AWS Secrets Manager (7:44)

Alt text Secrets Manager vs System Manager’s Parameter Store

Alt text AWS Secrets Manager - Architecture

Application Layer (L7) Firewall (7:44)

Alt text Firewall - Layer 3-4-5

what is the drawback of firewall layer 3-4?

Packets & segemnts of REQUEST and REQUEST are different and unrelated.

Because Layer 3-4 don’t know what is the data.

what is a big improve of firewall layer 5?

Firewall Layer 5 understand REQUEST & RESPONSE’s session, it can know which REQUEST and RESPONSE is a pair.

Alt text Firewall - Layer 7

what does firewall layer 7 do?

Firewall Layer 7 can:

  • understand HTTP/HTTPs.
  • and even decrypt the data (terminate TLS encryption) and encrypt again for the backend.

👉️ React to:

  • HTTP: Content, Headers, DNS, Rate…
  • SMTP: Mail metadata

Web Application Firewall (WAF), WEBACLs, Rule Groups and Rules (19:18)

Alt text WAF - Architecture

Alt text WAF - Web ACL

Alt text WAF - Rule Groups

Alt text WAF - Rules (Type - Statement - Action)

Alt text WAF - Pricing

AWS Shield (9:47)

Alt text AWS Shield - DDOS Protection

Alt text AWS Shield - Standard - Free - L3/L4

Alt text AWS Shield - Advanced - Pricing & Benefit

Alt text AWS Shield - Advanced - WAF Integration (L7) - Realtime + Health-based

CloudHSM (14:36)

Alt text CloudHSM - Overview

Alt text CloudHSM - Architecture

Alt text CloudHSM - Use Cases

AWS Config (6:14)

Alt text AWS Config - Record config changes over time on resources

Alt text AWS Config - Architecture

Amazon Macie (12:04)

Alt text Amazon Macie - Data Security for S3

Alt text Amazon Macie - Architecture

Alt text Amazon Macie - Identifiers (AWS-managed / Custom)

Alt text Amazon Macie - Findings (Policy / Sensitive data)

[DEMO] Amazon Macie (15:35)

Amazon Inspector (6:28)

Alt text Amazon Inspector - Scan EC2 Instance + OS / Containers

Alt text Amazon Inspector - Agentless & Agent

Alt text Amazon Inspector - CVE, CIS, Security Best Practices

Amazon GuardDuty (4:14)

Alt text Amazon GuardDuty - Security Monitoring Service (with AI/ML)

Alt text Amazon GuardDuty - Architecture

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