OSI Model

OSI LayerOSI Layer NameProtocol data unit (PDU)PDUTCP/IP ProtocolsMisc examplesSoftwareHardwareFunctionNote
Host layers7ApplicationDataHTTP/SDNS, WebSocketBrowser, curlAlt textHigh-level protocols such as for resource sharing or remote file access, e.g. HTTP.
6PresentationSSL/TLSAlt textTranslation of data between a networking service and an application; including character encoding, data compression and encryption/decryption
5SessionSocketsNFSManaging communication sessions, i.e., continuous exchange of information in the form of multiple back-and-forth transmissions between two nodes
4TransportSegment, DatagramSegmentTCP, UDPQUICInternet Socket 1 (OS)Alt textReliable transmission of data segments between points on a network, including segmentation, acknowledgement and multiplexingWhere will the data goes?
Media layers3NetworkPacketPacketIP, IPv6, IPSec, ICMPRouterAlt textStructuring and managing a multi-node network, including addressing, routing and traffic controlHow the data goes to the final network? Which physical path the data will take?
2Data linkFrameFramePPPMAC, Ethernet, Wifi, ARP, IEEE 802.1Q, 802.1AD (QinQ) (VLAN)SwitchTransmission of data frames between two nodes connected by a physical layerHow the data goes inside local network? Two devices on the same network.
1PhysicalBitBitRS232, BluetoothNIC, HubAlt textTransmission and reception of raw bit streams over a physical mediumHow the bits goes? Raw bit stream over ethernet cable, optical fibre, Wifi…
OSI LayerOSI Layer NameProtocol data unit (PDU)PDUTCP/IP Protocols
4TransportSegment, DatagramSegmentTCP, UDP
3NetworkPacketPacketIP, ICMP
2Data linkFrameFramePPP
OSI LayerOSI Layer NameTCP/IP LayerTCP/IP ProtocolsNote
7ApplicationApplicationHTTP/SAlt text
6Presentation(as above)SSL/TLSAlt text
5Session(as above)Sockets
4TransportTransportTCP, UDPAlt text
3NetworkInternetIP, ICMPAlt textWhich physical path the data will take?
2Data linkLinkPPPTwo devices on the same network.
1PhysicalAlt textRaw bit stream over ethernet cable, optical fibre, Wifi…
PhysicalData LinkNetworkTransportSessionPresentationApplication