EBS Volume Types


Volume Typegp2gp3io1io2io2 Block Express ‡
Durability99.8% - 99.9% durability-99.8% - 99.9% durability99.999% durability-
(0.1% - 0.2% annual failure rate)-(0.1% - 0.2% annual failure rate)(0.001% annual failure rate)-
Use CasesTransactional workloads-Workloads that require-Workloads that require
Virtual desktops--- Sub-millisecond latency
Medium-sized, single-instance databases,-- sustained IOPS performance-- Sustained IOPS performance
Low-latency interactive applications-- more than 16,000 IOPS-- More than 64,000 IOPS or 1,000 MiB/s of throughput
Boot volumes-I/O-intensive database workloads-
Development and test environments--
Volume Size1 GiB - 16 TiB-4 GiB - 16 TiB-4 GiB - 64 TiB
Max IOPS per Volume (16KB IO)16,00064,000-256,000
Max Throughput per VolumeUp to 250 MiB/s1,000 MiB/s1,000 MiB/s-4,000 MiB/s
Amazon EBS Multi-attachNot supported-Supported--
Max IOPS per InstanceNot supported-350,000160,000350.000
Max Throughput per InstanceNot supported-10,000 MB/s4,750 MB/s10,000 MB/s
Boot VolumeSupported----

gp3 volume performance

gp3 IOPS performance

  • Baseline IOPS: 3,000 IOPS
  • Additional IOPS cost: 500 IOPS / GiB of volume size
  • Maximum IOPS can be provisioned for volumes 32 GiB or larger (500 IOPS per GiB × 32 GiB = 16,000 IOPS).

gp3 throughput performance

  • Baseline throughput: 125 MiB/s
  • Additional throughput cost: 0.25 MiB/s per provisioned IOPS
  • Maximum throughput can be provisioned at 4,000 IOPS or higher and 8 GiB or larger (4,000 IOPS × 0.25 MiB/s per IOPS = 1,000 MiB/s).
gp3 Volume Size1GiB8GiB….32GiB16TiB
(Min Volume Size)(Max Volume Size )
IOPS performanceBaseline IOPS (3,000 IOPS)Max IOPS (16,000 IOPS)
Throughput performanceBaseline Throughput (125 MiB/s)Max Throughput (1,000 MiB/s)Max Throughput (1,000 MiB/s)

gp3 pricing

  • gp3 volume instance with min spec:
3,000 iops / 1 GB = 3,000.00 IOPS to GB ratio (gp3)
125 MBps / 3,000 iops = 0.04 IOPS to Throughput ratio
1 volumes x 730 instance hours = 730.00 total instance hours
730.00 instance hours / 730 hours in a month = 1.00 instance months
1 GB x 1.00 instance months x 0.08 USD = 0.08 USD (EBS Storage Cost)
EBS Storage Cost: 0.08 USD
3,000 iops - 3000 GP3 iops free = 0.00 billable gp3 iops
EBS IOPS Cost: 0.00 USD
125 MBps - 125 GP3 MBps free = 0.00 billable MBps
EBS Snapshot Cost: 0 USD
Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) total cost (monthly): 0.08 USD
  • gp3 volume instance with 32GB volume size and no provisional IOPS, throughput
3,000 iops / 32 GB = 93.75 IOPS to GB ratio (gp3)
125 MBps / 3,000 iops = 0.04 IOPS to Throughput ratio
1 volumes x 730 instance hours = 730.00 total instance hours
730.00 instance hours / 730 hours in a month = 1.00 instance months
32 GB x 1.00 instance months x 0.08 USD = 2.56 USD (EBS Storage Cost)
EBS Storage Cost: 2.56 USD
3,000 iops - 3000 GP3 iops free = 0.00 billable gp3 iops
EBS IOPS Cost: 0.00 USD
125 MBps - 125 GP3 MBps free = 0.00 billable MBps
EBS Snapshot Cost: 0 USD
Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) total cost (monthly): 2.56 USD
  • gp3 volume instance with max spec:
16,000 iops / 32 GB = 500.00 IOPS to GB ratio (gp3)
1,000 MBps / 16,000 iops = 0.06 IOPS to Throughput ratio
1 volumes x 730 instance hours = 730.00 total instance hours
730.00 instance hours / 730 hours in a month = 1.00 instance months
32 GB x 1.00 instance months x 0.08 USD = 2.56 USD (EBS Storage Cost)
EBS Storage Cost: 2.56 USD

16,000 iops - 3000 GP3 iops free = 13,000.00 billable gp3 iops
Max (13000.00 iops, 0 minimum billable iops) = 13,000.00 total billable gp3 iops
13,000.00 iops x 1.00 instance months x 0.005 USD = 65.00 USD (EBS IOPS gp3 Cost)
EBS IOPS Cost: 65.00 USD

1,000 MBps - 125 GP3 MBps free = 875.00 billable MBps
Max (875.00 MBps, 0 minimum mbps) = 875.00 billable throughput (MBps)
875.00 MBps / 1024 MB per GB = 0.8545 billable throughput (GBps)
0.8545 GBps x 1.00 instance months x 40.96 USD = 35.00 USD (EBS gp3 throughput Cost)
EBS Snapshot Cost: 0 USD

2.56 USD + 65.00 USD + 35.00 USD = 102.56 USD (Total EBS cost)
Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) total cost (monthly): 102.56 USD


Volume Typest1sc1
Durability99.8% - 99.9% durability-
(0.1% - 0.2% annual failure rate)-
Use Cases
- Big data- Throughput-oriented storage for data that is infrequently accessed
- Data warehouses- Scenarios where the lowest storage cost is important
- Log processing
Volume Size125 GiB - 16 TiB-
Max IOPS per volume (1 MiB I/O)500250
Max Throughput per volume500 MiB/s250 MiB/s
Baseline throughput40 MiB/s per TiB (Base)12 MiB/s per TiB (Base)
250 MiB/s per TiB (Burst)80 MiB/s per TiB (Burst)
Amazon EBS Multi-attachNot supportedNot supported
Boot volumeNot supportedNot supported