Virtualization 101 (12:27)

Alt text Privileged Mode / User Mode - Kernel - System Call

Alt text How to run multiple OSes with a single piece of hardware?

Alt text Emulated Virtualization

Alt text Para-virtualization

Alt text Hardware Assisted Virtualization

Alt text SR-IOV

EC2 Architecture and Resilience (12:36)

Alt text EC2 - Overview

Alt text EC2 - Architecture

what is the level of resilience of ec2 service?

EC2 has AZ-level resilience

Alt text What’s EC2 Good for?

EC2 Instance Types - PART1 (11:52)

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EC2 Instance Types - PART2 (8:13)

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[DEMO] EC2 SSH vs EC2 Instance Connect (17:06)

Storage Refresher (14:16)

Alt text Direct / Network Storage, Ephemeral / Persistent Storage

Alt text Block / File / Object Storage

Alt text IO Block Size - IOPS - Throughput

Elastic Block Store (EBS) Service Architecture (8:43)

Alt text EBS Architecture

Alt text EBS Snapshot

EBS Volume Types - General Purpose (9:23)

Alt text EBS - GP2

Alt text EBS - GP3

EBS Volume Types - Provisioned IOPS (6:15)

Alt text

EBS Volume Types - HDD-Based (4:32)

Alt text

Instance Store Volumes - Architecture (9:00)

Alt text Instance Store is local storage on the EC2 host

what kind of storage has the highest performance for ec2?

Instance Store

what is the price model of ec2 instance store?

Instance Store is include in instance price.

what is the lifecycle of instance store?

It’s can only be attached at instance launch.

Alt text Instance Store is ephemeral storage, attached with an EC2 host

Alt text Instance Store - Throughput

Alt text Instance Store - Recap

Choosing between the EC2 Instance Store and EBS (8:49)

Alt text

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Snapshots, Restore & Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR) (10:55)

Alt text EBS Snapshots

Alt text EBS Snapshots - Architecture

Alt text EBS Snapshots - Performance - Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR)

Alt text EBS Snapshot - Consumption & Billing

[DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART1 (15:16)

[DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART2 (14:13)

[DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART3 (14:27)

EBS Encryption (8:22)

Alt text Flow of EBS Encryption

Alt text Encryption of EBS Snapshot

Alt text EBS Encryption - Summary

Network Interfaces, Instance IPs and DNS (15:58)

Alt text Elastic Network Interface (ENI) & EC2 Network

Alt text EC2 Network & DNS Architecture

Alt text EC2 Network & DNS Architecture - Summary

[DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART1 (12:27)

[DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART2 (12:36)

Amazon Machine Images (AMI) (13:58)

Alt text AMI

Alt text AMI Lifecycle

Alt text AMI - Tips

[DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART1 (9:38)

[DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART2 (10:57)

[DEMO] Copying & Sharing an AMI (8:35)

EC2 Purchase Options - PART1 (9:22)

Alt text EC2 Purchase Options - On-Demand

Alt text EC2 Purchase Options - Spot

EC2 Purchase Options - PART2 (11:56)

Alt text EC2 Purchase Options - Reserved

Alt text EC2 Purchase Options - Dedicated Hosts

Alt text EC2 Purchase Options - Dedicated Instances

Reserved Instances - the rest (11:58)

Alt text Scheduled Reserved Instances

Alt text Capacity Reservations

Alt text EC2 Saving Plan

Instance Status Checks & Auto Recovery (7:42)

Alt text Instance Status Checks & Auto Recovery

[DEMO] Shutdown, Terminate & Termination Protection (5:40)

Horizontal & Vertical Scaling (11:23)

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Instance Metadata [THEORY & DEMO] (15:46)

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EC2 Basics Section Quiz