Border Gateway Protocol 101 (17:29)

Alt text BGP - AS, ASN, ASPATH

Alt text BGP - Architecture

IPSec VPN Fundamentals (14:54)

[Tech Fundamentals | IP Sec VPN Fundamentals]

Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text

AWS Site-to-Site VPN (18:05)

Alt text AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Overview

what is a virtual private gateway (vgw)?

A virtual private gateway (VGW) is part of a VPC that provides edge routing for AWS managed VPN connections and AWS Direct Connect connections. You associate an AWS Direct Connect gateway with the virtual private gateway for the VPC. (Source)

Alt text AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Architecture

Alt text AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Architecture (HA)

Alt text AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Static vs Dynamic VPN (BGP)

Alt text AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Considerations

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE0 - SETUP (4:52)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE1 - AWS VPN (10:01)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE2 - onprep pfSense Config (17:09)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE3 - Routing & Security (10:29)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE4 - Testing (5:42)

[DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE5 - Cleanup (1:50)

AWS Direct Connect (DX) Concepts (9:37)

Alt text DX - Concepts

Alt text DX - Architecture

AWS Direct Connect (DX) Resilience (13:50)

Alt text DX Resilience - NONE 😭

Alt text DX Resilience - OK ⭐

Alt text DX Resilience - BETTER ⭐⭐

Alt text DX Resilience - GREAT ⭐⭐⭐

Direct Connect (DX) - Public VIF + VPN (Encryption) (6:43)

Alt text DX - Public VIF + VPN

Alt text DX - Public VIF + VPN

what is a virtual interface (vif)?

For AWS Direct Connection, a virtual interface (VIF) is necessary to access AWS services, and is either public or private.


Transit Gateway (TGW) (10:26)

Alt text TGW - Overview

Alt text TGW - The Problem

Alt text TGW - The Solution

Alt text TGW - Considerations

Storage Gateway - Volume Gateway (14:15)

Alt text Storage Gateway - Overview

Alt text Storage Gateway - Volume Gateway - Stored Mode: Data stored primary on-premise 👈 Backup, DR

Alt text Storage Gateway - Volume Gateway - Cached Mode

Alt text Storage Gateway - Volume Gateway - Cached Mode: Data stored in AWS, cached on-premises 👈 Capacity Expand

Storage Gateway - Tape Gateway - virtual tape library (VTL) (12:11)

Alt text Tape-based Backup - Overview

Alt text Tape-based Backup - Architecture

Alt text Storage Gateway - Tape Gateway

Storage Gateway - File Gateway (12:15)

Alt text Storage Gateway - File Gateway - Overview

Alt text Storage Gateway - File Gateway - Architecture

Alt text Storage Gateway - File Gateway - Multiple Contributors

Alt text Storage Gateway - File Gateway - Multiple Contributors & Replication

Alt text Storage Gateway - File Gateway - S3 Storage Classes

Snowball / Edge / Snowmobile [NEW VERSION COMING SOON] (10:47)

Alt text Snowball / Edge / Snowmobile - Key Concepts

Alt text Snowball = Storage

Alt text Snowball Edge = Snowball + Compute

Alt text Snowmobile = Data Center in a truck

Directory Service (15:50)

Alt text What’s a Directory?

Alt text What about Directory Service?

Alt text Directory Service - Simple AD Mode

Alt text Directory Service - AWS Managed Microsoft AD

Alt text Directory Service - AD Connector

Alt text Directory Service - Which one?

DataSync (9:27)

Alt text AWS DataSync - Overview

Alt text AWS DataSync - Key Features

Alt text AWS DataSync - Architecture

FSx for Windows Servers (11:32)

Alt text FSx for Windows File Servers - Overview

Alt text FSx for Windows File Servers - Architecture

FSx For Lustre (13:57)

Alt text FSx For Lustre - Overview

Alt text FSx For Lustre - S3 data repository

Alt text FSx For Lustre - Performance

Alt text FSx For Lustre - Architecture

Alt text FSx For Lustre - Key Points

AWS Transfer Family (10:24)

Alt text AWS Transfer Family - Overview

Alt text AWS Transfer Family - Architecture

Alt text AWS Transfer Family - Endpoint Type

Alt text AWS Transfer Family - Key Points

Hybrid and Migration Section Quiz