VPC Flow Logs (9:56)

Alt text VPC FLow Logs - Capture traffic metadata, NOT capture contents, NOT realtime

Alt text VPC FLow Logs - Architecture

Alt text VPC FLow Logs - Flow Log Records

Egress-Only Internet Gateway (6:46)

Alt text Egress-Only Internet Gateway - Why?

what does egress-only internet gateway do?

Allow outbound (and response) only access to the public AWS services and Public Internet for IPv6 enabled instances or other VPC based services.

Alt text Egress-Only Internet Gateway - Architecture

VPC Endpoints (Gateway) (11:14)

Alt text VPC Gateway Endpoints: Provide private access to AWS Public Services via Prefix List and Route Table

Alt text VPC - Without Gateway Endpoints

Alt text VPC - With Gateway Endpoints

VPC Endpoints (Interface) (11:26)

Alt text VPC Interface Endpoints - Provide private access to AWS Public Services via DNS

Alt text VPC Interface Endpoints - PrivateDNS

Alt text Without Interface Endpoints 🛑

Alt text With Interface Endpoints

Alt text With Interface Endpoints & PrivateDNS

[DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Interface - PART1 (11:59)

[DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Gateway - PART2 (9:59)

[DEMO] Egress-Only Internet Gateway - PART3 (7:57)

VPC Peering (9:04)

Alt text VPC Peering - Overview

Alt text VPC Peering - Architecture

[DEMO] VPC Peering (22:38)

Advanced VPC Section Quiz