S3 Security (Resource Policies & ACLs) (18:19)

Alt text S3 is private by default

Alt text S3 Bucket Policies

Alt text S3 Bucket Polices support different accounts & anonymous principles

Alt text S3 Bucket Polices - Condition

Alt text S3 Bucket Polices - Deny - Allow - Deny

Alt text [Legacy] Access Control Lists (ACLS)

Alt text Block Public Access

Alt text Identity Policies - Bucket Polices - ACLs

S3 Static Hosting (10:36)

Alt text

what is the normal access to s3 object?


what is s3 website endpoint?

The endpoint to access the S3 bucket via HTTP.

Alt text Out-of-band pages

[DEMO] Creating a static website with S3 (17:55)

Object Versioning & MFA Delete (7:41)

Alt text Object Versioning cannot be switched off

Alt text Object Versioning: store multiple versions of objects

Alt text Object Versioning: DeleteMaker & Version delete

Alt text Object Versioning: All versions will be billed

Alt text Object Versioning: MFA for suspending bucket versioning and deleting object versions

[DEMO] - S3 Versioning (15:45)

S3 Performance Optimization (11:42)

Alt text Global Architecture

Alt text Single PUT Upload

Alt text Multipart Upload

Alt text S3 Transfer Acceleration

what is s3 transfer acceleration?

[DEMO] - S3 Performance (5:06)

Key Management Service (KMS) (18:38)

Alt text Key Management Service (KMS)

Alt text KMS Keys

Alt text CreateKey & Encrypt using KMS

Alt text Decrypt using KMS

Alt text Data Encryption Keys (DEKs)

Alt text KMS Keys - Key Concepts

Alt text Key Policies and Security

[DEMO] KMS - Encrypting the battleplans with KMS (12:43)

S3 Object Encryption CSE/SSE (23:31)

Alt text S3 Bucket aren’t encrypted

Alt text CSE vs SSE

Alt text SSE-C / SSE-S3 / SS3-KMS

Alt text SSE-C

Alt text SSE-S3 👈 Default

what is the biggest drawback of ss3-s3?

The admin can see the content.

Alt text SSE-KMS

Alt text S3 Object Encryption - Summary

[DEMO] Object Encryption and Role Separation (14:50)

S3 Bucket Keys (5:59)

Alt text S3 without Bucket Keys

Alt text S3 with Bucket Keys

Alt text S3 Bucket Keys - Notes

S3 Object Storage Classes - PART1 (9:23)

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Standard

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Standard - IA

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 One Zone - IA

S3 Object Storage Classes - PART2 (11:41)

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Glacier - Instant

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Glacier - Flexible

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Glacier - Deep Archive

Alt text S3 Storage Classes - S3 Intelligent-Tiering

S3 Lifecycle Configuration (8:13)

Alt text S3 Lifecycle Configuration

Alt text S3 Lifecycle Configuration - Transition

S3 Replication (13:59)

Alt text Cross-Region Replication (CRR) & Same-Region Replication (SRR)

Alt text Replication can be between different accounts

Alt text S3 Replication Options - RTC

Alt text S3 Replication - Considerations

Alt text Why use S3 replication?

[DEMO] Cross-Region Replication of an S3 Static Website (19:52)

S3 PreSigned URLs (11:11)

Alt text Why use Presigned URL?

Alt text Presigned URL works with both Upload and Download

Alt text Apps can use Presigned URL to provide access to Media Bucket

Alt text Presigned URL - Gotchas

[DEMO] Creating and using PresignedURLs (18:23)

S3 Select and Glacier Select (5:32)

Alt text

Alt text

S3 Events (4:32)

Alt text

Alt text

S3 Access Logs (3:05)

Alt text S3 Access Logs

S3 Object Lock (9:52)

Alt text S3 Object Lock - Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM)

Alt text S3 Object Lock - Retention (Compliance / Governance)

Alt text S3 Object Lock - Legal Hold

Alt text S3 Object Lock - Summary

S3 Access Points (5:52)

Alt text Each S3 Access Points is a “mini S3 bucket”

Alt text S3 Access Points’ DNS, policies & endpoint polices

[DEMO] Multi-Region Access Points (MRAP) (20:25)

S3 Section Quiz