EFS Architecture (9:05)

Alt text EFS - Overview

which os does aws efs support?

AWS EFS is an implement of NFSv4, which can only be mounted in Linux.

how to access an aws efs?

The EFS can be accessed:

  • inside a VPC.
  • from on-premises: via VPN or DX.

Alt text EFS - Architecture

Alt text EFS - Performance

which configuration impact an [efs performance](

  • Storage Class:

    • EFS One Zone / One Zone-IA
    • EFS Standard / Standard-IA
    • EFS Archive
  • Performance Mode:

    • General Purpose mode (default - 99.9% of uses): Lowest latency
    • Max I/O mode: Highly parallelized workloads that can tolerate higher latencies
  • Throughput Mode:

    • Bursting mode: Throughput scale with storage
    • Enhanced
      • Elastic mode (default - recommend): Spiky/unpredictable workloads
      • Provisioned mode: Known performace requirements; or throughput > 5% average-to-peak ratio

[DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART1 (8:51)

[DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART2 (11:32)

[DEMO] Using EFS with Wordpress (16:00)

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AWS Backup (6:36)

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Alt text AWS Backup - Summary

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