
What is this book?

This book is a guide about:

  • Software delivery: how to run & maintain software in production?

  • DevOps: a methodology to make software delivery more efficient

Instead of focus on culture & theory, this book focuses on hand-ons guide:

  • Step-by-step examples about how to run real system & real code.
  • Core concepts & best practices of modern DevOps and software delivery.

Why this book exists?

  • There is no hands-on guide that teach software delivery end-to-end.

  • Software delivery is current learned in the hard way - through trial and error - which can be very costly (outages, data lose, security breaches…)

[!NOTE] The author learned from his experience when he worked at LinkedIn in 2011:

  • LinkedIn’d just IPO, share price was up 100%, revenue was growing 100% by year, 100M members, growing fast.
  • From the inside, the company was in turmoil because of software delivery - a $10 billion company could not deploy code:
    • They deployed once every 2 weeks through a painful, tedious, slow, error-prone way
    • A deployment went so bad, that it could not be completed; new changes, some fixes, more issues…Team worked overnight several days, then everything was roll-backed.
  • They kicked of Project Inversion:
    • new features development was freezed for several months
    • the entire engineering, product, design team reworked all the infrastructure, tooling, technique
  • Months later, they could deploy dozens of times per day:
    • with fewer issues, outages
    • allowing the whole company move much faster

[!NOTE] How did they do that?

  • They didn’t know what they didn’t know

  • They learn about best practices from the industry:

    • Trunk-based development (from one company)
    • Canary deployment (from another)
    • Feature toggles (from another)
  • Most developers don’t know what they don’t know:

    • About software delivery and DevOps
    • Best practices that top tech companies had figured out
  • This book helps you learn from the experience of others so you can build software faster, more reliably and more securely.

[!WARNING] The results from adopting DevOps can be wonderful, but the experience along the way may be not.

Watch out for snakes

  • “DevOps” is used to describe a lot of unrelated concepts. ⛓️‍💥🌕🌑

    e.g. A TLS certificate (& the cryptography behind it), a deployment pipeline, and backing up data from a database.

[!NOTE] What makes DevOps hard? (It’s not the complexity of the concepts)

  • It’s the number of concepts to master (DevOps is an incredibly broad surface area)
  • It’s how to get everything connected together correctly (or nothing works at all)
  • “DevOps” is a box of cables. 🧰⛓️

    You pull out a cable but end up with a giant mess where everything is tangled together

[!TIP] This book try to untangle this mess of cables:

  • Each cable in that mess is in fact a separate cable.
  • In isolation, each concept in DevOps (a cable in that mess) is within your grasp.
  • Sometimes, DevOps even feels like a box of snakes. 🧰🐍🐍

    You pull of a cable but end up getting bitten.

[!CAUTION] DevOps is current a giant mess:

  • A new industry
  • Tools, techniques aren’t mature
  • It often feels like everything is broken, frustrating & hopelessly tangled
  • In DevOps, each time you learn a new buzzword (a new concept):

    • it comes with 10 more unfamiliar buzzwords (it’s a mess of cables)
    • or it might try to by you (a cable or a snake)

    but stick with it & watch for the snake

Who should read this book?

Anyone responsible for deploying & managing apps in production:

  • Individual contributors in operations roles: SREs, DevOps Engineers, SysAdmins…, who wants to level up about software delivery & DevOps.

  • Individual contributors in development roles: Software Engineers/Developers.., who wants to learn about the operations side.

  • Managers: Engineering Managers, CTOs…, who want to adopt DevOps & software delivery best practices in their organizations.

What is in this book?

ChapterKey ideasHand-ons example
1. An Introduction to DevOps & Software Delivery The evolution of DevOps.
On-prem vs cloud.
PaaS vs IaaS.- Run an app on
- Run an app an EC2 instance in AWS.
2. How to Manage Infrastructure as Code Ad hoc scripts.Use Bash to deploy an EC2 instance.
Configuration management tools.Use Ansible to deploy an EC2 instance.
Server templating tools.Use Packer to build an AMI.
Provisioning tools.Use OpenTofu to deploy an EC2 instance.
3. How to Deploy Many Apps: Orchestration, VMs, Containers, and ServerlessServer orchestration.Use Ansible to deploy app servers & Nginx.
VM orchestration.Use OpenTofu to deploy an ASG and ALB.
Container orchestration.Deploy a Dockerized app in Kubernetes.
Serverless orchestration.Deploy a serverless app with AWS Lambda.
4. How to Version, Build & Test Your Code Version control.Store your code in GitHub and use PRs.
Build systems.Configure your build in NPM.
Dependency management.
Automated testing.- Set up automated tests for a Node.js app.
- Set up automated tests for OpenTofu code.
5. How to Set Up CI/CD Trunk-based development.- Use OIDC with GitHub Actions and AWS.
- Run tests in GitHub Actions.
Branch by abstraction.
Feature toggles.
Deployment strategies and pipelines.Run deployments in GitHub Actions.
6. How to Work with Multiple Teams & Environments Internal developer platforms.Create multiple AWS accounts.
Microservices.Deploy microservices in Kubernetes.
Updating and patching.Configure automated updates.
7. How to Set Up Networking: VPCs, VPN, and DNS DNS, domain names, CDN.Set up a custom domain name in Route 53.
Virtual private clouds (VPCs).Deploy a custom VPC in AWS.
Service discovery, service meshes.Do service discovery with Kubernetes.
Network access and hardening.Use SSH and EC2 Instance Connect.
8. How to Manage Authentication, Authorization & Secrets Authentication and user management.
Authorization, permissions, ACLs.Set up SSO and roles for AWS.
Encryption at rest and in transit.Use ACM to provision a TLS certificate.
Secrets management.Store secrets in AWS Secrets Manager.
9. How to Store Data: SQL, NoSQL, Queues, Warehouses, Local and network drives.
Relational DBs, schema management.- Deploy PostgreSQL using RDS.
- Deploy Redis using ElastiCache.
- Use Flyway for schema migrations.
NoSQL, queues, data warehouses.
File storage.Use S3 and CloudFront for static assets.
10. How to Monitor Systems: Metrics, Logs, Alerts, and ObservabilityMetrics and dashboards.Create a dashboard in Grafana.
Logs and log aggregation.Aggregate logs in Elasticsearch.
Alerts and on-call rotations.Set up alerts in CloudWatch.
Observability and tracing.
11. The Future of DevOps and Software Delivery Serverless.
DevSecOps, shift left, supply chain.
Infrastructure from code, runbooks.

What isn’t in this book?

DevOps, software delivery’s topicWhat isn’t in this book
DevOps culture & team dynamicsCross-functional teams, high-trust environments, collaboration tools/techniques
Organization processesCapacity, blameless postmortem, on-call rotation, KPIs, SLOs, error budgets…
Server hardeningOS permissions, intrusion protection, file integrity monitoring, sandboxing, hardened images…
Low-level networkingRouters, switches, links, routing protocols…
ComplianceA detail guide to meed any standard, e.g. SOC2, ISO 270001, HIPAA, GDPR…
Cost optimization & performance tuningA detail guide to reduce costs & improve performance

Code examples

  • This book includes many examples to work through, which is available at GitHub repository:

  • The code samples are organized

    • by chapter (e.g. ch1, ch2),
      • and within each chapter, by tool (e.g. ansible, kubernetes, tofu)

[!TIP] The examples show what the code looks like at the end of a chapter.

To maximum the the learning:

  • write the code yourself
  • check the “official” solutions at the end

Opinionated Code Examples

The code examples represents just one opinionated way to implement this book core concepts - IaC, CI/CD…

[!IMPORTANT] In real world, there is no single “best” way that applies to all situations:

  • All technology choices has a trade-off.
  • Some solution maybe a better fit in some situations that others.

Always use your judgment to pick the right tool for the job.

[!NOTE] The core concepts in this book only change & evolve over a long time span (5-10 years). But the code examples that implement these core concepts may change more frequently. e.g. Kubernetes has a release cycle of 4-month1.

You Have to Get Your Hands Dirty

This book will teach you principles, techniques, tools about DevOps & software delivery.

But you can only achieve serious results if you learn by doing:

  • re-create the example code yourself

    • writing code
    • running code
    • make the code work
  • do the extra get your hands dirty section & tweak the examples

    • customize to your needs
    • break things
    • figure out how to fix them

Using Code Examples

The code examples in this book may be used

  • in your programs and documentation (but not too much)
  • but not for selling & distribution

Chapter 1: An Introduction to DevOps and Software Delivery

I wrote an app. Now what?.

Delivery it to users! But how?

  • AWS, Azure or Google Cloud (Heroku, Vercel, Netlify)?
  • One server or multiple servers?
  • Docker? Kubernetes?
  • VPC? VPN, SSH?
  • Domain name? DNS, TLS?
  • Backup database?
  • Why the app crashed? How to debug it?

A Primer on DevOps

Why DevOps matters?

  • The gap between companies with world-class software delivery and everyone else is 10x, 100x or even more.

  • Dora’s software delivery metrics:

    • What is it?

      … of software changesMetricsDescription
      Throughput…🚀⏱️ Lead timeHow long it takes a change to go from code committed to deployed in production?
      🚀🔢 Deploy frequencyHow often does your organization deploy code to production?
      Stability…🆘🚨 Change fail percentageHow often deployments cause failures that need immediate remediation (e.g. hotfix, rollback)
      🚧⏱️ Recovery timeHow long it takes to recover from a failed deployment?
    • Performance according to 2023 State of DevOps Report

      MetricsLow performersElite performersWorld-class performersElite vs low performers
      🚀⏱️ Lead timeDeployment processes takes…36 hours5 minsIn minutes (100% automated)10-200x more often
      🚀🔢 Deploy frequencyDeploying …Once/monthMany/dayAnytime (Thousands/day)10-200x faster
      🆘🚨 Change fail percentageThe rate of deployment causing problems…2/31/20Detect in seconds (before user-visible impact)13x lower
      🚧⏱️ Recovery timeOutages last24 hours2 minsIn minutes (sometimes automated)700-4000x faster
  • It’s possible to achieve the performance of the elite (or even the world-class):

    • Each of these performers may do it a little differently
    • But in common, most of these performers share a lot of best practices.

[!IMPORTANT] The DevOps movement is an attempt to capture some of the best practices from the world-class performers in DORA software delivery metrics.

Where DevOps Came From

Before DevOps

  • Building a software company …

    • write the software

      • which is handled by the Developers - Dev team

    … also means manage a lot of hardware:

    • setup cabinets, racks -> load with servers -> install wiring, cooling -> build redundancy power systems…

      • which is handled by the Operations - Ops team
  • An application would be:

    • built by the Dev team, then
    • “tossed over the wall” to the Ops team

    The Ops team had to figured out the software delivery:

    • how to deploy, run, maintain… it.

    • most was done manually:

      • manage the hardware
      • install the app & dependencies
  • The company eventually run into problems:

    • release are manual, slow, error-prone
    • frequent outages, downtime

    The Ops team

    • reduce the release cycle (because they can handle all these manually things)
    • but each release is bigger, causing more problems

    Teams begin blaming each other, silos form…

After Devops

  • Instead of managing their own hardware (or data-centers)

    • many companies take advantage of cloud providers (e.g. AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
    • many Ops teams spend their time working on software - e.g. Terraform, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes - to manage the hardware.
  • Both Dev & Ops teams spend most of their time working on software:

    • The distinction between the two team is blurring.

    • There may still a separation of responsibility …

      • The Dev teams are responsible for the application code
      • The Ops team are responsible for the operation code
    • …but both teams need to work more closely together…

  • There come the DevOps movement with the goal of

    • making software delivery vastly more efficient
    • (building better software faster)

    by moving to the cloud & shifting to DevOps mindset:

    BeforeAfterAfter Example
    👥 TeamsDevs write code, “toss it over the wall” to OpsDevs & Ops work together on cross-functional teams
    🧮 ServersDedicated physical serversElastic virtual serversAWS’s EC2
    🌐 ConnectivityStatic IPsDynamic IPs, service discovery
    🛡️ SecurityPhysical, strong perimeter, high trust interiorVirtual, end-to-end, zero trust
    ⚡ Infrastructure provisioningManualInfrastructure as Code (IaC) toolsTerraform
    🔧 Server configurationManualConfiguration management toolsAnsible
    ✅ TestingManualAutomated testingCI
    🚀 DeploymentsManualAutomatedCD
    💱 Change processChange request tickets 🎫Self-service 🏧
    🔢🔄 Deploy cadence (Deploy frequency)Weeks or monthsMany times per day
    🔢🔁 Change cadence (Lead time)Weeks or monthsMinutes
  • DevOps movement has transformed a lot of companies:

    • Nordstrom:
      • number of features delivered by month increased 100%
      • defects reduced 50%
      • lead time reduced 60%
      • number of production accidents reduced 60 - 90%
    • HP’s LaserJet Firmware:
      • the amount spent on developing features went from 5% to 40%
      • development cost reduced 40%
    • Etsy:
      • From infrequent deployments to 25-50 deployments/day

The Evolution of DevOps Software Architecture & Software Delivery Process

The architecture & software delivery process evolution can be broken down into:

  • 3 high-level stages
    • each stages consists of 3 steps

Stage 1

Stage 1 applies to most software projects start: new startups, new initiatives (at existing company), side projects.

  • Step 1:

    • Single server: everything runs on a single server
    • ClickOps (Process): manage infrastructure & deployment manually
    User -> SERVER
  • Step 2:

    • Standalone database: database become a bottleneck -> break it to a separate server
    • Version Control (Process): team grows -> collaborate & track changes
    • Continuous Integration (Process): reduce bugs/outages -> automated tests
         User -> Server -> DATABASE
    Developer ->  VERSION + CONTINUOS
                  CONTROL   INTEGRATION
  • Step 3:

    • Multiple servers: a single server is not enough
    • Load Balancing: distributed traffic across servers
    • Networking: protect servers -> a private networks
    • Data Management: scheduled backups, data migration
    • Monitoring (Process): get better visibility of system
                  ---- VPC ----------------------------
                 |                             BACKUPS |
                 |                  SERVER        ↑    |
         User -> | LOAD BALANCER -> SERVER -> Database |
                 |                  SERVER             |
                 |                   ...               |
    Developer ->  Version + Continuos   + MONITORING
                  Control   Integration

State 1 is

  • simple
  • fast to learn, easy to set up
  • fun to work with

Most software projects never need to make it past stage 1.

[!NOTE] If your application is so good and the number of users keep going - in other words, you have scaling problems - you may have to move on to the subsequent stages.

[!CAUTION] Only move to the subsequent stages, if you’re facing problems that require more complex architecture & processes to solve.

  • These complexity has a considerable cost.
  • If you’re not facing these problems, then you can and should avoid that cost.

Stage 2

Stage 2 applies to larger, more established companies software that has larger user bases and more complexities.

  • Step 4:

    • Caching for data stores: database is still a bottleneck -> add read replicas & caches
    • Caching for static content: traffic grows -> add CDN for content that doesn’t change often
                  ---- VPC -----------------------------------------
                 |                                         Backups |
                 |                                            ↑    |
         User -> | CDN     -> Load balancer -> Servers -> Database |
                 | (CACHE)                                    ↓    |
                 |                                          CACHE  |
    Developer ->  Version + Continuos   + Monitoring
                  Control   Integration
  • Step 5: team size become a problem, deployment is slow, unreliable

    • Multiple environments: to help teams do better testing. Each env is a full copy of infrastructure, e.g. dev, stage, prod
    • Continuous delivery (Process): fast/reliable deployment -> deployment pipeline
    • Authentication & secrets (Process): a little security
                  ---- VPC ------------------------------------- _
                 |                                      Backup  | |_
                 |                                        ↑     | | |
         User -> | CDN -> Load balancer -> Servers --> Database | | |
                 |                                  ↓           | | |
                 |PROD                            Cache         | | |
                  ----------------------------------------------  | |
                   |STAGE                                         | |
                    ----------------------------------------------  |
                     |DEV                                           |
    Developer ->  Version + Continuos   + CONTINUOS + Monitoring + AUTH,
                  Control   Integration   DELIVERY                 SECRETS
  • Step 6: teams keep growing to keep moving quick

    • Microservices: allow teams work independently, each microservice comes with its own data store & caches.
    • Infrastructure as Code (Process): infrastructure for all microservices is a too much to be managed manually.
                  ---- VPC ---------------------------------------------------- _
                 |                                              Cache  Backups | |_
                 |                                                ↑      ↑     | | |
                 |                 ------> SERVICES <-> SERVICES --> Database  | | |
                 |                |           ↕      ↕      ↕                  | | |
         User -> | CDN -> Load balancer -> SERVICES <-> SERVICES --> Database  | | |
                 |                                                ↓      ↓     | | |
                 |prod                                          Cache  Backups | | |
                  -------------------------------------------------------------  | |
                   |stage                                                        | |
                    -------------------------------------------------------------  |
                     |dev                                                          |
    Developer ->  Version + Continuos   + Continuos + Monitoring + Auth,   + INFRASTRUCTURE
                  Control   Integration   Delivery                 Secrets   AS CODE

Stage 2 represent a significant step up in terms of complexity:

  • The architecture has more moving parts
  • The processes are more complicated
  • The need of a dedicated infrastructure team to manage all of this.

Stage 3

Stage 3 applies to large enterprises with massive user bases.

  • Step 7: massive user bases

    • Observability: More visibility <- Tracing + observability
    • Service discovery: So many microservices, how to communicate with each other?
    • Server & networking hardening -> Compliance standard, e.g. PCI, NIST, CIS
    • Service mesh: Unified solution for manage microservices -> all items about + load balancing + traffic control, error handling
                  ---- VPC ---------------------------------------------------------------- _
                 |                                                          Cache  Backups | |_
                 |                     ----------------------------------     ↑      ↑     | | |
                 |                    |      Services <--> Services-----|------> Database  | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                  | | |
                 |                    |           OBSERVABILITY         |                  | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                  | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                  | | |
         User -> | CDN -> Load     -> |       ↕     SERVICE      ↕      |                  | | |
                 |        balancer    |            DISCOVERY            |                  | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                  | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                  | | |
                 |                    |            HARDENING            |                  | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                  | | |
                 |                    |      Services <--> Services-----|------> Database  | | |
                 |                     ---------------------------------      ↓      ↓     | | |
                 |prod                            SERVICE MESH              Cache  Backups | | |
                  -------------------------------------------------------------------------  | |
                   |stage                                                                    | |
                    -------------------------------------------------------------------------  |
                     |dev                                                                      |
    Developer ->  Version + Continuos   + Continuos + Monitoring + Auth,   + Infrastructure
                  Control   Integration   Delivery                 Secrets   as Code
  • Step 8: a lot of data from users

    • Analytics tools: process & analyze data <- data warehouse/lake, machine learning platforms…
    • Event bus: more microservices, more data -> event bus -> event-driven architecture
    • Feature toggles & canary deployment (Process): deploy faster, more reliable <- advanced deployment strategies
                  ---- VPC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _
                 |                                                          Cache  Backups           | |_
                 |                     ----------------------------------     ↑      ↑               | | |
                 |                    |      Services <--> Services-----|------> Database ----       | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                     |      | | |
                 |                    |           Observability         |                     |      | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                     |      | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                     ↓      | | |
         User -> | CDN -> Load     -> |       ↕     Service      ↕      |                   DATA     | | |
                 |        balancer    |            Discovery            |                 WAREHOUSE  | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                     ↑ |    | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                     | |    | | |
                 |                    |            Hardening            |                     | |    | | |
                 |                    |                                 |                     | |    | | |
                 |                    |      Services <--> Services-----|------> Database ----  |    | | |
                 |                     ---------------------------------      ↓    |  ↓         |    | | |
                 |                             |   Service Mesh   |          Cache | Backups    |    | | |
                 |                             ↓                  ↓           ↓    ↓            ↓    | | |
                 |                EVENT BUS =======================================================  | | |
                 |prod                                                                               | | |
                  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  | |
                   |stage                                                                              | |
                    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  |
                     |dev                                                                                |
    Developer ->  Version + Continuos   + Continuos + Monitoring + Auth,   + Infrastructure + FEATURE + CANARY
                  Control   Integration   Delivery                 Secrets   as Code          TOGGLE    DEPLOYMENT
  • Step 9:

    • Multiple data centers: -> global user base
    • Multiple accounts: larger employee base -> isolate teams/products
    • Advanced networking: connect data centers, accounts
    • Internal developer platform (Process): boost developer productivity; ensure all accounts are secure <- account baseline/factory
     ---->   DATA   (With all the infrastructure as in data center 1)
    |      CENTER 2
    |          |
    |          |     ---- VPC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _
    |          |    |                                                          Cache  Backups           | |_
    |     ADVANCED  |                     ----------------------------------     ↑      ↑               | | |
    |     NETWORKING|                    |      Services <--> Services-----|------> Database ----       | | |
    |          |    |                    |                                 |                     |      | | |
    |          |    |                    |           Observability         |                     |      | | |
    |          |    |                    |                                 |                     |      | | |
    |          |    |                    |                                 |                     ↓      | | |
    User ->  DATA   | CDN -> Load     -> |       ↕     Service      ↕      |                   Data     | | |
            CENTER 1|        balancer    |            Discovery            |                 Warehouse  | | |
                    |                    |                                 |                     ↑ |    | | |
                    |                    |                                 |                     | |    | | |
                    |                    |            Hardening            |                     | |    | | |
                    |                    |                                 |                     | |    | | |
                    |                    |      Services <--> Services-----|------> Database ----  |    | | |
                    |                     ---------------------------------      ↓    |  ↓         |    | | |
                    |                             |   Service Mesh   |          Cache | Backups    |    | | |
                    |                             ↓                  ↓           ↓    ↓            ↓    | | |
                    |                Event Bus =======================================================  | | |
                    |prod                                                                               | | |
                     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  | |
                      |stage                                                                              | |
                       -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  |
                        |dev                                                                                |
    Developer ->     Version + Continuos   + Continuos + Monitoring + Auth,   + Infrastructure + Feature + Canary     + Developer
                     Control   Integration   Delivery                 Secrets   as Code          Toggle    Deployment   Platform

Stage 3 applies for company with the toughest problems that deal with the more complexity: global deployments, thousands of developers, millions of users.

[!NOTE] The architecture in stage 3 is still a simplification to what the top 0.1% of the companies face.

Adopting DevOps Practices

Which DevOps practices to adopt?

[!IMPORTANT] KEY TAKEAWAY #1.1 You should adopt the architecture & software delivery processes that are appropriate for the stage of your company

[!CAUTION] Don’t immediately jump to the end and use the architecture & processes of the largest, most elite companies:

  • You don’t have the same scale
  • You don’t have the same problems to solve

Their solutions may not be a good fit for you.

How to adopt DevOps practices?

The key to a success of adopting DevOps (or any migration project) is to do it incrementally:

  • Split up the work in a way that every step brings its own value, even if the later steps never happen

  • Don’t fall into false incrementalism where all steps need to be completed before any step can bring value.

    There is a big changes that the projects gets:

    • modified
    • paused or even cancelled

[!IMPORTANT] KEY TAKEAWAY #1.2 Adopt DevOps incrementally, as a series of small steps, where each step is valuable by itself.

[!CAUTION] Avoid “big bang” migration (all or nothing).

[!TIP] Focus on solving small, concrete problem one at a time.


  • Migrate to cloud:
    • Instead of migrating all teams at the same time
    • Identifying one small, specific app/team -> Migrate just that app/team
  • Adopt DevOps:
    • Instead of applying all processes
    • Identifying one small problem, e.g. outages during deployment -> Automate the deployment steps

Even if the larger migration doesn’t work, at least

  • one team is more successful
  • one process works better

An Introduction to Deploying Apps

Run an App Locally

Example: Run the Sample App Locally

  • A Node.js “Hello, World” - a web server

    // app.js
    const { createServer } = require("node:http");
    const server = createServer((req, res) => {
      res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" });
      res.end("Hello, World!");
    const port = 8080;
    server.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);
  • Install Node.js (if you haven’t installed)

  • Run the app

    node app.js
  • Open link http://localhost:8080 in browser

[!NOTE] By default, when you run a web server on your computer:

  • It’s only available on localhost.
  • In other words, the web server can only be accessed from your computer.

[!TIP] The localhost is a hostname - configured on every computer - points back to the loopback network interface (which is typically

The problem with expose an app run on your personal computer

  • Security

    Your personal computer (PC) is not hardened:

    • There’s a lot of app installed. The more apps running, the more likely an app has an CVE that could be exploited by attacker.
    • There is your personal data (documents, photos, videos, passwords…)
  • Availability

    Your PC might:

    • be accidentally shutdown.
    • not be designed to run 24/7.
  • Performance

    If you’re using your PC,

    • that might take away system resources from your app,
      • which might cause performance issues for your users.
  • Collaboration

    If your app has a bug, or needs to be updated:

    • someone (coworkers, collaborators…) needs to access to your PC,
    • should you give them access to your personal data? No!

[!IMPORTANT] KEY TAKEAWAY #1.3 You should never expose apps running on a personal computer to the outside world.

When to expose an app that runs on your PC

You can deploy an app locally, and expose that app only when:

  • You’re exposing it to a trusted 3rd-party, (e.g. a coworker)…
  • … to get feedback

[!TIP] You can use tunnelling tools, e.g. localtunnel, ngrok, btunnel,

  • to get a temporary URL of your app

Then give someone you trust that URL to access your app.

Why many businesses still expose their critical apps from a PC

Maybe because of:

  1. The company has resource constrained, e.g. a tiny startup
  2. The person running the app doesn’t know any better
  3. The software delivery process is so slow, cumbersome; sneaking the app in a personal computer is the quickly way to get it running.

The solutions:

  • For 1, it’s the cloud.

  • For 2 & 3, it’s reading this book:

    • You know better (2)
    • You know how to create a software delivery process that allow your team to quickly & easily run their apps the right way: on a server. (3)

Deploying an App on a Server

There are 2 ways to get access to servers:

  1. On prem: Buying & setting up your own servers, e.g. Dell R7625 Rack Server[^1]1
  2. In the cloud: You rent servers from others, e.g. AWS EC2

Deploying On Prem Versus in the Cloud

on-prem : Abbreviated for on-premises software : Software you run: : - on your own servers : - in a physical location you own: e.g. your garage/office/data center

in the cloud : Software you run: : - on servers in a cloud computing platform, e.g. AWS, Azure : In other words, you rent servers from a cloud platform via a software interface, and use these rented servers to run your software.

When to Go with the Cloud

Using the cloud should be the default chose because of the following advantages:

Pay-as-you-go- No up-front cost for hardwares
- Extremely cheap or even free in early days
Maintenance & expertise- No need to maintain hardwares
- or hiring experts to do that
Speed- No need to wait for the hardwares: order, ship, assemble…
Elasticity- No need to plan long in advance
Managed services- No need to maintain your own primitive services: databases, load balancers, storages, networking…
Security- The cloud is secure by designed, with a huge amount of resources (time, expertise)
Global reach- The cloud has data centers on over the world
- By using the cloud, your team can be anywhere in the world
Scale- The cloud is massive & growing at incredible rate

[!IMPORTANT] KEY TAKEAWAY #1.4 Using the cloud should be your default choice for most new deployments these days.

When to Go with On-Prem

On-prem makes sense when…ExplainNote
You already have an on-prem presence- If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
- The cost of a migration to the cloud might outweigh the benefit
You have load patterns that are a better fit for on-prem- For some load patterns, cloud provides might charge a lot of mony, e.g. bandwidth & disk-space usageDon’t forget the cost of maintenance for the hardware
- Your traffic is huge, but steady & predictable and you can afford your own servers.
- You need access to some hardware that’s not available in the cloud, e.g. CPUs, GPUs…
Compliance- Some compliance standards, regulations, laws… have not yet adapted to the cloud

When to Go with Hybrid

hybrid : a mixture of cloud & on-prem

The most uses cases of hybrid cloud:

Use caseExplain
Partial cloud migration- New apps are deployed to the cloud
- Some apps are migrated to the cloud
- The rest are kept on-prem
Right tool for the right jobYou have both type of load pattern:
- An app has traffic spikes on holidays -> Cloud
- Another app uses lots of disk space & bandwidth -> On-prem

Two types of cloud: PaaS and IaaS

There are 2 types of cloud:

  • IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service

    IaaS gives you access directly to the low-level primitives computing resources, e.g. servers, so

    • you can create your own software delivery process.

    e.g. Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud

  • PaaS - Platform as a Service

    PaaS gives you a full, opinionated software delivery process.

    e.g. Heroku, Netlify,, Vercel, Firebase, Render, Railway,

[!TIP] One of the first service from AWS (the first cloud that came out in 2006) is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which allow you to rent servers from AWS.

This is the first Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in the market.

EC2 gives you access directly to the (low-level) primitive computing resources - the server.

[!TIP] A year later, in 2007, Heroku came out with one of the first Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings, which focus on high-level primitive.

In additional to the infrastructure, e.g. server, Heroku also provides a full, opinionated software delivery process:

  • application packaging
  • deployment pipelines
  • database management

Deploying An App Using PaaS

[!NOTE] The examples in this chapter use as the PaaS

[!TIP] Why

  • Provides $5 free credits -> the example can be running without cost anything.
  • Support automatically packaging code for deployment via Buildpacks -> code can be deployed without any build system, Docker image…
  • Has a CLI tool flyctl -> deploy code straight from your computer.

Example: Deploying an app using

  • Step 1: Install flyctl

  • Step 2: Sign up & sign in

    fly auth signup
    fly auth login
  • Step 3: Configure the build

    # examples/ch1/sample-app/fly.toml
      builder = "paketobuildpacks/builder:base"
      buildpacks = [""]
      internal_port = 8080
      force_https = true
      auto_stop_machines = true
      auto_start_machines = true
      min_machines_running = 0

[!TIP] For real-world applications, flyclt can recognize many popular app frameworks automatically and you wouldn’t this config file.

  • Step 4: Launch the app

    fly launch --generate-name --copy-config --yes

Get your hands dirty with

  • Check the app status with fly status
  • See the app logs with fly logs, or
  • Scale the numbers of servers up & down with fly scale
  • (Make a change then) Deploy a new version of the app with fly deploy

[!NOTE] When working with the cloud, make a habit of undeploy any things you don’t need anymore.

  • For, it’s by using fly apps destroy <NAME>

How PaaS stacks up

A Paas provides:

  • not just the low-level primitives, e.g. the servers “🖥️”
  • but also the high-level primitives - powerful functionalyity out-of-the-box, such as:
    • ⬆️⬇️ Scaling servers
    • 🌐 Domain names
    • 🔒 TLS certificates & termination
    • 📊 Monitoring
    • 🤖 Automated deployment

These high-level primitives is what make PaaS magic - it just works.

In a matter of minutes, a good PaaS take care of so many software delivery concern for you.

[!WARNING] The magic of PaaS is also the greatest weakness of PaaS.

  • Everything is happenning behind the scenes. If something doesn’t work, it can be hard to debug/fix it.
  • There is a lot of limitation:
    • What you can deploy
    • What types of apps you can run
    • What sort of access you can have to the underlying hardware
    • What sort of hardware is available

[!NOTE] Many projects start on PaaS, then

  • migrate to IaaS if they grow big enough and require more control.

Deploying an App Using IaaS

  • There are 3 types of IaaS: VPS, CDN, cloud providers:

    IaaS typeDescriptionExample
    VPS Providers- Provide access to the Virtual Private Servers (VPSs) as cheap as possibleHetzner, DigitaOcean, Vultr…
    - aka VPS Hosting Providers, might offer other features, e.g. networking, storage…
    CDN Providers- Provide access to Content Delivery Network - CDN servers2CloudFlare, Akamai, Fastly
    - Might also offer: DDoS protection…
    Cloud Providers- Very large companies provides general-purpose cloud solutions for everything: VPS, CDN, serverless, edge computing, data/file storages…Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
    Alibaba Cloud, IBM Cloud
  • In general, VPS and CDN providers are

    • specialists in their respective area,

      • so they will beat a general cloud in term of features & pricing in those areas.

        e.g. A VPS from Hetzner is usually much faster & cheaper than from AWS.

    • if you only need the features in their area, better off going with them.

  • If you are

    • building the infrastructure for the entire company,
      • especially one that is in later stages of its DevOps evolution,
    • your architecture usually needs many types of infrastructure
    • the general-purpose cloud providers will typical a better fit.

Example: Deploying an app using AWS

  • Step 1: Sign up for AWS

    After you signed up,

    • you initially sign in as the root user, which has full permissions to do anything in the AWS account.
    • you can create IAM user - which is more-limited user account within your AWS account.

    [!WARNING] Never use your AWS root user for daily tasks.

  • Step 2: Create an IAM user.

    Use the Identity and Access Management (IAM) service to:

    • create an IAM user
    • manage IAM users
      • add permissions to that IAM user via IAM policy, which can be attached
        • directly to the IAM user
        • or via IAM group

    After you create an IAM user, AWS will show you the security credentials for that users: 1. Sign-in URL, 2. Username, 3. Console password.

    [!TIP] The password is called console password because it’s used for signing in to the AWS Management Console - the web application that manage your AWS account.

    [!TIP] Keep both the root user’s password and IAM user’s password in a password manager, e.g. 1Password, BitWarden

  • Step 3: Login as the IAM user.

    Go the the sign-in URL and sign in with the IAM user credential.

    [!TIP] The sign-in URL is unique for each AWS account.

    In other words, each AWS account has it own authenticated & authorization system.

  • Step 4: Deploy an EC2 instance.

    Use the AWS Elastic Compute Computing (EC2) Service to deploy an EC2 instance:

    • Click Launch instance

    • Fill in name of the instance

    • Choose the Application & OS Images (Amazon Machine Image - AMI)

      • Use the default - Amazon Linux
    • Choose the Instance type, which specifies the type of server: CPU, memory, hard drive…

      • Use the default - t2.micro or t3.micro (Small instance with 1 CPU, 1GB of memory that including in AWS free tier)
    • Choose Proceed without a key-pair because you’re not going to use SSH for this example

    • Configure Network settings:

      • Use the default settings:

        • Network: Default VPC
        • Subnet: No preference - Default subnet
      • Firewall (Security group): Choose Create security group with the rules:

        • Disable Allow SSH traffic from
        • Enable Allow HTTP traffic from the internet <- This allows inbound TCP traffic on port 80 so the example app can receive requests and response with “Hello, World!”

        [!NOTE] By default, EC2 instances have firewalls, called security groups that don’t allow any network traffic in or out.

    • Configure User data:

      [!NOTE] User data is a script that will be executed by the EC2 instance the very first time it boots up

      Fill in a Bash script that:

      • Install node.js
      • Get the code for example server (a simple Node server in a file)
      • Run the server (and ignore hangup signals by using nohup)

[!CAUTION] Watch out for snakes: These examples have several problems

ProblemWhat the example app doesWhat you should do instead
Root userThe app is running from user data, which runs as root user.Run apps using a separate OS user with limited permissions.
Port 80The app is listening on port 80, which required root user permissions.Run apps on ephemeral ports - port greater than 1024.
User data’s limitThe app put all its code & dependencies in user data, which is limited to 16KB.User configuration management tool or server templating tools.
No process supervisionThe app is started by user data script, which only run on the first boot.Use process supervisors to restart that app if it crashes, or after server reboots.
Node.js specificsThe app is run in development mode, which only a have minimum of logging and doesn’t have optimized performanceRun Node.js in production mode3.

Get your hands dirty with AWS

  • Restart your EC2 instance: Does the app still work? Why (not)?
  • Create a custom security group opens up port 8080.
  • Find logs/metrics about the EC2 instance, compare with monitoring from

How IaaS stacks up

Comparing PaaS and IaaS

When to Go with PaaS

[!TIP] Your customers don’t care what kind of CI/CD pipeline you have:

  • Whether you’re running a fancy Kubernetes cluster
  • Whether you’re on the newest NoSQL database

All they matters is you can create a product that meets your customers’ needs.

[!IMPORTANT] KEY TAKEAWAY #1.5 You should spend as little time on software delivery as you possibly can, while still meeting your company’s requirements.

  • If you can find a PaaS meets your requirements, you should:
    • use it & stick with it as long as you can.
    • avoid re-creating all those software delivery pieces until you absolutely have to.

The following use cases is a good fit for PaaS:

  • 🛝 Side projects

    Focus all your time on the side project itself, instead of wasting any time to the software delivery process.

  • 🚀 Startup & small companies

    A startup lives or dies based on its product - something the market wants.

    • Invest all the time/resources to the product.
    • Only when you’re facing the scaling problem, which means you’ve found your product/market, start thinking of moving of PaaS.
  • 🧪 New & experimental projects (at established companies)

    Established companies might have invested in IaaS but still have a slow & inefficient software delivery process:

    • by using PaaS, you can quickly launch something & iterate on it.

When to Go with IaaS

Only move to IaaS when a PaaS can no longer meet your requirements, which means you’re facing the following problems:

  • 🪨 Load & scaling:

    When you are dealing with a huge a mount traffic:

    • In other words, you’re facing the scaling problem (and have found your product)
    • PaaS might no longer meet your requirements:
      • The pricing of PaaS might become prohibitively.
      • The supported architectures by PaaS is limited

    a migrate to IaaS is require to handling that load & scaling.

  • 🍕 Company size

    For companies with dozens of teams with hundreds or thousands of developers, PaaS offers for governance & access controls might be not enough.


    • Allow some teams to make changes, but not the others
  • 🅱️ Availability

    Your business might have a higher level than what PaaS offers for uptime guarantees (SLOs, SLAs)

    PaaS offerings are limited in term of visibility & connectivity options, e.g.

    • Many PaaS don’t let you SSH to the server, when there is an outage/bug you can’t know what really happening.

    [!NOTE] Heroku - the leading PaaS - only supports SSH into a running server after a decade.

  • 🛡️ Security & compliance

    If your business needs to meet some strict security, compliance requirements - e.g. PCI, GCPR, HIPPA - IaaS might be the only option.

[!IMPORTANT] KEY TAKEAWAY #1.6 Go with PaaS whenever you can; go with IaaS when you have to.


  • Adopt the architecture & software delivery processes that are appropriate for your stage of company
  • Adopt DevOps incrementally, as a series of small steps, where each step is valuable by itself
  • You should never expose apps running on a PC to the outside world
  • Using the cloud should be your default choice for most new deployments these days
  • You should spend as little time on software delivery as you possibly can, while still meeting your company’s requirements
  • Go with PaaS whenever you can; go with IaaS when you have to



CDN servers are distributed all over the world, to serve & cache content, especially static assets, such as images, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript bundles.

Chapter 2: How to Manage Your Infrastructure as Code

ClickOps and IaC


ClickOps : clicking through an web UI of a cloud provider’s website to configure computing infrastructure

The problems of ClickOps:

  • Deployments are slow & tedious → You can’t deploy more often
  • Deployments are error-prone → Bugs, outages…
  • Only one person knows how to deploy → If that person is overloaded, everything takes ages; there is also bus factor

Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) : You write & execute code to define, deploy, update, destroy your infrastructure : This marks a shift in mindset in which : - all aspects of operations are treated as software : - even those represent hardware, e.g. setting up a server

  • With modern DevOps, you can manage almost everything as code:

    TaskHow to manage as codeExampleChapter
    Provision serversProvisioning toolsUse OpenTofu to deploy a serverThis chapter (2)
    Configure serversConfiguration management & templating toolsUse Packer to create an image of a serverThis chapter (2)
    Configure appsConfiguration files & servicesRead configuration from a JSON file during boot
    Configure networkingProvisioning tools, service discoveryUse Kubernetes’s service discovery
    Build appsBuild systems, continuous integrationBuild your app with npm
    Test appsAutomated tests, continuous integrationWrite automated tests using Jest
    Deploy appsAutomated deployment, continuous deliveryDo arolling deployment with KubernetesChapter 3
    Scale appsAuto scalingSet upauto scaling policies in AWSChapter 3
    Recover from outagesAuto healingSet upliveness probes in KubernetesChapter 3
    Manage databasesSchema migrationsUse Flyway to update your database schema
    Test for complianceAutomated tests, policy as codeCheck compliance using Open Policy Agent (OPA)
  • For infrastructure, there are 4 type of IaC tools:

    IaC toolExample
    Ad-hoc scriptsUse a Bash script to deploy a server.
    Configuration management toolsUse Ansible to deploy a server.
    Server templating toolsUse Packer to create an image of a server.
    Provision toolsUse OpenTofu to deploy a server.

The Benefits of IaC

When your infrastructure is defined as code:

  • the entire deployment process can be automated
  • you can apply software engineering practices (to your software delivery processes)

which bring a lot of benefits:

How?The benefit
🤳 Self-serviceCode → AutomatedDevelopers can kickoff their own deploy whenever necessary
💨 Speed & safetyCode → Automated → Computers do it better than humanDeployments can be significantly faster; consistently & not prone to manual error
📚 DocumentationThe state of your infrastructure is in the source codeEvery one can understand how things work
🏷️ Version controlThe infrastructure (as code) can be tracked by a version control, e.g. gitThe entire history of infrastructure is now in the commit log.
✅ ValidationThe state of your infrastructure can be*“tested” just as code*You can perform: code review, automated tests, analysis tools
🔁 ReuseYour infrastructure can be packaged intoreusable modulesYou can easily build your infrastructure on top of documented, batted-tested modules.
😀 HappinessIaC allows both computer & developers to what they do best (automation & coding)Everyone is happy. No more repetitive & tedious deploy task.

Ad Hoc Scripts

What is Ad Hoc Script

ad hoc (ad-hoc) : (adj) arranged or happening when necessary and not planned in advance

ad hoc script : code written in a scripting language - e.g. Bash/Ruby/Python - to automate a task you were doing manually

Example: Deploy an EC2 Instance Using a Bash Script

In this example, you will automate all the manual steps, in example in chap 1 that deploy an app using AWS.

  • Migrate the user data

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch2/bash
    cp examples
    cp ch1/ec2-user-data-script/ ch2/bash/
  • Write the Bash script to deploy an app using AWS

    • Create security group
    • Create rule for that security group
    • Run the instance
    • Get the public ip of the instance
    • Print: instance id, security group id, public ip
    # examples/ch2/bash/
    # TODO

[!CAUTION] Watch out for snakes: these are simplified examples for learning, not for production

Get your hands dirty: Ad hoc scripts

  1. What happens if you run the Bash script a second time?

    1. Do you get a error?
    2. If so, why?
  2. How would you have to tweak the script if you wanted to run multiple EC2 instances?

1.i. If the script is run the second time, there will be an error. 1.i. Because in a VPC - the default VPC in this case - the security group’s name need to be unique.

  1. To have multiple EC2, you can duplicate the whole script an change the name of the security-group.

[!WARNING] When you’re done experimenting with the script, you should manually un-deployed the EC2 instance by using the EC2 Console

How Ad Hoc Scripts Stack Up

IaC category criteriaAd Hoc scriptExample
CRUD1- Only handle basically create<br> - Hard to have full CRUDIf you run the script a second time, the script will try to<br>- create a new security group<br>- without knowing that the security group is already exists.
ScaleScale Hard, need to figure everything out yourself- Keep track of everything<br> - Connect everything together <br> - Deployment strategies.
Idempotency2 & error handlingMost ad hoc scripts:<br> - are not idempotent <br> - don’t handle errors gracefully- A script runs → Error → Partial state → Forget what it has done → Rerun the script → Another error.
ConsistencyNo consistencyYou can:<br> - use any programming language you want<br> - write the code however you want.
VerbosityVery verboseYou need to do everything yourself (CRUD, idempotency, error handling), which make the code very verbose.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2.1: Ad hoc scripts are

  • great for small, one-off tasks,
    • but not for managing all your infrastructure as code.

Configuration Management Tools

What is Configuration Management Tools

Configuration Management Tools : e.g. Chef, Puppet, Ansible : Appear before cloud computing → Designed with the assumption that: : - someone else had set up the hardware, e.g. Ops team racked the servers in data center. : - primary purpose is to handle the software - configure the servers: OS, dependencies, your app (deploy, update).

[!NOTE] The configuration management tools can also deploy & manage servers or other infrastructure.

How Configuration Management Tools work

  • Most configuration tools makes changes directly on a set of server you specify, which is called mutable infrastructure paradigm:

    • The same long-running servers will be mutate over & over again, over many years.
  • To be able to make changes on these servers, you need 2 things: something to drive the changes & a way to connect to the server.

    Chef, PuppetAnsible
    Something to drive the changesYou run amaster server(s)You use an CLI
    ➕ Can have areconciliation loop: check & match the desired configuration➕ Can run anywhere (dev PC, build server…)
    A way to connect to the serverViaagent software that installed on each serverVia SSH
    ➖ Need to install the agent➖ Need to open extra port

    [!WARNING] Chicken-and-egg 🐥🥚 problem You have a tool that configure your servers:

    • before you can use that tool
      • you need to configure your servers.

Example: Deploy an EC2 Instance Using Ansible

[!NOTE] This example use Ansible to deploy an EC2 instance so you can have a server to use the configuration management tool - Ansible.

[!WARNING] Although configuration tools can also deploy & manage servers:

  • they’re not originally designed to that.

For this example, spinning up a single server for learning & testing, Ansible is good enough.

[!TIP] Before start this example, you can read the docs about the basic concepts in Ansible.



To deploy an EC2 instance using Ansible, you need to:

  • Define an Ansible playbook3

    • in Ansible’s domain specific language (DSL), which is based on YAML.
    • to tell Ansible to do what you want:
      • create a security group
      • create an EC2 key-pair (& save it)
      • create the EC2 instance (& tag it)
    # examples/ch2/ansible/create_ec2_instance_playbook.yml
    # TODO

Example: Configure a Server Using Ansible

  1. To let Ansible know which servers it needs configure, you provide an inventory4 that:
  • Specify a list of static IP addresses of the servers (in group).


    webservers: # A group of servers named webservers
    dbservers: # A group of servers named dbservers
    • Now, you can use Ansible playbook to target the servers in those 2 groups: webservers, dbservers
  • Use an inventory plugin to dynamically discover your servers with IP addresses that change frequently.

    • e.g.

      • Use the aws_ec2 inventory plugin to discovered EC2 instance on AWS

        # examples/ch2/ansible/inventory.aws_ec2.yml
          - us-east-2
          - key: tags.Ansible # 1️⃣
        leading_separator: "" # 2️⃣
      • 1️⃣: Ansible will create groups bases on the value of the tag Ansible

      • 2️⃣: By default, Ansible adds a leading underscore to the group names. This disables it so the group name matches the tag value.

    • For each group (of servers) in the inventory, you can specify group variables5 to configure how to connect to the servers in that group.

      # examples/ch2/ansible/group_vars/ch2_instances.yml
      ansible_user: ec2-user # The user Ansible ‘logs in’ as.
      ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ansible-ch2.key
      ansible_host_key_checking: false # Turn off host key checking so Ansible don't prompt you
  1. To let Ansible know what to do (with the servers), you provides a playbook (that specifies the roles6 of these server).
  • The playbook

    # examples/ch2/ansible/configure_sample_app_playbook.yml
    - name: Configure the EC2 instance to run a sample app
      hosts: ch2_instances # Target the servers in group ch2_instances - the one created in previous example, grouped by the inventory plugin
      gather_facts: true
      become: true
        - sample-app # Configure the server using an Ansible role called sample-app
  • The role:

    • Tasks

      # ch2/ansible/roles/sample-app/tasks/main.yml
      - name: Add Node packages to yum
        shell: curl -fsSL | bash - # 1️⃣
      - name: Install Node.js
          name: nodejs # 2️⃣
      - name: Copy sample app
        copy: #          3️⃣
          src: app.js #  Relative path to the role's files directory
          dest: app.js # Relative path on the server
      - name: Start sample app
        shell: nohup node app.js &
      • 1️⃣: Use the shell module to install yum
      • 2️⃣: Use the yum module to install nodejs
      • 3️⃣: Use the copy module to copy app.js to the server.
    • Files

      Copy app.js from chapter 1 to examples/roles/sample-app/files/app.js

  1. The final structure of the example
├── configure_sample_app_playbook.yml
├── group_vars
│   └── ch2_instances.yml
├── inventory.aws_ec2.yml
└── roles
    └── sample-app
        ├── files
        │   └── app.js
        └── tasks
            └── main.yml
  1. Run the playbook

[!TIP] Don’t forget to authenticate to AWS on the command line.

ansible-playbook -v -i inventory.aws_ec2.yml configure_sample_app_playbook.yml
PLAY RECAP : ok=5    changed=4    failed=0

Get your hands dirty with Ansible

  1. What happens if you run the Ansible playbook a second time? How does this compare to running the Bash script a second time?
  2. How would you have to tweak the playbook if you wanted to run multiple EC2 instances?
  3. Figure out how to use the SSH key created by Ansible (ansible.key) to manually SSH to your EC2 instance and make changes locally.

[!WARNING] When you’re done experimenting with Ansible, you should manually un-deployed the EC2 instance by using the EC2 Console

How Configuration Management Tools Stack Up

AspectConfiguration Management ToolsExplain, examples
CRUDMost supports 3/4 CRUD operation:
- Create
- Read😢 Hit or miss, e.g. For Ansible, you need to manually give each resource a unique name or tag
- Update😢 Hit or miss
- (Don’t support delete)
Scale- Designed for managing multiple servers.Increase the number of instances, and Ansible will configure all of them.
- Some has builtin support forrolling deploymentsIf you have 20 servers → update Ansible role → re-run Ansible → Ansible rolls out the change in batch, and ensure no downtime.
Idempotency & error handlingSome tasks are idempotentyum
Some task are not idempotentSome task using shell module
ConsistencyConsistent, predictable structure code with conventions.Docs, file layout, named parameters, secret managements…
VerbosityConcise ← DSLThe Ansible code may have the same length with Bash, but handles a lot of things: CRU, scaling…

Drawbacks of configuration management tools

  • Setup cost
  • Configuration drift due to mutable infrastructure paradigm: each long-running server can be a little different from the others.

Immutable infrastructure paradigm

With immutable infrastructure paradigm:

  • Instead of long-running physical servers,
    • you use short-lived virtual servers (that will be replaced every time you do an update).
  • Once you’ve deployed a server, you’ve never make changes to it again.
    • If you need to update something, even it’s just a new version of your application
      • you deploy a new server.

[!TIP] Cattle vs pets

ParadigmImmutable infrastructureMutable infrastructure
What it mean?Treat a server like a cattle:
- each one is indistinguishable to others, with random, sequential IDs
- kill them off & replace them regularly
Treat a server like a pet:
- give it unique name
- (take care of it) & keeps it alive as long as possible

[!NOTE] Immutable infrastructure paradigm is inspired by:

  • Function programming:
    • Variables are immutable
      • After you set a variable to a value, you can’t change that variable again.
      • If you need to update something, you create a new variable.
    • It’s a lot easier to reason about your code.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2.2

Configuration management tools are

  • great for managing the configuration of servers,
    • but not for deploying the servers themselves, or other infrastructure.

Server Templating Tools

What is Server Templating Tools

Server Templating Tools : e.g. Docker, Packer, Vagrant : instead of: : 1. launching servers : 2. configure them (by running the same code on each) : you: : 1. create an image of a server that captures a fully self-contained “snapshot” of the operating system (OS), the software, the files, and all other relevant details. : 2. use some other IaC to install that image on all of your servers.

Two types of image tools - Virtual machine and container

Virtual machine

virtual machine (VM) : a VM emulates an entire computer system, including the hardware (and of course the software)

VM image : the blueprint for a VM : defined with tools: Packer, Vagrant

hypervisor : aka virtualizer : a type of computer software/firmware/hardware that creates & runs virtual machines.

  • You run a hypervisor7 with the VM image to create a VM that virtualize/emulate

    • the underlying hardware: CPU, memory, hard driver, networking…
    • the software: OS, dependencies, apps…
  • Pros and cons of VM:

    Pros- Each VM is fully isolated from the host machine & other VM.<- Can run any 3rd-party code without worry of malicious actions
    - All VMs from the same VM image will run exactly the same way in all environments.e.g. Your PC, a QA server, a production server.
    Cons- Overhead of CPU/memory usage.<- For each VM, the hypervisor needs to virtual all hardware & running a guest OS …
    - Overhead of startup time.<- … that whole OS needs to start.

container : a container emulates the user space8 of an OS

container image : the blueprint for a container

container engine : a Container Engine takes a Container Image : - (simulates an user space with memory, mount points & networking) : - turns it into a Container (aka running processes) : e.g. Docker, cri-o, Podman

Pros- Each container is partial isolated from the host machine & other containers.<- ☑️ Good enough to run your application code.
- All containers from the same container image will run exactly the same way in all environments.e.g. Your PC, a QA server, a production server.
- No overhead of CPU/memory usage & startup time.<- For all containers, the container engine only needs to virtual a user space (instead of all hardware & a guest OS)
Cons- Each container is only partial isolated from the host machine & other containers.<- ❌ Not good enough to run any 3rd-party code without worry about malicious actions.

Example: Create a VM Image Using Packer

In this example, you will use Packer to create a VM image for AWS (called an Amazon Machine Image - AMI)

  • Create a Packer template

    # examples/ch2/packer/sample-app.pkr.hcl
    packer {
      required_plugins { #                                                  0️⃣
        amazon = {
          version = ">= 1.3.1"
          source  = ""
    source "amazon-ebs" "amazon_linux" { #                                  1️⃣
      ami_name        = "sample-app-packer-${uuidv4()}"
      ami_description = "Amazon Linux 2023 AMI with a Node.js sample app."
      instance_type   = "t2.micro"
      region          = "us-east-2"
      source_ami      = "ami-0900fe555666598a2"
      ssh_username    = "ec2-user"
    build { #                                                               2️⃣
      sources = [""]
      provisioner "file" { #                                                3️⃣
        source      = "app.js"
        destination = "/home/ec2-user/app.js"
      provisioner "shell" { #                                               4️⃣
        inline = [
          "curl -fsSL | sudo bash -",
          "sudo yum install -y nodejs"
        pause_before = "30s"
    • 0️⃣ - Plugin: Use the Amazon plugin9 to build Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
    • 1️⃣ - Builder: Use the amazon-ebs builder to create EBS-backed AMIs by
      • (launching a source AMI)
      • (re-packaging it into a new AMI after provisioning10)
    • 2️⃣ - Build steps:
      • After provision the EC2 instance, Packer connects to the server and runs the build steps in the order specified in the Packer template.
      • (When all the builds steps have finished, Packer will take a snapshot of the servers and use it to create an AMI)
    • 3️⃣ - File provisioner: Copy the files to the server.
    • 4️⃣ - Shell provisioner: Execute shell commands on the server.

    [!NOTE] The Packer template is nearly identical to the Bash script & Ansible playbook,

    • except it doesn’t actually run the app.
  • Install Packer

  • Install Packer plugins (used in the Packer template)

    packer init sample-app.pkr.hcl

    [!NOTE] Packer can create images for many cloud providers, e.g. AWS, Azure, GCP. The code for each providers is

    • not in the Packer binary itself
    • but in a separate plugin (that the packer init command can install)
  • Build image from Packer template

    packer build sample-app.pkr.hcl
    ==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
      --> amazon-ebs.amazon_linux: AMIs were created:
      us-east-2: ami-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    • The ami-XXX value is the ID of the AMI that was created from the Packer template.

    [!NOTE] The result of running Packer is not a server running your app, but the image of the server.

    • This image will be used by another IaC tolls to launch one or more servers (running the image)
    • The app will be run when the image is deployed (or the server is launched).

Get your hands dirty with Packer

  1. What happens if you run packer build on this template a second time? Why?

  2. Figure out how to update the Packer template so it builds images that

    • not only can run on AWS,
    • but also can run on other clouds (e.g., Azure or GCP)
      • or on your own computer (e.g., VirtualBox or Docker).

How Server Templating Tools Stack Up

AspectServer Templating Tools
CRUDOnly supports Create→ Create’s all a server templating tool needs11
ScaleScale very welle.g. The same image can be used to launch 1 or 1000 servers.
Idempotency & error handlingIdempotent by design→ If there is an error, just rerun & try again.
ConsistencyConsistent, predictable structure code with conventions.e.g. Docs, file layout, named parameters, secret managements…
VerbosityVery concise← Use an DSL; don’t have to deal with all CRUD operations; idempotent “for free”

[!WARNING] Server templating tools cannot be used in isolated (because it only supports create).

  • If you use a server templating tool, you need another tool to support all CRUD operations, e.g. a provisioning tool

[!NOTE] All server templating tools will create images but for slightly different purposes:

  • Packer: create VM images run on production servers, e.g. AMI
  • Vagrant: create VM images run on development computers, e.g. VirtualBox image
  • Docker: create container images of individual applications, which can be run any where as long as that computer has installed an container engine.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2.3 Server templating tools are

  • great for managing the configuration of servers with immutable infrastructure practices.
    • (but needs to be used with another provisioning tools)

Provisioning Tools

What is Provisioning Tools

provisioning tool : e.g. OpenTofu/Terraform, CloudFormation, OpenStack Heat, Pulumi… : a provisioning tool is responsible for : - deploying : - managing (all CRUD operations) : the servers & other infrastructure in the clouds: : - (servers), databases, caches, load balances, queues, monitoring : - subnet configurations, firewall settings, routing rules, TLS certificates : - …

[!NOTE] What are the different between ad-hoc script, configuration management tools, server templating tools & provisioning tools?

  • Configuration management tools: manage configurations of servers
  • Server templating tools: manage configurations of servers with immutable infrastructure practices
  • Provisioning tools: deploy & manage the servers (& other infrastructure)

How Provisioning Tools work

Under the hood, provisioning tools work by

  • translating the code you write
    • into API calls to the cloud providers you’re using

e.g. If you write OpenTofu/Terraform code to create a server in AWS, when you run OpenTofu, it will:

  • Parse your code
  • (Based on the the configuration you specified,) make a number of APIs calls to AWS
    • to create an EC2 instance

[!NOTE] By making APIs to cloud providers, provisioning tools bring in many advantages:

  • You don’t need to setup master servers.
  • You don’t need to setup connection to the servers ← Take advantages of the authentication mechanism of cloud providers.

Example: Deploy an EC2 Instance Using OpenTofu

[!TIP] Terraform vs OpenTofu

  • Terraform is a popular provisioning tool that HashiCorp open sourced in 2014 under Mozilla Public Licenses (MPL) 2.0.
    • In 2024, HashiCorp switched Terraform to non-open source Business Source License (BSL).
  • As a result, the community fork Terraform under the named OpenTofu, which remains open source under the MPL 2.0 license.

To deploy an EC2 Instance using OpenTofu, you

  • write an OpenTofu module

    • in HCL12,
    • in configuration files with a .tf extension (instead of .pkr.hcl for Packer template)

    [!NOTE] An OpenTofu module is a folder with all .tf files in that folder:

    • No matter are the name of these .tf files.
    • But there are some conventions, e.g.
      • Main resources
      • Input variables
      • Output variables
  • use that OpenTofu module (run OpenTofu code) to deploy the EC2 instance.

For this example, the OpenTofu module for an EC2 instance looks like this:

  1. Main resources

    # examples/ch2/tofu/ec2-instance/
    provider "aws" {                                               # 1️⃣
      region = "us-east-2"
    resource "aws_security_group" "sample_app" {                   # 2️⃣
      name        = "sample-app-tofu"
      description = "Allow HTTP traffic into the sample app"
    resource "aws_security_group_rule" "allow_http_inbound" {      # 3️⃣
      type              = "ingress"
      protocol          = "tcp"
      from_port         = 8080
      to_port           = 8080
      security_group_id =
      cidr_blocks       = [""]
    resource "aws_instance" "sample_app" {                         # 4️⃣
      ami                    = var.ami_id                          # 4️⃣1️⃣
      instance_type          = "t2.micro"
      vpc_security_group_ids = []
      user_data              = file("${path.module}/") # 4️⃣2️⃣
      tags = {
        Name = "sample-app-tofu"
    What the OpenTofu code do?
    • 1️⃣ - Use AWS provider: to work with AWS cloud provider.

      [!NOTE] OpenTofu can works with many providers, e.g. AWS, Azure, GCP…

      • An OpenTofu provider is like a Packer plugin.

      [!TIP] AWS has data centers all over the world, grouped into regions.

      • An AWS region is a separate geographic area, e.g. us-east-1 (Virginia), us-east-2 (Ohio), eu-west-1 (Ireland), ap-southeast-1 (Singapore)
        • Within each region, there are multiple isolated data centers, called Availability Zones (AZs)
    • 2️⃣ - Create a security group: to control the network traffic go in & out the EC2 instance

      [!NOTE] For each type of provider, there are

      • several kinds of resources that you can create
        • e.g. servers, databases, load balancers, firewall settings…

      The syntax for creating a resource (of a provider) in OpenTofu is as follows:

      • resource "<PROVIDER>_<TYPE>" "<NAME>" {
          [CONFIG ...]


        • PROVIDER: name of the provider, e.g. aws
        • TYPE: type of the resource (of that provider) to create, e.g. instance (an AWS EC2 instance)
        • NAME: an identifier you can use in OpenTofu code to refer to this resource, e.g. my_instance
        • CONFIG: one or more arguments that specific to that resource.
    • 3️⃣ - Create a rule for the security group: to allow inbound HTTP request on port 8080.

    • 4️⃣ - Create an EC2 instance: that uses the previous security group, and have a Name tag of sample-app-tofu.

       - 4️⃣1️⃣ - **Set the AMI**: to `var.ami_id`, which is a reference to an `input variable` named `ami_id` in ``.
       - 4️⃣2️⃣ - **Set the user data**: to a file named ``, which is in the OpenTofu module's directory, next to other `.tf` files.
  2. Input variables

    # examples/ch2/tofu/ec2-instance/
    variable "ami_id" {
      description = "The ID of the AMI to run."
      type        = string

    [!NOTE] The input variables allow an OpenTofu module

    • to be customized when that module is used to provision resources.
    Example explain
    • The input variable ami_id allow you to pass in the ID of an AMI that will be used to run the EC2 instance.
      • You will pass in ID of the AMI you build Packer template in previous section.
  3. Output variables

    # examples/ch2/tofu/ec2-instance/
    output "instance_id" {
      description = "The ID of the EC2 instance"
      value       =
    output "security_group_id" {
      description = "The ID of the security group"
      value       =
    output "public_ip" {
      description = "The public IP of the EC2 instance"
      value       = aws_instance.sample_app.public_ip

    [!NOTE] The output variables can be used to log & share values betweens OpenTofu modules.

  4. (Not about OpenTofu) The application & the user data

    • The application: is already included in the AMI (built from the Packer template in previous section).

    • The EC2 instance user data (to start the app)

      # examples/ch2/tofu/ec2-instance/
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      nohup node /home/ec2-user/app.js &

After writing the OpenTofu module code, you need to run that module code to deploy the EC2 instance:

  1. Install OpenTofu

  2. Install any providers used in OpenTofu code

    tofu init
  3. Apply the OpenTofu code to deploy the EC2 instance

    • Run the apply command

      tofu apply
    • The tofu apply command will prompt you for the ami_id value and you paste in the value via the CLI

        The ID of the AMI to run.
        Enter a value:

      Alternative to provide the values via the CLI prompt, you can do it via -var flag, environment variables, or variable definitions file.

      • -var flag:

        tofu apply -var ami_id=<YOUR_AMI_ID>
      • Environment variable TF_VAR_<var_name>

        export TF_VAR_ami_id=<YOUR_AMI_ID>
        tofu apply
      • Variable definition file (a file named terraform.tfvars)

        • Define terraform.tfvars

          # ch2/tofu/ec2-instance/terraform.tfvars
          ami_id = "<YOUR_AMI_ID>"
        • Run tofu apply and OpenTofu will automatically find the ami_id value.

    • The tofu apply command will then

      • show you the execution plan (plan for short)…

        OpenTofu will perform the following actions:

        …Details of the actions…

          # aws_instance.sample_app will be created
          + resource "aws_instance" "sample_app" {
              + ami                                  = "ami-0ee5157dd67ca79fc"
              + instance_type                        = "t2.micro"
              ... (truncated) ...
          # aws_security_group.sample_app will be created
          + resource "aws_security_group" "sample_app" {
              + description            = "Allow HTTP traffic into the sample app"
              + name                   = "sample-app-tofu"
              ... (truncated) ...
          # aws_security_group_rule.allow_http_inbound will be created
          + resource "aws_security_group_rule" "allow_http_inbound" {
              + from_port                = 8080
              + protocol                 = "tcp"
              + to_port                  = 8080
              + type                     = "ingress"
              ... (truncated) ...
        Plan: 3 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
        Changes to Outputs:
          + instance_id       = (known after apply)
          + public_ip         = (known after apply)
          + security_group_id = (known after apply)

        [!NOTE] The plan output is similar to the output of the diff command of Linux and git diff:

        Anything with:

        • a plus sign (+) will be created
        • a minus sign () will be deleted
        • a tilde sign (~) will be modified in place

        [!TIP] The plan output can also be generated by running tofu plan.

      • …prompt you for confirmation

        Do you want to perform these actions?
          OpenTofu will perform the actions described above.
          Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
          Enter a value:
      • If you type yes and hit Enter, OpenTofu will proceed:

          Enter a value: yes
        aws_security_group.sample_app: Creating...
        aws_security_group.sample_app: Creation complete after 2s
        aws_security_group_rule.allow_http_inbound: Creating...
        aws_security_group_rule.allow_http_inbound: Creation complete after 0s
        aws_instance.sample_app: Creating...
        aws_instance.sample_app: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
        aws_instance.sample_app: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
        aws_instance.sample_app: Creation complete after 22s
        Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
        instance_id = "i-0a4c593f4c9e645f8"
        public_ip = ""
        security_group_id = "sg-087227914c9b3aa1e"
        • The 3 output variables from is shown at the end.

Example: Update Infrastructure Using OpenTofu

  • Make a change to the configuration - add a Test tag with the value of "update"

    resource "aws_instance" "sample_app" {
      # ... (other params omitted) ...
      tags = {
        Name = "sample-app-tofu"
        Test = "update"
  • Run tofu apply command again

    tofu apply
    aws_security_group.sample_app: Refreshing state...
    aws_security_group_rule.allow_http_inbound: Refreshing state...
    aws_instance.sample_app: Refreshing state...
    OpenTofu used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan.
    Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
      ~ update in-place
    OpenTofu will perform the following actions:
      # aws_instance.sample_app will be updated in-place
      ~ resource "aws_instance" "sample_app" {
          id = "i-0738de27643533e98"
        ~ tags = {
              "Name" = "sample-app-tofu"
            + "Test" = "update"
          # (31 unchanged attributes hidden)
          # (8 unchanged blocks hidden)
    Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
    Do you want to perform these actions?
    OpenTofu will perform the actions described above.
    Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
    Enter a value:
  • OpenTofu will update the EC2 instance after you type yes and press Enter

[!NOTE] How OpenTofu know which infrastructure to update?

  • Every time you run OpenTofu, it records information about the infrastructure it created/updated?
    • in an OpenTofu state file.

[!NOTE] How OpenTofu manages the information about the infrastructure it has created/updated?

  • OpenTofu manages state using backends:
    • The default backend is local backend:
      • State is stored locally in a terraform.tfstate file (in the same folder as the OpenTofu module)

  • For the previous example and this example:
    • When you run apply the first on the tofu module:
      • OpenTofu records in the files the IDs of the EC2 instance, security group, security group rules, and any other resources it created
    • When you run apply again:
      • OpenTofu updates it view of the world (Refreshing state...):
        • OpenTofu performs a diff of
          • the current state (in state file)
          • the desired state (in your OpenTofu code)
        • OpenTofu then show its execution plan: the actions it will perform (to transform the current state to the desired state).

Example: Destroy Infrastructure Using OpenTofu

  • To destroy everything you’ve deployed with an OpenTofu module, you use destroy command

    tofu destroy
    Detail of the actions
    OpenTofu will perform the following actions:
      # aws_instance.sample_app will be destroyed
      - resource "aws_instance" "sample_app" {
          - ami                                  = "ami-0ee5157dd67ca79fc" -> null
          - associate_public_ip_address          = true -> null
          - id                                   = "i-0738de27643533e98" -> null
          ... (truncated) ...
      # aws_security_group.sample_app will be destroyed
      - resource "aws_security_group" "sample_app" {
          - id                     = "sg-066de0b621838841a" -> null
          ... (truncated) ...
      # aws_security_group_rule.allow_http_inbound will be destroyed
      - resource "aws_security_group_rule" "allow_http_inbound" {
          - from_port              = 8080 -> null
          - protocol               = "tcp" -> null
          - to_port                = 8080 -> null
          ... (truncated) ...
    Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 3 to destroy.
    Changes to Outputs:
    - instance_id = "i-0738de27643533e98" -> null
    - public_ip = "" -> null
    - security_group_id = "sg-066de0b621838841a" -> null
    Do you really want to destroy all resources?
      OpenTofu will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
      There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.
      Enter a value:
  • Type yes and hit Enter to confirm that you want OpenTofu to execute its destroy plan.

[!CAUTION] Be careful when you run destroy in production.

  • It’s a one way door 🚪. There’s no "undo".

Get your hands dirty with OpenTofu - Part 1

  1. How would you have to tweak the OpenTofu code if you wanted to run multiple EC2 instances?
  2. Figure out how to configure the EC2 instance with an EC2 key pair so you can connect to it over SSH.

Example: Deploy an EC2 Instance Using an OpenTofu “Reusable Module”

[!NOTE] OpenTofu modules are containers for multiple resources that are used together.

There are 2 types modules in OpenTofu:

  • root module: any module on which you run apply directly.
  • reusable module: a module meant to be included in others modules (root modules, reusable modules).

So far, you’ve only used the root module - the ec2-instance module.

In this example, you will transform the ec2-instance as a root module into a reusable module.

  • Create 3 folders: modules, live, sample-app:

    mkdir -p examples/ch2/tofu/modules         # For reusable modules
    mkdir -p examples/ch2/tofu/live            # For root modules
    mkdir -p examples/ch2/tofu/live/sample-app # The sample-app (root module) that use the ec2-instance reusable module
  • Move the ec2-instance module into the modules folder:

    mkdir -p example/ch2/tofu/modules
    mv ch2/tofu/ec2-instance ch2/tofu/modules/ec2-instance
  • In the sample-app folder, create for the main resources of the sample app:

    # examples/ch2/tofu/live/sample-app/
    module "sample_app_1" {                 # 1️⃣
      source = "../../modules/ec2-instance" # 2️⃣
      # TODO: fill in with your own AMI ID!
      ami_id = "ami-09a9ad4735def0515"      # 3️⃣
    What does the code do?
    • 1️⃣ - module block: calls a reusable module from a parent module.
    • 2️⃣ - source parameter: path to a local directory containing the child module’s configuration files, e.g. ../../modules/ec2-instance
    • 3️⃣ - other parameters that will be passed to the module as input variables, e.g. ami_id

    If you run apply on sample-app module, OpenTofu will use the ec2-instance module to to create an EC2 instance (, security group and security group rules)

    [!NOTE] Modules are the main way to package & reuse resource configurations with OpenTofu.


    • Create multiple resources that meant to be used together (module ~ package)
    • Create same type of resource multiple times (module ~ function)

    [!TIP] What happen if you run a root module multiple times?

    • It will create/update the resources in that root module.

    [!TIP] So how do you reuse a module to create a group of resources multiple times?

    • You can’t re-apply a root module to do that.

    • You need to apply a root module that call another reusable module multiple times.


      module "sample_app_1" {
        source = "../../modules/ec2-instance"
        ami_id = "ami-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
      module "sample_app_2" {
        source = "../../modules/ec2-instance"
        ami_id = "ami-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
  • Namespace all the resources created by the ec2-instance module.

    • Introduce a name input variable to use as the base name for resources of the ec2-instance module

      # examples/ch2/tofu/modules/ec2-instance/
      variable "name" {
        description = "The base name for the instance and all other resources"
        type        = string
    • Update the ec2-instance module to use the name input variable everywhere that was hard-coded:

      resource "aws_security_group" "sample_app" {
        name        =
        description = "Allow HTTP traffic into ${}"
      resource "aws_instance" "sample_app" {
        # ... (other params omitted) ...
        tags = {
          Name =
    • Back to sample-app/, set the name input to different values in each module block

      # examples/ch2/tofu/live/sample-app/
      module "sample_app_1" {
        source = "../../modules/ec2-instance"
        ami_id = "ami-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
        name = "sample-app-tofu-1"
      module "sample_app_2" {
        source = "../../modules/ec2-instance"
        ami_id = "ami-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
        name = "sample-app-tofu-2"
  • Move the provider block (from the ec2-instance module) to the sample-app root module:

    # examples/ch2/tofu/live/sample-app/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "sample_app_1" {
      # ...
    module "sample_app_2" {
      # ...

    [!NOTE] Typically, reusable module

    • do not declare provider blocks,
    • but inherit from root module. ← Any user of this reusable module can configure the provider in different ways for different usages.
  • Finally, proxy the output variables from the ec2-instance module

    output "sample_app_1_public_ip" {
      value = module.sample_app_1.public_ip
    output "sample_app_2_public_ip" {
      value = module.sample_app_2.public_ip
    output "sample_app_1_instance_id" {
      value = module.sample_app_1.instance_id
    output "sample_app_2_instance_id" {
      value = module.sample_app_2.instance_id

The reusable module ec2-instance is ready, let’s init & apply the example-app

tofu init
tofu apply

Example: Deploy an EC2 Instance Using an OpenTofu “Reusable Module” from GitHub

[!NOTE] The OpenTofu module’s source parameter can be set a lot of different source types13.

  • a local path
  • Terraform Registry
  • GitHub/Git repositories
  • S3 buckets, GCP buckets.

In this example, you will set the sample-app module source to a GitHub repository (, with the same source code for the ec2-instance module at the path ch2/tofu/modules/ec2-instance.

  • Modify the source parameter

     module "sample_app_1" {
       source = ""
       # ... (other params omitted) ...
    • The double lash (//) is used to separate the Github repo & the path of module (in that repo)
  • Run init:

    tofu init
    Initializing the backend...
    Initializing modules...
    Downloading git::
    Downloading git::
    Initializing provider plugins...
    • The init command will download the module code (from GitHub) & the provider code.
  • Run apply and you will have the exact same two EC2 instance as the previous example.

[!WARNING] When you’re done experimenting, don’t forget to run destroy to clean everything up.

[!IMPORTANT] A common pattern at many company is:

  • The Ops team define & manage a library of well-tested, reusable OpenTofu modules:
    • Module for deploying server
    • Module for deploying database
    • Module for configuring networking
  • The Dev teams use these modules as a self-service way to deploy & manage the infrastructure they need for their apps

Get your hands dirty with OpenTofu - Part 2

  1. Make the ec2-instance module more configurable:

    e.g. add input variables to configure

    • the instance type it uses,
    • the port it opens up for HTTP requests, and so on.
  2. Instead of having to provide the AMI ID manually, make OpenTofu find the ID of your AMI automatically (Tip: Use data sources)

How Provisioning Tools Stack Up

AspectProvisioning ToolsNotes
CRUDFully support all CRUD operations
ScaleScale very wellWith self-service approach, can scale to thousands, ten thousands of developers.
Idempotency & error handlingIdempotent & handle error automatically← Declarative approach: you specify the desired state, the tool itself automatically figure out how to get to that desired state.
ConsistencyConsistent, predictable structure code with conventions.e.g. Docs, file layout, named parameters, secret managements…
VerbosityMore concise← Declarative + DSL

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2.4 Provisioning tools are

  • great for deploying & managing servers or infrastructure.

[!TIP] Many provisioning tools support:

  • not only manage traditional infrastructure, e.g. servers
  • but also many aspects of software delivery e.g. OpenTofu can manage
    • Version control system, e.g. GitHub
    • Metrics & dashboard, e.g. Grafana
    • On-call rotation, e.g. PagerDuty

Using Multiple IaC Tools Together

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2.5 You usually need to use multiple IaC tools together to manage your infrastructure.

Provisioning + Configuration Management

Example: OpenTofu + Ansible

  • OpenTofu: Deploy all infrastructure:

    • networking, e.g. VPCs, subnets, route tables
    • load balancers
    • data stores, e.g. MySQL, Redis
    • servers
  • Ansible: Deploy apps on top of these servers

 App      +  App      +  App      +  App      +  App      + ... | ← ANSIBLE
(Deps...)   (Deps...)   (Deps...)   (Deps...)   (Deps...)       |

 Server   + Server    + Server    + Server    + Server    + ... |
                                                                | ← OPENTOFU
 Networking, load balancers, data stores, users...              |

Provisioning + Server Templating

Example: OpenTofu + Packer ← Immutable infrastructure approach

  • Packer: Package app as VM images
  • OpenTofu: Deploy
    • networking, load balancers, data stores…
    • servers from VM images
 Server        +  Server        +  Server        +  Server         + ... | ← 3. OPENTOFU

 VM            +  VM            +  VM            +  VM             + ... | ← 2. PACKER
(App, Deps...)   (App, Deps...)   (App, Deps...)   (App, Deps...)        |

 Networking, load balancers, data stores, users...                       | ← 1. OPENTOFU

Provisioning + Server Templating + Orchestration

[!TIP] Orchestration tools - Kubernetes, Nomad, OpenShift - help you deploy & manages apps on top of your infrastructure.

Example: OpenTofu + Packer + Docker & Kubernetes

  • Packer: Create a VM image that has Docker & Kubernetes agents installed.
  • OpenTofu: Deploy
    • networking, load balancers, data stores…
    • a cluster of servers, each with the built VM image ← forms a Kubernetes cluster

The Kubernetes cluster is used to you run & manage your Dockerized applications.

                  Container                                              |
 Container        Container                         Container            | ← 4. KUBERNETES + DOCKER
 Container        Container        Container        Container            |

 VM            +  VM            +  VM            +  VM             + ... | ← 2. PACKER
(Docker, K8s)    (Docker, K8s)    (Docker, K8s)    (Docker, K8s)         |

 Server        +  Server        +  Server        +  Server         + ... | ← 3. OPENTOFU
 Networking, load balancers, data stores, users...                       | ← 1. OPENTOFU

This approach

  • has many advantages:

    • Docker images built quickly → Can run & test on your PC.
    • Kubernetes builtin functionality: auto healing/scaling, various deployment strategies…
  • but also has the drawbacks in added complexity:

    • extra infrastructure to run (K8s clusters are difficult14 & expensive to deploy, manage)
    • several extra layers of abstraction - K8s, Docker, Packer - to learn, manage & debug.


  • Instead of ClickOps (clicking out a web UI, which is tedious & error-prone), you can use IaC tools to:

    • automate the process
    • make it faster & more reliable
  • With IaC, you can reuse code written by others:

    • Open source code, e.g. Ansible Galaxy, Docker Hub, Terraform Registry
    • Commercial code, e.g. Gruntwork IaC Library
  • Pick the right IaC tool for the job:

    IaC toolGreat forNot for
    Ad-hoc scriptsSmall, one-off tasksManaging IaC
    Configuration management toolsManaging configuration of serversDeploying servers/infrastructure.
    Server templating toolsManaging configuration of servers with immutable infrastructure practices
    Provision toolsDeploying & managing servers/infrastructure
  • You usually needs to use multiple IaC tools together to manage your infrastructure.


    • Provisioning + configuration management
    • Provisioning + server templating
    • Provisioning + server templating + orchestration

CRUD stands for create, read, update, delete.


A code is idempotence when it can be re-run multiple times and still produce the desired result


A playbook tells Ansible what to do (to which devices). For more information, see


An inventory tells Ansible which servers to configure (and how to connect to them) For more information, see


You can store variable values that relate to a specific host or group in inventory. A group variable is a variable that is assigned to all machines of that group.


In Ansible, a role is a structured way to organize:

  • Tasks: to be run on the server
  • Files: to be copied to the server
  • Templates: to be dynamically filled in data
  • Other configurations that will be applied to the server:

Popular hypervisors: VMware, VirtualBox, Parallels


On most modern operating systems, code runs in one of two “spaces”: kernel space or user space.

  • Code running in kernel space has direct, unrestricted access to all of the hardware.
    • There are no
      • security restrictions (i.e., you can execute any CPU instruction, access any part of the hard drive, write to any address in memory)
      • or safety restrictions (e.g., a crash in kernel space will typically crash the entire computer),
    • so kernel space is generally reserved for the lowest-level, most trusted functions of the OS (typically called the kernel).
  • Code running in user space does not have any direct access to the hardware and must use APIs exposed by the OS kernel instead.
    • These APIs can enforce
      • security restrictions (e.g., user permissions)
      • and safety (e.g., a crash in a user space app typically affects only that app),
    • so just about all application code runs in user space.


The amazon-ebs builder builds an AMI by launching an EC2 instance from a source AMI, provisioning that running machine, and then creating an AMI from that machine.


Server templating is a key component to the shift to immutable infrastructure.

With server templating tool, if you need to roll out a change, (instead of updating the existing server), you:

  • create a new image
  • deploy that image to a new server

With server templating,

  • you’re always creating new images
  • (there’s never a reason to read/update/delete)

HCL is the language used by Packer, Terraform/OpenTofu and many other products of HashiCorp.



Most major cloud providers provide managed Kubernetes services, which can offload some of the work for you.

Chapter 3: How to Deploy Many Apps: Orchestration, VMs, Containers, and Serverless

An Introduction to Orchestration

Why use an orchestration?

  • The problem with a single server 🎵 - single point of failure:

    • Your single server cannot run all the time:
      • There will be a lot of outages 🛑 due to:
        • hardware issues
        • software issues
        • load: 🪨
        • deployments
  • To remove this single point of failure, typically you needs

    • multiple copies, called replicas, of your app.
    • a way to
      • manages those replicas 👈 Who gonna be the manager 🧠🎼?
      • solve all the problems (of each server) 👈 Multiple failures ← Multiple servers 🎵🎵🎶
  • The tools that done all of the previous things is called orchestration tools:

    • Capistrano, Ansible (👈 Server orchestration)
    • AWS Auto Scaling Group, EC2 (👈 VM orchestration)
    • Kubernetes, Nomad… & managed services: EKS, GKE, AKS, OpenShift, ECS (👈 Container orchestration)
    • AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Serverless (👈 Serverless orchestration)

What is an orchestration?

orchestration tool : tool responsible for orchestration: : - manage the cluster (where the applications runs) : - coordinate individual apps to start/stop (how each application runs) : - increase/decrease hardware resources available to each app (which is available to each applications) : - increase/decrease the number of replicas (how many copies of each application) : - …

  • An orchestration tool solves the following problems:

    The problemWhat exactly is the problem?Notes
    🚀 DeploymentHow to initially deploy one/more replicas of your app onto your servers?
    🎢 Deployments strategiesHow to roll out updates to all replicas? Without downtime1?
    🔙 RollbackHow to roll back a broken updates? Without downtime?
    🆔 SchedulingHow to decide which apps should run on which servers? With enough computing resources2?Scheduling can be done:
    - manually
    - automatically by a scheduler3.
    ⬆️⬇️ Auto scalingHow to auto-scale your app up/down in response to the load?There are 2 types of scaling:
    - vertical scaling (a “bigger” machine)
    - horizontal scaling (more small machines).
    🩹 Auto healingHow to know if an app/a server is not healthy? Auto restart/replace the app/server?
    ⚙️ ConfigurationHow to configure the app for multiple environments?e.g. Each environment has a different domain name; computing resources settings.
    🔒🤫 Secrets managementHow to pass secrets to your apps?aka credentials - e.g. passwords, API keys
    ☦️ Load balancingHow to distribute traffic across all replicas?
    🌐🕸️ Service communicationHow each app communicate/connect with each other?aka service discovery
    How to control/monitor the these communication/connections?aka service mesh: authentication, authorization, encryption, error handling, observability…
    💾 Disk managementHow to connect the right hard drive to the right servers?

Four types of orchestration tools

  • In the pre-cloud ere, most companies has their own solutions: gluing together various scripts & tools to solve each problem.

  • Nowadays, the industry standardize around four broad types of solutions:

    Type of orchestrationHow do you do?
    “Server orchestration” (aka “deployment tooling”)You have a pool of servers that you manage.The old way from pre-cloud era, still common today.
    VM orchestrationInstead of managing servers directly, you manage VM images.
    Container orchestrationInstead of managing servers directly, you manage containers.
    Serverless orchestrationYou no longer think about servers at all, and just focus on managing apps, or even individual functions.

Server Orchestration

What is Server Orchestration

server orchestration : the original approach from pre-cloud era, but still common today : setup a bunch of servers → deploy apps across these servers → changes are update in-place to these servers : there is no standardized toolings in this approach : - configuration management tools, e.g. Ansible, Chef, Puppet : - specialized deployment scripts, e.g. Capistrano, Deployer, Mina : - thousands of ad-hoc scripts

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #1 Server orchestration is an older, mutable infrastructure approach where

  • you have a fixed set of servers that you
    • maintain
    • update in-place.

Example: Deploy Multiple Servers in AWS Using Ansible

[!WARNING] Deploy & manage servers is not really what configuration management tools were designed to do.

  • But for learning & testing, Ansible is good enough.

First, to use Ansible as a server orchestration, you need

  • a bunch of servers (that will be managed, e.g. physical servers on-prem, virtual servers in the could)
  • SSH access to those servers.

If you don’t have servers you can use, you can also use Ansible to deploy several EC2 instances.

The Ansible playbook to create multiples EC2 instance can be found at the example repo at ch3/ansible/create_ec2_instances_playbook.yml, which will:

  • Prompt you for:
    • number_instances: The number of instances to create
    • basename: The basename for all resources created
    • http_port: The port on which the instances listen for HTTP requests
  • Create a security group that opens port 22 (for SSH traffic) and http_port (for HTTP traffic)
  • Create a EC2 key-pair that used to connect to the instances (that will be created) via SSH.
  • Create multiple instances, each with the Ansible tag set to base_name

To run the playbook:

  • Copy create_ec2_instances_playbook.yml from example repo to ch3/ansible

    mkdir -p ch3/ansible
    cd ch3/ansible
    cp -r <PATH_TO_EXAMPLE_REPO>/ch3/ansible/create_ec2_instances_playbook.yml .
  • Use ansible-playbook command to run the playbook

    ansible-playbook -v create_ec2_instances_playbook.yml
    • Enter the values interactively & hit Enter

    • Or define the values as variables in a yaml file and pass to ansible-playbook command via -extra-vars flag.

      # examples/ch3/ansible/sample-app-vars.yml
      num_instances: 3
      base_name: sample_app_instances
      http_port: 8080
      ansible-playbook -v create_ec2_instances_playbook.yml \
        --extra-vars "@sample-app-vars.yml"

Example: Deploy an App Securely and Reliably Using Ansible

Previous chapters has basic example of deploying an app:

There’re still several problems with both examples (e.g. root user, port 80, no automatic app restart…)

In this example, you will fix these problems and deploy the app in a more secure, reliable way.

  • (As previous example) Use an Ansible Inventory plugin to discover your EC2 instances

    # examples/ch3/ansible/inventory.aws_ec2.yml
      - us-east-2
      - key: tags.Ansible
    leading_separator: ""
  • (As previous example) Use group variables to store the configuration for your group of servers

    # examples/ch3/ansible/group_vars/sample_app_instances.yml
    ansible_user: ec2-user
    ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ansible-ch3.key
    ansible_host_key_checking: false
  • Use a playbook to configure your group of servers to run the Node.js sample app

    # examples/ch3/ansible/configure_sample_app_playbook.yml
    - name: Configure servers to run the sample-app
      hosts: sample_app_instances # 1️⃣
      gather_facts: true
      become: true
        - role: nodejs-app #        2️⃣
        - role: sample-app #        3️⃣
          become_user: app-user #   4️⃣
    • 1️⃣: Target the group discovered by the inventory plugin (which are created in the previous example).
    • 2️⃣: Split the role into 2 smaller roles: the nodejs-app role is only responsible for configuring the server to be able to run any Node.js app.
    • 3️⃣: The sample-app role is now responsible for running the sample-app.
    • 4️⃣: The sample-app role will be executed as the OS user app-user - which is created by the nodejs-app role - instead of the root user.
  • The Ansible roles

      └── nodejs-app
          └── tasks
              └── main.yml
  • The nodejs-app role: a generic role for any Node.js app

      └── nodejs-app
          └── tasks
              └── main.yml # The Ansible role's task
    # examples/ch3/ansible/roles/nodejs-app/tasks/main.yml
    - name: Add Node packages to yum #                                 1️⃣
      shell: curl -fsSL | bash -
    - name: Install Node.js
        name: nodejs
    - name: Create app user #                                          2️⃣
        name: app-user
    - name: Install pm2 #                                              3️⃣
        name: pm2
        version: latest
        global: true
    - name: Configure pm2 to run at startup as the app user
      shell: eval "$(sudo su app-user bash -c 'pm2 startup' | tail -n1)"
    • 1️⃣: Install Node.js
    • 2️⃣: Create a new OS user called app-user, which allows you to run yours app with an OS user with limited permissions.
    • 3️⃣: Install PM2 (a process supervisor4) and configure it to run on boot.
  • The sample-app role: a specifically role to run the sample-app.

      ├── nodejs-app
      └── sample-app
          ├── files
          │   ├── app.config.js # The configuration file for the process supervisor - PM2
          │   └── app.js        # Your example-app code
          └── tasks
              └── main.yml      # The Ansible role's task
    • Clone the example-app code (from chapter 1):

      cd examples
      mkdir -p ch3/ansible/roles/sample-app/files
      cp ch1/sample-app/app.js ch3/ansible/roles/sample-app/files/
    • The PM2 configuration file

      # examples/ch3/ansible/roles/sample-app/files/app.config.js
      module.exports = {
        apps : [{
          name   : "sample-app",
          script : "./app.js", #       1️⃣
          exec_mode: "cluster", #      2️⃣
          instances: "max", #          3️⃣
          env: {
            "NODE_ENV": "production" # 4️⃣
      • 1️⃣: PM2 will run the script at /app.js.
      • 2️⃣: The script will be run in cluster mode5 (to take advantages of all the CPUs)
      • 3️⃣: Use all CPUs available
      • 4️⃣: Run Node.js script in “production” mode.
    • The sample-app role’s task

      # examples/ch3/ansible/roles/sample-app/tasks/main.yml
      - name: Copy sample app #                         1️⃣
          src: ./
          dest: /home/app-user/
      - name: Start sample app using pm2 #              2️⃣
        shell: pm2 start app.config.js
          chdir: /home/app-user/
      - name: Save pm2 app list so it survives reboot # 3️⃣
        shell: pm2 save
      • 1️⃣: Copy app.js and app.config.js to home directory of app-user.
      • 2️⃣: Use PM2 (using the app.config.js configuration) to start the app.
      • 3️⃣: Save Node.js processes to restart them later.
  • Run Ansible playbook

    ansible-playbook -v -i inventory.aws_ec2.yml configure_sample_app_playbook.yml
    PLAY RECAP ************************************               : ok=9    changed=8              : ok=9    changed=8                : ok=9    changed=8
    localhost                  : ok=6    changed=4
    • Now you have three secured, reliable instances of your application (with 3 separated endpoint).

    [!NOTE] Your application now can be accessed via any of the those endpoints. But should your users need to decide which instance they will access?

    • No.
    • You should have a load balancer to distribute load across multiple servers of your app.

Example: Deploy a Load Balancer Using Ansible and Nginx

Introduction to Load Balancer

What is load balancer?

load balancer : a piece of software that can distribute load across multiple servers or apps : e.g. : - Apache httpd6, Nginx7, HAProxy8. : - Cloud services: AWS Elastic Load Balancer, GCP Cloud Load Balancer, Azure Load Balancer.

How load balancer works?
  • You give your users a single endpoint to hit, which is the load balancer.

  • The load balancer

    • forwards the requests it receives to a number of different endpoints.

    • uses various algorithms to process requests as efficiently as possible.

      e.g. round-robin, hash-based, least-response-time…

The example

In this example, you will run your own load balancer in a separate server (using nginx).

  • (Optional) Deploy an EC2 instance for the load balancer:

    You will use the same create_ec2_instances_playbook.yml playbook deploy that EC2 instance:

    • Configure the create_ec2_instances_playbook.yml playbook

      # examples/ch3/ansible/nginx-vars.yml
      num_instances: 1
      base_name: nginx_instances
      http_port: 80
    • Run the create_ec2_instances_playbook.yml playbook

      ansible-playbook \
        -v create_ec2_instances_playbook.yml \
        --extra-vars "@nginx-vars.yml"
  • Use group variables to configure your nginx_instances group

    # examples/ch3/ansible/group_vars/nginx_instances.yml
    ansible_user: ec2-user
    ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ansible-ch3.key
    ansible_host_key_checking: false
  • Create a playbook to configure your group of servers to run Nginx

    • The playbook

      # examples/ch3/ansible/configure_nginx_playbook.yml
      - name: Configure servers to run nginx
        hosts: nginx_instances
        gather_facts: true
        become: true
          - role: nginx
    • The playbook’s roles (nginx)

        ├── nginx
        │   ├── tasks
        │   │   └── main.yml
        │   └── templates
        │       └── nginx.conf.j2
        ├── nodejs-app
        └── sample-app
      • The Ansible role’s template for Nginx configuration

        # examples/ch3/ansible/roles/nginx/templates/nginx.conf.j2
        user nginx;
        worker_processes auto;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;
        pid /run/;
        events {
            worker_connections 1024;
        http {
            log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                              '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                              '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
            access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;
            include             /etc/nginx/mime.types;
            default_type        application/octet-stream;
            upstream backend { #                                       1️⃣
                {% for host in groups['sample_app_instances'] %} #     2️⃣
                server {{ hostvars[host]['public_dns_name'] }}:8080; # 3️⃣
                {% endfor %}
            server {
                listen       80; #                                     4️⃣
                listen       [::]:80;
                location / { #                                         5️⃣
                        proxy_pass http://backend;

        This Nginx configuration file9 will configure the load balancer to load balance the traffic across the servers you deployed to run the sample-app:

        • 1️⃣ Use the upstream keyword to define a group of servers that can be referenced elsewhere in this file by the name backend.
        • 2️⃣ (Ansible - Jinja templating syntax10) Loop over the servers in the sample_app_instances group.
        • 3️⃣ (Ansible - Jinja templating syntax) Configure the backend upstream to route traffic to the public address and port 8080 of each server in the sample_app_instances group.
        • 4️⃣ Configure Nginx to listen on port 80.
        • 5️⃣ Configure Nginx as a load balancer, forwarding requests to the / URL to the backend upstream.
      • The Ansible role’s task to configure Nginx

        # examples/ch3/ansible/roles/nginx/tasks/main.yml
        - name: Install Nginx #           1️⃣
            name: nginx
        - name: Copy Nginx config #       2️⃣
            src: nginx.conf.j2
            dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
        - name: Start Nginx #             3️⃣
            state: started
            enabled: true
            name: nginx
        • 1️⃣: Install Nginx (using yum)
        • 2️⃣: Render the Jinja template to Nginx configuration file and copy to the server.
        • 3️⃣: Start Nginx (using systemd as the process supervisor).
  • Run the playbook to configure your group of servers to run Nginx

    ansible-playbook -v -i inventory.aws_ec2.yml configure_nginx_playbook.yml
    PLAY RECAP : ok=4    changed=2    failed=0

Example: Roll Out Updates to Servers with Ansible

[!NOTE] Some configuration management tools support various deployment strategies.


  • Rolling deployment: you update your severs in batches:
    • Some servers are being updated (with new configuration).
    • While others servers keep running (with old configuration) and serving traffic.
  • With Ansible, the easiest way to have a rolling update is to add the serial parameter to the playbook.

    # examples/ch3/ansible/configure_sample_app_playbook.yml
    - name: Configure servers to run the sample-app
      hosts: sample_app_instances
      gather_facts: true
      become: true
        - role: nodejs-app
        - role: sample-app
          become_user: app-user
      serial: 1 #               1️⃣
      max_fail_percentage: 30 # 2️⃣
    • 1️⃣: Apply changes to the servers in batch-of-1 (1 server at a time)
    • 2️⃣: Abort a deployment more than 30% of the servers hit an error during update.
      • For this example, it means the deployment will stop if there is any of the server fails.
  • Make a change to the application

    sed -i 's/Hello, World!/Fundamentals of DevOps!/g' examples/ch3/ansible/roles/sample-app/files/app.js
  • Re-run the playbook

    ansible-playbook -v -i inventory.aws_ec2.yml configure_sample_app_playbook.yml

Get your hands dirty with Ansible and server orchestration

  1. How to scale the number of instances running the sample app from three to four.
  2. Try restarting one of the instances using the AWS Console.
    • How does nginx handle it while the instance is rebooting?
    • Does the sample app still work after the reboot?
    • How does this compare to the behavior you saw in Chapter 1?
  3. Try terminating one of the instances using the AWS Console.
    • How does nginx handle it?
    • How can you restore the instance?

VM Orchestration

What is VM Orchestration

VM orchestration : Create VM images that have your apps & dependencies fully installed & configured : Deploy the VM images across a cluster of servers : - 1 server → 1 VM image : - Scale the number of servers up/down depending on your needs : When there is an app change: : - Create new VM image 👈 Immutable infrastructure approach. : - Deploy that new VM image onto new servers; then undeploy the old servers.

VM orchestration is a more modern approach:

  • works best with cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP…) - where you can spin up new servers & tear down old ones in minutes.
  • or you an use virtualization on-prem with tools from VMWare, Citrix, Microsoft Hyper-V…

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2 VM orchestration is an immutable infrastructure approach where you deploy and manage VM images across virtualized servers.

[!NOTE] With VM orchestration, you will deploy multiple VM servers, aka a cluster (of VM servers)

Most cloud providers has a native way to run VMs across a cluster:

  • AWS Auto Scaling Groups (ASG)
  • Azure Scale Sets
  • GCP Managed Instance Groups

The following tools are used in the examples for VM orchestration:

  1. A tool for building VM images: Packer
  2. A tool for orchestrating VMs: AWS Auto Scaling Group (ASG)
  3. A tool for managing IaC: OpenTofu

Example: Build a More Secure, Reliable VM Image Using Packer

An introduction about building an VM image using Packer has already been available at Chapter 2 - Building a VM image using Packer.

This example will make the VM image more secure, reliable:

  • Use PM2 as the process supervisor
  • Create a OS user to run the app

  • Copy Packer template from chapter 2

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch3/packer
    cp ch2/packer/sample-app.pkr.hcl ch3/packer/
  • Copy the app & PM2 configuration file from chapter 3

    cp ch3/ansible/roles/sample-app/files/app*.js ch3/packer/
  • Update the Packer template’s build steps to make the VM image more secure, reliable

    # examples/ch3/packer/sample-app.pkr.hcl
    build {
      sources = [
      provisioner "file" { #                                                1️⃣
        sources     = ["app.js", "app.config.js"]
        destination = "/tmp/"
      provisioner "shell" {
        inline = [
          "curl -fsSL | sudo bash -",
          "sudo yum install -y nodejs",
          "sudo adduser app-user", #                                        2️⃣
          "sudo mv /tmp/app.js /tmp/app.config.js /home/app-user/", #       3️⃣
          "sudo npm install pm2@latest -g", #                               4️⃣
          "eval \"$(sudo su app-user bash -c 'pm2 startup' | tail -n1)\"" # 5️⃣
        pause_before = "30s"
    • 1️⃣: Copy app.js & app.config.js onto the server /tmp folder (The home folder of app-user hasn’t existed yet).
    • 2️⃣: Create app-user (and its home folder).
    • 3️⃣: Move app.js & app.config.js to app-user’s home folder.
    • 4️⃣: Install PM2.
    • 5️⃣: Run PM2 on boot (as app-user) so if your server ever restarts, pm2 will restart your app.
  • Install Packer plugins (used in the Packer template)

    packer init sample-app.pkr.hcl
  • Build image from Packer template

    packer build sample-app.pkr.hcl

Example: Deploy a VM Image in an Auto Scaling Group Using OpenTofu

In chapter 2, you’ve already used OpenTofu to deploy an AMI on a single EC2 instance using a root module, or using a reusable module.

In this chapter, you will use an OpenTofu reusable module asg to deploy multiples EC2 instances to a cluster

[!TIP] ASG offers a number of nice features:

  • Cluster management: You can easily launch multiple instances & manually resize the cluster.
  • Auto scaling: Or let ASG resize the cluster automatically (in response to load).
  • Auto healing: ASG monitors all instances (in the cluster) and automatically replace any failure instances.

[!NOTE] The asg module is available in this book code repo at (in ch3/tofu/modules/asg folder).

The asg module will creates 3 main resources:

  • A launch template: ~ the blueprint for the configuration of each EC2 instance.
  • An ASG: use the launch template to spin up EC2 instances (in the Default VPC)
  • A security group: control the traffic in/out of each EC2 instance.

[!NOTE] A VPC - virtual private cloud, is an isolated area of your AWS account that has its own virtual network & IP address space.

  • Just about every AWS resource deploys into a VPC.
  • If you don’t explicitly specify a VPC, the resource will be deployed into the Default VPC, which is part of every AWS account created after 2013.

[!WARNING] It’s not a good idea to use the Default VPC for production apps, but it’s OK to use it for learning and testing.

  • To use the asg module, first you need a root module live/asg-sample:

    • The root module folder

      mkdir -p examples/ch3/tofu/live/asg-sample
      cd examples/ch3/tofu/live/asg-sample
  • The root module’s

    # examples/ch3/tofu/live/asg-sample/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "asg" {
      source = ""
      name = "sample-app-asg" #                                         1️⃣
      ami_id        = "ami-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" #                         2️⃣
      user_data     = filebase64("${path.module}/") #       3️⃣
      app_http_port = 8080 #                                            4️⃣
      instance_type    = "t2.micro" #                                   5️⃣
      min_size         = 1 #                                            6️⃣
      max_size         = 10 #                                           7️⃣
      desired_capacity = 3 #                                            8️⃣
    • 1️⃣ name: Base name of all resources in asg module.
    • 2️⃣ ami_id: AMI to use for each EC2 instance.
    • 3️⃣ user_data: User data script to run on each EC2 instance.
    • 4️⃣ app_http_port: Port to open in the security group (to allow the app to receive HTTP requests).
    • 5️⃣ instance_type: Type of EC2 instance.
    • 6️⃣ min_size: Minimum number of EC2 instances (to run in the ASG).
    • 7️⃣ max_size: Maximum number of EC2 instances (to run in the ASG).
    • 8️⃣ desired_capacity: The desired (initial) number of instances (to run in the ASG).

    For more information, see:

  • The user data script used for EC2 instance:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # examples/ch3/tofu/live/asg-sample/
    set -e
    sudo su app-user #        1️⃣
    cd /home/app-user #       2️⃣
    pm2 start app.config.js # 3️⃣
    pm2 save #                4️⃣
    • 1️⃣: Switch to app-user.
    • 2️⃣: Go to app-user home directory (where the Packer template copied the sample app code).
    • 3️⃣: Use PM2 to start the sample-app.
    • 4️⃣: Tell PM2 to save all processes for resurrecting them later.
  • Apply the OpenTofu code

    tofu apply

Example: Deploy an Application Load Balancer Using OpenTofu

The problem with deployed your own load balancer using Nginx

AspectThe problem with maintain your own load balancerOutcome/Example
🧬 AvailabilityYou are running only a single instance for your load balancer.If your load balancer crashes, your users experience an outage.
♾️ ScalabilityA single instance of load balancer has limited scaling capability.If load exceeds what a single server can handle, users will see degraded performance or an outage.
🚧 MaintenanceKeeping the load balancer up to date is entirely up to youe.g. Update to a new version of Nginx without downtime is tricky
🛡️ SecurityThe load balancer server is not especially hardened against attacks.Easily be attacked.
🔒 EncryptionIf you want to encrypt data in transit, you’ll have to set it all up manually.e.g. Use HTTPS and TLS — which you should for just about all production use cases

[!WARNING] You can address all these issues of Nginx yourself, but:

  • it’s a considerable amount of work.

Using cloud providers managed services for load balancing

Most cloud providers offer managed services for solving common problems, including services for load balancing.

e.g. AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), Azure Load Balancer, GCP Cloud Load Balancer

These services provide lots of powerful features out-of-the-box.

For example, AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB):

  • ELB out-of-the-box features:

    AspectThe out-of-the-box solution from load balancing managed serviceExample
    🧬 AvailabilityUnder the hood, AWS automatically deploys multiple servers for an ELB so you don’t get an outage if one server crashes.
    ♾️ ScalabilityAWS monitors load on the ELB, and if it is starting to exceed capacity, AWS automatically deploys more servers.
    🚧 MaintenanceAWS automatically keeps the load balancer up to date, with zero downtime.
    🛡️ SecurityAWS load balancers are hardened against a variety of attacks, including meeting the requirements of a variety of security standards out-of-the-box.e.g. SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, PCI, FedRAMP…
    🔒 EncryptionAWS has out-of-the-box support for encryption datae.g. HTTPS, Mutual TLS, TLS Offloading, auto-rotated TLS certs…
  • ELB even has multiple types of load balancers, you can choose the one best fit for your needs:

    • Application Load Balancer (ALB)
    • Network Load Balancer (NLB)
    • Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB)
    • Classic Load Balancer (Classic LB)

[!NOTE] An AWS ALB consists of:

  • Listeners: A listener listens for requests on
    • a specific port, e.g. 80
    • protocol, e.g. HTTP
  • Listener rules: A listener rule specifies
    • which requests (that come into a listener)
      • to route to which target group, based on rules that match on request parameters:
        • path, e.g. /foo
        • hostname, e.g.
  • Target groups: A target group is a group of servers that
    • receive requests from the load balancer.
    • perform health checks on these servers by
      • sending to each server a request on a configuration interval - e.g. every 30s
      • only considering the server as healthy if it
        • returns an expected response (e.g. 200 OK)
          • within a time period (e.g. within 2s)
    • only send requests to servers that pass its health checks.


The example code

For this example, you’ll use ALB, which is simple, best fit for a small app:

  • The sample code repo includes a OpenTofu module called alb (in ch3/tofu/modules/alb folder) that deploys a simple ALB.

  • Configure a root module asg-sample to uses alb module:

    # examples/ch3/tofu/live/asg-sample/
    module "asg" {
      source = ""
      # ... (other params omitted) ...
    module "alb" {
      source = ""
      name                  = "sample-app-alb" # 1️⃣
      alb_http_port         = 80 #               2️⃣
      app_http_port         = 8080 #             3️⃣
      app_health_check_path = "/" #              4️⃣
    • 1️⃣ name: Base name for alb module’s resources.
    • 2️⃣ alb_http_port: The port the ALB (listener) listens on for HTTP requests.
    • 3️⃣ app_http_port: The port the app listens on for HTTP requests 👈 The ALB target group will send traffic & health checks to this port.
    • 4️⃣ app_health_check_path: The path to use when sending health check requests to the app.
  • Connect the ALB to the ASG:

    # examples/ch3/tofu/live/asg-sample/
    module "asg" {
      source = ""
      # ... (other params omitted) ...
      target_group_arns = [module.alb.target_group_arn] # 1️⃣
    • 1️⃣ target_group_arns: Attach the ASG to the ALB target group:

      • Register all of ASG’s instances in the ALB’s target group, which including:

        • The initial instances (when you first launch the ASG).
        • Any new instances that launch later: either as a result of a deployment/auto-healing/auto-scaling.
      • Configure the ASG to use the ALB for health checks & auto-healing.

        • By default, the auto-healing feature is simple:
          • It replaces any instances that crashed 👈 Detect hardware issues.
          • If the instance is still running, but the app is not responding, the ASG won’t know to replace it. 👈 Not detect software issues.
        • By using ALB’s health checks, the ASG will also any instance that fails the ALB - target group - health check 👈 Detect both hardware & software issues.
  • Output the ALB domain name from the root module asg-sample:

    # examples/ch3/tofu/live/asg-sample/
    output "alb_dns_name" {
      value = module.alb.alb_dns_name
  • Apply asg-sample module:

    tofu init
    tofu apply
    Apply complete! Resources: 10 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
    alb_dns_name = ""

Example: Roll Out Updates with OpenTofu and Auto Scaling Groups

[!NOTE] Most of the VM orchestration tools have support for zero-downtime deployments & various deployment strategies.

e.g. AWS ASG has a native feature called instance refresh11, which can update your instances automatically by doing a rolling deployment.

In this example, you will enable instance refresh for the ASG:

  • Update the asg-sample module

    module "asg" {
      source = ""
      # ... (other params omitted) ...
      instance_refresh = {
        min_healthy_percentage = 100 #  1️⃣
        max_healthy_percentage = 200 #  2️⃣
        auto_rollback          = true # 3️⃣
    • 1️⃣ min_healthy_percentage: The cluster will never have fewer than the desired number of instances.
    • 2️⃣ max_healthy_percentage: The cluster will keep all the old instances running, deploy new instances, waiting for all new instances to pass health checks, then undeploy old instances. 👈 ~ Blue/green deployments.
    • 3️⃣ auto_rollback: If new instances fail to pass health checks, the ASG will auto rollback, putting the cluster back to its previous working condition.
  • Make a change to the app

    sed -i 's/Hello, World!/Fundamentals of DevOps!/g' examples/ch3/packer/app.js
  • Build the new VM image

    cd examples/ch3/packer
    packer build sample-app.pkr.hcl
  • Update the asg-sample module’s launch template with the new VM image

  • Apply the updated asg-sample module

    cd examples/ch3/packer
    tofu apply
    OpenTofu will perform the following actions:
      # aws_autoscaling_group.sample_app will be updated in-place
      ~ resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "sample_app" {
            # (27 unchanged attributes hidden)
          ~ launch_template {
                id      = "lt-0bc25ef067814e3c0"
                name    = "sample-app-tofu20240414163932598800000001"
              ~ version = "1" -> (known after apply)
            # (3 unchanged blocks hidden)
      # aws_launch_template.sample_app will be updated in-place
      ~ resource "aws_launch_template" "sample_app" {
          ~ image_id       = "ami-0f5b3d9c244e6026d" -> "ami-0d68b7b6546331281"
          ~ latest_version = 1 -> (known after apply)
            # (10 unchanged attributes hidden)
  • Go to EC2 console to verify that the instance refreshing is progressing.

[!NOTE] During the instance refreshing, the load balancer URL should always return a successful response (because it’s zero-downtime deployment).

[!TIP] You can check with curl

while true; do curl http://<load_balancer_url>; sleep 1; done
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Hello, World!           # 👈 Only responses from the old instances
Fundamentals of DevOps! # 👈 As new instances start to pass health checks, ALB sends requests to these instances
Hello, World!
Fundamentals of DevOps!
Hello, World!
Fundamentals of DevOps!
Hello, World!
Fundamentals of DevOps!
Hello, World!
Fundamentals of DevOps!
Hello, World!
Fundamentals of DevOps! # 👈 Only responses from the new instances
Fundamentals of DevOps!
Fundamentals of DevOps!
Fundamentals of DevOps!
Fundamentals of DevOps!
Fundamentals of DevOps!

Get your hands dirty with OpenTofu and VM orchestration

  1. How to scale the number of instances in the ASG running the sample app from three to four.
    • How does this compare to adding a fourth instance to the Ansible code?
  2. Try restarting one of the instances using the AWS Console.
    • How does the ALB handle it while the instance is rebooting?
    • Does the sample app still work after the reboot?
    • How does this compare to the behavior you saw when restarting an instance with Ansible?
  3. Try terminating one of the instances using the AWS Console.
    • How does the ALB handle it?
    • Do you need to do anything to restore the instance?

[!WARNING] Don’t forget to run tofu destroy to undeploy all your infrastructure created by the OpenTofu module.

Container Orchestration

What is Container Orchestration

container orchestration : Create container images that have your apps & dependencies fully installed & configured : Deploy the container images across a cluster of servers : - 1 server → Multiple containers 👈 Pack the containers as efficiently as possible to each server (bin packing). : - Scale the number of servers and/or containers up/down depending on load. : When there is an app change: : - Create new container image 👈 Immutable infrastructure approach. : - Deploy that new container image onto new containers in the cluster; then undeploy the old containers.

[!NOTE] Although containers has been around for decades (from the 1970s12),

  • container orchestration only started to explode in popularity around 2013,
    • with the emerge of Docker13 (2013) and Kubernetes14 (2014).

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #3 Container orchestration is an immutable infrastructure approach where you deploy & manage container images across a cluster of servers.

The advantages of container orchestration

Speed- Built fast (especially with caching).The build & deploy cycle (of a unit):
- Deploy fast. .- For VMs: 10-20 minutes
- For containers: 1-5 minutes
Efficiency- Builtin scheduler.👉 Automatically decide which server to run which containers
- Use the available computing resources as efficiently as possible.👈 Using bin-packing algorithms
Portability- Containers & container orchestration tools can be run everywhere.e.g. on-prem, cloud-providers
- No vendor lock-in.👈 Most container tools are open-source, e.g. Docker/Podman, Kubernetes
Local development- You can run containers15 & containers orchestration tools16 in your own local dev environment.~ Your entire tech stack, e.g. Kubernetes + Docker + Multiple services
Functionality- Container orchestration tools solves more orchestration problems out-of-the-box.In additional to deployment, updates, auto-scaling/auto-healing, Kubernetes also has built-in solutions for configuration/secrets managements, service discovery, disk management…

Containers and container orchestration tools

There are many tools for container and container orchestration:

  • For container: Docker, Moby, CRI-O, Podman, runc, buildkit
  • For container orchestration: Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Amazon ECS, Nomad (by HashiCorp), Marathon/Mesos (by Apache), OpenShift (by RedHat).

[!NOTE] Docker & Kubernetes are the most popular.

Their name are nearly synonymous with container & container orchestration.

[!TIP] The examples in this chapter will use

  • the most popular container & container orchestration tools - Docker, Kubernetes
  • with the most popular cloud provider - AWS.

A Crash Course on Docker

As from Chapter 2 - Server Templating Tools - Container,

  • A container image is like a self-contained “snapshots” of the operating system (OS), the software, the files, and all other relevant details.
  • (A container emulates the “user space” of an OS).

Install Docker

If you don’t have Docker installed already, follow the instructions on the Docker website to install Docker Desktop for your operating system.

[!TIP] If you’re using Linux, you can install Docker Engine, which doesn’t run a VM as Docker Desktop17.

Basic Docker commands

Docker commandSynopsisPurposeExample
rundocker run <IMAGE> [COMMAND]Create & run a new container from an imagedocker run -it ubuntu:24.04 bash18
psdocker psList containersdocker ps -a
startdocker start <CONTAINER>Start stopped containersdocker start -ia
builddocker build <PATH>Build an image from a Dockerfile (at PATH)
docker run

For example, let’s run a container from ubuntu:24.04 image:

  • Run the container

    docker run -it ubuntu:24.04 bash
    Unable to find image 'ubuntu:24.04' locally
    24.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu
    Digest: sha256:3f85b7caad41a95462cf5b787d8a04604c
    Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:24.04
  • Now you’re in Ubuntu: let’s try your new Ubuntu

    • Check the version of Ubuntu

      root@d96ad3779966:/# cat /etc/os-release
      PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 24.04 LTS"

      [!NOTE] Isn’t it magic? What just happened?

      • First, Docker searches your local filesystem for the ubuntu:24.04 image.
      • If you don’t have that image downloaded already, Docker downloads it automatically from Docker Hub, which is a Docker Registry that contains shared Docker images.
        • The ubuntu:24.04 image happens to be a public Docker image — an official one maintained by the Docker team — so you’re able to download it without any authentication.
      • Once the image is downloaded, Docker runs the image, executing the bash command, which starts an interactive Bash prompt, where you can type.
    • List the files

      root@d96ad3779966:/# ls -al
      total 56
      drwxr-xr-x   1 root root 4096 Feb 22 14:22 .
      drwxr-xr-x   1 root root 4096 Feb 22 14:22 ..
      lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    7 Jan 13 16:59 bin -> usr/bin
      drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 Apr 15  2020 boot
      drwxr-xr-x   5 root root  360 Feb 22 14:22 dev
      drwxr-xr-x   1 root root 4096 Feb 22 14:22 etc
      drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 Apr 15  2020 home
      lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    7 Jan 13 16:59 lib -> usr/lib
      drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 Jan 13 16:59 media
      • That’s not your filesystem.

      [!NOTE] Docker images run in containers that are isolated at the user-space level:

      • When you’re in a container, you can only see the filesystem, memory, networking, etc., in that container.
        • Any data in other containers, or on the underlying host operating system, is not accessible to you,
        • Any data in your container is not visible to those other containers or the underlying host operating system.

      [!NOTE] In other words, the image format is self-contained, which means Docker images run the same way anywhere. 👈 This is one of the things that makes Docker useful for running applications.

    • Write some text to a file

      root@d96ad3779966:/# echo "Hello, World!" > test.txt
  • Exit the container by hitting Ctrl+D19

    [!TIP] You will be back in your original command prompt on your underlying host OS

    If you look for the test.txt file you’ve just wrote, you’ll see it doesn’t exist.

  • Try running the same Docker image again:

    docker run -it ubuntu:24.04 bash

    This time,

    • Since the ubuntu:24.04 image is already downloaded, the container starts almost instantly.

    [!NOTE] Unlike virtual machines, containers are lightweight, boot up quickly, and incur little CPU or memory overhead.

    👉 This is another reason Docker is useful for running applications.

    • The command prompt looks different. 👈 You’re now in a totally new container
    • Any data you wrote in the previous container is no longer accessible to you (👈 Containers are isolated from each other)
  • Exit the second container by hitting Ctrl+D.

docker ps

You’ve just run 2 containers, let’s see them:

$ docker ps -a
3e0081565a5d   ubuntu:24.04     "bash"     5 min ago    Exited (0) 16 sec ago
d96ad3779966   ubuntu:24.04     "bash"     14 min ago   Exited (0) 5 min ago

[!NOTE] Use docker ps -a to show all the containers on your system, including the stopped ones.

docker start

You can start a stopped container again using docker start <CONTAINER_ID>.

  • Start the first container that you wrote to the text file

    $ docker start -ia d96ad3779966

    [!NOTE] Using -ia flags with docker start to have an interactive shell and allow you type in. (It has same effect as -it of docker run)

  • Confirm that it’s the first container:

    root@d96ad3779966:/# cat test.txt
    Hello, World!

Example: Create a Docker Image for a Node.js app

In this example, you will use a container to run the Node.js sample-app:

  • The source code of this example is in examples/ch3/docker

    mkdir -p examples/ch3/docker
  • Copy the sample-app source code:

    cp example/ch3/ansible/roles/sample-app/files/app.js example/ch3/docker
  • Create a file named Dockerfile

    [!NOTE] The Dockerfile is a template that defines how to build a Docker image.

    # examples/ch3/docker/Dockerfile
    FROM node:21.7         # 1️⃣
    WORKDIR /home/node/app # 2️⃣
    COPY app.js .          # 3️⃣
    EXPOSE 8080            # 4️⃣
    USER node              # 5️⃣
    CMD ["node", "app.js"] # 6️⃣

    [!WARNING] Dockerfile doesn’t support a comment that is in the middle of a line.

    • 1️⃣ FROM: Create a new build stage from a base image: Use the official Node.js Docker image from Docker Hub as the base.

      [!NOTE] With Docker, it’s easy to share container image.

      • You don’t need to install Node.js yourself.
      • There are lots of official images, which are maintained by the official teams, community, e.g. The Node.js Docker Team⁠
    • 2️⃣ WORKDIR: Change working directory: Set the working directory for the rest of the image build.

    • 3️⃣ COPY: Copy files and directories: Copy app.js into the Docker image.

    • 4️⃣ EXPOSE: Describe which ports your application is listening on: When someone uses this Docker image, they know which ports they wish to expose.

    • 5️⃣ USER: Set user and group ID: (Instead of the root user), use the node user - created by the Node.js Docker image - to run the app.

    • 6️⃣ CMD: Specify default commands: The default command to be executed by container orchestration tool (Docker, Kubernetes).

      [!IMPORTANT] With containers, you typically do not need to use a process supervisor.

      • The container orchestration tools take care of
        • process supervisor
        • resource usage (CPU, memory…)

      [!NOTE] Most of container orchestration tools expect your containers to

      • run apps in the “foreground” - blocking until they exit
      • log directly to stdout, stderr
  • Build a Docker image for your sample app from a Dockerfile

    docker build -t sample-app:v1 .
    • Use -t (--tag) flag to specify the Docker image name & tag in the format name:tag

      For this example:

      • name sample-app20
      • tag v1

      Later on, if you make change to the sample app, you’ll build a new Docker image with:

      • the same name sample-app21
      • a different tag e.g. v2, v3
    • The dot (.) at the end tells docker build to run the build in the current directory (which should be the folder that contains your Dockerfile).

  • When the build finishes, you can use docker run command to run your new image

    docker run --init sample-app:v1
    Listening on port 8080
    • Use --init flag to ensure Node.js app will exit correctly if you hit Ctrl+C.

    [!NOTE] Node.js doesn’t handle kernel signals properly, by using --init flag, you wrap your Node.js process with a lightweight init system that properly handles kernel signals, e.g. SIGINT (CTRL-C)

    For more information, see Docker and Node.js best practices

  • Your app is "listening on port 8080", let’s try your app

    $ curl localhost:8080
    curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused
    • You still can’t connect to your app. Why?

      • Your app is up and running, but it’s running inside the container, which is isolated from your host OS - not only for the filesystem but also for networking…
        • Your app is listening on port 8080 inside the container., which isn’t accessible from the host OS.
    • If you want to access your app, which is running inside the container, from the host OS:

      • You need to expose the port, which is listening on (by your app) inside the container, to the outside of the container (to your host OS).
  • Publish a container’s port [to the host] (with docker run --publish)

    docker run --publish 8081:8080 --init sample-app:v1
    Server listening on port 8080
    • The port mapping of a container is available via:

      • docker ps output’s PORTS column

        docker ps
        CONTAINER ID   IMAGE           COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                       NAMES
        ecf2fb27c512   sample-app:v1   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   19 seconds ago   Up 18 seconds>8080/tcp, :::8081->8080/tcp   elegant_hofstadter
      • docker port

        docker port
        8080/tcp ->
        8080/tcp -> [::]:8081

[!NOTE] There are a different in the order of the container port & the host port:

  • When you run a container (docker run) or list containers (docker ps), the perspective is from the host (outside the container):
    • --publish [hostPort:]containerPort
  • When you list the port mappings of a container (docker port), the perspective is from inside the container:
    • containerPort/tcp ->
  • Now you can retry your app:

    curl localhost:8081
    Hello, World!

[!WARNING] Using docker run is fine for local testing & learning,

  • but not for Dockerized apps in production (which typically require a container orchestration tool, e.g. Kubernetes).

[!NOTE] Don’t forget to clean up stopped containers:

  • Every time you run docker run and exit, you leave behind stopped container, which take up disk space.

You can clean up stopped containers by:

  • Manually run docker rm <CONTAINER_ID>.
  • Having docker run automatically do it for you with --rm flag.

A Crash Course on Kubernetes

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (K8s) : a container orchestration tool, that solves almost all orchestration problems for running containers.

Kubernetes consists of 2 main pieces: control plane & worker nodes:

  • Control plane 🧠:

    • Responsible for managing the Kubernetes cluster:
      • Storing the states
      • Monitoring containers
      • Coordinating actions across the cluster
    • Runs the API server, which provides an API - to control the cluster - that can be accessed from:
      • CLI tools, e.g. kubectl
      • Web UIs, e.g. Kubernetes dashboard, Headlamp
      • IaC tools, e.g. OpenTofu/Terraform
  • Worker nodes 👐:

    • The servers that are used to actually run your containers.
    • Entirely managed by the control plane.

Why Kubernetes?

In additional to solving almost all the orchestration problems for running containers:

  • Kubernetes is open source
  • Kubernetes can be run anywhere: in the cloud, in your data-center, on your PC.

Run Kubernetes on personal computer

  • If you’re using Docker Desktop, you’re just a few clicks away from running a Kubernetes cluster locally:

    • Docker Desktop’s Dashboard / Settings / Kubernetes / Enable Kubernetes / Apply & restart
  • After having the running Kubernetes cluster, you need to install kubectl - the CLI tool for managing the cluster:

  • Configure the kubeconfig (Kubernetes configuration) to access the Kubernetes cluster.

    [!TIP] If you’re running the Kubernetes cluster via Docker Desktop, the Docker Desktop has already update the config for you.

    • Tell kubectl to use the context that Docker Desktop added

      kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
      Switched to context "docker-desktop".

      [!NOTE] The kubeconfig can consists of multiple contexts, each context is corresponding to the configuration for a Kubernetes cluster. e.g.

      • The context added by Docker Desktop is named docker-desktop.

      [!NOTE] By default, kubeconfig is at $HOME/.kube/config.

  • Check if your Kubernetes is working - e.g. by using get nodes commands:

    kubectl get nodes
    NAME             STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
    docker-desktop   Ready    control-plane   67m   v1.29.2

    The Kubernetes cluster created by Docker Desktop has only 1 node, which:

    • runs the control plane
    • also acts as a worker node

How to use Kubernetes?

  • To deploy something in Kubernetes:

    • You

      • declare your intent
        • by creating Kubernetes objects
      • record your intent
        • by writing these Kubernetes object to the cluster (via api server)
    • The Kubernetes cluster runs a reconciliation loop, which continuously

      • checks the objects you’ve stored in the it
      • works to make the state of the cluster match your intent.
  • There are many types of Kubernetes objects available:

    • To deploy an application, e.g. the sample app, you use Kubernetes Deployment - a declarative way to manage application in Kubernetes:
      • Which Docker images to run
      • How many copies of them to run (replicas)
      • Many settings for those image, e.g. CPU, memory, port numbers, environment variables…
  • A typical workflow when using Kubernetes:

    • Create YAML file to define Kubernetes objects
    • Use kubectl apply to submit those objects to the cluster

[!NOTE] Kubernetes: Object & Resource & Configuration & Manifest TODO

Example: Deploy a Dockerized App with Kubernetes

  • Create a folder to store the YAML files for the dockerized app

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch3/kubernetes
  • Create the Kubernetes Deployment object

    # example/ch3/kubernetes/sample-app-deployment.yml
    apiVersion: apps/v1 #               0️⃣
    kind: Deployment #                  1️⃣
    metadata: #                         2️⃣
      name: sample-app-deployment
      replicas: 3 #                     3️⃣
      template: #                       4️⃣
        metadata: #                     5️⃣
            app: sample-app-pods
          containers: #                 6️⃣
            - name: sample-app #        7️⃣
              image: sample-app:v1 #    8️⃣
                - containerPort: 8080 # 9️⃣
              env: #                    10
                - name: NODE_ENV
                  value: production
      selector: #                       11
          app: sample-app-pods
    • 1️⃣ kind: Specify the “kind” of this Kubernetes object.

    • 2️⃣ metadata: Specify the metadata of this Kubernetes object, that can be used to identify & target it in API calls.

      [!NOTE] Kubernetes makes heavy use of metadata (& its labels) to keep the system flexible & loosely coupled.

    • 3️⃣: This Deployment will run 3 replicas.

    • 4️⃣: The pod template - the blueprint - that defines what this Deployment will deploy & manage.

      With pod template, you specify:

      • The containers to run
      • The ports to use
      • The environment variables to set

      [!TIP] The pod template is similar to the launch template of AWS Auto Scaling Group

      [!NOTE] Instead of deploying one container at a time, in Kubernetes you deploy pods, groups of containers that are meant to be deployed together. e.g.

      • You can deploy a pod with:
        • a container to run a web app, e.g. the sample-app
        • another container that gathers metrics on the web app & send them to a central service, e.g. Datadog.
    • 5️⃣: The pods (deployed & managed by this pod template) have its own metadata (so Kubernetes can also identify & target them).

    • 6️⃣: The containers run inside the pod.

    • 7️⃣: The pod in this example run a single container named sample-app.

    • 8️⃣: The Docker image to run for the sample-app container.

    • 9️⃣: Tells Kubernetes that the Docker image listens for request on port 8080.

      [!NOTE] Isn’t this port already specified in the Dockerfile?

      • The port specified with EXPOSE in the Dockerfile acts a document from the person who builds the image.
      • The person who runs the containers, using that information to run the containers, .e.g.
        • docker run --publish hostPort:containerPort
        • Kubernetes’ Pod spec.containers.[].port.containerPort
    • 10 env: Set the environment for the container.

    • 11 selector: Tells Kubernetes Deployment what to target (which pod to deploy & manage)

      [!NOTE] Why doesn’t Deployment just assume that the pod defined within that Deployment is the one you want to target.

      Because Kubernetes is trying to be flexible & decoupled:

      • The Deployment & the pod template can be defined completely separately.
      • But you always need to specify a selector to tell Kubernetes what to target.
  • Use kubectl apply to apply the Deployment configuration

    kubectl apply -f sample-app-deployment.yml
  • Interact with the deployments

    • Display the deployment

      kubectl get deployments

      [!TIP] The field’s value is used as the name of the deployment.

    • Show details about the deployment

      kubectl describe deployments <NAME>
    • Display the pods

      kubectl get pods
    • Show details about the pods

      kubectl describe pods <NAME>
    • Print the logs for a container in a pod

      kubectl logs <POD_NAME>

Example: Deploy a Load Balancer with Kubernetes

[!NOTE] Kubernetes has a built-in support for load-balancing via Service object.

  • The Service object is a way to expose an app running in Kubernetes as a service you can tale over the network.
  • Create the Kubernetes Service object

    # examples/ch3/kubernetes/sample-app-service.yml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service #                 1
    metadata: #                     2
      name: sample-app-loadbalancer
      type: LoadBalancer #          3
        app: sample-app-pods #      4
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 80 #                5
          targetPort: 8080 #        6
    • 1: Specify that this object is a Kubernetes Service
    • 2: Specify the name of the Service (via the metadata).

    [!NOTE] Every Kubernetes object MUST have the metadata with the name field

    • 3: Configure the Service to be a load balancer.

    [!NOTE] The actual type of load balancer you get will be different, depending on:

    • What sort of Kubernetes cluster you’re running
    • How you configure that cluster

    e.g. If you’re run this code

    • In AWS, you’ll get an AWS ELB
    • In GCP, you’ll get an Cloud Load Balancer
    • Locally, you’ll get a simple load balancer (built into the Kubernetes distribution in Docker Desktop)
    • 4: Distribute traffic across the pods with the label app: sample-app-pods (the pods you defined in previous Deployment)
    • 5: The Service will receive requests on port 80 (the default HTTP port).
    • 6: The Service will forward requests to port 8080 of the pods.
  • Use kubectl apply to apply the Service configuration

    kubectl apply -f sample-app-service.yml
  • Interact with the services

    • Display the service
    kubectl get services
    • Show details of the service
    kubectl describe services <NAME>

Example: Roll Out Updates with Kubernetes

Just as Ansible, ASG, Kubernetes has built support for rolling updates.

  • Add strategy section to sample-app-deployment.yaml

    # example/ch3/kubernetes/sample-app-deployment.yml
    # ...
      # ...
        type: RollingUpdate
          maxSurge: 3 #       1
          maxUnavailable: 0 # 2
    • 1: maxSurge: The Deployment can deploy up to 3 extra pods during deployment.
    • 2: maxUnavailable: The Deployment only undeploy an old pod after a new one is deployed.
  • Apply the updated Deployment

    kubectl apply -f sample-app-deployment.yml
  • Make a change to the sample-app (the app.js file)

    sed -i 's/Hello, World!/Fundamentals of DevOps!/g' examples/ch3/docker/app.js
  • To make a change to a containerized app, you need to build the new image, then deploy that new image:

    • Build a new image (tag sample-app:v2) with the new changes

      docker build -t sample-app:v2
    • Update the Deployment to use sample-app:v2 image

      # examples/ch3/kubernetes/sample-app-deployment.yml
      # (...)
        # (...)
            - name: sample-app
              image: sample-app:v2 # Change to the new tag image
    • Run kubectl apply to deploy the change:

      kubectl apply -f sample-app-deployment.yml
    • Display the pods (to see the rolling updates)

      kubectl get pods

Get your hands dirty with Kubernetes and YAML template tools

[!NOTE] Using YAML (and kubectl) is a great way to learn Kubernetes, and it is used in the examples in this chapter to avoid introducing extra tools,

  • but raw YAML is not a great choice for production usage.
    • In particular, YAML doesn’t have support for variables, templating, for-loops, conditionals, and other programming language features that allow for code reuse.

When using Kubernetes in production, instead of raw YAML, try out one of the following tools that can solve these gaps for you:

  • Helm
  • OpenTofu with the Kubernetes provider
  • Pulumi with the Kubernetes provider
  • Kustomize
  • kapp

A Crash Course on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Why use a managed Kubernetes service

  • Running Kubernetes is great for learning & testing, but not for production.

  • For production, you’ll need to run a Kubernetes cluster on servers in a data center:

    • Kubernetes is a complicated system
    • Setting up & maintaining a Kubernetes cluster is a significant undertaking.
  • Most cloud providers have managed Kubernetes services that makes setting up & maintaining a Kubernetes cluster a lot easier.

What is EKS

EKS is the manage Kubernetes service from AWS, which can

  • deploy & manage
    • the control plane
    • worker nodes

Example: Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster in AWS Using EKS

[!CAUTION] Watch out for snakes: EKS is not part of the AWS free tier!

  • While most of the examples in this book are part of the AWS free tier, Amazon EKS is not: as of June 2024, the pricing is $0.10 per hour for the control plane.
  • So please be aware that running the examples in this section will cost you a little bit of money.

The eks-cluster OpenTofu module

The sample code repo contains an OpenTofu module named eks-cluster (in ch3/tofu/modules/eks-cluster folder) that can be used to deploy a simple EKS cluster, which includes:

  • A fully-managed control plane

  • Full-manged worker nodes

    [!NOTE] EKS supports several types of worker nodes:

    • EKS managed node groups
    • Self managed nodes
    • AWS Fargate

    This example uses an EKS manage node group, which deploys worker nodes in an ASG (VM orchestration).

  • IAM roles with the minimal permissions required by the control plane & worker nodes

    [!NOTE] An IAM role

    • is similar to an IAM user: it’s an entity in AWS that can be granted IAM permissions.
    • is not associated with any person, and do not have permanent credentials (password, access keys)
      • but can be assumed by other IAM entities, e.g. EKS control plane

    IAM role is a mechhanism for granting services permissions to make certian API calls in AWS account.

  • (Everything will be deployed into the Default VPC).

Using the OpenTofu module to deploy an Kubernetes cluster using EKS

  • Create the eks-sample OpenTofu module folder

    cd examples
    mkdir -p examples/ch3/tofu/live/eks-sample
  • Configure the eks-sample module to use the eks-cluster module

    # examples/ch3/tofu/live/eks-sample/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "cluster" {
      source = ""
      name        = "eks-sample"
      eks_version = "1.29"
      instance_type        = "t2.micro"
      min_worker_nodes     = 1
      max_worker_nodes     = 10
      desired_worker_nodes = 3
  • (Optional) Authenicate to AWS

  • Init the OpenTofu module

    tofu init
  • Apply OpenTofu configuration to create infrastructure (the eks-cluster’s resources)

    tofu apply
    • The cluster deployment takes 3-5 minutes
  • Interact with your Kubernetes cluster

    • Configure Kubenetes configuration to authenticate to the cluster

      # aws eks update-kubeconfig --region <REGION> --name <CLUSTER_NAME>
      aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-2 --name eks-tofu
    • Display the nodes

    kubectl get nodes

Example: Push a Docker Image to AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

Container registry and ECR

If you want to deploy your sample-app to the EKS cluster, the Docker image for the sample-app need to be pushed to a container registry that EKS can read from.

There are lots of container registries:

  • Docker Hub
  • AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
  • Azure Container Registry
  • Google Artifact Registry
  • JFrog Docker Registry
  • GitHub Container Registry.

You’ve used AWS for the examples, so ECR is the easiest option.

  • For each Docker image you want to store in ECE, you have to create an ECR repository (ECR repo).

  • The book’s sample code repo includes a module called ecr-repo (in ch3/tofu/modules/ecr-repo folder) that you can use to create an ECR repo.

Using ecr-repo OpenTofu module to create an ECR repo

  • Create the ecr-sample OpenTofu module folder

    cd examples
    mkdir -p examples/ch3/tofu/live/ecr-sample
  • Configure the ecr-sample module to use the eks-repo module


      # examples/ch3/tofu/live/ecr-sample/
      provider "aws" {
        region = "us-east-2"
      module "repo" {
        source = ""
        name = "sample-app"

      # examples/ch3/tofu/live/ecr-sample/
      output "registry_url" {
        value       = module.repo.registry_url
        description = "URL of the ECR repo"
  • Init the OpenTofu module

    tofu init
  • Apply OpenTofu configuration to create infrastructure (the ecr-repo’s resources)

    tofu apply

[!NOTE] By default, docker build command builds the Docker image for whatever CPU architecture that it’s running on.


  • On a Macbook with ARM CPU (M1, M2…), the Docker image is built for arm64 architecture.
  • On a PC running Linux, it’s for amd64 architecture.

[!NOTE] You need to ensure that you build your Docker images for whatever architecture(s) you plan to deploy on.

  • Docker now ships with the buildx command which makes it easy to build Docker images for multiple architecture.

  • (The very first time you use buildx) Create a builder named multi-platform-builder for your target architectures:

    docker buildx create \
      --use \                              # Set the current builder instance
      --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \ # Fixed platforms for current node
      --name=multiple-platform-build       # Builder instance name
  • Use the multiple-platform-build builder to build Docker image sample-app:v3 for multiple platforms

    docker buildx build \
      --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
      -t sample-app:v3 \

  • Re-tag the image using the registry URL of the ECR repo (registry_url)

    docker tag \
      sample-app:v3 \
  • Authenticate docker to the ECR repo:

    aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | \
      docker login \
        --username AWS \
        --password-stdin \
  • Push Docker image to your ECR repo

    docker push <YOUR_ECR_REPO_URL>:v3

    [!TIP] The first time you push, it may take longer than a minute to update the image.

    Subsequent pushes - due to Docker’s layer caching - will be faster.

Example: Deploy a Dockerized App into an EKS Cluster (With Load Balancer)

After having the sample-app Docker image on your ECR repo, you’re ready to deploy the sample-app to EKS cluster:

  • Update the Deployment to use the Docker image from your ECR repo

    # examples/ch3/kubernetes/sample-app-deployment.yml
    # (...)
      # (...)
          - name: sample-app
            image: <YOUR_ECR_REPO_URL>:v3
  • Apply both the Kubernetes object into your EKS cluster:

    kubectl apply -f sample-app-deployment.yml
    kubectl apply -f sample-app-service.yml
  • Interact with Kubernetes cluster on EKS (and your app)

    • Display the pods

      kubectl get pods
    • Display the service

      kubectl get services
      • The sample-app-loadbalancer has an EXTERNAL-IP of the domain name of an AWS ELB.

      [!TIP] The EXTERNAL-IP column is showing the domain name, isn’t it weird?

Get your hands dirty with Kubernetes and container orchestration

  1. By default, if you deploy a Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer into EKS, EKS will create a Classic Load Balancer, which is an older type of load balancer that is not generally recommended anymore.

    • In most cases, you actually want an Application Load Balancer (ALB), as you saw in the VM orchestration section.
    • To deploy an ALB, you need to make a few changes, as explained in the AWS documentation.
  2. Try terminating one of the worker node instances using the AWS Console.

    • How does the ELB handle it?
    • How does EKS respond?
    • Do you need to do anything to restore the instance or your containers?
  3. Try using kubectl exec to get a shell (like an SSH session) into a running container.

Serverless Orchestration

What is Serverless?

serverless : focus entirely on your app : - without having to think about servers at all : - (the servers are fully managed by someone not you)

How Serverless works?

The origiral model referred to as “serverless” was Functions as a Service (FaaS), which works as follows:

  1. Create a deployment package, which contains just the source code to run a function (instead of the whole app).

  2. Upload that deployment package to your serverless provider, which is typically also a cloud provider, e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure.

    [!NOTE] You can use tools like Knative to add support for serverless in your on-prem Kubernetes cluster.

  3. Configure the serverless provider to trigger your function in response to certain events, e.g. an HTTP request, a file upload, a new message in a queue.

  4. When the trigger goes off, the serverless provider:

    • Execute your function
    • Passing it information about the event as an input
    • (In some case), taking the data the function returns as an output; and passing it on elsewhere (e.g. sending it as an HTTP response).
  5. When you need to deploy an update, repeat step 1 and 2: create a new deployment package; upload that deployment package to the cloud provider.

Serverless pros and cons

  • Pros:
You focus on your code, not on the hardware.You don’t have to think about the servers at all.<- The serverless providers manage the servers, auto-scaling/healing to handle any load.Whether your triggers goes off 1000 times/s or 1 time/year
You focus on your code, not on the OS.- The deployment packages don’t need to include anything about the OS or other toolings.<- Only code of your app.
- You don’t have to maintain the OS.<- Handle running, securing & updating the OS.
You get even more speed.Serverless deployment are even faster than containers.<- Deployment packages are tiny; no servers to spin up.< 1 minute
You get even more efficiency.Serverless can use computing resources more efficient than containers.<- Short-running functions can move around the cluster quickly to any server that has spare resources.Serverless is incredibly cheap.
Pricing scales perfectly with usage.Serverless is pay per invocation -> Pricing scales linear with usage; can even scale to zero.<- Servers, VMs, containers are pay per hour to rent, even if these hardware is sitting completely idle.
  • Cons:
Size limitsThere are usually size limits on: deployment package, event payload, response payload.
Time limitsThere is usually a maximum amount of time that your functions can run for.For AWS Lambda: 15 minutes
Disk limitsThere is only a small ephemeral storage available locally to your functions.
PerformanceLittle control over hardware, which makes performance tuning difficult.
DebuggingYou can’t connect to the servers directly - e.g. via SSH, which makes debugging difficult.
Cold startThe first run (after a period of idleness) can take up several seconds.
Long-running connectionsDatabase connection pools, WebSockets… are more complicated with FaaS.For AWS Lambda, to have a database connection pool, you need another service (RDS Proxy)

Type of serverless

Nowaday, serverless has become so popular, the term “serverless” is being applied to many models:

  • Serverless functions - FaaS (the original model of serverless), e.g. AWS Lambda (2015), GCP Cloud Functions, Azure Serverless
  • “Serverless web-app”, e.g. Google App Engine (GAE - 2008)
  • Serverless containers, e.g. AWS Fargate.
  • Serverless database, e.g. Amazon Aurora Serverless.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #4 Serverless orchestration is an immutable infrastructure approach where you deploy and manage functions without having to think about servers at all.

Example: Deploy a Serverless Function with AWS Lambda

The lambda OpenTofu module

The book sample code repo includes an OpenTofu module named lambda (in ch3/tofu/modules/lambda) that do the following:

  • Zip up a folder - you specify - into a deployment package.
  • Upload the deployment package as an AWS Lambda function.
  • Configure various settings for the Lambda function, e.g. memory, CPU, environment variables.

Using the lambda OpenTofu module to deploy a AWS Lambda function

  • Create folder live/lambda-sample to use as a root module

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch3/tofu/live/lambda-sample
    cd ch3/tofu/live/lambda-sample
  • Configure the lambda module

    # examples/ch3/tofu/live/lambda-sample/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "function" {
      name = "lambda-sample" #         1
      src_dir = "${path.module}/src" # 2
      runtime = "nodejs20.x" #         3
      handler = "index.handler" #      4
      memory_size = 128 #              5
      timeout     = 5 #                6
      environment_variables = { #      7
        NODE_ENV = "production"
      # ... (other params omitted) ...
    • 1 name: Base name of all resources of the lambda module

    • 2 src_dir: The directory which contains the code for the Lambda function.

    • 3 runtime: The runtime used this Lambda function.

      [!NOTE] AWS Lambda supports

      • several different runtimes: Node.js, Python, Go, Java, .NET.
      • create custom runtimes for any languague
    • 4 handler: The handler to call your function, aka entrypoint.

      [!NOTE] The handler format is <FILE>.<FUNCTION>:

      • <FILE>: The file in your deployment package.
      • <FUNCTION>: The name of the function to call in that file.

      Lambda will pass the event information to this function.

      For this example, Lambda will call the hanlder function the index.js file.

    • 5 memory_size: The amount of memory to give the Lambda function.

      [!NOTE] Adding more memory also proportionally increases:

      • the amount of CPU available
      • the cost to run the function.
    • 6 timeout: The maximum amount of time the Lambda function has to run.

      [!NOTE] The timeout limit of Lambda is 15 minutes.

    • 7 environment_variables: The environment variables to set for the function.

  • Add the handler code at lambda-sample/src/index.js

    # examples/ch3/tofu/live/lambda-sample/src/index.js
    exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
      callback(null, {statusCode: 200, body: "Hello, World!"});
  • Init & apply the OpenTofu module

    tofu init
    tofu apply
  • Verify that the Lambda function has been deployed by:

    • Open the Lambda console
    • Click on the function called sample-app-lambda
    • You should see your Lambda function & handler code.
    • Currently, the function has no triggers:
      • You can manually trigger it by clicking the Test button.

[!NOTE] In this example, you deploy a Lambda function without a trigger, which isn’t very useful.

  • Because the function cannot be triggered by anything or anyone except you.

A Crash course on AWS Lambda triggers

You can configure a variety of events to trigger your Lambda function.

You can have AWS automatically run your Lambda function:

  • each time a file is uploaded to Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3),

  • each time a new message is written to a queue in Amazon’s Simple Queue Service (SQS),

  • each time you get a new email in Amazon’s Simple Email Service (SES)

    [!NOTE] AWS Lambda is a great choice of building event-driven systems and background processing jobs.

  • each time you receive an HTTP request in API Gateway

    [!NOTE] API Gateway is a managed service you can use to expose an entrypoint for your apps, managing routing, authentication, throttling, and so on. You can use API Gateway and Lambda to create serverless web apps.

Example: Deploy an API Gateway in Front of AWS Lambda

The api-gateway OpenTofu module

The book’s sample code repo includes a module called api-gateway in the ch3/tofu/modules/api-gateway folder that can deploy an HTTP API Gateway, a version of API Gateway designed for simple HTTP APIs, that knows how to trigger a Lambda function.

Using api-gateway OpenTofu module to deploy an API Gateway in Front of AWS Lambda

  • Configure the api-gateway module to trigger the Lambda function

    # examples/ch3/tofu/live/lambda-sample/
    module "function" {
      source = ""
      # ... (other params omitted) ...
    module "gateway" {
      source = ""
      name               = "lambda-sample" #              1
      function_arn       = module.function.function_arn # 2
      api_gateway_routes = ["GET /"] #                    3
    • 1 name: The base name to use for the api-gateway’s resources.

    • 2 function_arn: The ARN of the Lambda function the API Gateway should tirgger when it gets HTTP requests.

      In this example, function_arn is set to the output from the lambda module.

    • 3 api_gateway_routes: The routes that should trigger the Lambda function

      In this example, the API Gateway has only 1 route: HTTP GET to / path.

  • Add an output variable

    # examples/ch3/tofu/live/lambda-sample/
    output "api_endpoint" {
      value = module.gateway.api_endpoint
  • Init & apply OpenTofu configuration

    tofu init
    tofu apply
  • Your API Gateway is now routing requests to your Lambda function.

    • As load goes up & down,
      • AWS will automatically scale your Lambda functions up & down.
      • API Gateway will automatically distribute traffic across these functions/
    • When there’no load:
      • AWS will automatically scale to zero. So it won’t cost you a cent.

Example: Roll Out Updates with AWS Lambda

[!NOTE] By default, AWS Lambda natively supports a nearly instantaneous deployment model:

  • If you upload a new deployment package, all new requests will start executing the code in that deployment package almost immediately.
  • Update the Lambda function response text

    // examples/ch3/tofu/live/lambda-sample/src/index.js
    exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
      callback(null, { statusCode: 200, body: "Fundamentals of DevOps!" });
  • Rerun apply to deploy the changes

    tofu apply

[!TIP] Under the hood, AWS Lambda does an instanteneous switchover from the old to the new version (~ blue-green deployment).

Get your hands dirty with serverless web-apps and Serverless Orchestration

[!NOTE] To avoid introducing too many new tools, this chapter uses OpenTofu to deploy Lambda functions

  • which works great for functions used for background jobs and event processing,
  • but for serverless web apps where you use a mix of Lambda functions and API Gateway, the OpenTofu code can get very verbose (especially the API Gateway parts).
    • Moreover, if you’re using OpenTofu to manage a serverless webapp, you have no easy way to run or test that webapp (especially the API Gateway endpoints) locally.

If you’re going to be building serverless web apps for production use cases, try out one of the following tools instead, as they are purpose-built for serverless web apps, keep the code more concise, and give you ways to test locally:

  • Serverless Framework
  • SAM

Comparing Orchestration Options

In terms of the core orchestration problems

ProblemServer orchestrationVM orchestrationContainer orchestrationServerless orchestration
Deployments strategies⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Auto scaling⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Auto healing⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Secrets management⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Load balancing⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Service communication⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Disk management⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Not supported
⭐⭐⭐Strong supported

For more information,see Orchestration - Core Problems Comparison

In terms of core orchestration attributes

DimensionServer orchestrationVM orchestrationContainer orchestrationServerless orchestration
Deployment speed⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ease of learning⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Dev/prod parity⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Long-running tasks⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Performance tuning⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⭐⭐⭐Very strong

For more information, see Orchestration - Attributes Comparison


  • You learn how to run your apps in a way that more closely handles the demand of production (“in a scalable way”):

    • ⛓️‍💥 avoid a single point of failure

      • by using multiple replicas
    • ☦️ distribute traffic across the replicas

      • by deploying load balancers
    • 🎢 roll out updates to your replicas without downtime 🔛

      • by using deployment strategies
  • You’ve seen a number of orchestration approaches to handle all of the above problems:

    Orchestration approach…infrastructure approachHow it works?Example
    Server orchestrationMutable … (Old way)A fixed set of servers are maintained, updated in place.Deploy code onto a cluster of servers (using Ansible)
    VMImmutableVM images are deployed & managed across virtualized servers.Deploy VMs into an Auto Scaling Group.
    ContainerImmutableContainers images are deployed & managed across a cluster of servers.Deploy containers into a Kubernetes cluster.
    ServerlessImmutableFunctions are deploy & managed without thinking about servers at all.Deploy functions using AWS Lambda.

The no downtime is from users perspective.


The computing resources are CPU, memory, disk space.


The scheduler usually implements some sort of bin packing algorithm to try to use resources available as efficiently as possible.


A process supervisor is a tool to run your apps and do extra things:

  • Monitor apps
  • Restart apps after a reboot/crash
  • Manage apps’ logging


Apache httpd In addition to being a “basic” web server, and providing static and dynamic content to end-users, Apache httpd (as well as most other web servers) can also act as a reverse proxy server, also-known-as a “gateway” server.


nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server.

  • For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Yandex, Mail.Ru, VK, and Rambler
  • Nginx is now part of F5

HAProxy - Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer


See Nginx documentation for Managing Configuration Files





Docker is a tool for building, running, and sharing containers.


Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool


Compare to VMs, containers:

  • have reasonable file sizes
  • boot quickly
  • have little CPU/memory overhead

There is no practical, easy way to run most VM orchestration tools locally.

  • For AWS, there is LocalStack, which emulates some of AWS cloud services locally.


Use docker run with -it flag to get an interactive shell & a pseudo-TTY (so you can type)


By hitting Ctrl+D, you send an End-of-Transmission (EOT) character (to docker process)


By hitting Ctrl+C, you send an interrupt signal (SIGINT) (to docker process)


The name of the Docker image is also know as its repository name.


In other words, when you name multiple images with the same name, Docker will use that name as the repository name to group all images of that name.

Chapter 4: How to Version, Build, and Test Your Code

With most real-world code, software development is a team sport, not a solo effort.

You need to figure out how to support many developers collaborating safety and efficiently on the same codebase.

In particular, you need to solve the following problems:

The problemHow to …Notes
Code access- Allow all developers (in the team) to access the codebase ?👈 So they can collaborate
Integration- Integrate changes from all developers
- Handle any conflicts
- Ensure no one’s work is accidentally lost or overwritten
Correctness- Prevent bugs & breakages slipping in?
Release- Release the changes (in your codebase) to production on a regular basis?👉 So the code can generate value for users & your company

These problems are all key part of your software development life cycle (SDLC).

  • In the pasts, many companies came up with their own ad-hoc, manual SDLC processes:
    • Email code changes back & forth
    • Spend weeks integrating changes together manually
    • Test everything manually (if they did any testing at all)
    • Release everything manually, e.g. Using FTP to upload code to a server
  • Now a day, we have far better tools & techniques for solving these problems:
    • Version control
    • Build system
    • Automated testing

Version Control

What is Version Control

version control system (VCS) : a tool that allows you to : - store source code : - share it with your team : - integrate your work together : - track changes over time

Version Control Primer

Your normal workflow with an essay in Microsoft WordYour workflow in version control terms
You start with a file called essay.doc,You start with essay.doc.
You realize you need to do some pretty major changes, so you create essay-v2.docAfter some major edits, you commit your changes to a new revision called essay-v2.doc.
You decide to remove some big pieces, but you don’t want to lose them, so you put those in essay-backup.doc, and move the remaining work to essay-v3.doc;Then, you realize that you need to break off in a new direction, so you could say that you’ve created a new branch from you original work, and in that new branch, you commit another new revision called essay-v3.doc.
Maybe you work on the essay with your friend Anna, so you email her a copy of essay-v3.docWhen you email Anna essay-v3.doc, and she starts her work, you could say that she’s working in yet another branch.
Anna starts making edits; at some point, she emails you back the doc with her updates, which you then manually combine with the work you’ve been doing, and save that under the new name essay-v4-anna-edit.docWhen she emails you back, you manually merge the work in your branch and her branch together to create essay-v4-anna-edit.doc.
You keep emailing back and forth, and you keep renaming the file, until minutes before the deadline, you finally submit a file called something like essay-final-no-really-definitely-final-revision3-v58.doc.

Visualizing your process with Word documents as version control Visualizing your process with Word documents as version control

Your normal workflow with the an essay - copying, renaming, emailing… - is a type of version control, but not a manual version control system.

There are better version control tools, in which you commit, branch, merge… your works.

Version Control Concepts

Repositories : You store files (code, documents, images, etc.) in a repository (repo for short).

Branches : (You start with everything in a single branch, often called something like main.) : At any time, you can create a new branch from any existing branch, and work in your own branch independently.

Commits : Within any branch, : - you can edit files, : - when you’re ready to store your progress in a new revision, you create a commit with your updates (you commit your changes) : The commit typically records : - not only the changes to the files, : - but also who made the changes, and a commit message that describes the changes.

Merges : At any time, you can merge branches together. : e.g. : - It’s common to create a branch from main, work in that branch for a while, and then merge your changes back into main.

Conflicts : (VCS tools can merge some types of changes completely automatically), : But if there is a conflict (e.g., two people changed the same line of code in different ways), : - the VCS will ask you to resolve the conflict manually.

History : The VCS tracks every commit in every branch in a commit log, which lets you see : the full history of how the code changed: : - all previous revisions of every file, : - what changed between each revision : - who made each change.

[!NOTE] There are many version control systems:

  • CVS, Subversion, Perforce…
  • Mercurial, Git…

These days, the most popular is Git.

Example: A Crash Course on Git

Git basics

  • Install Git: Follow the office guide

  • Let Git know your name & email

    git config --global "<YOUR NAME>"
    git config --global "<YOUR EMAIL>"

  • Initialize a Git repo

    [!NOTE] Before initial a Git repo, you need to create a empty folder:

    mkdir /tmp/git-practice
    cd /tmp/git-practice

    (or you can use an existing repo)

    git init

    [!NOTE] Now, create a text file that will be including in your first commit:

    echo 'Hello, World!' > example.txt

    [!TIP] The contexts of the git-practice folder looks like this

    $ tree -aL 1
    ├── .git
    └── example.txt

    [!NOTE] The .git folder is where Git record all information about your branches, commits, revisions…

  • Show the working tree status

    git status

    [!NOTE] The git status show the working tree status:

    • What branch you’re on.
    • Any commits you’ve made.
    • Any changes that haven’t been committed yet.
  • Before commit your changes, you first need to add the file(s) you want to commit to the staging area using git add

    git add example.txt
  • Re-run git status

    git status
    On branch main
    No commits yet
    Changes to be committed:
      (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to un-stage)
    	new file:   example.txt
    • The example.txt is now in the staging area, ready to be committed.
  • To commit the staged changes, use the git commit

    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    • Use the -m flag to pass in the commit message.
  • Check the commit log using git log

    git log

    For each commit in the log, you’ll see

    • commit ID
    • author
    • date
    • commit message.

    [!NOTE] Each commit has a different ID that you can use to uniquely identify that commit, and many Git commands take a commit ID as an argument.

    [!TIP] Under the hood, a commit ID is calculated by taking the SHA-1 hash of:

    • the contents of the commit,
    • all the commit metadata (author, date, and so on), and
    • the ID of the previous commit

    [!TIP] Commit IDs are 40 characters long,

    • but in most commands, you can use just
      • the first 7 characters, as that will be unique enough to identify commits in all but the largest repos.

Let’s make another change and another commit:

  • Make a change to the example.txt

    echo 'New line of text' >> example.txt
  • Show your working tree status

    git status
    On branch main
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    	modified:   example.txt
    • Git is telling you that the changes is current “in working directory” (working tree), and is “not staged for commit”
    • Git also tell you the changed files: modified: example.txt
  • To see what exactly these changes are, run git diff

    git diff
    $ git diff
    diff --git a/example.txt b/example.txt
    index 8ab686e..3cee8ec 100644
    --- a/example.txt
    +++ b/example.txt
    @@ -1 +1,2 @@
     Hello, World!
    +New line of text

    [!NOTE] Use git diff frequently to check what changes you’ve made before committing them:

    • If the changes look good:
      • Use git add <file>... to stage the changes.
      • Then use git commit to commit them.
    • If the changes don’t look good:
      • Continue to modify the changes
      • Or use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory.
  • Re-stage the changes and commit:

    git add example.txt
    git commit -m "Add another line to example.txt"
  • Use git log once more with --oneline:

    git log --oneline
    02897ae (HEAD -> main) Add another line to example.txt
    0da69c2 Initial commit

[!IMPORTANT] The commit log is very powerful 👈 It’s has the commit IDs and commit messages:

  • Debugging:

    Something breaks -> “What changed?” -> Check commit log’s messages

  • Reverting:

    • You can use git revert <COMMIT_ID> to create a new commit that reverts all the changes in the commit <COMMIT_ID>.

      (in other words, undoing the changes in that commit while still preserving your Git history)

    • You yan use git reset --hard <COMMIT_ID> to get rid of:

      • all commits after COMMIT_ID.
      • including the history about them.
  • Comparison:

    You can use git diff to compare not only local changes, but also to compare any two commits.

  • Author:

    You can use git blame to annotate each line of a file with information about the last commit that modified that file, (including the date, the commit message, and the author).

    • Don’t use this to blame someone for causing a bug, as the name implies. It may be war!
    • The more common use case is to help you understand where any give piece of code came from, and why that change was made.

Git branching and merging

  • To create a new branch and switch to it, use git checkout -b

    git checkout -b testing

    [!NOTE] If you want to make sure you never lost your code, you can use git switch -c to create a new branch and switch to it.

  • Check the you’re on new branch with git status

    git status
  • You can also list all the branches (and see which one you’re on) with git branch

    git branch

    [!TIP] The branch which you’re on is mark with asterisk (*)

  • Any changes you commit now will go into the testing branch:

    • Try it with the example.txt

      echo 'Third line of text' >> example.txt
    • Stage and commit the changes

      git add example.txt
      git commit -m "Added a 3tr line to example.txt"
    • You git log to check that you have three commits on testing branch:

      git log --oneline
  • Switch back to main branch to see that main branch still has only 2 commits

    git switch main
    git log --oneline

  • Merge the work in your testing branch back to the main branch

    git merge testing # Merge testing branch (to current branch - main)
    Updating c4ff96d..c85c2bf
     example.txt | 1 +
     1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
    • It’s a Fast-forward, Git was able to merge all the changes automatically, as there were no conflicts between main & testing branches.

Get your hands dirty with Git

  • Learn how to use the git tag command to create tags.

  • Learn to use git rebase.

    • When does it make sense to use it instead of git merge?

Example: Store your Code in GitHub

  • Git is a distributed VSC:

    Every team member can

    • have a full copy of the repository.
    • do commits, merges, branches completely locally.
  • But the most common way to use Git is using one of the repositories as a central repository, which acts as your source of truth.

    • Everyone will initially get their code from this central repo
    • As someone make changes, he/she always pushes them back to this central repo.
  • There are many way to run such a central repo:

    • Hosting yourself

    • Use a hosting service, which is the most common approach:

      • Not only host Git repos
      • But also provide:
        • Web UIs
        • User management
        • Development workflows, issue tracking, security tools…

      The most popular hosting service for Git are GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket.

    [!NOTE] GitHub is the most popular, and what made Git popular.

    • GitHub provides a great experience for hosting repos & collaboration with team members.
    • GitHub has become de facto home for most open source projects.

In this example, you will push the example code you’ve worked in while reading this book/blog post series to GitHub.

  • Go the folder where you have your code

    cd devops-books
  • The contents of the folder should look like this:

    tree -L 2
    ├── ch1
    │   ├── ec2-user-data-script
    │   └── sample-app
    ├── ch2
    │   ├── ansible
    │   ├── bash
    │   ├── packer
    │   └── tofu
    └── ch3
        ├── ansible
        ├── docker
        ├── kubernetes
        ├── packer
        └── tofu
  • Initialize an empty Git repository in .git/

    git init
  • Show working tree status

    git status
    • There is “no commits yet”, and only “untracked files”.
  • Create gitignore file (.gitignore)

    *.tfstate            # 1
    .terraform           # 2
    *.key                # 3
    *.zip                # 4
    node_modules         # 5
    • 1: Ignore OpenTofu state.
    • 2: Ignore .terraform, used by OpenTofu as a scratch directory.
    • 3: Ignore the SSH private keys used in Ansible examples.
    • 4: Ignore build artifact created by lambda module.
    • 5: Ignore Node.js’s scratch directories.

    [!TIP] Commit the .gitignore file first to ensure you don’t accidentally commit files that don’t belong in version control.

  • Stage and commit .gitignore

    git add .gitignore
    git commit -m "Add .gitignore"
  • Stage all files/folders in root of the repo:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Example for first few chapters"
    • The code in now in a local Git repo in your computer.
    • In the next section, you’ll push it to a Git repo on GitHub

  • Create a GitHub account if you haven’t one

  • Authenticate to GitHub on the CLI: Follow the official docs

  • Create a new repository in GitHub

  • Add that GitHub repository as a remote to your local Git repository:

    [!NOTE] A remote is a Git repository hosted somewhere, i.e. somewhere on the Internet

    git remote add origin<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git
    • This will add your GitHub repo as a remote named origin

    [!TIP] Your remote GitHub repo can be any where, but anyone that access your repo, which now acts as a central repository can refer to it as origin.

  • Push your local branch to your GitHub repo

    git push origin main

    [!TIP] You push to REMOTE a LOCAL_BRANCH with:

  • Refresh your repo in GitHub, you should see your code there.

[!NOTE] You’ve just push your changes to a remote endpoint, which being halfway to be able to collaborate with other developers.

  • You can click the Add a README button, then:

    • Fill in the README content.
    • And commit changes directly to the Git repo.
  • If you do that, your GitHub repo now has a file, but the local repo on your computer doesn’t.

  • To get the latest code from the origin, use git pull:

    git pull origin main

    [!NOTE] The command git pull REMOTE REMOTE_BRANCH will:

    • “Fetch” from REMOTE the REMOTE_BRANCH.
    • Merge that REMOTE_BRANCH to current branch (in the local repository).
  • If your haven’t have a local copy of the central repository, first you need to clone that repo:

    git clone<USERNAME>/<REPO>

    This command will

    • checkout a copy of the repo <REPO> to a folder called <REPO> in your current working directory.
    • automatically add the repo’s URL as a remote named origin

You’ve just seen the basic Git workflows when collaboration:

  • git clone: Check out a fresh copy of a repo.
  • git push origin <LOCAL_BRANCH>: Share your changes to other team members.
  • git pull origin <REMOTE_BRANCH>: Get changes from other team members.

A Primer on Pull Request

pull request : a request to merge one branch into another branch : ~ you’re requesting the owner runs git pull on your repo/branch

[!TIP] GitHub popularized the PR workflow as the de facto way to make changes to open source repos

And these days, many companies use PRs to make changes to private repos as well.

A pull request processes is as a follows:

  • You check out a copy of repo R, create a branch B, and commit your changes to this branch.

    • If you have write access to repo R, you can create branch B directly in repo R.
    • However, if you don’t have write access, which is usually the case if repo R is an open source repo in someone else’s account, then you
      • first create a fork of repo R, which is a copy of the repo in your own account,
      • then you create branch B in your fork.
  • When you’re done with your work in branch B, you open a pull request against repo R:

    • Requesting that the maintainer of that repo merges your changes from branch B into some branch in repo R (typically main).
  • The owner of repo R then

    • uses GitHub’s PR UI to review your changes,
    • provide comments and feedback,
    • and ultimately, decide to either
      • merge the changes in,
      • or close the PR unmerged.

Example: Open a Pull Request in GitHub

  • Create a new branch named update-readme and switch to it

    git switch -c update-readme
  • Make a change to the file

    echo "" >>
  • Show un-staged changed

    git diff
  • Stage & commit the changes

    git add
    git commit -m "Add URL to README"
  • Push your update-readme branch to the origin remote

    git push origin update-readme

    [!TIP] In the git push output, GitHub conveniently shows you a URL for creating a pull request.

    You can also create PRs by

    • going to the Pull Requests tab of your repo in GitHub Web UI
    • clicking New Pull Request button.
  • Open the URL in a web browser, then

    • Fill in the pull request’s title, description.
    • Scroll down to see the changes between your update-readme & main branches.
    • If those changes look OK, click Create pull request button.
    • You’ll end up in the GitHub PR UI.
  • You and your team members cana use the Github PR page to

    • see the changes
    • discuss the changes
    • request reviewers, modifies to those changes…
  • If the PR looks gook:

    • Click Merge pull request
    • Then Confirm merge to merge the changes in.

Version Control Best Practices

  • Always use version control

    • Using version control brings massive benefits for software engineering.
    • Version control’s easy, cheap/free.

    [!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #1 Always manage your code with a version control system.

  • Write good commit messages

    When you’re trying to figure out what caused a bug, an outage, git log and git blame can help you, but only if the commit message are well written.

    [!NOTE] What is a good commit message?

    • Summary: Short, clear summary of the change (< 50 characters).
    • Context:
      • If you need more than a summary, put a new line after the summary, then provide more information to understand the context.
      • Focus on what changed; why it changed (How it changed should be clear from the the code itself).


    Fix bug with search auto complete
    A more detailed explanation of the fix, if necessary. Provide
    additional context that may not be obvious from just reading the
    - Use bullet points
    - If appropriate
    Fixes #123. Jira #456.

    [!TIP] You can go a little further with the commit messages by:

  • Commit early and often

    Committing as you’re solving a large problem, break it down to small, manageable parts.

    [!NOTE] What to commit and PR?

    Atomic commit/PR.

    In other words, each commit or pull request should do exactly one small, relatively self-contained thing.

    [!TIP] Atomic commit: You should be able to describe the commit in one short sentence and use it as the commit message’s summary.

    e.g. Instead of a single, massive commit that implements an entire large feature,

    • aim for a series of small commits, where each one implements some logical part of that feature:
      • a commit for backend logic
      • a commit for UI logic
      • a commit for search logic

    [!TIP] Atomic PR:

    • A single PR can contain multiple commits, but it should still represent a single set of cohesive changes - changes that naturally & logically go together.
    • If your PR contains unrelated changes, you should break it up into multiple PRs.

    e.g. Follow the Boy Scout Rule1 is a good idea, but

    • don’t make a PR that contains a new feature, a bug fix, and a refactor
      • put each of these changes into its own PR:
        • a PR for the new feature
        • a PR for the bug fix
        • a PR for the refactor

    [!NOTE] What is the benefit of atomic commits, PRs?

    More useful Git historyEach commit/PR can fit in oneline in the history.
    Cleaner mental modelForce you to break the work down.
    Less riskEasy to revert.
    Easier code reviewsQuick to approve.
    Less risky refactorsYou can try something new then go back to any commits quickly without losing much work.
    Lower risk of data lossCommit (and push) act as a data backup.
    More frequent integrationQuick to merge, release.
  • Use a code review process

    [!NOTE] Why any one should have their code review?

    In the writing world, even if you’re the smarted, most capable, most experienced, you can’t proofread your own work:

    • You’re too close to the concept.
    • You can’t put yourself in the shoes of someone who is hearing them for the first time.

    The same applies for writing code.

    [!TIP] Having your code review by someone else is a highly effective way to catch bugs, reducing defect rates by as much as 55-80% - which is even a higher rate than automated test.

    [!NOTE] Code reviews are also an efficient mechanism to

    • spread knowledge, culture, training
    • provide a sense of ownership throughout the team

    [!NOTE] How to do code reviews?

    • Enforce a pull request workflow

      You can enforce that

      • all changes are done through pull requests
        • so the maintainers of each repo can asynchronously review each change before it gets merged.
    • Use pair programming

      Pair programming:

      • a development technique where two programmers work together at one computer:

        • one person as the driver, responsible for writing the code
        • the other as the observer, responsible for
          • reviewing the code and
          • thinking about the program at a higher level

        (the programmers regularly switch roles)

      • results in code review process happens all the time:

        • driver will also try to make clear what the code is doing

      Pair programming is used:

      • by some companies for all their coding
      • by other companies for only complex tasks, or ramping up a new hire.
    • Use formal inspections

      Formal inspection is when you schedule a live meeting for a code review where you:

      • present the code to multiple developers
        • go through it together, line-by-line.

      Formal inspection can be apply for mission critical parts of your systems.

    [!TIP] Whatever process you pick for code reviews, you should

    • define your code preview guidelines up front,
      • so everyone can have a process that is consistent & repeatable across the entire team:
        • what to look for, e.g. design, functionality, complexity, tests.
        • what not to look for, e.g. code formatting (should be automated)
        • how to communicate feedback effectively

    For example, have a look at Google’s Code Review Guidelines.

  • Protect your code:

    For many companies these day, the code you write is:

    • your most important asset.
    • a highly sensitive asset: if someone can slip malicious code into the codebase, it would be a nightmare.

    [!NOTE] How to protect your code?

    • Signed commits:

      By default, any one can set the email used by Git to any email they want.

      • What if a bad actor introduces some malicious code in your name (email).

      • Fortunately, most VSC hosts (GitHub, GitLab…) allow you to enforce signed commits on your repos, where they reject any commit that doesn’t have a valid cryptographic signature.

        Under the hood:

        • You give Git the private key; and give the VSC host the public key.
        • When you commit, Git will sign that your commits with the private key.
        • When you push to central repo on VSC host, VSC host will use the public key to verify that these commit are signed by your private key.
    • Branch protection:

      Most VCS hosts (GitHub, GitLab, etc.) allow you to enable branch protection, where you can

      • enforce certain requirements before code can be pushed to certain branches (e.g., main)

      For example, you can require that all changes to main branch:

      • Submitted via pull requests
      • Those pull requests are review by at least N other developers.
      • Certain checks - e.g. security scans - pass

      before these pull requests can be merged.

Get your hands dirty with Git amend, squash

Build System

What is Build System?

build system (build tools) : the system used by most software project to automate important operations, e.g. : - Compiling code : - Downloading dependencies : - Packaging the app : - Running automated tests…

Why use Build System?

The build system serves 2 audiences:

  • The developers on your team, who run the build steps as part of local development.
  • The automated tools (scripts), which run the build steps as part of automating your software delivery process.

Which Build System to use?

You can:

  • create your own build system from ad-hoc scripts, duct tape & glue.
  • or use an off-the-shelf build system.

There are many off-the-shelf build systems out there:

  • Some were originally designed for use with a specific programming language, framework. e.g
    • Rake for Ruby
    • Gradle, Mavan for Java
    • SBT for Scale
    • NPM for JavaScript (Node.js)
  • Some are language agnostic:
    • Make: granddad of all build systems.
    • Bazel: fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system.

[!TIP] Usually, the language-specific tools will give you the best experience with that language.

You should only go with the language-agnostic ones in specific circumstances, such as:

  • Massive teams
  • Dozens of languages
  • Gigantic monorepo

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2 Use a build system to capture, as code, important operations and knowledge for your project, in a way that can be used both by developers and automated tools.

Example: Configure your Build Using NPM

The example-app is written is JavaScript (Node,js), so NPM is a good choice for build system.

  • The code for this example will be in examples/ch4/sample-app

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch4/sample-app
  • Clone the app.js from previous example

    cp ch1/sample-app/app.js ch4/sample-app/app.js
  • Install Node.js which comes with NPM

  • To use NPM as a build system, you need a package.json file.

    [!NOTE] The package.json file can be

    • created manually
    • scaffold by running npm init

    In this example, you will run npm init

    npm init
    # npm will prompt you for the package name, version, description...

    You should have a package.json file looks like this:

      "name": "sample-app",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "Sample app for 'Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery'",
      "scripts": {
        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

    [!NOTE] NPM has a number of built-in scripts, such as npm install, npm start, npm test, and so on.

    All of these have default behaviors, but in most cases, you can define what these script do by

    • adding them to the scripts block.
    • specify which commands that script should run.

    For example

    • npm init gives you an initial test script in the scripts block that just run a command that exits with an error.
  • Add a script named start to the script block in package.json

      "scripts": {
        "start": "node app.js"
  • Now you run the npm start script to run your app.

    npm start

    [!NOTE] By using npm start to run your app, you’re using a well-known convention:

    • Most Node.js and NPM users know to use npm start on a project.
    • Most tools that work with Node.js know to use npm start to start a Node.js app.

    In other words, you capture how to run your app in the build system.

  • Create a Dockerfile

    # examples/ch4/sample-app/Dockerfile
    FROM node:21.7
    WORKDIR /home/node/app
    # 1
    COPY package.json .
    COPY app.js .
    EXPOSE 8080
    USER node
    # 2
    CMD ["npm", "start"]

    This Dockerfile is identical to the one in previous example, except:

    • 1: In addition to app.js, you also copy the package.json to the Docker image.
    • 2: Instead of using node app.js, you use npm start to start the app.
  • Create a script called

    # examples/ch4/sample-app/
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -e
    # (1)
    version=$(npm pkg get version | tr -d '"')
    # (2)
    docker buildx build \
      --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
      -t sample-app:"$version" \
    • 1: Run npm pkg get version to get the value of the version key in package.json.
    • 2: Run docker buildx, setting version to the value from 1.
  • Make the script executable

    chmod u+x
  • Add a dockerize script to the scripts block in package.json

      "scripts": {
        "dockerize": "./"
  • Now instead of trying to figure out how to build the Docker image, your team members can execute npm run dockerize to build the Docker image.

    npm run dockerize

    [!NOTE] Notice it’s npm run dockerize (with the extra run) as dockerize is a custom script, not a built-in script of NPM.

Dependency Management

dependencies : software packages & libraries that your code uses.

Kind of dependencies

  • Code in the same repo

    You can

    • break your code in a single repo into multiple modules/packages
    • have these modules depend on each other

    These modules/packages allow you

    • develope different parts of your codebase in
      • isolation from the others,
      • (possible with completely separate teams working on each part)
  • Code in different repos

    You can store code across multiple repos, which

    • give you more isolation between different parts of your software
      • make it even easier for separate teams to take ownership for each part.

    Typically, when code in repo A depends on code in repo B:

    • it’s a specific version of the code in repo B, which may correspond to a specific Git tag.

    • or it’s a versioned artifact published form the repo B


      • a Jar file in the Java world
      • a Ruby Gem in the Ruby world
  • Open source code

    Most common type of dependency these days. A type of code in different repos.

Why use a dependency?

Yoy use a dependency so

  • you can reply on someone else to solve certain problems for you
  • instead of having to
    • solve everything yourself from scratch
    • (maintain it)

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #3 Use a dependency management tool to pull in dependencies—not copy & paste.

The problems with copy-paste dependency

  • Transitive dependencies

    Copy/pasting a single dependency is easy, but if

    • that dependency has its own dependencies, and
      • those dependencies have their own dependencies, and
        • so on (collectively known as transitive dependencies),

    then copy/pasting becomes rather hard.

  • Licensing

    Copy/pasting may violate the license terms of that dependency, especially if you end up modifying that code (because it now sits in your own repo).

    [!WARNING] Be especially aware of dependencies that uses GPL-style licenses (known as copyleft or viral licenses),

    • if you modify the code in those dependencies,
      • you need to release your own code under the same license i.e. you’ll be forced to open source your company’s proprietary code!.
  • Staying up to date

    If you copy/paste the code, to get any future updates, you’ll have to

    • copy/paste new code, and new transitive dependencies, and
    • make sure you don’t lose any changes your team members made along the way.
  • Private APIs

    (Since you can access those files locally), you may end up

    • using private APIs
      • instead of the public ones that were actually designed to be used,

    which can lead to unexpected behavior, (and make staying up to date even harder)

  • Bloating your repo

    Every dependency you copy/paste into your version control system makes it larger and slower.

How to use dependencies

  • Instead of copy-paste, use a dependency management tool, which is usually built-in with build systems.

  • You define your dependencies

    • as code
    • in the build configuration
    • including the version (of the dependencies)

    the dependency management tools is then responsible for:

    • downloading those dependencies (plus any transitive dependencies)
    • making them available to your code.

Example: Add Dependencies in NPM

So far, the Node.js example-app has not any dependencies other than the http standard library built in Node.js.

In this example, you will introduce an dependency named Express, which is a popular web framwork for Node.js

  • Install Express & save it to dependencies in package.json

    npm install express --save
    • The package will now have a new dependencies section:

        "dependencies": {
          "express": "^4.19.2"
  • There will be 2 new file/folder next to the package.json file:

    • node_modules folder: where NPM download & install dependencies

      • Should be in your .gitignore; anyone check out this repo the first time can run npm install to install the dependencies.
    • package-lock.json file: a dependency lock file, which captures the exact dependencies what were installed.

      • In package.json, you can specify a version range instead of a specific version.
      • Without the package-lock.json, every time you run npm install,
        • you may get a new version of the dependencies,
          • which make the builds not reproducible
      • With the package-lock.json file, you can use npm clean-install (npm ci in short) to
        • tell NPM to perform a clean install (and install the exact versions in the lock file)
          • so the build is reproducible (every time)
  • Re-write the code in app.js to use Express framework

    const express = require("express");
    const app = express();
    const port = 8080;
    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
      res.send("Hello, World!");
    app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`);

    [!TIP] By using the Express framework, it’ll be a lot easier to evolve this code into a real app by leverage all the features built into Express e.g. routing, templating, error handling, middleware, security…

  • Update the Dockerfile to run npm ci

    FROM node:21.7
    WORKDIR /home/node/app
    # (1)
    COPY package.json .
    COPY package-lock.json .
    # (2)
    RUN npm ci --only=production
    COPY app.js .
    EXPOSE 8080
    USER node
    CMD ["npm", "start"]
    • 1: Copy not only package.json, but also package-lock.json into the Docker image.
    • 2: Run npm ci to have a clean install with the exact dependencies in the lock file.

    [!NOTE] The --only=production flag tells NPM to only install the production dependencies.

    • An NPM package can also have dev-dependencies - which are only used in the dev environment.
    • When running in production environment, these dev dependencies are not needed.

Get your hands dirty with modern frontend build systems

  • PNPM
  • Yarn
  • Turborepo
  • Lerna
  • Parcel

Automated Testing

Why use automated testing

legacy code : spaghetti code without automated tests, documentation : code that you don’t have the confidence to make changes

To prevent legacy code, you use automated testing, where you:

  • write test code to validate that
    • your production code works
      • the way you expect it to.

By writing automated tests, you might catch some of the bugs,

  • but the most important benefit of having a good suite of automated tests is, you have the confidence to make changes quickly, because:

    • you don’t have to keep the whole program in your head
    • you don’t have to worry about breaking other people’s
    • you don’t have to repeat the same boring, error-prone manual testing over & over agian.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #4 Use automated tests to give your team the confidence to make changes quickly.

Types of automated tests

There’re a lot of type of automated tests:

  • Compiler

    If you’re using a statically-typed language (e.g., Java, Scala, Haskell, Go, TypeScript), you can pass your code through the complier (compile) to automatically identify

    • (a) syntactic issues
    • (b) type errors.

    If you’re using a dynamically-typed language (e.g., Ruby, Python, JavaScript), you can pass the code through the interpreter to identify syntactic issues.

  • Static analysis / linting

    These are tools that read & check your code “statically” — that is, without executing it — to automatically identify potential issues.


    • ShellCheck for Bash
    • ESLint for JavaScript
    • SpotBugs for Java
    • RuboCop for Ruby.
  • Policy tests

    In the last few years, policy as code tools have become more popular as a way to define and enforce company policies & legal regulations in code.

    Examples: Open Policy Agent, Sentinel, Intercept.

    • Many of these tools are based on static analysis, except they give you flexible languages to define what sorts of rules you want to check.
    • Some rely on plan testing, as described next.
  • Plan tests

    Whereas static analysis is a way to test your code without executing it at all, plan testing is a way to partially execute your code. This typically only applies to tools that can generate an execution plan without actually executing the code.

    For example:

    • OpenTofu has a plan command that shows you what changes the code would make to your infrastructure without actually making those changes: so in effect, you are running all the read operations of your code, but none of the write operations.

    You can write automated tests against this sort of plan output using tools such as Open Policy Agent and Terratest.

  • Unit tests

    This is the first of the test types that fully execute your code to test it.

    The idea with unit tests is to execute only a single “unit” of your code:

    • What a unit is depends on the programming language, but it’s typically a small part of the code, such as one function or one class. - You typically mock any dependencies outside of that unit (e.g., databases, other services, the file system), so that the test solely executes the unit in question.

    To execute the unit tests:

    • Some programming languages have unit testing tools built in e.g. testing for Go; unittest for Python
    • Whereas other languages rely on 3rd party tools for unit testin e.g. JUnit for Java; Jest for JavaScript
  • Integration tests

    Just because you’ve tested a unit in isolation and it works, doesn’t mean that multiple units will work when you put them together. That’s where integration testing comes in.

    With integeration tests, you test

    • multiple units of your code (e.g., multiple functions or classes),
    • often with a mix of
      • real dependencies (e.g., a database)
      • mocked dependencies (e.g., a mock remote service).
  • End-to-end (E2E) tests

    End-to-end tests verify that your entire product works as a whole, which mean you:

    • run
      • your app,
      • all the other services you rely on,
      • all your databases and caches, and so on,
    • test them all together.

    These often overlap with the idea of acceptance tests, which verify your product works from the perspective of the user or customer (“does the product solve the problem the user cares about”).

  • Performance tests

    Most unit, integration, and E2E tests verify the correctness of a system under ideal conditions: one user, low system load, and no failures.

    Performance tests verify the stability & responsiveness of a system in the face of heavy load & failures.

Example: Add Automated Tests for the Node.js App

  • How to know if the the Node.js example-app work?

    const express = require("express");
    const app = express();
    const port = 8080;
    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
      res.send("Hello, World!");
    app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`);
  • So far, you will do it through manual testing:

    • Manually ran the app with npm start
    • Then open the app URL in the brower.
    • Verify that the output is matched.
  • What if you have

    • hundreds of URLs?
    • hundreds of developers making changes?

[!NOTE] The idea with automated testing is to

  • write code that
    • performs the testings steps for you.

Then the computer can run these test code and test your app faster, more reliable.

Add unit tests for the Node.js App

  • You’ve start with unit test. To add a unit test, first you need a unit of code, which you will introduce in this example

  • For this example, create a basic module with 2 functions that reverve characters & words in a string. Those 2 functions acts as the unit of code to be tested.

    # 1
    function reverseWords(str) {
      return str.split(" ").reverse().join(" ");
    # 2
    function reverseCharacters(str) {
      return str.split("").reverse().join("");
    module.exports = { reverseCharacters, reverseWords };
    • 1: reverseWords reverses the words in a string. e.g. hell world will be reversed to world hello
    • 2: reverseCharacters reverses the characters in a string e.g. abcde will be reversed to edcba

[!NOTE] How do you know this code actually works?

  1. Imagine how the code runs in your head?
  2. Test the code manually?
  • Fire up a REPL - an interactive shell - to manuallt execute code.
    • Import the reverve file
    • Run the reverseWords, reverseCharacters function with your input> , and check the output.
    • (When you’re done with the REPL, use Ctrl+D to exit).
  1. Capture the steps you did in a REPL in an automated test.
  • In this example, you will use Jest as the testing framework, and SuperTest as the library for testing HTTP apps.

  • Intstall Jest and Supertest (and save them as dev dependencies with --save-dev flag)

    npm install --save-dev jest supertest

    Your package.json should looks like this:

      "dependencies": {
        "express": "^4.19.2"
      "devDependencies": {
        "jest": "^29.7.0",
        "supertest": "^7.0.0"
  • Update the test script (in package.json) to run Jest

      "scripts": {
        "test": "jest --verbose"

  • Writing tests for reserveWords function

    const reverse = require("./reverse");
    //                                                         1
    describe("test reverseWords", () => {
      //                                                       2
      test("hello world => world hello", () => {
        const result = reverse.reverseWords("hello world"); // 3
        expect(result).toBe("world hello"); //                 4
    • 1: Use descibe function to group server tests together.
      • The first argument: description of the group of tests.
      • The second argument: a function that will run the tests for this group.
    • 2: Use test function to define individual tests
      • The first argument: description of the test.
      • The second argument: a function that will run the test
    • 3: Call the reverseWords function and store the result in the variable result.
    • 4: Use the expect matcher to check that the result matches “world hello”. (If it doesn’t match, the test will fail.)
  • Use npm test to run the tests

    npm test
    • The test PASS without any error.

  • Add a second unit test for the reverseWords function

    describe("test reverseWords", () => {
      test("hello world => world hello", () => {});
      test("trailing whitespace   => whitespace trailing", () => {
        const result = reverse.reverseWords("trailing whitespace   ");
        expect(result).toBe("whitespace trailing");
  • Re-run npm test

    npm test
    • The test FAIL
  • Fix whitespace handling in reverseWords

    function reverseWords(str) {
      return str
        .trim() // 1
        .split(" ")
        .join(" ");
    • 1: Use the trim functon to strip leading & trailing whitespace.
  • Re-run npm test; it should pass now.

This is a good example of the typical way you write code

  • when you have a good suite of automated test to lean on:
    • make a change
    • re-run the tests
    • make another changes
    • re-run the tests
    • add new tests

With each iteration,

  • your test suite gradually improves
    • you build more & more confidence in your code
      • you can go faster & faster

The automated tests

  • provides a rapid feedback loop that help you being more productive
  • acts as regression tests prevent old bugs

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #5 Automated testing makes you more productive while coding by providing a rapid feedback loop: make a change, run the tests, make another change, re-run the tests, and so on.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #6 Automated testing makes you more productive in the future, too: you save a huge amount of time not having to fix bugs because the tests prevented those bugs from slipping through in the first place.

Using code coverage tools to improve unit tests

code coverage : the percent of code got executed by your tests : can be measured by many automated testing tools

  • Update test script to also measure code coverage

      "scripts": {
        "test": "jest --verbose --coverage"
  • Run npm test to see the extra information about code coverage

    npm test
    • There is also a new coverage folder (next to package.json), which contains HTML reports about code coverage.
    • Open the HTML reports, you can see:
      • How many time each part of the code were executed
      • The part of code that wasn’t executed at all
  • Now, you know which parts of the code wasn’t tested, you can add unit test for them:

    describe("test reverseCharacters", () => {
      test("abcd => dcba", () => {
        const result = reverse.reverseCharacters("abcd");
  • Re-run the test and now the code coverage is 100%.

Add end-to-end tests for the Node.js App

In this example, you will add an end-to-end test for the Node.js sample-app: a test that makes an HTTP request to the app, and chcek the response.

  • First, split out the part of the app that listen on a port

    // app.js
    const express = require("express");
    const app = express();
    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
      res.send("Hello, World!");
    module.exports = app;
    // server.js
    const app = require("./app");
    const port = 8080;
    app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`);
  • Update the start script in package.json

      "scripts": {
        "start": "node server.js"
  • Add a end-to-end test for the app

    // app.test.js
    const request = require("supertest");
    const app = require("./app"); // 1
    describe("Test the app", () => {
      test("Get / should return Hello, World!", async () => {
        const response = await request(app).get("/"); // 2
        expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); //        3
        expect(response.text).toBe("Hello, World!"); //  4
    • 1: Inport the app code from app.js
    • 2: Use the SuperTest libary (imported under the name request) to fire up the app and make an HTTP GET request to it at the / URL.
    • 3: Check that the reponse status code is a 200 OK
    • 4: Check that the response body is the text "Hello, World!"
  • Re-run npm test

    npm test

Get your hands dirty with end-to-end test for Node.js app

  • Add a new endpoint to the sample app
  • Add a new automated test to validate the endpoint works as expected.

Example: Add Automated Tests for the OpenTofu Code

[!NOTE] You can write automated tests not only for app code, but also for infrastructure code, too.

The tooling for infrastructure tests isn’t as mature, and the tests take longer to run, but the tests five all the same benefits.

In this example, you will add an automated tests for the lambda-sample OpenTofu module in Chapter 3.

[!NOTE] There are several approaches to test OpenTofu code:

  • Static analysis: Terrascan, Trivy, tflint
  • Policy testing: Open Policy Agent, Sentinel
  • Plan testing: build-in test command, Open Policy Agent, Terratest
  • Unit, integration, end-to-end testing:
    • Build-in test command: for simple modules, tests.
    • Terratest : for more complex modules, tests.
  • Copy that module

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch4/tofu/live
    cp -r ch3/tofu/live/lambda-sample ch4/tofu/live
    cd ch4/tofu/live/lambda-sample

Add static analysis for your OpenTofu code using Terrascan

  • Create a config file for Terrascan called terrascan.toml

    level = "high"
  • Install Terrscan

  • Run terrascan in the lambda-sample folder

    terrascan scan \
      --iac-type terraform \
      --non-recursive \
      --verbose \
      -c terrascan.toml
    • --iac-type terraform: Analyze only Terraform or OpenTofu code.

    • --non-recursive:

      By default, Terrascan tries to scan everything in the current folder and all subfolders.

      This flag avoids Terrascan scanning the src folder within lambda-sample and complaining that folder doesn’t contain OpenTofu code.

    • --verbose: This gives a bit of extra log output, including Rule IDs for any policies that have been violated.

    • -c terrascan.toml: Use the settings in the configuration file terrascan.toml you created.

Add unit tests for your OpenTofu code using the test command

[!NOTE] The test in this example will deploy real resources into your AWS accounts.

  • It’s closer to integration tests
  • But it still test just a single unit - so it’s still a unit test
  • Use the test-endpoint module (in example code repo at ch4/tofu/modules/test-endpoint) to make an HTTP request to an endpoint (from your OpenTofu code)

[!NOTE] Currently, the test command can only use local modules, so use need to make a copy of it in your test.

  • Clone test-endpoint module

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch4/tofu/modules
    cp -r ../../<EXAMPLE_CODE_REPO>/ch4/tofu/modules/test-endpoint ch4/tofu/modules
  • In the lambda-sample module, create a test file

    # examples/ch4/tofu/live/lambda-sample/deploy.tftest.hcl
    run "deploy" {
      command = apply
    # (2)
    run "validate" {
      command = apply
      # (3)
      module {
        source = "../../modules/test-endpoint"
      # (4)
      variables {
        endpoint = run.deploy.api_endpoint
      # (5)
      assert {
        condition     = data.http.test_endpoint.status_code == 200
        error_message = "Unexpected status: ${data.http.test_endpoint.status_code}"
      # (6)
      assert {
        condition     = data.http.test_endpoint.response_body == "Hello, World!"
        error_message = "Unexpected body: ${data.http.test_endpoint.response_body}"
    • 1: The first run block will run apply on the lambda-sample module itself.

    • 2: The second run block will run apply as well, but this time on a test-endpoint module, as described in (3).

    • 3: This module block is how you tell the run block to run apply on the test-endpoint module (the module you copied from the blog post series’s sample code repo).

    • 4: Read the API Gateway endpoint output from the lambda-sample module and pass it in as the endpoint input variable for the test-endpoint module.

    • 5: assert blocks are used to check if the code actually works as you expect. This first assert block checks that the test-endpoint module’s HTTP request got a response status code of 200 OK.

    • 6: The second assert block checks that the test-endpoint module’s HTTP request got a response body with the text “Hello, World!”

  • (Authenticate to AWS)

  • Run tofu test

    tofu test
    • OpenTofu will
      • run apply, deploy your real resources, and then
      • at the end of the test, run destroy to clean everthing up again.

Get your hands dirty with Infrastructure Test

  • Figure out how to encrypt the environment variables in the lambda module, which is a better fix for the Terrascan error.

  • Add a new endpoint in your lambda module and add a new automated test to validate the endpoint works as expected.

Testing Best Practices

Which type of test to use? - The test pyramid

The first question with testing: Which testing approach should you use? Unit tests? Integration tests? E2E test?

The answer: A mix of all of them.

  • Each type of test can catch different type of errors; and have different strengths & weaknesses.
  • The only way to be confident your code works as expected is to combine multiple types of tests. In most cases, he proportion of tests follow the test pyramid.

For more information, see:

What to test

The second question with testing: What should you test?

  • Some believe that every line of code must be tested (or you must achieve 100% code coverage).
  • But remember, each test has a cost, does the cost bring enough values?

Before deciding if a part of your code should be test, evaluating your testing strategy & making trade-offs between the following factors:

  • The code of bugs


    • A prototype that will be throw away in a week -> the cost of bug is low
    • A payment processing system -> the cost of bug is very high.

    Usually, the cost of bug is high for systems that

    • touches data storage
    • relates to securiy
    • cannot be break…
  • The likelehood of bugs


    • If there is a lot of people working on the same code, there might be more bugs (integration bugs…).
    • Math problems.
    • Your own distributed consensus algorithm
  • The cost of testing

    • Usually, unit tests has low cost
    • Integration tests, end-to-end tests, performance tests are more expensive to write, run.
  • The cost of not having tests

    Many companies make analysis about cost/benefit of test and conlcude that tests aren’t worth it.

    But not have tests has a big cost: FEAR.

    • The company may end up having a paralyzed dev team.

When to test

The third question about testing: When to test?

  • Add tests several years after you write the code: much expensive, but not as beneficial.
  • Add tests a day after you write the code: cheaper, more beneficial.
  • Add tests before you write the code: lowest cost, most beneficial.

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

TDD (Test-Driven Development) : You write the test before you write the implementation code : Isn’t it weird? How can you test something not-existed?

With TDD, The tests

  • will test the implementation code
  • provide a feedback that leads to a better design

By trying to write tests for your code (before you write the implementation codes), you’re forced to take a step back & ask important questions:

  • How do I structure the code so I can test it?
  • What dependencies do I have?
  • What are the common use cases? Corner cases?

[!TIP] If you find that your code is hard to test, it’s almost always

  • a sign that it needs to be refactored (for some other reasons) too.


  • The code uses a lot of mutable state & side effects -> Hard to test & hard to reuse, understand.
  • The code has many ocmplex interactions with its dependencies -> It’s tightly coupld & hard to change.
  • The code has many use cases to cover -> It’s doing too much, needs to be broken up.

TDD cycle:

  1. Add basic placeholders for the new functionality (e.g., the function signatures):
  • just enough for the code to compile
  • but don’t actually implement the functionality.
  1. Add tests for the new functionality.

1.2. (RED) Run all the tests. The new tests should fail, but all other tests should pass.

  1. Implement the new functionality.

2.2. (GREEN) Rerun the tests. Everything should now pass.

  1. (REFACTOR) Refactor the code until you have a clean design, re-running the tests regularly to check everything is still working.

[!TIP] A TDD cycle is also known as Red - Green - Refactor.

[!NOTE] When using TDD, the design of your code emerges as a result of a repeated test-code-test cycle.

  • Without TDD, you often come up with a design and make it your final design.
  • With TDD:
    • you need to figure how to pass new tests (in each cycle), which forces you to iterate on your design.
    • you often ship something more effective.

Which type of test to apply TDD?

  • You can apply TDD for many type of tests:
    • Unit tests -> Force you consider how to design the small parts of your code.
    • Integration tetsts -> Force you to consider how your different parts communicate with each other.
    • End-to-end tests -> Force you to consider how to deploy everything.
    • Performance tests -> Force you to think what is the bottlenecks are & which metrics you need gather to identify them.

For more information about TDD, see:

  • Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce (Addison-Wesley Professional)
  • Hello, Startup: A Programmer’s Guide to Building Products, Technologies, and Teams (O’Reilly)

The other benefits of TDD:

  • By writing tests first, you increase the chance of having thorough test converage.
    • Because you’re forced to write code incrementally. Each incremental code can be tested more easy.

When not to use TDD?

  • If you’re doing exploratory coding:
    • you don’t yet know exactly what you’re building
    • you’re just exploring the problem space by coding & messing with data

How TDD works with legacy codebase (that doesn’t have any tests)?

  • You can use TDD for any changes you make to the codebase

    It’s a standard TDD cycle with some extra steps at the front:

    A. Write a test for the functionality you’re about to modify. B. Run all the tests. They should all pass. C. Use the standard TDD process for new changes you’re about to make.

    So it’s GREEN + Red-Green-Refactor.

[!TIP] TDD can also be used for bug fixing.

  • If there’s a bug in production, it’s mean there was no test that caught the bug.
    • So you can do Test-Driven Bug Fixing.


To allow your team members to collaborate on your code:

  • Always manage your code with a version control system.

  • Use a build system to capture, as code, important operations and knowledge for your project, in a way that can be used both by developers and automated tools.

  • Use a dependency management tool to pull in dependencies — not copy & paste.

  • Use automated tests to give your team the confidence to make changes quickly.

    • Automated testing makes you more productive while coding by providing a rapid feedback loop: make a change, run the tests, make another change, re-run the tests, and so on.

    • Automated testing makes you more productive in the future, too: you save a huge amount of time not having to fix bugs because the tests prevented those bugs from slipping through in the first place.


THE BOY SCOUTS HAVE A RULE: “Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it.”2


Chapter 5: How to Set Up Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)

Continuous Integration (CI)

Late Integration vs Continuous Integration

late integration : Come up with a final design for all the components of the system : - Have each team works on the components in isolated until it’s finished : When all components are done, assemble at the same time.

continuous integration (CI) : Come up with an initial design fo all the components of the system : - Have each team works on the components : - As teams make progress, they regularly test each component will all the other components & update the design (if there are any problems) : As components are completed, assemble incrementally

The problem with late integration

With late integration, there will a lot of conflicts and design problems:

  • What if there are problems when integration between components of 2 teams, which teams should solve that problem?
  • If the design has problems, how to go back and fix things?

In software development, late integration is

  • developers work in totally isolated feature branches for weeks or months at a time.
  • when a release rolls around, these features branches are all merged to the release branch.

When you don’t merge your code together for a long time, you end up with a lot of merge conflicts, e.g.

  • 2 teams modified the same file in incompatible ways:
    • 1 team made changes in a file, another team deleted it
    • 1 team - after a giant refactor - remove all usages of a deprecated service; another teams introduce new usages for that services…

All these conflicts after resolved may still leads to bugs, problems that take days/weeks to stabilized. And the release process turned into a nightmare.

Continuous integration and its benefits

In software development, continuous integration is:

  • developers merge their work together on a very regular basic: daily (or multiple times per day)

which will

  • exposes problems with these works early in the process
  • allows developers to make improvements incrementally (before any problems gone too far)

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #1 Ensure all developers merge all their work together on a regular basis: typically daily or multiple times per day.

Continuous integration and trunk-based development

trunk-based development : developers collaboration on a single long-live branches - e.g. main, master, trunk : developers works on short-live branches; and open pull requests to merge them back into the shared branch on a regular basis

Trunk-based development is the most common way to implement continuous integration (CI)

[!NOTE] You might think having all developers work on a single branch (main) have a problem with scaling,

  • but in fact, it might be the only way to scale.

e.g. By using trunk-based development

  • LinkedIn scale from 100 developers to 1000.
  • Google scale to tens of thousands of developers, with 2+ billion lines of code, 86TB of source data, 40000 commits per day.

Three questions about continuous integration and trunk-based development

  1. Wouldn’t you have merge conflicts all the time?
  2. Wouldn’t the build always be broken?
  3. How do you make large changes that take weeks or months?

Dealing with Merge Conflicts

[!NOTE] With late integration (and long-live feature branches), resolving merge conflicts

  • occurs right before a release
  • is a painful work that you only need to deal with once every few weeks/months.

But with continuous integration (and trunk-based development), you merge your code every day, so you need to resolve conflicts every day? So you need to do the painful work every day?

  • If your branches are short-live, the odds of merge conflicts are much lower.
  • Even if there are a merge conflicts, it’s much easier to resolve them (if you merge regularly).

[!TIP] Merge conflicts are unavoidable:

  • (Don’t try to avoid merge conflicts).
  • Make them easy to be done by do them more often.

Preventing Breakages with Self-Testing Builds

  • CI (and trunk-based development) is always used with a self-testing build, which runs automated tests after every commit.

    For any commit on any branch,

    • every time a developer opens a pull request (PR) to merge a branch to main
      • automated tests are run (against their branch)
        • test results are shown directly in the PR UI.

[!TIP] By having a self-testing build after every commit:

  • Code doesn’t pass your test suite doesn’t get merged to main.
  • For code does pass you test suite, but cause a breakage:
    • as soon as you detect it, you can revert that commit automatically.
How to set up a self-testing build

The most common way to set up a self-testing build is to run a CI server.

CI server : e.g. Jenkins, TeamCity Argo; GitHub Actions, GitLab, CircleCI. : a software that integrates with your VCS to run various automations, e.g. automated tests : - in response to an event (in your VSC), e.g. new commits/branches/PRs…

[!TIP] CI server are such an integral part of CI,

  • for many developers, CI server and CI are nearly synonymous.
The benefits of CI (and Automated Tests)
  • Without continuous integration, your software is broken until somebody proves it works, usually during a testing or integration stage.

  • With continuous integration, your software is proven to work (assuming a sufficiently comprehensive set of automated tests) with every new change — and you know the moment it breaks and can fix it immediately.

[!NOTE] With continuous integration, your code is always in a working & deployable state 👉 You can deploy at any time you want.

[!TIP] The CI server act as a gatekeeper 👮🆔:

  • protecting your code from any changes that threaten your ability to deploy at any time.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2 Use a self-testing build after every commit to ensure your code is always in a working & deployable state.

Making Large Changes

For large changes that take weeks/months, e.g. major new feature, big refactor - how can you merge your in-compete work on a daily basis

  • without breaking the build
  • without releasing unfinished features to users?

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #3 Use branch by abstraction and feature toggles to make large-scale changes while still merging your work on a regular basis.

Branch by abstraction

branch by abstraction : a technique for making a large-scale change to a software system’s codebase in gradual way, that allows you : - to release the system regularly while the change is still in-progress

Branch by abstraction works at code-level, allow you to

  • switch the implementation of the abstract easily (at code-level)
  • or even have 2 implementation (versions) of the feature in parallel (at code-level)

For more information, see:

Feature toggles

feature toggle : aka feature flag : you wrap a new feature in conditionals, that let you : - toggle that feature on/off dynamically at deploy time/runtime

By wrap features in conditionals, at code-level,

  • you can make some part of your system invisible to the users without changing the code.


  • In the Node.js sample-app, you can add a feature toggle to pick between new homepage and the “Hello, World!” text

    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
      if (lookupFeatureToggle(req, "HOME_PAGE_FLAVOR") === "v2") {
      } else {
        res.send("Hello, World!");
    • The lookupFeatureToggle will check if the feature toggle is enables by querying a dedicated feature toggle service.

For more information, see:

Feature toggle service

A feature toggle service can:

  • Store a feature toggle mapping
  • Be used to look up feature toggles programmatically
  • Update feature toggle values without having to update/deploy code


  • growthbook, Flagsmith, flagr, OpenFeature
  • Managed feature: Split, LaunchDarkly, ConfigCat, Statsig.
Feature toggle and continuous integration


  • wrapping new features in conditionals (feature toggle check), and
  • keep the default value of all feature toggles to off

you can merge your new unfinished feature into main and practice continuous integration.

[!TIP] Feature toggles also give you many super powers, which you can see in the Continuous Delivery section

Example: Run Automated Tests for Apps in GitHub Actions

In this example, you will use GitHub Actions to run the automated tests (that added in Chap 4) after each commit and show the result in pull requests.

  • Copy the Node.js sample-app and the automated tests

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch5
    cp -r ch4/sample-app ch5/sample-app
  • From the root of the repo, create a folder called .github/workflows

    mkdir -p .github/workflows
  • Inside .github/workflows, create a GitHub workflow file named app-tests.yml

    # .github/workflows/app-tests.yaml
    name: Sample App Tests
    on: push #                                  (1)
    jobs: #                                     (2)
      sample_app_tests: #                       (3)
        name: "Run Tests Using Jest"
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest #                (4)
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2 #         (5)
          - name: Install dependencies #        (6)
            working-directory: ch5/sample-app
            run: npm install
          - name: Run tests #                   (7)
            working-directory: ch5/sample-app
            run: npm test

    [!NOTE] With GitHub Actions, you use YAML to

    • define workflow - configurable automated processes - that
      • run one or more jobs
        • in response to certain triggers.

    [!TIP] If you don’t know about YAMl, see

    • (1) on block: The trigger that will cause the workflow to run.

      In this example, on: push configure this workflow to run every time you do a git push to this repo

    • (2) jobs block: One or more jobs - aka automations - to run in this workflow.

      [!NOTE] By default, jobs run parallel, but you can

      • configure jobs to run sequentially
      • (and define dependencies on other jobs, passing data between jobs)
    • (3) sample_app_tests: This workflow define a single job named sample_app_tests, which will run the automated tests for the sample app.

      [!NOTE] GitHub Actions use YAML syntax to define the workflow:

      • A YAML node can be one of three types:
        • Scalar: arbitrary data (encoded in Unicode) such as strings, integers, dates
        • Sequence: an ordered list of nodes
        • Mapping: an unordered set of key/value node pairs
      • Most of the GitHub Actions’s workflow syntax is a part of a mapping node - with:
        • a pre-defined key, e.g. name, on, jobs,
        • excepting some where you can specify your own key, e.g. <job_id>, <input_id>, <service_id>, <secret_id>

      [!TIP] In this example, sample_app_test is the <job_id> specified by you

    • (4) runs-on block: Uses ubuntu-latest runner that has:

      • default hardware configuration (2 CPUs, 7GB RAM, as of 2024)
      • software with Ubuntu & a lot of tools (including Node.js) pre-installed.

      [!NOTE] Each job runs on a certain type of runner, which is how you configure:

      • the hardware (CPU, memory)
      • the software (OS, dependencies)

      to use for the job.

    • (5) uses block: Uses a reusable unit of code (aka action) - actions/checkout - as the first step.

      [!NOTE] Each job consists of a series of steps that are executed sequentially.

      [!NOTE] GitHub Actions allow you to share & reuse workflows, including

      • public, open source workflows (available on GitHub Actions Marketplace)
      • private, internal workflows within your own organization
    • (6): The second step has a run block to execute shell commands (npm install)

      [!NOTE] A step can has:

      • either a run block: to run any shell commands
      • or a uses block: to run an action
    • (7) The thirst step also has a run block to execute shell commands (npm test)

  • Commit & push to your GitHub repo

    git add ch5/sample-app .github/workflows/app-tests.yml
    git commit -m "Add sample-app and workflow"
    git push origin main
  • Verify that the automated tests run

    • Create a new branch

      git switch -c test-workflow
    • Make a change to the app

      sed -i s/Hello, World!/Fundamentals of DevOps!/g ch5/sample-app/app.js
    • Commit & push

      git add ch5/sample-app
      git commit -m "Add sample-app and workflow"
      git push origin main
    • Open the GitHub URL for that branch; then “create pull request”

    • Verify that the workflow run

      [!TIP] In GitHub PR UI, a workflow run is show as check

    • Open the check detail to know what’s wrong with the check (It’s a fail test).

  • Update the automated test to match with the new response text

    sed -i s/Hello, World!/Fundamentals of DevOps!/g ch5/sample-app/app.test.js
    • Commit & push to the same branch

      git add ch5/sample-app/app.test.js
      git commit -m "Update response text in test"
      git push origin test-workflow
    • GitHub Actions will re-run your automated tests.

    • Open the GitHub PR UI to verify that the automated tests now is passing. (It’s should show “All checks have passed”)

Get your hands dirty: Run automated app tests in CI

To help catch bugs, update the GitHub Actions workflow to run a JavaScript linter, such as JSLint or ESLint, after every commit.

To help keep your code consistently formatted, update the GitHub Actions workflow to run a code formatter, such as Prettier, after every commit.

Run both the linter and code formatter as a pre-commit hook, so these checks run on your own computer before you can make a commit. You may wish to use the pre-commit framework to manage your pre-commit hooks.

Machine-User Credentials and Automatically-Provisioned Credentials

If you want to run unit testing with OpenTofu’s test command,

  • you need to give the automated tests a way to authenticated to cloud provider
    • if these automated tests run on your local machine, they may use a real-user credential - e.g. AWS IAM user credentials, GitHub personal access token -
    • if these automated tests run on a CI server, you should never use a real-user credential.

The problem of using real-user credentials for CI server

  • Departures

    Typically, when someone leaves a company, you revoke all their access.

    If you were using their credentials for automation, then that automation will suddenly break.

  • Permissions

    The permissions that a human user needs are typically different than a machine user.

  • Audit logs

    If you use same user account for both a human & automation, the audit logs1 aren’t useful for debugging & investigating security incidents anymore.

  • Management

    You typically want multiple developers at your company to be able to manage the automations you set up.

    • If you use a single developer’s credentials for those automations,
      • when he/she need to update the credentials or permissions,
        • the other developers won’t be able to access that user account

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #4 Use machine user credentials or automatically-provisioned credentials to authenticate from a CI server or other automations.

Machine-user credentials

machine-user : a user account that is only used for automation (not by any human user)

machine-user credential : a credential of a machine-user : usually it’s a long-live credential

How to use a machine-user credential
  • Create a machine-user
  • Generate credential - e.g. access token - for that machine-user
  • Manually copy the credential into whatever tool you’re using, GitHub Actions
Machine-user credentials pros and cons
  • Pros:

    • It solves all problems of using a shared real-user credential
  • Cons:

    • You need to manually copy machine-user credentials (just as a password)

    • Machine-user credentials are long-lived credentials

      If they are leaked, you would have a big problem.

Automatically-provisioned credentials

automatically-provisioned credential : credential that is provisioned automatically (by a system) : - without any need for you to manually create machine users or copy/paste credentials : - so it can be used by another system : usually it’s a short-live credential : e.g. AWS IAM roles

This requires that the two systems

  • the system you’re authenticating from, e.g. a CI server
  • the system you’re authenticating to, e.g. AWS

have an integration that supports automatically-provision credentials.

The two systems can be

  • in the same company’s services 👉 via AWS IAM role (when using with EKS/EC2).
  • across companies’ services 👉 via OpenID Connect (OIDC) - an open protocol for authentication.
OpenID Connect (OIDC)

To understand OIDC, let’s examine an example for OIDC integration between GitHub and AWS:

  • You’re authenticate from GitHub to AWS:

    • GitHub: the system you’re authenticating from
    • AWS: the system you’re authenticating to
  • In other words,

    • GitHub system needs to have some permissions to do something with AWS.
    • AWS systems will provision the credential that GitHub needs.
  • Under the hood, with OIDC, you configure AWS to

    • trust an IdP (e.g. GitHub)

      [!TIP] How can AWS trust an IdP, e.g. GitHub?

      OIDC trust is a digital signature system2:

      • GitHub has the private key (and use it to sign the OIDC token).
      • AWS has the public key (and use it to validate the OIDC token).
    • allow that IdP to exchange an OIDC token3 for short-lived AWS credentials

  • Here is how the authenticate from GitHub to AWS works:

    OIDC Github Diagram

    1. [GitHub] Generate an OIDC token: includes claims about what repo/branch (the workflow is running in).
    2. [GitHub] Call the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API: to specify the IAM Role to assume (and passing the OIDC token to AWS as authentication).
    3. [AWS] Validate the OIDC token: using the public key (that you provide when setting up GitHub as an IdP).
    4. [AWS] Validate IAM role conditions: against the claims (whether that repo/branch is allowed to assume the IAM role).
    5. [AWS] Grant short-lived AWS credentials: then send back to GitHub.
    6. [GitHub] Use the AWS credentials: to authenticate to AWS (and make changes in AWS account)

Example: Configure OIDC with AWS and GitHub Actions

The github-aws-oidc and gh-actions-iam-roles OpenTofu modules

The sample code repo includes 2 OpenTofu modules

  • github-aws-oidc module:

    • in ch5/tofu/modules/github-aws-oidc folder
    • that can provision GitHub as an OIDC provider for AWS account.
  • gh-actions-iam-roles module:

    • in ch5/tofu/modules/gh-actions-iam-roles folder
    • that can provision severals IAM roles for CI/CD with GitHub Actions.
Configure github-aws-oidc and gh-actions-iam-roles OpenTofu module
  • Create a new Git branch

    git switch -c opentofu-tests
  • Create the folder for the OpenTofu root module

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch5/tofu/live/ci-cd-permissions
    cd ch5/tofu/live/ci-cd-permissions
  • Configure the github-aws-oidc module

    # examples/ch5/tofu/live/ci-cd-permissions/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "oidc_provider" {
      source = ""
      provider_url = "" # (1)
    • 1 provider_url: The URL of the IdP

      [!TIP] The github-aws-oidc will use this URL to fetch GitHub’s fingerprint, that used by AWS to validate the OIDC token from GitHub.

  • Configure the gh-actions-iam-roles module to create examples IAM roles (to be assumed from GitHub Actions).

    # examples/ch5/tofu/live/ci-cd-permissions/
    module "oidc_provider" {
      # ... (other params omitted) ...
    module "iam_roles" {
      source = ""
      name              = "lambda-sample" #                           (1)
      oidc_provider_arn = module.oidc_provider.oidc_provider_arn #    (2)
      enable_iam_role_for_testing = true #                            (3)
      # TODO: fill in your own repo name here!
      github_repo      = "brikis98/fundamentals-of-devops-examples" # (4)
      lambda_base_name = "lambda-sample" #                            (5)
    • 1 name: Base name for this module’s resources

    • 2 oidc_provider_arn: Specify the IdP (the one created by github-aws-oidc module) that will be allowed to assume created by this module.

      [!TIP] Under the hood, gh-actions-iam-roles module will

      • configure the trust policy in the IAM roles to
        • trust this OIDC provider (and allow it to assume the IAM roles)
    • 3 enable_iam_role_for_testing: Set to true to create IAM roles used for testing.

    • 4 github_repo: Specify the GitHub repo that will be allowed to assume the IAM roles.

      [!TIP] Under the hood, the gh-actions-iam-roles module

      • sets certain conditions in the trust policies of each IAM role
        • to specify which repos/branches in GitHub
          • are allowed to assume that IAM role
    • 5 lambda_base_name: Manually specify the lambda function base name.

  • Create the output variables

    output "lambda_test_role_arn" {
      value = module.iam_roles.lambda_test_role_arn
  • Init & apply OpenTofu code

    tofu init
    tofu apply

Automated tests and infrastructure code

Example: Run Automated Tests for Infrastructure in GitHub Actions

  • Copy the infrastructure code

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch5/tofu/modules
    cp -r ch4/tofu/live/lambda-sample ch5/tofu/live
    cp -r ch4/tofu/modules/test-endpoint ch5/tofu/modules
  • Remove hard-codes names in lambda-sample (so the tests can run concurrently)

    • Define an input variable for lambda-sample

      # examples/ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample/
      variable "name" {
        description = "The base name for the function and all other resources"
        type        = string
        default     = "lambda-sample"
      • This defines a name variable to use as the base name for lambda-sample module with the default value "lambda-sample" (same as before).
    • Update to use (instead of hard-coded names)

      # examples/ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample/
      module "function" {
        # ... (other params omitted) ...
        name =
      module "gateway" {
        # ... (other params omitted) ...
        name =
  • Define the GitHub Actions workflow to run the infrastructure automated tests

    The workflow

    • runs on push,
    • contains 2 jobs: terrascan, opentofu_test

    • # .github/workflows/infra-tests.yml
      name: Infrastructure Tests
      on: push
          name: "Run Terrascan"
          runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - uses: actions/checkout@v2
            - name: Run Terrascan
              uses: tenable/terrascan-action@main
                iac_type: "terraform"
                iac_dir: "ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample"
                verbose: true
                non_recursive: true
                config_path: "ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample/terrascan.toml"
      # opentofu_test:
    • The first job terrascan:

      • checkout code
      • install then run terrascan using tenable/terrascan-action action

    • opentofu_test:
        name: "Run OpenTofu tests"
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        permissions: #                                                                (1)
          id-token: write
          contents: read
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v3 #                          (2)
              # TODO: fill in your IAM role ARN!
              role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/lambda-sample-tests #    (3)
              role-session-name: tests-${{ github.run_number }}-${{ }} # (4)
              aws-region: us-east-2
          - uses: opentofu/setup-opentofu@v1 #                                        (5)
          - name: Tofu Test
              TF_VAR_name: lambda-sample-${{ github.run_id }} #                       (6)
            working-directory: ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample
            #                                                                         (7)
            run: |
              tofu init -backend=false -input=false
              tofu test -verbose
    • The second job opentofu_test:

      • 1 permissions: In additional to contents: read (the default one), add id-token: write permissions to issue an OIDC token.
      • 2: Authenticate to AWS with OIDC using aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials action to 👉 This calls AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity)
      • 3: Manually fill in the IAM role to assume, it’s the IAM role created in the previous example.
      • 4: Specify the session name when assume the IAM role 👉 This shows up in audit logs.
      • 5: Install OpenTofu using opentofu/setup-opentofu action.
      • 6: Use the environment variable TF_VAR_name to set the name input variable of the lambda-sample module.
      • 7: Run the tests Skip backend initialization with backend=false flag.
  • Commit & push to opentofu-tests branch; then open a PR.

  • Verify the infrastructure automated tests run.

Get your hands dirty: Run automated infrastructure tests in CI

To help keep your code consistently formatted, update the GitHub Actions workflow to run a code formatter, such as tofu fmt, after every commit.

Continuous Delivery (CD)

Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment

continuous delivery (CD) : a software development practice where you ensure that you can : - deploy to production at any time - e.g. daily, several times a days - in a manner that is fast, reliable, sustainable.

continuous deployment (CD*) : a software development practice where you : - deploy to production after every single commit in a manner that is fast, reliable, sustainable

With continuous delivery (CD), you ensure that the frequency of deployment is

  • purely a business decision
  • not limited by your technology

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #5 Ensure you can deploy to production at any time in a manner that is fast, reliable, and sustainable.

To achieve continuous delivery (and continuous deployment), you need to fulfill 2 requirements:

  1. The code is always in a working & deployable state:

    This is the key benefit of practicing CI:

    • Everyone integrates their work regularly
      • with a self-testing build and a sufficient suite of tests.
  2. The deployment process is sufficiently automated:

    A manually deployment deployment process typically aren’t fast, reliable, sustainable.

This section focus on the second requirement - automating the deployment process using IaC:

  • Implementing deployment strategies
  • Implementing a deployment pipeline

deployment strategy : a deployment strategy is how you want to deploy your software

deployment pipeline : a deployment pipeline is a system of automated processes that deploy your software to production

Deployment Strategies

There are many deployment strategies that you can use to deploy (aka roll out) changes:

  • some have downtime, others don’t
  • some are easy to implement, others are complicated
  • some only work with stateless apps4
  • some only work with stateful apps5

This section will go over the most common deployment strategies. For each strategy, there are:

  • Basic overview
  • Advantages & disadvantages
  • Common use cases

[!TIP] You can combine multiple strategies together.

Downtime deployment

Downtime deployment

Downtime deployment
Overview1. (v1 replicas)
2. Undeploy all v1 replicas6
3. Deploy v2 replicas (to same servers)
Advantages- Easy to implement
- Works with all type of apps
Disadvantages- Downtime
Common use cases- Single-replica systems
- Data migrations

Rolling deployment without replacement

Rolling deployment without replacement

Rolling deployment without replacement
Overview1. (v1 replicas)
2. Deploy v2 replicas (to new server)7
3. Gradually undeploy v1 replicas.
Advantages- No downtime
- Widely supported
Disadvantages- Poor UX
- Works only with stateless apps
Common use cases- Deploying stateless apps

Rolling deployment with replacement

Rolling deployment with replacement

Rolling deployment with replacement
Overview1. (v1 replicas with hard-drive attached)
2. Disconnect one v1 replica; shut down server; move its hard-drive to new v2 server.8
3. Repeat for each v1 server
Advantages- No downtime
- Works with all types of apps
- Widely supported
Disadvantages- Limited support for hard-drive replacement
- Poor UX
Common use cases- Deploying stateful apps

Blue-green deployment

Blue-green deployment

Blue-green deployment
Overview1. (v1 replicas) - aka blue 🔵
2. Deploy v2 replicas - aka green 🟢9
3. When all v2 replicas pass health checks, do an instantaneous switchover.
Advantages- No downtime
- Good UX
Disadvantages- Limited support
- Works only with stateless apps
Common use cases- Deploying stateless apps

Canary deployment

Canary deployment

Canary deployment
Overview1. (v1 replicas)
2. Deploy a single v2 replica - aka canary server;
- Compare to a control (a random v1 replica)10
3. If there isn’t any differences, roll out all v2 replicas using another strategy (e.g. rolling, blue-green)
Advantages- Catch errors early
Disadvantages- Poor UX
Common use cases- Large deployments
- Risky deployments

Feature toggle deployment

Feature toggle deployment

Feature toggle deployment
Overview1. (v1 replicas)
2. Deploy v2 replicas:
- Use another strategy, e.g. rolling, blue-green.
- Wrap new features in a feature flag (off by default)
3. Enable v2 features with feature toggle service12
Advantages- Separate deployment from release
- Resolve issues without deploying new code
- Ramp new features
- A/B test features
Disadvantages- Requires an extra service
- Forked code
Common use cases- All new feature development
- Data-driven development

Promotion deployment

Promotion deployment

Promotion deployment
OverviewFor example, you have 3 environments (env): dev, stage, prod
1. (v1 replicas is running in all 3 envs)
2. Deploy v2 across dev environment (using another strategy, e.g. rolling, blue-green)
- Then do a round of testing in dev env
3. If everything works well in dev env, deploy exactly the same v2 across stage env (aka promoting)
- Then do a round of testing in stage env
4. If everything works well in stage env, you finally promote v2 to prod env
Advantages- Multiple chances to catch errors
Disadvantages- Requires multiple environments
Common use cases- All deployments

Infrastructure deployment

All the previous deployment strategies (except promotion deployment) only applicable for deploying application code, e.g. apps written in Go, Javascript, Ruby, Python.

For infrastructure code (e.g. OpenTofu, CloudFormation, Pulumi), the deployment strategies are:

  • much more limited
  • typically binary: make a change or not (no gradual rollout, no feature toggle, no canary…)
Infrastructure deployment
Overview1. (v1 replicas)
2. Validate plan output: e.g. tofu plan, kubectl apply --dry-run
3. Use a promotion deployment to promote infrastructure changes between environments
Advantages- Works with infrastructure deployments
- Even more chances to catch errors
Disadvantages- Requires multiple environments
Common use cases- All infrastructure deployments

Deployment Pipelines

deployment pipeline : the process that you use to : - go from an idea to live code13 : consists of all the steps (you must go through) to release

Most deployment pipelines include the following steps:

  1. Commit

    • How do you get code into version control?
    • Do you use a pull-request based process?
    • Do you use trunk-based development?
  2. Build

    • 🏗️ What compilation & build steps do you need?
    • 📦 How do you package the code?
  3. Test

    • 🦾 What automated tests do you run against the code?
    • 👐 What manual tests?
  4. Review

    • ❓ What review processes do you use?
    • ✅ Who has to sign off & approve merges and deployments?
  5. Deploy

    • 🔟 How do you get the new code into production?
    • ✨ How do you release new functionality to users?

[!NOTE] Delivery, deploy, release? TODO

Typically, you run a deployment pipeline on a deployment server, which is:

  • the same server used for CI, e.g. GitHub Actions, CircleCI, GitLab CI

  • a server that is designed for a specific technology

    e.g. For OpenTofu/Terraform: HashiCorp Cloud Platform, Spacelift, Atlantis, env0, Scalr.

Deployment pipelines are typically defined as code, by using:

  • the same Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for CI, e.g. GitHub Actions workflow (via YAML)
  • a scripting language, e.g. Ruby, Python, Bash
  • build system’s language, e.g. NPM, Maven, Make
  • a workflow-specific tool to define workflows that can run on multi platforms, e.g. Dagger, Common Workflow Language (via YAML)

[!NOTE] In many cases, a deployment pipeline will use multiple languages & tools together.

Example: Configure an automated deployment pipeline in GitHub Actions

In this example, you will deploy a deployment pipeline for the lambda-sample OpenTofu module: Deployment Pipeline Example

The deployment pipeline has 5 typical steps:

  1. Commit code to a branch in your VCS:

    First, you make some code changes in a branch.

  2. Open a pull request:

    Once the changes are ready to review, you open a PR.

  3. Run automations for open pull request:

    Your deployment server runs automations on the open PR, such as

    • compiling the code, static analysis
    • functional tests, e.g., unit tests, integration tests…
    • generating the plan output by running tofu plan.
  4. Review and merge the pull request:

    Your team members

    • review the PR:
      • the code
      • the outputs of the automations, e.g. test results, plan output
    • if everything looks good, merge the PR in.
  5. Run automations for the merged pull request:

    Finally, your deployment server runs automations for the merged PR, such as

    • compiling the code, static analysis, functional tests…
    • deploying the changes by running tofu apply.

[!NOTE] This type of pipeline, where you drive actions through Git’s operations (e.g. commits, branches, pull requests…) is referred to as GitOps pipeline.

In Example: Run Automated Tests for Infrastructure in GitHub Actions, most of the steps in this deployment pipeline has been implemented, except:

  • When you open a PR, run tofu plan on the lambda-sample module.
  • When you merge a PR, run tofu apply on the lambda-sample module.

To implement these 2 items, you need to:

  • Share OpenTofu state (by using a remote backend for OpenTofu state)
  • Add IAM roles for infrastructure deployments in GitHub Actions.
  • Define a pipeline for infrastructure deployments.

Sharing OpenTofu state files

In Chapter 2 - Example: Update Infrastructure Using OpenTofu, you learned that, by default, OpenTofu uses the local backend to store OpenTofu state in .tfstate files (on your local hard drive).

  • Local backend works file when you’re learning and working alone.
  • If you want to use OpenTofu in a team, you need a way to share these state files.

[!WARNING] The problems with sharing state files using version control:

  • Manual error

    It’s just a matter of time before someone

    • run tofu apply with out-of-date state files and:
      • accidentally rolls back
      • accidentally duplicates previous deployments
  • No Locking Mechanism

    2 teams members might run tofu apply at the same time (on the same state files).

  • Exposed Secrets

    OpenTofu state files are just plain-text, which might including secrets (sensitive data from some resources).

    • If you store these state file in VCS, any one has access to your infrastructure code also have access to your infrastructure.

The best way to share state files (in a team) is to use a remote backend, e.g. Amazon S3.

  • In additional to solving all problems of using VSC to store state files:

    • No manual error:

      When using remote backend, OpenTofu will automatically

      • load state files from that backend before each tofu plan/apply.
      • store state files in that backend after each tofu apply.
    • Locking mechanism:

      Most of the remote backends natively support locking. Before each tofu apply, OpenTofu will automatically:

      • acquire a lock
      • if the lock is already acquired by someone else, you will have to wait.
    • Secrets are encrypt-in-transit and encrypt-at-rest

Example: Use S3 as a remote backend for OpenTofu state

If you’re using OpenTofu with AWS, S3 is the best choice for remote backend. S3:

  • supports locking (via DynamoDB)
  • supports encryption
  • supports versioning 👈 ~ VSC (you can roll back to an older version)
  • is designed for 99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability 👈 no data loss, no outages
  • is a managed services 👈 no needs to deploy & manage extra infrastructure
  • is inexpensive 👈 almost “free” with AWS Free Tier.
The state-bucket OpenTofu module

The sample code repo includes state-bucket OpenTofu module:

  • in ch5/tofu/modules/state-bucket folder
  • that can:
    • provision an S3 bucket to store OpenTofu state, including:
      • enable versioning on the S3 bucket.
      • enable server-side encryption for all files written to the S3 bucket.
      • block all public access to the S3 bucket.
    • provision a DynamoDB table for OpenTofu locking.
Configure state-bucket OpenTofu module
  • Checkout the main branch

    cd devops-book
    git checkout main
    git pull origin main
  • Create a folder for the root module

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch5/tofu/live/tofu-state
    cd ch5/tofu/live/tofu-state
  • Configure the state-bucket module

    # examples/ch5/tofu/live/tofu-state/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "state" {
      source = ""
      # TODO: fill in your own S3 bucket name!
      name = "fundamentals-of-devops-tofu-state"
  • Init & apply OpenTofu module to create a S3 bucket (that will be used as a remote backend)

    tofu init
    tofu apply

  • Configure S3 bucket and DynamoDB table as a remote backend

    # examples/ch5/tofu/live/tofu-state/
    terraform {
      backend "s3" {
        # TODO: fill in your own bucket name here!
        bucket         = "fundamentals-of-devops-tofu-state" # (1)
        key            = "ch5/tofu/live/tofu-state"          # (2)
        region         = "us-east-2"                         # (3)
        encrypt        = true                                # (4)
        # TODO: fill in your own DynamoDB table name here!
        dynamodb_table = "fundamentals-of-devops-tofu-state" # (5)
    • 1 bucket: The S3 bucket to use as a remote backend.
    • 2 key: The path within the S3 bucket, where the OpenTofu state file should be written.
    • 3 region: The AWS region where you created the S3 bucket.
    • 4 encrypt: Encrypt the OpenTofu state when store in S3.
    • 5 dynamodb_table: The DynamoDB table to use for locking.
  • Re-run tofu init to initialized the new backend config

    tofu init

  • Update the same backend configuration for lambda-sample module

    # examples/ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample/
    terraform {
      backend "s3" {
        # TODO: fill in your own bucket name here!
        bucket         = "fundamentals-of-devops-tofu-state" # (1)
        key            = "ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample"       # (2)
        region         = "us-east-2"
        encrypt        = true
        # TODO: fill in your own DynamoDB table name here!
        dynamodb_table = "fundamentals-of-devops-tofu-state" # (3)
    • 1 bucket: Use the same S3 bucket as tofu-state module.
    • 2 key: Use a different key from tofu-state module.
    • 3 dynamodb_table: Use the same DynamoDB table as tofu-state module.
  • Re-run tofu init for lambda-sample module.

  • Commit your changes to tofu-state and lambda-sample module; then push to main.

Example: Add IAM roles for infrastructure deployments in GitHub Actions

In previous section, you have configure an OIDC provider to give GitHub Actions access to your AWS account for running automated tests.

In this example, you will give GitHub Actions access to your AWS account for deployments.

[!NOTE] Normally, you would deploy to a totally separate environment (separate AWS account) from where you run automated tests.

  • So you’d need to configure a new OIDC provider for your deployment environment.

To keep this example simple, you will use the same AWS account for both testing and deployment:

  • (You don’t need a new OIDC provider)
  • You only need new IAM roles with different permissions:
    • For deployment
      • For plan, which is run on any branch before a PR has merged: read-only permissions.
      • For apply, which is run on main after a PR has merged: read & write permissions.

  • Update the ci-cd-permissions module to enable IAM roles for plan and apply

    # examples/ch5/tofu/live/ci-cd-permissions/
    module "iam_roles" {
      # ... (other params omitted) ...
      enable_iam_role_for_testing  = true
      enable_iam_role_for_plan  = true                                # (1)
      enable_iam_role_for_apply = true                                # (2)
      # TODO: fill in your own bucket and table name here!
      tofu_state_bucket         = "fundamentals-of-devops-tofu-state" # (3)
      tofu_state_dynamodb_table = "fundamentals-of-devops-tofu-state" # (4)
    • 1: Enable IAM role for plan
      • This IAM role has read-only permissions.
      • The OIDC provider is allowed to assume this role from any branch.
    • 2: Enable IAM role for apply
      • This IAM role has both read & write permissions.
      • The OIDC provider is allowed to assume this role from main branch, which ensures that only merged PRs can be deployed.
    • 3, 4: Configure the S3 bucket and DynamoDB table.
  • Add output variables for new IAM roles

    # examples/ch5/tofu/live/ci-cd-permissions/
    output "lambda_deploy_plan_role_arn" {
      value = module.iam_roles.lambda_deploy_plan_role_arn
    output "lambda_deploy_apply_role_arn" {
      value = module.iam_roles.lambda_deploy_apply_role_arn
  • Apply the OpenTofu module ci-cd-permissions

    tofu apply
  • Commit changes to ci-cd-permissions and push to main

Example: Define a pipeline for infrastructure deployments

In this examples, you can finally implement a deployment pipeline for deploying infrastructure (the lambda-sample module):

  • When you open a PR, run plan on the lambda-sample module.
  • When you merge a PR, run apply on the lambda-sample module.

[!DANGEROUS] Watch out for snakes: this is a very simplified pipeline

  • The pipeline described here represents only a small piece of a real-world deployment pipeline.
  • It’s missing several important aspects.

  • Create workflow for tofu plan

    # .github/workflows/tofu-plan.yml
    name: Tofu Plan
      pull_request: #                             (1)
        branches: ["main"]
        paths: ["examples/ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample/**"]
        name: "Tofu Plan"
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          pull-requests: write #                  (2)
          id-token: write
          contents: read
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v3
              # TODO: fill in your IAM role ARN!
              role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/lambda-sample-plan # (3)
              role-session-name: plan-${{ github.run_number }}-${{ }}
              aws-region: us-east-2
          - uses: opentofu/setup-opentofu@v1
          - name: tofu plan #                               (4)
            id: plan
            working-directory: ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample
            run: |
              tofu init -no-color -input=false
              tofu plan -no-color -input=false -lock=false
          - uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v4 # (5)
            if: always()
              RESULT_EMOJI: ${{ steps.plan.outcome == 'success' && '✅' || '⚠️' }}
              issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
              body: |
                ## ${{ env.RESULT_EMOJI }} `tofu plan` output
                ```${{ steps.plan.outputs.stdout }}```
    • (1): Run on pull requests (instead of on push):

      • on main branch
      • that have modifications to the examples/ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample folder.
    • (2): Add the pull-request: write permission so in (5), the workflow can post a comment on your pull request.

    • (3): Assume the plan IAM role.

    • (4): Run tofu init and tofu plan with a few flag to ensure the command run well in a CI environment.

    • (5): Use peter-evans/create-or-update-comment action to post commend (plan’s output) on the pull requests that run this workflow.

  • Create workflow for tofu apply

    # .github/workflows/tofu-apply.yml
    name: Tofu Apply
      push: #                                      (1)
        branches: ["main"]
        paths: ["examples/ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample/**"]
        name: "Tofu Apply"
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          pull-requests: write
          id-token: write
          contents: read
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v3
              # TODO: fill in your IAM role ARN!
              role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/lambda-sample-apply # (2)
              role-session-name: apply-${{ github.run_number }}-${{ }}
              aws-region: us-east-2
          - uses: opentofu/setup-opentofu@v1
          - name: tofu apply #                              (3)
            id: apply
            working-directory: ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample
            run: |
              tofu init -no-color -input=false
              tofu apply -no-color -input=false -lock-timeout=60m -auto-approve
          - uses: jwalton/gh-find-current-pr@master #       (4)
            id: find_pr
              state: all
          - uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v4 # (5)
            if: steps.find_pr.outputs.number
              RESULT_EMOJI: ${{ steps.apply.outcome == 'success' && '✅' || '⚠️' }}
              issue-number: ${{ steps.find_pr.outputs.number }}
              body: |
                ## ${{ env.RESULT_EMOJI }} `tofu apply` output
                ```${{ steps.apply.outputs.stdout }}```
    • (1): Run only on push to the main branch that have modifications to the examples/ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample folder.

    • (2): Assume the apply IAM role.

    • (3): Run tofu init and tofu apply, again passing a few flags to ensure the commands run well in a CI environment.

    • (4): Use jwalton/gh-find-current-pr to find the pull request that this push came from.

    • (5): Use peter-evans/create-or-update-comment action to post commend (apply’s output) on the pull requests that run this workflow.

  • Commit these new workflows to main and push to GitHub

    git add .github/workflows
    git commit -m "Add plan and apply workflows"
    git push origin main

Let’s try your new deployment pipeline

  • Create a new branch

    git switch -c deployment-pipeline-test
  • Make a change to lambda-sample module

    • Update the Lambda function response text

      // examples/ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample/src/index.js
      exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
        callback(null, { statusCode: 200, body: "Fundamentals of DevOps!" });
    • Update the automation test

      # examples/ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample/deploy.tftest.hcl
      assert {
        condition     = data.http.test_endpoint.response_body == "Fundamentals of DevOps!"
        error_message = "Unexpected body: ${data.http.test_endpoint.response_body}"
    • Commit the changes, then push to the deployment-pipeline-test branch

  • Open a new pull request

  • Verify

    • workflow for tofu plan run as a check.
    • after the deployment pipeline has finished, the PR should be automatically update with a comment that shows the plan output.

Get your hands dirty: Terragrunt

If you’re like me, you’re probably annoyed by all the copy/paste you need to do with these backend configurations.

  • Unfortunately, OpenTofu does not support using variables or any other kind of logic in backend blocks, so some amount of copy/paste is necessary.

  • However, you can try out one of the following approaches to significantly reduce the code duplication:

    • Partial backend configuration
    • Terragrunt

Get your hands dirty: IAM roles

  • Open up the code for the gh-actions-iam-roles module and read through it.

    • What permissions, exactly, is the module granting to those IAM roles?
    • Why?
  • Create your own version of the gh-actions-iam-roles module that you can use for deploying other types of infrastructure, and not just Lambda functions.

    e.g. try to create IAM roles for deploying EKS clusters, EC2 instances, and so on.

Get your hands dirty: Deployment pipelines

  • Update the pipeline to

    • automatically detect changes in an any folder with OpenTofu code (rather than only the lambda-sample folder)
    • automatically run plan and apply in each one. The open source changed-files action can be helpful here.
  • If a pull request updates multiple folders with OpenTofu code, have the pipeline run plan and apply across multiple folders concurrently by using a matrix strategy.

Deployment pipeline best practices

Automate all the steps that can be automated

In a deployment pipeline, there are steps that

  • can not be automated - must be done by humans:
    • writing code (for now)
    • reviewing code (for now)
    • manual testing & verification
  • can be automated.

All the steps that can be automated - done without a human - should be automated.

[!TIP] For things that can be automated, the computers are excel over humans.

Deploy only from a deployment server

These automated steps should be run on a dedicated deployment server (not from any developer’s computer) because of:

  • Full automation

    By deploying only from a deployment server, it forces you to automate everything that can be automated.

    It’s only when you have a fully automated pipeline, that you get a CD pipeline that is fast, reliable & sustainable:

    • You will have environments that are truly reproducible (consistent, repeatable)
    • You can achieve world-class software delivery (and deploy thousands of times per day.)

    [!TIP] Mostly automated vs fully automated

    • A mostly automated pipeline still requires a few manual steps.
    • A fully automated pipeline doesn’t requires any manual step.
  • Repeatability

    If developers run deployment from their own computers, there will be problems due to differences in how their computers are configured:

    • OSes, dependencies, configurations
    • modified infrastructure code
  • Permissions management

    It’s easier to enforce good security practices

    • for some dedicated servers
    • then a lot of developer’s computer

Protect the deployment server

Typically, a deployment server

  • has “admin permissions” (fancy words for arbitrary permissions):
    • it can access to sensitive permissions
    • it is designed to execute arbitrary code
  • is a tempting target for malicious actors

To protect your deployment server, you should:

  • Lock down your deployment server:

    • Make it accessible only over HTTPs
    • Make it accessible only over VPN connections, your company’s networks
    • Require all users to be authenticated
    • Ensure all actions are logged
  • Protect your code (version control system)

    Since deployment server can execute arbitrary code from your VSC, if an attacker can slip malicious code into your VSC, the deployment server may execute that malicious code.

    So protect your code with signed commit and branch protection.

  • Enforce an approval workflow

    Each request to deployment should be approved by at least one person (other than the person that make the request).

  • Limit permissions before approval/merge

    Before the PR are approved/merged, the pipeline’s steps should have read-only permissions, so the approval workflow cannot be bypassed.

  • Give the deployment server short-lived credentials

    Whenever possible,

    • use an automatically-managed, short-lived credentials, e.g. OIDC
    • instead of manually-managed, long-lived credentials, e.g. machine-user, human-user’s credentials.
  • Limit the permissions granted to each pipeline (What does a pipeline can do?)

    Instead of a single pipeline that do everything and therefore needs arbitrary permissions:

    • create multiple pipelines, each for a specific tasks:
      • grant each pipeline a limited set of permissions (it needs for that specific task).

    You can also restrict access to each pipeline so only the developers who needs to use it have access to it.

  • Limit the permissions granted to each developer (To which scope a developer can apply their permissions?)

    For example,

    • a developer can access a pipeline that have “admin permission”
    • you might limit the scope to which the developer can use “admin permission” and run arbitrary code:
      • only for a specific commands, e.g. tofu apply
      • only on code from specific repos, e.g. repos with OpenTofu modules
      • only on specific branches, e.g. main
      • only in specific folders

    You should also lock down the workflow definitions, so

    • only a set of admins can update them
    • only with PR approval from at least one of other admin.


Automating your entire SDLC through the use of CI/CD:

  • CI: Ensure all developers merge all their work together on a regular basis: typically daily or multiple times per day.

    • Use a self-testing build after every commit to ensure your code is always in a working and deployable state.
    • Use branch by abstraction and feature toggles to make large-scale changes while still merging your work on a regular basis.
  • Security: Use machine user credentials or automatically-provisioned credentials to authenticate from a CI server or other automations.

  • CD: Ensure you can deploy to production at any time in a manner that is fast, reliable, and sustainable.


Most systems maintain an audit log that records who performed what actions in that system.


Digital signature system and public-key encryption system are 2 type of systems that use public-key cryptography (asymmetric cryptography).


OIDC token is a JSON Web Token - a JSON object that contains claims (data that being asserted)


Stateless apps are apps that don’t need to persist (across deployments) any of the data that they store on their local hard drives (e.g., most web frontend apps are stateless)


Stateful apps are apps that need to persist (across deployments) any of the data that they store on their local hard drives (e.g., any sort of database or distributed data system).


For downtime deployment, there is only one version running & serving (outage/downtime).


For rolling deployment without replacement, both versions may be running & serving at the same time.


For rolling deployment with replacement, both versions may be running & serving at the same time.


For blue-green deployment, both versions may be running at the same time, but only v1 replicas are serving.


For canary deployment, both versions may be running & serving


For feature toggle deployment; both versions may be running & serving; but only old features not new features.


The users start to see new features (of new version) only the feature is enabled.


Live code is code that affects your users.

Chapter 6: How to Work with Multiple Teams and Environments

  • CI/CD will allow developers work together efficiently and safety,

    • but as your company grows, there are other type of problems:

      • From outside world: more users (more traffic/data/laws/regulations)
      • From inside your company: more developers/teams/products 👉 It’s harder to code/test/deploy without hitting lots of bugs/outages/bottlenecks.
  • These problems are problems of scale,

    • (good problems to have, which indicates your business is becoming more successful).
  • The most common approach to solve these problem of scale is divide and conquer:

    • Break up your deployments: into multiple separated, isolated environments.
    • Break up your codebase: into multiple libraries, (micro)services

Breaking Up Your Deployments

  • In this book, you deploy everything - servers, Kubernetes, cluster, serverless functions, … - into a single AWS account 👈 Fine for learning & testing
  • In real world, it’s common to have multiple deployment environments, each environment has its own set of isolated infrastructure.

Why Deploy Across Multiple Environments

Isolating Tests

  • Typically, you need a way to test changes to your software

    • before you expose those changes (to users)
    • in a way that limits the blast radius (that affects users, production environment).
  • You do that by deploying more environments that closely resemble production.

  • A common setup is having 3 environments:

    • Production: the environment that is exposed to users.

    • Staging: a scaled-down clone of production that is exposed to inside your company.

      👉 The releases are staged in staging so other teams - e.g. QA - can test them.

    • Development: another scaled-down clone of production that is exposed to dev team.

      👉 Dev teams test code changes in development during development process (before those changes make it to staging).

[!TIP] These trio environments have many other names:

  • Production: prod
  • Staging: stage, QA
  • Development: dev

Isolating Products and Teams

  • Larger companies often have multiple products and teams,

    • which may have different requirements in term of uptime, deployment frequency, security, compliance…
  • It’s common for each team/product to have its own isolated set of environments, so:

    • each team can customize to their own needs
    • limit the blast radius of each team/product
    • allows teams to work in isolated from each other (which may be good or bad!)
  • e.g.

    • Search team have their software deployed in search-dev, search-stage, search-prod environments.
    • Profile team have their software deployed in profile-dev, profile-stage, profile-prod environments.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #1 Breaking up your deployment into multiple environments allows you to isolate tests from production and teams from each other.

Reducing Latency

What is latency
  • Data needs to travel from users’s device to your servers and back.

    • This is measured with a TCP packet round trip (from your server and user device) - aka network latency.
  • Although these TCP packages is traveling at nearly the speed of light,

    • when you build software used across the globe

      • the speed of light is still not fast enough

      • this network latency may become the biggest bottleneck of your software.

        OperationHow much?Where?Timein(μs)Notes
        Read (Random)from CPU cache (L1)0.001
        Read (Random)from DRAM - main memory0.1
        Compress with Snappy$1 KB$2
        Read (Sequentially)$1 MB$from DRAM3
        Read (Random)from SSD - solid state disk16
        Read (Sequentially)$1 MB$from SSD49
        TCP packet round trip$1.5 KB$within same data-center5000.5 ms
        Read (Random)from HDD - rotational disk2,000
        Read (Sequentially)$1 MB$from HDD5,000
        TCP packet round trip$1.5 KB$from California to New York
        (1 continent)
        40,00040 ms
        TCP packet round trip$1.5 KB$from California to Australia
        (2 continents)
        183,000183 ms
How to reduce latency
  • If you have users around the world,

    • you may run your software on server (and data center) that geographically close to those users,
      • to reduce the latency1.
  • e.g.

    • By having the servers in the same continent with your user,
      • the latency for each TCP package is reduced more than 100 ms.
    • when including the fact that most web page, application sends:
      • thousands of KB in size (across many requests)
      • this network latency can quickly add up.

Complying With Local Laws and Regulations

Some countries, industries, customers requires your environments be set up in a specific ways, e.g:

  • In EU: GDPR2
  • Store/process credit card: PCI DSS3.
  • Store/process healthcare information: HIPAA4, HITRUST5
  • US government: FedRAMP6

A common pattern is to set up a dedicated, small environment for complying with laws & regulations.


  • prod-pci: meets all the PCI DSS requirements, and is used solely to run payment processing software
  • prod: run all other software

Increasing Resiliency

  • With only 1 environments, you can still have some level of resilient by having multiple servers. But all these servers can have a single point of failure (the data center that the environment is in).
  • By having multiple environments in different data center around the world (e.g. prod-us, prod-eu, prod-asia), you can have a higher level of resilient.

How to Set Up Multiple Environments

Logical Environments

logical environment : an environment defined solely in software (i.e., through naming and permissions), whereas the underlying hardware (servers, networks, data centers) is unchanged


  • In Kubernetes, you can create multiple logical environments with namespaces.

[!TIP] In Kubernetes, if you don’t specify a namespace, the namespace default will be used.

  • To create a namespace, use kubectl create

    kubectl create namespace <NAME>
  • Specify the namespace to kubectl’s sub-command, e.g.

    # deploy an app into the development environment
    kubectl apply --namespace dev
    # or deploy an app into the staging environment
    kubectl apply --namespace stg

Separate Servers

You set up each environment in a separate server.


  • (Instead of a single Kubernetes cluster for all environments)

  • You deploy one Kubernetes cluster per environment

    • Deploy Kubernetes cluster dev in dev-servers
    • Deploy Kubernetes cluster stg in stg-servers

[!TIP] You can go a step further by deploying control plane and worker nodes in separate servers.

Separate Networks

You can put the servers in each environment in a separate, isolated network.


  • The servers in dev-env can only communicate with other servers in dev-env.
  • The servers in stg-env can only communicate with other servers in stg-env.

Separate Accounts

If you deploy into the clouds, you can create multiple accounts, each account for an environment.

[!NOTE] By default, cloud “accounts” are completely isolated from each other, including: servers, networks, permissions…

[!TIP] The term “account” can be different for each cloud provider:

  • AWS: account
  • Azure: subscription
  • Google Cloud: project

Separate Data Centers In The Same Geographical Region

If you deploy into the clouds, you can deploy environments in different data centers that are all in the same geographical region.


  • For AWS, there are use1-az1, use1-az2, use1-az37

[!TIP] For AWs, data centers that are all in the same geographical region are called Availability Zones - AZs

Separate Data Centers In Different Geographical Regions

If you deploy into the clouds, you can deploy environments in different data centers that are in the different geographical regions.


  • For AWS, there are us-east-1, us-west-1, eu-west-1, ap-southeast-1, af-south-18

[!TIP] For AWS, different geographical regions are call regions.

How Should You Set Up Multiple Environments

  • Each approach to set up multiple environments has advantages and drawbacks.

  • When choosing your approach, consider these dimensions:

    • What is the isolated level?

      ~ How isolated one environment is from another?

      • Could a bug in dev-env somehow affect prod-env.
    • What is the resiliency?

      ~ How well the environment tolerate an outage? A server, network, or the entire data center goes down?

    • Do you need to reduce latency to users? Comply with laws & regulations?

      ~ Only some approaches can do this.

    • What is the operational overhead? ~ What is the cost to set up, maintain, pay for?

Challenges with Multiple Environments

Increased Operational Overhead

When you have multiple environments, there’re a lot of works to set up and maintain:

  • More servers
  • More data centers
  • More people

Even when you’re using the clouds - which offload much of this overhead (into cloud providers) - creating & managing multiple AWS accounts still has its own overhead:

  • Authentication, authorization
  • Networking
  • Security tooling
  • Audit logging

Increased Data Storage Complexity

If you have multiple environments in different geographical regions (around the world):

  • The latency between the data centers and users may be reduced,

    • but the latency between parts of your software running in these data centers will be increased.
  • You may be forced to rework your software architecture completely, especially data storage.

e.g. A web app that needed to lookup data in a database before sending a response:

  • When the database and the web app is in the same data center:

    ~ The network latency for each package round-trip is 0.5ms.

  • When the database and the web app is in different data centers (in different geographical regions):

    ~ The network latency for each package round-trip is 183ms (366x increase), which will quickly add up for multiple packets.

  • When the database and the web app is in different data centers (in different geographical regions), but the database is in the same region as the web app:

    ~ In other words, you have one database per region, which adds a lot to your data storage complexity:

    • How to generate primary keys?
    • How to look up data?
      • Querying & joining multiple databases is more complicated.
    • How to handle data consistency & concurrency?
      • Uniqueness constraints, foreign key constraints
      • Locking, transaction

    To solve these data storage problems, you can:

    • Running the databases in active/standby mode9, which may boost resiliency, but doesn’t help with the origin problems (latency or laws, regulations).
    • Running the databases in active/active mode10, which also solves the origin problems (latency or laws, regulations), but now you need to solve more problems about data storages.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2 Breaking up your deployment into multiple regions:

  • allows you to reduce latency, increase resiliency, and comply with local laws and regulations,
  • but usually at the cost of having to rework your entire architecture.

Increased Application Configuration Complexity

  • When you have multiple environments, you have many unexpected costs in configuring your environments.

  • Each environment needs many different configuration:

    Type of settingsThe settings
    Performance settingsCPU, memory, hard-drive, garbage collection…
    Security settingsDatabase passwords, API keys, TLS certifications…
    Networking settingsIP address/domain name, port…
    Service discovery settingsThe networking settings to use for other services you reply on…
    Feature settingsFeature toggles…
  • Pushing configuration changes is just as risky as pushing code changes (pushing a new binary), and the longer a system has been around, the more configuration changes tend to become the dominant cause of outages.

    [!TIP] Configuration changes are one of the biggest causes of outages at Google11.

    CausePercent of outages
    Binary push37%
    Configuration push31%
    User behavior change9%
    Processing pipeline6%
    Service provider chang5%
    Performance decay5%
    Capacity management5%

    [!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #3 Configuration changes are just as likely to cause outages as code changes.

How to configure your application
  • There a 2 methods of configuring application:

    • At build time: configuration files checked into version control (along with the source code of the app).

      [!NOTE] When checked into version control, the configuration files can be:

      • In the same language as the code, e.g. Ruby…
      • In a language-agnostic format, e.g. JSON, YAML, TOML, XML, Cue, Jsonnet, Dhall…
    • At run time: configuration data read from a data store (when the app is booting up or while it is running).

      [!NOTE] When stored in a data store, the configuration files can be stored:

      • In a general-purpose data store, e.g. MySQL, Postgres, Redis…
      • In a data store specifically designed for configuration data, e.g. Consul, etcd, Zookeeper…

      [!TIP] The data store specifically designed for configuration data allows updating your app quickly when a configuration changed

      • Your app subscribes to change notifications.
      • Your app is notified as soon as any configuration changes.
  • In other words, there 2 types of configuration:

    • Build-time configuration.
    • Run-time configuration.

  • You should use build-time configuration as much as possible:

    Every build-time configuration is checked into version control, get code reviewed, and go through your entire CI/CD pipeline.

  • Only using run-time configuration when the configuration changes very frequently, e.g. service discovery, feature toggles.

Example: Set Up Multiple Environments with AWS Accounts

[!NOTE] IAM and environments

  • IAM has no notion of environments

    Almost everything in an AWS account is managed via API calls, and by default, AWS APIs have no first-class notion of environments, so your changes can affect anything in the entire account.

  • IAM is powerful

    • You can use various IAM features - such as tags, conditions, permission boundaries, and SCPs - to create your own notion of environments and enforce isolation between them, even in a single account.
    • However, to be powerful, IAM is very complicated. Teams can mis-use IAM, which leads to disastrous results.

[!NOTE] The recommend way to organize multiple AWS environments is using multiple AWS accounts12:

  • You use AWS Organizations to create and manage your AWS accounts,
    • with one account at the root of the organization, called the management account,
    • and all other accounts as child accounts of the root.


  • An AWS organization with one management account (management), and 3 child accounts (e.g., dev, stage, prod)

    AWS organization example

[!TIP] Using multiple AWS accounts gives you isolation between environments by default, so you’re much less likely to get it wrong.

Create child accounts

In this example, you will

  1. Treat the initial AWS account as the management account

    [!CAUTION] The management account should only be used to create & manage other AWS accounts.

  2. Configure initial account as the management account of an AWS Organization.

  3. Use AWS Organizations to create 3 other accounts as child accounts (for dev, stage, prod).

To treat the initial AWS account as the management account, you need to undeploy everything deployed in earlier chapters:

  • Run tofu destroy on any OpenTofu modules previously deployed.
  • Use EC2 Console to manually undeploy anything deployed via Ansible, Bash…

  • The code for this example (the OpenTofu child-accounts root module) will be in tofu/live/child-accounts folder:

    mkdir -p ch6/tofu/live/child-accounts
    cd ch6/tofu/live/child-accounts

    [!TIP] Under the hood, the root module will use the OpenTofu module aws-organizations in the sample code repo at ch6/tofu/modules/aws-organizations folder.

  • The OpenTofu module

    # examples/ch6/tofu/live/child-accounts/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "child_accounts" {
      # (1)
      source = ""
      # (2) Set to false if you already enabled AWS Organizations in your account
      create_organization = true
      # (3) TODO: fill in your own account emails!
      dev_account_email   = ""
      stage_account_email = ""
      prod_account_email  = ""
    • (1): Use the aws-organization module.

    • (2): Enable AWS Organizations before using it.

    • (3): Fill in root user’s email address for dev, stage, prod accounts.

      [!TIP] If you’re using Gmail, you can create multiple aliases for a a single email address by using plus sign (+).

  • Proxy output variables from the aws-organization module

    # examples/ch6/tofu/live/child-accounts/
    # (1)
    output "dev_account_id" {
      description = "The ID of the dev account"
      value       = module.child_accounts.dev_account_id
    output "stage_account_id" {
      description = "The ID of the stage account"
      value       = module.child_accounts.stage_account_id
    output "prod_account_id" {
      description = "The ID of the prod account"
      value       = module.child_accounts.prod_account_id
    # (2)
    output "dev_role_arn" {
      description = "The ARN of the IAM role you can use to manage dev from management account"
      value       = module.child_accounts.dev_role_arn
    output "stage_role_arn" {
      description = "The ARN of the IAM role you can use to manage stage from management account"
      value       = module.child_accounts.stage_role_arn
    output "prod_role_arn" {
      description = "The ARN of the IAM role you can use to manage prod from management account"
      value       = module.child_accounts.prod_role_arn
    • (1): The IDs of created accounts
    • (2): The IAM role’s ARN used to manage child accounts from management account.
  • Deploy child-accounts module

    tofu init
    tofu apply

Access your child accounts

To access child accounts, you need to assume the IAM role that has permission to access them (OrganizationAccountAccessRole).

To assume the IAM role OrganizationAccountAccessRole, you can use:

  • AWS Web Console:

    • Click your username / Choose Switch role
    • Enter the information to switch role:
      • account ID
      • IAM Role
      • display name
      • display color
    • Click Switch role
  • Terminal:

    One way to assume IAM role in the terminal is to configure an AWS profile (in the AWS config file) for each child account.

    [!TIP] The AWS config file is default at ~/.aws/config

    e.g. To assume IAM role for dev child account:

    • Create an AWS profile named dev-admin

      [profile dev-admin]                                           # (1)
      role_arn=arn:aws:iam::<ID>:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole # (2)
      credential_source=Environment                                 # (3)
      • (1): The AWS profile will be named dev-admin.
      • (2): The IAM role that this profile will assume.
      • (3): Use the environment variable as credential source.
    • Specify the profile when you use AWS CLI with --profile argument

      e.g. Use aws sts get-caller-identity command to get the identity of the dev-admin profile

      aws sts get-caller-identity --profile dev-admin

Deploy into your child accounts

Now you will re-deploy the lambda-sample module into dev, stage, prod accounts.

  • Copy the lambda-sample module (and its dependency test-endpoint module) from chapter 5

    cd fundamentals-of-devops/examples
    mkdir -p ch6/tofu/live
    cp -r ch5/tofu/live/lambda-sample ch6/tofu/live
    mkdir -p ch6/tofu/modules
    cp -r ch5/tofu/modules/test-endpoint ch6/tofu/modules
  • Update to copied module to use new path

    # ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample/
        key = "ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample"
  • Add support for AWS profiles

    # ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample/
    variable "aws_profile" {
      description = "If specified, the profile to use to authenticate to AWS."
      type        = string
      default     = null
    # ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample/
    provider "aws" {
      region  = "us-east-2"
      profile = var.aws_profile

    [!NOTE] Later, you will specify the AWS profile via -var aws_profile=XXX flag when running tofu apply.

  • Dynamically show the environment name

    • Update the Lambda function to response with the environment name

      // examples/ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample/src/index.js
      exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
        callback(null, {
          statusCode: 200,
          body: `Hello from ${process.env.NODE_ENV}!`,
    • Dynamically set the NODE_ENV to the value of terraform.workspace

      # examples/ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample/
      module "function" {
        source = ""
        # ... (other params omitted) ...
        environment_variables = {
          NODE_ENV = terraform.workspace

      [!NOTE] What is OpenTofu workspace?

      • In OpenTofu, you can use workspaces to manage

        • multiple deployments of the same configuration.
      • Each workspace:

        • has its own state file
        • represents a separate copy of all the infrastructure
        • has a unique name (returned by terraform.workspace)
      • If you don’t specify a workspace explicitly, you end up using a workspace called default.

  • (Optional) Authenticate to your management account

  • Initialize the OpenTofu module

    cd examples/ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample
    tofu init
  • Create a new workspace for dev environment and deploy the environment to the dev account:

    • Create workspace

      tofu workspace new development
    • Deploy infrastructure and the lambda function

      tofu apply -var aws_profile=dev-admin
    • Verify that the lambda function works

      curl <DEV_URL>
  • Do the same for stage and prod environments

    tofu workspace new stage
    tofu apply -var aws_profile=stage-admin
    curl <STAGE_URL>
    tofu workspace new production
    tofu apply -var aws_profile=prod-admin
    curl <PROD_URL>
  • Congratulation, you have three environments, across three AWS accounts, with a separate copy of the serverless webapp in each one, and the OpenTofu code to manage it all.

Use different configurations for different environments

In this example, to have different configurations for different environments, you’ll use JSON configuration files checked into version control.

  • Create a folder called config for the configuration files

    mkdir -p src/config
  • Create configs for the each environment:

    • Dev: ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample/src/config/development.json

        "text": "dev config"
    • Stage: ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample/src/config/stage.json

        "text": "stage config"
    • Production: ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample/src/config/production.json

        "text": "production config"
  • Update the lambda function to load the config file (of the current environment) and return the text value in the response:

    // examples/ch6/tofu/live/lambda-sample/src/index.js
    const config = require(`./config/${process.env.NODE_ENV}.json`); // (1)
    exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
      callback(null, { statusCode: 200, body: `Hello from ${config.text}!` }); // (2)
    • (1): Load the config file (of the current environment).
    • (2): Response with the text value from the config file.

  • Deploy the new configurations (of each environment) in each workspace (AWS account):

    • Switch to an OpenTofu workspace

      tofu workspace select development
    • Run the OpenTofu commands with the corresponding AWS profile

      tofu apply -var aws_profile=dev-admin
  • Repeat for the other environments.

    [!TIP] To see all OpenTofu workspaces, use the tofu workspace list command.

     $ tofu workspace list
     * production

Close your child accounts

[!CAUTION] AWS doesn’t charge you extra for the number of the child accounts, but it DOES charge you for the resources running in those accounts.

  • The more child accounts you have, the more chance you accidentally leave resources running.
  • Be safe and close any child accounts that you don’t need.
  • Undeploy the infrastructure in each workspace (corresponding to an AWS account):

    • For dev:

      tofu workspace select development
      tofu destroy -var aws_profile=dev-admin
    • For stage:

      tofu workspace select stage
      tofu destroy -var aws_profile=stage-admin
    • For prod

      tofu workspace select production
      tofu destroy -var aws_profile=prod-admin
  • Run tofu-destroy on the child-accounts module to closing the child accounts

    cd ../child-accounts
    tofu destroy

    [!TIP] The destroy may fail if you create a new AWS with the OpenTofu module.

    • It’s because an AWS Organization cannot be disabled until all of its child accounts are closed.
    • Wait 90 days then re-run the tofu destroy.

[!NOTE] When you run close an AWS account:

  • Initially, AWS will suspense that account for 90 days,

    This gives you a chance to recover anything you may have forgotten in those accounts before they are closed forever.

  • After 90 days, AWS will automatically close those accounts.

Get Your Hand Dirty: Manage Multiple AWS accounts

  • The child accounts after created will not have a password:

    • Go through the root user password reset flow to “reset” the password.
    • Then enable MFA for the root user of child account.
  • As a part of multi-account strategy,

    • in additional to workload accounts (dev, stage, prod)
    • AWS recommends several foundation accounts, e.g. log account, backup account…

    Create your own aws-organizations module to set up all these foundational accounts.

  • Configure the child-accounts module to store its state in an S3 backend (in the management account).

Get Your Hand Dirty: Managing multiple environments with OpenTofu and AWS

  • Using workspaces to manage multiple environments has some drawbacks, see this blog post to learn about

    • these drawbacks
    • alternative approaches for managing multiple environments, e.g. Terragrunt, Git branches.
  • Update the CI/CD configuration to work with multiple AWS accounts

    You’ll need to

    • create OIDC providers and IAM roles in each AWS account
    • have the CI/CD configuration authenticate to the right account depending on the change
    • configure, e.g.
      • Run tofu test in the development account for changes on any branch
      • Run plan, apply in the staging account for any PR against main
      • Run plan, apply in the production account whenever you push a Git tag of the format release-xxx, e.g. release-v3.1.0.

Breaking Up Your Codebase

Why Break Up Your Codebase

Managing Complexity

Software development doesn’t happen in a chart, an IDE, or a design tool; it happens in your head.

(Practices of an Agile Developer)

  • Once a codebase gets big enough:

    • no one can understand all of it
    • if you need to deal with all of them at once:
      • your pace of development will slow to a crawl
      • the number of bugs will explode
  • According to Code Completion:

    • Bug density in software projects of various sizes

      Project size (lines of code)Bug density (bugs per 1K lines of code)
      < 2K0 – 25
      2K – 6K0 – 40
      16K – 64K0.5 – 50
      64K – 512K2 – 70
      > 512K4 – 100
    • Larger software projects have more bugs and a higher bug density

  • The author of Code Completion defines “managing complexity” as “the most important technical topic in software development.”

  • The basic principle to manage complexity is divide and conquer:

    • So you can focus on one small part at a time, while being able to safely ignore the rest.

[!TIP] One of the main goals of most software abstractions (object-oriented programming, functional programming, libraries, microservices…) is to break-up codebase into discrete pieces.

Each piece

  • hide its implementation details (which are fairly complicated)
  • expose some sort of interface (which is much simpler)

Isolating Products And Teams

As your company grows, different teams will have different development practices:

  • How to design systems & architecture
  • How to test & review code
  • How often to deploy
  • How much tolerance for bugs & outages

If all teams work in a single, tightly-coupled codebase, a problem in any team/product can affect all the other teams/product.


  • You open a pull request, there is an failed automated test in some unrelated product. Should you be blocked from merging?
  • You deploy new code that includes changes to 10 products, one of them has a bug. Should all 10 products be roll-backed?
  • One team has a product in an industry where they can only deploy once per quarter. Should other teams also be slow?

By breaking up codebase, teams can

  • work independently from each other
    • teams are now interact via a well-defined interfaces, e.g. API of a library/web service
  • have total ownership of their part of the product

[!TIP] These well-defined interfaces allows everyone to

  • benefit from the outputs of a team, e.g. the data return by they API
  • without being subject about the inputs they need to make that possible

Handling Different Scaling Requirements

Some parts of your software have different scaling requirements than the other parts.


  • A part benefit from distributing workload across a large number of CPUs on many servers.
  • Another part benefits from a large amount of memory on a single server

If everything is in one codebase and deployed together, handling these different scaling requirements can be difficult.

Using Different Programming Languages

Most companies start with a single programming language, but as you grow, you may end up using multiple programming languages:

  • It may be a personal choice of a group of developers.
  • The company may acquire another company that uses a different language.
  • A different language is a better fit for different problems.

For every new language,

  • you have a new app to deploy, configure, update…
  • your codebase consists of multiple tools (for each languages)

How to Break Up Your Codebase

Breaking A Codebase Into Multiple Libraries

  • Most codebase are broken up into various abstractions - depending on the programming language - such as functions, interfaces, classes, modules…

  • If the codebase get big enough, it can be broken up even further into libraries.

A library

  • is a unit of code that can be developed independently from other units

  • has these properties:

    1. A library exposes a well-defined API to the outside world

      • A well defined API is an an interface with well-defined inputs/outputs.

      • The code from the outside world can interact with the library only via this well-defined API.

    2. A library implementation can be developed independently from the rest of the codebase

      • The implementation - the internal - of the library are hidden from the outside world
        • can be developed independently (from other units and the outside world)
        • as long as the library still fulfills its promises (the interface)
    3. You can only depend on versioned artifact produced by a library, without directly depending on its source code

      The exact type of artifact depends on a programming language, e.g.

      • Java: a .jar file
      • Ruby: a Ruby Gem
      • JavaScript: an npm package

      As long as you use artifact dependencies, the underlying source code can live in anywhere:

      • In a single repo, or
      • In multiple repos (more common for library)

Example of a codebase before and after break up:

Before break upBreak upAfter break up
A codebase with 3 parts: A, B, CTurn B, C into libraries that publish artifacts , e.g. a.jar, b.jar filesUpdate A to depend on a specific version of these artifacts
Part A depends directly on source code of B and CPart A depends on artifacts published by libraries B and C

The advantage of breaking up codes base into libraries:

  • Managing complexity
  • Isolating teams/products
    • The team that develope a library can work independently (and publish versioned artifact)
    • The other teams that use that library
      • instead of being affects immediately by any code changes (from the library)
      • can explicitly choose to pull the new versioned artifact

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #4 Breaking up your codebase into libraries allows developers to focus on one smaller part of the codebase at a time.

Best practices to break a codebase into multiple libraries
Sematic versioning

Semantic versioning (SemVer) : What? A set of rules for how to assign version numbers to your code : Why? Communicate (to users) if a new version of your library has backward incompatible changes13

With SemVer:

  • you use the version numbers of the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, e.g. 1.2.3

  • you increment these 3 parts of the version number as follows:

    • Increment the MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes.

    • Increment the MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner.

    • Increment the PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes.

e.g. Your library is currently at version 1.2.3

  • If you’ve made a backward incompatible change to the API -> The next release would be 2.0.0
  • If you’ve add functionality that is backward compatible -> The next release would be 1.3.0
  • If you’ve made a backward compatible bug fix -> The next release would be 1.2.4

[!NOTE] With SemVer:

  • 1.0.0 is typically seen as the first MAJOR version (first backward compatible release)
  • 0.x.y is typically used by new software to indicate incompatible change (breaking change) may be introduced anytime.
Automatic updates

Automatic updates : What? A way to keep your dependencies up to date : Why? When using a library, you can explicitly specify a version of library: : - This give you the control of when to use a new version. : - But it’s also easy to forget to update to a new version and stuck with an old version - which may have bugs or security vulnerabilities - for months, years. : - If you don’t update for a while, updating to the latest version can be difficult, especially if there any many breaking changes (since last update).

This is another place where, if it hurst, you need to do it more often:

  • You should set up an automatically process where

    • dependencies are updated to source code
    • the updates are rolled out to production (aka software patching 14)
  • This applies to all sort of dependencies - software you depend on - including:

    • open source libraries
    • internal libraries
    • OS your software runs on
    • software from cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure…)
  • You can setup the automation process

    • to run:

      • on a schedule, e.g. weekly
      • in response to new versions being released
    • using tools: DependaBot, Renovate, Snyk, Patcher

      These tools will

      • detect dependencies in your code
      • open pull requests to update the code to new versions

      You only need to:

      • check that these pull requests pass your test suite
      • merge the pull requests
      • (let the code deploy automatically)

Breaking A Codebase Into Multiple Services

What is a service
Codebase are broken up into source code, library/artifact dependenciesCodebase are broken up into separate services
All the parts of the codebaseEach part of the codebase (a service):
- run in a single process- runs in a separate process (typically on a separate server)
- communicate via in-memory function calls- communicates by sending messages over the network

A service has all properties of a library:

  • It exposes a well-defined API to the outside world
  • Its implementation can be developed independently of the rest of the codebase
  • It can be deployed independently of the rest of the codebase

with an additional property:

  • You can only talk to a service via messages over the network (via messages)
How to break up codebase into services

There are many approaches to build services:

Approach to build servicesHowExample
Service-oriented architecture (SOA)Build large services that handle all the logic for an entire business/product within a companyAPI exposed by companies - aka Web 2.0
e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Google Map…
MicroservicesBuild smaller, more fine-grain services that handle one domain within a company- One service to handle user profiles
- One service to handle search
- One service to do fraud detection
Event-driven architectureInstead of interacting synchronously15, services interact asynchronously16
Why breaking a codebase into services

The advantages of breaking a codebase into services:

  • Isolating teams

    Each service is usually owned by a different team.

  • Using multiple programming languages

    • For each service, you can pick the programming language that are best fit for a certain problem/domain.
    • It’s also easier to integrate code bases from acquisitions & other companies (without rewrite all the code).
  • Scaling services independently

    e.g. You can:

    • Scale one service horizontally (across multiple servers as CPU load goes up)
    • Scale another service vertically (on a single server with large amount of RAM)

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #5 Breaking up your codebase into services allows different teams to own, develop, and scale each part independently.

Challenges with Breaking Up Your Codebase

[!CAUTION] In recent years, it became trendy to break up a codebase, especially into microservices, almost to the extent where “monolith” became a dirty word.

  • At a certain scale, moving into services is inevitable.
  • But until you get to that scale, a monolith is a good thing

Challenges With Backward Compatibility

[!NOTE] Libraries and services consist of 2 parts:

  • The public API.
  • The internal implementation detail.

When breaking up your codebase:

  • the internal implementation detail can be changed much more quickly 👈 each team can have full control of it
  • but the public API is much more difficult to be changed 👈 any breaking changes can cause a lot of troubles for the users

e.g. You need to change a function’s name from foo to bar

B is part of your codebaseB is a libraryB is a service
1. Discuss with your team if you really need a breaking change1. Discuss with your team if you really need a breaking change
1. In B, rename foo to bar2. In B, rename foo to bar2. Add new version of your API and/or new endpoint that has bar
   - Don’t remove foo yet
3. Create a new release of B:3. Deploy the new version of your service that has both foo and bar
   - Update the MAJOR version number4. Notify all users
   - Add release notes with migration instructions   - Update your docs to indicate there is a new bar endpoint and that foo is deprecated
4. Other teams choose when to update the new version:5. You wait for every team to switch from foo to bar in their code and to deploy a new version of their service.
   - It’s a breaking change, they’ll wait longer before update.
   - They decide to upgrade
2. Find all usages of foo (in the same codebase) and rename to bar.   - They all usages of foo and rename to bar
   - You might even monitor the access logs of B to see if the foo endpoint is still being used, identify the teams responsible, and bargain with them to switch to bar.
   - Depending on the company and competing priorities, this could take weeks or months.
6. At some point, if usage of foo goes to zero, you can finally remove it from your code, and deploy a new version of your service.
   - Sometimes, especially with public APIs, you might have to keep the old foo endpoint forever.
3. Done.5. Done7. Done

[!TIP] You may spend a lot of time over your public API design.

  • But you’ll never get it exactly right
  • You’ll always have to evolve it overtime.

Public API maintenance is always a cost of breaking up your codebase.

Challenges With Global Changes

When breaking up your codebase, any global changes - changes that require updating multiple libraries/services - become considerably harder.


  • LinkedIn stared with a single monolithic application, written in Java, called Leo.

  • Leo became bottleneck to scaling (more developers, more traffic).

  • Leo is broken into libraries/services.

    • Each team was able to iterate on features within their libraries/services much faster.
    • But there are also global changes.
  • Almost every single service relied on some security utilities in a library called util-security.jar.

  • When a vulnerability in that library was found, rolling out new version to all services took an enormous effort:

    1. A few developers is assigned to lead the effort
    2. They dig through dozens of services (in different repos) to find all services that depends on util-security.jar
    3. They update each of those services to new version, which can:
      • be a simple version number bump.
      • require a number of changes throughout the service’s code base to upgrade through many breaking changes.
    4. They open pull request, wait for code reviews (from many teams) and prodding each team.
    5. The code is merged; then they have to bargain with each team to deploy their service.
    6. Some of the deployments have bugs or cause outages, which requires: rolling back, fixing issues, re-deploying.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #6 The trade-off you make when you split up a codebase is that you are optimizing for being able to make changes much faster within each part of the codebase, but this comes at the cost of it taking much longer to make changes across the entire codebase.

Challenges With Where To Split The Code

If you split the codebase correctly:

  • Changes done by each team are within their own part of the codebase, which
    • allows each team to go much faster.

If you split the codebase wrong,

  • Most changes are global changes, which
    • makes you go much slower.

[!CAUTION] When to break up a codebase?

Don’t split the codebase too early

  • It’s easy to identify the “seam” in a codebase that has been around for a long time.
  • It’s hard to predict/guess in a totally new codebase.

Some hints for where the codebase could be split:

  • Files that change together


    • Every time you make a change of type X, you update a group of files A
    • Every time you make a change of type Y, you update a group of files B

    Then A and B are good candidates to be broken out into separate libraries/services.

  • Files that teams focus on


    • 90% of the change by team Z are in a group of files C
    • 90% of the change by team W are in a group of files D

    Then C and D are good candidates to be broken out into separate libraries/services.

  • Parts that could be open sourced our outsourced

    If you could envision a part of your codebase that would be:

    • a successful, standalone open source project
    • exposed as as successful, standalone APIs

    then that part is a good candidate to be broken into a library/service.

  • Performance bottlenecks


    • If 90% of the time it takes to serve a request is spent in part E of your code,
      • and it’s most limited by RAM then part E is a good candidate to be broken out in to a service (to be scaled vertically).

[!CAUTION] Don’t try to predict any of these hints! Especially for performance bottlenecks17.

The only way to know where to split the code is:

  • Start with a monolith18
  • Grow it as far as you can
  • Only when you can scale it any further, then break it up into smaller pieces

Challenges With Testing And Integration

[!CAUTION] Breaking up a codebase into libraries/services is the opposite of continuous integration.

When you’ve break up your codebase, you choose to

  • allow teams to work more independently from each other
  • in the cost of doing late integration (instead of continuous integration)

So only break up those parts that are truly decoupled, independent from other parts.

[!WARNING] If you split up the parts are tightly coupled, there would be many problems.

Teams will try to

  • work independently, and not doing much testing and integration with other teams…
  • or integrate all the time and make a lot of global changes…

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #7 Breaking up a codebase into multiple parts means you are choosing to do late integration instead of continuous integration between those parts, so only do it when those parts are truly independent.

Dependency Hell

If you break up your codebase into libraries, you may face dependency hell:

  • Too many dependencies

    If you depends on dozens of libraries

    • each library depends of dozens more libraries
      • each library depends of dozens more libraries

    Then only to download all your dependencies can take up a lot of time, disk space & bandwidth.

  • Long dependency chains


    • Library A depends on B
      • B depends on C
          • X depends on Y
            • Y depends on Z
    • If you need to make an important security patch to Z, how to roll it out to A?
      • Update Z, release new version for Z
        • Update Y, release new version for Y
            • Update B, release new version for B
              • Update A, release new version for A
  • Diamond dependencies


    • A depends on B, C
      • B depends on D (at 1.0.0)
      • C depends on D (at 1.0.0)
    • Then you upgrade C:
      • B still depends on D at 1.0.0
      • C now depends on D at 2.0.0

    You can’t have 2 conflicts versions of D at onces, now you’re stuck unless:

    • B upgrade D to 2.0.0
    • or you can’t upgrade C

Operational Overhead

  • Each application need its own mechanism for software delivery: CI/CD pipeline, testing, deployment, monitoring, configuration…

  • If you split up a monolith into services that

    • using the same programming language, each services needs its own CI/CD pipelines… for delivery. In other words, there will be many duplications, which means more operation overhead.
    • using different programming languages, each services needs its own CI/CD pipelines that are completely different, which means even more operational overhead.

Dependency Overhead

With $N$ services,

  • you have $N$ services to deploy & manage.
  • but there are also the interactions between those services, which grows at a rate of $N^2$.


  • Service A depends on service B

    • Add endpoint foo to B (B at version v2)
    • Update the code in A to make calls to foo endpoint (A at version v2)
  • When to deploy A v2 and B v2?

    • If A v2 is deployed before B v2, A may try to call foo endpoint, which cause a failure (because B v1 doesn’t have the foo endpoint yet)
    • B MUST be deployed before A 👈 This is called deployment ordering
  • B itself may depend on services C and D and so on…

    • Now you need to have a deployment graph to ensure the right services are deployed in the right order.
  • If service C has a bug, you need to:

    • rollback C
    • rollback the services that depends on C and so on…
    • things become so much messy

[!TIP] Deployment ordering can be avoided if

  • the services are written in a way that they can be deployed/rolled back in any order & at any time.

    • one way to do that is use feature flags.


  • Service A depends on service B
    • Add endpoint foo to B (B at version v2)
  • Update the code in A to make calls to foo endpoint (A at version v2)
    • Wrap that code in an if-statement which is off by default 👈 The new functionality is wrapped in a feature flag.
  • Now A and B can be deployed in at any order & at any time
    • When you’re sure both the new versions of A and B are deployed, then you turn the feature toggle on.
      • Everything should start working.
    • If there is any issue with A or B (or any of their dependencies), you turn the feature toggle off, then roll back the services.

Debugging Overhead

  • If you have dozens of services, and users report a bug:

    • You have to investigate to figure out which service is at fault.
  • To track down a bug across dozens of services can be a nightmare:

    LogsIn a single place/formatIn different places/formats
    How to reproduce bug?Run a single app locallyRun dozens of services locally
    How to debug?Hook a debugger (to a single process) and go through the code step-by-stepUse all sorts of tracing tools to identify dozens of processes (that processing a single request)
    How long to debug?A bug that take an hour to figure outThe same bug could takes weeks to track down
  • Even if you you figure out the service at fault, there are still other problems:

    • Each team will immediately blame other teams, because no one want to take ownership the bug.
    • Your services are communicate over the network, there are a lot of new, complicated failure conditions that are tricky to debug.

Infrastructure Overhead

When you have multiple services:

  • In additional to deploy the services themselves
  • You need to deploy a lot of extra infrastructure to support the services.
    • The more services you have, the more infrastructure you need to support them.

e.g. To deploy 12 services, you may also need to deploy:

  • an orchestration tool, e.g. Kubernetes
  • a service mesh tool, e.g. Istio 👈 To help services communicate more securely
  • an event bus, e.g. Kafka
  • a distributed tracing tool, e.g. Jaeger 👈 To help with debugging & monitoring
    • (You also need to integrate a tracing library - e.g. OpenTracing - to all services)

Performance Overhead

When you breaking your codebase into services:

  • the performance may be improved 👈 you can handle different scaling requirements by horizontally or vertically scaling some parts of your software.

  • or the performance may also be worse.

    This is due to:

    • Networking overhead

      OperationHow much?Where?Timein$μs$Notes
      Read (Random)from DRAM - main memory$0.1$
      TCP packet round trip1.5 KBwithin same data-center$500$$0.5 ms$
      TCP packet round trip1.5 KBfrom California to New York
      (1 continent)
      $40,000$$40 ms$
      TCP packet round trip1.5 KBfrom California to Australia
      (2 continents)
      $183,000$$183 ms$
      • For a monolith, different parts (of the codebase) run in a single process, and communicate via function calls (in the memory) 👈 A random read from main memory takes $0.1μs$
      • For services, different parts (of the codebase) run in multiple processes, and communicate over network 👈 A roundtrip for a single TCP package in the same data center takes $500μs$

      The mere act of moving a part of your code to a separate service makes it at least $5,000$ times slower to communicate.

    • Serialization19 overhead

      When communicating over the network, the messages need to be processed, which means:

      • packing, encoding (serialization)
      • unpacking, decoding (de-serialization)

      This includes:

      • the format of the messages, e.g. JSON, XML, Protobuf…
      • the format of the application layer, e.g. HTTP…
      • the format for encryption, e.g. TLS
      • the format for compression, e.g. Snappy 👈 Just compressing 1 KB with Snappy is 20 times slower than random read from main memory.

[!WARNING] When splitting a monolith into services, you often minimize this performance overhead by

  • rewriting a lot of code for:
    • concurrency
    • caching
    • batching
    • de-dupling

But all of these things make your code a lot more complicated (compare to keeping everything in a monolith)

Distributed System Complexities

Splitting a monolith into services is a MAJOR shift: your single app is becoming a distributed system.

Dealing with distributed system is hard:

  • New failure modes

    • For a monolith, there are only several types of errors:

      • a function return
        • an expected error
        • an unexpected error
      • the whole process crash
    • For services that run in separate processes that communicate over the network, there are a lot of possible errors:

      The request may fail because

      • the network
        • is down
        • is misconfigured, and send it to the wrong place
      • the service
        • is down
        • takes too long to response
        • starts responding but crash halfway through
        • sends multiple responses
        • sends response in wrong format

      You need to deal with all of these errors, which makes your code a lot more complicated.

  • I/O complexity

    Sending a request over the network is a type of I/O (input/output).

    • Most types of I/O are extremely slower than operations on the CPU or in memory (See Reducing Latency section)

    • Most programming languages use special code to make these I/O operations faster, e.g.

      • Use synchronous I/O that blocks the thread until the I/O completes (aka use a thread pool)
      • Use asynchronous I/O that is non-blocking so code
        • can keep executing while waiting for I/O,
        • will be notified when that I/O completes
Approach to handle I/Osynchronous I/Oasynchronous I/O
How?Blocks the thread until the I/O completes 👈 aka use a thread poolThe I/O is non-blocking:
- Code can keep executing (while waiting for I/O)
- Code will be notified when the I/O completes
ProsCode structure is the sameAvoid dealing with thread pool sizes
ConsThe thread pools need to be carefully sized:Rewrite code to handle those notifications
- Too many threads: CPU spends all its time context switching between them 👈 thrashing- By using mechanisms: callbacks, promises, actors…
- Too few threads: code spends all time waiting 👉 decrease throughput
  • Data storage complexity

    When you have multiple services, each service typically manages its own, separate data store:

    • allow each team to store & manage data to best fits their needs, and to work independently.
    • with the cost of sacrificing the consistency of your data

[!WARNING] If you try to have data consistent you will end up with services that are tightly coupled and not resilient to outages.

In the distributed system world, you can have all both of data consistent and services that are highly decoupled.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #8 Splitting up a codebase into libraries and services has a considerable cost: you should only do it when the benefits outweigh those costs, which typically only happens at a larger scale.

Example: Deploy Microservices in Kubernetes

In this example, you’ll

  1. Convert the simple Node.js sample-app into 2 apps:
  • backend: represents a backend microservice that

    • is responsible for data management (for some domain within your company)

      • exposes the data via an API - e.g. JSON over HTTP - to other microservices (within your company and not directly to users)
  • frontend: represents a frontend microservice that

    • is responsible for presentation

      • gathering data from backends
      • showing that data to users in some UI, e.g. HTML rendered in web browser
  1. Deploy these 2 apps into a Kubernetes cluster

Creating a backend sample app

  • Copy the Node.js sample-app from chap 5

    cd examples
    cp -r ch5/sample-app ch6/sample-app-backend
  • Copy the Kubernetes configuration for Deployment and Service from chap 3

    cp ch3/kubernetes/sample-app-deployment.yml ch6/sample-app-backend/
    cp ch3/kubernetes/sample-app-service.yml ch6/sample-app-backend/
  • Update the sample-app-backend app

    • app.js

      Make the sample-app act like a backend:

      • by exposing a simple API that
        • response to HTTP requests with JSON
      app.get("/", (req, res) => {
        res.json({ text: "backend microservice" });

      [!TIP] Normally, a backend microservice would look up data in a database.

    • package.json

        "name": "sample-app-backend",
        "version": "0.0.1",
        "description": "Backend app for 'Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery'"
    • sample-app_deployment.yml

        name: sample-app-backend-deployment #     (1)
        replicas: 3
              app: sample-app-backend-pods #      (2)
              - name: sample-app-backend #        (3)
                image: sample-app-backend:0.0.1 # (4)
                  - containerPort: 8080
                  - name: NODE_ENV
                    value: production
            app: sample-app-backend-pods #        (5)
    • sample-app_service.yml

        name: sample-app-backend-service # (1)
        type: ClusterIP #                  (2)
          app: sample-app-backend-pods #   (3)
          - protocol: TCP
            port: 80
            targetPort: 8080
      • (2): Switch the service type from LoadBalancer to ClusterIP

        [!NOTE] A service of type ClusterIP is only reachable from within the Kubernetes cluster.

Build and deploy the backend sample app

  • Build the Docker image (See Chap 4 - Example: Configure your Build Using NPM)

    npm run dockerize
  • Deploy the Docker image into a Kubernetes cluster

    In this example, you’ll use a local Kubernetes cluster, that is a part of Docker Desktop.

    • Update the config to use context from Docker Desktop

      kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
    • Deploy the Deployment and Service

      kubectl apply -f sample-app-deployment.yml
      kubectl apply -f sample-app-service.yml
    • Verify the Service is deployed

      kubectl get services

Creating a frontend sample app

  • Copy the Node.js sample-app from chap 5

    cd examples
    cp -r ch5/sample-app ch6/sample-app-frontend
  • Copy the Kubernetes configuration for Deployment and Service from chap 3

    cp ch3/kubernetes/sample-app-deployment.yml ch6/sample-app-frontend/
    cp ch3/kubernetes/sample-app-service.yml ch6/sample-app-frontend/
  • Update the sample-app-frontend app

    • app.js

      Update the frontend to make an HTTP request to the backend and render the response using HTML

      const backendHost = "sample-app-backend-service"; //             (1)
      app.get("/", async (req, res) => {
        const response = await fetch(`http://${backendHost}`); //      (2)
        const responseBody = await response.json(); //                 (3)
        res.send(`<p>Hello from <b>${responseBody.text}</b>!</p>`); // (4)
      • (1): This is an example of service discovery in Kubernetes

        [!NOTE] In Kubernetes, when you create a Service named foo:

        • Kubernetes will creates a DNS entry for that Service foo.
        • Then you can use foo as a hostname (for that Service)
          • When you make a request to that hostname, e.g. http://foo,
            • Kubernetes routes that request to the Service foo
      • (2): Use fetch function to make an HTTP request to the backend microservice.

      • (3): Read the body of the response, and parse it as JSON.

      • (4): Send back HTML which includes the text from the backend’s JSON response.

        [!WARNING] If you insert dynamic data into the template literal as in the example, you are opened to injection attacks.

        • If an attacker include malicious code in that dynamic data
          • you’d end up executing their malicious code.

        So remember to sanitize all user input.

    • package.json

        "name": "sample-app-frontend",
        "version": "0.0.1",
        "description": "Frontend app for 'Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery'"
    • sample-app_deployment.yml

        name: sample-app-frontend-deployment #       (1)
        replicas: 3
              app: sample-app-frontend-pods #        (2)
              - name: sample-app-frontend #          (3)
                image: sample-app-frontend:0.0.1 #   (4)
                  - containerPort: 8080
                  - name: NODE_ENV
                    value: production
            app: sample-app-frontend-pods #          (5)
    • sample-app_service.yml

        name: sample-app-frontend-loadbalancer # (1)
        type: LoadBalancer #                     (2)
          app: sample-app-frontend-pods #        (3)
      • (2): Keep the service type as LoadBalancer so the frontend service can be access from the outside world.

Build and deploy the frontend sample app

Repeat the steps in Build and deploy the backend sample app

[!TIP] When you’re done testing, remember to run kubectl delete for each of the Deployment and Service objects to undeploy them from your local Kubernetes cluster.

Get Your Hands Dirty: Running Microservices

  • The frontend and backend both listen on port 8080.

    • This works fine when running the apps in Docker containers,
    • but if you wanted to test the apps without Docker (e.g., by running npm start directly), the ports will clash.

    Consider updating one of the apps to listen on a different port.

  • After all these updates, the automated tests in app.test.js for both the frontend and backend are now failing.

    • Fix the test failures.
    • Also, look into dependency injection and test doubles (AKA mocks) to find ways to test the frontend without having to run the backend.
  • Update the frontend app to handle errors:

    e.g. The HTTP request to the backend could fail for any number of reasons, and right now, if it does, the app will simply crash.

    • You should instead catch these errors and show users a reasonable error message.
  • Deploy these microservices into a remote Kubernetes cluster: e.g., the EKS cluster you ran in AWS in Part 3.


When your company grows, there will be scaling problems, which you can solve by

  • breaking up your deployment into multiple environments
  • breaking up your codebase into multiple libraries & services

Both approaches have pros and cons

Breaking up your deployment1. Isolate:
- tests from production
- teams from each other
2. If the environments are in different regions:
- Reduce latency(at the cost of) having to rework your entire architecture
- Increase resiliency
- Comply with local laws/regulations
3. Configuration changes can cause outages (just as code changes)
Breaking up your codebase4. … into libraries: Developers can focus on a smaller part (of codebase) at a time
5. … into services: Different teams can own, developer & scale each part independently
6. You can make change much faster within each part (library, service)(at the cost of) it taking longer to make change across the entire codebase
7. You choose to do late integration (instead of continuous integration), so it only works for those parts are truly independent
8. Has a considerable cost, so only do it when the benefits outweigh the cost, which only happens at a larger scale

Latency is the amount of time it takes to send data between your servers and users’ devices.


GDPR (Global Data Protection Regulation)


HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)


HITRUST (Health Information Trust Alliance)


PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard);


FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program)


With active/standby mode, you have:

  1. One active database that serves live traffic.
  2. Other standby databases in other data centers that doesn’t serves live traffic.

When the active database went down, another standby database would become the new active database, and serve live traffic.


With active/active mode, you have multiple databases that serve live traffic at the same time.




A backward incompatible change (of a library) is a change that would require the users to

  • update how they use the library in their code
  • in order to make use of this new version (of the library)


  • you remove something (that was in the API before)
  • you add something (that is now required)

Synchronously means each service

  • messages each other
  • wait for the responses.

Asynchronously means each service

  • listens for events (messages) on an event bus
  • processes those events
  • creates new events by writing back to the event bus

For performance bottlenecks, you can never really predict without running a profiler against real code and real data.


Serialization is the process of

  • translating a data structure or object state into a format that can be
    • stored (e.g. files in secondary storage devices, data buffers in primary storage devices) or
    • transmitted (e.g. data streams over computer networks) and
    • reconstructed later (possibly in a different computer environment).

Chapter 7: How to Set Up Networking

Networking is what needed to:

  • connect 👉 services need to communicate over the network
  • secure 👉 environment need to be isolated from each other (so they can’t talk to each other)

your applications.

This chapter will walkthrough the concepts and examples:

Public networkingExpose your apps to the public internet via
- public IPs- Deploy servers with public IPs in AWS
- domain names- Register a domain name for them in Route 53
Private networkingRun apps in private network to- Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in AWS
- protect them from public internet access- Deploy servers into VPC
Network accessSecurely access private networksConnect to a server in a VPC in AWS using
- using SSH, RDP, VPN- SSH and a bastion host
Service communicationConnect & secure communicate between appsUse Istio as a service mesh
- in a (micro)services architecture- for microservices running in Kubernetes

Public Networking

Almost everything you’ve deployed so far has been accessible directly over the public internet.


  • An EC2 instance with a public IP address like
  • A load balancer with a domain name like

Public IP Addresses

IP : Internet Protocol : a protocol (set of rules) for : - routing : - addressing : … data across networks

[!TIP] There are 2 major versions of IP: IPv4 & IPv6.

  • IPv4: First major version, around since 1980s, is the dominant protocol of the internet.
  • IPv6: The successor version, introduced in 2006, is gradually graining adoption

IP Address (IPv4 address) : 👕 unique identifier used to determine who is who on the Internet : 👔 a numerical label such as that is assigned to a device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication : IP addresses serve two main functions: : - network interface identification 👈 Which host is it? : - location addressing 👈 Where is the host?

An IPv4 addresses

  • is fixed length of four octets (32 bits)1 👈 There are $2^{32}$ IPv4 addresses.
  • begins with a network number,
  • followed by local address (called the “rest” field).

[!NOTE] Running out of IPv4 addresses is one of the reason

  • the world is moving to IPv6, which
    • uses 128-bit addresses that are typically displayed as
      • eight groups of four hexadecimal digits2, such as 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334.

Though, IPv6 adoption is still under 50%, because millions of old networking devices still don’t support IPv6.

Represent of an IPv4 address:

  • IPv4ExampleDecimal value of the IPv4 address
    In dot-octal notationo.o.o.o (4 octets)$013_{8}.014_{8}.015_{8}.016_{8}$3👇4
    In binary notationxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (32 bits)$00001011 00001100 00001101 00001110_{2}$$185 339 150_{10}$
    In dot-decimal notationY.Y.Y.Y$11_{10}.12_{10}.13_{10}.14_{10}$👆5

[!NOTE] If your computer is connected to the internet, to communicate with another computer (on public internet), you only need that computer’s IP address.

How to having your computer “connect to the internet”?

  • Your computer needs to have a valid IP address (in your network):

    In other words, your computer need to know:

    • where it is 👈 Which network (of type A, B, C) or subnet6?
    • what its ID is 👈 Which host it is?

There are 2 main methods for allocating the IP addresses:

  • Classful networking address: 👈 The network prefix has fixed-length (7, 14, 21 bits)

    There are 3 main classes of internet addresses:

    • In class a, the high order bit is zero, the next 7 bits are the network, and the last 24 bits are the local address;
    • In class b, the high order two bits are one-zero, the next 14 bits are the network and the last 16 bits are the local address;
    • In class c, the high order three bits are one-one-zero, the next 21 bits are the network and the last 8 bits are the local address.
  • Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): 👈 The network prefix has variable length

    [!TIP] CIDR grants finer control of the sizes of subnets allocated to organizations, hence slowing the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses from allocating larger subnets than needed.

Represent of an IP address:

  • in bit array7 (in binary number)

    x: indicates a bit.
    n: indicates a bit used for the network number (aka network ID).
    H: indicates a bit used for the local address (aka host ID).
    0xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (Class A)
     <-----> <------------------------>
     7 bits            24 bits
     Network add.      Local address
    10xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (Class B)
    10nnnnnn nnnnnnnn HHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH
      <-------------> <--------------->
         14 bits           16 bits
      Network address   Local address
    110xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (Class C)
    110nnnnn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn HHHHHHHH
       <---------------------> <------>
               21 bits          8 bits
           Network address      Local address
  • in decimal notation (in decimal number)

    In bit arrayIn decimal-dot notation
    Leading bitsNetwork’s
    bit field
    Leadings bits & network bitsAddress ranges of networksAddress ranges of each networkAddress ranges of whole class
    Class A07 bits
    ($2^7$ networks)
    0nnn nnnn👉From00.
    Class B1014 bits
    ($2^{14}$ networks)
    10nn nnnn nnnn nnnn👉From128.00.0128.0.0.0
    Class C11021 bits
    ($2^{21}$ networks)
    110n nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn👉From192.0.00192.0.0.0

[!TIP] There are a lot of names, don’t be confused:

  • Network address is aka network ID, routing prefix
  • Local address is aka rest field, host identifier

For more information about IP Address, see:

All the public IP addressed are owned by IANA, which assigns them in hierarchical manner:

  • Top-level: IANA delegates blocks of IP addresses to Internet registries (that cover regions of the worlds)

    • These Internet registries, in turn, delegate blocks of IP addresses to network operators8, such as

      • Internet Service Provider (ISPs)
      • cloud providers, e.g. AWS, Azure, GCP
      • enterprise companies…
    • Finally, these network operators assign IP addresses to specific devices.


      • You sign up for an Internet connection at home with an ISP, that ISP assigns you an IP address (from its block of IP addresses)
      • You deploy an EC2 instance in AWS, AWS assign that EC2 instance an IP address (from its block of IP addresses9 10)

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #1 You get public IP addresses from network operators such as cloud providers and ISPs.

For more information, see:

For even more information, see:

Domain Name System (DNS)

[!NOTE] Before DNS, TCP/IP has another name system - the simple host table name system.

[!TIP] An example host table on Linux - the file /etc/hosts - looks like this

# Loopback entries; do not change.
# For historical reasons, localhost precedes localhost.localdomain:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

# See hosts(5) for proper format and other examples:
# foo
# bar

name system : technology that allow computers on a network to be given both : - a conventional numeric address : - a more “user-friendly” human-readable name

domain name : 👕 a unique, easy-to-remember address used to access websites, such as (instead of a IP address

Domain Name System (DNS) : new, current name system of the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP)

How DNS works

  • DNS stores

    • the mapping from names to IP addresses
      • in a globally-distributed hierarchy of nameservers
  • When you enter into your web browser,

    • your computer doesn’t talk directly to the nameservers

      • instead it send sends a request to a local DNS resolver11.
  • The DNS resolver takes the domain name processes the parts in reverse order by making a series of queries to the hierarchy name servers

    DNS queries

    1. The DNS resolver’s first query goes to the root nameservers12 13:

      The root nameservers return

      • the IP addresses of the top-level domain (TLD) nameservers for the TLD you requested (.com).
    2. The DNS resolver’s second query goes to the TLD nameservers14.

      The TLD nameservers return

      • the IP addresses of the authoritative nameservers for the domain you requested (
    3. Finally, the DNS resolver’s third query goes to these authoritative nameservers15

      The authoritative nameservers return

      • the DNS records that contain the information that is associated with the domain name you requested (

[!NOTE] It takes 3 queries to get some DNS records of a domain name. Isn’t it too many round-trips?

  • DNS is pretty fast
  • There is a lot of caching that will reduce the number of look ups e.g. browser, OS, DNS resolvers, …

DNS records

DNS record : contains the information that is associated a domain name

There are many types of DNS records, each stores different kinds of information, such as:

  • DNS A record: stores the IPv4 address
  • DNS AAAA record: stores the IPv6 address
  • DNS CNAME record: “canonical name” record thats stores alias for domain name.
  • DNS TXT record: stores arbitrary text

When your browser looks up, it typically requests A or AAAA records.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2 DNS allows you to access web services via memorable, human-friendly, consistent names.

DNS Registration

  • The domain names are also owned and managed by IANA, who delegates the management to

    • accredited registrars,
      • who are allowed to “sell” domain names to end users
      • are often (but not always) the same companies that run authoritative name services.
  • After you lease a domain name, you have the permission to

    • configure the DNS records for that domain
      • in its authoritative name servers.
  • Only after that, users all over the world can access your servers via that domain name.

[!NOTE] Technically, you never own a domain name, you can only pay an annual fee to lease it.

Example: Register and Configure a Domain Name in Amazon Route 53

In this example, you’ll:

  • Deploy a web app 👈 A simple HTTP server on several EC2 instances
  • Set up a domain name (for it) 👈 Using Amazon Route 53 as the domain name registrar.

Register a domain name

Registering domain involves manual steps:

  • Open Route 53 dashboard > Choose Register a domain > Click Get started
  • In the next page:
    • In the Search for domain section > Use the search box to find an available domain
    • Click Select to add the domain to your cart.
    • Scroll to the bottom > Click Proceed to checkout.
  • In the next page:
    • Fill out other details: How long? Registration auto-renew?
    • Click Next
  • In the next page:
    • Fill out contact details16
    • [Optional] Enable privacy protection
    • Click Next
  • Review the order in the summary page, then click Submit
  • Open your email to confirm that you own the email address.
  • Check your domain in registered domains page
  • [For this example] Open the hosted zones page and copy the hosted zone ID.

[!TIP] You can monitor the your registration process on the registration requests page

[!NOTE] When you register a domain in Route 53, it automatically

  • configures its own servers as the authoritative nameservers for that domain.
  • creates Route 53 hosted zone for the domain

[!WARNING] Watch out for snakes: Registering domain names is not part of the AWS free tier!

The pricing varies based on the TLD:

  • Domain with .com TLD cost $14 per year (in September 2024)

Deploy EC2 instances

This example will

  • use the ec2-instances17 OpenTofu module, which is available at the sample code repo at ch7/tofu/modules/ec2-instances
  • to deploy 3 EC2 instances

  • The OpenTofu root module ec2-dns


      # examples/ch7/tofu/live/ec2-dns/
      provider "aws" {
        region = "us-east-2"
      module "instances" {
        source = ""
        name          = "ec2-dns-example"
        num_instances = 3 #                                   (1)
        instance_type = "t2.micro"
        ami_id        = "ami-0900fe555666598a2" #             (2)
        http_port     = 80 #                                  (3)
        user_data     = file("${path.module}/") # (4)
      • (1): Deploy 3 EC2 instances
      • (2): Use the Amazon Linux AMI
      • (3): Expose the port 80 for HTTP requests
      • (4): Run the script
    • Copy the user data script from chapter 2:

      cd examples
      copy ch2/bash/ ch7/tofu/live/ec2-dns/

    [!WARNING] Watch out for snakes: a step backwards in terms of orchestration and security

    This example has all the problems in Chapter 1 | Example Deploying An App Using AWS

    • Output the public IP addresses of the EC2 instances

      output "instance_ips" {
        description = "The IPs of the EC2 instances"
        value       = module.instances.public_ips
  • Deploy the ec2-dns module

    tofu init
    tofu apply
  • Verify the the app is deployed on these EC2 instance

    curl http:<EC2_INSTANCE_IP_ADDRESS>

Configure DNS records

In this example, you’ll point your domain name at the EC2 instances (deployed in previous section)

  • Add the configuration for a DNS A record to the ec2-dns module

    #  examples/ch7/tofu/live/ec2-dns/
    provider "aws" {
    # ...
    module "instances" {
    # ...
    resource "aws_route53_record" "www" {
      # TODO: fill in your own hosted zone ID!
      zone_id = "Z0701806REYTQ0GZ0JCF" #                   (1)
      # TODO: fill in your own domain name!
      type    = "A" #                                      (2)
      name    = "" # (3)
      records = module.instances.public_ips #              (4)
      ttl     = 300 #                                      (5)

    The DNS record

    • (1): … created in this hosted zone
    • (2): … of type A
    • (3): … for the sub-domain www.<YOUR_DOMAIN>
    • (4): … point to the IPv4 addresses (of the EC2 instances you deployed)
    • (5): … with the time to live (TTL)18 of 300 seconds.

    For more information, see aws_route53_record OpenTofu resource’s docs

  • Add output variable for the domain name

    # examples/ch7/tofu/live/ec2-dns/
    output "domain_name" {
      description = "The domain name for the EC2 instances"
      value       =

  • Re-apply the ec2-dns module

    tofu apply
  • Verify the domain name works

    curl http://www.<YOUR_DOMAIN>

Get your hands dirty: Managing domain names

  • Instead of several individual EC2 instances,

    • use one of the orchestration approaches from Part 3,
      • such as an ASG with an ALB
    • figure out how to configure DNS records for that approach.
  • Figure out how to automatically redirect requests for your root domain name (sometimes called the apex domain or bare domain) to your www. sub-domain:

    e.g. redirect to

    This is a good security practice because of how browsers handle cookies for root domains.

  • DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions) is a protocol you can use to protect your domain from forged or manipulated DNS data.

    • You may have noticed that in the Details section for your domain in your Route53 hosted zone page, it said that the DNSSSEC status was not configured.
    • Fix this issue by following the Route 53 DNSSEC documentation.

Private Networking

private network : a network set up by an organization solely for that organization’s use : e.g. : - a home network : - an office network : - an university network : - a data center network : is locked down so only authorized individuals (from within that organization) can access it

Private Network’s Advantages

Defense in depth

defense-in-depth strategy : establish multiple layers of security : - providing redundancy in case there is a vulnerability in one of the layers

You should build your software in a similar manner with building a castle - using defense-in-depth strategy - establish multiple defense layers, if one of them fails, the others are there to keep you safe.

e.g. The servers (EC2 instances) deploy so far:

  • has one layer of security - the firewall (security group) that block access to all ports by default
  • one mistakes and these servers might become vulnerable, e.g. Someone will misconfigure the firewall and leave a port open, which be scanned all the time by malicious actors.

[!NOTE] Many incidents are not the result of a brilliant algorithmic code cracking, but of opportunists jumping on easy vulnerabilities due to someone making a mistake.

[!WARNING] If one person making a mistake is all it takes to cause a security incident, then

  • the fault isn’t with that person
  • but with the way you’ve set up your security posture.

By putting your servers in a private networks, you have at least 2 layers of protections:

  • First, a malicious actor have to get into your private network.
  • Second, the actor have to find a vulnerability in your server.

[!TIP] A good private network can create many more layers of security.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #3 Use a defense-in-depth strategy to ensure you’re never one mistake away from a disaster.

Isolate workloads

Separate private networks is one of the way to setup isolated environment.


  • Deploy different products, teams in separate private networks.
  • Deploy data store servers and application servers in separate private networks.

If the workloads in separate private networks needs to communicate, you only allow traffic between specific IPs and ports.

[!TIP] The other ways to setup isolated environments: different servers, different accounts, different data centers…

Better control and monitoring

Private networks give you fine-grained control over routing of:

  • north-south traffic: traffic between your servers and the outside worlds
  • east-west traffic: traffic between servers within your network.

This allows you to:

  • add better security control
  • setup monitoring

You should

  • almost always have all servers in a private network

  • only expose some highly-locked down servers, e.g. load balancers e.g. Capture flow logs that show all traffic going through your private network

  • manage traffic patterns

    e.g. Shift traffic around as part of deployment or experiment

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #4 Deploy all your servers into private networks by default, exposing only a handful of locked-down servers directly to the public Internet.

Physical Private Networks

[!NOTE] Lossy compression Networking is a huge topic, what you’re seeing here is a highly simplified picture.

  • How to connect computers together?

    How many computers?How to connect?
    Two computersUse a single cable
    N computers
    (aka a network)
    Use a switch
    (instead of $N^2$ cables)
    Two networksUse two routers
    N networksUse the internet19
  • Most of the networks of the internet is private network.

  • There are 2 common type of private networks:

    • Private network in your house (aka home network)

      The ISP gives use a device that’s both a router & a switch, which

      • allows devices in your home to talk to each other.
    • Private network in a data center:

      The technicians set up various switches & routers,

      • allows the servers in that the data center talk to each other.

Private networks’s key characteristics

Only authorized devices may connect to the private network


  • For private network in your home:

    Connect to the ISP router with

    • an ethernet cable
    • or Wi-Fi (with in the range of the antenna & a password)
  • For private network in a data center:

    Get into the data center; plug in a cable into the routers and switches.

The private network uses private IP address ranges

The IANA reserves 3 blocks of the IP address space for private internets:

FromToIn CIDR notationNote A B C
Used in most private networks at home

[!TIP] With CIDR notation, the format of IPv4 address is a.b.c.d/e:

  • a.b.c.d: an IP address
  • e: a decimal number that represents how many bits of the IP address, when expressed in binary, stay the same20.

[!NOTE] Every public IP address must be unique.

These 3 blocks of private IP addresses

  • can be used over and over again
  • as they can only used for private networks.
The private network defines connectivity rules
  • For a home network, you can define some basic control over connectivity.

    e.g. Depending on your router, you can:

    • Block outbound access to specific websites
    • Block inbound requests from specific IP addresses
    • Block specific port number from being used.
  • For a data center network,

    • you have full control over connectivity:

      • e.g. For every device (in the network), you can specify:

        • What IP address it gets assigned
        • What ports it’s allowed to use
        • Which other devices it can talk to
        • How traffic get routed to and from that device
      • using:

        • hardware
        • software: based on the configuration in switches, routers

  • It’s common to

    • partition the private network (in a data center) into subnets
    • assign specific rules to all devices in a subnet.


    • A subnet called a DMZ (demilitarized zone):
      • allows access (to these servers) from the public Internet
      • run a small handful of servers (such as load balancers)
    • A private subnet:
      • is not accessible from the public Internet
      • run the rest of your servers
Most devices in a private network access the public Internet through a gateway

[!NOTE] A device in a private network (with a private IP address) can also have a public IP address.

e.g. You assign a public IP address to a server in your DMZ, that server have both

  • a private IP address: it uses to communicate with the devices in the DMZ
  • a public IP address: it used to communicate with the Internet
  • Assigning a public IP to every device in a private network defeats the purpose of having a private network:

    • keeping those devices secure
    • avoiding running of of IPv4 addresses
  • Therefore, most of the devices in a private network access the public Internet through a gateway21.

Common types of gateways

Load balancers

A load balancer allows requests that

  • originate from the public Internet
  • to be routed to servers in your private network
    • based on rules you define (in that load balancer)

e.g. If a user makes a request to the load balancer

  • on port 80 for domain, forward it to a specific app on port 8080.
NAT gateway

A Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway allows requests that

  • originate in a private network
  • to be routed out to the public Internet.

A common approach with NAT gateway is to do port address translation (PAT).

e.g. A server wants to make an API call to

  • The server sends that request to the NAT Gateway, which:

    • “translating” (modifying) the request to make it look like it
      • originated from (the public IP of) the NAT gateway at a specific port number
    • then send the modified request to
  • When the response comes back from,

    The NAT Gateway:

    • (knows which server to forward the response to)
    • translate the request to make it look like it
      • cam directly from
Outbound proxy

An outbound proxy is like a specialized NAT gateway that only allows an apps to make outbound requests to an explicitly-defined list of trusted endpoints.

[!NOTE] Networking is all about layers of defense

  • Most of those layers are about keeping attackers out
  • An outbound proxy is the opposite - it keeps the attackers in:
    • The attackers won’t be able to escape with your data.
ISP router

On your home network, the IPS router is typically configured as a NAT gateway.

  • All devices send all requests to the public Internet via the ISP router, which
    • also use PAT to get you response
    • while keeping those devices hidden

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

If you deploy into the cloud,

  • all the physical networking: servers, cables, switches, routers…
    • are already taken care of by the cloud provider
      • largely in a way you can’t see or control
  • what you can control is a virtual private network (VPN) - a network you configure entirely in software, which makes it a software-defined networking.

Virtual networks in the cloud

Each cloud provider offers slightly different networking features, but they typically have the following basic characteristics in common:

You can create a VPN

Most cloud providers allow you to create a VPN, although they may call it different:

  • For AWS, GCP: VPN is call virtual private cloud (VPC)
  • For Azure: VPN is call virtual network (VNet)

[!NOTE] Most of the examples in this book use AWS, so VPN will be called VPC in the rest of book.

The VPC consists of subnets

Each VPC contains one or more subnets.

  • Each subnet has an IP address range of the private internet as in previous section e.g.
The subnets assign IP addresses

The resources deploy in a subnet will get an IP address from that subnet’s IP address range.

e.g. Three servers

  • deployed in a subnet with the IP address range
  • might have 3 IPs:
You enable connectivity with route tables

Each subnet has a route table that control how traffic is routed within that subnet.

  • Each route (in a route table) - corresponding to a row - typically defines

    • a destination
    • a target: where to route traffic (sent to that destination)

    What does it looks like? Foo
    What does it exactly mean?Final targetImmediate target
    Compare with a transit flightParis (Final destination)Taiwan’s Airport (Transit airport)

Each time the VPC needs to route a packet, it will go through the route table, and

  • use the most specific route that matches that packet’s destination (then route traffic to that route’s target)


  • A route table with 3 routes

    DestinationTarget Foo Bar gateway
    • Traffic with a destination matches with will be routed to VPC Foo.
    • Traffic with a destination matches with will be routed to VPC Bar.
    • All other traffic (destination matches with will be routed to the NAT Gateway (and go to the public Internet)
You block connectivity with firewalls

Each cloud provider provides different types of firewalls to block traffic:

  • Some firewalls apply to individual resources, and typically block all traffic by default.

    e.g. Each EC2 instance has a security group:

    • You need to explicitly open IP/ports in the security group.
  • Other firewalls apply to entire subnets/VPCs, and typically allow all traffic by default.

    e.g. AWS network firewall that filter inbound, outbound traffic across an entire VPC.

You access the public Internet through gateways

e.g. Load balancers, NAT Gateways

[!NOTE] To make it easier to get started, most cloud providers allow you to deploy resources without creating a VPC.


  • AWS gives you a Default VPC out-of-the-box, which is suitable launching public instances such as a blog or simple website22

[!WARNING] To have better security and full control of the network, you should design your own networking and create your own VPC.

Virtual networks in orchestration tools

Some orchestration tools

  • include their own virtual network


    • Kubernetes Networking
    • OpenShift Networking
    • Marathon Networking
  • which is responsible for:

    • IP address management

      Assigning IP addresses to apps (running in the orchestration tool).

    • Service communication

      Allowing multiple apps (running in the orchestration tool) to communicate with each other.

    • Ingress

      Allowing apps (running in the orchestration tool) to receive requests from the outside world.

These orchestration tools need their own virtual network because:

  • these orchestration tools are design to work in any data center or cloud

  • to solve the core orchestration problems

    • that involve networking, e.g. load balancing, service communication
    • in a portable way

[!NOTE] When using an orchestration tool (which has its own virtual network), you have to integrate 2 sets of networking technologies:

  • From the orchestration tool
  • From the data center, cloud provider

To help you integrate with different cloud providers, these orchestration tools offer plugins to handle the integration.


  • Kubernetes supports:
    • Container Network Interface (CNI) plugins: to manage cluster networking
    • ingress controllers: to manage ingress

Comparing the behavior of networking plugins for Kubernetes in various clouds:

CloudTypical CNI pluginIP address managementService communicationTypical ingress controllerIngress
AWSAmazon VPC CNI pluginIPs from AWS VPCUse AWS VPC routingAWS Load Balancer ControllerDeploy AWS Elastic Load Balancers
GCPCilium GKE pluginIPs from Cloud VPC subnetsUse Cloud VPC routingGKE ingressDeploy Cloud Load Balancers
AzureAzure CNI pluginIPs from VNet subnetsUse VNet routingNginx ingress controllerDeploy Nginx

Example: Create a VPC in AWS

In this example, you will:

  • Create a custom VPC in AWS
  • Deploy some EC2 instances into it

The vpc OpenTofu module

  • from the sample code repo at ch7/tofu/modules/vpc folder

  • can create a VPC as follow:

    alt text

    with the configuration for:

    • IP address range, e.g. with $2^{16} (65,536)$ IP addresses.
    • Public subnet (a DMZ)23
    • Private subnet24

Configure the root module to use the vpc and ec2-instances OpenTofu modules:

  • The vpc-ec2 root module will be in samples/ch7/tofu/live/vpc-ec2

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch7/tofu/live/vpc-ec2
    cd ch7/tofu/live/vpc-ec2
  • Configure to deploy a VPC and an EC2 instance in the public subnet (aka public instance)

    # examples/ch7/tofu/live/vpc-ec2/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "vpc" {
      source = ""
      name       = "example-vpc" # (1)
      cidr_block = "" # (2)
    module "public_instance" {
      source = ""
      name          = "public-instance" #                   (1)
      num_instances = 1 #                                   (2)
      instance_type = "t2.micro"
      ami_id        = "ami-0900fe555666598a2"
      http_port     = 80
      user_data     = file("${path.module}/") # (3)
      vpc_id        = #                   (4)
      subnet_id     = #         (5)

    Configure the instance to run:

    • (4): … in the VPC created by vpc module.
    • (5): … in the public subnet of the created VPC.
  • The user data script (at examples/ch7/tofu/live/vpc-ec2/

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -e
    curl -fsSL | bash - yum install -y nodejs
    export MY_IP=$(hostname -I) #                           (1)
    tee app.js > /dev/null << "EOF"
    const http = require('http');
    const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
      res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
      res.end(`Hello from ${process.env.MY_IP}!\n`); //     (2)
    const port = 80;
    server.listen(port,() => {
      console.log(`Listening on port ${port}`);
    nohup node app.js &
    • (1): Look up the private IP address of the server
    • (2): Include (the private IP address of the server) in the HTTP response
  • Configure to deploy an EC2 instance in the private subnet (aka private instance)

    # examples/ch7/tofu/live/vpc-ec2/
    module "private_instance" {
      source = ""
      name          = "private-instance" #                   (1)
      num_instances = 1
      instance_type = "t2.micro"
      ami_id        = "ami-0900fe555666598a2"
      http_port     = 80
      user_data     = file("${path.module}/")
      vpc_id        =
      subnet_id     = #         (2)
  • Output the public & private IP addresses of the EC2 instances

    # examples/ch7/tofu/live/vpc-ec2/
    output "public_instance_public_ip" {
      description = "The public IP of the public instance"
      value       = module.public_instance.public_ips[0]
    output "public_instance_private_ip" {
      description = "The private IP of the public instance"
      value       = module.public_instance.private_ips[0]
    output "private_instance_public_ip" {
      description = "The public IP of the private instance"
      value       = module.private_instance.public_ips[0]
    output "private_instance_private_ip" {
      description = "The private IP of the private instance"
      value       = module.private_instance.private_ips[0]

  • Deploy vpc-ec2 module

    tofu init
    tofu apply
  • Verify that the instance work:

    curl http://<public_instance_public_ip>

[!NOTE] To be able to test the instance in the private, subnet, you’re need to know how access private network.

Get your hands dirty: Working with VPCs

Update the VPC module to

  • deploy a NAT gateway

    … so that resources running in the private subnet can access the public Internet.

  • deploy each type of subnet (public and private) across multiple availability zones

    … so that your architecture is resilient to the failure of a single AZ.

[!NOTE] Note: AWS offers a managed NAT gateway, which works very well and is easy to use, but is not part of the AWS free tier.

Accessing Private Networks

Castle-and-Moat Model

Castle-and-moat model is the traditional approach for managing a access to private networks.

Castle-and-moat model is an analogy between:

  • a castle

    • with extremely secure perimeter (moat, walls…): it’s hard to get inside
    • but soft interior: once you’re inside, you can freely move around
  • a private network:

    • doesn’t allow you to access anything from outside the network
    • but once you’re “in” the network, you can access anything

Bastion Host

In a physical network, with castle-and-moat model, merely being connected to the network means you’re in.

e.g. With many corporate office networks,

  • if you’re plugged into the network via a physical cable, you can access everything in that network: wiki pages, issue tracker…

However, how do you connect to it if you’re outside the physical network:

  • you’re working from home
  • your’re infrastructure deployed in a VPC in the cloud

The common solution is to deploy a bastion host, a server that

  • is designed to be visible outside the network (e.g. in the DMZ)

  • has extra security hardening and monitoring, so it can better withstand attacks.

    [!TIP] In a fortress, a bastion is a structure that is designed to stick out of the wall, allowing for more reinforcement and extra armaments, so that it can better withstand attacks.

The bastion host acts as the sole entrypoint to that network:

  • There is only one bastion host, so you can put a lot of effort into making it as secure as possible.
  • Authenticated users can
    • connect to the bastion host using secured protocol (SSH, RDP, VPN)
    • and have access to everything in the network.

e.g. A castle-and-moat networking model with a bastion host as the sole access point

alt text

  • If you are able to connect to the bastion host (, you can access everything in the private subnets of that VPC:
    • The private servers (,
    • The database server (

Castle-and-moat model security concerns

The castle-and-moat model worked well-enough in the past, but in the modern work, it leads to security concerns.

In the past:

  • Companies owns buildings with physical networks of routers, switchers, cables…
  • To access that physical network, the malicious actor needs to
    • be in a building owned by the company
    • use a computer owned and configured by the company

[!NOTE] In the past, your location on the network mattered:

  • some locations could be trusted
  • while others could not


  • Many of the networks are virtual, e.g. VPC
  • More and more employees work remotely, and needs to be able to connect to company network from a variety of locations: homes, co-working spaces, coffee shops, airports…
  • Lots of devices need to connect to the company networks: laptops, workstations, tablets, phones…

The ideal of secure perimeter and soft interior no longer makes sense.

  • There’s no clear “perimeter”, or “interior”
  • There’s no location that can be implicitly trusted

Zero-Trust Model

With zero-trust architecture (ZTA), it’s now “never trust, always verify”.

  • You never trust a user or device just because they have access to some location on the network.

Core principles of zero-trust architecture (ZTA)

Authenticate every user

Every connections requires the user to authenticate, using

  • single sign-on (SSO)
  • multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Authenticate every device

Every connections requires the user’s device (laptop, phone, tablet) to authenticate.

You can use a lot more devices to connect, but each one still need to be

  • approved,
  • added to a device inventory,
  • configured with adequate security controls.
Encrypt every connection

All network communicate must be over encrypted connection.

e.g. No more http

Define policies for authentication and authorization

Each piece of software (you run) can

  • define flexible policies for:

    • who is allowed to access that software 👈 authentication
    • what level of trust & permissions they will have 👈 authorization
  • base on a variety of data sources:

    • what location is the user connecting from? Home, office or unexpected continent?
    • time of the day they are connecting, e.g. Work hours, 3 a.m
    • how often they are connecting? First time today or 5000 times in latst 30 seconds
Enforce least-privilege access controls

With ZTA model, you follow the principle of least privilege, which means you get access

  • only to the resources you absolutely need to do a specific task,
  • and nothing else

e.g. If you get access to the internal wiki, you can only access to the wiki, not the issue tracker…

Continuously monitor and validate

With ZTA, you assumes that you’re constantly under attack,

  • so you need to continuously log & audit all traffic to identify suspicious behaviour.

The zero-trust model has been evolving for many years. Some of the major publications on it:

In the BeyondCorp paper, there are even more controversial principles:

  • Google no longer requires employees working remotely to use VPN to access internal resources
  • Those internal resources are accessible directly via the public Internet.

[!TIP] By exposing internal resources to the public, Google forces itself to put more effort into securing them than merely relied on the network perimeter.

A simplified version of the architecture Google described in BeyondCorp: alt text

  • Internal resources are exposed to the public Internet via an access proxy, which

    • use user database, device registry, access policies
    • to authenticate, authorize, and encrypt every single connection.

    [!NOTE] This zero-trust architect might look like the castle-and-moat architecture: both reply on a single entrypoint to the network:

    • For castle-and-moat approach: it’s the bastion host
    • For zero-trust approach: it’s the access proxy
  • (In additional to the bastion host,) every single private resources is also protected:

    To access any private resources, you need to go through the authorization process with the access proxy.

[!NOTE] Instead of a singe, strong perimeter around all resources in your network, the zero-trust approach

  • put a separate, strong perimeter around each individual resource.

Zero-trust should be integrated into every part of your architecture

User and device management

One of the first steps with using ZTA is to get better control over users & devices.

Infrastructure access

For infrastructure, you need to

  • grant access to:

    • servers, e.g. SSH, RDP
    • databases, e.g. MySQL client, PostGres client
    • containers, e.g. Docker container in Kubernetes
    • networks, e.g. VPC in AWS
  • in a manner that works with zero-trust approach.

This is tricky because there’re lots if technologies in terms of protocols, authentication, authorization, encryption…

Fortunately, there’re tools like Teleport, Tailscale, Boundary, and StrongDM.

Service communication

With ZTA, you have to rework hove your (micro)services communicate with each other.

  • Many microservices (e.g. the example microservices - with a frontend and a backend - you deployed in Kubernetes) are

    • designed with castle-and-moat model
      • (reply on network perimeter to protect those services)
  • This will no longer works in ZTA world, instead you need to figure out how to secure the communication between your services.

Implement a true ZTA is a tremendous effort, and very few companies are able to fully do it.

It’s a good goal for all companies to strive for, but it depends on the scale of your company:

  • Smaller startups: Start with castle-and-moat approach
  • Mid-sized companies: Adopt a handful of ZTA principles, e.g. SSO, securing microservices communication
  • Large enterprises: Go for all ZTA principles

And remember to adapt the architecture to the needs & capabilities of your company.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #5 In the castle-and-moat model, you create a strong network perimeter to protect all the resources in your private network; in the zero-trust model, you create a strong perimeter around each individual resource.


What is SSH

SSH (Secure Shell) : a protocol that allows you to connect to a computer over the network to execute commands : uses a client-server architecture

e.g. Using SSH to connect to a bastion host

  • The architecture

    alt text

  • The client: computer of a developer in your team (Alice)

  • The server: the bastion host

  • When Alice connects to the bastion host over SSH,

    • she gets a remote terminal, where she can:
      • run commands
      • access the private network
    • as she was using the bastion host directly

How to use SSH

  • Configure a client, e.g. Alice’s computer

    • Create a key-pair, which consists of a public key and a private key25.
    • Store the private key on Alice’s computer (in a secure manner and ensuring unauthorized users can never access it26).
  • Configure server(s), e.g. The bastion host

    • Run SSH as a daemon27

      This is typically done by running the sshd command, which is enabled by default on many servers.

    • Update the server’s firewall to allow SSH connections, typically on port $22$.

    • Add public keys (of Alice) to the authorized keys file of an OS user on the server.28


      • For AWS EC2 instance - default OS user is ec2-user - you’ll need to add Alice’s public key to /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Use SSH client to connect to the server

    e.g. On Alice computer


    After you connect to the server (e.g. the bastion host), you’ll:

    • get a terminal where you can run commands as if you were sitting directly at that server.

    • get access to that server’s network

      e.g. Now Alice can

      • run curl (in the terminal)
      • to access the server in the private subnet at

[!TIP] With SSH, you can do many more cool things:

  • Transmit arbitrary data (aka tunneling)

  • Forward port (aka port forwarding)


    • Alice use SSH to forward

      • (from) port 8080 on her local computer
      • (via the bastion host)
      • to port 8080 of the server at (in the private subnet)
    • Any request she made from her own computer to localhost:8080 will be sent to

  • Run a SOCKS proxy


    • Alice

      • use SSH to run a SOCKS proxy

        • on port 8080 on her local computer
        • (via the bastion host)
        • to the public Internet
      • then, configure an app that supports SOCKS proxies (e.g. a web browser )

        • send all traffic via localhost:8080 (the SOCKS proxy)
    • When Alice uses her web browser (e.g. Chrome),

      • The traffic will be routed through the bastion host, as if she was browsing the web directly from the bastion host.

    With a SOCKS proxy, you can

    • hide your IP from online services
    • change to virtual location (aka location spoofing)

Example: SSH bastion host in AWS

In previous example, you deployed:

  • a VPC
  • 2 EC2 instances:
    • one in a public subnet 👈 you could access
    • one in a private subnet 👈 for now, you couldn’t access

In this example, you will update that example, so both instances can be access (over SSH)

  • by using an EC2 key pair29

[!WARNING] Watch out for snakes: EC2 key pairs are not recommended in production

  • In this example, you’ll use the EC2 key-pair to experience with SSH.

  • However, AWS only supports associating a single EC2 key-pair with each C2 instance

    👉 For a team, every members need to share a permanent, manually-managed private key, which is not a good security practice.

  • For production, the recommended way to connect to EC2 instance is:

    Both uses automatically-managed, ephemeral key:

    • generated for individual members on-demand
    • expire after a short period of time

Let’s get started:

  • Create a key-pair:

    • Open the EC2 key-pairs page

      • Make sure you select the same region as the one that you deploy the VPC

      • Click Create key pair

        • Enter the name for the key-pair
        • Leave all settings as defaults
        • Click Create key pair
      • Download the private key (of the key-pair)

        [!NOTE] AWS will store the created key-pair in its own database, but not the private key.

        • It will prompt you once to download the private key.
      • Save it in a secure location, e.g. ~/.aws/.ssh

    • Add a passphrase to the private key, so only you can access it

      ssh-keygen -p -f <KEY_PAIR>.pem
    • Set the permission so the private key can be only by your OS user

      chmod 400 <KEY_PAIR>.pem
  • Now, the only thing left is to add your public key to the authorized keys file of the root user on each of those EC2 instances.

    [!TIP] If you specify a key-pair when launching an EC2 instance, AWS will add the public key to the root users of its AMIs.

    • Update the in vpc-ec2 root module to specify your key pair

      module "public_instance" {
        source = ""
        # ...
        key_name = "<YOUR_KEY_PAIR_NAME>"
      module "private_instance" {
        source = ""
        # ...
        key_name = "<YOUR_KEY_PAIR_NAME>"

    [!NOTE] When you specify a key_name, the ec2-instances module will opens up port 22 (in the security group), so you can access that instance via SSH.

    • Apply the changes

      tofu apply

Now let’s access the private instance:

  • SSH into the public instance

    ssh -i <KEY_PAIR>.pem ec2-user@<PUBLIC_IP>
    • Confirm you know the key-pair’s passphrase

    • Confirm you want to connect to the host '<PUBLIC_IP>'30 ssh will show use the key finder

      [!TIP] If you are diligent, you can manually verify that the host <PUBLIC_IP> is really the EC2 instance deployed by you:

      • Go to the EC2 console
      • View the system log of the instance (you’re connecting to)
        • Select the instance
        • In the nav op top, click Actions > Monitor and troubleshoot > Get system log
      • Verify the SSH Host Key Fingerprint match with the key fingerprint show by ssh command (on your local computer).

      [!TIP] The fingerprint is generated from the public key.

      • You can show the fingerprint of a public key with ssh-keygen -l

        ssh-keygen -l -f <PUBLIC_KEY>
  • Now, you’re in the public instance, with a prompt like this:

    Amazon Linux 2023
    [ec2-user@ip-10-0-1-26 ~]$
    • Check the simple web app:

      curl localhost
      # Hello from
    • Access the private instance:

      curl <PRIVATE_IP>
      # Hello from <PRIVATE_IP>

[!NOTE] In this example, the public instance acts as a bastion host.

  • You SSH into the bastion host, then access the private instance (from the point of view of the bastion).

You can even go a step farther, and SSH into the private instance (via the bastion host), which can be done by:

  • Forwarding the SSH authentication to remote hosts (aka agent forwarding)
  • Connect to a target host by first making an ssh connection to the jump host

[!TIP] To disconnect from the SSH session:

  • Send an EOL by press Ctrl + D, or
  • Use the shell build-in command exit

[!TIP] You can use SSH agent - a key manager for SSH - to store private key in memory, so you can authenticate without specifying a key or passphrase.

  • Use ssh-add to add a key to SSH agent

    ssh-add <KEY_PAIR>.pem
    # Confirm the passphrase
  • Verify that you can run SSH commands without specifying the key or passphrase

    ssh -A ec2-user@<PUBLIC_IP>
    • By using -A flag, you’re forwarding the authentication from the SSH Agent to remote machines

      (Local computer -> bastion host (public instance) -> private instance)

  • Since you’ve forwarded the SSH authentication from your local computer, you can SSH into the private instance (from the public instance)

    ssh ec2-user@<PRIVATE_IP>
  • Verify that’s you’re in the private instance

    curl localhost
    # Hello from <PRIVATE_IP>

[!TIP] To disconnect from the private instance, you need to hit Ctrl+D twice

  • The first time to disconnect from the private instance
  • The second time to disconnect from the public instance

Get your hands dirty: SSH

  • Instead of EC2 key pairs, try using EC2 instance connect or Session Manager

    How do these options compare when connecting to the public instance? And the private instance?

  • Try using the -L flag to set up port forwarding from your local computer to the private server at <PRIVATE_IP>:


    • run ssh -L 8080:<PRIVATE_IP>:8080 ec2-user@<PUBLIC_IP> and
    • then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
  • Try using the -D flag to set up a SOCKS proxy:


    • run ssh -D 8080 ec2-user@<PUBLIC_IP>,
    • configure your browser to use localhost:8080 as a SOCKS proxy
    • then open http://<PRIVATE_IP>:8080 in your browser.

[!NOTE] When you’ve done testing, don’t forget to run tofu destroy to clean everything up in your AWS account.

Advantages of SSH

  • Widely available

    • Linux, MacOS support SSH natively
    • Windows: there are also many clients
  • Secure

    • SSH is a mature & secure protocol
    • It has a massive community: vulnerabilities are rare and fixed quickly.
  • No extra infrastructure

    Just run sshd (which you don’t even need to install) on your server.

  • Powerful dev tools

    In additional to providing a way to access servers in private networks, SSH is also a daily dev tools with many features: terminal, tunneling, proxying…

Disadvantages of SSH

  • Managing keys can be difficult, especially at scale

    For SSH, it’s difficult to:

    • Supports hundreds of servers/developers/keys
    • Key rotation and revocation
    • Have different levels of permissions & access

    [!TIP] There are many tools that solve this problem:

  • It’s primarily a dev tool, not for everyone

    SSH is not suitable for

    • everyone: Product Manager, Designer…
    • quickly access private network without the CLIs.


What is RDP

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) : a protocol that allows you to connect to a Windows computer over the network to manage it with a user interface : ~ SSH + UI (but only Windows)

How to use RDP

RDP also use client-server architecture (just like SSH):

  • Configure the RDP server:

    • Enable RDP in Windows server settings.

    • In front of the servers, deploy:

      • a VPN
      • or a Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway)
    • Update the server’s firewall to allow RDP connects (port 3389) from previous devices.

    • Prepare the username & password of the Windows OS user account on the server:


      • For AWS: EC2 instance - using the default Windows AMI - has an Administrator user built in with a randomly-generated password that can be retrieved from the EC2 console.

      • For Azure: you specify the username& password when launching the Windows server

      • If you’re using a identity provider (such as Active Directory, Microsoft 365), use that’s identity provider’s login.

  • Configure the RDP client:

    • For Windows, the RDP client is pre-installed.
    • For Mac, Linux, you needs to install the RDP client.
  • Use the RPD client to connect to the RPD server:

    • Specify the IP address of the RDP Gateway/VPN
    • Enter the username & password

Advantages of RDP

  • You get a fully-working Windows UI

  • Works for all employees

Disadvantages of RDP

  • Windows-only

  • Not secure without extra infrastructure

    RDP has many security vulnerabilities:

    • Exposing RDP port (3389) to public Internet is not recommended.
    • You should run extra infrastructure (VPN or RD Gateway) in front of the RDP server .
  • Not your own computer

    RDP gives you access to another computer, and whatever private network it can access. But sometimes you access the private network directly from your computer (which has your apps, data).


What is VPN

VPN (Virtual Private Network) : a way to extend a private network across multiple other networks/devices

By using VPN:

  • software (on any device) can communicate with the private network as if the device is “in” the network
  • all traffic to the private network is encrypted (even if the traffic is over an untrusted medium, such as the public Internet)

Use cases for VPNs

Connect remote employees to an office or data center network

The VPC acts as bastion host that allow you:

  • Connect to your company office network as if you were in the office
  • Connect to a data center (on-prem or VPC in cloud account) as you were in the data center

VPN vendors of this use case: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, Juniper Networks, Barracuda, SonicWall, Fortinet, OpenVPN, WireGuard, Tailscale, AWS Client VPN, and Google Cloud VPN.

Connect two data centers together

A site-to-site VPN can connect 2 data centers together.


  • 2 on-prem data centers connects together
  • An on-prem data center connect to a VPC in the cloud

The VPC acts as a proxy between the data centers:

  • Securely forwarding
    • certain traffic in one private network
    • to certain endpoints in another private network

This use case needs 2 type of VPN vendors:

Hide Internet browsing behavior

You can use a VPN as a way to

  • bypass geographical restrictions, or censorship
  • keep your browsing history anonymous

The office network VPNs are overkill for this use case, it’s more common to use consumer VPN services, e.g. NordVPN, ProtonVPN, ExpressVPN.

How to use VPN

To connect remote employees to an office

The VPN for this use case is typically use a client-server architecture

  • Configure the VPN server

    • Deploy a VPN server (as the bastion host) and configure VPN software on it

    • Update the server’s firewall to alow VPN connections:


      • VPNs based on IPSec will use ports 500, 4500, 50, 51
      • VPNs based on TLS will use port 443
    • Configure the VPN server with the ability to authenticate users


      • Traditional approach, used by old tool (e.g. OpenVPN):

        • use certificates (based on public-key cryptography)
        • but allow mutual authentication31

        This approach is hard to securely sign, distribute, revoke/manage certificates.

      • Modern approach, used by new tool (e.g. Tailscale), allow users to authenticate

        • using existing identity provider (e.g. Active Directory, Google, Okta)
        • including MFA

        under the hood, the certificate logic is handle transparently.

  • Configure the VPC client

    • Install the VPN client:

      It’s usually a desktop/mobile app (with UI). Some OSes even have VPN clients built-in.

    • Following the VPN client’s instruction (in the UI) to authenticate.

    • Once configured/authenticated, the VPN will:

      • establish an encrypted tunnel to the VPN server

      • update the device’s networking settings to

        • route all network traffic through this tunnel (aka full tunnel mode)

          [!WARNING] In split tunnel mode, all traffic (whether it from your working software or Youtube/Netflix) will be routed through the VPN, which may

          • put a lot of load on VPN server
          • cost a lot of bandwidth (and money)

          [!NOTE] Some VPN client supports split tunnel mode, where only certain traffic is routed to the VPN server e.g.

          • Only some traffic for specific domain names and CIDR block that corresponding to your company internal software go though the VPN tunnel
          • Everything else goes through public Internet.
To connect two data centers

The high level steps looks like this:

  • Setup a site-to-site VPN device

    In an on-prem data center, it might be a physical appliance from Cisco, Palo Alto, Juniper…

    In the cloud, it’s be a virtual configuration, e.g. Virtual Private Gateway in AWS.

  • Configure routing

    Route certain CIDR blocks from one data center (through the VPN connection) to the other data center.


    • On-prem data center network uses CIDR block
    • Configure the route table in AWS VPC to route all traffic with destiantion match that CIDR block to your Virtual Private Gateway.
  • Configure connectivity and authentication

    For each data center, you’ll need configure

    • IP address
    • Identifying information: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Number (ASNs)
    • a way to authenticate & encrypt the connection
  • Create the VPN tunnel

Advantages of VPN

  • You get network transparent32 access from your own computer

    With VPN, you can access a private network, from your own computer, as if you were directly a part of that network.

  • Works for all employees

  • Works with all operating systems

  • Secure

    Most VPN tools are build around IPSec or TLS, both are mature and secure.

Disadvantages of VPN

  • Extra infrastructure to run

    You have to deploy a VPN server, possibly multiple servers for high availability.

  • Certificate management can be difficult

    Most VPN tools are build around certificates, which is difficult to manage.

  • Performance overhead

    • Traffic a route through another server, which increase latency.
    • Too much traffic may degrade your network throughput.

Service Communication in Private Networks

In chapter 6, you saw that a common way to deal with problems of scale (more traffic, more employees), is to

  • break codebase into multiple (micro)services that are
    • deployed independently, typically on separates servers.

These services communicate (with each other) by sending messages over the network.

In order to allow services communicate over the network, you have to make following technical decisions:

The technical decisionWhat does it mean?
Service discoveryHow (one service know what endpoint) to reach another service?
Service communication protocolWhat is the format of the messages (that a service send to another service)?
Service meshHow to handle security, resiliency, observability, traffic management?

Service Discovery

Although service discovery may looks easy

  • to talk with service B, service A only needs service B’s IP address

but when you have:

  • multiple services
    • each with multiple replicas that
      • runs on multiple servers
  • the number of replicas, servers change frequently as:
    • you deploy new versions
    • replicas crashed and replaced
    • you scale up/down

service discovery can be a challenging problem.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #6 As soon as you have more than one service, you will need to figure out a service discovery solution.

Service discovery tools

Generic tools
Configuration files

The simplest soluction is to hard-coded server IP address in configuration files.


  • Service A have a config file with hard-coded IP address of the servers where B is deployed.

[!NOTE] This works as long as the IP address used by B don’t change too ofter, such as

  • an on-prem data center
  • in the cloud but you’re using private static IP address for B’s virtual servers
(Internal) load balancers

You can:

  • deploy an internal load balancers in front of all services.
  • hard-code the endpoints of the load balancer (for each environment).

Then service discovery can be done by using:

  • a convention for the path


    • Service A reaches service B at /B path of the load balancer.

[!TIP] Service discovery is about translating a name (of the service) to a set of IP addresses.

Isn’t it the DNS?

You can

  • use a private DNS server (from the cloud provider)
  • create a DNS record that points to the IP address for each service

Then service discovery can be done by using:

  • a convention for the domain


    • Service A reach service B at the domain B.internal
Dedicated service discovery tools
Service discovery tools with service discovery library

Tool sucs as Consul, Curator and ZooKeeper, Eureka comes with 2 components:

  • a service registry: a data store that

    • stores the endpoint data for services
    • performs health checks (to detech when endpoints are up & down)
    • allows services to subscribe to updates (and notify immediately when endpoints are updates)
  • the service discovery library: a library you incorporate into your application code to:

    • add endpoints (to the service registry) when your services ares booting
    • fetch endpoint data (from the service registry)
    • subscribe to updates 👉 you can make service calls by looking up the latest service endpoint data in memory
Service discovery tools with local proxy

Tools such as

  • Consul, etcd discovery, Synapse, Envoy

  • built-in mechanism of orchestration tools


    • Kubernetes and the platforms built on top of it (EKS, GKE, AKS…)
    • Nomad, Mesos

come with 2 components:

  • a service registry (same as service discovery library)
  • a local proxy: a proxy that run on the same servers as your apps, by:
    • deploying it as a sidebar container33 (~ in another container)
    • or running it as a daemon (in the same container)

These local proxy:

  • does the exactly same thing as the server discovery library: add endpoints, fetch endpoints, subscribe to updates.
  • but
    • is completely transparent (to the application)
    • does not requires any changes to your application code.

To use a local proxy,

  • you:

    • override network settings in each container/server to send all traffic throug this proxy
    • or use the proxy as a local DNS server
  • the local proxy

    • uses its local service registry data
    • to route your app’s requests to the proper endpoints
    • without the app be aware of the service discovery tool - local proxy

Service discovery tool comparison

The key trade-offs to consider when picking a service discovery tool:

Trade-offWhat to consider?Notes
Manual errorAny solution that involves hard-coding data is error-prone.
Update speed- Hard-code IPs: slow
- DNS: low TTL -> faster with the cost of latency
- Dedicated service discovery tools: subscribe -> quickly
Scalability- Hard-code IPs: always hit scaling bottlenecks
- Load balancers: difficult to scale if you have lots of traffic
Transparency- Some tools require you to update your code appTo incorporate service discovery logic
- Other tools don’t require you to update your code (called transparent)The code app still need to use some mechanis to make a service call
Latency- DNS: add an extra network hop (the DNS server)You can cache the DNS response, but that reduces update speed
- Service-side tools (load balancers): requires extra network hops -> increase latency
- Client-side tools (library): endpoints are cache locally -> no extra network hops
- Local proxy: also has an extra hop, but it’s locally
CPU, memory usage- Local proxy: extra code run with every container/servers
Extra infrastructure- Load balancer, service registry: requires deploying/managing extra infrastructure

Configuration filesLoad balancersDNSRegistry + LibraryRegistry + Local proxy
⬇️ Manual error⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Update speed⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Transparency to app⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⬇️ Latency overhead⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⬇️ CPU, memory overhead⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⬇️ Infrastructure overhead⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⭐⭐⭐Very Strong

Service Communication Protocol

Message encoding vs Network encoding

Breaking codebase into services 👈 Define/maintain APIs 👈 Protocol decisions for APIs

message encoding : How will you serialize34 data? : e.g. JSON, Protocol Buffers; HTML, XML

network encoding : How will you send that data over the network? : e.g. HTTP, HTTP/2

Common protocols for Service Communication


REST : Representation State Transfer : de factor standard for building web APIs


  • network encoding: HTTP
  • message encoding: JSON (or HTML)
Serialization libraries

Serialization libraries supports:

  • defining a schema
  • compling stubs for various programming languages

e.g. Protocol Buffers, Cap’n Proto 35, FlatBuffers 36, Thrift, Avro

Serialization libraries:

  • can use HTTP
  • but for better performance: they will use HTTP/2
RPC libraries

RPCs libraries : one level up from serialization libraries : designed for remote procedure call (RPC), where : - a calling to a remote procedure, is : - the same as a calling to a local procedure : generate both client & server stubs : HTTP/2 + Protocol Buffers

e.g. gRPC, Connect RPC, drpc, Twirp

ExamplesNetwork encodingMessage encoding
Serialization librariesHTTP/2Protocol Buffers, Cap’n Proto, FlatBuffers…
RPC librariesgRPC, Connect RPCHTTP/2Protocol Buffers

Key factors of Service Communication Protocol

Key factorWhat to consider?Notes
Programming language support- Which programming languages are used at your company?
- Does they support the message encoding you need?- JSON: is supported by almost any programming languages
- Serizization protocols: are supported in popular ones
Client support- Which clients do your APIs need to support?- Web browsers, mobiles, IoT…
- Which protocols do these clients support?- HTTP + JSON: every clients, native to web browsers
- Serizization protocols: hit or miss, especially with web browsers
Schema and code generationDoes the message encoding supports:
- defining a schema?- HTTP + JSON: doesn’t support (but can use other tools, e.g. OpenAPI)
- Serialization/RPC libraries: strong
- generate client stubs?
- generate documentation?
Ease of debuggingHow hard is it to test an API (built with this tool) or to debug problems?- HTTP + JSON: easy, any HTTP client can be used:
   - web browser
   - UI tools, e.g. Postman
   - CLI tools, e.g. curl
- Serialization/RPC libraries: require special tooling
PerformanceHow efficient are the message/network encoding
in terms of bandwidth/memory/CPU usage?
HTTP + JSON < Serialization/RPC libraries
Ecosystem- Documentation? Updates?- HTTP + JSON: largest ecosystem
- Tools, plugin, related projects- Serialization/RPC libraries: small
- Hire new developers
- Find answers on the Internet (StackOverflow)

[!TIP] The generate rule is:

  • Use HTTP + JSON for most APIs

  • Only consider alternatives in special cases

    e.g. At very large scales:

    • hundreds of servies
    • thousands of queries per second

Service Mesh

What is a service mesh

service mesh : a networking layer that help manage communication betweens micro(services)

Why use a service mesh

A service mesh provides a single, unified solution for many problems:

  • Security

    In Chapter 6 - Example: Deploy Microservices In Kubernetes,

    • as long as someone has network access (to your cluster)
    • they could talk to any service (in your cluster) (the services respond blindly to any request came in)

    You can have some level of protection by:

    • putting these microservices in a private network 👈 castle-and-moat model
    • hardening the security by enforcing encryption, authentication, authorization 👈 zero-trust model
  • Observability

    With (micro)services architecture,

    • Debugging a failure/bug is hard:

      • A single request may result in dozens of API calls to dozens of services.
      • There are many new failure modes because of the network.
    • Observability tools: tracing, metrics, logging… become essensial.

  • Resiliency

    The more services you have; the more bugs, issues, errors happens.

    • If you have to manually deal with every bugs, issues, errors, you’d never be able to sleep.

    To have a maintainable, resilient (micro)services, you need tools/techniques to:

    • avoid
    • recover

    errors automtatically.

    e.g. retries, timoutes, circuit breakers, rate limiting

  • Traffic management

    (Micro)services is a distributed system.

    To manage a large distributed system, you need a lot of fine-grained control over network traffic.


    • Load balancing between services

      e.g. ⬇️ latency, ⬆️ throughput

    • Canary deployment

      e.g. Send traffic to a new replica (of an app as in Chap 5 - Canary Deployment)

    • Traffic mirroring

      e.g. Duplicate traffic to an extra endpoint for analysis/testing

Almost all of these are problems of scale:

  • If you are a small team, with only some services and not much of load

    1️⃣ in other words, when you don’t have the scaling problems, a service mesh

    • don’t help you
    • but it may be an unnecessary overhead.
  • If there are hundreds of services owned by dozens of teams, processing thousands of requets per seconds,

    • in other words, when you have scaling problems:

      2️⃣ you may try to solve these problems individually, one at a time, but it will

      • be a huge amount of work 👈 each problems needs its own tool, solution…
      • that have many frictions 👈 each change is a global changes to every single service…
      • take a very long time 👈 … rolling global change across services is a big challenge

      3️⃣ or you can use a service mesh - all-in-one solutions to the these scaling problems

      • in a transparent way
      • does not require making changes to application code

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #7 A service mesh can improve a microservices architecture’s

  • security, observability, resiliency, and traffic management

without having to update the application code of each service.

When not to use a service mesh

A service mesh can feel like a magical way to dramatically upgrade the security and debuggability of your (micro)service architecture.

  • But when things doesn’t work, the service mesh itself can be difficult to debug.
  • It introduces a lot of moving parts (encryption, authentication, authorization, routing, firewalls, tracing…)
    • that can be the source of new problems.
  • The overhead of a service mesh can be huge: understanding, installing, configuring, managing…

Three types of service meshes

Use with Kubernetes
  • Linkerd: This is the project that coined the term “service mesh”
  • Istio: Most popular
  • Cilium : Use the eBPF features of the Linux kernel
  • Traefik Mesh: Base on API Gateway Traefik
Managed services from cloud providers
Use with any orchestration approach in any deployment environment

Example: Istio Service Mesh with Kubernetes Microservices

[!TIP]  Istio is one of the most popular service mesh for Kubernetes:

  • created by Google, IBM, Lyft
  • open sourced in 2017

In this example, you will use Istio to manage the 2 microservices in Chapter 6 - Example: Deploy Microservices In Kubernetes.

  • Copy the previous example

    cd examples
    cp -r ch6/sample-app-frontend ch7/
    cp -r ch6/sample-app-backend ch7/
  • Update Kubernetes config to use the same cluster as previous example

    kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
  • Fowllow the official guide to install Istioctl - a CLI tool that help use install Istio into your Kubernetes cluster

  • Use istioctl to install Istio with a minimal profile37

    istioctl install --set profile=minimal -y
  • Configure Istio to inject its sidecar into all Pod you deploy into the default namespace

    kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

    [!NOTE] That sidecar is what provides all service discovery features: security, observability, resiliency, traffic management

    • without you having to change your application code.
  • Use the sample add-ons that come with the Istio installer, which include:

    • a dashboard (Kiali)
    • a database for monitoring data (Prometheus)
    • a UI for visualizing monitoring data (Grafana)
    • a distributed tracing tool (Jaeger)
    kubectl apply -f samples/addons
    kubectl rollout status deployment/kiali -n istio-system

    [!NOTE] Istio also supports other integration

  • Very everthing is installed correctly

    istioctl verify-install

  • Deploy the frontend & backend as before

    cd ../sample-app-backend
    kubectl apply -f sample-app-deployment.yml
    kubectl apply -f sample-app-service.yml
    cd ../sample-app-frontend
    kubectl apply -f sample-app-deployment.yml
    kubectl apply -f sample-app-service.yml
  • Make a request to the frontend

    curl localhost

  • Check if Istio is doing anything by opening up the Kiali dashboard

    istioctl dashboard kiali
  • Open Traffic Graph to see a visualization of the path your request take through your microservices

  • Open Workloads / Logs to see

    • logs from your backend
    • as well as access logs from Istio components, e.g. Envoy Proxy

By default, to make it possible to install Istio without breaking everything, Istio intially allows unencrypted, unauthenticated, unauthorized requests to go through.

  • Let’s add authentication & authorization policy for Istio

    # examples/ch7/istio/istio-auth.yml
    kind: PeerAuthentication #               (1)
      name: require-mtls
      namespace: default
        mode: STRICT
    --- #                                    (2)
    kind: AuthorizationPolicy #              (3)
      name: allow-nothing
      namespace: default
    spec: {}
    • (1): Create an authentication policy that requires all service calls to use mTLS (mutual TLS)

      • This will enforce that every connection is encrypted & authenticated
      • Istio will handle mTLS for you, completely transparently.
    • (2): Use --- divider to put multiple Kubernetes configurations in a single YAML file.

    • (3): Create an authorization policy that will block all service calls by default.

      • You will need to add addtional authorization to allow just the service communication that you know is valid.
  • Hit Ctrl+C to shutdown Grafana ???

  • Deploy these policies

    cd ../istio
    kubectl apply -f istio-auth.yml
  • Let’s try to access the frontend app again

    curl localhost
    # curl: (52) Empty reply from server
    • Since your request (to the the frontend) wasn’t using mTLS, Istio rejected the connection immediately.

  • Add an authentication policy to disable the mTLS requirement for the frontend

    # examples/ch7/sample-app-frontend/kubernetes-config.yml
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    # ...
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
    # ...
    kind: PeerAuthentication
      name: allow-without-mtls
      namespace: default
          app: sample-app-frontend-pods # (1)
        mode: DISABLE #                   (2)
    • (1): Target the frontend Pods
    • (2): Disable the mTLS requirement
  • Deploy the new policy

    cd ../sample-app-frontend
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-configuration.yml
  • Access the frontend again

    curl --write-out '\n%{http_code}\n' localhost
    # RBAC: access denied
    # 403
    • Use --write-out flag so curl prints the HTTP response after the response body.

    This time it’s a 403 Forbidden status with access denied in the response body.

    • The allow-nothing authorization policy is still blocking all requests.

    [!TIP] To fix this, you need to add authorization policies to the backend & frontend.

    • This requires that Istio has some way to identify the frontend & backend (authentiacation).

    [!NOTE] Istio uses Kubernetes service accounts as identities:

    • It provides a TLS certificate to each application based on its service identity

    • Then it uses mTLS to provide mutual authentication.

      • Istio will have the frontend verify it is really taling to the backend.
      • Istio will have the backend verify the request is from the frontend.

      All the TLS details will be handled by Istio, all you need to do is:

      • assiciating the frontend & backend with their own K8s service accounts
      • adding an authorization to each one

  • Configure the frontend with a service account and authorization policy

    # examples/ch7/sample-app-frontend/kubernetes-config.yml
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      replicas: 3
            app: sample-app-frontend-pods
          serviceAccountName: sample-app-frontend-service-account # (1)
            - name: sample-app-frontend
    # ... (other params omitted) ...
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: sample-app-frontend-service-account #                   (2)
    kind: AuthorizationPolicy #                                     (3)
      name: sample-app-frontend-allow-http
          app: sample-app-frontend-pods #                           (4)
      action: ALLOW #                                               (5)
      rules: #                                                      (6)
        - to:
            - operation:
                methods: ["GET"]
    • (1): Configure the frontend’s Deployment with a service account (will be created in (2))
    • (2): Create a service account
    • (3): Add an authorization policy
    • (4): Target the frontend’s Pods
    • (5): Allow requests that match the rules in (6)
    • (6): Allow the frontend to receive requests from all source, but only for HTTP GET requests.
  • Apply the configuration

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-config.yml

  • Combine the backend’s configuration then configure the backend with a service account & authorization policy

    # examples/ch7/sample-app-backend/kubernetes-config.yml
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      replicas: 3
            app: sample-app-backend-pods
          serviceAccountName: sample-app-backend-service-account # (1)
            - name: sample-app-backend
    # ... (other params omitted) ...
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: sample-app-backend-service-account #                   (2)
    apiVersion: #                             (3)
    kind: AuthorizationPolicy
      name: sample-app-backend-allow-frontend
          app: sample-app-backend-pods #                           (4)
      action: ALLOW
      rules: #                                                     (5)
        - from:
            - source:
                - "cluster.local/ns/default/sa/sample-app-frontend-service-account"
            - operation:
                methods: ["GET"]
    • (1): Configure the backend’s Deployment with a service account. The service account itself is created in (2).
    • (2): Create a service account (for the backend).
    • (3): Add an authorization policy (for the backend).
    • (4): Apply the authorization policy to the backend’s Pods.
    • (5): Define rules that allow HTTP GET requests to the backend from the service account of the frontend.
  • Apply the configuration:

    cd ../sample-app-backend
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-config.yml

  • Test the frontend one more time

    curl --write-out '\n%{http_code}\n' localhost
    # <p>Hello from <b>backend microservice</b>!</p>
    # 200

    It’s now a 200 OK reponse, with the expected HTML reponse body.

    Your microservices are

    • running in a Kubernetes cluster
    • using service discovery
    • communicating securely via a service mesh

Get your hands dirty: Service meshes and Istio

  • Try out some of Istio’s other observability functionality.

    e.g. Using Grafana to view your metrics: istioctl dashboard grafana.

  • Try out some of Istio’s traffic management functionality.

    e.g. request timeouts, circuit breaking, and traffic shifting.

  • Consider if Istio’s ambient mode is a better fit for your workloads than the default sidecar mode.

After you’ve finished testing, cleanup your Kubernetes cluster:

  • Clean up the apps

    cd ../sample-app-frontend
    kubeclt delete -f kubernetes-config.yml
    cd ../sample-app-backend
    kubeclt delete -f kubernetes-config.yml
  • Uninstall Istio:

    • Remove policies

      cd ../istio
      kubectl delete -f istio-auth.yml
    • Uninstall addons

      cd ../istio-<VERSION>
      kubectl delete -f samples/addons
    • Uninstall Istio itself

      istioctl uninstall -y --purge
      kubectl delete namespace istio-system
      kubectl label namespace default istio-injection-


  • Networking plays a key role in connectivity and security:

    • You get public IP addresses from network operators such as cloud providers and ISPs.

    • DNS allows you to access web services via memorable, human-friendly, consistent names.

    • Use a defense-in-depth strategy to ensure you’re never one mistake away from a disaster.

    • Deploy all your servers into private networks by default, exposing only a handful of locked-down servers directly to the public Internet.

    • In the castle-and-moat model, you create a strong network perimeter to protect all the resources in your private network; in the zero-trust model, you create a strong perimeter around each individual resource.

    • As soon as you have more than one service, you will need to figure out a service discovery solution.

    • A service mesh can improve security, observability, resiliency, and traffic management in a microservices architecture, without having to update the application code of each service.

  • A full network architecture


If the IP address has a leading 0, the ping tool assumes the numbers is octal.


For the dot-decimal notation:

  • Each decimal number can be treated as a 256-base number.
  • Or convert each decimal number to binary then combine all binary numbers together to make a single binary number, then convert to decimal.

For the dot-octal notation, to get the decimal value of the IP address:

  • Convert each octal number to decimal then treat each one as a 256-base number, or
  • Convert each octal number to binary then combine all binary numbers together to make a single binary number, then convert to decimal.

A network (of type A, B, C) can be split into multiple smaller networks (called subnets)


A hexadecimal digit can be represent by 4 bits (called nibble)


The DNS resolver is

  • the ISP (at your home)
  • the cloud provider (in the cloud)

The root nameservers run at 13 IP addresses that are

  • managed by IANA
  • hard-coded into most DNS resolver.

The TLD nameservers are also managed by IANA.


The authoritative nameservers are operated

  • by yourself, or
  • variety of companies (Amazon Route 53, Azure DNS, GoDaddy, Namecheap, CloudFlare DNS…)

IANA requires every domain to have contact details, which anyone can look up using whois command.


This module is similar to the OpenTofu code you wrote in Chapter 2 to deploy an EC2 instance, except the ec2-instances module can deploy multiple EC2 instances.


DNS resolvers should cache the DNS record for the amount specified with TTL.

  • Longer TTLs will reduce latency for users & load on your DNS servers, but any updates will take longer to take effect.

The term “Internet” is derive from interconnected networks - a networks of networks


The ranges of IPs is defined by all the other bits that can change.


A gateway … allows data to flow from one discrete network to another (


In AWS, to make a subnet public, you have to do 3 things:

  1. Create an Internet Gateway38

  2. In the’s subnet’s route table, create a route to send traffic to the Internet Gateway

    • This is typically done via a catch-all route ( any traffic that doesn’t match a more specific destination will be routed (via the Internet Gateway) to the public Internet .
  3. Configure the VPC to assign public IP addresses to any EC2 instances deployed in it.

    (The public subnet will also assign a private IP address to each EC2 instance)

The vpc module handles all of this for you.


Internet Gateway is an AWS-specific component that allows communication between the public Internet and your VPC.


In AWS, subnets are private by default, which means

  • servers in those subnets will be able to talk to other resources within the VPC,
  • but
    • nothing outside the VPC will be able to talk to those servers, and,
    • those servers also won’t be able to talk to anything outside the VPC (such as the public Internet) unless you add a NAT gateway (which this vpc module does not do)

This will

  • makes it harder both for malicious actors
    • to get in to your servers in private subnets, and,
    • to get any data out (if they somehow do get in)
  • ensure you can’t accidentally (or maliciously) install software from the public Internet (if you’re using server templating and immutable infrastructure practices, this is a good thing, as it makes your servers more secure and easier to debug.)

SSH uses public-key cryptography for authentication and encryption. You’ll more about authentication an encryption in Chapter 8.


Storing the private key in a secure manner is not an easy task.


A daemon is a background process.


The authorized keys file

  • Typically at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Lists the public keys (DSA, ECDSA, Ed25519, RSA) that can be used for logging in as this user. (Source: man ssh)
  • Each line of the file contains one key (empty lines and lines starting with a ‘#’ are ignored as comments) (Source: man sshd)
    • Public keys consist of the following space-separated fields: options, keytype, base64-encoded key, comment.
    • The options field is optional.

EC2 key-pair is an SSH key-pair that AWS can create for you and use with its EC2 instances


The first time you SSH to any new server, your SSH client can’t be sure that this is

  • really the server you want to login to
  • but not a fake server from a malicious actor

With mutual authentication:

  • the client can verify the VPN server (is really who it says it is) using the server’s certificate,
  • the server can verify the user (is really who they say they are) using the client’s certificate.

Network transparency, in its most general sense, refers to the ability of a protocol to transmit data over the network in a manner which is not observable (“transparent” as in invisible) to those using the applications that are using the protocol.


A sidecar container is a container that is always deployed in tandem with every one of your application containers.


Serialization is the process of

  • translating a data structure or object state into a format that can be
    • stored (e.g. files in secondary storage devices, data buffers in primary storage devices) or
    • transmitted (e.g. data streams over computer networks) and
    • reconstructed later (possibly in a different computer environment).

For Cap’n Proto, there is no encoding/decoding step.

  • The Cap’n Proto encoding is appropriate both as a data interchange format and an in-memory representation
  • Once your structure is built, you can simply write the bytes straight out to disk!

FlatBuffers is an efficient cross platform serialization library. It was originally created at Google for game development and other performance-critical applications.


For production usage, see Istio install instructions

Chapter 8: How to Secure Communication, Storage, and Authentication

Data is one of the biggest asset of your company.

A secure networking is the first layer of defense for your company’s data, (system & business secret).

But it’s important to have more layers of defense for your data, via:

  • Secure communication:

    Protect your data from unauthorized snooping, interference while it travels over the network, with:

    • Encryption-in-transit
    • Secure transport protocols: TLS, SSH, IPSec…
  • Secure storage:

    Protect your data from unauthorized snooping, interference while it’s in the storage, with:

    • Encryption-at-rest
    • Secrets management
    • Password storage
    • Key management

This chapter will walk you through a several hand-on examples about secure data:

  • Encrypt data with AES, RSA
  • Verify file integrity with SHA-256, HMAC, digital signatures
  • Store secrets with AWS Secrets Manager
  • Serve your apps over HTTPs, by setting up TLS certificates with Let’s Encrypt

Cryptography Primer

cryptography : the study of how to protect data from adversaries (aka bad actors)

[!WARNING] Don’t confuse cryptography with crypto, which these days typically refers to cryptocurrency.

  • Cryptography aims to provide 3 key benefits - aka CIA:

    • Confidentiality (C)

      Data can be seen only by intended parties.

    • Integrity (I)

      Data can’t be modified by unauthorized parties.

    • Authenticity (A)

      Data are communicated only between intended parties.

  • Cryptography combines multiple disciplines: mathematics, computer science, information security, electrical engineering…

  • If you’re not a professional, do not invent your own cryptography.

    • Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithm that he himself can’t break. It’s not even hard. What is hard is creating an algorithm that no one else can break, even after years of analysis.

      • Schneir’s law
    • Cryptography isn’t like other software:

      • For most softwares, you’re dealing with
        • users with mildly engaged at best
        • minor bugs
      • For cryptography, you’re dealing with
        • determined opponents who are doing everything to defeat you
        • any bug found by them can be completely catastrophic
    • After centuries of existence, the number of techniques, attacks, strategies, schemes, tricks in cryptography are exceeds what any one person - without extensive training - could conceive.


      • side-channel attacks, timing attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, replay attacks, injection attacks, overflow attacks, padding attacks, bit-flipping attacks…
      • and countless others

      [!TIP] Some of these attacks are brilliant, some are hilarious, some are devious and many are entirely unexpected.

    • Just as all software, all cryptography has vulnerabilities, but only after years of extensive usage and attacks - those vulnerabilities are found and fixed.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #1

Don’t roll your own cryptography: always use mature, battle-tested, proven algorithms and implementations.

This section provides 2 foundational concepts of cryptography at a high level:

  • Encryption
  • Hashing


What is encryption

encryption : the process of transforming data so that only authorized parties can understand it

The data

  • in its original form (called plaintext)

    • with a secret encryption key
  • is passed through an algorithm called a cipher

  • so it can be encrypted

    • into a new form called the ciphertext.

    [!TIP] Without the encryption key, the ciphertext should be completely unreadable, indistinguishable from a random string.

     Original data  -->  Encrypt                    --> Encrypted data
    (plaintext)         (with a cipher algorithm)      (ciphertext)
     Encryption key

The only way to get back the original plaintext is to

  • use the cipher with the encryption key to

  • decrypt the cipher back into the plain text

     Original data  <--  Decrypt                    <-- Encrypted data
    (plaintext)         (with that cipher algorithm    (ciphertext)
                         and the encryption key)

Most modern cryptography systems

  • Are built according to Kerckhoffs’s principle, which states that the system should remain secure even if everything about the system, except the encryption key, is public knowledge.

    [!TIP] Kerckhoffs’s principle is essentially the opposite of security through obscurity, where your system is only secure as long as adversaries don’t know how that system works under the hood, an approach that rarely works in the real world

  • Should still not be feasible[^1]1 for the adversary to turn the cipher text back into plaintext (without the encryption key)

    • even if the adversary knows every single detail of how that system works

Three types of encryptions

Symmetric-key encryption
What is symmetric-key encryption

Symmetric-key encryption : uses a single encryption key, which must be kept a secret, for both encryption and decryption


  • Alice uses a symmetric-key cipher and an encryption key to encrypt plaintext for Bob, and Bob uses the same encryption key to decrypt the ciphertext

    alt text

How symmetric-key encryption works

Under the hood, symmetric-key encryption algorithms use the encryption key to perform a number of transformations on the plaintext, mostly consisting of substitutions and transpositions.

  • A substitution is where you exchange one symbol for another:

    e.g. Swap one letter in the alphabet for another, such as shifting each letter by one, so A becomes B, B becomes C, and so on.

  • A transposition is where the order of symbols is rearranged:

    e.g. Anagrams, where you randomly rearrange the letters in a word, so that “hello” becomes “leohl”

Modern encryption algorithms also use substitution and transposition, but in much more complicated, non-uniform patterns that depend on the encryption key.

Symmetric-key encryption algorithms

There are many well-known symmetric-key encryption algorithms: DES, 3DES, RC2, RC4, RC5, RC6, Blowfish, Twofish, AES, Salsa20, and ChaCha20.

  • Most of them are outdated and considered insecure.

  • As of 2024, the symmetric-key encryption algorithms you should use are:

    • AES (Advanced Encryption Standard):

      • Winner of a competition organized by NIST, official recommendation of the US government
      • Extremely fast2
      • Consider the facto standard: widely supported, after 2 decades still considered highly secure

      [!TIP] You should use the version of AES that includes a MAC3 (message authentication code) - the AES-GSM.

    • ChaCha:

      • Winner of a competition organized by eSTREAM
      • Extremely fast:
        • On CPUs with AES instruction sets, slower than AES
        • On general hardware, faster than AES
      • Newer cipher, highly secure (more than AES in theoretically against certain types of attacks), but not widely supported

      [!TIP] You should use also use the version of ChaCha that includes a MAC - the ChaCha20-Poly1305

    [!TIP] In August 2024, NIST released a final set of encryption tools designed to withstand the attack of a quantum computer.

    For more information, see:

Advantages & disadvantages of symmetric-key encryption
  • Advantages

    • Faster
    • More efficient
  • Disadvantages

    • It’s hard to distribute the encryption key in a secure manner

      • Before 1970s, the only solution was to share encryption keys via an out-of-band channel,

        e.g. Exchanging them in person

      • From 1970s, there is a new solution - asymmetric-key encryption - another type of encryption.

Asymmetric-key encryption
What is asymmetric-key encryption

asymmetric-key encryption : aka public-key encryption : uses a pair of related keys (called key pair), which include : - a public key that can be shared with anyone and used to encrypt data : - a corresponding private key, which must be kept a secret, and can be used to decrypt data


  • Alice uses an asymmetric-key cipher and Bob’s public key to encrypt plaintext for Bob, and Bob uses his private key to decrypt the ciphertext
  • alt text
How asymmetric-key encryption works

The public/private key and the encryption/decryption are all based on mathematical functions.

All the high level:

  • you can use these functions to create a linked public & private key,
  • the data encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key
  • it’s safe to share the public key4
Asymmetric-key encryption algorithms

The two most common asymmetric-key algorithms you should use are:

  • RSA5

    • One of the first asymmetric-key algorithm.
    • Based on prime-number factorization, easy to understand.
    • Introduce in 1970:
      • Widely used
      • Has vulnerabilities in early versions

    [!TIP] You should you the RSA version with Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding - the RSA-OAEP6:

  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)7

    • New asymmetric-key algorithm.
    • Based on math of elliptic curves.
    • More secure

    [!TIP] You should use ECIES8 (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme)

    [!TIP] For SSH, you should use Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA), which is also a type of Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

Advantages & disadvantages of asymmetric-key encryption
  • Advantages

    You don’t need to share an encryption key in advance9.

    [!NOTE] Asymmetric-key encryption makes it possible to have secure digital communications over the Internet, even with total strangers, where you have no pre-existing out-of-band channel to exchange encryption keys.

  • Disadvantages

    • Slower

    • Limited in the size of messages you can encrypt

      [!NOTE] It’s rare to use asymmetric-key encryption by itself.

Hybrid encryption
What is hybrid encryption

hybrid encryption : combines both asymmetric and symmetric encryption: : - using asymmetric-key encryption initially to exchange an encryption key : - then symmetric-key encryption for all messages after that.

e.g. Alice wants to send a message to Bob

  • First, she generates a random encryption key to use for this session, encrypts it using Bob’s public key and asymmetric-key encryption.
  • Then, she sends this encrypted message to Bob.
  • Finally, she uses symmetric-key encryption with the randomly-generated encryption key to encrypt all subsequent messages to Bob
Advantages of hybrid encryption
  • Performance

    Most the encryption is done with symmetric-key encryption, which is fast, efficient (and has no limits on message sizes).

  • No reliance on out-of-band channels

    Asymmetric-key encryption is used to exchange the encryption key that will be use for symmetric-key encryption.

  • Forward secrecy

    Even in the disastrous scenario where a malicious actor is able to compromise Alice’s private key, they still won’t be able to read any of the data in any previous conversation.

    e.g. Alice wants to send multiple messages to Bob:

    • Each of those messages is encrypted with a different, randomly-generated encryption key, which Alice never stores.

[!NOTE] ECIES, the recommended for asymmetric-key encryption in the previous section, is actually a hybrid encryption approach:

It is a trusted standard for doing:

  • a secure key exchange using elliptic curve cryptography for asymmetric-key encryption,
  • followed by symmetric-key encryption using one of several configurable algorithms, e.g., AES-GCM.

Example: Encryption and decryption with OpenSSL

[!WARNING] Watch out for snakes: Don’t use OpenSSL to encrypt data in production

The OpenSSL binary is available on most systems,

  • so it’s convenient for learning and experimenting,
  • but don’t use it to encrypt data for production, as
    • the algorithms it supports are dated and incomplete (e.g., it doesn’t support AES-GCM)
    • the defaults it exposes are insecure and error-prone.

For production use cases, use

  • Symmetric encryption

    1. Encrypt: Encrypt the text “Hello, World” using AES with a 128-bit key and the CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) encryption mode

      echo "Hello, World" | openssl aes-128-cbc -base64 -pbkdf2
      # enter AES-128-CBC encryption password:
      # Verifying - enter AES-128-CBC encryption password:
      # U2FsdGVkX1+2EfpXt+6xFrLk+mt524auRPHhdyk7Cis= 👈 This is the ciphertext (from the plaintext "Hello, World")
      • openssl prompt you for the password twice:

        • Use the -pbkdf2 flag to tell OpenSSL to use a key derivation function called PBKDF2 to derive a 128-bit key from that password.

          [!TIP] For production, you should use a randomly-generated, 128-bit key instead of a password.

        • The output U2Fsd is the ciphertext.

    2. Decrypt: Decrypt using the same algorithm and key (password)

      echo "<CIPHERTEXT>" | openssl aes-128-cbc -d -base64 -pbkdf2
      # enter AES-128-CBC decryption password:
      # Hello, World
      • Use the -d flag to tel OpenSSL to decrypt

  • Asymmetric encryption

    1. Create a key pair

      • Generate a RSA private key by using openssl genrsa

        openssl genrsa -out private-key.pem 2048
      • Generate the public key from the private key by using openssl rsa -pubout

        openssl rsa -pubout -in private-key.pem -out public-key.pem
    2. Encrypt: Use openssl pkeyutl -encrypt to encrypt the text “Hello, World” (with the public key)

      echo "Hello, World" | \
        openssl pkeyutl -encrypt -pubin -inkey public-key.pem | \
        openssl base64
      # IXHy488ItT...# 👈 CIPHERTEXT
      • By default, the output of openssl pkeyutl -encrypt is standard output.
      • Pipe the stdout to openssl base64 to encode the binary data (a file) to base64.
    3. Decrypt: Use openssl pkeyutl -decrypt to decrypt the ciphertext back to the plaintext (with the private key)

      echo "<CIPHERTEXT>" | \
        openssl base64 -d | \
        openssl pkeyutl -decrypt -inkey private-key.pem
      # Hello, World
      • First, decode the ciphertext (base64) back to the binary format (a file).
      • Then, use openssl pkeyutl -decrypt to decrypt the ciphertext.


What is hashing

hashing : the process of map data (of arbitrary size) to fixed-size values

hash function : a function that can : - take data (e.g. string, file) as input, and : - convert it to a fixed-size value (aka a hash value, a digest, a hash), in a deterministic manner, so that : given the same input, you always get the same output.

e.g. The SHA-256 hash function

  • always produces a 256-bit output, whether you feed into it a file that is 1 bit long or 5 million bits long, and
  • given the same file, you always get the same 256-bit output.

Hash functions are one-way transformations:

  • it’s easy to feed in an input, and get an output,
  • but given just the output,
    • there is no way to get back the original input.

[!NOTE] This is a difference from encryption functions, which are two-way transformations, where

  • given an output (and an encryption key),
    • you can always get back the original input.

Two types of hash functions

Non-cryptographic hash functions

Used in application that don’t have rigorous security requirements.


  • Hash tables (in programming languages)
  • Error-detecting codes
  • Cyclic redundancy checks
  • Bloom filters
Cryptographic hash functions

Have special properties that are desirable for cryptography, including:

  • Pre-image resistance

    Given a hash value (the output), there’s no way to

    • figure out the original string (the input) that
      • was fed into the hash function to produce that output
  • Second pre-image resistance

    Given a hash value (the output), there’s no way to

    • find any inputs (the original string or any other input) that
      • could be fed into the hash function to produce this output.
  • Collision resistance

    There’s no way to

    • find any two strings (any two inputs) that
      • produce the same hash value (the same output).

Cryptographic hashing algorithms

The common cryptographic hashing algorithms out there are

  • MD5
  • SHA10 families: SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3
  • SHAKE, and cSHAKE

Many of them are no longer considered secure, except:

  • SHA-2 and SHA-3

    SHA-2 family: including SHA-256, SHA-512 SHA-3 family: including SHA3-256, SHA3-512

  • SHAKE11 and cSHAKE12

    Based on SHA-3, added the ability to produce an output of any length you specified (aka extendable output functions)

Use cases of cryptographic hash functions

Verifying the integrity of messages and files

When making a file available for download, it’s common to share the hash of the file contents, too.


  • The binary release of Golang 1.23.1 for Linux x86-64 is available

[!TIP] When using to verify the integrity of a file, the hash value is aka checksum.

[!TIP] There are projects that provides even more transparent for how your private key is used to sign a file.

e.g. Sigsum

Message authentication codes (MAC)

A message authentication code (MAC) : combines a hash with a secret key : to create an authentication tag for some data that : allows you to verify : - not only the integrity of the data (that no one modified it), : - but also the authenticity (that the data truly came from an intended party)

e.g. For a cookie with username on your website

  • If you store just the username, a malicious actor could create a cookie pretending to any user.
  • So you store:
    • the username
    • an authentication tag, which is computed from
      • the username
      • a secret key
  • Every time you get a cookie, you
    • compute the authentication tag from
      • the username 👈 may be changed by malicious actor
      • your secret key 👈 only you have this
    • compare with the authentication in the cookie
    • if these 2 authentication tags match, you can be confident that the cookie is written you.

Common MAC algorithms:

  • HMAC (Hash-based MAC)

    A standard based on various hash function, e.g. HMAC-SHA256

  • KMAC

    Based on cSHAKE.

Authenticated encryption

[!NOTE] If you only use symmetric-key encryption, unauthorized parties:

  • can’t see the data
  • but they might modified that data

Instead of using symmetric-key encryption by itself, you almost always use it with a MAC, which are called authenticated encryption:

  • The symmetric-encryption encryption:

    • The message is impossible to understand without the secret key 👈 confidentiality
  • The MAC:

    • For every encrypted message, you:

      • calculate an authenticated tag, then include it (as plaintext) with the messages, aka associated data (AD)
    • When you receive a message, you:

      • calculate another authenticated tag from:

        • the message + the AD
        • your secret key (that only you have) 👈 authenticity
      • if the two authenticated tag match, you can be sure both:

        • the message
        • the AD

        could not have been tampered with 👈 integrity

[!TIP] The two recommended symmetric-key encryption algorithms in previous chapter - AES-GCM and ChaCha20-Poly1305 - are actually authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD)13.

Digital signatures

digital signature : combine a hash function with asymmetric-key encryption : allow validating the integrity and authenticity


  • take any message
  • pass it along with your private key
  • get an output called a signature
  • then send that signature with the original message

Anyone can validate the signature using your public key and the message.

e.g. Bob signs a message with his private key, and sends the message and signature to Alice, who can validate the signature using Bob’s public key alt text

Password storage

There a a set of cryptographic hashing algorithms used specifically for storing user passwords.

[!WARNING] For user passwords, do not use encryption, instead using hashing (with the specialized password hashing functions).

Summary the use cases of cryptographic hash functions

HashingVerifying the integrity of messages/files_I_
HashingSecret keyMessage authentication codes (MAC)_IA
Symmetric-key encryptionHashing (MAC)Secret key (MAC)Authenticated encryptionCIA
Asymmetric-key encryptionHashingDigital signatures_IA
Hashing (Special algorithms)Storing user passwordsC__

Example: File integrity, HMAC, and signatures with OpenSSL

  • Using hash functions to check integrity of a file

    • Create a file

      echo "Hello, World" > file.txt
    • Calculate the hash using SHA-256

      openssl sha256 file.txt
      # SHA2-256(file.txt)= 8663bab6d124806b9727f89bb4ab9db4cbcc3862f6bbf22024dfa7212aa4ab7d
    • Make a change to the file

      sed -i 's/W/w/g' file.txt
    • Re-calculate the hash using SHA-256

      openssl sha256 file.txt
      # SHA2-256(file.txt)= 37980c33951de6b0e450c3701b219bfeee930544705f637cd1158b63827bb390

      👉 Changing a single character, but the hash is completely different.

  • Using MAC to check integrity & authenticity of a file

    • Use the password string as the secret key for HMAC

      openssl sha256 -hmac password file.txt
      # HMAC-SHA2-256(file.txt)= 3b86a735fa627cb6b1164eadee576ef99c5d393d2d61b7b812a71a74b3c79423
    • Change the letter H to h

      sed -i 's/H/h/g' file.txt
    • Re-calculate the HMAC using the same secret key

      openssl sha256 -hmac password file.txt
      # HMAC-SHA2-256(file.txt)= 1b0f9f561e783df65afec385df2284d6f8419e600fb5e4a1e110db8c2b50e73d
    • Re-calculate the HMAC using a different secret key

      openssl sha256 -hmac password1 file.txt
      # HMAC-SHA2-256(file.txt)= 7624161764169c4e947f098c41454986d934f7b07782b8b1903b0d10b90e0d8a
      • If malicious actors don’t have the your secret key, they can’t get back the same HMAC as your.

  • Digital signature

    • Reuse the key pair from previous example

    • Compute the signature for file.txt using your private key

      openssl sha256 -sign private-key.pem -out file.txt.sig file.txt
    • Validate the signature using your public key

      openssl sha256 -verify public-key.pem -signature file.txt.sig file.txt
      # Verified OK

    • Modify anything: the signature in file.txt.sig, the contents of file.txt, the private key, the public key and the signature verification will fail.

      sed -i 's/, / /g' file.txt
    • Re-validate the signature

      openssl sha256 -verify public-key.pem -signature file.txt.sig file.txt
      # Verification failure
      # ...bad signature...

Secure Storage

By using encryption, you can:

  • store your data in a secure way 👈 aka encryption at rest (This is one of the topic of this section)
  • communicate over the network in a secure way 👈 aka encryption in transit (This is the topic of later section)

But to store your data in a secure way (by using encryption)

  • you need to store the secret key (a prerequisite of encryption) in a secure way

Isn’t it a chicken-and-egg dilemma?

Secrets Management

Your software will need to handles a lot of secrets (not just the one use for encryption), it’s your responsibility to keep all those secrets secure.

To keep the secrets secures you need to know about secrets management.

Two rules when working with secrets

  1. The first rule of secrets management is: | “Do not store secrets as plaintext”

  2. The second rule of secrets management is: | “DO NOT STORE SECRETS AS PLAINTEXT”

Do not

  • store secrets as plaintext

    • in your code, in your version control
    • in a .txt file
    • in Google Docs
  • or send secrets as plaintext

    • via email
    • via chat

[!WARNING] If you store your secrets as plaintext, it may be accessed by:

  • Everyone with access to the plaintext

    • e.g.

      • Someone that can access to your PC
      • Someone that can access to your VCS
      • Someone that can access to your Google Docs, email, chat accounts
  • Every software runs on your computer

  • Every vulnerability in any software on your computer

[!TIP] What happens if a secret (as plaintext) is committed to VSC?

  • The secrets may end up in thousands of computers:

    Computers used …Example
    by developers on your teamAlice’s PC, Bob’s PC
    by the VCS itselfGitHub, GitLab, BitBucket
    for CIGitHub Actions, Jenkins, CircleCI
    for deploymentHashiCorp Cloud Platform, AWS CloudFormation, Env0, Spacelift
    to host your softwareAWS, Azure, GCP
    to backup your dataiCloud, CrashPlan, S3, BackHub
  • If the repo is public, it might even be indexed by the search engines, e.g. Google, Bing

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2

Do not store secrets as plaintext.

  • (Instead, use a proper secret management tool)

Three types of secrets

Type of secretWhat is it?Example
1. 🤓 Personal secrets- Belong to a single person
- Or shared by multiple people
- Username/password of websites
- SSH keys
- Credit card numbers
2. 🖧 Infrastructure secretsNeed to exposed to the servers that
- run your software
- Database passwords
- API keys
- TLS certificates
3. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Customer secretsBelong to the customers that
- use your software
- Username/password of customers
- Personally Identifiable Info - PII
- Personal Health Information - PHI
  id)🤓 Personal secrets(
    ::icon(fa fa-user)
    Username/password of websites
    SSH keys
    Credit card numbers
  id)🖧 Infrastructure secrets(
    ::icon(fa fa-server)
    Database passwords
    API keys
    TLS certificates
  id)🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Customer secrets(
    ::icon(fa fa-users)
    Username/password of customers
    Personally Identifiable Info - PII
    Personal Health Information - PHI

How to avoid storing secrets

Single-sign on (SSO)

With single-sign on (SSO), you

  • allow users to login to your app
    • via an existing identity provider (IdP)
  • by using a standard such as SAML, OAuth, OpenID, LDAP, Kerberos

e.g. To login to your app, users can use:

  • Their works accounts 👈 IdP is Google Workspace, or Active Directory
  • Their social media accounts 👈 IdP is Facebook, Twitter, or GitHub
  • Their email accounts14 👈 IdP are any email providers
Third-party services

Instead of store the secrets yourself, you could offload this work to reputable third-party services:

Don’t store the secrets at all

If it isn’t absolutely necessary for your business to store some data - e.g. PII, PHI - then don’t.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #3

Avoid storing secrets whenever possible by using SSO, 3rd party services, or just not storing the data at all.

Working with secrets

If you can’t avoid storing the secrets, make sure to use the right tools for the job.

Working work personal secrets
Password manager

To store personal secrets, you should use a password manager15:

[!NOTE] These “password manager” are primarily designed to help you manage passwords,

  • but many of them also support other types of personal secrets: API tokens, credit card numbers…
How a password manager works
  • A password manager requires you to memorizes a single password - aka master password - to login.
  • After you login, you can
    • store new secrets
    • access secrets that you stored previously

[!TIP] Under the hood, a password manager use

  • symmetric-key encryption
  • with your master password acts as the encryption key

[!WARNING] The master password is the only layer of defense for all of your personal secrets, you should pick a strong password.

What make a password strong?
  • Unique

    If you use the same password for multiple websites,

    • then if one of those websites is compromised and your password leaks - aka data breach - which happens all the time,
      • a malicious actor can use that password to access all other accounts as well.


    A unique password can’t help to prevent the compromise of a website,

    • but it can minimize the blast radius of a data breach.
  • Long

    The longer the password, the harder it is to break.

    [!NOTE] Using special characters (number, symbols, lowercase, uppercase) helps too, but the length is the most important factor

    [!TIP] A 8-character password needs a few hours to break.

    • But a 15-character password would take several centuries to break.
  • Hard-to-guess

    A hacker won’t try to brute force your password, which takes too much effort but not much returns.

    In most case, the malicious actor

    • get access to the the hashed password - from a hacked system17 or a data breach
    • then use a rainbow table18 - precomputed table for caching the outputs of a cryptographic hash function - to recover the plain text password.

    By using a hard-to-guess password19, you minimize the chance that your hashed password appear in those rain table.

[!TIP] How to know if your password is strong?

How to come up with a strong password?

One of the best strategy to come up with a strong password (a unique, long, hard-to-guess password) is to use Diceware, where you:

  • Take a list of thousands of easy-to-remember English words that are each 4-6 characters.

  • Roll the dice a bunch of times to pick 4-6 such words at random.

  • Glue them together to create a password that is unique, long, and hard-to-guess but easy to memorize.

    alt text Password Strength by Randall Munroe of XKCD

[!TIP] The passwords generated with Diceware is a type of passphrase

[!TIP] To generate Diceware passphrase, you can:

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #4

Protect personal secrets, such as passwords and credit card numbers, by storing them in a password manager.

What make a good password manager?
  • Security practices

    • It’s security practices need to be 100% transparent


      [!TIP] Review these practice against what you’re learning in this book.

    • It should use end-to-end encryption.

      Your password should be encrypted before it leaves your device.

      [!WARNING] With end-to-end encryption, if you forget the master password of your password manager, you will lose all stored passwords.

  • Reputation

    Do your best to vet the reputation of a vendor password manager before you use it:

  • Unique, randomly-generated passwords

    The password manager should have a password generator built-in which can generate a different, random, strong password for every website you use.

  • Secure account access

    The password manager should supports other MFA, and convenient login methods, e.g. TouchID, FaceID, PassKeys…

  • Secure sharing with families and teams

    Although these are “personal” secrets, in some case you will need to share them to your families, colleagues.

    The password manager should support family or team plans, with:

    • Have tools for inviting new users, removing users, recovering user accounts, sharing.
    • Have flows for onboarding, off-boarding, revoking access, rotate secrets.
  • Platform support

    The password manager should supports all platforms you use: e.g.

    • Desktop: Mac, Windows, Linux
    • Mobile: iOS, Android
    • Web
    • CLI

[!NOTE] The password managers are designed to store personal secrets that

  • aren’t change much often 👈 aka long-term credential
  • are accessed by a human being
Working work infrastructure secrets

For infrastructure secrets that are accessed by

  • by your software, by automated software 👈 aka machine users
  • and also by sys-admins, DevOps Engineer… 👈 human users

The secret store solution for infrastructure code needs to support authentication for:

Two kinds of secret store for infrastructure secrets
  • Key management systems (KMS)

    In cryptography, a key management systems (KMS) is a secret store designed

    • specifically for encryption keys.
    • to work as a “service”20 to ensure the underlying encryption key never leaves the secret store.

    You can have a KMS by using

    A KMS use optimized for security, not speed.

    [!TIP] The common approach to encrypt large amount of data is using envelope encryption

    • You generate an encryption key (call data key) that is used to encrypt/decrypt the data.

      This data key will be encrypted and stored with the data. 👈 The data and the data key is store together (hence the name envelope encryption).

    • You use the KMS to manage a root key that is to encrypt/decrypt the data key.

    [!WARNING] KMS may also stand for Key Management Service, a Microsoft technology

  • General-purpose secret store

    A general-purpose secret store is a data store designed to

    • securely store different kinds of secrets, such as:

      • encryption keys 👈 can act as a KMS
      • database password, TLS certificate…
    • perform various cryptographic tasks, such as:

      • encryption
      • hashing
      • signing…

    There are 3 kind of vendors for general-purpose secret store:

Secret store for infrastructure secrets
    Managed-service from 3rd-parties
  id)General-purpose secret store(
    From cloud providers
    Built into orchestration tools
How to use a secret store for infrastructure secrets?

For example, an app in a Kubernetes cluster that needs access to a secret such as a database password.

A typical workflow of using a KMS to manage the database password:

  1. When you are writing the code, you do the following:

    1. Authenticate to AWS on the command-line as an IAM user.
    2. Use the AWS CLI to make an API call to AWS KMS to have it encrypt the database password and get back ciphertext.
    3. Put the ciphertext directly into your application code and commit it to Git.
  2. When the app is booting up, it does the following:

    1. Authenticate to AWS using an IAM role.
    2. Use the AWS SDK to make an API call to AWS KMS to have it decrypt the ciphertext and get back the database password.

[!WARNING] When using a KMS to manage infrastructure secrets, you will have of ciphertext all over your codebase and infrastructure.

A typical workflow of using a generic-purpose secret store to manage the database password:

  1. When you are writing the code, you do the following:

    1. Authenticate to AWS in a web browser as an IAM user.

    2. Use the AWS CLI to store the database password in AWS Secrets Manager.

  2. When the app is booting up, it does the following:

    1. Authenticate to AWS using an IAM role.

    2. Use the AWS SDK to make an API call to AWS Secrets Manager to get the database password.

[!NOTE] When using a general-purpose secret store, the secrets are centralized, in a single place (the secret store).

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #5

Protect infrastructure secrets, such as database passwords and TLS certificates, by using a KMS and/or a general-purpose secret store.

  • Audit logging

    Every time a secret is accessed, a centralized secret store can record that in a log, along with who is accessing that secret.

  • Revoking & rotating secrets

    With a centralized secret store, you can

    • easily revoke a secret 👈 when you know it was compromised
    • rotate a secret on a regular basic
      • revoke the current one 👈 you can’t know whether the current secret was compromised, but you do this regularly to reduce the window of time of the secret
      • start using a new one
  • On-demand & ephemeral secrets

    You can go a step father by not having long-term secrets at all.

    A secret is

    • generated when someone needs to use it 👈 aka on-demand
    • automatically expired after a short period of time 👈 aka ephemeral secret
Working work customer secrets
Two type of customer secrets
  • Customer password 👈 Requires special techniques

    [!Tip] Customer passwords need to be handle specially because:

    1. They are the most common attack vector.
    2. You don’t need to store the original customer password at all.
  • Everything else: financial data, health data…

How to store customer password
  • Store the hash of the password


    • don’t need to store the original password
    • only need to store the hash of the password (after passing it through a cryptographic hash function).

    If you use a standard hash function (e.g. SHA-2), the malicious attacker can:

    • try all the possible strings 👈 aka brute force attack
    • reduce the possibilities by only trying from:
      • commonly-used words
      • previously-leaked passwords 👈 aka dictionary attack
    • pre-compute all the hashes 👈 aka rainbow table attack
  • Use specialized password hash functions

    • Instead of a standard hash functions, you mush use specialized password hash functions, such as:

      • Argon2 (2015 - Recommend):

        • Winner of the Password Hashing Competition in 2015
        • Prefer Argon2id variant
      • scrypt (2009): Password-based key derivation function

      • bcrypt (1999): Blowfish-based password-hashing function

      • PBKDF2 (2017): Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2

        • Recommended by NIST and has FIPS-140 validated implementations
    • These password hash functions are designed for security, so they takes a lot of compute resources (CPU, RAM)


      • Agron2 is ~ 1000 slower compare to SHA-256

    For more information, see

  • Use salt & pepper

    salt : a unique, random string that you generate for each user : (is not a secret) that stored in plaintext next to the user’s other data in your user database.

    pepper : a shared string that is the same for all your users : a secret that stored in an encrypted form separately from your user database : e.g. : - Stored in a secret store with your other infrastructure secrets

    When using salt & pepper,

    • the hash you store in your user database

      • is actually a hash of the combination of:
        • user’s password
        • unique salt (of that password)
        • shared pepper (for all passwords)
    • you defeat the dictionary & rainbow table attack.

    [!TIP] When using salts, evens users with identical passwords end up with different hashes.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #6

Never store user passwords (encrypted or otherwise).


  • use a password hash function to

    • compute a hash of each password with a salt and pepper,
  • and store those hash values.

When working with passwords, try to stay up to date with the latest best practice, by checking guides such as OWASP’s Password Storage Cheat Sheet See:

Encryption at Rest

Why stored data is a tempting target for attackers?

  • Many copies of the data

    In additional to the original database, the data is also in:

    • database replicas, caches, app server’s hard drives
    • backups, snapshots, archives
    • distributed file systems, event logs, queues
    • data warehouses, machine learning pipelines
    • in some cases, developers even copy customer data onto their own computers

    A single vulnerability in any of those copy can lead so serious data breach.

  • Long time frames, little monitoring

    Those copies of the data can sit around for years (or forever22), often to the extent where no one at the company even knows the data is there.

    With those forgotten data, attackers can do whatever they want, for how long they want, with little risk of being noticed23.

Three levels of encryption-at-rest

Encryption-at-rest is the final layer of protection data when the attackers gets access to a copy of your data.

Full-disk encryption

full-disk encryption (FDE) : all the data is encrypted before written to disk : - with an encryption key that is derived from your login password.

The disk encryption can be handled by:

Full-disk encryption is a type of transparent data encryption (TDE): data is automatically encrypted or decrypted as it is loaded or saved.

  • It protects against attackers who manage to steal a physical hard drive.

[!WARNING] Full-disk encryption doesn’t protect against attackers who gets access to a live (authenticated) OS.

Data store encryption

Data store encryption provides a higher level of protection than full-disk encryption:

  • It’s the data store (not the OS) that is doing the encryption
  • You get protection against attackers
    • who manage to steal a physical hard drive.
    • who gets access to a live (authenticated) OS.

[!WARNING] Data store encryption doesn’t protect against attackers who is able to authenticate to the data store software.

e.g. If the attackers can access the data store, they can run SQL queries.

Application-level encryption

You could implement encryption in your application code, so your app encrypt the data, in-memory, before storing in in a data store or on disk.

e.g. When a user adds some new data, you

  • fetch an encryption key for a secret store
  • use AES-GCM with the encryption key to encrypt the data in memory
  • store the ciphertext in a database or on disk

Advantages of application-level encryption
  • Highest level of protection

    Even if the attackers can:

    • Get access the live OS on your server
    • Compromise your data store and run SQL queries

    without the encryption key (from your secret store), they still couldn’t the data.

  • Granular control over the encryption

    You can you different encryption keys for different type of data

    e.g. For different users, customers, tables…

  • Allow you to securely store data even in untrusted systems

    e.g. System doesn’t support FDE.

Dis-advantages of application-level encryption
  • Application code needs to be changed

    (TDE options are completely transparent)

  • Difficult to query the data

    (The data you store is now opaque to your data stores)

    e.g. Queries that look up data in specific columns or full-text search are very difficult to do if the data is stored as unreadable ciphertext.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #7

You can encrypt data at rest using full-disk encryption, data store encryption, and application-level encryption.

[!TIP] Start with:

  • full-disk encryption 👈 for all your company servers & computers
  • data-store encryption 👈 for all your data store

Only use application level-encryption when:

  • You need the highest level of security
  • No other types of encryption are supported

Secure Communication

Secure Communication and Encryption-in-transit

How to secure communication? How to send data over the network in a way that provides confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity?

  • The answer is use encryption, which is often referred to as encryption in transit.

Encryption in transit usually relies on hybrid encryption:

  • Using asymmetric-key encryption to
    • protect the initial communication
    • do a key exchange
  • Using symmetric-key encryption to
    • encrypt the following messages

Common protocols for encryption-in-transit

  • TLS


    • web browsing (HTTPs)
    • server-to-server communications
    • instant messaging, email, some types of VPNs…
  • SSH


    • connections to remote terminals as in Chap 7
  • IPSec


    • some types of VPNs as in Chap 7
    web browsing (HTTPS)
    server-to-server communications
    instant messaging, email, some types of VPNs...

    remote terminals

    some types of VPNs

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

What is TLS

TLS - Transport Layer Security : a cryptographic protocol designed to provide communications security over a computer network : widely used in applications: email, instant messaging… and especially in securing HTTPS : builds on the now-deprecated SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) specifications

[!TIP] You should use TLS 1.3 or 1.2.

  • All other versions of TLS (1.1, 1.0) are deprecated
  • All versions of SSL also deprecated.

See TLS History | Wikipedia

Why use TLS

TLS is responsible for ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity, especially against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks24.

  • To ensure confidentiality, TLS

    • encrypts all messages with hybrid encryption, preventing malicious actors from reading those messages.
  • To ensure integrity, TLS

    • uses authenticated encryption, so every message
      • includes a MAC, preventing malicious actors from modifying those messages;
      • includes a nonce25, preventing malicious actors from reordering or replaying messages
  • To ensure authenticity, TLS

    • uses asymmetric-key encryption

How TLS works

TLS is a client-server protocol.


  • The client might be your web browser, and the server might be one of the servers running, or
  • Both client and server could be applications in your microservices architecture.

TLS protocol contains 2 phases:

  1. Handshake

    1. Negotiation
    2. Authentication
    3. Key exchange
  2. Messages Exchange

The detail of each phases are as following:

  1. Handshake

    1. Negotiation

      The client and server negotiate

      • which TLS version, e.g. 1.2, 1.3
      • which cryptographic algorithms, e.g. RSA, AES256

      [!TIP] You’ll need to find a balance between

      • allowing only the most modern TLS versions and cryptographic algorithms to maximize security
      • allowing older TLS versions and cryptographic algorithms to support a wider range of clients.

      This typically works by

      • the client sending over the TLS versions and algorithms it supports
      • the server picking which ones to use from that list, so when configuring TLS on your servers
    2. Authentication 👈 Tricky part

      To protect against MITM attacks, TLS supports authentication.

      • For web browsing, you typically only do one-sided authentication, with the web browser validating the server (but not the other way around)

      • For applications in a microservices architecture, ideally, you use mutual authentication, where each side authenticates the other, as you saw in the service mesh example in Chap 7.

        You’ll see how authentication works shortly.

    3. Key exchange

      The client and server

      • agree to a randomly-generated encryption key to use for the second phase of the protocol,
      • securely exchanging this secret using asymmetric-key encryption.
  2. Messages Exchange

    The client and server

    • start exchanging messages
    • encrypting all the communication
      • using the encryption key & symmetric-key encryption algorithm from the handshake phase.

Chain of trust

How can your web browser be sure it’s really talking to

You may try asymmetric-key encryption:

  • Google signs a message with its private key
  • Your browser checks whether the message really come from Google
    • by validating the signature with Google’s public key.

But how do you get the public key of Google?

  • What stops a malicious actor from
    • doing a MITM attack, and
    • swapping their own public key instead of Google’s

If you use encryption for the public key, how do exchange the encryption key. Now, it’s an chicken-and-egg problem.

To prevents MITM attack targeting public keys, TLS establishing a chain of trust.

  • The chain of trust starts by hard-coding data about a set of entities you know you can trust.

    • These entities are called root certificate authorities (root CAs).
    • The hard-coding data consists the root CAs’ certificates, which contains:
      • a public key
      • metadata, e.g. domain name, identifying information of the owner…
      • a digital signature

How the TLS certificate (for your website) is used?

alt text

  1. You visit some website in your browser at https://<DOMAIN>.

  2. During the TLS handshake, the web server

    • sends over its TLS certificate, which includes
      • the web server’s public key
      • a CA’s signature.
    • signs the message with its private key.
  3. Your browser validates

    • the TLS certificate
      • is for the domain <DOMAIN>
      • was signed by one of the root CAs you trust (using the public key of that CA).
    • the web server actually owns the public key in the certificate (by checking the signature on the message).

    If both checks pass, you can be confident that you’re really talking to <DOMAIN>, and not someone doing a MITM attack26.

[!TIP] A TLS certificate is a type of public key certificate, which includes

  • the public key (and information about it),
  • information about the identity of its owner (called the subject), and
  • the digital signature of an entity that has verified the certificate’s contents (called the issuer)

If the device examining the certificate

  • trusts the issuer and
  • finds the signature to be a valid signature of that issuer,

then it can use the included public key to communicate securely with the certificate’s subject.

[!NOTE] Some root CAs don’t sign website certificates directly, but instead, they sign certificates for one or more levels of intermediate CAs (extending the chain of trust), and it’s actually one of those intermediate CAs that ultimately signs the certificate for a website.

In that case, the website returns the full certificate chain, and as long as that chain ultimately starts with a root CA you trust, and each signature along the way is valid, you can then trust the entire thing.

How to get a TLS certificate (for a website) from a CA?

alt text

  1. You submit a certificate signing request (CSR) to the CA, specifying

    • your domain name,
    • identifying details about
      • your organization, e.g., company name, contact details
      • your public key,
      • and a signature27.
  2. The CA will ask you to prove that you own the domain.

    Modern CAs use the Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol for this.

    e.g. The CA may ask you to

    • host a file with specific contents at a specific URL within your domain


    • add a specific DNS record to your domain with specific contents

      e.g. a TXT record at

  3. You update your domain with the requested proof.

  4. The CA checks your proof.

  5. If the CA accepts your proof, it will send you back

    • a certificate with the data from your CSR,
    • the signature of the CA.

    This signature is how the CA extends the chain of trust: it’s effectively saying:

    “If you trust me as a root CA, then you can trust that the public key in this certificate is valid for this domain.”

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #8

You can encrypt data in transit using TLS.

You get a TLS certificate from a certificate authority (CA).

Public key infrastructure (PKI)

The system of CAs is typically referred to as public key infrastructure (PKI).

There are two primary types of PKIs:

  • Web PKI

    Your web browser and most libraries that support HTTPS automatically know how to use the web PKI to authenticate HTTPS URLs for the public Internet.

    To get a TLS certificate for a website, you can use

    • Free CAs: community-efforts to make the web more secure

      e.g. Let’s Encrypt, ZeroSSL, CloudFlare’s free tier.

    • CAs from cloud providers: free, completely managed for use, but can only be used with that’s cloud provider’s services.

      e.g. AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), Google-managed SSL certificates

    • Traditional CAs, domain name registrars: cost money

      e.g. DigiCert, GoDaddy

      [!TIP] Only use get TLS certificate from traditional CAs, domain registrars when:

      • you need a type of certificate that the free CAs don’t support, e.g. wildcard certificates
      • your software can’t meet the verification and renewal requirements of the free CAs.
  • Private PKI

    For apps in a microservices architecture, you typically run your own private PKI.

Example: HTTPS with Let’s Encrypt and AWS Secrets Manager

[!TIP] Let’s Encrypt

  • formed in 2014
  • one of the first companies to offer free TLS certificates
  • nowadays, one of the largest CAs

You can get TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt using a tool called Certbot.

  • The idiomatic way to use Certbot is to

    • connect to a live web-server (e.g., using SSH),
    • run Certbot directly on that server, and Certbot will automatically
      • request the TLS certificate,
      • validate domain ownership, and
      • install the TLS certificate for you.

    This approach is

    • great for manually-managed websites with a single user-facing server, but it’s not as
    • is not for automated deployments with multiple servers that could be replaced at any time.
  • Therefore, in this section, you’re instead going to

    • use Certbot in “manual” mode to get a certificate onto your own computer
    • store that certificate in AWS Secrets Manager
    • run some servers that will know how to retrieve the certificate from AWS Secrets Manager.

Example: Get a TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt

  • Install Certbot on your computer

    Follow the installation instructions

  • Create a temporary folder for the TLS certificate

    mkdir -p /tmp/certs/live/
    cd /tmp/certs/live/
  • Use Certbot to manually request a TLS certificate

    certbot certonly --manual \ #     (1)
      --config-dir . \ #              (2)
      --work-dir . \
      --logs-dir . \
      --domain www.<YOUR-DOMAIN> \ #  (3)
      --certname example \ #          (4)
      --preferred-challenges=dns #    (5)
    • (1): Run Certbot in manual mode, where it’ll solely request a certificate and store it locally, without trying to install it on a web server for you.
    • (2): Override the directories Certbot uses to point to the current working directory, which should be the temporary folder you just created. This ensures the TLS certificate will ultimately be written into this temporary directory.
    • (3): Fill in your domain name here.
    • (4): Configure Certbot to use example as the name of the certificate. This has no impact on the contents of the certificate itself; it just ensures the certificate is written to a subfolder with the known name example.
    • (5): Configure Certbot to use DNS as the way to validate that you own the domain in (3). You’ll have to prove that you own this domain, as explained next.

    • Certbot will prompt you for: email…

    • Certbot then show you instructions to prove that you own the domain

      Please deploy a DNS TXT record under the name:
      with the following value:
  • Create a DNS TXT record for your domain

    For the previous domain that you registered with Route 53, go to the Route 53 hosted zone pages:

    • Click on the hosted zone for that domain
    • Click Create record
    • Fill in the record’s name, type, value , TTL.
    • Click Create records
  • Wait for the record to propagate

  • Head back to the terminal, and press Enter

    You should see a message:

    Successfully received certificate.
    Certificate is saved at: /tmp/certs/live/example/fullchain.pem
    Key is saved at:         /tmp/certs/live/example/privkey.pem

[!NOTE] TLS certificate are usually store in .pem files, which contains:

  • normal text
  • based64-encoded text

Decode the base64 part and you get data encoded in a format call DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules)28.

Decode the DER data and you get the original certificate data in X.50929 format.

[!TIP] The easiest way to read the certificate is to tell OpenSSL to part it for you:

openssl x509 -noout -text -in /tmp/certs/live/example/fullchain.pem
        # ...
        Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Los Angeles, O=Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers,
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (2048 bit)
                    # ...
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
    # ...
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
    Signature Value:
        # ...
  • Subject: The entity that the certificate is belongs to.
  • Subject Public Key Info: The public key belonging to the certificate subject.
  • Signature Algorithm: The algorithm used for the signature.
  • Signature Value: The signature itself.

Example: Store the TLS certificate in AWS Secrets Manager

[!TIP] AWS Secrets Manager is a general-purpose secret store that provides a way to

  • store secrets in encrypted format,
  • access secrets via API, CLI, or a web UI, and
  • control access to secrets via IAM.

Under the hood, the secrets are

  • encrypted using AES and envelope encryption,
  • with a root key stored in AWS KMS:
    • you can either create a custom key to use in KMS, or
    • if you don’t, it will use a default key created specifically for Secrets Manager in your AWS account.

[!NOTE] The typical way to store secrets in AWS Secrets Manager is to format them as JSON.

In this example, you will

  • store the

    • the private key certificate tan
    • the TLS certificate
  • in JSON format:

      "cert": "<CERTIFICATE>",
      "key": "<PRIVATE-KEY>"

  • Use jq to encode the certificate and the private key in JSON

    CERTS_JSON=$(jq -n -c -r \
      --arg cert "$(cat live/example/fullchain.pem)" \
      --arg key "$(cat live/example/privkey.pem)" \
  • Use AWS CLI to store the JSON string in AWS Secrets Manager

    aws secretsmanager create-secret \
      --region us-east-2 \
      --name certificate \
      --secret-string "$CERTS_JSON"
  • Go to the AWS Secrets Manager console to verify that the secret’s been created

    • Select the secret named certificate
    • Click Retrieve secret value
  • Delete the TLS certificate from your own computer

    certbot delete \
      --config-dir . \
      --work-dir . \
      --logs-dir .

Example: Deploy EC2 instances that use the TLS certificate

  • Copy the code from Example: Register and Configure a Domain Name in Amazon Route 53 | Chapter 7

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch8/tofu/live
    cp -r ch7/tofu/live/ec2-dns ch8/tofu/live/ec2-dns-tls
    cd ch8/tofu/live/ec2-dns-tls
  • Open the port 443 instead of port 80

    # examples/ch8/tofu/live/ec2-dns-tls/
    module "instances" {
      source = ""
      name          = "ec2-dns-tls-example"
      http_port     = 443 # (1)
  • Update the IAM role for the EC2 instances to allow them to read from AWS Secrets Manager

    # examples/ch8/tofu/live/ec2-dns-tls/
    resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "tls_cert_access" {           # (1)
      role   = module.instances.iam_role_name
      policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.tls_cert_access.json
    data "aws_iam_policy_document" "tls_cert_access" {           # (2)
      statement {
        effect  = "Allow"
        actions = ["secretsmanager:GetSecretValue"]
        resources = [
    locals {
      account_id = data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id
    data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {}
    • (1): Attach a new IAM policy to the IAM role of the EC2 instances.

    • (2): The IAM policy allows those instances to

      • call the GetSecretValue API in AWS Secrets Manager,
      • but only to fetch the secret with the name starting with certificate-.

      [!TIP] The full ARN includes a randomly-generated ID after the secret name

      If you want to be even more secure, or to use a different AWS region, you can update this code with the full ARN (which you can find in the Secrets Manager web console) instead of the * wildcard.

  • Update the server code (The Node.js code in user data script) to call GetSecretValue API to fetch the secret from AWS Secrets Manager

    # examples/ch8/tofu/live/ec2-dns-tls/
    export CERTIFICATE=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value \ #  (1)
      --region us-east-2 \
      --secret-id certificate \
      --output text \
      --query SecretString)
    tee app.js > /dev/null << "EOF"
    const https = require('https'); //                            (2)
    const options = JSON.parse(process.env.CERTIFICATE); //       (3)
    const server = https.createServer(options, (req, res) => { // (4)
      res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
      res.end('Hello, World!\n');
    const port = 443; //                                          (5)
    server.listen(port,() => {
      console.log(`Listening on port ${port}`);
    • (1): Use the AWS CLI to

      • fetch the TLS certificate from AWS Secrets Manager and

      • export it as an environment variable called CERTIFICATE.

        [!TIP] Using an environment variable allows you to pass the TLS certificate data to the Node.js app in memory, without ever writing secrets to disk.

    • (2): Instead of using the http Node.js library, use the https library.

    • (3): Read the AWS Secrets Manager data from the CERTIFICATE environment variable, parse it as JSON, and store it in a variable called options.

    • (4): Use the https library to run an HTTPS server, and pass it the options variable as configuration.

      The Node.js https library looks for TLS certificates under the cert and key fields in options: not coincidentally, these are the exact field names you used when storing the TLS certificate in AWS Secrets Manager.

    • (5): Listen on port 443 rather than port 80.

  • Deploy the ec2-dns-tls OpenTofu module

    tofu init
    tofu apply
  • Grab the output variable domain_name

  • Open the https://<DOMAIN_NAME> to verify that the request is over an HTTPS connection.

Get your hands dirty: Securing communications and storage

  • Let’s Encrypt certificates expire after 90 days.

    Set up automatic renewals by

    • running Certbot on a regular schedule and
    • having it update
      • the data in AWS Secrets Manager,
      • as well as any running servers.

    One way to do this is to run a Lambda function every 60 days (using scheduled events) which

    • runs Certbot with the certbot-dns-route53 plugin (to automate the DNS verification),
    • updates the data in AWS Secrets Manager,
    • if the update is successful: redeploys all your servers, so they fetch the latest certificate value.
  • Instead of individual EC2 instances, try

    • deploying an ASG with an ALB, and
    • using AWS ACM to provision a free, auto-renewing TLS certificate for your ALB.

[!NOTE] When you’re done experimenting, undeploy this example by running tofu destroy.

[!WARNING] AWS Secrets Manager is free only during the trial period Don’t forget to mark the certificate secret for deletion in the AWS Secrets Manager console

End-to-End Encryption

What is End-to-End Encryption

  • For most companies that use the castle-and-moat networking approach, the connections are only encrypted from the outside word to the load balancers

    • TLS connections are terminated after the load balancers, aka terminating TLS connection

    • all others connections within the data center are encrypted


      • Between 2 microservices
      • Between a microservice and a data store

    alt text

  • As companies move more towards the zero-trust architecture approach, they instead require that all network connections are encrypted (encryption-in-transit everywhere).

    alt text

  • The next steps is to enforce encryption-at-rest everywhere (by using full-disk encryption, data store encryption, and application-level encryption)

    alt text

    Requiring all data to be encrypted in transit (green, closed lock) and at rest (blue, closed lock)

    [!NOTE] Encrypting all data at rest and in transit used to be known as end-to-end (E2E) encryption.

    • Assuming you do a good job of protecting the underlying encryption keys, this ensures that
      • all of your customer data is protected at all times,
      • there is no way for a malicious actor to get access to it.
    • But it turns out there is one more malicious actor to consider: you. That is, your company, and all of its employees.

The modern definition of end-to-end encryption that applies in some cases is that

  • not even the company providing the software should be able to access customer data.


  • In messaging apps (e.g. WhatsApp, Signal), where you typically don’t want the company providing the messaging software to be able to read any of the messages.
  • In password managers (e.g. 1Password, Bitwarden), where you don’t want the company providing the password manager software to be able to read any of your passwords.

With this definition of E2E encryption:

  • the only people who should be able to access the data are the customers that own it

  • the data needs to be encrypted client-side, before it leaves the customer’s devices.

    alt text

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #9

Use end-to-end encryption to protect data so that

  • no one other than the intended recipients can see it
  • not even the software provider.
ModelEncryption in TransitEncryption at RestNote
Castle-and-MoatOnly to load balancers (then terminate TLS)N/A
Zero-Trust ArchitectureEvery connectionsOptional
Encryption-at-Rest and in-TransitEvery connectionsFull-disk, data store, application-level encryption- Protects from external malicious actors, not from internal malicious actors
Modern E2E EncryptionEncrypted client-side before data leaves customer’s devicesEvery connectionsFull-disk, data store, application-level encryption- Protects from both external & internal malicious actors
- Used in messaging apps, password managers…

Working with End-to-End Encryption

Which type of data key do you use for E2E encryption?

Most E2E-encrypted software uses envelope encryption.

  • The root key is typically

    • derived from whatever authentication method you use to access the software:

      e.g. The password you use to log in to the app.

    • used to encrypt & decrypt one or more data keys, which are stored in encrypted format, either

      • on the user’s device, or
      • in the software provider’s servers

      Once the data key is decrypted, the software typically

      • keeps it in memory
      • uses it to encrypt & decrypt data client-side.
  • The data keys can be

    • the encryption keys used with symmetric-key encryption:

      e.g., a password manager may use AES to encrypt & decrypt your passwords.

    • the private keys used with asymmetric-key encryption:

      e.g., a messaging app may give each user

      • a private key that is stored on the device and used to decrypt messages
      • a public key that can be shared with other users to encrypt messages.
What data needs to be E2E encrypted and what doesn’t?

Not all data can be encrypted client-side. There is always some minimal set of data that must be visible to the software vendor, or the software won’t be able to function at all.


  • For an E2E-encrypted messaging app, at a minimum, the software vendor must be able to see the recipients of every message so that the message can be delivered to those recipients.

Beyond this minimum set of data, each software vendor has to walk a fine line.

  • The more data you encrypt client-side, the more you protect your user’s privacy and security.

  • But encrypting more client-side comes at the cost of limiting the functionality you can provide server-side.


    • For Google, the more they encrypt client-side, the harder it is to do server-side search and ad targeting.
Can you trust E2E-encrypted software?
  • The software vendor could be lying

    Many companies that claimed their software offered end-to-end encryption were later found out to be lying or exaggerating.

    e.g. Although claiming that Zoom provided E2E encryption for user communication, “Zoom maintained the cryptographic keys that could allow Zoom to access the content of its customers’ meetings”30.

  • The software vendor could have back-doors

    The vendor genuinely tries to provide end-to-end encryption, but a government agency forces the vendor to install back-doors31

    e.g. After Microsoft bought Skype, despite claiming Skype is E22 encryption, Microsoft collaborated with NSA to add back-doors to Skype32.

  • The software could have bugs

    And provide unintentional ways to bypass E2E encryption.

  • The software (or hardware) could be compromised

    Technology can help, but it’s not the full solution. At some point, you need to make a judgment call to trust something, or someone, and build from there.


  • Key takeaways for secure data:

    You …… type of dataExampleNote
    Don’t roll your owncryptographyalways use mature, battle-tested, proven algorithms & implementations.
    Avoid storingsecretsby using SSO, 3rd-party services, or not storing it at all
    If you can’t avoid storingsecretsdo not store them as plaintext
    Protect- personal secretspassword, credit cardby using a password manager
    Protect- infrastructure secretsTLS certificate, database passwordby using a KMS and/or a general-purpose secret store
    Never store- passwords(encrypted or unencrypted)instead use a hash function (with a salt & pepper), and store the hash values
    - full-disk encryption
    - data store encryption
    - application-level encryption
    Encryptdata-in-transitusing TLS (that you get from a certificate authority - CA)
    Use end-to-end encryption fordata that only the intended recipients can see itSignal messagesNot even you, NSA, or FBI can see it.
  • A cheat sheet of how to handle common cryptographic use cases

    Use caseSolutionExample recommended tools
    Store personal secrets (e.g., passwords)Use a password manager1Password, Bitwarden
    Store infrastructure secrets (e.g., TLS certificate)Use a secret store or KMSOpenBao, AWS Secrets Manager, AWS KMS
    Store customer passwordsStore the hash of (password + salt + pepper)Argon2id, scrypt, bcrypt
    Encrypt data at restUse authenticated encryptionAES-GCM, ChaCha20-Poly1305
    Encrypt data in transit over the public InternetUse TLS with a certificate from a public CALet’s Encrypt, AWS Certificate Manager
    Encrypt data in transit in a private networkUse TLS with a certificate from a private CAIstio, Linkerd, OpenBao, step-ca
    Validate data integrity (e.g., no one tampered with a file)Use a cryptographic hash functionSHA-2, SHA-3
    Validate data integrity and authenticity (e.g., no one faked a cookie)Use a MACHMAC, KMAC

The vast majority of ciphers aim for computational security, where the resources and time it would take to break the cipher are so high, that it isn’t feasible in the real world.

  • To put that into perspective, a cryptographic system is considered strong if the only way to break it is through brute force algorithms, where you have to try every possible encryption key.

  • If the key is N bits long, then to try every key, you’d have to try $2^N$ possibilities, which grows at an astonishing rate, so by the time you get to a $128$-bit key, it would take the world’s fastest supercomputer far longer than the age of the universe to try all $2^{128}$ possibilities.

    As of 2024, the world’s fastest distributed computer is the Frontier system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which was able to perform $1.2 exaFLOPS$, or about $1.2$ x $10^{18}$ floating point operations per second.

    • That’s a remarkable accomplishment, but even if you generously assume that you could try one key per floating point operation, this system would need to run for roughly $9$ trillion years to perform $2^{128}$ floating point operations, which is $650$ times longer than the age of the universe ($13.8$ billion years).

You could only say “not be possible” about the small number of ciphers that offer perfect secrecy (AKA information-theoretic security), where they are secure even against adversaries with unlimited resources and time.

e.g. For example, with the one-time pad cipher, you convert plaintext to ciphertext by applying the exclusive or (XOR) operator to each bit of the plaintext with a bit from the encryption key, where the encryption key is a randomly-generated set of data that is at least as long as the plaintext, that you use once, and then never again (hence the “one-time” in the name).


Some CPUs even have built-in AES instruction sets to make it even faster


Not the MAC as in MAC address (medium access control address)


As there’s no way to derive the corresponding private key from a public key (other than brute force, which is not feasible with the large numbers used in asymmetric-key encryption).


The name RCA is based on the surnames (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) of its creators


RSA-OAEP is a part of Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #2 - the second family of standards - the latest of which is v2.2 from October 2012.


ECIES is actually a hybrid approach that combines asymmetric-key and symmetric-key encryption, as discussed next.


Each user shares their public keys, and all other users can use those to encrypt data.


The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) family is a set of cryptographic hash functions created by the NSA


SHAKE (Secure Hash Algorithm and KECCAK)


cSHAKE (customizable SHAKE)


Each time a user wants to login, you email the them a temporary, one-time sign-in link (called magic link)

  • they can open that magic link and login to your account.

Password manager is a piece of software specifically designed to provide secure storage and access for personal secrets.


For a KSM:

  • You send them data
  • They
    • perform the encryption and hashing on the KMS server
    • send you back the result

A HSM is a physical devices that include a number of hardware and software features to safeguard your secrets and prevent tampering.


Data is rarely, if ever, deleted.


Especially as compared to live, active systems, which are usually more closely monitored.


In man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, a malicious actor may try to intercept your messages, read them, modify them, and impersonate either party in the exchange.


A nonce is a number that is incremented for every message.


The signature is the proof that you own the corresponding private key.


A malicious actor has no way to get a root CA to sign a certificate for a domain they don’t own, and they can’t modify even one bit in the real certificate without invalidating the signatures.


Back-doors are hidden methods to access the data.

Chapter 9: How to Store Data: SQL, NoSQL, Queues, Warehouses, and File Stores

  • Almost all software needs to store data.

  • For most companies, data is one of the most valuable, longest-lived assets.

  • There are many types of data and many different ways to store them:

    Type of data / data storeHow to store?
    Local storageIf your application needs to store data locally, you write it to a hard drive.
    Primary data storeThe general-purpose workhorse and the source of truth for most companies is the relational database.
    CachingIf you need to speed up data retrieval, you can cache responses in key-value stores and content distribution networks (CDNs).
    File storageTo store and serve files, you turn to file servers & object stores.
    Semi-structured data and searchIf you need to store non-uniform data or to search and filter that data, you turn to a document store.
    AnalyticsTo extract insights from your data, you turn to columnar databases.
    Asynchronous processingTo process data and events in the background, and to decouple your systems, you turn to queues and streams.
  • To meet scalability & availability requirements, you use partitioning & replication.

  • To ensure your data isn’t lost in a disaster scenario, you use snapshots, continuous backups, and replication.

This chapter will walk you through various hands-on examples:

Local Storage: Hard Drives

The challenges of storing data using custom file format

  • Querying the data

    It’s hard to extract insights from data.

  • Evolving the data format

    It’s hard to evolve the data format without incompatible issues with older files.

  • Handling concurrent access to the data

    It’s impossible to reading/writing the data from different computers.

[!WARNING] Storing data using custom file format directly on local storages is usually a bad idea if the software requirements need to be changed.

Stateful and stateless software

stateful software : Software that reads & writes persistent data to the local hard drive. : - Use custom format for data, stored them as files in local hard drive.

stateless software : Software that does not rely on persistent data on the local hard drive. : Persistent data is stored in a dedicated data store. : - The only stateful system in your software architecture. : Easier to deploy, update, scale, and maintain.

[!NOTE] Both type of software can still write ephemeral data1 - e.g. log files - to local hard drives.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #1 Keep your applications stateless. Store all your data in dedicated data stores.

Types of hard drives

Storage TypeWhere?DescriptionExamplesProtocols / TechnologiesProsCons
Physical Hard DrivesOn-premisesHard drives physically attached to on-prem servers.Magnetic, SSD..- SATA, NVMe
Direct control, fast accessRequires on-prem infrastructure
Network-attached Hard DrivesCloudHard drives attached to cloud VMs over the network.Amazon EBS 2
Google Persistent Disk
Azure Disk Storage
Detachable, re-attachable3 for VMs (for stateful apps)Higher latency compared to local drives
Shared Hard DrivesCloud, on-premisesSingle drive shared among multiple servers for shared access.Amazon EFS 4
Google Cloud Filestore
Azure Files
Network File System (NFS)
Common Internet File System (CIFS)
Server Message Block (SMB)
Shared access5 for multiple serversHigher latency compared to local drives
Volumes in
Container Orchestration
Cloud, on-premisesPersistent volumes7 for data storage in container environments.Amazon EBS (AWS EKS)
Google Persistent Disk (GKE)
Azure Disk Storage (AKS)

Local disk, e.g. Docker Desktop
Data persists7 even when containers are redeployed

[!TIP] Whether you’re using a physical hard drives, or any other types of storages, all look and behave exactly like a local, physically-attached hard drive:

  • To your software, it looks like any local file system that you can read from and write to.

[!WARNING] Don’t run data stores in containers

  • You’re one config mistake from losing your company’s data - the most valuable asset.

    Containers are designed to be easy to distribute, scale, and throw away (hence the default of ephemeral disks), which

    • is great fit for stateless apps and local development
    • but is not a good fit for data stores in production
  • Using persistent volume for data store is not easy:

    • Persistent volume
      • needs to support varies widely amongst orchestration tools
      • is generally less mature than other orchestration features
    • Integration with tooling can be trickier (if that tooling wasn’t designed for containers)
    • Support from database vendors may be trickier (not all of them support containerized deployments).

Primary Data Store: Relational Databases

relational database : The most dominant data storage solution for decades: : Flexible : - Handle a remarkably wide range of use cases8 : - Remarkable scalability & availability : Reliable : - Ensure data integrity & consistency : - Store data efficiently (temporally & spatially) : - Strong security model : The most mature9 data storage technology available : - Massive ecosystem of tools, vendors, expert developers

[!NOTE] Most companies use relational databases as their primary data stores — the source of truth for their data.

Just as cryptography:

  • always use mature, battle-tested, proven off-the-shelf solutions.

  • Don’t roll out your own data store, except if you have:

    • use cases that all existing data stores can’t handle, which only happens at massive scale, e.g. Google, Facebook, Twitter
    • at least a decade10 to spare

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2 Don’t roll your own data stores: always use mature, battle-tested, proven off-the-shelf solutions.

Writing & Reading Data

A relational database

  • stores data in tables, where
    • each item is stored in a row,

table : represents a collection of related items

row : represents an item

[!NOTE] Each row in a table has the same columns

e.g. A website for a bank store data about the customers

  • in a customers table, where

  • each row represents one customer as a tuple of id, name, date_of_birth, and balance

    1Brian Kim1948-09-231500
    2Karen Johnson1989-11-184853
    3Wade Feinstein1965-02-292150

To interact with a relational database, you use a language called Structured Query Language (SQL).

  • To write data in to a table, you use the INSERT INTO statement

    INSERT INTO <table> ( <columns> )
    VALUES              ( <values>  );


    • INSERT INTO customers (name, date_of_birth, balance)
                     VALUES ('Brian Kim', '1948-09-23', 1500);
      INSERT INTO customers (name, date_of_birth, balance)
                     VALUES ('Karen Johnson', '1989-11-18', 4853);
      INSERT INTO customers (name, date_of_birth, balance)
                     VALUES ('Wade Feinstein', '1965-02-25', 2150);
    • (This example assume the schema is already exists)

    [!NOTE] Relational databases require you to define a schema to describe the structure of each table before you can write any data to that table (as in Schemas and Constraints).

  • To read all data from a table, you use SELECT statement to form an SQL query.

    SELECT <columns> FROM <table>;

    [!NOTE] Use the wildcard * for all columns


    • SELECT * FROM customers;
       id |      name      | date_of_birth | balance
        1 | Brian Kim      | 1948-09-23    |    1500
        2 | Karen Johnson  | 1989-11-18    |    4853
        3 | Wade Feinstein | 1965-02-25    |    2150
  • To read and keep only some of the data (aka filtering query), you use SELECT statement with a WHERE clause:

    SELECT <columns> FROM <table> WHERE <conditions>;


    • SELECT * FROM customers WHERE date_of_birth > '1950-12-31';
       id |      name      | date_of_birth | balance
        2 | Karen Johnson  | 1989-11-18    |    4853
        3 | Wade Feinstein | 1965-02-25    |    2150

[!TIP] Relational databases allow query data in countless ways:

  • WHERE to filter data
  • ORDER BY to sort data
  • GROUP BY to group data
  • JOIN to query data from multiple tables
  • COUNT, SUM, AVG, and a variety of other aggregate functions to perform calculations on your data,
  • indices to make queries faster,
  • and much more.

[!WARNING] Watch out for snakes: SQL has many dialects SQL:

  • In theory, is a language standardized by ANSI and ISO that is the same across all relational databases.
  • In practice, is a slightly different dialect of SQL for each every relational database .

[!NOTE] This books focuses on SQL concepts that apply to all relational databases, but technically, the examples use the PostgreSQL dialect.

ACID Transactions

transaction : a set of coherent operations that should be performed as a unit

In relational databases, transactions must meet the following four properties:

  • PropertyDescriptionNote
    AtomicityEither all the operations in the transaction happen, or none of them do.Partial successes or partial failures are not allowed.
    ConsistencyThe operations always leave the data in a state that is validValid state is a state that according to all the rules and constraints you’ve defined in the database.
    IsolationEven though many transactions may be happening concurrently, the database should end up in the exact same stateAs if the transactions had happened sequentially (in any orders).
    DurabilityOnce a transaction has completed, it is recorded to persistent storage (typically, to a hard drive)It isn’t lost, even in the case of a system failure.
  • These 4 properties form the acronym ACID, which is one of the defining property of a relational database.


  • Deduct $100 from every customer (transaction across single statement)

    UPDATE customers
    SET balance = balance - 100;

    For a relational database, this statement will be execute to all customers in a single ACID transaction:

    • either the transaction will complete successfully, and all customers will end up with $100 less,
    • or no customers will be affected at all.

    [!TIP] For a data store that doesn’t support ACID transactions:

    • It would be possible for those data stores to crash part way through this transaction
    • The data end up with some customers with $100 less and some unaffected (No atomicity)
  • Transfer $100 from customer 1 to customer 2 (transaction across multiple statements)

      UPDATE customers
      SET balance = balance - 100
      WHERE id = 1;
      UPDATE customers
      SET balance = balance + 100
      WHERE id = 2;

    For a relational database, all the statements between START TRANSACTION and COMMIT will execute as a single ACID transaction, ensuring that:

    • one account has the balance decreased by $100, and the other increased by $100
    • or neither account will be affected at all.

    [!TIP] For a data store that doesn’t support ACID transactions, the data could end up in an in-between state that is inconsistent:


    • The first statement completes, subtracting $100.
    • Then the data store crashes before the second statement runs, and as a result, the $100 simply vanishes into thin air (No atomicity)

Schemas and Constraints

[!NOTE] Relational databases require you to define a schema for each table before you can read and write data to that table.

Defining a schema

To define a schema, you use CREATE TABLE statement

CREATE TABLE <table> (
   <column_name>   <column_type>,


  • Create a table called customers with columns called id, name, date_of_birth, and balance

    CREATE TABLE customers (
      id            SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
      name          VARCHAR(128),
      date_of_birth DATE,
      balance       INT

Schema’s integrity constraints

The schema includes a number of integrity constraints to enforce business rules:

  • Domain constraints:

    Domain constraints limit what kind of data you can store in the table.


    • Each column has a type, such as INT, VARCHAR, and DATE, so the database will prevent you from inserting data of the wrong type

    • The id column specifies SERIAL, which is a pseudo type (an alias) that gives you a convenient way to capture three domain constraints:

      • first, it sets the type of the id column to INT
      • second, it adds a NOT NULL constraint11, so the database will not allow you to insert a row which is missing a value for this column
      • third, it sets the default value for this column to an automatically-incrementing sequence12.
  • Key constraints

    A primary key is a column or set of columns that can be used to uniquely identify each row in a table


    • The id column specifies PRIMARY KEY, which means this column is the primary key for the table, so the database will ensure that every row has a different value for this column.
  • Foreign key constraints

    A foreign key constraint is where a column in one table can contain values that are references to a column in another table.

    e.g. Bank customers could have more than one account, each with their own balance,

    • Instead of having a single balance column in the customers table

    • You could create a second table called accounts, where each row represents one account

      CREATE TABLE accounts (
          account_id      SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,          (1)
          account_type    VARCHAR(20),                 (2)
          balance         INT,                         (3)
          customer_id     INT REFERENCES customers(id) (4)

      The accounts table has 4 columns:

      • 1: A unique ID for each account (the primary key).

      • 2: The account_type: e.g., checking or savings.

      • 3: The balance for the account.

      • 4: The ID of the customer that owns this account.

        [!NOTE] The REFERENCES keyword labels this column as a foreign key into the id column of the customers table.

        • This will prevent you from accidentally inserting a row into the accounts table that has an invalid customer ID (i.e., one that isn’t in the customers table).

    [!TIP] Foreign key constraint

    • is one of the defining characteristics of relational databases, as they

      • allow you to define and enforce relationships between tables.

      👉 This is what the “relational” in “relational database” refers to.

    • is critical in maintaining the referential integrity of your data

      👉 another major reason to use a relational database as your primary source of truth.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #3 Use relational databases as your primary data store (the source of truth), as

  • they are

    • reliable
    • secure
    • mature
  • they support

    • schemas
    • integrity constraints
    • foreign key relationships
    • joins
    • ACID transactions
    • and a flexible query language (SQL).

Schema modifications and migrations

To modify the schema for existing tables, you can use ALTER TABLE

[!WARNING] You should be careful when modifying a schema, or you will run into backward compatibility issues.

When use have a lot of modification to the schema, you can:

  1. Manage the schemas manually

    • Connecting directly to the database
    • Executing CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE by hand
  2. Manage the schemas as code using a schema migration tool, such as Flyway, Liquibase, Atlas, Bytebase, Alembic, migrate, Squitch, ActiveRecord, Sequel, Knex.js, GORM.

When using a schema migration tool:

  • You define

    • your initial schemas

    • all the modifications as code, in an ordered series of migration files that you check into version control.


      • Flyway uses standard SQL in .sql files

      • Knex.js uses a JavaScript DSL in .js files

  • You apply these migration files using the schema migration tool, which keeps track of

    • which of your migration files have already been applied, and
    • which haven’t

    so no matter

    • what state your database is in, or
    • how many times you run the migration tool,

    you can be confident your database will end up with the desired schema.

As you make changes to your app, new versions of the app code will rely on new versions of your database schema.

To ensure these versions are automatically deployed to each environment, you will need to integrate the schema migration tool into your CI/CD pipeline

The schema migration tools can be run:

  1. As part of app’s boot code


    • This will works in any environments:

      • shared environments, e.g. dev, stage, prod
      • or any developer’s local environment
    • The migration are constantly being tested.


    • The migrations sometimes take a long time, which cause the app boot slowly, which might be a big problem:

      • some orchestration tools may redeploy the app before the migration can finish.

      • for serverless apps because of the cold starts.

  2. As a separate strep in deployment pipeline, just before you deploy the app

Example: PostgreSQL, Lambda, and Schema Migrations

In this example, you’ll

  • Deploy PostgreSQL in AWS using RDS13.
  • Define the schema for this database as code using Knex.js
  • Deploy a Lambda function and API Gateway to run a Node.js serverless web app that
    • uses Knex.js to connect to the PostgreSQL database over TLS
    • run queries
    • return the results as JSON

Create an OpenTofu root module for PostgreSQL, Lambda, API Gateway

Use the rds-postgres OpenTofu module to deploy PostgreSQL on RDS:

  • Create the folder

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch9/tofu/live/lambda-rds
    cd ch9/tofu/live/lambda-rds
  • The root module for deploying Postgres on RDS

    # examples/ch9/tofu/live/lambda-rds/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "rds_postgres" {
      source = ""
      name              = "bank" #         (1)
      instance_class    = "db.t4g.micro" # (2)
      allocated_storage = 20 #             (3)
      username          = var.username #   (4)
      password          = var.password #   (5)
    • 1: Set the name of the RDS instance, and the logical database within it, to bank
    • 2: Use a db.t4g.micro RDS instance (2 CPUs and 1GB of memory, is part of the AWS free tier)
    • 3: Allocate 20 GB of disk space for the DB instance.
    • 4: Set the username for the master database user to var.username (an input variable).
    • 5: Set the password for the master database user to var.password (an input variable).
  • Add input variables for the username/password of the database

    # examples/ch9/tofu/live/lambda-rds/
    variable "username" {
      description = "Username for master DB user."
      type        = string
    variable "password" {
      description = "Password for master DB user."
      type        = string
      sensitive   = true

Use lambda and api-gateway modules to deploy a Lambda function and an API Gateway

  • The for deploying a Lambda Function and API Gateway:

    # examples/ch9/tofu/live/lambda-rds/
    module "app" {
      source = ""
      name        = "lambda-rds-app"
      src_dir     = "${path.module}/src" #         (1)
      handler     = "app.handler"
      runtime     = "nodejs20.x"
      memory_size = 128
      timeout     = 5
      environment_variables = { #                  (2)
        NODE_ENV    = "production"
        DB_NAME     = module.rds_postgres.db_name
        DB_HOST     = module.rds_postgres.hostname
        DB_PORT     = module.rds_postgres.port
        DB_USERNAME = var.username
        DB_PASSWORD = var.password
    module "app_gateway" {
      source = ""
      name               = "lambda-rds-app" #      (3)
      function_arn       =
      api_gateway_routes = ["GET /"]
    • 1: The source code for the function will be in the src folder. You’ll see what this code looks like shortly.
    • 2: Use environment variables to pass the Lambda function all the details about the database, including the database name, hostname, port, username, and password.
    • 3: Create an API Gateway so you can trigger the Lambda function using HTTP requests.
  • Add output variables for API Gateway’s endpoint, and database’s name, host, port

    output "app_endpoint" {
      description = "API Gateway endpoint for the app"
      value       = module.app_gateway.api_endpoint
    output "db_name" {
      description = "The name of the database"
      value       = module.rds_postgres.db_name
    output "db_host" {
      description = "The hostname of the database"
      value       = module.rds_postgres.hostname
    output "db_port" {
      description = "The port of the database"
      value       = module.rds_postgres.port

Create schema migrations with Knex.js

  • Create a folder for the schema migrations

    mkdir -p src
    cd src

    The schema migrations is a Node package (Knex.js uses JavaScript).

  • Create a package.json

      "name": "lambda-rds-example",
      "version": "0.0.1",
      "description": "Example app 'Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery'",
      "author": "Yevgeniy Brikman",
      "license": "MIT"
  • Install dependencies

    npm install knex --save #   (1)
    npm install knex --global # (2)
    npm install pg --save #     (3)
    • (1): Install Knex.js as a dependency, so it’s available to Lambda function.
    • (2): Install Knex.js as a CLI tool.
    • (3): Install node-postgres library that Knex.js use to talk to PostgreSQL.

  • When Knex.js apply schema migrations, it will connect to PostgreSQL over the network.

  • The connection to PostgreSQL database on RDS is encrypted using TLS.

    • Because the PostgreSQL database is internal, AWS use its root CA certificate to sign the TLS certificate.
  • To validate the database’s TLS certificate, you need to:

    • Download the root CA certificate14 that is used to sign the database TLS certificate

      curl -o src/rds-us-east-2-ca-cert.pem
    • Configure your app to trust the root CA certificate

      // examples/ch9/tofu/live/lambda-rds/src/knexfile.js
      const fs = require("fs").promises;
      module.exports = {
        // (1)
        client: "postgresql",
        connection: async () => {
          // (2)
          const rdsCaCert = await fs.readFile("rds-us-east-2-ca-cert.pem");
          // (3)
          return {
            database: process.env.DB_NAME,
            host: process.env.DB_HOST,
            port: process.env.DB_PORT,
            user: process.env.DB_USERNAME || process.env.TF_VAR_username,
            password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD || process.env.TF_VAR_password,
            ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: true, ca: rdsCaCert.toString() },
      • (1): Use the PostgreSQL library (node-postgres) to talk to the database.

      • (2): Read the root CA certificate from AWS.

      • (3): This JSON object configures the connection to

        • use the database name, host, port, username, and password from the environment variables you passed to the Lambda function in the OpenTofu code,
        • validate the TLS certificate using the CA cert you read in (2).

        [!TIP] You’re using the same environment variables to pass the username and password to both the OpenTofu module and to Knex.js.

  • Create your first schema migration

    knex migrate:make create_customers_tables

    This will create

    • a migrations folder, and within it,
      • a file called <TIMESTAMP>_create_customers_table.js, where TIMESTAMP is a timestamp representing when you ran the knex migrate:make command.
  • Define the schema migration for the customers table

    // <TIMESTAMP>_create_customers_table.js
    // (1)
    exports.up = async (knex) => {
      // (2)
      await knex.schema.createTable("customers", (table) => {
        table.string("name", 128);"date_of_birth");
      // (3)
      return knex("customers").insert([
        { name: "Brian Kim", date_of_birth: "1948-09-23", balance: 1500 },
        { name: "Karen Johnson", date_of_birth: "1989-11-18", balance: 4853 },
        { name: "Wade Feinstein", date_of_birth: "1965-02-25", balance: 2150 },
    // (4)
    exports.down = async (knex) => {
      return knex.schema.dropTable("customers");

With Knex.js, you define your schemas, and any updates to them, in sequential .js files as follows:

  • (1): Within each .js file, the up function is where you define how to update the database schema.

  • (2): This code creates the customers table with the exact same schema you first saw in Defining a schema, except

    • instead of using raw SQL (CREATE TABLE), you use a JavaScript API (createTable()).
  • (3): This code populates the database with some initial data, adding the exact same three customers to the customers table that you initially saw in Writing and Reading, again

    • using a fluent JavaScript API instead of raw SQL.
  • (4): Within each .js file, the down function is where you define how to undo the schema changes in the up file.

    • This gives you a way to roll back changes in case of bugs, outages, or as part of testing.

    • The code here deletes the customer table that was created in the up function.

Create the Lambda function that query PostgreSQL

The Lambda function will

  • uses Knex.js to connect to the PostgreSQL database over TLS
  • run queries
  • return the results as JSON

  • Create app.js - the entrypoint of the Lambda function

    const knex = require("knex");
    const knexConfig = require("./knexfile.js"); //   (1)
    const knexClient = knex(knexConfig); //           (2)
    exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
      const result = await knexClient("customers") // (3)
        .where("date_of_birth", ">", "1950-12-31");
      // (4)
      return {
        statusCode: 200,
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify({ result }),

    [!TIP] Knex.js can also be used to query the database

    • (1): Load the database connection configuration from knexfile.js.
    • (2): Create a Knex.js client, using the configuration from (1) to connect it to the PostgreSQL database.
    • (3): Use the Knex.js client to perform the exact database query you saw in Writing and Reading data, which fetches all customers born after 1950.
    • (4): Return the results of the query as JSON.

Deploy the example

  • Set environment variables for username/password

    export TF_VAR_username=<username> # FILL IN
    export TF_VAR_password=<password> # FILL IN

    [!TIP] Save these credentials in a password manager, such as 1Password

  • Initialize and apply the OpenTofu module

    cd ..
    tofu init
    tofu apply
  • When apply completes (which can take 5-10 minutes for RDS to be deployed), you should see the output variables:

    app_endpoint = ""
    db_name = "bank"
    db_port = 5432
    db_host = ""

After the PostgreSQL database is deployed, you use the Knex CLI to apply schema migrations.

  • Expose the database name, host, port to the Knex CLI (using environment variables)

    export DB_NAME=bank
    export DB_PORT=5432
    export DB_HOST=<db_host> # value of db_host output variable
  • Apply the schema migrations

    cd src
    knex migrate:latest
    Batch 1 run: 1 migrations

    If the migrations apply successfully, your database should be ready to use.

  • Verify that the app is working

    curl https://<app_endpoint>
        {"id":2,"name":"Karen Johnson","date_of_birth":"1989-11-18","balance":4853},
        {"id":3,"name":"Wade Feinstein","date_of_birth":"1965-02-25","balance":2150}

Get your hands dirty: Working with relational databases

  • In order to allow the Lambda function to access the PostgreSQL database, the rds-postgres module makes the database accessible over the public Internet, from any IP, which is not a good security posture.

    Update the code to

    • deploy the database and the Lambda function into the private subnets of a custom VPC, e.g. the one from Chap 7
    • lock down the database so it’s only accessible from either a security group attached to the Lambda function or via RDS Proxy.
  • The Lambda function is using the master user for the database, which means it has permissions to do anything.

    Update the code to follow the principle of least privilege

    • creating a more limited database user that only has the permissions the function needs, e.g., read access to one table
    • passing the credentials of this new database user to the Lambda function.
  • Any secrets you pass into OpenTofu resources, such as the database master user password, are stored in OpenTofu state.

    To ensure these secrets are stored securely,

Caching: Key-Value Stores and CDNs


What is cache

cache : a component that stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster15

To achieve low latency, the cache is stored

  • in the memory (instead of on on disk)
  • in a format that optimized
    • for rapid retrieval, e.g. hash table
    • rather than flexible query mechanics, e.g. relational tables

Uses cases for cache

  • Slow queries

    If queries to your data stores take a long time, you can cache the results for faster lookups.

  • Slow aggregates

    Sometimes, individual queries are fast, but you have to issue many queries, and aggregating all of them takes a long time.

  • High load

    If you have a lot of load on your primary data store, queries may become slow due to contention for limited resources (CPU, memory, etc).

    Using a cache to offload many of the requests can reduce load on the primary data store, and make

    • those requests faster
    • all other requests faster, too

An simple version of cache

You can have a cache by using an in-memory hash table directly in your application code:


  • A cache in JavaScript

    const cache = {}; // (1)
    function query(key) {
      // (2)
      if (cache[key]) {
        return cache[key];
      const result = expensiveQuery(key); // (3)
      cache[key] = result;
      return result;

    This is an example of cache-aside strategy16:

    • (1): The cache is a hashtable (aka map or object) that the app stores in memory.

    • (2): When you want to perform a query, the first thing you do is

      • check if the data you want is already in the cache.
        • If so, you return it immediately (without having to wait on an expensive query).
    • (3): If the data isn’t in the cache, you

      • perform the expensive query

        e.g. send a query to the primary data store

      • store the result in the cache (so future lookups are fast)

      • then return that result.

This cache - with cache-aside strategy - is a “simplified” cache because:

AspectThe problemNote
1. Memory usageThe cache will grow indefinitely, which may cause your app to run out of memory.You need a caching mechanism to evict data when the cache size is exceeded its limitCan be solved with better code
2. ConcurrencyThe code doesn’t handle multiple concurrent queries that all update the cache.You may have to use synchronization primitives, e.g., lockingCan be solved with better code
3. Cold startsEvery single time you redeploy the app, it will start with an empty cache, which may cause performance issues.You need a way to store the cache to disk so it’s persistent
4. Cache invalidation17The code only handles read operations, but not write operations, so future queries may return stale data.You need some way to update (when you write data) or invalidate that data in the cache

[!NOTE] For more complicated cases, the typical way to handle caching is by deploying a centralized data store that is dedicated to caching, e.g. key-value stores, CDNs.

With centralized data store:

  • You avoid cold starts

  • You have only a single to update when do cache invalidation


    • You might do write-through caching, where whenever you write to your primary data store, you also update the cache.

Key-Value Stores

What is key-value store

key-value store : data store that is optimized for extremely fast lookup by a key : ~ a distributed hash table : acts as a cache between your app servers & primary data store

alt text

How key-value store works

Requests with the corresponding keys that:

  • are in the cache (aka a cache hit) will
    • be returned extremely fast (without having to talk to the primary data store)
  • aren’t in the cache (aka a cache miss) will
    • go to the primary store
    • be added to the cache (for future cache hits)

The API for most key-value stores primarily consists of just 2 type of functions:

  • a function to insert a key-value pair
  • a function to lookup a value by key


  • With Redis, they’re SET and GET

    $ SET key value
    $ GET key

Key-value stores do not require you to define a schema ahead of time, so you can store any kind of value you want.

[!CAUTION] Key-value store is sometimes referred to as schema-less, but this is a misnomer (as you see in Schema & constraints of document stores).

Typically, the values are either

  • simple scalars, e.g., strings, integers…
  • or blobs that contain arbitrary data that is opaque to the key-value store.

[!WARNING] Since key-value store is only aware of keys and very basic types of values, the functionality is typically limited compared to relational database.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #4 Use key-value stores to cache data, speeding up queries and reducing load on your primary data store.

Which key-value store solutions are in the market

You can:

After you have a key-value store deployed, many libraries can automatically use them for cache-aside and write-through caching without you having to implement those strategies manually.



What is CDN

content delivery network (CDN) : a group of servers - called Points of Presence (PoPs) - that are distributed all over the world : - cache data from your origin servers, i.e. your app servers : - serve that data to your users from a PoP that is as close to that user as possible. : acts as a cache between your users & your app servers

alt text

How CDN works

When a user makes a request, it first goes to the CDN server that is closest to that user, and

  • if the content is already cached, the user gets a response immediately.
  • If the content isn’t already cached, the CDN forwards the request to your origin servers:
    • fetches the content
    • caches it (to make future requests fast)
    • then returns a response

Why use CDN

  • Reduce latency

    CDN servers are distributed all over the world


    • Akamai has more than 4,000 PoPs in over 130 countries


    • allows you to serve content from locations that are physically closer to your users, which can significantly reduce latency (See common latency numbers)
    • without your company having to invest the time and resources to deploy and maintain app servers all over the world.
  • Reduce load

    Once the CDN has cached a response for a given key, it no longer needs to

    • send a request to the underlying app server for that key
    • at least, not until the data in the cache has expired or been invalidated.

    If you have a good cache hit ratio20, this can significantly reduce the load on the underlying app servers.

  • Improve security

    Many CDNs these days can provide additional layers of security, such as

    • a web application firewall (WAF), which can inspect and filter HTTP traffic to prevent certain types of attacks, e.g. SQL injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site forgery
    • Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) protection, which shields you from malicious attempts to overwhelm your servers with artificial traffic generated from servers around the world.
  • Other benefits

    As CDNs become more advanced, they offer more and more features that let you take advantage of their massively distributed network of PoPs:

    • edge-computing, where the CDN allows you to run small bits of code on the PoPs, as close to your users (as close to the “edge”) as possible
    • compression, where the CDN automatically uses algorithms such as Gzip or Brotli to reduce the size of your static content and thereby, reduce bandwidth usage
    • localization, where knowing which local PoP was used allows you to choose the language in which to serve content.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #5 Use CDNs to cache static content, reducing latency for your users and reducing load on your servers.

When to use CDN

You can use CDN to cache many types of contents from your app server:

  • dynamic content: content that is different for each user and request
  • static content: content that
    • (a) is the same for all of your users, and
    • (b) doesn’t change often.

But CDNs provides most value when be used to cache static content (static files):

  • images, videos, binaries
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript


  • News publications can usually offload a huge portion of their traffic to CDNs, as once an article is published:
    • every user sees the same content, and
    • that content isn’t updated too often.

Which CDN to use

Some of the major players in the CDN space include

File Storage: File Servers and Object Stores

Why you shouldn’t store static files in a database

You can store static files (as a blob) in a database, which

  • may has some benefits:

    • all data is kept in a single system where you already have security controls, data backups, monitoring…
  • but also has many disadvantages:

    • Slower database

      Storing files in a database bloats the size of the database, which:

      • makes the database itself slower
      • makes the scalability & availability of the database worse (the database itself is already a bottleneck)
    • Slower & more expensive replicas & backups

      The bigger the database the slower & more expensive to make replicas and backups.

    • Increased latency

      Serving files from your database to a web browser requires you to

      • proxy each file through an app server, which
        • significantly increases latency
        • compared to serving a file directly, e.g. via the sendfile syscall
    • CPU, memory, and bandwidth overhead

      Proxying files in a database through an app server

      • increases bandwidth, CPU, and memory usage,
      • both on the app server and the database (which makes the database even more of a bottleneck).

[!NOTE] Instead of storing static files in a database, you typically store and serve them from dedicated file servers

File Servers

What is a file server

file server : a server that is designed to store & serve static files (aka static content), such as images, videos, binaries, JavaScript, CSS

Why use file servers

By using dedicated file servers,

  • all static content are handle by file servers.

This allows your app servers to focus entirely on

  • serving dynamic content (content that is different for each user & request)

How to use file servers

Files servers are usually used together with CDNs and your app server.

alt text

Users requests first go to a CDN, which

  • if it is already cached, returns a response immediately
  • if not, the CDN uses
    • file servers as origin servers for static content
    • app servers as origin servers for dynamic content

Which file servers to use

Almost any web server software can be configured to serve files.

e.g. Apache, Nginx, HAProxy Varnish, Lighttpd, Caddy, Microsoft IIS.

The challenges when working with file servers

Serving files is straightforward; the hard part is handling

  • Storage

    You need to provide sufficient hard drive capacity to store the files.

  • Metadata

    In additional to the files, you need to store metadata related to the files, e.g. names21, owner, upload date…

    You could store the metadata

    • on the file system next to the files themselves, or
    • in a separate data store (e.g., a relational database), which makes it easier to query the metadata 👈 more common approach
  • Security

    You need to

    • control who can can create files, read files, update files, and delete files.
    • encrypt data at rest and in transit.
  • Scalability & availability

    You could host all the files on a single server, but a single server is a single point of failure (as you know from Why use an orchestration | Chapter 3)

    To support a lot of traffic, and to be resilient to outages, you typically need to figure out how to host files across multiple servers.

[!NOTE] Instead of using file servers and solving all these problems yourself, which requires

  • many custom toolings
  • a lot of servers, hard drives…

You can offload these work to a 3rd-party object store.

Object Stores

What is Object Store

object store : aka blob store : a system designed to : - store opaque objects (blobs) : - often in the form of files with associated metadata. : ~ file server as a service (from cloud providers)

Which Object Store to use

The major players in this space are

Why use Object Store

  1. Object stores provide out-of-the-box solutions to the challenges with file servers:

    • Storage

      Object stores provide nearly unlimited disk space, usually for dirt-cheap prices.


      • Amazon S3 is around two cents per gigabyte per month, with a generous free tier.
    • Metadata

      Most object stores allow you to associate metadata with each file you upload.


      • S3 allows you to configure both
        • system-defined metadata (e.g., standard HTTP headers such as entity tag
        • content type, as you’ll see later in this blog post)
        • user-defined metadata (arbitrary key-value pairs).
    • Security

      Most object stores offer fine-grained access controls and encryption.


      • S3 provides
        • IAM for access control,
        • TLS for encryption in transit
        • AES (using a KMS) for encryption at rest.
    • Scalability & availability

      Object stores typically provide scalability and availability at a level few companies can hope to achieve.


      • S3 Standard provides
        • unlimited scalability
        • 99.99% availability
        • 99.999999999% durability23.
  2. Many object stores also provide many other useful features:

  • replication across data centers in different regions

  • search & analytics across all the files you store in the object store


    • Amazon Athena allows allows you to use SQL to query CSV, JSON, ORC, Avro, or Parquet files stored in S3
  • integration with compute to help automate workflows


    • you can have S3 automatically trigger a Lambda function each time you upload a file
  • automatic archival or deletion of older files (to save money)

These features is why even companies who otherwise keep everything on-prem often turn to the cloud and object stores for file storage.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #6 Use file servers and object stores to serve static content, allowing your app servers to focus on serving dynamic content.

Example: Serving Files With S3 and CloudFront

Create an S3 bucket configured for website hosting

[!NOTE] The s3-website OpenTofu module

  • in sample code repo at ch9/tofu/modules/s3-website folder

  • will:

    • creates an S3 bucket
    • makes its contents publicly accessible
    • configures it as a website, which means it can support
      • redirects
      • error pages
      • accessing logging, and so on.

In this example, you will use the s3-website OpenTofu module to create an S3 bucket configured for website hosting

  • Create an folder for the root module

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch9/tofu/live/static-website
    cd ch9/tofu/live/static-website
  • The root module

    # examples/ch9/tofu/live/static-website/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "s3_bucket" {
      source = ""
      # TODO: fill in your own bucket name!
      name           = "fundamentals-of-devops-static-website" # (1)
      index_document = "index.html" #                            (2)
    • (1): The name to use for the S3 bucket.

      [!NOTE] S3 bucket names must be globally unique, so you’ll have to fill in your own bucket name here.

    • (2): The suffix to use for directory requests.

      • If you set this to index.html, a request for the directory /foo will return the contents of /foo/index.html.
  • Proxy the s3_website_endpoint from s3_bucket to root module

    # examples/ch9/tofu/live/static-website/
    output "s3_website_endpoint" {
      description = "The endpoint for the website hosted in the S3 bucket"
      value       = module.s3_bucket.website_endpoint

Upload static content to the S3 bucket

  1. Create a simple HTML page

    • Create the content folder within the static-website folder:

      mkdir -p content
    • Create 3 files in content folder

      • index.html

        <!-- examples/ch9/tofu/live/static-website/content/index.html -->
        <html lang="en">
            <title>Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery</title>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
            <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
              This is a static website hosted on S3, with CloudFront as a CDN.
              alt="Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery"
      • style.css

        /* examples/ch9/tofu/live/static-website/content/style.css */
        html {
          max-width: 70ch;
          margin: 3em auto;
        p {
          color: #1d1d1d;
          font-family: sans-serif;
      • cover.png (examples/ch9/tofu/live/static-website/content/cover.png)

        Copy any png image to the content folder, and name it cover.png.

  1. Update that HTML page to your S3 bucket (using OpenTofu aws_s3_object resource)

    • Update the to use aws_s3_object resource

      provider "aws" {
        # ...
      module "s3_bucket" {
        # ...
      resource "aws_s3_object" "content" {
        for_each = { #                                   (1)
          "index.html" = "text/html"
          "styles.css" = "text/css"
          "cover.png"  = "image/png"
        bucket        = module.s3_bucket.bucket_name #   (2)
        key           = each.key #                       (3)
        source        = "content/${each.key}" #          (4)
        etag          = filemd5("content/${each.key}") # (5)
        content_type  = each.value #                     (6)
        cache_control = "public, max-age=300" #          (7)
      • (1): Have the aws_s3_object resource loop over a map where

        • the key is a file to upload from the content folder
        • the value is the content type for that file.
      • (2): Upload the files to the S3 bucket you created earlier.

      • (3): For each file, use the key in the map as its path within the S3 bucket.

      • (4): Read the contents of each file from the content folder.

      • (5): Set the entity tag (ETag)24 to the MD5 hash of each file’s contents.

        • This is also used by OpenTofu to know when the file has changed, so it uploads a new version when you run apply.
      • (6): Set the content type25 for each file to the value in the map.

      • (7): Set the cache control26 value for each file to:

        • The public directive27
        • The max-age=300 directive28

[!WARNING] Watch out for snakes: Don’t upload files to S3 using OpenTofu in production

Using the aws_s3_object resource to upload files to an S3 bucket is convenient for simple examples and learning, but don’t use it for production use-cases:

  • If you have a large number of files, you may end up with performance and throttling issues with the aws_s3_object resource.
  • You typically want to put static content through an asset pipeline which provides functionality such as minification, fingerprinting, and compression, none of which you can do with OpenTofu.

[!NOTE] In production, to upload files to S3, you should use either

Deploy S3 bucket and static content to S3 bucket

  • Initialize and apply OpenTofu root module

    tofu init
    tofu apply
  • Verify that your website (hosted on S3) is up and running

    Use a web browser to open http://<s3_website_endpoint>

    [!NOTE] Websites hosted on AWS S3 only support HTTP.

    To add HTTPS, you need to use AWS CloudFront.

Deploy CloudFront as a CDN in front of the S3 bucket

[!NOTE] The OpenTofu module cloudfront-s3-website

  • in sample code repo at ch9/tofu/modules/cloudfront-s3-website folder
  • will
    • create a globally-distributed CloudFront distribution
    • configure your static website in S3 as an origin
    • set up a domain name & TLS certificate
    • plugs in some basic caching settings

In this example, you will use the OpenTofu module cloudfront-s3-website to deploy CloudFront as a CDN in front of the S3 bucket:

  • Update to use cloudfront-s3-website module

    provider "aws" {
      # ...
    module "s3_bucket" {
      # ...
    resource "aws_s3_object" "content" {
      # ...
    module "cloudfront" {
      source = ""
      bucket_name             = module.s3_bucket.bucket_name #      (1)
      bucket_website_endpoint = module.s3_bucket.website_endpoint # (2)
      min_ttl     = 0 #                                             (3)
      max_ttl     = 300
      default_ttl = 0
      default_root_object = "index.html" #                          (4)
    • (1): Pass in the S3 bucket name, which is mostly used as the unique ID within the CloudFront distribution.

    • (2): Pass in the S3 bucket website endpoint.

      • CloudFront will use this as the origin, sending requests to it for any content that isn’t already cached.
    • (3): Configure the time-to-live (TTL) settings for the cache, which specifies the minimum, maximum, and default amount of time, in seconds, that objects are allowed to

      • remain in the CloudFront cache
      • before CloudFront
        • sends a new request to the origin server
        • to check if the object has been updated.

      The preceding code configures CloudFront to

      • rely on the response headers (e.g., the cache control header) for caching instructions,
      • but never caching content for more than 5 minutes.

      This is a convenient setting for testing, as it ensures you don’t have to wait more than 5 minutes to see the latest version of your content.

    • (4): Configure CloudFront to

      • return the contents of index.html
      • whenever someone makes a request to the root of your CloudFront distribution’s domain name.
  • Add CloudFront distribution domain name as an output variable

    # examples/ch9/tofu/live/static-website/
    output "cloudfront_domain_name" {
      description = "The domain name of the CloudFront distribution"
      value       = module.cloudfront.domain_name

  • Re-apply OpenTofu module

    tofu apply

    [!TIP] CloudFront distribution can take 2-10 minutes to deploy.

  • Verify you can access the website via HTTPS at https://<cloudfront_domain_name>

Get your hands dirty: S3 and CloudFront

Semi-Structured Data and Search: Document Stores

What is Semi-Structured Data

When you need to dealing with:

  • user-generated data with unpredictable structure, that you can’t pre-define schema

  • search across those user-generated data, including full-text search, fuzzy search, faceted search

    [!NOTE] Those data that

    • does not obey the tabular structure of data models associated with relational databases or other forms of data tables,
    • but nonetheless contains tags or other markers to separate semantic elements and enforce hierarchies of records and fields within the data.

    is known as semi-structured data


  • can’t use relational database, which only works well when the data

    • has clear, consistent, predictable structure
    • can be stored in tables with well-defined schemas
  • need to use a document store

What is Document Store

document store : similar to a key-value store, except that values are : - richer data structures called documents : - understood, process by the document store

Which Document Store to use

There are 2 type of document stores:

Working with Document Store

Reading and Writing Data (Document Store)

To understand how to read and writing data to a document store, let’s use MongoDB as an example:

  • MongoDB allows you to store JSON documents in collections.

    [!TIP] It’s similar to how a relational database allows you to store rows in tables.

  • MongoDB does NOT require you to

    • define a schema for your documents.

    [!TIP] With MongoDB, you can store JSON data in any format you want.

  • To read and write data, you use the MongoDB Query Language (MQL), which is similar to JavaScript.


    • To write a JSON document into the bank collection, you can use the insertOne function:{
        name: "Brian Kim",
        date_of_birth: new Date("1948-09-23"),
        balance: 1500,
    • To write two JSON documents into the bank collection, you use the insertMany function:[
          name: "Karen Johnson",
          date_of_birth: new Date("1989-11-18"),
          balance: 4853,
          name: "Wade Feinstein",
          date_of_birth: new Date("1965-02-25"),
          balance: 2150,
    • To read all data back from the bank collection, you can use the find function (without any arguments);
          _id: ObjectId("66e02de6107a0497244ec05e"),
          name: "Brian Kim",
          date_of_birth: ISODate("1948-09-23T00:00:00.000Z"),
          balance: 1500,
          _id: ObjectId("66e02de6107a0497244ec05f"),
          name: "Karen Johnson",
          date_of_birth: ISODate("1989-11-18T00:00:00.000Z"),
          balance: 4853,
          _id: ObjectId("66e02de6107a0497244ec060"),
          name: "Wade Feinstein",
          date_of_birth: ISODate("1965-02-25T00:00:00.000Z"),
          balance: 2150,

      [!NOTE] You get back the exact documents you inserted, except for one new field: _id.

      The _id field - added to every document by MongoDB - is used as

      • a unique identifier
      • a key for lookups (similar to a key-value store).
    • To look up a document by ID, you also use find function:{ _id: ObjectId("66e02de6107a0497244ec05e") });
        _id: ObjectId('66e02de6107a0497244ec05e'),
        name: 'Brian Kim',
        date_of_birth: ISODate('1948-09-23T00:00:00.000Z'),
        balance: 1500

    [!NOTE] For both of key-value store and document store, you get the “value” by looking up a “key”.

    The key different between key-value stores and document stores is:

    • Key-value stores treat values as opaque
    • Document stores treat values as transparent values, which is fully understood and processed.
    Key-value storeDocument store
    “key”key set by you“key” set by document store
    “value”opaque value (simple scalars or blobs)transparent value

  • Compare to a key-value store, with MongoDB, you can look up values with richer query functionality:


    • To look up customers born after 1950, you also use find function{ date_of_birth: { $gt: new Date("1950-12-31") } });
          _id: ObjectId("66e02de6107a0497244ec05f"),
          name: "Karen Johnson",
          date_of_birth: ISODate("1989-11-18T00:00:00.000Z"),
          balance: 4853,
          _id: ObjectId("66e02de6107a0497244ec060"),
          name: "Wade Feinstein",
          date_of_birth: ISODate("1965-02-25T00:00:00.000Z"),
          balance: 2150,
    • To deduct $100 from all customers, you use updateMany function
        {}, //                          (1)
        { $inc: { balance: -100 } }, // (2)
      • (1): The first argument is a filter to narrow down which documents to update.

        • In this case, it’s an empty object, which doesn’t have any filter effect.
      • (2): The second argument is the update operation to perform.

        • In this case, the update operation uses the $inc operator to
          • increment all balances by -100,
          • thereby deducting $100 from all customers.

[!WARNING] Document stores

  • offers richer querying and update functionality (compare to a key-value store)

  • but has 2 major limitations, that is (for most document stores)

    1. Do not support working with multiple collections, which means

      • there is no support for joins31.
    2. Don’t support ACID transactions.

ACID Transactions (Document Store)

Most document stores don’t support ACID transactions32.

  • You might get atomicity for updates on a single document.


    • When you update one document with updateOne function
  • But you rarely get atomicity for updates to multiple documents.


    • If MongoDB crashes in the middle of the updateMany operation, the code might deduct $100 from some customers but not others.

[!WARNING] Again, be aware that most document stores don’t support ACID transactions.

Schemas and Constraints (Document Store)

Most document stores do NOT require you to

  • define a schema or constraints up front.

This is sometimes referred to as schemaless33, but that’s a bit of a misnomer.

There is always a schema.

  • The more accurate term is schema-on-read34, in which

    • the structure of the data (the schema) is implicit 👈 (implicit schema)
    • the data only interpret the schema when the data is read 👈 schema-on-read
  • In contrast to schema-on-write - the traditional approach of relational databases, where

    • the schema is explicit 👈 (explicit schema)
    • the database ensures all data conforms to it when the data is written 👈 (schema-on-write)

[!TIP] Database’s schema is similar to type checking of programming language

  • Schema-on-write ~ compile-time type checking
  • Schema-on-read ~ dynamic (run-time) type checking


  • To parse data from the bank collection in the previous section, you might use the following Java code:

    public class Customer {
        private String name;
        private int balance;
        private Date dateOfBirth;

    This Java class defines the schema and constraint of the data:

    • Which field should be in the data?
    • Which data type of each field?

    In other words, it’s the schema-on-read:

    • Either the data matches the Customer data structure
    • Or you will get an error.

With schema-on-read, the data store don’t need to ensure the data to any structure while writing, so

  • you can insert & store any data in the data store.


  • You can insert a document with a subtle “error” into the bank collection{
      name: "Jon Smith",
      birth_date: new Date("1991-04-04"), // (1)
      balance: 500,
    • MongoDB will let you insert this data without any complaints.
    • But when you try to parse this data with the Customer class, you may get an error.

[!WARNING] With document stores, you can insert any data without any constraints (as of relational databases), so you may end up with a lot of errors:


  • Without domain constraints, you might have:
    • typos in field names
    • null/empty values for required fields
    • incorrect types of fields…
  • Without foreign key constraints, yo might:
    • reference non-existent documents in other collections.

[!TIP] Those errors with document stores can be prevented if you use a relational database.

[!NOTE] Only use document stores (schema-on-read) when

  • you need to dealing with semi-structured, non-uniform data, e.g.

    • user-generated documents
    • event-tracking data
    • log messages
    • in case - for some reason - not all the items in the collections have the same structure.
  • the schema changes often35, or

  • you can sacrifice some part of writing performance.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #7 Use document stores

  • for semi-structured and non-uniform data, where you can’t define a schema ahead of time,
  • or for search, when you need full-text search, faceted search, etc.

Analytics: Columnar Databases

Columnar Database Basics

What is columnar database

columnar databases : Aka column-oriented databases : Databases used in online analytic processing (OLAP) system : Look similar to relational databases: : - store data in tables that consist of rows and columns, : - they usually have you define a schema ahead of time, and : - sometimes, they support a query language that looks similar to SQL. : However, there are a few major differences: : - Most columnar databases do not support ACID transactions, joins, foreign key constraints, and many other relational database’s key features. : - They are are column-oriented to optimize for operations across columns

[!TIP] Relational databases are typically row-oriented, which means they are optimized for operations across rows of data.

How columnar database works

How databases store data

The serialized data may be stored different depending on the type of database.

e.g. A books table

1Clean CodeTech2008
2Code CompleteTech1993
3The GiverSci-fi1993
4World War ZSci-fi2006
  • In a row-oriented relational database,

    • the serialized data may look like this:

      [1] Clean Code,tech,2008
      [2] Code Complete,tech,1993
      [3] The Giver,sci-fi,1993
      [4] World War Z,sci-fi,2006

      The values in each row will be kept together

  • In a column-oriented database,

    • the serialized data of the same data may look like this:

      [title] Clean Code:1,Code Complete:2,The Giver:3,World War Z:4
      [genre] tech:1,2,sci-fi:3,4
      [year_published] 2008:1,1993:2,3,2006:4

      All the values in a single column are laid out sequentially, with

      • the column values as keys, e.g. 1993
      • the IDs as values, e.g. 2,3
How databases query data

For previous books collections,

  • To look up all the books published in 1993, you can use the following query:

    SELECT * FROM books WHERE year_published = 1993;
     id |     title     | genre  | year_published
      2 | Code Complete | tech   |           1993
      3 | The Giver     | sci-fi |           1993

    [!NOTE] This query use SELECT *, which - without indices - will read:

    • the year_published column of all rows 👉 to find the matching rows
    • every single column of any matching rows 👉 to return the data

    Under the hood, there is a different in how the data is read:

    • With row-oriented storage:

      • The data for each column (of a row) is laid out sequentially on the hard drive

      👉 Since sequential reads is faster, row-oriented storage will be faster (for this type of query)

    • With column-oriented storage:

      • the data for each column (of a row) is scattered across the hard drive

      👉 Since random reads is slower, column-oriented storage will be slower (for this type of query)

  • To compute an aggregation, for example, the number of books published in 1993, you use the following query:

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books WHERE year_published = 1993;

    [!NOTE] This query use COUNT(*), which will read:

    • only the year_published column of all rows to find the match rows
    • With row-oriented storage:

      • The data for each column (of a row) is laid out sequentially on the hard drive, but each row is scattered across the hard drive

      👉 This requires jumping all over the hard drive to read the year_published value for each row, so row-oriented storage will be slower (for this type of query).

    • With column-oriented storage:

      • All the data for year_published column is laid out sequentially.

      👉 Since sequentially reads is faster, column-oriented storage will be faster (for this type of query).

    [!TIP] When you’re doing analytics, aggregate functions such as COUNT, SUM, AVG come up all the time, so the column-oriented approach is used in a large number of analytics use cases

Analytics Use Cases

The analytics space is massive, this book only list a few of the most common categories of tools:

Analytics Uses CasesDescriptionPopular tools
General-purpose columnar databasesData stores used for a wide variety of use casesCassandra, Google Bigtable, HBase, Kudu
Time-series databasesData stores designed for storing & analyzing time-series data36 (e.g. metrics, logs)InfluxDB, Amazon Timestream, Prometheus, Riak TS, Timescale, Honeycomb
Big data systemsSystems designed to process big data37- MapReduce model38 / Hadoop 39, Cloudera
- Amazon EMR 40, Google Dataproc, Azure HDInsight
Fast data systemsSystems designed to do stream processing41- Apache’s Spark, Flink, Storm, Samza, Beam, Druid, Pinot
- Amazon Data Firehose
Data warehousesA data warehouse is a central repository42 where you integrate data from all of your other systems43.- Snowflake
- Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, Azure Synapse Analytics
- Apache Hive, Oracle Enterprise Data Warehouse, Teradata, Informatica, Vertica

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #8 Use columnar databases for

  • time-series data
  • big data
  • fast data
  • data warehouses
  • and anywhere else you need to quickly perform aggregate operations on columns.

[!TIP] A data warehouse looks like this alt text.>

It looks simple, but in fact, it’s a lot more complicated:

Asynchronous Processing: Queues and Streams

In chap 7, you’ve learned that with microservices,

  • you need to figure out service discovery, so your services can know which endpoint they use talk to another service.

  • these microservices are interacting synchronously.

    e.g. When service A needs to talk to service B

    • 1: Service A figure out the endpoint of service B by using service discovery (or service mesh).
    • 2: Using that endpoint, service A
      • 2.1: sends an request to service B
      • 2.2: 👈 Service B process the request immediately
      • 2.3: wait for service B to response

    [!WARNING] If

    • service A can’t figure the endpoint of service B, or
    • service B doesn’t response

    then it’s a fail request.

In chap 6, you’ve also known that there are other ways to breakup codebase into services, one of them is event-driven architecture, which use a different approach for communication - the services interacts asynchronously (instead of synchronously).


  • A simple version of asynchronously communication look like this:

    When service A needs to talk to service B:

    • 1: Service A figure out the endpoint of service B by using service discovery (or service mesh).
    • 2: Service A sends a asynchronous messages to service B, then move on (without waiting for response)
    • 3: Service B can process that message at its own packet.
    • 4: If a response is needed, service B send a new asynchronous message to service.

    [!WARNING] In this simple version, service B could:

    • have a bug 👉 process a messages multiple times
    • out-of-memory or crash 👉 lost all messages

    Both ways would cause negative consequence for your business.

  • To ensures each messages is (eventually) processed only once:

    • You don’t typically just
      • send the messages from service A directly to service B
      • have service B hold the messages on its memory, which could:
        • used up on the memory of service B
        • cause a losing of all unprocessed messages (if service B crash)
    • Instead,
      • service A sends messages to
      • service B reads messages from

    a shared data store designed to facilitate asynchronous communication by:

    • (1) persisting messages to disk 👈 no more lost messages
    • (2) tracking the state of those messages 👈 no more processing a messages more than once…

There are 2 type of data store that can do this:

  • Message queues
  • Event streams

Message Queues

What is Message Queue

message queue : a data store that can be used for asynchronous communication between: : - producers, who write messages to the queue, : - consumers, who read messages from the queue

[!NOTE] Many producers and consumers can use the queue, but

  • each message is processed only once, by a single consumer.

For this reason, this messaging pattern is often called one-to-one, or point-to-point, communications.

Which Message Queue to use

Some of the most popular message queues are:

How Message Queue Works

alt text

The typical process of using a queue is:

  1. A producer, such as service A, publishes a message to the queue.

  2. The queue persists the message to disk.

    [!NOTE] This ensures the message will eventually be processed, even if the queue or either service has an outage.

  3. A consumer, such as service B, periodically polls the queue to see if there are new messages.

  4. When there is a new message, the queue returns the message to service B.

    [!NOTE] The queue may record that the message is “in progress” so that no other consumer can read the message at the same time.

  5. Service B processes the message.

  6. Once the message has been successfully processed, service B deletes the message from the queue.

    [!NOTE] This ensures that the message is only processed one time.

When to use Message Queues

Queues are most often used for

  • tasks that run in the background,
  • (as opposed to tasks you do during a live request from a user).


  • Process images

    When users upload images,

    • if you need to process each image


      • create copies of the image in different sizes for web, mobile, thumbnail previews…
    • you may want to do that in the background, rather than making the user wait for it.

    To do that,

    • Your frontend server
      • stores the original image on a file server
      • adds a message to a queue with the location of the image
    • Later on, a separate consumer
      • reads the message from the queue,
      • downloads the image from the file server,
      • processes the image, and
      • when it’s done, deletes the message from the queue.
  • Encoding videos, sending email campaigns, delivering notifications, generating reports, and order processing.

Why use Message Queues

Using queues for asynchronous communication between services provides several key benefits:

  • Handle traffic spikes

    A queue acts as a buffer between your services, which allows you to deal with spikes in traffic.


    • If traffic from service A suddenly increased by 10x:

      • With service A and B were communicating synchronously, then
        • B might not be able to keep up with the load, and
        • you’d have outages and lost messages.
      • With the queue in between,
        • service A can write as many messages as it wants, and
        • service B can process them at whatever rate it can handle.
  • Decoupling

    • With synchronous communication, every service needs to know the interface to talk to every other service.

      • In a large company,

        • one service may use JSON over HTTP,
        • a second may use Protocol Buffers over HTTP/2,
        • a third may use gRPC,
        • a fourth may work with one service discovery mechanism,
        • a fifth doesn’t support service discovery, and
        • a sixth may be part of a service mesh that requires mTLS.

        Connecting all these disparate services together may be a massive undertaking.

    • With asynchronous communication via a message queue,

      • each service solely needs to know how to talk to one thing, the API used by the message queue,
      • so it gives you a decoupled, standardized mechanism for communication.
  • Guarantee tasks are completed

    • With synchronous communication,

      If service A sends a message to service B, but never

      • gets a response, or
      • gets an error,

      What do you do? Most synchronous code doesn’t handle those case at all, and just errors out.

      • If this is during a live request from a user, the user might get a weird error message, which isn’t a great product experience.
      • If this is during a task running in the background, the task might be lost entirely.

      You could update your synchronous code with retry logic, but this might result in

      • service B processing the message multiple times, or,
      • if service B is overloaded, it might make the problem worse.
    • Using asynchronous communication with a message queue allows you to guarantee that

      • each task is (eventually) completed,
      • even in the face of outages, crashes, and other problems,
      • as the queue persists message data and metadata (e.g., whether that message has been processed).

      [!WARNING] Most message queues - a type of distributed systems - provide at least once delivery45, so:

      • The consumers might receive a message more than once.

      But you can write the consumers to be idempotent, so

      • if the consumers see the same message more than once,
        • it can handle it correctly.
  • Guarantee ordering and priority

    Some message queues can guarantee

    • not only at least once delivery,

    • but also that messages are delivered in a specific order


      • Some queues can guarantee that messages are delivered in the order they were received, known as first-in, first out (FIFO)
      • Some queues allow you to specify a priority for each message, guaranteeing messages with the highest priorities are delivered first (priority queues).

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #9 Use message queues to run tasks in the background, with guarantees that tasks are

  • completed
  • executed in a specific order.

[!NOTE] Message queues are used for

  • one-to-one communication
  • between a producer and a consumer

For one-to-many communication between a producer and many consumers, you need to use event streams.

Event Streams

What is Event Stream

event stream : aka event streaming platform : A data store that : - is similar to a message queue : - allows services to communicate asynchronously : The main difference is: : - a message queue allows each message to be consumed by a single consumer : - an event stream allows each message to be consumed by multiple consumers

Which Event Stream to use

Some of the most popular event streaming tools include:

How Event Stream works

alt text

The typical process of using event streaming is:

  1. A producer, such as service A, publishes a message to the event stream.

  2. The event stream persists the message to disk.

    [!NOTE] This ensures the message will eventually be processed, even if the event stream or any other service has an outage.

    [!TIP] Under the hood, the messages are recorded in a log, which is an append-only, totally-ordered sequence of records, ordered by time: alt text

  3. One or more consumers, such as services B, C, and D, polls the event streaming platform to see if there are new messages.

  4. For each consumer:

    • The streaming platform records that consumer’s offset in the log: that is, what was the last message that consumer saw.

    • When there is a new message past that offset, the streaming platform returns that message to the consumer (i.e., service B, C, or D).

  5. Services B, C, and D process messages they receive.

  6. Once a service has successfully processed a message, it updates its offset in the streaming platform log.

    [!NOTE] This ensures the service won’t see the same message again.

[!TIP] You can use a simple version of event stream as a replacement for a message queue, which allow:

  • Service A to send a message specifically destined for service B

Event Driven Architecture

What is Event Driven Architecture

The primary use case of an event stream is:

  • Every service publishes a stream of events that

    • represent important data points or changes in state in that service
    • but aren’t necessarily designed for any one specific recipient
  • This allows multiple other services to

    • subscribe & react to whatever streams of events are relevant to them

This is known as an event-driven architecture.

When to use Message Queue and Event Driven Architecture

The difference between

  • messages in a message queue
  • events in an event stream

has a profound impact on how you build your services.

With event-driven architecture:

  • You have a dramatically simplified connectivity
  • You can add new services — new consumers — without having to modify any existing producers.

Example 1:

The more realistic version of data warehouse architecture in Analytics Use Cases looks like this:

  • Without an event stream:

    alt text

    As the number of services grows,

    • the number of connections between them — whether those are synchronous messages or asynchronous messages via a message queue — grows even faster.

    If you have N services, you end up with roughly $N^2$ connections, across a huge variety of interfaces and protocols that often require complicated ETL.

    Setting up and maintaining all these connections can be a massive undertaking.

  • With an event stream:

    alt text

    You can connect $N$ services

    • with $N$ connections - each service has one connection to the event streaming platform

    • instead of $N^2$

    [!TIP] This is similar to a network switch that allows you to

    • connect N computers with N cables (each computer has one cable connected to the switch)
    • instead of N2 (with a hub)

    See Physical Private Networks | Chap 7

Example 2:

  • With an architecture where services message each other directly:

    Service A

    • sends the message a new image has been uploaded to location X, please process that image to service B.

    6 months later, you want to

    • add a new service C to scan images for inappropriate content.

    [!WARNING] In order for this service C to do its job, you have to

    • update service A to
      • send an additional message a new image has been uploaded to location X, please scan that image for inappropriate content to service C.
  • With an event-driven architecture, where:

    Service A

    • doesn’t have to know about the existence of other services at all; - merely publishes important events, such as “a new image has been uploaded to location X.”

    Perhaps on day one, service B

    • subscribes to this event stream,
    • is able to process each image

    6 months later, when you add service C, it can

    • subscribe to the same event stream to
    • start scanning images for inappropriate content — without any need to modify service A.

    [!NOTE] You could add dozens more services that consume service A’s event stream, again, with no need for A to be aware of them at all.

In an event-driven architecture,

  • Every service publishes important events:


    • a new user has registered
    • a user clicked a button
    • an order has been placed
    • a server is down
  • Any other service can

    • subscribe to any of these events streams to

    • perform a variety of actions:


      • update a search index
      • detect fraudulent activity
      • generate a report
      • send out a notification…

    Moreover, each time a service subscribes to an event stream, it can choose to:

    1. Start at offset 0 in that stream (of the event bus - See How Event Stream Works):

      • effectively “going back in time”

      then processing all the historical events from that event stream


      • all images that have ever been uploaded
      • all users that have ever registered

      (until it catches up to the latest offset)

    2. Start immediately at the latest offset then just process new events.

Why use an Event Driven Architecture

Event-driven architectures provide a large number of benefits:

  • All the benefits of a message queue

    Event streams offer most of the same benefits as message queues: they help you

    • handle traffic spikes
    • decouple services
    • guarantee tasks are completed
    • guarantee task ordering
  • Even stronger decoupling

    Message queues provide

    • a limited amount of decoupling

      • by allowing services to interact with a single interface - the queue
    • but some coupling remains, as

      • each service must be aware of other services to send them messages.

    Event stream provides

    • decoupling
      • by allowing services to interact with a single interface - the event stream
    • but it is even more decoupled, as
      • publishers don’t need to be aware of consumers at all.

    This unlocks remarkable flexibility and scalability in your architecture.

  • Monitoring

    Event streams turns out to be an excellent way to implement monitoring (including metrics and logs):

    • To know what a service is doing (aka visibility), just looks at the event stream from that service
    • To help visualize your monitoring data, you can
      • hook up various dashboards, log aggregators, alerting systems as consumers

    You’ll learn more about monitoring in Chapter 10 [TODO].

  • ETL and stream processing

    In Analytics Use Cases, you learned about big data, fast data, and data warehouses.

    Event streams play a key role in each of these.

    • Event streams gives you a single, standardize way to do ETL.
    • Fast data is all about processing streams of data; well, the event stream is what provides those streams of data!

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #10 Use event streams to build highly-scalable, decoupled, event-driven architectures.

Scalability and Availability

In terms of scalability & availability:

  • the data store is the biggest bottleneck
  • especially for stateful software

Over the years, there have been many attempts, but there’s

  • no one-size-fits-all solution
  • no silver bullet

that can magically solve scalability & availability challenges.

Relational Databases

To scale a relational databases, you can do a:

  • vertical scaling48, which is easier but has limitation

  • horizontal scaling49, which is harder because most relational databases historically intended to be run on a single server50.

To horizontally scale a relational database —or any data store — there are two primary strategies:

  • Replication

    Replication involves copying the same data to multiple servers called replicas.

    • By having multiple replicas that can handle read traffic (aka read replicas):

      • you’re scale up your relational database to handle more read traffic.

      [!WARNING] Replication doesn’t solve scalability for write traffic.

      • All write traffic must go to the primary database (aka write replica).

      [!NOTE] Why using replication if it doesn’t solve scalability for write traffic? Because there are many types of software that have vastly more reads than writes.

    A good side effect of using replication to solve scalability is you also achieve high availability (aka fault tolerance):

    • These read replicas
      • serve live traffic (👈 aka active replicas),
      • also increase your uptime.

    [!NOTE] You can also use replication to provide high availability without handling more load (i.e. without having scalability):

    In this case, the replicas

    • doesn’t handle any live traffic
    • but can be swapped in quickly if the primary database goes down (👈 aka standby replica)
  • Partitioning (aka sharding)


    • replication is copying the same data to multiple servers,
    • partitioning is copying different subsets of the data to multiple servers, where each of those servers can handle both reads and writes.

    The goal of partitioning is to

    • divide your data set deterministically between n servers so
    • each one only has to handle $1/n^{th}$ of the total load.


    • For the previous bank example,
      • If you had grown to 10 million customers, you could partition them across 10 servers, so
        • all the data for customers with id $0 - 1,000,000$ would be on server 0
        • all the data for customers with id $1,000,001 - 2,000,000$ would be on server 1
        • and so on.
      • If the bank had a website where most of the pages only showed data for one customer at a time, then each database would only have to handle ~ $1/10$ of the load, which is a huge win.

    Partitioning effectively turns a single-node database into a distributed system, which

    • helps with availability & scalability

    • but it comes at a cost:

      With partitioning,

      • you lose the ability to

        • use auto-incrementing sequences,
        • queries across data in different partitions,
        • use foreign key constraints across data in different partitions.
      • You even lose ACID transactions for data in different partitions:


        • If a customer with id $50$ wanted to transfer money to a customer with id $3,000,000$, since the data for each customer lives in a separate partition, you couldn’t perform this update in a single transaction.
      • Moreover, your relational databases

        • might have hot spots51 that
          • requires you to do re-balancing, which is difficult & expensive

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #11 Use replication and partitioning to make relational databases more scalable and highly available.

[!TIP] If you’re using relational databases, replication & partitioning can take you remarkably far (although it’s not easy).


  • Meta uses MySQL as its primary data store
    • for its 3+ billion users
    • consisting thousands of servers, hosting millions of shards, storing petabytes of data52.
  • Figma spent nine months to horizontally shard Postgres53
  • Dropbox scaled from 4k to 40 million users with MySQL54.

An easier option is to move away from relation databases.

NoSQL and NewSQL Databases

NoSQL databases

Why invent NoSQL databases

In the mid-to-late 2000s, the challenges with scalability and high availability for relational databases led to

  • the creation of a number of non-relational databases, often called NoSQL55 databases56.
How NoSQL databases were born

The early inspirations for NoSQL included

  • Google’s 2006 paper on BigTable, a distributed storage system that was designed to handle “petabytes of data across thousands of commodity servers”
  • Amazon’s 2007 paper on Dynamo, a “highly available key-value storage system that some of Amazon’s core services use to provide an always-on experience”

The actual term “NoSQL”

  • came after these papers,
  • originating as a Twitter hashtag (#NoSQL) for a 2009 meetup in San Francisco to
    • discuss “open source, distributed, non-relational databases”57.
What type of NoSQL there are

The primary types of data stores that fall under the NoSQL umbrella are

  • key-value stores
  • document stores
  • columnar databases

all of which you’ve already seen in this blog post.

Tradeoff of NoSQL databases

Most NoSQL databases were designed from the ground up for

  • scalability & availability

so the default deployment often includes replication & partitioning.


  • MongoDB is typically deployed in a cluster that consists of multiple shards, where each shard has

    • a primary (for writes)
    • one or more replicas (for reads),
    • plus dedicated servers that handle query routing, auto-sharding, and auto-re-balancing.
The advantage of NoSQL databases

By using NoSQL databases, you get a highly scalable & available data store.

The disadvantages of NoSQL databases
  • NoSQL databases are distributed systems, which are complicated.

  • The sacrifice of key features from relational databases:

    • ACID transactions
    • referential integrity,
    • a flexible query language (SQL) that supports joins.

[!WARNING] For some uses cases, these sacrifices because of using NoSQL databases don’t justify the benefits.

NewSQL databases

In the mid-to-late 2010s, there is a new breed of relational database, often called NewSQL, that

  • provide better availability & scalability.
  • while tried to retain the strengths of a relational database (ACID transactions, SQL…)

Some of the major players in this space include

Under the hood, these are also all complex distributed systems that

  • use replication & partitioning to achieve high scalability and availability,
  • but they try to use new techniques to not sacrifice too many relational database benefits along the way.

Are NoSQL and NewSQL Databases Mature


  • “Good software takes at least a decade to develop”.
  • Data storage technology is complex and might take more than a decade.

As of the writing of this book (2024):

  • Most NoSQL data stores are 10-15 years old, so they are just starting to become mature and reliable systems.
  • Most NewSQL systems are still less than 10 years old, so they are still relatively young (at least as far as data storage technologies go).

[!WARNING] Both NoSQL an& NewSQL databases are typically complex distributed systems, they face challenges that may take even more time.

What is The Risk when using NoSQL & NewSQL Database

It takes a decade or two to build a reliable data store, and finding a way to sustainably pay developers during all that time is tricky.

Many data store companies have shut down.


It’s a huge problem if your company relies on these technologies for storing your most valuable asset!

[!TIP] Comparing to a data store that just came out in the last few years, a data store that has been around 20+ years is

  • not only more mature than,
  • but also more likely to still be around another 20 years from now>

(This is called the Lindy effect).

Distributed Systems

CAP Theorem and Distributed Data Store

In database theory, the CAP theorem states that any distributed data store can provide only two of the following three guarantees:

  • Consistency (C)

    Every read receives the most recent write.

  • Availability (A)

    Every request receives a response, even if

    • some servers are down.
  • Partition tolerance (P)

    The distributed system continues to work even if

    • there is a break in communications (aka a partition58) between some of the servers

[!NOTE] In practice, all real-world distributed systems

  • have to provide partition tolerance - they have to pick P - or they’re useless at hyper-scale
  • which force them to choose between consistency (C) or availability (A)

Tradeoff of Distributed Data Stores

In practice:

  • Some systems, such as HBase and Redis, pick C, so

    • they try to keep data consistent on all nodes
    • but during a network partition, they lose availability.

    [!WARNING] If you use a data store that picks C, you have to accept that

    • From time to time, that data store will be down.
  • Other systems, such as Cassandra, Riak, and CouchDB, pick A, so

    • they have availability
    • but during a network partition, different nodes may end up with different data

    [!NOTE] They can’t guarantee consistency (C),

    • but they try their best to have eventually consistent.

    [!WARNING] If you use a data store that picks A, you have to accept that:

    • You only have eventually consistent and might receive stale data (whether with or without there is a partition)

    This is confusing for both programmers and users:


    • You just updated some data, but after refreshing the page, you still see the old data).

[!TIP] Some systems, such as MongoDB, allow you

  • to pick C or A depending on the use case
  • by tuning for availability or consistency via configuration settings.
Distributed systems introduce many new failure modes

At some point, every data store will fail.

The question is:

  • how many different ways can the system fail
  • how easy is it to understand and fix each one

  • For a single-node system - e.g a relational database -
    • The number & complexity of failure modes is far lower.
  • For a distributed NoSQL or NewSQL system (with multiple writers, auto-sharding, auto-re-balancing, eventual consistency, consensus algorithms…):
    • The number & complexity of failure modes is a lot higher.

[!WARNING] The complexity of the many different failure modes was one of the main reasons:

When to use Relational Database - NoSQL, NewSQL, distributed system

For these technology, you need to understand

  • what they are good at, what they are not good at
  • the risks you are taking on


  • If you have extreme scale and availability requirements that you can’t handle with a relational database,

    • and you have a team willing to put in the time and effort to deploy and maintain a NoSQL or NewSQL database,
    • then by all means, go for it.
  • But if you’re a tiny startup, with virtually no traffic, using a complex distributed data store right out of the gate might not be the right way to spend your limited resources.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #12 Use NoSQL and NewSQL databases when

  • your scalability & availability requirements exceed what you can do with a relational database

but only if you can invest in the time and expertise of deploying & maintaining a distributed data store.

Backup and Recovery

Why Backup Data

Remember, your data is one of the most valuable assets of your company.

  • Losing data can do tremendous damage, or even put you out of business.

  • There are 3 ways you lose your data:

    1. Data loss

      The data is not longer existed:

      • The server, or hard-drive dies
      • Someone accidentally or maliciously delete the data


      • A developer running DROP TABLE on a test database, but in fact it’s the production database.
    2. Data corruption

      The data

      • is corruption (due to a software bug, human error or malicious actor)
      • can’t be read


      • Data migration process going wrong and writing data to wrong tables/columns.
    3. Inaccessible data

      The data is still there, but you can no longer access it.


      • You lost the encryption key
      • Ransomware has encrypted it
  • To prevent losing data:

    • you “simply” backup them:
      • make copies of your data
      • store those copies elsewhere
    • if something goes wrong,
      • you can restore from one of those copy

Backup Strategies

Backup StrategyScheduled disk backupsScheduled data store backupsContinuous data store backupsData store replication
DescriptionTake a snapshot of the entire hard drive on a regular schedule (e.g., daily)Natively back up just the data in that data store (rather than the entire hard drive)Take a snapshot after every single change, e.g. INSERT, UPDATEThe replicas used for as a failover or handle load is a full copy of your data.
How it worksUse another backup vendor software to backup the whole disk (OS, data store…)e.g. Dump the data store as SQL dump (all SQL statements that represents the data store)Use a write-ahead log (WAL) to store the changes, before execute these changes to the actual data. The snapshot is of the WAL.Also based on WAL, ~ continuous backup
Protect against data lossSupportSupportSupportSupport
Protect against data corruptionSupportSupportSupportNot support
Protect against inaccessible dataNot supportSupport: Use a different encryption keySupport: Use a different encryption keyNot support
PortableModerate: Some backup software gives you snapshots that can move to servers in different hosting environment (cloud, on-premise)High: Support moving to a different server/OS/hosting environment…Low: Can’t backup to different server, OS, hosting environmentLow
ReliabilityHigh: When boot from a disk snapshot, you get the exact data store configuration, versionModerate: Vendor software may introduce backward incompatible changesLow: There is more chance of incompatible breaking changes from vendor softwareLow
ConsistentInconsistent: Data store may have data buffered in memory or only partially written to diskHighHighConsistent
OverheadStorage: OS…
CPU, memory: While backup process running
Storage: Less, can use incremental backups to reduces further;
CPU, memory: Less
Storage: Depend on the modification pattern;
CPU, memory: For every changes
Storage: Depend on the modification pattern;
CPU, memory: For every changes
Backup data between snapshotsNot supportNot supportSupportSupport
Support by data storeNot supportPopularNot popularNot popular
NoteThe most popular way to backup data storeGold standard, use it when it’s available

Backup Best Practices

The 3-2-1 backup rule

With 3-2-1 backup rule, you should have at least:

RuleExampleType of disaster protect from
3 copiesOriginal/production + 2 more copiesA failure of the production
2 different types of mediaMagnetic HDD, SSD, tapeA failure of the storage technology
1 copy offsideIn another AWS region (from the original)A failure of an entire region

Test your backups regularly

Ensure that

  • the step-by-step process of how to restore from a backup is documented

    [!TIP] When you need to restore from a backup, you’re in a stressful situation with limit time, any mistakes will make things worse.

  • you run through this process regularly both manually and automatically.

    [!WARNING] If you don’t run your backup process regularly, there is a big chance that it doesn’t work, because of many reason:

    • Hardware/Software
    • People


    • Have practice sessions a few times per year for your team to practice recovering from a backup,
    • Have an automated tests that frequently, e.g. nightly
      • restores a system from backup
      • check that everything works as expected e.g. The queries against the backup should return the same data as the original.

Protect your backups

[!WARNING] Any one has access to these backup also has access to your production data.

Ensure that your back ups have multiple layers of protection:

  • Be encrypted
  • Stored on servers in a private network
  • Accessible only by authorized parties
  • Be carefully monitored…

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #13 To protect against data loss & data corruption:

  • Ensure your data stores are securely backed up follow the 3-2-1 rule.
  • Protect your backups,
  • Test your backup strategy regularly

Example: Backups and Read Replicas with PostgreSQL

  • Use the Example: PostgreSQL, Lambda, and Schema Migrations as the starting point

    # examples/ch9/tofu/live/lambda-rds/
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-2"
    module "rds_postgres" {
      source = ""
      name              = "bank"
      instance_class    = "db.t4g.micro"
      allocated_storage = 20
      username          = var.username
      password          = var.password
  • Enable automatic backups for PostgreSQL

    module "rds_postgres" {
      # ... (other params omitted) ...
      backup_retention_period = 14            (1)
      backup_window           = "04:00-05:00" (2)
    • 1: Setting this to a value greater than zero enables daily snapshots.

      The preceding code configures RDS to retain those snapshots for 14 days.

      [!NOTE] Older snapshots will be deleted automatically, saving you on storage costs.

    • 2: Configure the snap-shotting process to run from 4-5AM UTC.

      [!WARNING] Any data written between snapshots could be lost.

      [!TIP] You should typically set this to a time when

      • load on the database tends to be lower
      • or after you run an important business process at some specific time every day.
  • Add a read replica with a second module block that uses the rds-postgres module

    module "rds_postgres_replica" {
      source = ""
      name                = "bank-replica"                 (1)
      replicate_source_db = module.rds_postgres.identifier (2)
      instance_class      = "db.t4g.micro"                 (3)
    • 1: Since the primary database is called bank name the replica bank-replica.

    • 2: Set the replicate_source_db parameter to the identifier of the primary database.

      • This is the setting that configures this database instance as a read replica.
    • 3: Run the replica on the same micro RDS instance that is part of the AWS free tier.

  • Update the Lambda function to talk to read replica

    module "app" {
      source = ""
      # ... (other params omitted) ...
      environment_variables = {
        DB_HOST = module.rds_postgres_replica.hostname
        # ... (other env vars omitted) ...

    [!NOTE] The schema migration still you the primary database instance

  • Re-apply the OpenTofu module

    cd examples/ch9/tofu/live/lambda-rds
    tofu apply
  • Wait for the replica to be deployed (5-15 minutes), head over to RDS console to the replica is deployed.

  • Head over to Lambda console

    • Click lambda-rds-app function
    • Select Configuration tab
    • Click on Environment variables section on the left side

    Verify the DB_HOST has been set to replica’s URL.

  • Verify the Lamda function is working

    curl https://<app_endpoint>

Get your hands dirty: Backup and recovery

  • Test your backups! If you don’t test them, they probably don’t work.

    Once your RDS instance takes a snapshot,

    • find its ID in the RDS snapshots console, and
    • pass that ID into the snapshot_identifier parameter of the rds-postgres module to restore the database from that snapshot.
  • Enable continuous backups for your database.

  • Replicate your backups to another AWS region or account for extra durability.

[!NOTE] When you’re done testing, commit your code, and run tofu destroy to clean everything up.

[!TIP] When you destroy everything, the rds-postgres module will take one final snapshot of the database, which is a handy failsafe in case you delete a database by accident.


  • Keep your applications stateless. Store all your data in dedicated data stors.

  • Don’t roll your own data stores: always use mature, battle-tested, proven off-the-shelf solutions.

  • Use relational databases as your primary data store (the source of truth), as they

    • are secure, reliable, mature
    • support schemas, integrity constraints, foreign key relationships, joins, ACID transactions, and a flexible query language (SQL).

    When it comes to data storage, boring is good, and you should choose boring technologies.

  • Only use other data stores if you have use cases that a relational database can’t handle:

    Other data storesUse cases… benefit
    Key-value storesCache data- Speeding up queries
    - Reducing load on your primary data store.
    CDNsCache static content- Reducing latency for your users
    - Reducing load on your servers.
    File servers & object storesServe static contentAllowing your app servers to focus on serving dynamic content.
    Document storesFor semi-structured & non-uniform dataWhere you can’t define a schema ahead of time
    For searchWhen you need full-text search, faceted search…
    Columnar databasesFor time-series data, big data, fast data, data warehouses…To quickly perform aggregate operations on columns.
    Message queuesRun tasks in the backgroundGuarantees that tasks are completed and executed in a specific order.
    Event streamsBuild highly-scalable, decoupled, event-driven architectures.

  • Use replication and partitioning to make relational databases more scalable and highly available.

  • Use NoSQL and NewSQL databases when your scalability and availability requirements exceed what you can do with a relational database—but only if you can invest in the time and expertise of deploying and maintaining a distributed data store.

  • Ensure your data stores are securely backed up to protect against data loss and data corruption, protect your backups, test your backup strategy regularly, and follow the 3-2-1 rule.


Ephemeral data is data that is OK to lose if that server is replaced.


Elastic File System


Elastic Block System


When using network-attached drives, you can use software (e.g., OpenTofu, Pulumi) to detach and reattach them when replacing VMs (e.g., as part of a deployment)


e.g. With file serving, it can be advantageous to share a single network-attached hard drive amongst multiple servers, so they can all read from and write to the same disk.


By default, the file system of a container is considered ephemeral, and any data you write to it will be lost when that container is redeployed or replaced.

  • If you need to persist data to disk, you need to configure your orchestration tool to create a persistent volume and mount it at a specific path within the container.
  • The software within that container can then write to that path just like it’s a normal local hard drive, and the data in that persistent volume will be retained even if the container is redeployed or replaced.

Under the hood, the orchestration tool may handle the persistent volume differently in different deployment environments.


Relational databases

  • have been in development for 25-50 years

  • are still in active development today.


Relational databases are flexible enough to handle a remarkably wide variety of use cases, from being

  • embedded directly within your application,

    e.g. SQLite can run in-process or even in a browser

  • all the way up to clusters of thousands of servers that store petabytes of data.


The automatically-incrementing sequence will generate a monotonically increasing ID that is guaranteed to be unique (even in the face of concurrent inserts) for each new row.


Amazon’s Relational Database Service (RDS) is a fully-managed service that provides a secure, reliable, and scalable way to run several different types of relational databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL Server, and Oracle Database


With cache-aside strategy, you update the cache when data is requested, which makes future queries considerably faster.


Cache invalidation is one of the “two hard things in Computer Science”.

Cache invalidation is one of those problems that’s much harder than it seems.


  • If you have 20 replicas of your app, all with code similar to the example cache, then every time the data in your primary data store is updated, you need to find a way to

    • (a) detect the change has happened
    • (b) invalidate or update 20 caches.

Valkey is a fork of Redis that was created after Redis switched from an open source license to dual-licensing.


You can you DynamoDB as a replacement for Redis.


Cache hit ratio is the percentage of requests that are a cache hit


The name metadata may be different from the file name.


You used Simple Storage Service (S3) in Chapter 5 to store OpenTofu state files.


The Etag is sent as an HTTP response header to web browsers so they know if a file has changed, and they need to download the latest version, or if the file is unchanged, and they can use a locally-cached copy.


The content type is sent as an HTTP response header to web browsers so they know how to display the contents of the file

e.g. Browsers know to render

  • text/html as HTML,
  • image/png as a PNG image…

Cache control is sent as an HTTP response header, which:

  • is used by browsers and shared caches (e.g., CDNs)
  • to figure out how to cache the response.

The public directive tells shared caches that this is a public resource that they can safely cache.


The max-age=300 directive tells shared caches and web browsers that they can cache this content for up to 300 seconds (5 minutes).


These search-optimized document store

  • build search indices on top of the documents,
  • to support full-text search, fuzzy search, faceted search…

OpenSearch is a fork of Elasticsearch that was created after Elasticsearch switched from an open source license to dual-licensing.


There are some exceptions, such as MongoDB, which has support for joins via the lookup operator, although it’s more limited than the types of joins you get with relational databases.


Again, there are some exceptions, such as MongoDB, which has support for distributed transactions, though again, it’s more limited than what you get with relational databases.

Moreover, transactions are not the default, but something you have to remember to use, which is quite error-prone.


With schema-on-read, when the schema’s changed, all you have to do is

  • update your application code to be able to handle both the new data format and the old one, and
  • your migration is done.

Or, to be more accurate, your migration has just started, and it will happen incrementally as new data gets written.


In 2004, Google released a paper on MapReduce, which described their approach to batch processing huge amounts of data using distributed systems. This kicked off a wave of big data tools.


Hadoop is an open source MapReduce implementation.


It’s very common to perform aggregate queries on time-series data (e.g., show me the average response time for this web service).


Big data refers to data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application software (e.g. relational databases, document stores)


Stream processing is

  • generating analytics from large data sets
  • by running continuously to incrementally process streams of data on a near real-time basis (e.g., in milliseconds)

Amazon EMR (previously called Amazon Elastic MapReduce) is a managed cluster platform that simplifies running big data frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark


Data warehouses are often column-oriented, and use specialized schemas (e.g., star and snowflake schemas) optimized for analytics.


With data warehouse, all of your data in one place, so you can perform a variety of analytics, generate reports, and so on.


Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)


In distributed systems theory, guaranteeing a message is delivered exactly once is provably impossible (if you’re curious why, look up the Two Generals Problem).


Azure Azure HDInsight is also used for big data system as in Analytics Use Cases.


There were attempts to make relational databases distributed, which are known as distributed relational databases.


Vertical scaling (aka scale up/down) means

  • adding/removing resources (CPUs, memory or storage…)
  • to/from a single computer



Horizontally scaling (aka scale out/in) means

  • adding or removing nodes, e.g. a computer, a VM
  • to a distributed software application.

A hot spot is a partition that get a disproportionately higher percentage of traffic and become overloaded.

Your relational database might have hotpots

  • if you don’t partition your data correctly, or
  • if your access patterns change

Meta created MySQL Raft, a consensus engine that turns MySQL into a “true distributed system”. See: Building and deploying MySQL Raft at Meta


NoSQL, which at various times stood for Non-SQL or Not-Only-SQL,

  • is a fuzzy term that refers to
  • databases that do not use SQL or the relational model.

Over the years, there have been many types of non-relational databases,

  • most of which failed to gain wide adoption


    • object databases in the 90s,
    • XML databases in the early 2000s
  • but NoSQL in particular typically refers to

    • a breed of databases that were built in the late 2000s,
      • primarily by Internet companies struggling to adapt relational databases to unprecedented demands in performance, availability, and data volume.

“open source, distributed, non-relational databases” is still the best definition of NoSQL that we have.


e.g. because the network is down

Chapter 10: How to Monitor Your Systems: Metrics, Logs, Alerts, and Observability

Chapter 11: The Future of DevOps and Software Delivery

Appendix A: Recommended Resources