Bootstrapping EC2 using User Data (10:25)
EC2 User Data
what is ec2 bootstrapping?
The process of configuring an EC2 instance to perform automated install & configuration steps ‘post launch’ before an instance is brought into service.
how to bootstrap an ec2 instance?
what is ec2 user data?
when does ec2 execute user data?
what exactly execute ec2 user data?
how many times does the ec2 user data be executed?
EC2 Bootstrapping
User Data - Key Points
what are drawbacks of ec2 user data?
- It’s opaque to EC2.
- NOT secure.
- Limited to 16KB.
[DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART1 (15:00)
[DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART2 (6:45)
Enhanced Bootstrapping with CFN-INIT (11:52)
what is `cfn-init`?
A powerful desired-state-like configuration engine which is part of the CFN suite of products.
works with stack updates
CreatePolicy & Signals
what does `cloudformation`'s `createpolicy` do?
Creation policies create a ‘WAIT STATE’ on resources .. not allowing the resource to move to CREATE_COMPLETE
until signalled using the cfn-signal
what does `cfn-signal` do?
tells CloudFormation that the stack’s resource is at the desired state (it’s created).
[DEMO] CFN-INIT and CFN Creation Policies (12:29)
EC2 Instance Roles & Profile (4:18)
EC2 Instance Role & Instance Profile
EC2 Instance Profile’s credential
why use instance role/profile?
To grant permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances via short-term credentials.
Using an IAM role to grant permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances
[DEMO] Using EC2 Instance Roles (13:31)
SSM Parameter Store (6:16)
SSM Paremeter Store - Overview
what is ssm parameter store?
Parameter Store, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, provides secure, hierarchical storage for configuration data management and secrets management.
SSM Paremeter Store - Example
[DEMO] Parameter Store (16:11)
System and Application Logging on EC2 (6:15)
Logging on EC2
CloudWatch Agent - internal instance metrics and logging collection
[DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART1 (11:51)
[DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART2 (8:08)
EC2 Placement Groups (14:29)
EC2 Placement Groups - Placement strategies
Cluster Placement Groups
Cluster Placement Groups - Pros and Cons
Spread Placement Groups
Spread Placement Groups - Pros and Cons
Partition Placement Groups
Partition Placement Groups - Pros and Cons
Dedicated Hosts (8:56)
EC2 Dedicated Hosts
Instance capacity configurations - Single instance type support
Instance capacity configurations - Multiple instance type support
EC2 Dedicated Hosts - Limitations & Features
Enhanced Networking & EBS Optimized (6:57)
what is aws enhanced networking?
The AWS implementation of SR-IOV.
what is sr-iov?
A standard allowing a physical host network card to present many logical devices which can be directly utilized by instances.
what is the benefit of sr-iov?
Lower host CPU usage, better throughput, lower and consistent latency.
what is ebs optimized?
A dedicated bandwidth for storage networking - separate from data networking.