CloudFront Architecture (14:56)
Which problems CloudFront solves?
CloudFront - Terms
CloudFront - Regional Edge Cache & Edge Location
CloudFront - Distribution & Cache Behavior
CloudFront (CF) - Behaviours (9:21)
CloudFront’s Cache behavior settings
CloudFront - TTL and Invalidations (13:48)
CloudFront - Cache Hit
CloudFront - Stale Object
CloudFront - TTL
CloudFront - Invalidations
ACM (11:21)
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) - Overview
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) - Certificates
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) - Regional Service
what types of services does acm support?
ACM supports: CloudFront, ALB.
ACM does NOT support: EC2.
which region an acm should be in?
The same with AWS resources:
- An ALB in
needs a cert in ACM inap-southeast-1
. - CloudFront needs a cert in
. 👈 Global services are implicitly inus-east-1
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) - Architecture
CloudFront and SSL/TLS (14:59)
CloudFront & SSL
CloudFront & SNI
what is the problem between old browsers and ssl?
Old browsers don’t support SNI.
CloudFront & SSL/SNI
CloudFront (CF) - Origin Types & Origin Architecture (10:20)
CloudFront distributions supports various origins.
CloudFront Origin Settings
[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding a CDN to a static Website-PART1 (16:23)
[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding a CDN to a static Website-PART2 (12:24)
[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding an Alternate CNAME and SSL (11:12)
CloudFront - Security - OAI & Custom Origins (8:50)
Securing CF Content Delivery Path
Origin Access Identity (OAI)
OAI - In Action
⚠️ aws has introduced [oac]( to replace oai.
Securing Custom Origins
CloudFront - Private Distribution & Behaviours (7:49)
Private Distributions (*behaviours)
CloudFront Signed URLs 🔗 vs Cookies 🍪
Private Distributions - Architecture
[DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Using Origin Access Control (OAC) (new version of OAI) (11:21)
Lambda@Edge (8:03)
Lambda@Edge - Overview
Lambda@Edge - Architecture
Lambda@Edge - Use Cases (More)
Global Accelerator (10:29)
Global Accelerator - The Problem
Global Accelerator - Use Anycast to route traffic to AWS global backbone network
what is anycast?
Anycast is a network addressing and routing method in which incoming requests can be routed to a variety of different locations (called “nodes”).
Anycast IP allow a single IP to be in multiple locations.
Global Accelerator - Key Concepts
CloudFront Field-Level Encryption
CloudFront - Without Field-Level Encryption
CloudFront - With Field-Level Encryption
what does field-level encryption do?
Field-level encryption allows you to enable your users to securely upload sensitive information to your web servers.