Chapter 4: How to Version, Build, and Test Your Code

With most real-world code, software development is a team sport, not a solo effort.

You need to figure out how to support many developers collaborating safety and efficiently on the same codebase.

In particular, you need to solve the following problems:

The problemHow to …Notes
Code access- Allow all developers (in the team) to access the codebase ?👈 So they can collaborate
Integration- Integrate changes from all developers
- Handle any conflicts
- Ensure no one’s work is accidentally lost or overwritten
Correctness- Prevent bugs & breakages slipping in?
Release- Release the changes (in your codebase) to production on a regular basis?👉 So the code can generate value for users & your company

These problems are all key part of your software development life cycle (SDLC).

  • In the pasts, many companies came up with their own ad-hoc, manual SDLC processes:
    • Email code changes back & forth
    • Spend weeks integrating changes together manually
    • Test everything manually (if they did any testing at all)
    • Release everything manually, e.g. Using FTP to upload code to a server
  • Now a day, we have far better tools & techniques for solving these problems:
    • Version control
    • Build system
    • Automated testing

Version Control

What is Version Control

version control system (VCS) : a tool that allows you to : - store source code : - share it with your team : - integrate your work together : - track changes over time

Version Control Primer

Your normal workflow with an essay in Microsoft WordYour workflow in version control terms
You start with a file called essay.doc,You start with essay.doc.
You realize you need to do some pretty major changes, so you create essay-v2.docAfter some major edits, you commit your changes to a new revision called essay-v2.doc.
You decide to remove some big pieces, but you don’t want to lose them, so you put those in essay-backup.doc, and move the remaining work to essay-v3.doc;Then, you realize that you need to break off in a new direction, so you could say that you’ve created a new branch from you original work, and in that new branch, you commit another new revision called essay-v3.doc.
Maybe you work on the essay with your friend Anna, so you email her a copy of essay-v3.docWhen you email Anna essay-v3.doc, and she starts her work, you could say that she’s working in yet another branch.
Anna starts making edits; at some point, she emails you back the doc with her updates, which you then manually combine with the work you’ve been doing, and save that under the new name essay-v4-anna-edit.docWhen she emails you back, you manually merge the work in your branch and her branch together to create essay-v4-anna-edit.doc.
You keep emailing back and forth, and you keep renaming the file, until minutes before the deadline, you finally submit a file called something like essay-final-no-really-definitely-final-revision3-v58.doc.

Visualizing your process with Word documents as version control Visualizing your process with Word documents as version control

Your normal workflow with the an essay - copying, renaming, emailing… - is a type of version control, but not a manual version control system.

There are better version control tools, in which you commit, branch, merge… your works.

Version Control Concepts

Repositories : You store files (code, documents, images, etc.) in a repository (repo for short).

Branches : (You start with everything in a single branch, often called something like main.) : At any time, you can create a new branch from any existing branch, and work in your own branch independently.

Commits : Within any branch, : - you can edit files, : - when you’re ready to store your progress in a new revision, you create a commit with your updates (you commit your changes) : The commit typically records : - not only the changes to the files, : - but also who made the changes, and a commit message that describes the changes.

Merges : At any time, you can merge branches together. : e.g. : - It’s common to create a branch from main, work in that branch for a while, and then merge your changes back into main.

Conflicts : (VCS tools can merge some types of changes completely automatically), : But if there is a conflict (e.g., two people changed the same line of code in different ways), : - the VCS will ask you to resolve the conflict manually.

History : The VCS tracks every commit in every branch in a commit log, which lets you see : the full history of how the code changed: : - all previous revisions of every file, : - what changed between each revision : - who made each change.

[!NOTE] There are many version control systems:

  • CVS, Subversion, Perforce…
  • Mercurial, Git…

These days, the most popular is Git.

Example: A Crash Course on Git

Git basics

  • Install Git: Follow the office guide

  • Let Git know your name & email

    git config --global "<YOUR NAME>"
    git config --global "<YOUR EMAIL>"

  • Initialize a Git repo

    [!NOTE] Before initial a Git repo, you need to create a empty folder:

    mkdir /tmp/git-practice
    cd /tmp/git-practice

    (or you can use an existing repo)

    git init

    [!NOTE] Now, create a text file that will be including in your first commit:

    echo 'Hello, World!' > example.txt

    [!TIP] The contexts of the git-practice folder looks like this

    $ tree -aL 1
    ├── .git
    └── example.txt

    [!NOTE] The .git folder is where Git record all information about your branches, commits, revisions…

  • Show the working tree status

    git status

    [!NOTE] The git status show the working tree status:

    • What branch you’re on.
    • Any commits you’ve made.
    • Any changes that haven’t been committed yet.
  • Before commit your changes, you first need to add the file(s) you want to commit to the staging area using git add

    git add example.txt
  • Re-run git status

    git status
    On branch main
    No commits yet
    Changes to be committed:
      (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to un-stage)
    	new file:   example.txt
    • The example.txt is now in the staging area, ready to be committed.
  • To commit the staged changes, use the git commit

    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    • Use the -m flag to pass in the commit message.
  • Check the commit log using git log

    git log

    For each commit in the log, you’ll see

    • commit ID
    • author
    • date
    • commit message.

    [!NOTE] Each commit has a different ID that you can use to uniquely identify that commit, and many Git commands take a commit ID as an argument.

    [!TIP] Under the hood, a commit ID is calculated by taking the SHA-1 hash of:

    • the contents of the commit,
    • all the commit metadata (author, date, and so on), and
    • the ID of the previous commit

    [!TIP] Commit IDs are 40 characters long,

    • but in most commands, you can use just
      • the first 7 characters, as that will be unique enough to identify commits in all but the largest repos.

Let’s make another change and another commit:

  • Make a change to the example.txt

    echo 'New line of text' >> example.txt
  • Show your working tree status

    git status
    On branch main
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    	modified:   example.txt
    • Git is telling you that the changes is current “in working directory” (working tree), and is “not staged for commit”
    • Git also tell you the changed files: modified: example.txt
  • To see what exactly these changes are, run git diff

    git diff
    $ git diff
    diff --git a/example.txt b/example.txt
    index 8ab686e..3cee8ec 100644
    --- a/example.txt
    +++ b/example.txt
    @@ -1 +1,2 @@
     Hello, World!
    +New line of text

    [!NOTE] Use git diff frequently to check what changes you’ve made before committing them:

    • If the changes look good:
      • Use git add <file>... to stage the changes.
      • Then use git commit to commit them.
    • If the changes don’t look good:
      • Continue to modify the changes
      • Or use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory.
  • Re-stage the changes and commit:

    git add example.txt
    git commit -m "Add another line to example.txt"
  • Use git log once more with --oneline:

    git log --oneline
    02897ae (HEAD -> main) Add another line to example.txt
    0da69c2 Initial commit

[!IMPORTANT] The commit log is very powerful 👈 It’s has the commit IDs and commit messages:

  • Debugging:

    Something breaks -> “What changed?” -> Check commit log’s messages

  • Reverting:

    • You can use git revert <COMMIT_ID> to create a new commit that reverts all the changes in the commit <COMMIT_ID>.

      (in other words, undoing the changes in that commit while still preserving your Git history)

    • You yan use git reset --hard <COMMIT_ID> to get rid of:

      • all commits after COMMIT_ID.
      • including the history about them.
  • Comparison:

    You can use git diff to compare not only local changes, but also to compare any two commits.

  • Author:

    You can use git blame to annotate each line of a file with information about the last commit that modified that file, (including the date, the commit message, and the author).

    • Don’t use this to blame someone for causing a bug, as the name implies. It may be war!
    • The more common use case is to help you understand where any give piece of code came from, and why that change was made.

Git branching and merging

  • To create a new branch and switch to it, use git checkout -b

    git checkout -b testing

    [!NOTE] If you want to make sure you never lost your code, you can use git switch -c to create a new branch and switch to it.

  • Check the you’re on new branch with git status

    git status
  • You can also list all the branches (and see which one you’re on) with git branch

    git branch

    [!TIP] The branch which you’re on is mark with asterisk (*)

  • Any changes you commit now will go into the testing branch:

    • Try it with the example.txt

      echo 'Third line of text' >> example.txt
    • Stage and commit the changes

      git add example.txt
      git commit -m "Added a 3tr line to example.txt"
    • You git log to check that you have three commits on testing branch:

      git log --oneline
  • Switch back to main branch to see that main branch still has only 2 commits

    git switch main
    git log --oneline

  • Merge the work in your testing branch back to the main branch

    git merge testing # Merge testing branch (to current branch - main)
    Updating c4ff96d..c85c2bf
     example.txt | 1 +
     1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
    • It’s a Fast-forward, Git was able to merge all the changes automatically, as there were no conflicts between main & testing branches.

Get your hands dirty with Git

  • Learn how to use the git tag command to create tags.

  • Learn to use git rebase.

    • When does it make sense to use it instead of git merge?

Example: Store your Code in GitHub

  • Git is a distributed VSC:

    Every team member can

    • have a full copy of the repository.
    • do commits, merges, branches completely locally.
  • But the most common way to use Git is using one of the repositories as a central repository, which acts as your source of truth.

    • Everyone will initially get their code from this central repo
    • As someone make changes, he/she always pushes them back to this central repo.
  • There are many way to run such a central repo:

    • Hosting yourself

    • Use a hosting service, which is the most common approach:

      • Not only host Git repos
      • But also provide:
        • Web UIs
        • User management
        • Development workflows, issue tracking, security tools…

      The most popular hosting service for Git are GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket.

    [!NOTE] GitHub is the most popular, and what made Git popular.

    • GitHub provides a great experience for hosting repos & collaboration with team members.
    • GitHub has become de facto home for most open source projects.

In this example, you will push the example code you’ve worked in while reading this book/blog post series to GitHub.

  • Go the folder where you have your code

    cd devops-books
  • The contents of the folder should look like this:

    tree -L 2
    ├── ch1
    │   ├── ec2-user-data-script
    │   └── sample-app
    ├── ch2
    │   ├── ansible
    │   ├── bash
    │   ├── packer
    │   └── tofu
    └── ch3
        ├── ansible
        ├── docker
        ├── kubernetes
        ├── packer
        └── tofu
  • Initialize an empty Git repository in .git/

    git init
  • Show working tree status

    git status
    • There is “no commits yet”, and only “untracked files”.
  • Create gitignore file (.gitignore)

    *.tfstate            # 1
    .terraform           # 2
    *.key                # 3
    *.zip                # 4
    node_modules         # 5
    • 1: Ignore OpenTofu state.
    • 2: Ignore .terraform, used by OpenTofu as a scratch directory.
    • 3: Ignore the SSH private keys used in Ansible examples.
    • 4: Ignore build artifact created by lambda module.
    • 5: Ignore Node.js’s scratch directories.

    [!TIP] Commit the .gitignore file first to ensure you don’t accidentally commit files that don’t belong in version control.

  • Stage and commit .gitignore

    git add .gitignore
    git commit -m "Add .gitignore"
  • Stage all files/folders in root of the repo:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Example for first few chapters"
    • The code in now in a local Git repo in your computer.
    • In the next section, you’ll push it to a Git repo on GitHub

  • Create a GitHub account if you haven’t one

  • Authenticate to GitHub on the CLI: Follow the official docs

  • Create a new repository in GitHub

  • Add that GitHub repository as a remote to your local Git repository:

    [!NOTE] A remote is a Git repository hosted somewhere, i.e. somewhere on the Internet

    git remote add origin<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git
    • This will add your GitHub repo as a remote named origin

    [!TIP] Your remote GitHub repo can be any where, but anyone that access your repo, which now acts as a central repository can refer to it as origin.

  • Push your local branch to your GitHub repo

    git push origin main

    [!TIP] You push to REMOTE a LOCAL_BRANCH with:

  • Refresh your repo in GitHub, you should see your code there.

[!NOTE] You’ve just push your changes to a remote endpoint, which being halfway to be able to collaborate with other developers.

  • You can click the Add a README button, then:

    • Fill in the README content.
    • And commit changes directly to the Git repo.
  • If you do that, your GitHub repo now has a file, but the local repo on your computer doesn’t.

  • To get the latest code from the origin, use git pull:

    git pull origin main

    [!NOTE] The command git pull REMOTE REMOTE_BRANCH will:

    • “Fetch” from REMOTE the REMOTE_BRANCH.
    • Merge that REMOTE_BRANCH to current branch (in the local repository).
  • If your haven’t have a local copy of the central repository, first you need to clone that repo:

    git clone<USERNAME>/<REPO>

    This command will

    • checkout a copy of the repo <REPO> to a folder called <REPO> in your current working directory.
    • automatically add the repo’s URL as a remote named origin

You’ve just seen the basic Git workflows when collaboration:

  • git clone: Check out a fresh copy of a repo.
  • git push origin <LOCAL_BRANCH>: Share your changes to other team members.
  • git pull origin <REMOTE_BRANCH>: Get changes from other team members.

A Primer on Pull Request

pull request : a request to merge one branch into another branch : ~ you’re requesting the owner runs git pull on your repo/branch

[!TIP] GitHub popularized the PR workflow as the de facto way to make changes to open source repos

And these days, many companies use PRs to make changes to private repos as well.

A pull request processes is as a follows:

  • You check out a copy of repo R, create a branch B, and commit your changes to this branch.

    • If you have write access to repo R, you can create branch B directly in repo R.
    • However, if you don’t have write access, which is usually the case if repo R is an open source repo in someone else’s account, then you
      • first create a fork of repo R, which is a copy of the repo in your own account,
      • then you create branch B in your fork.
  • When you’re done with your work in branch B, you open a pull request against repo R:

    • Requesting that the maintainer of that repo merges your changes from branch B into some branch in repo R (typically main).
  • The owner of repo R then

    • uses GitHub’s PR UI to review your changes,
    • provide comments and feedback,
    • and ultimately, decide to either
      • merge the changes in,
      • or close the PR unmerged.

Example: Open a Pull Request in GitHub

  • Create a new branch named update-readme and switch to it

    git switch -c update-readme
  • Make a change to the file

    echo "" >>
  • Show un-staged changed

    git diff
  • Stage & commit the changes

    git add
    git commit -m "Add URL to README"
  • Push your update-readme branch to the origin remote

    git push origin update-readme

    [!TIP] In the git push output, GitHub conveniently shows you a URL for creating a pull request.

    You can also create PRs by

    • going to the Pull Requests tab of your repo in GitHub Web UI
    • clicking New Pull Request button.
  • Open the URL in a web browser, then

    • Fill in the pull request’s title, description.
    • Scroll down to see the changes between your update-readme & main branches.
    • If those changes look OK, click Create pull request button.
    • You’ll end up in the GitHub PR UI.
  • You and your team members cana use the Github PR page to

    • see the changes
    • discuss the changes
    • request reviewers, modifies to those changes…
  • If the PR looks gook:

    • Click Merge pull request
    • Then Confirm merge to merge the changes in.

Version Control Best Practices

  • Always use version control

    • Using version control brings massive benefits for software engineering.
    • Version control’s easy, cheap/free.

    [!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #1 Always manage your code with a version control system.

  • Write good commit messages

    When you’re trying to figure out what caused a bug, an outage, git log and git blame can help you, but only if the commit message are well written.

    [!NOTE] What is a good commit message?

    • Summary: Short, clear summary of the change (< 50 characters).
    • Context:
      • If you need more than a summary, put a new line after the summary, then provide more information to understand the context.
      • Focus on what changed; why it changed (How it changed should be clear from the the code itself).


    Fix bug with search auto complete
    A more detailed explanation of the fix, if necessary. Provide
    additional context that may not be obvious from just reading the
    - Use bullet points
    - If appropriate
    Fixes #123. Jira #456.

    [!TIP] You can go a little further with the commit messages by:

  • Commit early and often

    Committing as you’re solving a large problem, break it down to small, manageable parts.

    [!NOTE] What to commit and PR?

    Atomic commit/PR.

    In other words, each commit or pull request should do exactly one small, relatively self-contained thing.

    [!TIP] Atomic commit: You should be able to describe the commit in one short sentence and use it as the commit message’s summary.

    e.g. Instead of a single, massive commit that implements an entire large feature,

    • aim for a series of small commits, where each one implements some logical part of that feature:
      • a commit for backend logic
      • a commit for UI logic
      • a commit for search logic

    [!TIP] Atomic PR:

    • A single PR can contain multiple commits, but it should still represent a single set of cohesive changes - changes that naturally & logically go together.
    • If your PR contains unrelated changes, you should break it up into multiple PRs.

    e.g. Follow the Boy Scout Rule1 is a good idea, but

    • don’t make a PR that contains a new feature, a bug fix, and a refactor
      • put each of these changes into its own PR:
        • a PR for the new feature
        • a PR for the bug fix
        • a PR for the refactor

    [!NOTE] What is the benefit of atomic commits, PRs?

    More useful Git historyEach commit/PR can fit in oneline in the history.
    Cleaner mental modelForce you to break the work down.
    Less riskEasy to revert.
    Easier code reviewsQuick to approve.
    Less risky refactorsYou can try something new then go back to any commits quickly without losing much work.
    Lower risk of data lossCommit (and push) act as a data backup.
    More frequent integrationQuick to merge, release.
  • Use a code review process

    [!NOTE] Why any one should have their code review?

    In the writing world, even if you’re the smarted, most capable, most experienced, you can’t proofread your own work:

    • You’re too close to the concept.
    • You can’t put yourself in the shoes of someone who is hearing them for the first time.

    The same applies for writing code.

    [!TIP] Having your code review by someone else is a highly effective way to catch bugs, reducing defect rates by as much as 55-80% - which is even a higher rate than automated test.

    [!NOTE] Code reviews are also an efficient mechanism to

    • spread knowledge, culture, training
    • provide a sense of ownership throughout the team

    [!NOTE] How to do code reviews?

    • Enforce a pull request workflow

      You can enforce that

      • all changes are done through pull requests
        • so the maintainers of each repo can asynchronously review each change before it gets merged.
    • Use pair programming

      Pair programming:

      • a development technique where two programmers work together at one computer:

        • one person as the driver, responsible for writing the code
        • the other as the observer, responsible for
          • reviewing the code and
          • thinking about the program at a higher level

        (the programmers regularly switch roles)

      • results in code review process happens all the time:

        • driver will also try to make clear what the code is doing

      Pair programming is used:

      • by some companies for all their coding
      • by other companies for only complex tasks, or ramping up a new hire.
    • Use formal inspections

      Formal inspection is when you schedule a live meeting for a code review where you:

      • present the code to multiple developers
        • go through it together, line-by-line.

      Formal inspection can be apply for mission critical parts of your systems.

    [!TIP] Whatever process you pick for code reviews, you should

    • define your code preview guidelines up front,
      • so everyone can have a process that is consistent & repeatable across the entire team:
        • what to look for, e.g. design, functionality, complexity, tests.
        • what not to look for, e.g. code formatting (should be automated)
        • how to communicate feedback effectively

    For example, have a look at Google’s Code Review Guidelines.

  • Protect your code:

    For many companies these day, the code you write is:

    • your most important asset.
    • a highly sensitive asset: if someone can slip malicious code into the codebase, it would be a nightmare.

    [!NOTE] How to protect your code?

    • Signed commits:

      By default, any one can set the email used by Git to any email they want.

      • What if a bad actor introduces some malicious code in your name (email).

      • Fortunately, most VSC hosts (GitHub, GitLab…) allow you to enforce signed commits on your repos, where they reject any commit that doesn’t have a valid cryptographic signature.

        Under the hood:

        • You give Git the private key; and give the VSC host the public key.
        • When you commit, Git will sign that your commits with the private key.
        • When you push to central repo on VSC host, VSC host will use the public key to verify that these commit are signed by your private key.
    • Branch protection:

      Most VCS hosts (GitHub, GitLab, etc.) allow you to enable branch protection, where you can

      • enforce certain requirements before code can be pushed to certain branches (e.g., main)

      For example, you can require that all changes to main branch:

      • Submitted via pull requests
      • Those pull requests are review by at least N other developers.
      • Certain checks - e.g. security scans - pass

      before these pull requests can be merged.

Get your hands dirty with Git amend, squash

Build System

What is Build System?

build system (build tools) : the system used by most software project to automate important operations, e.g. : - Compiling code : - Downloading dependencies : - Packaging the app : - Running automated tests…

Why use Build System?

The build system serves 2 audiences:

  • The developers on your team, who run the build steps as part of local development.
  • The automated tools (scripts), which run the build steps as part of automating your software delivery process.

Which Build System to use?

You can:

  • create your own build system from ad-hoc scripts, duct tape & glue.
  • or use an off-the-shelf build system.

There are many off-the-shelf build systems out there:

  • Some were originally designed for use with a specific programming language, framework. e.g
    • Rake for Ruby
    • Gradle, Mavan for Java
    • SBT for Scale
    • NPM for JavaScript (Node.js)
  • Some are language agnostic:
    • Make: granddad of all build systems.
    • Bazel: fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system.

[!TIP] Usually, the language-specific tools will give you the best experience with that language.

You should only go with the language-agnostic ones in specific circumstances, such as:

  • Massive teams
  • Dozens of languages
  • Gigantic monorepo

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #2 Use a build system to capture, as code, important operations and knowledge for your project, in a way that can be used both by developers and automated tools.

Example: Configure your Build Using NPM

The example-app is written is JavaScript (Node,js), so NPM is a good choice for build system.

  • The code for this example will be in examples/ch4/sample-app

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch4/sample-app
  • Clone the app.js from previous example

    cp ch1/sample-app/app.js ch4/sample-app/app.js
  • Install Node.js which comes with NPM

  • To use NPM as a build system, you need a package.json file.

    [!NOTE] The package.json file can be

    • created manually
    • scaffold by running npm init

    In this example, you will run npm init

    npm init
    # npm will prompt you for the package name, version, description...

    You should have a package.json file looks like this:

      "name": "sample-app",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "Sample app for 'Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery'",
      "scripts": {
        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

    [!NOTE] NPM has a number of built-in scripts, such as npm install, npm start, npm test, and so on.

    All of these have default behaviors, but in most cases, you can define what these script do by

    • adding them to the scripts block.
    • specify which commands that script should run.

    For example

    • npm init gives you an initial test script in the scripts block that just run a command that exits with an error.
  • Add a script named start to the script block in package.json

      "scripts": {
        "start": "node app.js"
  • Now you run the npm start script to run your app.

    npm start

    [!NOTE] By using npm start to run your app, you’re using a well-known convention:

    • Most Node.js and NPM users know to use npm start on a project.
    • Most tools that work with Node.js know to use npm start to start a Node.js app.

    In other words, you capture how to run your app in the build system.

  • Create a Dockerfile

    # examples/ch4/sample-app/Dockerfile
    FROM node:21.7
    WORKDIR /home/node/app
    # 1
    COPY package.json .
    COPY app.js .
    EXPOSE 8080
    USER node
    # 2
    CMD ["npm", "start"]

    This Dockerfile is identical to the one in previous example, except:

    • 1: In addition to app.js, you also copy the package.json to the Docker image.
    • 2: Instead of using node app.js, you use npm start to start the app.
  • Create a script called

    # examples/ch4/sample-app/
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -e
    # (1)
    version=$(npm pkg get version | tr -d '"')
    # (2)
    docker buildx build \
      --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
      -t sample-app:"$version" \
    • 1: Run npm pkg get version to get the value of the version key in package.json.
    • 2: Run docker buildx, setting version to the value from 1.
  • Make the script executable

    chmod u+x
  • Add a dockerize script to the scripts block in package.json

      "scripts": {
        "dockerize": "./"
  • Now instead of trying to figure out how to build the Docker image, your team members can execute npm run dockerize to build the Docker image.

    npm run dockerize

    [!NOTE] Notice it’s npm run dockerize (with the extra run) as dockerize is a custom script, not a built-in script of NPM.

Dependency Management

dependencies : software packages & libraries that your code uses.

Kind of dependencies

  • Code in the same repo

    You can

    • break your code in a single repo into multiple modules/packages
    • have these modules depend on each other

    These modules/packages allow you

    • develope different parts of your codebase in
      • isolation from the others,
      • (possible with completely separate teams working on each part)
  • Code in different repos

    You can store code across multiple repos, which

    • give you more isolation between different parts of your software
      • make it even easier for separate teams to take ownership for each part.

    Typically, when code in repo A depends on code in repo B:

    • it’s a specific version of the code in repo B, which may correspond to a specific Git tag.

    • or it’s a versioned artifact published form the repo B


      • a Jar file in the Java world
      • a Ruby Gem in the Ruby world
  • Open source code

    Most common type of dependency these days. A type of code in different repos.

Why use a dependency?

Yoy use a dependency so

  • you can reply on someone else to solve certain problems for you
  • instead of having to
    • solve everything yourself from scratch
    • (maintain it)

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #3 Use a dependency management tool to pull in dependencies—not copy & paste.

The problems with copy-paste dependency

  • Transitive dependencies

    Copy/pasting a single dependency is easy, but if

    • that dependency has its own dependencies, and
      • those dependencies have their own dependencies, and
        • so on (collectively known as transitive dependencies),

    then copy/pasting becomes rather hard.

  • Licensing

    Copy/pasting may violate the license terms of that dependency, especially if you end up modifying that code (because it now sits in your own repo).

    [!WARNING] Be especially aware of dependencies that uses GPL-style licenses (known as copyleft or viral licenses),

    • if you modify the code in those dependencies,
      • you need to release your own code under the same license i.e. you’ll be forced to open source your company’s proprietary code!.
  • Staying up to date

    If you copy/paste the code, to get any future updates, you’ll have to

    • copy/paste new code, and new transitive dependencies, and
    • make sure you don’t lose any changes your team members made along the way.
  • Private APIs

    (Since you can access those files locally), you may end up

    • using private APIs
      • instead of the public ones that were actually designed to be used,

    which can lead to unexpected behavior, (and make staying up to date even harder)

  • Bloating your repo

    Every dependency you copy/paste into your version control system makes it larger and slower.

How to use dependencies

  • Instead of copy-paste, use a dependency management tool, which is usually built-in with build systems.

  • You define your dependencies

    • as code
    • in the build configuration
    • including the version (of the dependencies)

    the dependency management tools is then responsible for:

    • downloading those dependencies (plus any transitive dependencies)
    • making them available to your code.

Example: Add Dependencies in NPM

So far, the Node.js example-app has not any dependencies other than the http standard library built in Node.js.

In this example, you will introduce an dependency named Express, which is a popular web framwork for Node.js

  • Install Express & save it to dependencies in package.json

    npm install express --save
    • The package will now have a new dependencies section:

        "dependencies": {
          "express": "^4.19.2"
  • There will be 2 new file/folder next to the package.json file:

    • node_modules folder: where NPM download & install dependencies

      • Should be in your .gitignore; anyone check out this repo the first time can run npm install to install the dependencies.
    • package-lock.json file: a dependency lock file, which captures the exact dependencies what were installed.

      • In package.json, you can specify a version range instead of a specific version.
      • Without the package-lock.json, every time you run npm install,
        • you may get a new version of the dependencies,
          • which make the builds not reproducible
      • With the package-lock.json file, you can use npm clean-install (npm ci in short) to
        • tell NPM to perform a clean install (and install the exact versions in the lock file)
          • so the build is reproducible (every time)
  • Re-write the code in app.js to use Express framework

    const express = require("express");
    const app = express();
    const port = 8080;
    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
      res.send("Hello, World!");
    app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`);

    [!TIP] By using the Express framework, it’ll be a lot easier to evolve this code into a real app by leverage all the features built into Express e.g. routing, templating, error handling, middleware, security…

  • Update the Dockerfile to run npm ci

    FROM node:21.7
    WORKDIR /home/node/app
    # (1)
    COPY package.json .
    COPY package-lock.json .
    # (2)
    RUN npm ci --only=production
    COPY app.js .
    EXPOSE 8080
    USER node
    CMD ["npm", "start"]
    • 1: Copy not only package.json, but also package-lock.json into the Docker image.
    • 2: Run npm ci to have a clean install with the exact dependencies in the lock file.

    [!NOTE] The --only=production flag tells NPM to only install the production dependencies.

    • An NPM package can also have dev-dependencies - which are only used in the dev environment.
    • When running in production environment, these dev dependencies are not needed.

Get your hands dirty with modern frontend build systems

  • PNPM
  • Yarn
  • Turborepo
  • Lerna
  • Parcel

Automated Testing

Why use automated testing

legacy code : spaghetti code without automated tests, documentation : code that you don’t have the confidence to make changes

To prevent legacy code, you use automated testing, where you:

  • write test code to validate that
    • your production code works
      • the way you expect it to.

By writing automated tests, you might catch some of the bugs,

  • but the most important benefit of having a good suite of automated tests is, you have the confidence to make changes quickly, because:

    • you don’t have to keep the whole program in your head
    • you don’t have to worry about breaking other people’s
    • you don’t have to repeat the same boring, error-prone manual testing over & over agian.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #4 Use automated tests to give your team the confidence to make changes quickly.

Types of automated tests

There’re a lot of type of automated tests:

  • Compiler

    If you’re using a statically-typed language (e.g., Java, Scala, Haskell, Go, TypeScript), you can pass your code through the complier (compile) to automatically identify

    • (a) syntactic issues
    • (b) type errors.

    If you’re using a dynamically-typed language (e.g., Ruby, Python, JavaScript), you can pass the code through the interpreter to identify syntactic issues.

  • Static analysis / linting

    These are tools that read & check your code “statically” — that is, without executing it — to automatically identify potential issues.


    • ShellCheck for Bash
    • ESLint for JavaScript
    • SpotBugs for Java
    • RuboCop for Ruby.
  • Policy tests

    In the last few years, policy as code tools have become more popular as a way to define and enforce company policies & legal regulations in code.

    Examples: Open Policy Agent, Sentinel, Intercept.

    • Many of these tools are based on static analysis, except they give you flexible languages to define what sorts of rules you want to check.
    • Some rely on plan testing, as described next.
  • Plan tests

    Whereas static analysis is a way to test your code without executing it at all, plan testing is a way to partially execute your code. This typically only applies to tools that can generate an execution plan without actually executing the code.

    For example:

    • OpenTofu has a plan command that shows you what changes the code would make to your infrastructure without actually making those changes: so in effect, you are running all the read operations of your code, but none of the write operations.

    You can write automated tests against this sort of plan output using tools such as Open Policy Agent and Terratest.

  • Unit tests

    This is the first of the test types that fully execute your code to test it.

    The idea with unit tests is to execute only a single “unit” of your code:

    • What a unit is depends on the programming language, but it’s typically a small part of the code, such as one function or one class. - You typically mock any dependencies outside of that unit (e.g., databases, other services, the file system), so that the test solely executes the unit in question.

    To execute the unit tests:

    • Some programming languages have unit testing tools built in e.g. testing for Go; unittest for Python
    • Whereas other languages rely on 3rd party tools for unit testin e.g. JUnit for Java; Jest for JavaScript
  • Integration tests

    Just because you’ve tested a unit in isolation and it works, doesn’t mean that multiple units will work when you put them together. That’s where integration testing comes in.

    With integeration tests, you test

    • multiple units of your code (e.g., multiple functions or classes),
    • often with a mix of
      • real dependencies (e.g., a database)
      • mocked dependencies (e.g., a mock remote service).
  • End-to-end (E2E) tests

    End-to-end tests verify that your entire product works as a whole, which mean you:

    • run
      • your app,
      • all the other services you rely on,
      • all your databases and caches, and so on,
    • test them all together.

    These often overlap with the idea of acceptance tests, which verify your product works from the perspective of the user or customer (“does the product solve the problem the user cares about”).

  • Performance tests

    Most unit, integration, and E2E tests verify the correctness of a system under ideal conditions: one user, low system load, and no failures.

    Performance tests verify the stability & responsiveness of a system in the face of heavy load & failures.

Example: Add Automated Tests for the Node.js App

  • How to know if the the Node.js example-app work?

    const express = require("express");
    const app = express();
    const port = 8080;
    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
      res.send("Hello, World!");
    app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`);
  • So far, you will do it through manual testing:

    • Manually ran the app with npm start
    • Then open the app URL in the brower.
    • Verify that the output is matched.
  • What if you have

    • hundreds of URLs?
    • hundreds of developers making changes?

[!NOTE] The idea with automated testing is to

  • write code that
    • performs the testings steps for you.

Then the computer can run these test code and test your app faster, more reliable.

Add unit tests for the Node.js App

  • You’ve start with unit test. To add a unit test, first you need a unit of code, which you will introduce in this example

  • For this example, create a basic module with 2 functions that reverve characters & words in a string. Those 2 functions acts as the unit of code to be tested.

    # 1
    function reverseWords(str) {
      return str.split(" ").reverse().join(" ");
    # 2
    function reverseCharacters(str) {
      return str.split("").reverse().join("");
    module.exports = { reverseCharacters, reverseWords };
    • 1: reverseWords reverses the words in a string. e.g. hell world will be reversed to world hello
    • 2: reverseCharacters reverses the characters in a string e.g. abcde will be reversed to edcba

[!NOTE] How do you know this code actually works?

  1. Imagine how the code runs in your head?
  2. Test the code manually?
  • Fire up a REPL - an interactive shell - to manuallt execute code.
    • Import the reverve file
    • Run the reverseWords, reverseCharacters function with your input> , and check the output.
    • (When you’re done with the REPL, use Ctrl+D to exit).
  1. Capture the steps you did in a REPL in an automated test.
  • In this example, you will use Jest as the testing framework, and SuperTest as the library for testing HTTP apps.

  • Intstall Jest and Supertest (and save them as dev dependencies with --save-dev flag)

    npm install --save-dev jest supertest

    Your package.json should looks like this:

      "dependencies": {
        "express": "^4.19.2"
      "devDependencies": {
        "jest": "^29.7.0",
        "supertest": "^7.0.0"
  • Update the test script (in package.json) to run Jest

      "scripts": {
        "test": "jest --verbose"

  • Writing tests for reserveWords function

    const reverse = require("./reverse");
    //                                                         1
    describe("test reverseWords", () => {
      //                                                       2
      test("hello world => world hello", () => {
        const result = reverse.reverseWords("hello world"); // 3
        expect(result).toBe("world hello"); //                 4
    • 1: Use descibe function to group server tests together.
      • The first argument: description of the group of tests.
      • The second argument: a function that will run the tests for this group.
    • 2: Use test function to define individual tests
      • The first argument: description of the test.
      • The second argument: a function that will run the test
    • 3: Call the reverseWords function and store the result in the variable result.
    • 4: Use the expect matcher to check that the result matches “world hello”. (If it doesn’t match, the test will fail.)
  • Use npm test to run the tests

    npm test
    • The test PASS without any error.

  • Add a second unit test for the reverseWords function

    describe("test reverseWords", () => {
      test("hello world => world hello", () => {});
      test("trailing whitespace   => whitespace trailing", () => {
        const result = reverse.reverseWords("trailing whitespace   ");
        expect(result).toBe("whitespace trailing");
  • Re-run npm test

    npm test
    • The test FAIL
  • Fix whitespace handling in reverseWords

    function reverseWords(str) {
      return str
        .trim() // 1
        .split(" ")
        .join(" ");
    • 1: Use the trim functon to strip leading & trailing whitespace.
  • Re-run npm test; it should pass now.

This is a good example of the typical way you write code

  • when you have a good suite of automated test to lean on:
    • make a change
    • re-run the tests
    • make another changes
    • re-run the tests
    • add new tests

With each iteration,

  • your test suite gradually improves
    • you build more & more confidence in your code
      • you can go faster & faster

The automated tests

  • provides a rapid feedback loop that help you being more productive
  • acts as regression tests prevent old bugs

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #5 Automated testing makes you more productive while coding by providing a rapid feedback loop: make a change, run the tests, make another change, re-run the tests, and so on.

[!IMPORTANT] Key takeaway #6 Automated testing makes you more productive in the future, too: you save a huge amount of time not having to fix bugs because the tests prevented those bugs from slipping through in the first place.

Using code coverage tools to improve unit tests

code coverage : the percent of code got executed by your tests : can be measured by many automated testing tools

  • Update test script to also measure code coverage

      "scripts": {
        "test": "jest --verbose --coverage"
  • Run npm test to see the extra information about code coverage

    npm test
    • There is also a new coverage folder (next to package.json), which contains HTML reports about code coverage.
    • Open the HTML reports, you can see:
      • How many time each part of the code were executed
      • The part of code that wasn’t executed at all
  • Now, you know which parts of the code wasn’t tested, you can add unit test for them:

    describe("test reverseCharacters", () => {
      test("abcd => dcba", () => {
        const result = reverse.reverseCharacters("abcd");
  • Re-run the test and now the code coverage is 100%.

Add end-to-end tests for the Node.js App

In this example, you will add an end-to-end test for the Node.js sample-app: a test that makes an HTTP request to the app, and chcek the response.

  • First, split out the part of the app that listen on a port

    // app.js
    const express = require("express");
    const app = express();
    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
      res.send("Hello, World!");
    module.exports = app;
    // server.js
    const app = require("./app");
    const port = 8080;
    app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`);
  • Update the start script in package.json

      "scripts": {
        "start": "node server.js"
  • Add a end-to-end test for the app

    // app.test.js
    const request = require("supertest");
    const app = require("./app"); // 1
    describe("Test the app", () => {
      test("Get / should return Hello, World!", async () => {
        const response = await request(app).get("/"); // 2
        expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); //        3
        expect(response.text).toBe("Hello, World!"); //  4
    • 1: Inport the app code from app.js
    • 2: Use the SuperTest libary (imported under the name request) to fire up the app and make an HTTP GET request to it at the / URL.
    • 3: Check that the reponse status code is a 200 OK
    • 4: Check that the response body is the text "Hello, World!"
  • Re-run npm test

    npm test

Get your hands dirty with end-to-end test for Node.js app

  • Add a new endpoint to the sample app
  • Add a new automated test to validate the endpoint works as expected.

Example: Add Automated Tests for the OpenTofu Code

[!NOTE] You can write automated tests not only for app code, but also for infrastructure code, too.

The tooling for infrastructure tests isn’t as mature, and the tests take longer to run, but the tests five all the same benefits.

In this example, you will add an automated tests for the lambda-sample OpenTofu module in Chapter 3.

[!NOTE] There are several approaches to test OpenTofu code:

  • Static analysis: Terrascan, Trivy, tflint
  • Policy testing: Open Policy Agent, Sentinel
  • Plan testing: build-in test command, Open Policy Agent, Terratest
  • Unit, integration, end-to-end testing:
    • Build-in test command: for simple modules, tests.
    • Terratest : for more complex modules, tests.
  • Copy that module

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch4/tofu/live
    cp -r ch3/tofu/live/lambda-sample ch4/tofu/live
    cd ch4/tofu/live/lambda-sample

Add static analysis for your OpenTofu code using Terrascan

  • Create a config file for Terrascan called terrascan.toml

    level = "high"
  • Install Terrscan

  • Run terrascan in the lambda-sample folder

    terrascan scan \
      --iac-type terraform \
      --non-recursive \
      --verbose \
      -c terrascan.toml
    • --iac-type terraform: Analyze only Terraform or OpenTofu code.

    • --non-recursive:

      By default, Terrascan tries to scan everything in the current folder and all subfolders.

      This flag avoids Terrascan scanning the src folder within lambda-sample and complaining that folder doesn’t contain OpenTofu code.

    • --verbose: This gives a bit of extra log output, including Rule IDs for any policies that have been violated.

    • -c terrascan.toml: Use the settings in the configuration file terrascan.toml you created.

Add unit tests for your OpenTofu code using the test command

[!NOTE] The test in this example will deploy real resources into your AWS accounts.

  • It’s closer to integration tests
  • But it still test just a single unit - so it’s still a unit test
  • Use the test-endpoint module (in example code repo at ch4/tofu/modules/test-endpoint) to make an HTTP request to an endpoint (from your OpenTofu code)

[!NOTE] Currently, the test command can only use local modules, so use need to make a copy of it in your test.

  • Clone test-endpoint module

    cd examples
    mkdir -p ch4/tofu/modules
    cp -r ../../<EXAMPLE_CODE_REPO>/ch4/tofu/modules/test-endpoint ch4/tofu/modules
  • In the lambda-sample module, create a test file

    # examples/ch4/tofu/live/lambda-sample/deploy.tftest.hcl
    run "deploy" {
      command = apply
    # (2)
    run "validate" {
      command = apply
      # (3)
      module {
        source = "../../modules/test-endpoint"
      # (4)
      variables {
        endpoint = run.deploy.api_endpoint
      # (5)
      assert {
        condition     = data.http.test_endpoint.status_code == 200
        error_message = "Unexpected status: ${data.http.test_endpoint.status_code}"
      # (6)
      assert {
        condition     = data.http.test_endpoint.response_body == "Hello, World!"
        error_message = "Unexpected body: ${data.http.test_endpoint.response_body}"
    • 1: The first run block will run apply on the lambda-sample module itself.

    • 2: The second run block will run apply as well, but this time on a test-endpoint module, as described in (3).

    • 3: This module block is how you tell the run block to run apply on the test-endpoint module (the module you copied from the blog post series’s sample code repo).

    • 4: Read the API Gateway endpoint output from the lambda-sample module and pass it in as the endpoint input variable for the test-endpoint module.

    • 5: assert blocks are used to check if the code actually works as you expect. This first assert block checks that the test-endpoint module’s HTTP request got a response status code of 200 OK.

    • 6: The second assert block checks that the test-endpoint module’s HTTP request got a response body with the text “Hello, World!”

  • (Authenticate to AWS)

  • Run tofu test

    tofu test
    • OpenTofu will
      • run apply, deploy your real resources, and then
      • at the end of the test, run destroy to clean everthing up again.

Get your hands dirty with Infrastructure Test

  • Figure out how to encrypt the environment variables in the lambda module, which is a better fix for the Terrascan error.

  • Add a new endpoint in your lambda module and add a new automated test to validate the endpoint works as expected.

Testing Best Practices

Which type of test to use? - The test pyramid

The first question with testing: Which testing approach should you use? Unit tests? Integration tests? E2E test?

The answer: A mix of all of them.

  • Each type of test can catch different type of errors; and have different strengths & weaknesses.
  • The only way to be confident your code works as expected is to combine multiple types of tests. In most cases, he proportion of tests follow the test pyramid.

For more information, see:

What to test

The second question with testing: What should you test?

  • Some believe that every line of code must be tested (or you must achieve 100% code coverage).
  • But remember, each test has a cost, does the cost bring enough values?

Before deciding if a part of your code should be test, evaluating your testing strategy & making trade-offs between the following factors:

  • The code of bugs


    • A prototype that will be throw away in a week -> the cost of bug is low
    • A payment processing system -> the cost of bug is very high.

    Usually, the cost of bug is high for systems that

    • touches data storage
    • relates to securiy
    • cannot be break…
  • The likelehood of bugs


    • If there is a lot of people working on the same code, there might be more bugs (integration bugs…).
    • Math problems.
    • Your own distributed consensus algorithm
  • The cost of testing

    • Usually, unit tests has low cost
    • Integration tests, end-to-end tests, performance tests are more expensive to write, run.
  • The cost of not having tests

    Many companies make analysis about cost/benefit of test and conlcude that tests aren’t worth it.

    But not have tests has a big cost: FEAR.

    • The company may end up having a paralyzed dev team.

When to test

The third question about testing: When to test?

  • Add tests several years after you write the code: much expensive, but not as beneficial.
  • Add tests a day after you write the code: cheaper, more beneficial.
  • Add tests before you write the code: lowest cost, most beneficial.

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

TDD (Test-Driven Development) : You write the test before you write the implementation code : Isn’t it weird? How can you test something not-existed?

With TDD, The tests

  • will test the implementation code
  • provide a feedback that leads to a better design

By trying to write tests for your code (before you write the implementation codes), you’re forced to take a step back & ask important questions:

  • How do I structure the code so I can test it?
  • What dependencies do I have?
  • What are the common use cases? Corner cases?

[!TIP] If you find that your code is hard to test, it’s almost always

  • a sign that it needs to be refactored (for some other reasons) too.


  • The code uses a lot of mutable state & side effects -> Hard to test & hard to reuse, understand.
  • The code has many ocmplex interactions with its dependencies -> It’s tightly coupld & hard to change.
  • The code has many use cases to cover -> It’s doing too much, needs to be broken up.

TDD cycle:

  1. Add basic placeholders for the new functionality (e.g., the function signatures):
  • just enough for the code to compile
  • but don’t actually implement the functionality.
  1. Add tests for the new functionality.

1.2. (RED) Run all the tests. The new tests should fail, but all other tests should pass.

  1. Implement the new functionality.

2.2. (GREEN) Rerun the tests. Everything should now pass.

  1. (REFACTOR) Refactor the code until you have a clean design, re-running the tests regularly to check everything is still working.

[!TIP] A TDD cycle is also known as Red - Green - Refactor.

[!NOTE] When using TDD, the design of your code emerges as a result of a repeated test-code-test cycle.

  • Without TDD, you often come up with a design and make it your final design.
  • With TDD:
    • you need to figure how to pass new tests (in each cycle), which forces you to iterate on your design.
    • you often ship something more effective.

Which type of test to apply TDD?

  • You can apply TDD for many type of tests:
    • Unit tests -> Force you consider how to design the small parts of your code.
    • Integration tetsts -> Force you to consider how your different parts communicate with each other.
    • End-to-end tests -> Force you to consider how to deploy everything.
    • Performance tests -> Force you to think what is the bottlenecks are & which metrics you need gather to identify them.

For more information about TDD, see:

  • Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce (Addison-Wesley Professional)
  • Hello, Startup: A Programmer’s Guide to Building Products, Technologies, and Teams (O’Reilly)

The other benefits of TDD:

  • By writing tests first, you increase the chance of having thorough test converage.
    • Because you’re forced to write code incrementally. Each incremental code can be tested more easy.

When not to use TDD?

  • If you’re doing exploratory coding:
    • you don’t yet know exactly what you’re building
    • you’re just exploring the problem space by coding & messing with data

How TDD works with legacy codebase (that doesn’t have any tests)?

  • You can use TDD for any changes you make to the codebase

    It’s a standard TDD cycle with some extra steps at the front:

    A. Write a test for the functionality you’re about to modify. B. Run all the tests. They should all pass. C. Use the standard TDD process for new changes you’re about to make.

    So it’s GREEN + Red-Green-Refactor.

[!TIP] TDD can also be used for bug fixing.

  • If there’s a bug in production, it’s mean there was no test that caught the bug.
    • So you can do Test-Driven Bug Fixing.


To allow your team members to collaborate on your code:

  • Always manage your code with a version control system.

  • Use a build system to capture, as code, important operations and knowledge for your project, in a way that can be used both by developers and automated tools.

  • Use a dependency management tool to pull in dependencies — not copy & paste.

  • Use automated tests to give your team the confidence to make changes quickly.

    • Automated testing makes you more productive while coding by providing a rapid feedback loop: make a change, run the tests, make another change, re-run the tests, and so on.

    • Automated testing makes you more productive in the future, too: you save a huge amount of time not having to fix bugs because the tests prevented those bugs from slipping through in the first place.


THE BOY SCOUTS HAVE A RULE: “Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it.”2