - 1 Switch

Alt text Physical Segment - Multi Switches

Alt text Physical Segment - Connecting Switches

what is vlan?

A way to divide a single physical network into multiple logical networks.

Alt text Frame Tagging - 802.1Q

what does 802.1q do?

802.1Q allows multiple “VIRTUAL LANS (VLANS)” to operate over the same L2 physical network.

Each has a separate broadcast domain and is isolated from all others

Alt text OSI Layer 2 - Frame Tagging - 802.1AD - QinQ

what does 802.1ad do?

802.1AD (QinQ) allows ISPs or carriers to use VLANS across their network, while carrying customer traffic which might also be using multiple VLANs

how does 802.1ad (qinq) work?

It allows multiple VLAN tags to be added to a single Ethernet frame.

Alt text VLAN - Trunk Port vs Access Port

what are trunk port?

Trunk ports are a way to carry VLAN traffic between network switches

Alt text Devices on different VLANs cannot communicate without a Layer 3 Device (Router)

Alt text VLAN - Summary

Decimal to Binary Conversion (IP Addressing) (17:12)

Alt text

Alt text

Alt text

SSL & TLS (11:19)

Alt text

Alt text

See The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) 101 (17:03)

Alt text BGP: Exchange the best path (ASPATH) to a destination

Alt text BGP: AS will advertise all the shortest paths its known to all its peers (and prepends its own ASN onto the path)

aspath prepending: make a path longer

Stateful vs Stateless Firewalls (14:04)

Alt text Connection’s Inbound and Outbound

connection and port

A connection has 2 parts:

  • Request: From an ephemeral port - chosen by the client - (to a well-known port)
  • Response: From the well-known port (to that ephemeral port)

Alt text Inbound and Outbound are depend on perspective

Alt text Stateless Firewall

stateless firewall

A Stateless Firewall

  • examines each individual network packet in isolation
  • makes decisions
    • based on predetermined rules
    • without any awareness of the state of the network connection

stateless firewall and server

When using stateless firewall with a server, you need to:

  • Allow inbound traffic to well-known port, e.g. 443
  • Allow outbound traffic to all ephemeral ports, e.g. 1024, 65535 (randomly chosen by the client)

e.g. AWS Network ACL

Alt text Stateful Firewall

stateful firewall

A stateful firewall

  • tracks the state of the network connections:
    • knows a response corresponding to which request
  • make decisions based on these knowledge:
    • do some of the works for you

👉 If

  • the request (no matter whether it’s inbound or outbound traffic) is allowed
  • the response will be automatically allowed too

e.g. AWS security group



  • A stateful firewall is called “firewall”.
  • A stateless firewall is called ACL.

When something is called firewall, it usually means it’s a stateful firewall.

JumboFrames (4:35)

Alt text JumboFrame vs normal frame (OSI Layer 2)

maximum transmission unit (mtu)

  • Traditional Ethernet frames have a MTU of 1500 bytes.
  • Jumbo Frames can allow for frames up to 9000 bytes.

why use jumbo frames

  • Reduce frame overhead
  • Reduce wasted time on medium (between frames)

Alt text Not everything in AWS supports JumboFrames

in aws, which traffic supports jumbo frames?

  • VPC Peering in same region
  • Direct Connect
  • TGW (up to 8500 bytes)

Layer 7 Firewalls (7:44)

Alt text Traditional firewalls, such as packet filtering or stateful inspection firewalls, operate at the network and transport layers and are only capable of filtering traffic based on IP addresses, port numbers, and protocol types.

Alt text In contrast, layer 7 firewalls have the ability to analyze the content of network traffic, including application protocols such as HTTP, FTP, and SMTP, and can make more granular decisions about which traffic should be allowed or blocked.

layer 7 firewall

FeatureTraditional Firewalls (Packet Filtering/Stateful Inspection)Layer 7 Firewalls (Application Firewalls)
Layer of OperationNetwork and Transport Layers (Layer 3 & 4)Application Layer (Layer 7)
Filtering CriteriaIP addresses, Port numbers, Protocol typesApplication data, HTTP/FTP/SMTP, user inputs
Traffic InspectionBasic packet-level inspectionDeep packet inspection of application data
GranularityCoarse-grained (limited to IP, port, protocol)Fine-grained (based on application content)
Protection againstBasic network attacks (IP spoofing, SYN floods)Advanced threats (SQL injection, XSS, malware)
Policy ControlLimited to low-level network policiesApplication-specific policies (e.g., block specific URLs)
PerformanceHigher throughput due to simpler inspectionPotentially slower due to deep inspection
ComplexitySimpler to configure and manageMore complex, requires detailed understanding of applications
Use CaseBasic security for network and transport layersProtection of web and application services
Examples of ApplicationsFirewall rules based on IP, Port, and ProtocolWeb Application Firewall (WAF), API Gateways

See Nord Security - Learning Center

IP Sec VPN Fundamentals (14:48)

Alt text IPSec

what does ip sec do?

IP Sec sets up secure tunnel across insecure networks.

Alt text IP Sec Tunnel

Alt text Asymmetric/Symmetric Encryption

Alt text IP Sec’s 2 main phases

Alt text IP Sec - IKE Phase 1

Alt text IP Sec - IKE Phase 2

Alt text Route-based VPN / Policy-based VPN

Alt text Route-based VPN / Policy-based VPN examples

Fibre Optic Cable 101 (11:21)

Alt text Fibre Optic Cables

Alt text Fibre Optic Cables - Connectors

Alt text Fibre Optic Cables - Core

Alt text Fibre Optic Cables - Cladding

Alt text Fibre Optic Cables - Buffer

Alt text Fibre Optic Cables - Jacket

Alt text Fibre Optic Cables - Single Mode

Alt text Fibre Optic Cables - Multi Mode

Alt text Fibre Optic Transceivers


Encryption 101 - PART1 (13:56)

Alt text Encryption 101

Alt text Encryption at Rest

Alt text Encryption in Transit

Alt text Encryption Concepts: Plaintext, Algorithm, Key and Ciphertext

Alt text Symmetric Encryption

Alt text Symmetric Encryption - The same key is used for decryption

Alt text Asymmetric Encryption - Public and Private Key

Alt text Asymmetric Encryption - Key Exchange

Alt text Asymmetric Encryption - Encryption

Alt text Asymmetric Encryption - Decryption

Encryption 101 - PART2 (6:42)

Alt text Alt text Signing


The practice of using asymmetric keys to verify the authenticity and integrity of data.

Alt text Alt text Steganography


The practice of concealing information within another message or physical object to avoid detection.

Envelope Encryption (8:06)

Alt text Enveloper Encryption: KEK, DEKs

Alt text Enveloper Encryption - Decryption

Alt text Enveloper Encryption - Considerations

Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) (6:40)

Alt text HSM - Without HSM

Alt text HSM - With HSM

Alt text HSM - Keys are stored securely inside the HSM

Alt text HSM - Authenticate takes place inside the HSM

Alt text HSM - HSMs are tamper proof & hardened against physical logical attacks

Alt text HSM - Accessed via tightly controlled, industry standard APIs

Alt text HSM - Role Separation: HSM admins can update & maintain but don’t always have full access

Alt text HSM - HSM can be used to processing SSL/TLS or PKI Signing certificate

Hash Functions & Hashing (13:19)

Alt text Hashing


The process of applying a hash function to data to produce a unique and irreversible representation of the original data.

Alt text Hash Function

hash function

Mathematical algorithms that transform input data into a fixed-length string of characters, called a hash or message digest.

Alt text Hashing is 1 way.

Alt text Hashing Example - Raw Password

Alt text Hashing Example - Hashed Password

Alt text Hashing Collision

Alt text Hashing Summary

Digital Signatures (9:26)

Alt text Public Key Cryptography

Alt text Digital Signatures verifies:

  • Integrity (WHAT is sent) 👈 by compare the hash of data
  • Authenticity (WHO sent it) 👈 by using the public key to very the signature

Alt text


DNS #1 - What does DNS do (2:56)

Alt text DNS translates human readable domain names (e.g. to machine readable IP addresses (e.g.

DNS #2 - Why does DNS need a complex architecture (13:19)

Alt text Why not ONE server?

Alt text DNS Terms

Alt text DNS Hierarchical Design

DNS #3 - How DNS actually works … walking the tree (8:46)

Alt text The job of DNS is help us get the DNS records we need.

Alt text DNS - Walking the tree

Alt text DNS - Walking the tree - Behind the scene

DNS #4 - What happens when a domain is registered? (4:27)

Alt text Domain Registrar - DNS Hosting Provider - TLD Registry

Alt text Registering a domain

DNSSEC #1 - Why do we need DNSSEC (11:08)

Alt text DNSSEC Benefits ~ Digital Signature for DNS Records

Alt text DNSSEC is an extension to DNS. It adds, and doesn’t replace DNS.

Alt text DNSSEC Benefit Example

Alt text DNS Disrupted

alt text Example: Use dig to query A record for

alt text Example: Use dig to query A record and DNSSEC for


To verify DNSSEC of a domain, you can use:

  • dig: if there’s the flag ad
  • delv
  • Web Tools: DNS Viz, DNSSEC Debugger


DNSSEC #2 - How DNSSEC Works within a Zone (17:34)


what is a rrset?

A group of all the records with the same type ad same name

Alt text DNSSEC - RRSIG & Zone Signing Key (ZSK)

what is a rrsig?

A digital signature for a RRSET, signed by the private Zone Signing Key (ZSK).

what is zone signing key (zsk)?

Each zone has a ZSK, which is used to:

  • sign 👈 the private ZSK
  • verify 👈 the public ZSK

the RRSETs.

Alt text DNSSEC - DNSKEY contains public ZSK to verify all RRSIGs in the zone

why the dnskey also has an rrsig?

Because someone can fake the DNSKEY too. 🤯

Alt text DNSSEC - 2 Keys - Key Signing Key

what is a ksk?

KSK is used to sign and verify the ZSK

why do we use separate zone-signing keys and key-signing keys?

The KSK is linked to the parent zone.

If we use a single key, changes to the ZSK would requires parent zone changes. 🐌🆘

By using 2 keys, we can change the ZSK as quired, without impacting parent zone. 🤳

Alt text DNSSEC - Summary

DNSSEC #3 - DNSSEC Chain of Trust (8:16)

Alt text DNSSEC - DS Record

what is ds record?

DS (Delegation Signer) Record, on a parent zone, contains a hash of the KSK in a child zone.

Alt text DNSSEC - Validation Flow

DNSSEC #4 - DNSSEC Root Signing Ceremony (7:53)

Alt text DNSSEC - Root KSK Private

Alt text DNSSEC - Root KSK Public

Alt text DNSSEC - The TRUST Anchor (Root KSK)

Alt text DNSSEC - The Signing Ceremony

Alt text DNSSEC - Key Ceremony

See The Key to the Internet and Key Ceremonies: An Explainer | ICANN

Containers & Virtualization (MORE COMING SOON)

Kubernetes 101 (11:27)

Alt text K8s - Cluster Structure

what is the basic structure of a k8s cluster?

A K8s cluster contains:

  • Control Plane
  • Worker Nodes

what is the control plane in k8s?

The control plane manages the overall state of the cluster

what is a worker node in k8s?

A worker node is the machine that actually run the containers

what are the core components of a worker node?

  • kubelet

    • Ensures that Pods are running, including their containers.
  • Container runtime

    • Software responsible for running containers.
  • kube-proxy (optional)

    • Maintains network rules on nodes to implement Services.

what is the core component of control plane?

The core of Kubernetes’ control plane is

  • the API server
  • the HTTP API that it exposes, which is known as the Kubernetes API.

what does the kubernetes api do?

The Kubernetes API

  • lets end users, different parts of your cluster, and external components communicate with one another.
  • let you query and manipulate the state of API objects in Kubernetes (for example: Pods, Namespaces, ConfigMaps, and Events).

Alt text K8s - Cluster Detail

what is a `pod` in k8s?

In Kubernetes, a pod is the smallest unit of computing.

  • In Docker, it’s the container.

what are the components of the control plane in k8s?

  • kube-apiserver: The core component server that exposes the Kubernetes HTTP API
  • etcd: Consistent and highly-available key value store for all API server data
  • kube-scheduler: Looks for Pods not yet bound to a node, and assigns each Pod to a suitable node.
  • kube-controller-manager: Core control loops of K8s: Runs controllers to implement Kubernetes API behavior.
  • cloud-controller-manager (Optional): Integrates with underlying cloud provider(s).(AWS, Azure, GCP)

what is `kube-controller-manager`?

kube-controller-manager is the core control loops of K8s

  • Watches the shared state of the cluster through the apiserver
  • Makes changes attempting to move the current state towards the desired state

Alt text K8s - Summary

See Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Documentation


Recovery Point Objective (RPO) & Recovery Time Objective (RTO) (16:54)

Alt text Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

what is rpo?

Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is the maximum (amount of) data (in time) can be lost.

Alt text Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

what is rto?

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is the maximum of time that the system can be down.

when does rto begin and end?


  • begins at at momne of failure
  • ends when the system is operational (and handled back to business)

what need to be cautious about rto?

  • How long until we know there is an issue?
  • What is the issue?
  • Do we need to restore a backup? How to restore the backup?

Alt text RPO & RTO - Summary

Data Formats & Configuration Formats (MORE COMING SOON)

YAML aint markup language (YAML) 101 (6:12)

Alt text A YAML document is an “unordered list” of key:value pairs.


In YAML, an “unordered list” is called a dictionary

Alt text YAML - Ordered list


In YAML, an “ordered list” is called sequence, which can contains values of different types.

Alt text YAML - Structure

Javascript Object Notation (JSON) 101 (4:25)

Alt text JSON - Introduction

Alt text JSON - Object & List

Alt text JSON - Nested Object

OSI Model

OSI LayerOSI Layer NameProtocol data unit (PDU)PDUTCP/IP ProtocolsMisc examplesSoftwareHardwareFunctionNote
Host layers7ApplicationDataHTTP/SDNS, WebSocketBrowser, curlAlt textHigh-level protocols such as for resource sharing or remote file access, e.g. HTTP.
6PresentationSSL/TLSAlt textTranslation of data between a networking service and an application; including character encoding, data compression and encryption/decryption
5SessionSocketsNFSManaging communication sessions, i.e., continuous exchange of information in the form of multiple back-and-forth transmissions between two nodes
4TransportSegment, DatagramSegmentTCP, UDPQUICInternet Socket 1 (OS)Alt textReliable transmission of data segments between points on a network, including segmentation, acknowledgement and multiplexingWhere will the data goes?
Media layers3NetworkPacketPacketIP, IPv6, IPSec, ICMPRouterAlt textStructuring and managing a multi-node network, including addressing, routing and traffic controlHow the data goes to the final network? Which physical path the data will take?
2Data linkFrameFramePPPMAC, Ethernet, Wifi, ARP, IEEE 802.1Q, 802.1AD (QinQ) (VLAN)SwitchTransmission of data frames between two nodes connected by a physical layerHow the data goes inside local network? Two devices on the same network.
1PhysicalBitBitRS232, BluetoothNIC, HubAlt textTransmission and reception of raw bit streams over a physical mediumHow the bits goes? Raw bit stream over ethernet cable, optical fibre, Wifi…
OSI LayerOSI Layer NameProtocol data unit (PDU)PDUTCP/IP Protocols
4TransportSegment, DatagramSegmentTCP, UDP
3NetworkPacketPacketIP, ICMP
2Data linkFrameFramePPP
OSI LayerOSI Layer NameTCP/IP LayerTCP/IP ProtocolsNote
7ApplicationApplicationHTTP/SAlt text
6Presentation(as above)SSL/TLSAlt text
5Session(as above)Sockets
4TransportTransportTCP, UDPAlt text
3NetworkInternetIP, ICMPAlt textWhich physical path the data will take?
2Data linkLinkPPPTwo devices on the same network.
1PhysicalAlt textRaw bit stream over ethernet cable, optical fibre, Wifi…
PhysicalData LinkNetworkTransportSessionPresentationApplication

OSI Model Debugging Tools

OSI Layer 7

OSI Layer 7 - HTTP/s:

Using browser network debugging tool

Using CLI tools: httpie, curl

❯ http -v

# Request Header
GET /headers HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: HTTPie/3.2.2

# Response Header
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 215
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2023 09:02:09 GMT
Server: gunicorn/19.9.0

# Response Body
    "headers": {
        "Accept": "*/*",
        "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
        "Host": "",
        "User-Agent": "HTTPie/3.2.2",
        "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-653e1f91-460f926d6dd9a7fa0b2ffadc"

OSI Layer 7 - DNS: dig +trace

OSI Layer 6 - Presentation Layer

OSI Layer 5 - Session Layer

Using browsers’s Dev Tools > Storage > Cookies > URL

OSI Layer 4: netcat


  • Connect to on TCP port 80

    ❯ netcat -vz 80
    Connection to ( 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded!
  • Connect to on TCP port 443

    ❯ netcat -vz 443
    Connection to ( 443 port [tcp/https] succeeded!

OSI Layer 3

OSI Layer 3 - IP: traceroute

❯ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  _gateway (  4.980 ms  4.832 ms  5.207 ms
 2 (  13.331 ms  18.460 ms  18.355 ms
 3 (  18.256 ms (  18.521 ms  18.434 ms
 4 (  18.334 ms (  18.248 ms (  18.171 ms
 5  * * *
 6 (  56.974 ms * *
 7  * (  54.805 ms  47.859 ms
 8  * (  130.841 ms (  65.246 ms
 9 (  57.070 ms (  134.357 ms  131.765 ms
10  * * (  227.320 ms
11  * (  227.136 ms *
12  * * *
13  * (  211.344 ms *
14 (  250.968 ms  251.868 ms  251.738 ms

OSI Layer 3 - ICMP: ping

❯ ping -c 10
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=253 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=286 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=277 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=53 time=269 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=53 time=260 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=53 time=254 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=53 time=242 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=53 time=235 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=53 time=225 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=53 time=235 ms

--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 15605ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 225.020/253.679/285.941/18.837 ms



# 6️⃣ DS: Hash of's public KSK 5️⃣              86400   IN      DS      50731 8 2 6912A467DC432811BD2B1C7E5C01B20E2C60049EB57833E8308FAD0F DE779511

# 7️⃣ RRSIG DS:  Digital Signature of RRSET DS (signed with .org private ZSK) 👈 Use .org public ZSK to verify              86400   IN      RRSIG   DS 8 2 86400 20231004041827 20230927030827 4459 com. HzxBlHRtCbsrYi2gSs/bndqPM+CudLaCpHQQtZAxMgtdCnVaizDYPan2 2y90Xs6SEXtUqgoZqq7UUGsR+R/z3dB3WSp7x803l6YReF8yEl798JVb LqVZTHzxCkGI1epGgG7RRQh6guewsjIglLMn10F8DYYVwA/ciIM0MFVn PoGJ7jFVXCV94wbDjR/hGhmBnMs915qCQrXORsLoj3hNVA==

# 1️⃣ A              21600   IN      A
# 👉 2️⃣ RRSET A

# 3️⃣ RRSIG: Digital Signature of RRSET A (signed with private ZSK) 👈 Use public ZSK to verify              21171   IN      RRSIG   A 8 2 172800 20231013151215 20230922222304 19948 kdlvu99UkZSgLwUm5kRLOh3uwPEDdrw8AGTA0GmVmHWVS+2DirvCvv5W cygWGaAJEgWv1vIrO7xxwhPSZgRFgGExsflJEweFeUhah4kvyu6ccWkH 7vKmB7FDllDk1jiOVTQxlMq6NMEiWEjdXV9kpWSz3W0zPUkZbfP0+LSU vF8=

# 4️⃣ DNSKEY 256 👈 Public ZSK              3600    IN      DNSKEY  256 3 8 AwEAAZH9MYCAnL3ScBITGA/aqPHOWf06ggtfDNW2keGvZdI931UtwHqn yt7GxDReDChSBuKD4s61NqrNsLaYafAhJ2e0QoOMHdKerd0B/UXAr2Sg VjA1yhLicBivgmnF/+a1lfiMV8MuRLwQococw855FQe0+u7B+KfkSmna U+yl865p

# 5️⃣ DNSKEY 257 👈 Public KSK              3600    IN      DNSKEY  257 3 8 AwEAAa7hPkfzWnWAMcvA+AYuFltjQRrwSitlgoq5rBZJw/rRS88g2jDK R9iM+8E4shyH97qElzKKWtmB9zo1Ch4+7hL7nX1Fb5yxPmuzIvsCgktj YWKe+5xzXn7k0SX4HtRZlkZEMSRZU0FU0nnuVo1uKqCfirLBwA1pS56c ocw/nBlLz+6+GIsJ8+Ru6gsoMJDsM/um6lRsaIpRsgJZE1MD9L+iIVm7 SQTuJ/A9fBALcDP709YAW2Km4AMpr858kMW9dFwotKhkTDdrR4w4DGvC YuM8mmjrVcWkGNXuJa1dIbDRnTYuklxQhl8q79l2afUpMHpJN2Clmgqk 2SCQx4Pidz0=              3600    IN      RRSIG   DNSKEY 8 2 3600 20231015134910 20230924084215 33307 ecdISSPgwKvgW6LIwtalMSIwlp9uJr36EJ6DdAKcVERLJ4Qj3GL9Nzki VMbVnKAvSRxHvDTvI7C6lxwKw0IZRxbcyFHTj/FM7wZhXDZEeL/4XVNJ Zctbz61e+TQgsLaOsGtw3/6xiDBkMaVdSzXS+dGmcOZoLtnR3snd/lHb GRtTLI/MPICnCrJNV0r1L6Ka+sLAOVeci7qmB6VrG4oQ9z5/IIpXe0dW njPXRhETbgVIClV/lOXxOLcEot3txwBCYyT714Cmpr6tqNaK++MGKlrt SE5c5q4MgHn18TZapcwgbCXaQqcgl1Q4hm1UY0kqnf0arBVgtOrJHTPO LOainw==              3600    IN      RRSIG   DNSKEY 8 2 3600 20231015134910 20230924084215 50731 SMh9VLTzhdBtZFvkiCrcbPKv0o4EtcyRH/HqOfNz5nF3A1NtA2OB9ygp jwCipXMCPP4exBdZWTYz+wcnTom2kSGADa7RfTolAvY5/ttoNlyIMDs0 TaHY9YlHG+24jgA/O3i00CHCT1cT9/Pi+A5mVkD+L+89/5bA1+b35Ee3 Nf3Ub6krykr817WXuvb5EqVpPxHdKFqbwxNfhLRhlAgidPWY/JxeXm+m jF30A25QE0XiS+FrBv6yi/0adCUiFnoIbd8mORuE+Lj/j++5EBOvUBQY a5fc100gJmn8M2hfbH7K9pGPjiG8WjDmJn7htj9DAOeU/WGmOz5bDSfG JO+mhA==

Cloud Computing 101

What is Cloud Computing? (13:30)

Alt text Cloud Computing Characteristic #1 - On-demand Self-Service 🏧

Alt text Cloud Computing Characteristic #2 - Broad Network Access 🌐

Alt text Cloud Computing Characteristic #3 - Resource Pooling ⛲

Alt text Cloud Computing Characteristic #4 - Rapid Elasticity ↕️

Alt text Cloud Computing Characteristic #5 - Measured Service 📏

what are 5 characteristics of cloud computing?

  1. On-demand Self-Service 🏧
  2. Broad Network Access 🌐
  3. Resource Pooling ⛲
  4. Rapid Elasticity ↕️
  5. Measured Service 📏

Public vs Private vs Multi vs Hybrid Cloud .. (8:38)

Alt text Cloud Computing - Deployment Models

Alt text Cloud Computing - Hybrid Cloud is NOT Public Cloud + Legacy on-premises

Cloud Service Models (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS) (10:25)

Alt text Infrastructure Stack

Alt text On-Premises vs Data Center Hosted

Alt text IaaS vs PasS vs SaaS



AWS Public vs Private Services (7:04)

Alt text

how many network zones are there in aws?


  • ‘AWS Public’ Zone
  • ‘AWS Private’ Zone

and the “Public Internet” Zone

what is "public internet" zone?

what is "aws public" zone?

what is "aws private" zone?

how to access services in "aws private" zone?

how aws private services access services in "aws public" zone?

how can on-premise access "aws private" zone?

AWS Global Infrastructure (14:53)

Alt text AWS Regions vs Edge Locations

Alt text

Alt text AWS Regions - Benefits

Alt text AWS Regions vs Availability Zones (AZs)

aws region code vs region name

Region CodeRegion Name
US East (N. Virginia)us-east-1
Asia Pacific (Singapore)ap-southeast-1

how many data centers can be in a az?

Alt text Service Resilient

Global ResilientIAM, Route 53
Region ResilientVPC, RDS Multi-AZ
AZ ResilientEC2, RDS Single-AZ

AWS Default Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (15:19)

Alt text VPC Basics

what is a vpc?

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a virtual network inside AWS.

How many types of VPC are there?

There are 2 types of VPC: default VPC & custom VPC.

Alt text

what is the default state of a vpc?

By default,a VPC is private and isolated

Alt text

Alt text

what is the default vpc?

The VPC that AWS created automatically for each region.

can we delete the default vpc?

We can delete the default VPC, and re-create in the Web Console.

what is the cidr of default vpc? 👉 65535 IPs 👉 16 subnets of /20

for the default vpc, how many subnets are there in each az in each region?

The default VPC has 1 subnet for each of its AZ.

They are /20 subnets - 4091 (2^12) available IPs

[x] TODO: DEMO - Delete and create default VPC

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Basics (14:46)

Alt text EC2 Features

Alt text EC2 - Instance Lifecycle

Alt text EC2 - AMI

Alt text EC2 - Connecting to EC2

TODO: DEMO - Connect to an EC2 instance

[DEMO] My First EC2 Instance - PART1 (10:58)

[DEMO] My First EC2 Instance - PART2 (9:40)

Simple Storage Service (S3) Basics (15:48)

Alt text S3 - 101

what is the resilient of s3?

Alt text S3 - Objects

what is s3 object?

Alt text S3 - Buckets

what is s3 bucket?

What is the structure of S3 bucket?

Alt text S3 - Summary

what is the limit of s3 object?

What is the limit of S3 bucket?

Alt text S3 - Pattern & Anti-pattern

what is the type of s3 store?

[DEMO] My First S3 Bucket (18:34)


CloudFormation (CFN) Basics (12:28)

Alt text CFN - Template Format

Alt text CFN Template - Resources

Alt text CFN Template - Descriptions

Alt text CFN Template - Metadata

Alt text CFN Template - Parameters

Alt text CFN Template - Mappings

Alt text CFN Template - Conditions

Alt text CFN Template - Outputs

Alt text CFN - Stack, Logical Resource, Physical Resource

Alt text CFN - Create/Update/Delete Stack

[DEMO] Simple Automation With CloudFormation (CFN) (15:52)

CloudWatch (CW) Basics (13:45)

Alt text CloudWatch - Metrics, CloudWatch Logs/Events

Alt text CloudWatch - Architecture

Alt text CloudWatch - Namespace

Alt text CloudWatch - Metric

what is metric?

Alt text CloudWatch - Datapoint

what is datapoint?

Alt text CloudWatch - Dimension

what is dimension?

Alt text CloudWatch - Alarm

[Demo] Simple Monitoring with Cloudwatch (15:31)

Shared Responsibility Model (6:20)

Alt text Infrastructure Stack

Alt text AWS: responsibility for security OF the cloud

Alt text CUSTOMER: responsibility for security IN the cloud

High-Availability vs Fault-Tolerance vs Disaster Recovery (17:21)

Alt text High-Availability (HA)

Alt text Fault-Tolerance (FT)

Alt text Disaster-Recovery (DR)

Alt text HA - FT - DR

ha: ha environment has a minimal service interruption.

FT: FT environment has no service interruption but a significantly higher cost.

Route53 (R53) Fundamentals (6:29)

Alt text Route 53 - Features

Alt text Route 53 - Register Domains

Alt text Route 53 - Hosted Zones

[DEMO] Registering a Domain with route53 (9:49)

DNS Record Types (13:25)

Alt text DNS Record - Nameserver (NS) Record

Alt text DNS Record - A and AAAA Record

Alt text DNS Record - CNAME Record

Alt text DNS Record - MX Record

Alt text DNS Record - TXT Record

Alt text DNS Record - Time To Live (TTL)

Fundamentals Section Quiz


[ASSOCIATE] IAM Identity Policies (15:52)

Alt text IAM Policy Document

Alt text DENY - ALLOW - DENY

Alt text All policies for IAM Identities (User, Role, Group) & AWS Resources are evaluated at the same time.

Alt text Inline Policy vs Managed Policy

[ASSOCIATE] IAM Users and ARNs (13:49)

alt text IAM User - What is it?

Alt text IAM - Principal and Authenticated Identity

what is a principal?

Principal is an entity in AWS that can perform actions and access resources.

Alt text IAM Users - Limitation

what is the limit iam users per account?

5.000 IAM Users per AWS account

how many iam groups a iam user can be a member of?

10 IAM groups per IAM User

Alt text ARNs

what is the format of arn?

  • arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-id
  • arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-type/resource-id
  • arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-type:resource-id


  • 5 to 6 colon :
  • region or/and account-id can be omitted.

[ASSOCIATE, DEMO] Simple Identity Permissions in AWS (16:06)

[ASSOCIATE] IAM Groups (7:48)

Alt text IAM Groups

what is iam group?

Containers for IAM Users.

what are the limits of iam group?

  • No Nesting.
  • Limit of 300 Groups.

Alt text IAM Group is not a true identity

can an iam group be used as a principle in a policy?

IAM Group is NOT a true identity, that

  • can NOT be used as a Principle in a policy.
  • don’t have credential to login with

[ASSOCIATE, DEMO] Permissions control using IAM Groups (9:24)

[ASSOCIATE] IAM Roles - The Tech (8:13)

Alt text IAM Role and Assuming an IAM Role

Alt text Trust Policy vs Permission Policy

what is trust policy in iam?

The trust policy defines

  • which principals can assume the role, and
  • under which conditions

See How to use trust policies with IAM roles | AWS Security Blog

[ASSOCIATE] When to use IAM Roles (15:27)

Alt text Lambda Execute Role

Alt text Emergency Role

Alt text Existing Identities (e.g. Active Directory)

Alt text Web Identities (e.g. Google, Facebook)

Alt text AWS Partner Accounts

Service-linked Roles & PassRole (5:16)

Alt text Service-linked Roles

what is service-linked role?

A service-linked role is

  • a unique type of IAM role that is linked directly to an AWS service.
  • predefined (by the service) to include all the permissions that the service requires (to call other AWS services on your behalf).

why use service-linked role?

A service-linked Role

  • simplify the process of setting up a service because

    • you don’t have to manually add permissions for the service to complete actions on your behalf
  • may be created

    • automatically (by the service)
    • manually using a wizard in the console
    • manually using IAM

See Create a service-linked role

Alt text Permissions to allow create/edit the service-linked role

Alt text Pass an existing role to the service

[ASSOCIATE] AWS Organizations (12:56)

alt text “Standard” AWS Account

Alt text Management/Master Account

aws organization and management account, which come first?

  • First, you use a standard account to create an AWS Organization
  • Then that standard account become the management account of the AWS Organization.

Alt text Invite existed standard accounts to an AWS Organization

Alt text Accepting invitations to become member of an AWS Organization

Alt text Member Accounts

Alt text Organization Root & Organization Unit (OU)

Alt text Consolidated Billing

Alt text Role Switching

[ALL, DEMO] AWS Organizations (19:48)

alt text Create an account in your organization

how to access an aws account in an aws organization?

  1. Using username/password of that AWS account to access that AWS account using its root user
  2. Using another account to switch role to that account’s IAM role OrganizationAccountAccessRole
  3. Using the AWS access portal with corporation credentials (Google, Facebook…)

[ASSOCIATE] Service Control Policies (SCPs) (12:44)

Alt text Service Control Policies (SCP)

Alt text SCP controls account permissions in an organization

what does service control policies (scp) do?


  • restricts permissions for

    • IAM users
    • IAM roles
    • including root user

    in member accounts.

  • (do NOT grant permissions)

Alt text SCP - Deny List

sgp - deny list strategy

With deny list strategy, all permissions are allowed unless explicitly denied.

This is the default behavior of AWS Organizations.

  • By default, AWS Organizations attaches an AWS managed policy called FullAWSAccess to all roots, OUs, and accounts.
  • You
    • leave the default FullAWSAccess policy in place (that allow “all”).
    • then attach additional policies that explicitly deny access to the unwanted services and actions.

Alt text SCP - Allow List

sgp - allow list strategy

With allow list strategy, all permissions are denied unless explicitly allowed.

  • By default, AWS Organizations attaches an AWS managed policy called FullAWSAccess to all roots, OUs, and accounts.
  • You
    • remove the default FullAWSAccess policy
    • then attach additional policies that explicitly allow access to the wanted services and actions

Alt text Identity Policies and SCPs

can scp restrict management account?

SCPs don’t affect users or roles in the management account. They affect only the member accounts in your organization.

can scp restrict root user?

SCP can un-directly control the member account’s root user (by control the account’s permission)

[ALL, DEMO] Using Service Control Policies (16:45)

[ASSOCIATE] CloudWatch Logs (7:16)

Alt text CloudWatch Logs - Basic

Alt text

CloudWatch Logs - Architecture

what is log event?

what is log stream?

what is log group?

[ASSOCIATE] CloudTrail (11:40)

Alt text

what is cloudtrail event/trail?

how long is the default cloudtrail history?

in cloudtrail, what are management events / data events?

Alt text

how to implement a central log store for aws organization?

Alt text

is cloudtrail realtime?

[ALL, DEMO] Implementing an Organizational Trail (18:23)

AWS Control Tower 101 (15:42)

Alt text

Alt text

Alt text

Alt text

Alt text

IAM & Orgs Section Quiz


S3 Security (Resource Policies & ACLs) (18:19)

Alt text S3 is private by default

Alt text S3 Bucket Policies

Alt text S3 Bucket Polices support different accounts & anonymous principles

Alt text S3 Bucket Polices - Condition

Alt text S3 Bucket Polices - Deny - Allow - Deny

Alt text [Legacy] Access Control Lists (ACLS)

Alt text Block Public Access

Alt text Identity Policies - Bucket Polices - ACLs

S3 Static Hosting (10:36)

Alt text

what is the normal access to s3 object?


what is s3 website endpoint?

The endpoint to access the S3 bucket via HTTP.

Alt text Out-of-band pages

[DEMO] Creating a static website with S3 (17:55)

Object Versioning & MFA Delete (7:41)

Alt text Object Versioning cannot be switched off

Alt text Object Versioning: store multiple versions of objects

Alt text Object Versioning: DeleteMaker & Version delete

Alt text Object Versioning: All versions will be billed

Alt text Object Versioning: MFA for suspending bucket versioning and deleting object versions

[DEMO] - S3 Versioning (15:45)

S3 Performance Optimization (11:42)

Alt text Global Architecture

Alt text Single PUT Upload

Alt text Multipart Upload

Alt text S3 Transfer Acceleration

what is s3 transfer acceleration?

[DEMO] - S3 Performance (5:06)

Key Management Service (KMS) (18:38)

Alt text Key Management Service (KMS)

Alt text KMS Keys

Alt text CreateKey & Encrypt using KMS

Alt text Decrypt using KMS

Alt text Data Encryption Keys (DEKs)

Alt text KMS Keys - Key Concepts

Alt text Key Policies and Security

[DEMO] KMS - Encrypting the battleplans with KMS (12:43)

S3 Object Encryption CSE/SSE (23:31)

Alt text S3 Bucket aren’t encrypted

Alt text CSE vs SSE

Alt text SSE-C / SSE-S3 / SS3-KMS

Alt text SSE-C

Alt text SSE-S3 👈 Default

what is the biggest drawback of ss3-s3?

The admin can see the content.

Alt text SSE-KMS

Alt text S3 Object Encryption - Summary

[DEMO] Object Encryption and Role Separation (14:50)

S3 Bucket Keys (5:59)

Alt text S3 without Bucket Keys

Alt text S3 with Bucket Keys

Alt text S3 Bucket Keys - Notes

S3 Object Storage Classes - PART1 (9:23)

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Standard

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Standard - IA

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 One Zone - IA

S3 Object Storage Classes - PART2 (11:41)

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Glacier - Instant

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Glacier - Flexible

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Glacier - Deep Archive

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Intelligent-Tiering

S3 Lifecycle Configuration (8:13)

Alt text S3 Lifecycle Configuration

Alt text S3 Lifecycle Configuration - Transition

S3 Replication (13:59)

Alt text Cross-Region Replication (CRR) & Same-Region Replication (SRR)

Alt text Replication can be between different accounts

Alt text S3 Replication Options - RTC

Alt text S3 Replication - Considerations

Alt text Why use S3 replication?

[DEMO] Cross-Region Replication of an S3 Static Website (19:52)

S3 PreSigned URLs (11:11)

Alt text Why use Presigned URL?

Alt text Presigned URL works with both Upload and Download

Alt text Apps can use Presigned URL to provide access to Media Bucket

Alt text Presigned URL - Gotchas

[DEMO] Creating and using PresignedURLs (18:23)

S3 Select and Glacier Select (5:32)

Alt text

Alt text

S3 Events (4:32)

Alt text

Alt text

S3 Access Logs (3:05)

Alt text S3 Access Logs

S3 Object Lock (9:52)

Alt text S3 Object Lock - Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM)

Alt text S3 Object Lock - Retention (Compliance / Governance)

Alt text S3 Object Lock - Legal Hold

Alt text S3 Object Lock - Summary

S3 Access Points (5:52)

Alt text Each S3 Access Points is a “mini S3 bucket”

Alt text S3 Access Points’ DNS, policies & endpoint polices

[DEMO] Multi-Region Access Points (MRAP) (20:25)

S3 Section Quiz


VPC Sizing and Structure - PART1 (11:48)

Alt text VPC Considerations

Alt text Global Architecture

Alt text IP Ranges to Avoid

Alt text VPC - More Considerations

Alt text VPC Sizing

Alt text VPC Structure

VPC Sizing and Structure - PART2 (11:16)

Alt text VPC Design - End State

Custom VPCs - PART1 - THEORY (10:10)

Alt text VPC Design - Basic

Alt text Custom VPC: Overview

Alt text Custom VPC: IP address

Alt text Custom VPC: DNS in the VPC

[DEMO] Custom VPCs - PART2 - DEMO (5:40)

VPC Subnets (10:42)

Alt text VPC Subnets

how many subnets an az can have?

An AZ can have many subnets.

how many azs a subnet can have?

A subnet can only be in an AZ.

Alt text Subnet IP Addressing

Alt text VPC Subnets - Auto Assign IP & DHCP

[DEMO] Implement multi-tier VPC subnets (15:24)

No.Subnet NameSubnet AddressCIDRAZIPv6Host Address RangeBroadcast Address
1sb-reserved-A10. -
2sb-db-A10. -
3sb-app-A10. -
4sb-web-A10. -
5sb-reserved-B10. -
6sb-db-B10. -
7sb-app-B10. -
8sb-web-B10. -
9sb-reserved-C10. -
10sb-db-C10. -
11sb-app-C10. -
12sb-web-C10. -
1310. -
1410. -
1510. -
1610. -

VPC Routing, Internet Gateway & Bastion Hosts (17:35)

Alt text VPC Router

Alt text Route Tables

how many subnets a route table can be associated with?

A Route Table can be associated with many subnets.

how many route tables a subnet can be associated with?

A subnet can be attached with only ONE Route Table.

Alt text Internat Gateway (IGW)

Alt text Using an IGW

Alt text IPv4 Addresses with an IGW - Outbound Traffic

Alt text IPv4 Addresses with an IGW - Inbound Traffic

Alt text Bastion Host / Jumpbox

[DEMO] Configuring A4l public subnets and Jumpbox - PART1 (13:45)

[DEMO] Configuring A4l public subnets and Jumpbox - PART2 (11:45)

Stateful vs Stateless Firewalls (14:04)

Alt text TCP

Alt text Every “Connection” has 2 parts: REQUEST & RESPONSE

Alt text Directionality (Inbound or Outbound) depends on perspective (Client/Server)

Alt text With Stateless Firewall, a connection needs 2 rules (1 IN, 1 OUT) to go through

with stateless firewall, ephemeral port is not the well known port (e.g. 443, 80)

Alt text Stateful firewall is intelligent enough to identify the REQUEST and RESPONSE components of a connection as being related

Alt text

Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) (12:38)

Alt text NACLs filter traffic across the subnet’s boundary

what is nacl?

A set of rules grouped into:

  • INBOUND rules 👉 match traffic ENTERING the subnet
  • OUTBOUND rules 👉 match traffic LEAVING the subnet

what does nacl do?

NACLs filter traffic across the subnet’s boundary.

how are nacl's rules processed?

NACL’s rules are process in order:

  • Lowest rule number first. 🤏1️⃣
  • Once a match occurs, processing STOPS. 🛑
  • If nothing else matched, * is process 👈 implicit DENY ❌

Alt text NACLs are stateless firewall

Alt text Rule-pairs (app port & ephemeral port) are needed on each NACL for each communication type which occurs:

  • 🔄️ within a VPC
  • ➡️ to a VPC
  • ⬅️ from a VPC

Alt text Default NACL - The NACL created with a VPC

what does default nacl do?

Default NACL does NOTHING. It has an ALLOW ALL rule.

Alt text Custom NACL DENIED ALL traffic after created

Alt text NACL - Summary

which aws resources can be use with nacls?

NACLS can only be used with subnets.

how many subnets a nacl can be associated with?

A NACL can be associated with MANY subnets.

how many nacls a subnet can have?

A subnet can only have ONE (1) NACL.

Security Groups (SG) (11:48)

Alt text Security Group (SG) is STATEFUL firewall

which type of rules a sg can have?

SG can only have ALLOW rule.

👉 SG can’t block specific bad actors 😈

can sg deny a traffic?

No. SG can’t deny traffic. It can’t block bad actors.

Because SG only support ALLOW rules.

which kind of sources does sg rules support?

SG rules supports:

  • CIDR blocks
  • Many AWS logical resources:
    • Other SGs
    • Itself 🤯
    • Prefix Lists 📃

to which, the sgs are attached to?

SGs are attached to ENI, not the instances.

Alt text SG is applied to all traffic entering or leaving the ENI

Alt text An SG reference applies to anything which has the SG attached

Alt text With SG reference, any new instances uses a SG has that SG reference ALLOW rule

Alt text With SG Self reference, the instances can scale easily

Network Address Translation (NAT) & NAT Gateway - PART1 (13:43)

Alt text

aws internet gateway (aws igw) is a nat (static nat)

what can nat can be used for?

  • IP masquerading 👺: hiding CIDR blocks behind one IP.
  • Gives Private CIDR block outgoing internet access.

Alt text NAT Architecture - Example

Alt text Routing a package from an instance in a private subnet …

Alt text … through the NAT Gateway (in a public subnet) …

Alt text … through the Internet Gateway, then to the Public Internet.

Alt text NAT Gateways run from a public subnet, uses Elastic IPs

what level of resilient nat gateway is?

NAT Gateway is an AZ resilient service.

how to have the region resilience for nat gateways?

NATGW in each AZ, and Route Tables in each AZ targets that NATGW.

Network Address Translation (NAT) & NAT Gateway - PART2 (11:08)

Alt text VPC Design - NATGW Full Resilience

Alt text NAT Instance vs NAT Gateway

what is nat instance?

Alt text NAT Gateway and IPv6

which kind of ip version can nat gateway work with?

NAT Gateway only works with IPv4, it doesn’t work with IPv6.

All IPv6 addresses in AWS are publicly routable. The IGW works with IPv6 directly without the NAT Gateway.

[DEMO] Implementing private internet access using NAT Gateways (19:25)

VPC Basics Section Quiz


Virtualization 101 (12:27)

Alt text Privileged Mode / User Mode - Kernel - System Call

Alt text How to run multiple OSes with a single piece of hardware?

Alt text Emulated Virtualization

Alt text Para-virtualization

Alt text Hardware Assisted Virtualization

Alt text SR-IOV

EC2 Architecture and Resilience (12:36)

Alt text EC2 - Overview

Alt text EC2 - Architecture

what is the level of resilience of ec2 service?

EC2 has AZ-level resilience

Alt text What’s EC2 Good for?

EC2 Instance Types - PART1 (11:52)

Alt text

Alt text

Alt text

EC2 Instance Types - PART2 (8:13)

Alt text

[DEMO] EC2 SSH vs EC2 Instance Connect (17:06)

Storage Refresher (14:16)

Alt text Direct / Network Storage, Ephemeral / Persistent Storage

Alt text Block / File / Object Storage

Alt text IO Block Size - IOPS - Throughput

Elastic Block Store (EBS) Service Architecture (8:43)

Alt text EBS Architecture

Alt text EBS Snapshot

EBS Volume Types - General Purpose (9:23)

Alt text EBS - GP2

Alt text EBS - GP3

EBS Volume Types - Provisioned IOPS (6:15)

Alt text

EBS Volume Types - HDD-Based (4:32)

Alt text

Instance Store Volumes - Architecture (9:00)

Alt text Instance Store is local storage on the EC2 host

what kind of storage has the highest performance for ec2?

Instance Store

what is the price model of ec2 instance store?

Instance Store is include in instance price.

what is the lifecycle of instance store?

It’s can only be attached at instance launch.

Alt text Instance Store is ephemeral storage, attached with an EC2 host

Alt text Instance Store - Throughput

Alt text Instance Store - Recap

Choosing between the EC2 Instance Store and EBS (8:49)

Alt text

Alt text

Snapshots, Restore & Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR) (10:55)

Alt text EBS Snapshots

Alt text EBS Snapshots - Architecture

Alt text EBS Snapshots - Performance - Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR)

Alt text EBS Snapshot - Consumption & Billing

[DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART1 (15:16)

[DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART2 (14:13)

[DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART3 (14:27)

EBS Encryption (8:22)

Alt text Flow of EBS Encryption

Alt text Encryption of EBS Snapshot

Alt text EBS Encryption - Summary

Network Interfaces, Instance IPs and DNS (15:58)

Alt text Elastic Network Interface (ENI) & EC2 Network

Alt text EC2 Network & DNS Architecture

Alt text EC2 Network & DNS Architecture - Summary

[DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART1 (12:27)

[DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART2 (12:36)

Amazon Machine Images (AMI) (13:58)

Alt text AMI

Alt text AMI Lifecycle

Alt text AMI - Tips

[DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART1 (9:38)

[DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART2 (10:57)

[DEMO] Copying & Sharing an AMI (8:35)

EC2 Purchase Options - PART1 (9:22)

Alt text EC2 Purchase Options - On-Demand

Alt text EC2 Purchase Options - Spot

EC2 Purchase Options - PART2 (11:56)

Alt text EC2 Purchase Options - Reserved

Alt text EC2 Purchase Options - Dedicated Hosts

Alt text EC2 Purchase Options - Dedicated Instances

Reserved Instances - the rest (11:58)

Alt text Scheduled Reserved Instances

Alt text Capacity Reservations

Alt text EC2 Saving Plan

Instance Status Checks & Auto Recovery (7:42)

Alt text Instance Status Checks & Auto Recovery

[DEMO] Shutdown, Terminate & Termination Protection (5:40)

Horizontal & Vertical Scaling (11:23)

Alt text Alt text Alt text

Instance Metadata [THEORY & DEMO] (15:46)

Alt text

EC2 Basics Section Quiz

EBS Volume Types


Volume Typegp2gp3io1io2io2 Block Express ‡
Durability99.8% - 99.9% durability-99.8% - 99.9% durability99.999% durability-
(0.1% - 0.2% annual failure rate)-(0.1% - 0.2% annual failure rate)(0.001% annual failure rate)-
Use CasesTransactional workloads-Workloads that require-Workloads that require
Virtual desktops--- Sub-millisecond latency
Medium-sized, single-instance databases,-- sustained IOPS performance-- Sustained IOPS performance
Low-latency interactive applications-- more than 16,000 IOPS-- More than 64,000 IOPS or 1,000 MiB/s of throughput
Boot volumes-I/O-intensive database workloads-
Development and test environments--
Volume Size1 GiB - 16 TiB-4 GiB - 16 TiB-4 GiB - 64 TiB
Max IOPS per Volume (16KB IO)16,00064,000-256,000
Max Throughput per VolumeUp to 250 MiB/s1,000 MiB/s1,000 MiB/s-4,000 MiB/s
Amazon EBS Multi-attachNot supported-Supported--
Max IOPS per InstanceNot supported-350,000160,000350.000
Max Throughput per InstanceNot supported-10,000 MB/s4,750 MB/s10,000 MB/s
Boot VolumeSupported----

gp3 volume performance

gp3 IOPS performance

  • Baseline IOPS: 3,000 IOPS
  • Additional IOPS cost: 500 IOPS / GiB of volume size
  • Maximum IOPS can be provisioned for volumes 32 GiB or larger (500 IOPS per GiB × 32 GiB = 16,000 IOPS).

gp3 throughput performance

  • Baseline throughput: 125 MiB/s
  • Additional throughput cost: 0.25 MiB/s per provisioned IOPS
  • Maximum throughput can be provisioned at 4,000 IOPS or higher and 8 GiB or larger (4,000 IOPS × 0.25 MiB/s per IOPS = 1,000 MiB/s).
gp3 Volume Size1GiB8GiB….32GiB16TiB
(Min Volume Size)(Max Volume Size )
IOPS performanceBaseline IOPS (3,000 IOPS)Max IOPS (16,000 IOPS)
Throughput performanceBaseline Throughput (125 MiB/s)Max Throughput (1,000 MiB/s)Max Throughput (1,000 MiB/s)

gp3 pricing

  • gp3 volume instance with min spec:
3,000 iops / 1 GB = 3,000.00 IOPS to GB ratio (gp3)
125 MBps / 3,000 iops = 0.04 IOPS to Throughput ratio
1 volumes x 730 instance hours = 730.00 total instance hours
730.00 instance hours / 730 hours in a month = 1.00 instance months
1 GB x 1.00 instance months x 0.08 USD = 0.08 USD (EBS Storage Cost)
EBS Storage Cost: 0.08 USD
3,000 iops - 3000 GP3 iops free = 0.00 billable gp3 iops
EBS IOPS Cost: 0.00 USD
125 MBps - 125 GP3 MBps free = 0.00 billable MBps
EBS Snapshot Cost: 0 USD
Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) total cost (monthly): 0.08 USD
  • gp3 volume instance with 32GB volume size and no provisional IOPS, throughput
3,000 iops / 32 GB = 93.75 IOPS to GB ratio (gp3)
125 MBps / 3,000 iops = 0.04 IOPS to Throughput ratio
1 volumes x 730 instance hours = 730.00 total instance hours
730.00 instance hours / 730 hours in a month = 1.00 instance months
32 GB x 1.00 instance months x 0.08 USD = 2.56 USD (EBS Storage Cost)
EBS Storage Cost: 2.56 USD
3,000 iops - 3000 GP3 iops free = 0.00 billable gp3 iops
EBS IOPS Cost: 0.00 USD
125 MBps - 125 GP3 MBps free = 0.00 billable MBps
EBS Snapshot Cost: 0 USD
Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) total cost (monthly): 2.56 USD
  • gp3 volume instance with max spec:
16,000 iops / 32 GB = 500.00 IOPS to GB ratio (gp3)
1,000 MBps / 16,000 iops = 0.06 IOPS to Throughput ratio
1 volumes x 730 instance hours = 730.00 total instance hours
730.00 instance hours / 730 hours in a month = 1.00 instance months
32 GB x 1.00 instance months x 0.08 USD = 2.56 USD (EBS Storage Cost)
EBS Storage Cost: 2.56 USD

16,000 iops - 3000 GP3 iops free = 13,000.00 billable gp3 iops
Max (13000.00 iops, 0 minimum billable iops) = 13,000.00 total billable gp3 iops
13,000.00 iops x 1.00 instance months x 0.005 USD = 65.00 USD (EBS IOPS gp3 Cost)
EBS IOPS Cost: 65.00 USD

1,000 MBps - 125 GP3 MBps free = 875.00 billable MBps
Max (875.00 MBps, 0 minimum mbps) = 875.00 billable throughput (MBps)
875.00 MBps / 1024 MB per GB = 0.8545 billable throughput (GBps)
0.8545 GBps x 1.00 instance months x 40.96 USD = 35.00 USD (EBS gp3 throughput Cost)
EBS Snapshot Cost: 0 USD

2.56 USD + 65.00 USD + 35.00 USD = 102.56 USD (Total EBS cost)
Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) total cost (monthly): 102.56 USD


Volume Typest1sc1
Durability99.8% - 99.9% durability-
(0.1% - 0.2% annual failure rate)-
Use Cases
- Big data- Throughput-oriented storage for data that is infrequently accessed
- Data warehouses- Scenarios where the lowest storage cost is important
- Log processing
Volume Size125 GiB - 16 TiB-
Max IOPS per volume (1 MiB I/O)500250
Max Throughput per volume500 MiB/s250 MiB/s
Baseline throughput40 MiB/s per TiB (Base)12 MiB/s per TiB (Base)
250 MiB/s per TiB (Burst)80 MiB/s per TiB (Burst)
Amazon EBS Multi-attachNot supportedNot supported
Boot volumeNot supportedNot supported

AWS EC2 Instance Lifecycle

Instance stateDescriptionInstance usage billing
pendingThe instance is preparing to enter the running state. An instance enters the pending state when it is launched or when it is started after being in the stopped state.Not billed
runningThe instance is running and ready for use.Billed
stoppingThe instance is preparing to be stopped.Not billed
stoppedThe instance is shut down and cannot be used. The instance can be started at any time.Not billed
shutting-downThe instance is preparing to be terminated.Not billed
terminatedThe instance has been permanently deleted and cannot be started.Not billed


Introduction to Containers (17:13)

Alt text Virtualization Problems

Alt text Containerization

Alt text Image Anatomy

Alt text Container Anatomy

Alt text Container Registry

Alt text Container Key Concepts

[DEMO] Creating ‘container of cats’ Docker Image (18:15)

ECS - Concepts (10:25)

Alt text

Alt text

ECS - Cluster Mode (13:09)

Alt text ECS - EC2 Mode

Alt text ECS - Fargate Mode

Alt text EC2 - ECS (EC2) - ECS (Fargate)

[DEMO] - Deploying ‘container of cats’ using Fargate (13:13)

Elastic Container Registry (ECR) (4:14)

Alt text ECR - Public/Private Registry - Repo - Image - Tag

Alt text ECR is integrated with many AWS services

Kubernetes 101 (11:27)

Alt text K8s - Cluster - Control Plane - Worker Nodes

Alt text K8s - Architecture

Alt text K8s - Summary

Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 101 (6:14)

Alt text EKS - AWS managed K8s

Alt text EKS - Architecture

Containers Section Quiz


Bootstrapping EC2 using User Data (10:25)

Alt text EC2 User Data

what is ec2 bootstrapping?

The process of configuring an EC2 instance to perform automated install & configuration steps ‘post launch’ before an instance is brought into service.

how to bootstrap an ec2 instance?

what is ec2 user data?

when does ec2 execute user data?

what exactly execute ec2 user data?

how many times does the ec2 user data be executed?

Alt text EC2 Bootstrapping

Alt text User Data - Key Points

what are drawbacks of ec2 user data?

  • It’s opaque to EC2.
  • NOT secure.
  • Limited to 16KB.

Alt text Boot-Time-To-Service-Time

[DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART1 (15:00)

[DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART2 (6:45)

Enhanced Bootstrapping with CFN-INIT (11:52)

Alt text AWS::CloudFormation::Init

what is `cfn-init`?

A powerful desired-state-like configuration engine which is part of the CFN suite of products.

Alt text cfn-init works with stack updates

Alt text CreatePolicy & Signals

what does `cloudformation`'s `createpolicy` do?

Creation policies create a ‘WAIT STATE’ on resources .. not allowing the resource to move to CREATE_COMPLETE until signalled using the cfn-signal tool.

what does `cfn-signal` do?

cfn-signal tells CloudFormation that the stack’s resource is at the desired state (it’s created).

[DEMO] CFN-INIT and CFN Creation Policies (12:29)

EC2 Instance Roles & Profile (4:18)

Alt text EC2 Instance Role & Instance Profile

Alt text EC2 Instance Profile’s credential

why use instance role/profile?

To grant permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances via short-term credentials.

Using an IAM role to grant permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances

[DEMO] Using EC2 Instance Roles (13:31)

SSM Parameter Store (6:16)

Alt text SSM Paremeter Store - Overview

what is ssm parameter store?

Parameter Store, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, provides secure, hierarchical storage for configuration data management and secrets management.

Alt text SSM Paremeter Store - Example

[DEMO] Parameter Store (16:11)

System and Application Logging on EC2 (6:15)

Alt text Logging on EC2

Alt text CloudWatch Agent - internal instance metrics and logging collection

[DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART1 (11:51)

[DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART2 (8:08)

EC2 Placement Groups (14:29)

Alt text EC2 Placement Groups - Placement strategies

Alt text Cluster Placement Groups

Alt text Cluster Placement Groups - Pros and Cons

Alt text Spread Placement Groups

Alt text Spread Placement Groups - Pros and Cons

Alt text Partition Placement Groups

Alt text Partition Placement Groups - Pros and Cons

Dedicated Hosts (8:56)

Alt text EC2 Dedicated Hosts

Alt text Instance capacity configurations - Single instance type support

Alt text Instance capacity configurations - Multiple instance type support

Alt text EC2 Dedicated Hosts - Limitations & Features

Enhanced Networking & EBS Optimized (6:57)

Alt text

what is aws enhanced networking?

The AWS implementation of SR-IOV.

what is sr-iov?

A standard allowing a physical host network card to present many logical devices which can be directly utilized by instances.

what is the benefit of sr-iov?

Lower host CPU usage, better throughput, lower and consistent latency.

what is ebs optimized?

A dedicated bandwidth for storage networking - separate from data networking.

Advanced EC2 Section Quiz


R53 Hosted Zones

Alt text

what is a route53 hosted zone?

A DNS database for a domain, e.g.

  • It’s what the DNS system references for a domain.
  • In other words, hosted zone is the Authoritative nameserver of a domain.

R53 Public Hosted Zones (6:28)

Alt text R53 Public Hosted Zones - Overview

how many nameservers does a public hosted zone have?

4 Route53 nameservers

what is the accessibility of a r53 public zone?

A R53 Public Zone can be accessed from:

  • the public internet
  • AWS VPCs.

for a public hosted zone, what is the dns query process of the aws vpc?

  • VPC Instances are configured with the VPC +2 Address (R53 Resolver).
  • Any resources in the VPC can query public DNS and R53 Public Hosted Zones record.

Alt text R53 Public Hosted Zones - Example

R53 Private Hosted Zones (5:10)

Alt text R53 Private Hosted Zones - Overview

what is the accessibility of a r53 private hosted zone?

A R53 Private Hosted Zone can only be accessed by the VPCs (which with it is associated).

  • These VPCs can be from the same account or different accounts.
  • The public internet cannot access R53 Private Hosted Zones.

Alt text R53 Private Hosted Zones - Example

R53 Split View Hosted Zones

Alt text R53 Split View Hosted Zones

what is r53 split-view dns?

Using the same domain name ( for

  • internal uses (
  • external uses, such as your public website (

Or even using the same sub-domain for both public (external) and internal usage.

CNAME vs R53 Alias (5:19)

Alt text CNAME record - Problem

what is `cname` record?

A CNAME record:

  • maps DNS queries for the name of the current record, such as
  • to:
    • another domain ( or
    • or subdomain ( or

Alt text R53 alias record

what is `alias` record?

Amazon Route 53 alias record is a Route 53–specific extension to DNS functionality.

what does r53 `alias` record do?

R53 alias record:

  • route traffic to selected AWS resources, such as

    • CloudFront distributions
    • Amazon S3 buckets.
  • route traffic from one record in a hosted zone to another record.

why use r53 `alias` record?

  • Unlike a CNAME record, we can create an R53 alias record at the top node of a DNS namespace, also known as the zone apex.

    e.g. DNS name

    • We can’t create a CNAME record for
    • But we can create a R53 alias record for that routes traffic to
  • We can use a R53 alias record to route traffic to many AWS resources.

    Many AWS resources don’t have a static IP address. They only have a DNS name, e.g.

    With R53 alias record, we can route directly traffic to these DNS name, without allocating an additional Elastic IP address.

Simple Routing (2:17)

Alt text

what is r53 `simple routing`?

Routing traffic to a single resource, for example, to a web server for your website.

what is the drawback of r53 `simple routing`?

Simple Routing doesn’t support health check.

R53 Health Checks (12:41)

Alt text R53 Health Check - Overview

Alt text R53 Distributed Health Checkers

Failover Routing (1:53)

Alt text R53 Failover Routing

what is `failover routing`?

Routing traffic

  • to a resource when the resource is healthy
  • or to a different resource when the first resource is unhealthy

[DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART1 (16:41)

[DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART2 (6:28)

Multi Value Routing (2:32)

Alt text R53 Multi Value Routing

can r53 `simple routing` return multi values?


what is the different between `simple routing` and `multi value routing`?

  • With Simple Routing, a hosted zone can have a record that have multi values.
  • With Multi Value Routing, a hosted zone can have multiple records with the same name

Weighted Routing (3:24)

Alt text R53 Weighted Routing

what is weighted routing?

Associating multiple resources with

  • a single domain name (
  • or subdomain name ( and

and choose how much traffic is routed to each resource.

Latency-based Routing (2:44)

Alt text

what is latency-based routing?

Routing traffic to the AWS Region that provides the lowest latency.

Geolocation Routing (5:02)

Alt text

what is geolocation routing?

Routing traffic based on the geographic location of users:

  • to localize content
  • to restrict distribution of content

Geoproximity Routing (4:50)

Alt text

what is geoproximity routing?

Routing traffic based on the geographic location of users and our resources.

A ‘bias’ can be applied to expand/shrink the size of the geographic region.

compare `latency-based routing` - `geolocation routing` - `geoproximity routing`?

R53 Interoperability (11:50)

Alt text Route 53: Registrar + Hosting

Alt text Route 53: Registrar Only

Alt text Route 53: Hosting Only

[DEMO] Implementing DNSSEC using Route53 (17:43)

Route53 Section Quiz

Domain Registration and Hosting

    actor Ryan
    participant Sally
    participant Ron
    participant Henry

    Ryan->>Sally: Buy

    Sally->>Ron: Give me
    Ron->>Sally: Here is your

    Sally->>Henry: Can you host the zone for on your NS?
    Henry->>Sally: OK. Here are the domains for the NS?

    Sally->>Ron: This is the NS for my
    Ron->>Sally: OK. If someone want to go to I'll give them these NS.


Database Refresher & MODELS - PART1 (8:51), PART2 (14:45)

Alt text SQL vs NoSQL

what is sql?

what is nosql?

Relational (SQL) Database

Alt text Relational Database, e.g. MySQL, Postgres

Non-Relational (NoSQL) Database

Alt text Key-Value Database, e.g. Redis, Google Bigtable, Amazon DynamoDB

Alt text Wide Column Store, e.g. Google Bigtable, Amazon DynamoDB

Alt text Document Database, e.g. MongoDB, Amazon DocumentDB

Alt text Column Database, e.g. BigQuery, Amazon Redshift

Alt text Graph Database, e.g. neo4j, Amazon Neptune

ACID vs BASE (11:02)

Alt text CAP Theorem

what is cap theorem?

The CAP theorem states that any networked shared-data system can have at most two of three desirable properties:

  • consistency (C) equivalent to having a single up-to-date copy of the data (linearizable);
  • high availability (A) of that data (system always accepts updates);
  • and tolerance to network partitions (P)


Alt text ACID

Alt text BASE

Databases on EC2 (13:08)

Alt text Why?

Alt text Why not?

Alt text Databases on EC2 - Example

[DEMO] Splitting Wordpress Monolith => APP & DB (18:01)

Relational Database Service (RDS) Architecture (11:39)

Alt text RDS - DBSaaS

Alt text RDS - Architecture

Alt text RDS - Costs

[DEMO] Migrating EC2 DB into RDS - PART1 (18:20)

Alt text

Alt text

[DEMO] Migrating EC2 DB into RDS - PART2 (12:58)

Relational Database Service (RDS) MultiAZ - Instance and Cluster (11:54)

Alt text RDS - Multi AZ - Instance

Alt text RDS - Multi AZ - Instance - Failover

Alt text RDS - Multi AZ - Instance - Summary

Alt text RDS - Multi AZ - Cluster - Architecture

Alt text RDS - Multi AZ - Cluster - Summary

compare rds multi az instance and multi az cluster.

  • Multi AZ Instance:

    • 1 Primary instance
    • 1 Standby replica:
      • can’t be used for reads / write 👈 not for performance scaling, only for availability
      • kept in sync Synchronously with the primary instance
  • Multi AZ Cluster:

    • 1 Writer DB instance
    • 2 Reader DB instances:
      • can be used for read 👈 limited read scaling
      • kept in sync Asynchronously with the Writer instance 👈 replication lag (aka Replica lag)

RDS Automatic Backup, RDS Snapshots and Restore (8:52)

Alt text RDS Backups - General

what kind of backups does rds support?

RDS support 2 kind of backup:

  • Manually Snapshots
  • Automated Backups

what is rds manually snapshot?

A backup performed manually and live past the termination of an RDS instance

what is rds automated backups?

Backups performed automatically by RDS:

  • 0 to 35 days retention.
  • RDS also use S3 to store transaction logs every 5 minutes.

👉 With RDS Automated Backups, RPO can be only 5 minutes. 💪

Alt text RDS Backups - Cross-Region

Alt text RDS Restores

where is a rds snapshot restored to?

RDS Snapshot is restored to a new RDS instance, with new address.

how long is an rds restore?

RDS Restores aren’t fast. Be careful with RTO.

RDS Read-Replicas (6:36)

Alt text RDS Read-Replicas are kept in sync asynchronously with the primary instance

Alt text RDS Read-Replicas - Performance Improvement

Alt text RDS Read-Replicas - RPO/RTO Improvement

what is the impact of rds read-replicas to rpo/rto?

Read-Replicas offer:

  • near 0 RPO.
  • very low RTO 👈 RRs can be promoted quickly.

can read-replicas solve data corruption?

No. Data corruption will be replicated to RRs.

[DEMO] MultiAZ & Snapshot Restore with RDS - PART1 (14:05)

[DEMO] MultiAZ & Snapshot Restore with RDS - PART2 (12:07)

RDS Data Security (7:03)

Alt text RDS Data Security

Alt text RDS Data Security - Extra Security

Alt text RDS KMS Encryption & TDE

Alt text IAM Authentication RDS

RDS Custom (5:22)

Alt text RDS Custom - Fill the gap between DB-on-EC2 and RDS.

Alt text RDS Custom - Shared Responsibility

Aurora Architecture (13:44)

Alt text Aurora - Key Differences

Alt text Aurora - Storage Architecture - 6 replicas

Alt text Aurora - Storage Architecture - Summary

Alt text Aurora - Endpoints

Alt text Aurora - Cost

Alt text Aurora - Restore, Clone & Backtrack

👉 Aurora implements a number of radical design changes which offer significant performance and feature improvements over other RDS database engines.

Aurora Serverless (9:52)

Alt text Aurora Serverless - Concepts

Alt text Aurora Serverless - Architecture

Alt text Aurora Serverless - Use Cases

[DEMO] Migrating to Aurora Serverless [DENT DO THIS DEMO, IT WON’T WORK, UPDATING to SERVERLESSv2] (14:47)

Aurora Global Database (5:08)

Alt text Aurora Global Database - Architecture

how long is aurora global database's replication between regions?

Less than or equal 1s

Alt text Aurora Global Database - 5 secondary regions - each regions can have 16 read-only replicas

Aurora Multi-master writes (7:51)

Alt text Aurora Multi-Master - All instances are R/W

Alt text Aurora Multi-Master - Architecture

Alt text Aurora Single-Master - Failover

Alt text Aurora Multi-Master - Failover

Relational Database Service (RDS) - RDS Proxy (9:47)

Alt text RDS Proxy - Why?

why use rds proxy?

  • Opening/Closing DB Connections consume resources.

    • Increase latency.
    • Especially with serverless architecture.
  • Handling failure of DB instance is hard:

    • Doing it within application add risks

👉 RDS Proxy solves these problems.

how rds proxy works?

Alt text

Amazon RDS Proxy:

  • sits between your application and your relational database
  • to efficiently manage connections to the database

👉 improve scalability of the application.

Alt text RDS Proxy - Architecture

Alt text RDS Proxy - When?

Alt text RDS Proxy - Key Facts

Database Migration Service (DMS) (11:03)

Alt text Database Migration Service (DMS) - Summary

can dms be used for on-premises db?

Yes and No.

  • DMS can be used to migrate from/to on-premises DB if the other endpoint were on AWS.
  • If both endpoints are on-premise, DMS can NOT be used.

Alt text DMS - Architecture

where is dms run?

On a replication instance (an EC2 instance).

which part of dms really run the migration?

DMS Task:

  • Full load
  • Full load + CDC
  • CDC only

Alt text Schema Conversion Tool (SCT)

aws schema conversion tool (sct) vs aws dms schema conversion?

  • AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT):

    • convert your existing database schema from one database engine to another.
    • used to convert data warehouse schemas, big data frameworks, application SQL code, and ETL processes.
  • AWS DMS Schema Conversion:

    • a web-version of the AWS SCT. [1]
    • supports less database platforms and provides more limited functionality compared

Alt text DMS & Snowball ☃️

RDS Section Quiz

Database - How to choose?


Database FamilyWhen Would You Use It?Use CaseOptimized ForAWS Related Database Engines or Services3rd-party
RelationalMigrating on-premises relational workloads, ad hoc query patternsTraditional applications, enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), e-commerceStructured data in tables, rows, and columns, supports complex ad hoc queries through joinsAmazon Aurora, Amazon RDSMySQL, Postgres
Amazon RedshiftGoogle BigQuery
Key-valueSession stores, shopping carts, scalable for high volumes of state changesHigh-traffic web applications, e-commerce systems, gaming applicationsFast access to large amounts of structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data with high read and write throughputAmazon DynamoDBGoogle Bigtable
DocumentStoring JSON documents with rich querying abilitiesContent management, catalogs, user profilesStoring semi-structured data as JSON documentsAmazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)MongoDB
In-memoryImproving read performance through cachingCaching, session management, gaming leaderboards, geospatial applicationsApplications requiring sub-millisecond data accessAmazon ElastiCache, Amazon MemoryDB for RedisRedis
Wide columnMigrating on-premises Cassandra workloads, high-speed data processingHigh-scale industrial apps for equipment maintenance, fleet management, and route optimizationWorkloads requiring heavy reads/writes, high throughput, low latency, and linear scalabilityAmazon KeyspacesApache Cassandra
GraphFraud detection, recommendation engines, airline networksFraud detection, social networking, recommendation enginesStoring and navigating relationshipsAmazon Neptuneneo4j
Time seriesManaging large amounts of time series data from various sourcesInternet of Things (IoT) applications, DevOps, industrial telemetryStoring and querying data that changes over timeAmazon Timestream
LedgerCommunicating with other entities, maintaining verifiable history of database changesSystems of record, supply chain, registrations, banking transactionsMaintaining a complete and verifiable history of database changesAmazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)

Structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data

Structured dataSemi-structured dataUnstructured data
Data pie10 to 15 %5% to 10%80% to 90%
ExampleRDS table, spreadsheetHTML, JSON, XMLMultimedia (photo, audio, video), text document, scanned PDF


Why RDS?

FeatureOn-premise databaseAmazon EC2 managementAmazon RDS management
On-premises managementCustomerCustomerAWS
Application optimizationCustomerCustomerAWS
High availabilityCustomerCustomerAWS
Database backupsCustomerCustomerAWS
Database software patchingCustomerCustomerAWS
Database software installCustomerCustomerAWS
Operating system (OS) patchingCustomerCustomerAWS
OS installationCustomerCustomerAWS
Server maintenanceCustomerAWSAWS
Hardware lifecycleCustomerAWSAWS
Power, network, and coolingCustomerAWSAWS


EFS Architecture (9:05)

Alt text EFS - Overview

which os does aws efs support?

AWS EFS is an implement of NFSv4, which can only be mounted in Linux.

how to access an aws efs?

The EFS can be accessed:

  • inside a VPC.
  • from on-premises: via VPN or DX.

Alt text EFS - Architecture

Alt text EFS - Performance

which configuration impact an [efs performance](

  • Storage Class:

    • EFS One Zone / One Zone-IA
    • EFS Standard / Standard-IA
    • EFS Archive
  • Performance Mode:

    • General Purpose mode (default - 99.9% of uses): Lowest latency
    • Max I/O mode: Highly parallelized workloads that can tolerate higher latencies
  • Throughput Mode:

    • Bursting mode: Throughput scale with storage
    • Enhanced
      • Elastic mode (default - recommend): Spiky/unpredictable workloads
      • Provisioned mode: Known performace requirements; or throughput > 5% average-to-peak ratio

[DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART1 (8:51)

[DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART2 (11:32)

[DEMO] Using EFS with Wordpress (16:00)

Alt text

AWS Backup (6:36)

Alt text AWS Backup supports a wide range of AWS services

Alt text AWS Backup - Summary

Network Storage Section Quiz


Regional and Global AWS Architecture (10:42)

Alt text Regional & Global AWS Architecture

Alt text Regional & Global Components

Alt text The tiers (components) of an application

Evolution of the Elastic Load Balancer (4:10)

Alt text Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) - Evolution

what are the 3 types of load balancers in aws?

  • v1:
    • Classic Load Balancer (CLB): 2009
  • v2:
    • Application Load Balancer (ALB): HTTP/s, gRPC 👈 Layer 4
    • Network Load Balancer (NLB): TCP/UDP, TLS 👈 Layer 7
    • Gateway LB (GWLB)

(AWS ELB Comparisons)

Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART1 (10:18)

Alt text ELB - Architecture

what is the benefits of load balancer?

  • Distributing workloads across multiple compute resources 👉 HA & FT
  • Decoupling application tiers 👉 ↕️ compute resources without disrupting the overall flow of our app.
  • Or:
    • Sending request only to healthy ones.
    • Offloading encryption/decryption from computer resources to LB.


Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART2 (12:32)

Alt text ELB - Without Cross-Zone LB

Alt text ELB - With Cross-Zone LB

Alt text ELB - Summary

Alt text ELB - Internet-facing LB & Internal LB

what are 2 types [scheme]( of aws elb?

  • Internet-facing LB: the nodes have public IP addresses.
  • Internal LB: the nodes have only private IP addresses.

Application Load balancing (ALB) vs Network Load Balancing (NLB) (16:20)

Alt text LB Consolidation 🏳️‍🌈

why aws classic load balancer don't scale?

CLB don’t support TLS Server Name Indicator (SNI).

😭 Every unique host name requires an individual CLB.

what is lb consolidation?

When multiple websites are hosted on one server (the LB) and share a single IP address.

how does aws v2 lbs allows consolidation?

AWS v2 ALB support rules and target groups.

Using an ALB and its rules based on TLS SNI allows consolidation.

Alt text ALB

Alt text ALB - Rules

Alt text ALB - Rules Example

Alt text NLB

Alt text NLB vs ALB - Exam Tips

which type of elb can have a static ip?

Only NLB can have a static IP.

Launch Configuration and Templates (4:00)

Alt text Launch Configuration (LC) & Launch Template (LT)

Alt text LC & LT - Architecture

Auto-Scaling Groups (16:01)

Alt text ASG - Automatic Scaling EC2 instances

Alt text ASG - Scaling Polices automatically adjust the Desired Capacity

Alt text ASG - Architecture

Alt text ASG - Scaling Polices

Alt text ASG + LBs

Alt text ASG - Scaling Processes

Alt text ASG - Summary

ASG Scaling Policies (10:23)

Alt text ASG Scaling Policies

Alt text ASG Scaling Policies - Simple Scaling

Alt text ASG Scaling Policies - Step Scaling

ASG Lifecycle Hooks (4:41)

Alt text ASG Lifecycle Hooks

Alt text ASG - Without Lifecycle Hooks

Alt text ASG - With Lifecycle Hooks

ASG HealthCheck Comparison - EC2 vs ELB (3:38)

Alt text ASG - 3 types of HealthCheck

what are 3 types of asg healthcheck?

  • EC2 (Default)

    • Hardware issue of EC2 host
    • Software issue of EC2 instance
  • ELB

    More application aware (Layer 7).

  • Custom

    Instances mark healthy/unhealthy by an external system.s

SSL Offload & Session Stickiness (12:11)

Alt text ELB - SSL Offload

what are 3 ways that elb's can handle ssl?

  • Bridging (Default): HTTPS <-> HTTPS
  • Pass-through: TCP
  • Offload: HTTPS <-> HTTP

Alt text ELB - Connection Stickiness

[DEMO] Seeing Session Stickiness in Action (12:57)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART1 (14:24)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART2 (10:43)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE2 (12:58)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE3 (19:30)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE4 (18:04)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART1 (11:31)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART2 (14:56)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE6 (5:48)

Gateway Load Balancer (13:40)

Alt text Why GWLB?

Alt text What is GWLB?

Alt text How GWLB works?

Alt text GWLB - Architecture

HA and Scaling Section Quiz


Architecture Deep Dive - PART1 (8:52)

Alt text CatTube - Monolithic Architecture

Alt text CatTube - Tiered Architecture

Architecture Deep Dive - PART2 (13:09)

Alt text Evolving with Queues

Alt text Evolving with Queues

Alt text Microservices Architecture

Alt text Event Driven Architecture - Event Producer / Event Consumer

Alt text Event Driven Architecture - Only consumes resources while handling events

AWS Lambda - PART1 (11:25)

Alt text AWS Lambda - Overview

Alt text AWS Lambda - Architecture

what is the maximum execution time of an aws lambda?

900s (15min)

Alt text AWS Lambda - Common Uses

AWS Lambda - PART2 (13:59)

Alt text Public Lambda

Alt text Private Lambda - Old Way

Alt text Private Lambda - New Way

Alt text Lambda - Security

Alt text Lambda - Logging

AWS Lambda - PART3 (17:03)

Alt text Lambda - 3 Types of Invocation

Alt text Lambda - Synchronous Invocation

Alt text Lambda - Asynchronous Invocation

Alt text Lambda - Event Source Mapping

Alt text Lambda - Versions

Alt text Lambda - Execution Context: Cold start ☃️ - Warm start 🌞

CloudWatch Events and EventBridge (6:54)

Alt text EventBridge = CloudWatch Events v2

which type of events do cloudwatch events and eventbridge process?

Events generated by supported AWS services within an account.

how many buses do cloudwatch events and eventbridge have?

  • Both have a default Event bus:

    • CloudWatch Events: 1

      The default is the only bus CloudWatch Events has.

    • EventBridge: 1+

      In additional to the defaut event bus, EventBridge can have other event buses.

Alt text Rule & Target

which types of rules do cloudwatch events and eventbridge support?

  • Event Pattern Rule 👈 If X happens do Z.
  • Schedule Rule👈 At Y time(s) do Z.

[DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART1 (13:44)

[DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART2 (18:49)

Serverless Architecture (12:56)

Alt text What is serverless?

Alt text Serverless Architecture Example - PetTube

Simple Notification Service (7:49)

Alt text SNS - Pub-Sub Service

what is the maximum size of sns message?


Alt text SNS - Architecture

Alt text SNS - Delivery Status/Retries

Step Functions (16:09)

Alt text Lambda’s Problems

Alt text Step Functions - State Machines

what are the main concepts of aws step functions?

  • AWS Step Functions lets we coordinate individual tasks into a visual workflow, so you can build and update apps quickly.

    Alt text

  • The workflows we build with Step Functions are called state machines.

  • Each step of your workflow is called a state.

    Alt text

  • A Task (corresponding to a state) (a “Step Function”) represents a unit of work that another AWS service, such as AWS Lambda, performs.

    Alt text

Alt text Step Functions - States

Alt text Step Functions - Example Architecture

API Gateway 101 (16:27)

Alt text API Gateway - 101

Alt text API Gateway - Overview

Alt text API Gateway - Authentication

Alt text API Gateway - Endpoint Types

Alt text API Gateway - Stages

Alt text API Gateway - Errors

Alt text API Gateway - Caching

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART1 (5:01)

Alt text

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART2 (8:24)

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART3 (12:31)

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART4 (13:31)

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART5 (12:55)

[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART6 (2:39)

Simple Queue Service (15:30)

Alt text SQS - Overview

Alt text SQS - Architecture

Alt text SQS & SNS - Architecture

Alt text SQS - Recap

SQS Standard vs FIFO Queues (3:29)

Alt text SQS - Standard vs FIFO Queues

SQS Delay Queues (4:38)

Alt text SQS Visibility Timeout vs SQS Delay Queues

what is [sqs visibility timeout](

  • While a SQS message is processing, it won’t be visible in the SQS queue.
  • After the message are processed,
    • It needs to be explicitly delete from the queue
    • or it will reappear on the queue after the Visibility Timeout.

what is the default value of sqs visibility timeout?


It can be varied from 0s -> 12h.

what is [sqs delay queues](

For an SQS queue which has DelaySeconds set, after the messages added to the queue, they will be invisible for DelaySeconds.

what is the limit of sqs `delayseconds`?

0s -> 15m

SQS Dead-Letter Queues (DLQ) (4:17)

Alt text SQS Dead-Letter Queues

what is [sqs dlq](

The queue which stores messages that can’t be processed (consumed) successfully.

Kinesis Data Streams (7:52)

Alt text Kinesis - Concept

Alt text Kinesis - Architecture

Alt text SQS vs Kinesis

Kinesis Data Firehose (9:11)

Alt text Kinesis Data Firehose - Overview

Alt text Kinesis Data Firehose - Architecture

can kinesis data firehose offer real-time delivery?

No. Although Kinesis Data Firehose can receive data in realtime (200ms), it only delivery data in NEAR realtime.

The messages are delivered when:

  • buffer is filled (1MB)
  • buffer interval passed (60s)

Kinesis Data Analytics (8:51)

Alt text Kinesis Data Analytics - Overview

Alt text Kinesis Data Analytics - Architecture

Alt text Kinesis Data Analytics - When & Where?

Kinesis Video Streams (5:09)

Alt text Kinesis Video Streams - Overview

Alt text Kinesis Video Streams - Architecture

Amazon Cognito - User and Identity Pools (14:44)

Alt text Cognito - Overview

Alt text Cognito - User Pool (authenticate & authorize users to your app or API)

Alt text Cognito - Identity Pool (authorize authenticated/anonymous users to access your AWS resources)

Alt text Cognito - User Pool & Identity Pool

AWS Glue 101 (6:23)

Alt text AWS Glue - Serverless ETL

Alt text AWS Glue - Data Catalog

Alt text AWS Glue - Architecture

Amazon MQ 101 (8:15)

Alt text Amazon MQ - Why?

Alt text Amazon MQ - What?

Alt text Amazon MQ - How?

Alt text Amazon MQ - When?

Amazon AppFlow (3:30)

Alt text Amazon AppFlow - Overview

Alt text Amazon AppFlow - Architecture

Serverless and App Services Section Quiz


CloudFront Architecture (14:56)

Alt text Which problems CloudFront solves?

Alt text CloudFront - Terms

Alt text CloudFront - Regional Edge Cache & Edge Location

Alt text CloudFront - Distribution & Cache Behavior

CloudFront (CF) - Behaviours (9:21)

CloudFront’s Cache behavior settings

CloudFront - TTL and Invalidations (13:48)

Alt text CloudFront - Cache Hit

Alt text CloudFront - Stale Object

Alt text CloudFront - TTL

Alt text CloudFront - Invalidations

ACM (11:21)

Alt text AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) - Overview

Alt text AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) - Certificates

Alt text AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) - Regional Service

what types of services does acm support?

ACM supports: CloudFront, ALB.

ACM does NOT support: EC2.

which region an acm should be in?

The same with AWS resources:

  • An ALB in ap-southeast-1 needs a cert in ACM in ap-southeast-1.
  • CloudFront needs a cert in us-east-1. 👈 Global services are implicitly in us-east-1.

Alt text AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) - Architecture

CloudFront and SSL/TLS (14:59)

Alt text CloudFront & SSL

Alt text CloudFront & SNI

what is the problem between old browsers and ssl?

Old browsers don’t support SNI.

Alt text CloudFront & SSL/SNI

CloudFront (CF) - Origin Types & Origin Architecture (10:20)

CloudFront distributions supports various origins.

CloudFront Origin Settings

[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding a CDN to a static Website-PART1 (16:23)

[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding a CDN to a static Website-PART2 (12:24)

[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding an Alternate CNAME and SSL (11:12)

CloudFront - Security - OAI & Custom Origins (8:50)

Alt text Securing CF Content Delivery Path

Alt text Origin Access Identity (OAI)

Alt text OAI - In Action

⚠️ aws has introduced [oac]( to replace oai.


Alt text Securing Custom Origins

CloudFront - Private Distribution & Behaviours (7:49)

Alt text Private Distributions (*behaviours)

Alt text CloudFront Signed URLs 🔗 vs Cookies 🍪

Alt text Private Distributions - Architecture

[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Using Origin Access Control (OAC) (new version of OAI) (11:21)

Lambda@Edge (8:03)

Alt text Lambda@Edge - Overview

Alt text Lambda@Edge - Architecture

Alt text Lambda@Edge - Use Cases (More)

Global Accelerator (10:29)

Alt text Global Accelerator - The Problem

Alt text Global Accelerator - Use Anycast to route traffic to AWS global backbone network

what is anycast?

Anycast is a network addressing and routing method in which incoming requests can be routed to a variety of different locations (called “nodes”).

Anycast IP allow a single IP to be in multiple locations.

Alt text Global Accelerator - Key Concepts

CloudFront Field-Level Encryption

Alt text CloudFront - Without Field-Level Encryption

Alt text CloudFront - With Field-Level Encryption

what does field-level encryption do?

Field-level encryption allows you to enable your users to securely upload sensitive information to your web servers.


CloudFront Geo Restriction (Geo-blocking)

Alt text CloudFront Geo Restriction

Alt text 3rd-Party GeoLocation Service

CDN and Optimisation Section Quiz


VPC Flow Logs (9:56)

Alt text VPC FLow Logs - Capture traffic metadata, NOT capture contents, NOT realtime

Alt text VPC FLow Logs - Architecture

Alt text VPC FLow Logs - Flow Log Records

Egress-Only Internet Gateway (6:46)

Alt text Egress-Only Internet Gateway - Why?

what does egress-only internet gateway do?

Allow outbound (and response) only access to the public AWS services and Public Internet for IPv6 enabled instances or other VPC based services.

Alt text Egress-Only Internet Gateway - Architecture

VPC Endpoints (Gateway) (11:14)

Alt text VPC Gateway Endpoints: Provide private access to AWS Public Services via Prefix List and Route Table

Alt text VPC - Without Gateway Endpoints

Alt text VPC - With Gateway Endpoints

VPC Endpoints (Interface) (11:26)

Alt text VPC Interface Endpoints - Provide private access to AWS Public Services via DNS

Alt text VPC Interface Endpoints - PrivateDNS

Alt text Without Interface Endpoints 🛑

Alt text With Interface Endpoints

Alt text With Interface Endpoints & PrivateDNS

[DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Interface - PART1 (11:59)

[DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Gateway - PART2 (9:59)

[DEMO] Egress-Only Internet Gateway - PART3 (7:57)

VPC Peering (9:04)

Alt text VPC Peering - Overview

Alt text VPC Peering - Architecture

[DEMO] VPC Peering (22:38)

Advanced VPC Section Quiz


Border Gateway Protocol 101 (17:29)

Alt text BGP - AS, ASN, ASPATH

Alt text BGP - Architecture

IPSec VPN Fundamentals (14:54)

[Tech Fundamentals | IP Sec VPN Fundamentals]

Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text

AWS Site-to-Site VPN (18:05)

Alt text AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Overview

what is a virtual private gateway (vgw)?

A virtual private gateway (VGW) is part of a VPC that provides edge routing for AWS managed VPN connections and AWS Direct Connect connections. You associate an AWS Direct Connect gateway with the virtual private gateway for the VPC. (Source)

Alt text AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Architecture

Alt text AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Architecture (HA)

Alt text AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Static vs Dynamic VPN (BGP)

Alt text AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Considerations

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE0 - SETUP (4:52)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE1 - AWS VPN (10:01)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE2 - onprep pfSense Config (17:09)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE3 - Routing & Security (10:29)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE4 - Testing (5:42)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE5 - Cleanup (1:50)

AWS Direct Connect (DX) Concepts (9:37)

Alt text DX - Concepts

Alt text DX - Architecture

AWS Direct Connect (DX) Resilience (13:50)

Alt text DX Resilience - NONE 😭

Alt text DX Resilience - OK ⭐

Alt text DX Resilience - BETTER ⭐⭐

Alt text DX Resilience - GREAT ⭐⭐⭐

Direct Connect (DX) - Public VIF + VPN (Encryption) (6:43)

Alt text DX - Public VIF + VPN

Alt text DX - Public VIF + VPN

what is a virtual interface (vif)?

For AWS Direct Connection, a virtual interface (VIF) is necessary to access AWS services, and is either public or private.


Transit Gateway (TGW) (10:26)

Alt text TGW - Overview

Alt text TGW - The Problem

Alt text TGW - The Solution

Alt text TGW - Considerations

Storage Gateway - Volume Gateway (14:15)

Alt text Storage Gateway - Overview

Alt text Storage Gateway - Volume Gateway - Stored Mode: Data stored primary on-premise 👈 Backup, DR

Alt text Storage Gateway - Volume Gateway - Cached Mode

Alt text Storage Gateway - Volume Gateway - Cached Mode: Data stored in AWS, cached on-premises 👈 Capacity Expand

Storage Gateway - Tape Gateway - virtual tape library (VTL) (12:11)

Alt text Tape-based Backup - Overview

Alt text Tape-based Backup - Architecture

Alt text Storage Gateway - Tape Gateway

Storage Gateway - File Gateway (12:15)

Alt text Storage Gateway - File Gateway - Overview

Alt text Storage Gateway - File Gateway - Architecture

Alt text Storage Gateway - File Gateway - Multiple Contributors

Alt text Storage Gateway - File Gateway - Multiple Contributors & Replication

Alt text Storage Gateway - File Gateway - S3 Storage Classes

Snowball / Edge / Snowmobile [NEW VERSION COMING SOON] (10:47)

Alt text Snowball / Edge / Snowmobile - Key Concepts

Alt text Snowball = Storage

Alt text Snowball Edge = Snowball + Compute

Alt text Snowmobile = Data Center in a truck

Directory Service (15:50)

Alt text What’s a Directory?

Alt text What about Directory Service?

Alt text Directory Service - Simple AD Mode

Alt text Directory Service - AWS Managed Microsoft AD

Alt text Directory Service - AD Connector

Alt text Directory Service - Which one?

DataSync (9:27)

Alt text AWS DataSync - Overview

Alt text AWS DataSync - Key Features

Alt text AWS DataSync - Architecture

FSx for Windows Servers (11:32)

Alt text FSx for Windows File Servers - Overview

Alt text FSx for Windows File Servers - Architecture

FSx For Lustre (13:57)

Alt text FSx For Lustre - Overview

Alt text FSx For Lustre - S3 data repository

Alt text FSx For Lustre - Performance

Alt text FSx For Lustre - Architecture

Alt text FSx For Lustre - Key Points

AWS Transfer Family (10:24)

Alt text AWS Transfer Family - Overview

Alt text AWS Transfer Family - Architecture

Alt text AWS Transfer Family - Endpoint Type

Alt text AWS Transfer Family - Key Points

Hybrid and Migration Section Quiz


AWS Secrets Manager (7:44)

Alt text Secrets Manager vs System Manager’s Parameter Store

Alt text AWS Secrets Manager - Architecture

Application Layer (L7) Firewall (7:44)

Alt text Firewall - Layer 3-4-5

what is the drawback of firewall layer 3-4?

Packets & segemnts of REQUEST and REQUEST are different and unrelated.

Because Layer 3-4 don’t know what is the data.

what is a big improve of firewall layer 5?

Firewall Layer 5 understand REQUEST & RESPONSE’s session, it can know which REQUEST and RESPONSE is a pair.

Alt text Firewall - Layer 7

what does firewall layer 7 do?

Firewall Layer 7 can:

  • understand HTTP/HTTPs.
  • and even decrypt the data (terminate TLS encryption) and encrypt again for the backend.

👉️ React to:

  • HTTP: Content, Headers, DNS, Rate…
  • SMTP: Mail metadata

Web Application Firewall (WAF), WEBACLs, Rule Groups and Rules (19:18)

Alt text WAF - Architecture

Alt text WAF - Web ACL

Alt text WAF - Rule Groups

Alt text WAF - Rules (Type - Statement - Action)

Alt text WAF - Pricing

AWS Shield (9:47)

Alt text AWS Shield - DDOS Protection

Alt text AWS Shield - Standard - Free - L3/L4

Alt text AWS Shield - Advanced - Pricing & Benefit

Alt text AWS Shield - Advanced - WAF Integration (L7) - Realtime + Health-based

CloudHSM (14:36)

Alt text CloudHSM - Overview

Alt text CloudHSM - Architecture

Alt text CloudHSM - Use Cases

AWS Config (6:14)

Alt text AWS Config - Record config changes over time on resources

Alt text AWS Config - Architecture

Amazon Macie (12:04)

Alt text Amazon Macie - Data Security for S3

Alt text Amazon Macie - Architecture

Alt text Amazon Macie - Identifiers (AWS-managed / Custom)

Alt text Amazon Macie - Findings (Policy / Sensitive data)

[DEMO] Amazon Macie (15:35)

Amazon Inspector (6:28)

Alt text Amazon Inspector - Scan EC2 Instance + OS / Containers

Alt text Amazon Inspector - Agentless & Agent

Alt text Amazon Inspector - CVE, CIS, Security Best Practices

Amazon GuardDuty (4:14)

Alt text Amazon GuardDuty - Security Monitoring Service (with AI/ML)

Alt text Amazon GuardDuty - Architecture

Section Quiz


CloudFormation Physical & Logical Resources (7:30)

Alt text Physical Resource / Logical Resource - Template - Stack

Alt text CloudFormation - Architecture

Alt text CloudFormation - Stack Create/Update/Delete

[DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART1 (10:28)

[DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART2 (11:28)

CloudFormation Template and Pseudo Parameters (6:53)

Alt text Template/Pseudo Parameters - Overview

Alt text Template Parameters - Input for Cfn Template

Alt text Pseudo Parameters - Provided by AWS based on the Stack environment

  Parameters used in Cfn Template
    Template **Parameter**
    _Pseudo_ Parameter
    _Public_ Parameter<br/>from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

what are the difference between _cfn - **pseudo parameters**_ and _aws systems manager - **public parameters**_

CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions (14:28)

Alt text Cfn - Intrinsic Functions

Alt text Cfn Intrinsic Functions: Ref & Fn::GetAtt

Alt text Cfn Intrinsic Functions: Fn:GetAZs & Fn:Select

Alt text Cfn Intrinsic Functions: Fn:Join & Fn:Split

Alt text Cfn Intrinsic Functions: Fn:Base64 & Fn:Sub

Alt text Cfn Intrinsic Functions: Fn:Cidr


FunctionYAML Syntax (Short form)Example usageReturn
Ref!Ref logicalName!Ref MyInstancei-1234567891
Fn::GetAtt!GetAtt logicalNameOfResource.attributeName!GetAtt MyInstance.PublicIpec2-
Fn::GetAZs!GetAZs region!GetAZs ''[ "us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c" ]3
Fn::Select!Select [ index, listOfObjects ]!Select [ "0", [ "apples", "grapes", "oranges" ] ]"apples"4
!Select [ "0", !GetAZs '' ]"us-east-1a"
Fn::Join!Join [ delimiter, [ comma-delimited list of values ] ]!Join [ ":", [ a, b, c ] ]"a:b:c"
Fn::Split!Split [ delimiter, source string ]!Split [ ":" , "a:b:c" ][ a, b, c ]
Fn::Base64!Base64 valueToEncode!Base64 AWS CloudFormationQVdTIENsb3VkRm9ybWF0aW9u5
Fn::Sub!Sub String!Sub "SSH security group for ${AWS::StackName}""SSH security group for STACK_NAME"
Fn::Cidr!Cidr [ ipBlock, count, cidrBits ]!Cidr [ "", 16, 12 ]16 CIDRs with a subnet mask /20


FunctionYAML Syntax
RefShort form!Ref logicalName
Full formRef: logicalName6
Fn::GetAttShort form!GetAtt logicalNameOfResource.attributeName
Full formFn::GetAtt: [ logicalNameOfResource, attributeName ]
Fn::GetAZsShort form!GetAZs region
Full formFn::GetAZs: region
Fn::SelectShort form!Select [ index, listOfObjects ]
Full formFn::Select: [ index, listOfObjects ]
Fn::JoinShort form!Join [ delimiter, [ comma-delimited list of values ] ]
Full formFn::Join: [ delimiter, [ comma-delimited list of values ] ]
Fn::SplitShort form!Split [ delimiter, source string ]
Full formFn::Split: [ delimiter, source string ]
Fn::Base64Short form!Base64 valueToEncode
Full formFn::Base64: valueToEncode
!Sub string
Fn::SubShort form!Sub String
Full formFn::Sub: String
Fn::CidrShort form!Cidr [ ipBlock, count, cidrBits ]
Full formFn::Cidr:
- ipBlock
- count
- cidrBits

how to remember full form and short form?

  • Full form : Fn::FunctionName:
  • Short form: ! FunctionName

See Intrinsic function reference - AWS CloudFormation

CloudFormation Mappings (4:30)

Alt text Cfn Mappings (Template): Mappings section

mappings and key level

The Mappings section can have multiple mappings.

  • Each mapping is a key of the Mappings section.
  • Each mapping can have 2 level of keys.

Alt text Cfn Mappings: Fn::FindInMap

findinmap syntax

FunctionYAML Syntax
Fn::FindInMapShort form!FindInMap [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]
Long formFn::FindInMap: [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]

CloudFormation Outputs (3:37)

Alt text Cfn Outputs (Template): Views in CLI/Console - Used by parent-stack, cross-stack

Alt text Cfn Outputs: Example

[DEMO] Template v2 - Portable (13:34)

CloudFormation Conditions (7:24)

Alt text Cfn Conditions (Template): Only create resources if conditions meet

how cfn condition work?


  • create a condition in the Conditions section
  • associate that condition to logical resources
    • to control if they are created or not

why use cfn condition?

With Cfn Condition, you can reuse a template that can create resources in different contexts.

e.g. a test environment versus a production environment

Alt text Cfn Conditions: Example

CloudFormation DependsOn (7:14)

Alt text Cfn DependsOn (Resource): Explicitly define resources dependency order

Alt text Cfn DependsOn: Example

CloudFormation Wait Conditions, CreationPolicy & cfn-signal (11:52)

Alt text Cfn Provisioning - How do Cfn know that a resource successfully created/update?


By default, Cfn don’t wait for the resources to be configured/bootstrap and be ready to used.

👉 The stack creation/updating will be finished before all of its resources are ready to used.

Alt text Cfn Wait Conditions (Template): Tell Cfn to pause the creation of a stack and wait for a signal before it continues to create the stack

Alt text Cfn Creation Policy (Resource): Tell Cfn to wait on resource configuration actions before stack creation proceeds.

when to use wait conditions & create policy?


  • Create Policy for EC2 and ASG or simple use cases (most situations)
  • Wait Conditions in advance use cases.

Alt text cfn-signal: Signals CloudFormation to indicate whether Amazon EC2 instances have been successfully created/updated

CloudFormation Nested Stacks (13:55)

Alt text Single Stack - The Problem

Alt text Cfn Nested Stack: Stacks created as part of other stacks 👈️ Allow reusing template (code)

`nested stack`, `root stack`, `parent stack`?

  • Nested Stack: Stacks created as part of other stacks.

  • Root Stack: The top-level stack to which all the nested stacks ultimately belong.

  • Parent Stack: Each nested stack has an immediate parent stack.

    Alt text

Alt text Cfn Nested Stacks - When?

how are lifecycle of nested stacks?

The root stacks and all of its nested stacks share the same lifecycle.

CloudFormation Cross-Stack References (10:05)

Alt text Cfn Stacks are isolated and self-contained

Alt text Cfn Outputs Export: Make a stack visible to other stacks (Cross-Stack References)

Alt text Cfn Cross-Stack References - Fn::ImportValue: Import another stack’s Outputs Export

CloudFormation Deletion Policy (5:24)

Alt text Cfn DeletionPolicy - What happen to physical resource when its logical resource deleted?

Alt text Cfn DeletionPolicy - Delete (Default) / Retain / Snapshot (If supported)

CloudFormation Stack Sets (9:12)

Alt text Cfn StackSets - Concepts

Alt text Cfn StackSets - Architecture

Alt text Cfn StackSets - Key Points

CloudFormation Stack Roles (6:47)

Alt text Cfn Stack Roles - Overview

the identity creating the stack doesn't need permissions for resources.

It only needs permissions for:

  • creating the stack
  • PassRole to give Cfn the role with permissions for creating resources.

Alt text Cfn Stack Roles - Example

CloudFormation Init (cfn-init) (8:48)

Alt text cfn-init: Overview

aws::cloudformation::init vs cfn-init?

  • AWS::CloudFormation::Init: a part of the logical resource for EC2 (Metadata key)
  • cfn-init: a helper script in the Properties’s UserData, will run by the EC2 instance

Alt text cfn-init: config keys - configsets


CloudFormation cfn-hup (4:13)

Alt text cfn-init: The problem

Alt text cfn-hup: Rerun config when change detected

what cfn-hup stands for?

cfn hot update.

See Update behaviors of stack resources

[DEMO] wait conditions, cfn-signal, cfn-init and cfn-hup-PART1 (12:51)

[DEMO] wait conditions, cfn-signal, cfn-init and cfn-hup-PART2 (14:42)

CloudFormation ChangeSets [NEW VERSION COMING SOON] (11:03)

Alt text Cfn ChangeSets: Preview changes before execute

Alt text Cfn ChangeSets: Example

CloudFormation Custom Resources (11:03)

Alt text Cfn Custom Resources: Let Cfn integrate with not-natively-support things

Alt text Cfn Custom Resources: Example

[DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART1 (9:12)

[DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART2 (13:27)


Value of the physical ID of the resource or the value of the parameter


Attribute’s value


The list of Availability Zones for the Region.


The selected object (0-index)


echo -n 'AWS CloudFormation' | base64


For Ref, the full form is more simple than the short form


DynamoDB - Architecture (10:49)

Alt text DynamoDB Concepts

what is dynamodb?

what is the selling point of dynamodb?

Alt text DynamoDB: Tables - Items - Attributes - Primary Key (PK): Partition Key & Sort Key (PK & SK)

what is a *primary key*?

Primary key uniquely identifies each item in the table, so that no two items can have the same key.

what is a *partition key*?

Partition key is the required part of primary key.

  • The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute.

  • The term hash attribute derives from the use of an internal hash function in DynamoDB that evenly distributes data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.

what is a *sort key*?

Sort key is an optional part of primary key.

  • The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute.
  • The term range attribute derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key value.

what is capacity of dynamodb?

Alt text DynamoDB On-Demand Backups

Alt text DynamoDB PITR

Alt text DynamoDB Considerations

how is dynamodb billed?

DynamoDB - Operations, Consistency and Performance - PART1 (13:06)

Alt text DynamoDB Reading & Writing: On-Demand / Provisioned

Alt text DynamoDB Query: Find items based on primary key values

Alt text DynamoDB Scan: Reads every item in a table or a secondary index.

DynamoDB - Operations, Consistency and Performance - PART2 (11:24)

Alt text DynamoDB Consistency Model

Alt text DynamoDB - WCU Calculation

Alt text DynamoDB - RCU Calculation

DynamoDB Local and Global Secondary Indexes (12:35)

Alt text DynamoDB Secondary Indexes: Alternative views on table data

in dynamodb, what is attribute projection?

When you create an index:

  • You define an alternate key for the index (partition key and sort key).
  • You also define the attributes that you want to be projected, or copied, from the base table into the index.

Every secondary index is associated with exactly one table, from which it obtains its data.


Alt text DynamoDB Local Secondary Indexes (LSI): Alternative Sort Key

Alt text DynamoDB LSI: Using the base table’s primary key

Alt text DynamoDB Global Secondary Indexes (GSI): Alternative Partition Key & Sort Key

Alt text DynamoDB GSI: Always eventually consistent

Alt text LSI & GSI Considerations

when to use gsi & lci?

Amazon DynamoDB provides fast access to items in a table by specifying primary key values.

However, many applications might benefit from having one or more secondary (or alternate) keys available, to allow efficient access to data with attributes other than the primary key.

  • GSI: Some applications might need to perform many kinds of queries, using a variety of different attributes as query criteria.

  • LSI: Some applications only need to query data using the base table’s primary key. However, there might be situations where an alternative sort key would be helpful.

DynamoDB - Streams & Lambda Triggers (9:10)

Alt text DynamoDB - Stream Concepts

Alt text DynamoDB - Stream Architecture

Alt text DynamoDB - Trigger Concepts

Alt text DynamoDB - Trigger Architecture

DynamoDB - Global Tables (5:09)

Alt text DynamoDB - Global Tables: Overview

Alt text DynamoDB - Global Tables: Architecture

what are exactly a dynamodb *global table*?

A global table is a collection of one or more replica tables, all owned by a single AWS account.

A replica table (or replica, for short) is a single DynamoDB table that functions as a part of a global table.

Source: Global Tables - How it works?

which type are global table's replica tables?

All replica tables are master/active, supports both read and write operations.

Each replica stores the same set of data items.

DynamoDB - Accelerator (DAX) (10:58)

Alt text Traditional Caches vs DAX

Alt text DAX - Architecture

Alt text DAX - Considerations

DynamoDB - TTL (4:49)

Alt text DynamoDB - TTL: Expiring items

Amazon Athena (8:19)

Alt text Amazon Athena: Interactive SQL - Serverless Query Service

Alt text Amazon Athena - Architecture

Alt text Amazon Athena: Queries without ETL

[DEMO] Athena Demo - PART1 (13:31)

Alt text Athena Demo - Architecture

[DEMO] Athena Demo - PART2 (11:37)

Elasticache (12:51)

Alt text Elasticache - Managed in-memory database: Cache data & Reduce database load

Alt text Elasticache - Caching

Alt text Elasticache - Session State Data

Alt text Elasticache - Redis vs MemcacheD

Redshift Architecture (11:32)

Alt text Redshift: Column based, Petabyte-scale Data warehouse (OLAP)

Alt text Redshift: Server based

Alt text Redshift: Architecture

Redshift DR and Resilience (3:40)

Alt text Redshift: DR & Resilience

NoSQL Section Quiz


Amazon Comprehend (7:28)

Alt text Amazon Comprehend: Discover insights and relationships in text

[what is amazon comprehend?](

NLP for a document.

Amazon Kendra (5:00)

Alt text Amazon Kendra: Reinvent enterprise search with ML

[what is kendra?](

NLP for a lot of documents.

Alt text Amazon Kendra Concepts: Index - Documents - Data source (How Amazon Kendra works?)

Amazon Lex (5:51)

Alt text Amazon Lex: Build voice and text chatbots

[what is amazon lex?](

Bot with ML, e.g. Alexa

Alt text Amazon Lex Concepts: Bot - Language - Intent - Slot (How Lex Works?)

Amazon Polly (4:04)

Alt text Amazon Polly: Turn text into life-like speech

[what is amazon polly?](

TTS with ML.

Alt text Amazon Polly: Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML)

[polly - demo](

Amazon Rekognition (4:18)

Alt text Amazon Rekognition: Analyze image and video

[what is rekognition?](

Image & video processing with ML

Alt text Amazon Rekognition: How is work?

Amazon Textract (8:42)

Alt text Amazon Textract: Extract text and data from documents

[what is amazon textract?](

OCR with ML and Analysis

Alt text Amazon Textract: Detect and analysis

Amazon Transcribe (4:55)

Alt text Amazon Transcribe: Automatic speech recognition

[what is amazon transcribe?](

Speech Recognition with ML.

Alt text Amazon Transcribe - Use Cases

Amazon Translate (4:32)

Alt text Amazon Translate: Natural and fluent language translation

[what is amazon translate?](

Text translate with ML.

Alt text Amazon Translate - Use Cases

Amazon Forecast 101 (4:04)

Alt text Amazon Forecast: Increase forecast accuracy using machine learning

[what is amazon forecast?](

Time-series forecasts that uses statistical and machine learning algorithms.

Amazon Fraud Detector (3:34)

Alt text Amazon Fraud Detector: Detect more online fraud faster

[what is amazon fraud detector?](

Fraud Detector with ML.

Amazon SageMaker (5:39)

Alt text Amazon SageMaker: Build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale

[what is amazon sagemaker?](

Fully managed machine learning service:

  • infrastructure, tools, and workflows…

for building, training, deploying machine learning models.


AWS Local Zones (8:52)

Alt text AWS without Local Zones

Alt text AWS with Local Zones

Alt text AWS Local Zones


General AWS Exam Technique - 3 Phases Approach (8:56)

Alt text 3 Phases Approach

Alt text Exam Technique

General AWS Question Technique - PART1 (14:12)

Alt text Question Technique: Preamble (scenario)

Alt text Question Technique: Criteria (restriction)

Alt text Question Technique: Keywords

General AWS Question Technique - PART2 (9:01)

Alt text Question Technique: Keywords - Example

Alt text Question Technique: Eliminate crazy answers

Practice Exam #1

Practice Exam #2