Architecture Deep Dive - PART1 (8:52)
CatTube - Monolithic Architecture
CatTube - Tiered Architecture
Architecture Deep Dive - PART2 (13:09)
Evolving with Queues
Evolving with Queues
Microservices Architecture
Event Driven Architecture - Event Producer / Event Consumer
Event Driven Architecture - Only consumes resources while handling events
AWS Lambda - PART1 (11:25)
AWS Lambda - Overview
AWS Lambda - Architecture
what is the maximum execution time of an aws lambda?
900s (15min)
AWS Lambda - Common Uses
AWS Lambda - PART2 (13:59)
Public Lambda
Private Lambda - Old Way
Private Lambda - New Way
Lambda - Security
Lambda - Logging
AWS Lambda - PART3 (17:03)
Lambda - 3 Types of Invocation
Lambda - Synchronous Invocation
Lambda - Asynchronous Invocation
Lambda - Event Source Mapping
Lambda - Versions
Lambda - Execution Context: Cold start ☃️ - Warm start 🌞
CloudWatch Events and EventBridge (6:54)
EventBridge = CloudWatch Events v2
which type of events do cloudwatch events and eventbridge process?
Events generated by supported AWS services within an account.
how many buses do cloudwatch events and eventbridge have?
Both have a default Event bus:
CloudWatch Events: 1
The default is the only bus CloudWatch Events has.
EventBridge: 1+
In additional to the defaut event bus, EventBridge can have other event buses.
Rule & Target
which types of rules do cloudwatch events and eventbridge support?
- Event Pattern Rule 👈 If
happens doZ
. - Schedule Rule👈 At
time(s) doZ
[DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART1 (13:44)
[DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART2 (18:49)
Serverless Architecture (12:56)
What is serverless?
Serverless Architecture Example - PetTube
Simple Notification Service (7:49)
SNS - Pub-Sub Service
what is the maximum size of sns message?
SNS - Architecture
SNS - Delivery Status/Retries
Step Functions (16:09)
Lambda’s Problems
Step Functions - State Machines
what are the main concepts of aws step functions?
AWS Step Functions lets we coordinate individual tasks into a visual workflow, so you can build and update apps quickly.
The workflows we build with Step Functions are called state machines.
Each step of your workflow is called a state.
A Task (corresponding to a state) (a “Step Function”) represents a unit of work that another AWS service, such as AWS Lambda, performs.
Step Functions - States
Step Functions - Example Architecture
API Gateway 101 (16:27)
API Gateway - 101
API Gateway - Overview
API Gateway - Authentication
API Gateway - Endpoint Types
API Gateway - Stages
API Gateway - Errors
API Gateway - Caching
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART1 (5:01)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART2 (8:24)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART3 (12:31)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART4 (13:31)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART5 (12:55)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART6 (2:39)
Simple Queue Service (15:30)
SQS - Overview
SQS - Architecture
SQS & SNS - Architecture
SQS - Recap
SQS Standard vs FIFO Queues (3:29)
SQS - Standard vs FIFO Queues
SQS Delay Queues (4:38)
SQS Visibility Timeout vs SQS Delay Queues
what is [sqs visibility timeout](
- While a SQS message is processing, it won’t be visible in the SQS queue.
- After the message are processed,
- It needs to be explicitly delete from the queue
- or it will reappear on the queue after the
Visibility Timeout
what is the default value of sqs visibility timeout?
It can be varied from 0s -> 12h.
what is [sqs delay queues](
For an SQS queue which has DelaySeconds
set, after the messages added to the queue, they will be invisible for DelaySeconds
what is the limit of sqs `delayseconds`?
0s -> 15m
SQS Dead-Letter Queues (DLQ) (4:17)
SQS Dead-Letter Queues
what is [sqs dlq](
The queue which stores messages that can’t be processed (consumed) successfully.
Kinesis Data Streams (7:52)
Kinesis - Concept
Kinesis - Architecture
SQS vs Kinesis
Kinesis Data Firehose (9:11)
Kinesis Data Firehose - Overview
Kinesis Data Firehose - Architecture
can kinesis data firehose offer real-time delivery?
No. Although Kinesis Data Firehose can receive data in realtime (200ms), it only delivery data in NEAR realtime.
The messages are delivered when:
- buffer is filled (1MB)
- buffer interval passed (60s)
Kinesis Data Analytics (8:51)
Kinesis Data Analytics - Overview
Kinesis Data Analytics - Architecture
Kinesis Data Analytics - When & Where?
Kinesis Video Streams (5:09)
Kinesis Video Streams - Overview
Kinesis Video Streams - Architecture
Amazon Cognito - User and Identity Pools (14:44)
Cognito - Overview
Cognito - User Pool (authenticate & authorize users to your app or API)
Cognito - Identity Pool (authorize authenticated/anonymous users to access your AWS resources)
Cognito - User Pool & Identity Pool
AWS Glue 101 (6:23)
AWS Glue - Serverless ETL
AWS Glue - Data Catalog
AWS Glue - Architecture
Amazon MQ 101 (8:15)
Amazon MQ - Why?
Amazon MQ - What?
Amazon MQ - How?
Amazon MQ - When?
Amazon AppFlow (3:30)
Amazon AppFlow - Overview
Amazon AppFlow - Architecture