Regional and Global AWS Architecture (10:42)

Alt text Regional & Global AWS Architecture

Alt text Regional & Global Components

Alt text The tiers (components) of an application

Evolution of the Elastic Load Balancer (4:10)

Alt text Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) - Evolution

what are the 3 types of load balancers in aws?

  • v1:
    • Classic Load Balancer (CLB): 2009
  • v2:
    • Application Load Balancer (ALB): HTTP/s, gRPC 👈 Layer 4
    • Network Load Balancer (NLB): TCP/UDP, TLS 👈 Layer 7
    • Gateway LB (GWLB)

(AWS ELB Comparisons)

Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART1 (10:18)

Alt text ELB - Architecture

what is the benefits of load balancer?

  • Distributing workloads across multiple compute resources 👉 HA & FT
  • Decoupling application tiers 👉 ↕️ compute resources without disrupting the overall flow of our app.
  • Or:
    • Sending request only to healthy ones.
    • Offloading encryption/decryption from computer resources to LB.


Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART2 (12:32)

Alt text ELB - Without Cross-Zone LB

Alt text ELB - With Cross-Zone LB

Alt text ELB - Summary

Alt text ELB - Internet-facing LB & Internal LB

what are 2 types [scheme](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/userguide/how-elastic-load-balancing-works.html#load-balancer-scheme) of aws elb?

  • Internet-facing LB: the nodes have public IP addresses.
  • Internal LB: the nodes have only private IP addresses.

Application Load balancing (ALB) vs Network Load Balancing (NLB) (16:20)

Alt text LB Consolidation 🏳️‍🌈

why aws classic load balancer don't scale?

CLB don’t support TLS Server Name Indicator (SNI).

😭 Every unique host name requires an individual CLB.

what is lb consolidation?

When multiple websites are hosted on one server (the LB) and share a single IP address.

how does aws v2 lbs allows consolidation?

AWS v2 ALB support rules and target groups.

Using an ALB and its rules based on TLS SNI allows consolidation.

Alt text ALB

Alt text ALB - Rules

Alt text ALB - Rules Example

Alt text NLB

Alt text NLB vs ALB - Exam Tips

which type of elb can have a static ip?

Only NLB can have a static IP.

Launch Configuration and Templates (4:00)

Alt text Launch Configuration (LC) & Launch Template (LT)

Alt text LC & LT - Architecture

Auto-Scaling Groups (16:01)

Alt text ASG - Automatic Scaling EC2 instances

Alt text ASG - Scaling Polices automatically adjust the Desired Capacity

Alt text ASG - Architecture

Alt text ASG - Scaling Polices

Alt text ASG + LBs

Alt text ASG - Scaling Processes

Alt text ASG - Summary

ASG Scaling Policies (10:23)

Alt text ASG Scaling Policies

Alt text ASG Scaling Policies - Simple Scaling

Alt text ASG Scaling Policies - Step Scaling

ASG Lifecycle Hooks (4:41)

Alt text ASG Lifecycle Hooks

Alt text ASG - Without Lifecycle Hooks

Alt text ASG - With Lifecycle Hooks

ASG HealthCheck Comparison - EC2 vs ELB (3:38)

Alt text ASG - 3 types of HealthCheck

what are 3 types of asg healthcheck?

  • EC2 (Default)

    • Hardware issue of EC2 host
    • Software issue of EC2 instance
  • ELB

    More application aware (Layer 7).

  • Custom

    Instances mark healthy/unhealthy by an external system.s

SSL Offload & Session Stickiness (12:11)

Alt text ELB - SSL Offload

what are 3 ways that elb's can handle ssl?

  • Bridging (Default): HTTPS <-> HTTPS
  • Pass-through: TCP
  • Offload: HTTPS <-> HTTP

Alt text ELB - Connection Stickiness

[DEMO] Seeing Session Stickiness in Action (12:57)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART1 (14:24)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART2 (10:43)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE2 (12:58)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE3 (19:30)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE4 (18:04)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART1 (11:31)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART2 (14:56)

[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE6 (5:48)

Gateway Load Balancer (13:40)

Alt text Why GWLB?

Alt text What is GWLB?

Alt text How GWLB works?

Alt text GWLB - Architecture

HA and Scaling Section Quiz