Scored: 49/61 (76%)
q8. ebs: inspect
CloudWatch, not CloudWatch Logs ???
q9. dynamodb: eventually consistent read
- Can receive outdated data
- Use less RCU than a strong consistent read ???
q11. s3: maximum performance
S3 Transfer Acceleration ???
q13. s3: access from external account
Use an IAM role ???
q18 ec2: ephemeral0 data
Won’t be lost after a restart
q20. vpc: 3 azs, 2 tier, subnets?
6 = 3 x 2
q28. ebs: backup
Snapshot backup ???
q29. cloudwatch: ec2 metrics
Without CWAgents
- Disk
- Network
With CWAgent
- Memory
q34. elastic ip
Cost money event if not associated with anything
q37. ec2 - placement group: number of instance?
q45. allow network connectivity between 2+ vpc?
- VPC Peer
- Transit Gateway ???
q47. storage gateway vs nat gateway
Which one can extend capacity of on-premise?
q49. dynamodb: increase rcu vs dax?
q52. ec2 - instance store: when will the cache data be lost?
q54. cloudfront: can improve performance of static or dynamic content.
q55. s3 - storage classes
S3 Standard IA: Same performance as S3 Standard
q59. vpc: direct connect
Won’t traverse the public internet.