R53 Hosted Zones

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what is a route53 hosted zone?

A DNS database for a domain, e.g.

  • It’s what the DNS system references for a domain.
  • In other words, hosted zone is the Authoritative nameserver of a domain.

R53 Public Hosted Zones (6:28)

Alt text R53 Public Hosted Zones - Overview

how many nameservers does a public hosted zone have?

4 Route53 nameservers

what is the accessibility of a r53 public zone?

A R53 Public Zone can be accessed from:

  • the public internet
  • AWS VPCs.

for a public hosted zone, what is the dns query process of the aws vpc?

  • VPC Instances are configured with the VPC +2 Address (R53 Resolver).
  • Any resources in the VPC can query public DNS and R53 Public Hosted Zones record.

Alt text R53 Public Hosted Zones - Example

R53 Private Hosted Zones (5:10)

Alt text R53 Private Hosted Zones - Overview

what is the accessibility of a r53 private hosted zone?

A R53 Private Hosted Zone can only be accessed by the VPCs (which with it is associated).

  • These VPCs can be from the same account or different accounts.
  • The public internet cannot access R53 Private Hosted Zones.

Alt text R53 Private Hosted Zones - Example

R53 Split View Hosted Zones

Alt text R53 Split View Hosted Zones

what is r53 split-view dns?

Using the same domain name ( for

  • internal uses (
  • external uses, such as your public website (

Or even using the same sub-domain for both public (external) and internal usage.

CNAME vs R53 Alias (5:19)

Alt text CNAME record - Problem

what is `cname` record?

A CNAME record:

  • maps DNS queries for the name of the current record, such as
  • to:
    • another domain ( or
    • or subdomain ( or

Alt text R53 alias record

what is `alias` record?

Amazon Route 53 alias record is a Route 53–specific extension to DNS functionality.

what does r53 `alias` record do?

R53 alias record:

  • route traffic to selected AWS resources, such as

    • CloudFront distributions
    • Amazon S3 buckets.
  • route traffic from one record in a hosted zone to another record.

why use r53 `alias` record?

  • Unlike a CNAME record, we can create an R53 alias record at the top node of a DNS namespace, also known as the zone apex.

    e.g. DNS name

    • We can’t create a CNAME record for
    • But we can create a R53 alias record for that routes traffic to
  • We can use a R53 alias record to route traffic to many AWS resources.

    Many AWS resources don’t have a static IP address. They only have a DNS name, e.g.

    With R53 alias record, we can route directly traffic to these DNS name, without allocating an additional Elastic IP address.

Simple Routing (2:17)

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what is r53 `simple routing`?

Routing traffic to a single resource, for example, to a web server for your website.

what is the drawback of r53 `simple routing`?

Simple Routing doesn’t support health check.

R53 Health Checks (12:41)

Alt text R53 Health Check - Overview

Alt text R53 Distributed Health Checkers

Failover Routing (1:53)

Alt text R53 Failover Routing

what is `failover routing`?

Routing traffic

  • to a resource when the resource is healthy
  • or to a different resource when the first resource is unhealthy

[DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART1 (16:41)

[DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART2 (6:28)

Multi Value Routing (2:32)

Alt text R53 Multi Value Routing

can r53 `simple routing` return multi values?


what is the different between `simple routing` and `multi value routing`?

  • With Simple Routing, a hosted zone can have a record that have multi values.
  • With Multi Value Routing, a hosted zone can have multiple records with the same name

Weighted Routing (3:24)

Alt text R53 Weighted Routing

what is weighted routing?

Associating multiple resources with

  • a single domain name (
  • or subdomain name ( and

and choose how much traffic is routed to each resource.

Latency-based Routing (2:44)

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what is latency-based routing?

Routing traffic to the AWS Region that provides the lowest latency.

Geolocation Routing (5:02)

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what is geolocation routing?

Routing traffic based on the geographic location of users:

  • to localize content
  • to restrict distribution of content

Geoproximity Routing (4:50)

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what is geoproximity routing?

Routing traffic based on the geographic location of users and our resources.

A ‘bias’ can be applied to expand/shrink the size of the geographic region.

compare `latency-based routing` - `geolocation routing` - `geoproximity routing`?

R53 Interoperability (11:50)

Alt text Route 53: Registrar + Hosting

Alt text Route 53: Registrar Only

Alt text Route 53: Hosting Only

[DEMO] Implementing DNSSEC using Route53 (17:43)

Route53 Section Quiz