AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02
Public Introduction (Release DVA-C02) (5:47)
Finding and Using the Course Resources (14:31)
Site tools and features (8:36)
AWS Exams (17:32)
Scenario - Animals4life (13:28)
Connect with other students and your instructor (3:10)
Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts
AWS Accounts - The Basics (11:33)
[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP1 - Creating GENERAL AWS Account (14:44)
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) (8:25)
[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP2 - Securing GENERAL AWS Account (9:44)
[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP3 - Creating a Budget (6:46)
[DO_IT_YOURSELF] Creating the Production Account (4:59)
Identity and Access Management (IAM) Basics (13:01)
[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP4 - Adding IAMADMIN to GENERAL Account (12:36)
IAM Access Keys (7:10)
[DEMO] Creating Access keys and setting up AWS CLI v2 tools (17:43)
Cloud, Networking and Technical Fundamentals (moved to FREE dedicated course)
AWS Fundamentals
[ASSOCIATE] AWS Public vs Private Services (7:04)
[ASSOCIATE] AWS Global Infrastructure (14:53)
[ASSOCIATE] AWS Default Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (15:19)
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Basics (14:46)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] My First EC2 Instance - PART1 (10:58)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] My First EC2 Instance - PART2 (9:40)
[ASSOCIATE] Simple Storage Service (S3) Basics (15:48)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] My First S3 Bucket (18:34)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation (CFN) Basics (12:28)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Simple Automation With CloudFormation (CFN) (15:52)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudWatch (CW) basics (13:45)
[ASSOCIATE] [Demo] Simple Monitoring with Cloudwatch (15:31)
[ASSOCIATE] Shared Responsibility Model (6:20)
[ASSOCIATE] High-Availability vs Fault-Tolerance vs Disaster Recovery (17:21)
[ASSOCIATE] Route 53 (R53) Fundamentals (6:29)
[ALL] [DEMO] Registering a Domain with Route 53 (9:49)
[ASSOCIATE] DNS Record Types (13:25)
Section Quiz - Fundamentals
[ASSOCIATE] IAM Identity Policies (15:52)
[ASSOCIATE] IAM Users and ARNs (13:49)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Simple Identity Permissions in AWS (16:06)
[ASSOCIATE] IAM Groups (7:48)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Permissions control using IAM Groups (9:24)
[ASSOCIATE] IAM Roles - The Tech (8:13)
[ASSOCIATE] When to use IAM Roles (15:27)
Service-linked Roles and PassRole (5:16)
[DVA-C02] AWS Security Token Service (6:53)
[ASSOCIATE] AWS Organizations (12:56)
[ALL] [DEMO] AWS Organizations (19:48)
[ASSOCIATE] Service Control Policies (SCP) (12:43)
[ALL] [DEMO] Using Service Control Policies (16:45)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudWatch Logs (7:16)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudTrail (11:40)
[ALL] [DEMO] Implementing an Organizational Trail (18:23)
Section Quiz - IAM and ORGS
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Security (Resource Policies & ACLs) (18:19)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Static Hosting (10:36)
[ALL] [Demo] Creating a static website with S3 (17:55)
[ASSOCIATE] Object Versioning & MFA Delete (7:56)
[ALL] [DEMO] - S3 Versioning (15:45)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Performance Optimization (11:42)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] - S3 Performance (5:06)
[ASSOCIATE] Key Management Service (KMS) (18:38)
[ALL] [DEMO] KMS - Encrypting the battle-plans with KMS (12:43)
[ALL] S3 Object Encryption CSE/SSE (23:31)
[ALL] [DEMO] Object Encryption and Role Separation (14:50)
S3 Bucket Keys (5:59)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Object Storage Classes - PART1 (9:23)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Object Storage Classes - PART2 (11:41)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Lifecycle Configuration (8:13)
[202304UPDATE] [ALL] S3 Replication (13:59)
[ALL] [DEMO] Cross-Region Replication of an S3 Static Website (19:52)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 PreSigned URLs (11:11)
[ALL] [DEMO] Creating and using PresignedURLs (18:23)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Select and Glacier Select (5:32)
[ASSOCIATE] Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (9:26)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Events (4:32)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Access Logs (3:05)
S3 Requester Pays (4:36)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Object Lock (9:52)
Section Quiz - S3
Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 1 (10:23)
Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 2 (9:11)
Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 3 (10:59)
AWS Permissions Evaluation (10:25)
CloudHSM (14:36)
[ASSOCIATE] VPC Sizing and Structure - PART1 (11:48)
[ASSOCIATE] VPC Sizing and Structure - PART2 (11:16)
[ALL] Custom VPCs - PART1 - THEORY (10:10)
[ALL] [DEMO] Custom VPCs - PART2 - DEMO (5:40)
[ASSOCIATE] VPC Subnets (10:42)
[ALL] [DEMO] Implement multi-tier VPC subnets (15:24)
[ASSOCIATE] VPC Routing, Internet Gateway & Bastion Hosts (17:35)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Configuring A4l public subnets and Jump-box - PART1 (13:45)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Configuring A4l public subnets and Jump-box - PART2 (11:45)
[ASSOCIATE] Stateful vs Stateless Firewalls (14:04)
[ASSOCIATE] Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) (12:38)
[ASSOCIATE] Security Groups (SG) (11:48)
[ASSOCIATE] Network Address Translation (NAT) & NAT Gateway - PART1 (13:43)
[ASSOCIATE] Network Address Translation (NAT) & NAT Gateway - PART2 (11:08)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Implementing private internet access using NAT Gateways (19:25)
Section Quiz - VPC Basics
[ASSOCIATE] Virtualization 101 (12:27)
[ASSOCIATE] EC2 Architecture and Resilience (12:36)
[ASSOCIATE] EC2 Instance Types - PART1 (11:52)
[ASSOCIATE] EC2 Instance Types - PART2 (8:13)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] EC2 SSH vs EC2 Instance Connect (17:06)
[ASSOCIATE] Storage Refresher (14:16)
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] Elastic Block Store (EBS) Service Architecture (8:43)
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] EBS Volume Types - General Purpose (9:23)
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] EBS Volume Types - Provisioned IOPS (6:15)
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] EBS Volume Types - HDD-Based (4:32)
[ASSOCIATE] Instance Store Volumes - Architecture (9:00)
[ASSOCIATE] Choosing Between the EC2 Instance Store and EBS (8:49)
[ASSOCIATE] Snapshots, Restore & Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR) (10:55)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART1 (15:16)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART2 (14:13)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART3 (14:27)
[ASSOCIATE] EBS Encryption (8:22)
[ASSOCIATE] Network Interfaces, Instance IPs and DNS (15:58)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART1 (12:27)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART2 (12:36)
[ASSOCIATE] Amazon Machine Images (AMI) (13:58)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART1 (9:38)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART2 (10:57)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Copying & Sharing an AMI (8:35)
EC2 Purchase Options - PART1 (9:22)
EC2 Purchase Options - PART2 (11:56)
Reserved Instances - the rest (11:58)
[ASSOCIATE] Instance Status Checks & Auto Recovery (7:42)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Shutdown, Terminate & Termination Protection (5:40)
[ASSOCIATE] Horizontal & Vertical Scaling (11:23)
[ASSOCIATE] Instance Metadata [THEORY & DEMO] (15:46)
Section Quiz - EC2 Basics
Monitoring and Logging
CloudWatch Architecture - PART1 (9:44)
CloudWatch Architecture - PART2 (9:19)
CloudWatch Logs Architecture (13:44)
AWS X-Ray (6:20)
[DEMO] Lambda & AWS X-ray (16:28)
[ASSOCIATE] VPC Flow logs (9:56)
Section Quiz - Monitoring and Logging
[ASSOCIATE] Introduction to Containers (17:13)
[ALL] [DEMO] Creating ‘container of cats’ Docker Image (18:15)
[ASSOCIATE] ECS - Concepts (10:25)
[ASSOCIATE] ECS - Cluster Mode (13:09)
[ALL] [DEMO] - Deploying ‘container of cats’ using Fargate [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (13:13)
[DVA-C02] Elastic Container Registry (ECR) (4:14)
[ALL] Kubernetes 101 (11:27)
[ALL] Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 101 (6:14)
Section Quiz - Containers
Advanced EC2
[ASSOCIATE] Bootstrapping EC2 using User Data (10:25)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART1 (15:00)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART2 (6:45)
[ASSOCIATE] EC2 Instance Roles & Profile (4:18)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Using EC2 Instance Roles (13:31)
[ASSOCIATE] SSM Parameter Store (6:16)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Parameter Store (16:11)
[ASSOCIATE] System and Application Logging on EC2 (6:15)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART1 (11:51)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART2 (8:08)
[ASSOCIATE] EC2 Placement Groups (14:29)
[ASSOCIATE] Enhanced Networking & EBS Optimized (6:57)
Section Quiz - Advanced EC2
Infrastructure as Code (CloudFormation)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Physical & Logical Resources (7:30)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART1 (10:28)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART2 (11:28)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Template and Pseudo Parameters (6:53)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions (14:28)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Mappings (4:30)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Outputs (3:37)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Template v2 - Portable (13:34)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Conditions (7:24)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation DependsOn (7:14)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Wait Conditions & cfn-signal (11:52)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Nested Stacks (13:55)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Cross-Stack References (10:05)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Stack Sets (9:12)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Deletion Policy (5:24)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Stack Roles (6:47)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Init (CFN-INIT) (8:48)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation cfn-hup (4:13)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] wait conditions, cfn-signal, cfn-init and cfn-hup - PART1 (12:51)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] wait conditions, cfn-signal, cfn-init and cfn-hup - PART2 (14:42)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation ChangeSets (11:03)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation Custom Resources (11:03)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART1 (9:12)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART2 (13:27)
Section Quiz - CloudFormation
Global Service Discovery and Content Delivery (R53 and CloudFront)
[ASSOCIATE] R53 Public Hosted Zones (6:28)
[ASSOCIATE] R53 Private Hosted Zones (5:10)
[ASSOCIATE] CNAME vs R53 Alias (5:19)
[ASSOCIATE] Simple Routing (2:17)
[ASSOCIATE] R53 Health Checks (12:41)
[ASSOCIATE] Failover Routing (1:53)
[ALL] [DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART1 (16:41)
[ALL] [DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART2 (6:28)
[ASSOCIATE] Multi Value Routing (2:32)
[ASSOCIATE] Weighted Routing (3:24)
[ASSOCIATE] Latency Routing (2:44)
[ASSOCIATE] Geo-location Routing (5:02)
[ASSOCIATE] Geo-proximity Routing (4:50)
[ASSOCIATE] R53 Interoperability (11:50)
[ALL] CloudFront - Architecture (14:56)
[ALL] CloudFront (CF) - Behaviors (9:21)
[ALL] CloudFront - TTL and Invalidations (13:48)
[ALL] CloudFront - SSL/TLS (14:59)
[ALL] CloudFront (CF) - Origin Types & Origin Architecture (10:20)
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) (11:21)
[ALL] [DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding a CDN to a static Website-PART1 (16:23)
[ALL] [DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding a CDN to a static Website-PART2 (12:24)
[ALL] [DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding an Alternate CNAME and SSL (11:12)
[ALL] CloudFront - Security - OAI & Custom Origins (8:50)
[ALL] [DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Using Origin Access Control (OAC) (new version of OAI) (11:21)
[ALL] CloudFront - Security - Private Distributions (7:49)
[ALL] CloudFront - Geo-Restriction (9:40)
[ALL] CloudFront - Field Level Encryption (9:00)
[ALL] CloudFront - lambda@edge (8:03)
Section Quiz - R53 and CDN
[ASSOCIATE] Database Refresher & MODELS - PART1 (8:51)
[ASSOCIATE] Database Refresher & MODELS - PART2 (14:45)
[ASSOCIATE] Databases on EC2 (13:08)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Splitting Wordpress Monolith => APP & DB (18:01)
[ASSOCIATE] Relational Database Service (RDS) Architecture (11:39)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Migrating EC2 DB into RDS - PART1 (18:20)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Migrating EC2 DB into RDS - PART2 (12:58)
[ASSOCIATE] Relational Database Service (RDS) MultiAZ - Instance and Cluster (11:54)
[ASSOCIATE] RDS Automatic Backup, RDS Snapshots and Restore (8:52)
[ASSOCIATE] RDS Read-Replicas (6:36)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] MultiAZ & Snapshot Restore with RDS - PART1 (14:05)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] MultiAZ & Snapshot Restore with RDS - PART2 (12:07)
[ASSOCIATE] RDS Data Security (7:03)
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] Aurora Architecture (13:44)
[ASSOCIATE] Aurora Serverless (9:52)
[DEMO] Migrating to Aurora Serverless [DON’T DO THIS DEMO, IT WON’T WORK, UPDATING to SERVERLESSv2] (14:47)
[ASSOCIATE] Secrets Manager (7:44)
Section Quiz - RDS
Advanced Storage
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] EFS Architecture (9:05)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART1 (8:51)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART2 (11:32)
[ASSOCIATE] [ DEMO] Using EFS with Wordpress (16:00)
FSx for Windows File Server (11:32)
FSx for Lustre (13:57)
Section Quiz - Advanced Storage
Scaling, Load Balancing & High-Availability
[ASSOCIATE] Regional and Global AWS Architecture (10:42)
[ASSOCIATE] Evolution of the Elastic Load Balancer (4:10)
[ALL] Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART1 (10:18)
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART2 (12:49)
[ALL] Application Load balancing (ALB) vs Network Load Balancing (NLB) (16:20)
[ASSOCIATE] Launch Configuration and Templates (4:00)
[ASSOCIATE] Auto-Scaling Groups (16:01)
[ASSOCIATE] ASG Lifecycle Hooks (4:41)
[ASSOCIATE] ASG HealthCheck Comparison - EC2 vs ELB (3:38)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART1 (14:24)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART2 (10:43)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE2 (12:58)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE3 (19:30)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE4 (18:04)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART1 (11:31)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART2 (14:56)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE6 (5:48)
Section Quiz - HA & SCALING
CI/CD using AWS Code (14:54)
AWS CodeCommit (11:35)
AWS CodePipeline for Developers (4:08)
AWS CodeBuild for Developers (6:23)
AWS CodeDeploy for Developers (10:21)
Elastic Container Registry (ECR) - Architecture (4:14)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE0 - INTRO (2:23)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE1 - CodeCommit (12:31)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE2 - Build a Docker Image w/ CodeBuild - PART1 (13:40)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE2 - Build a Docker Image w/ CodeBuild - PART2 (15:02)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE3 - Joining the dots - pipeline (15:31)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE4 - Deploy our Container w/ CodeDeploy - PART1 (11:29)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE4 - Deploy our Container w/ CodeDeploy - PART2 (7:42)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE5 - CLEANUP (4:07)
Section Quiz - CI/CD
Application Services, Event-Driven & Serverless
[ASSOCIATE] Architecture Deep Dive - PART1 (8:52)
[ASSOCIATE] Architecture Deep Dive - PART2 (13:09)
[ALL] AWS Lambda - PART1 (11:25)
[ALL] AWS Lambda - PART2 (13:59)
[ALL] AWS Lambda - PART3 (17:03)
[ASSOCIATE] EventBridge (6:54)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART1 (13:44)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART2 (18:49)
[ASSOCIATE] Simple Notification Service (7:49)
[ASSOCIATE] Simple Queue Service (15:30)
SQS Standard vs FIFO Queues (3:29)
SQS Extended Client Library (2:52)
SQS Delay Queues (4:38)
SQS Dead-Letter Queues (4:17)
[ASSOCIATE] Step Functions (16:09)
[ALL] API Gateway 101 (16:27)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART1 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (5:01)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART2 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (8:24)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART3 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (12:31)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART4 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (13:31)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART5 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (12:55)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART6 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (2:39)
[ASSOCIATE] Kinesis Data Streams (7:52)
[ASSOCIATE] Kinesis Data Firehose (9:11)
[ASSOCIATE] Kinesis Data Analytics (8:51)
[ASSOCIATE] Amazon Cognito - User and Identity Pools (14:44)
[MINI_PROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEB-IDF) - PART1 (7:28)
[MINI_PROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEB-IDF) - PART2 (7:16)
[MINI_PROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEB-IDF) - PART3 (8:16)
[MINI_PROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEB-IDF) - PART4 (12:10)
[MINI_PROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEB-IDF) - PART5 (2:31)
Serverless and App Services Section Quiz
AWS Lambda In-Depth
Lambda Handler Architecture & Overview - PART1 - Theory (7:52)
Lambda Handler Architecture & Overview - PART2 - Walkthrough (10:07)
Lambda Versions (4:58)
Lambda Aliases (4:11)
[DEMO] Lambda - Aliases and Versions (13:10)
Lambda Environment Variables (7:20)
Monitoring & Logging & Tracing Lambda Based Applications (13:24)
[DEMO] Accessing Private VPC Resources using Lambda w/ TheCatAPI!!!! - PART1 (7:53)
[DEMO] Accessing Private VPC Resources using Lambda w/ TheCatAPI!!!! - PART2 (16:19)
Lambda Layers (8:29)
Lambda Container Images (4:14)
Lambda & ALB Integration (5:21)
Lambda Resource Policy (9:52)
Section Quiz - Lambda
APIs & API Gateway In-Depth
API Gateway - Methods and Resources (4:28)
API Gateway - [DEMO] Methods and Resources (17:04)
API Gateway - Integrations (14:02)
API Gateway Stages and Deployments (6:25)
Open API & Swagger (7:56)
[DVA-C02] [DVA_DEMO] API Gateway Integrations - Mock, Lambda, AWS Service (23:55)
Section Quiz - API Gateway
NoSQL Databases & DynamoDB
[ASSOCIATE] DynamoDB Architecture Basics (10:49)
[ASSOCIATE] DynamoDB Operations, Consistency and Performance - PART1 (13:06)
[ASSOCIATE] DynamoDB Operations, Consistency and Performance - PART2 (11:24)
[ASSOCIATE] DynamoDB Indexes (LSI and GSI) (12:35)
[ASSOCIATE] DynamoDB Streams and Triggers (9:10)
[DVA-C02] [DEMO] DynamoDB Triggers using Lambda (16:54)
[ASSOCIATE] DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) (10:58)
[ASSOCIATE] DynamoDB Global Tables (5:09)
DynamoDB Time-To-Live (TTL) (4:49)
ElastiCache Theory & Architecture (12:51)
[DVA-C02] Athena 101 (8:19)
[DVA-C02] [DEMO] Athena and large Datasets - PART1 (13:31)
[DVA-C02] [DEMO] Athena and large Datasets - PART2 (11:37)
Section Quiz - NoSQL
Elastic Beanstalk In-Depth
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Architecture (18:12)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Application & Environment - PART1 (11:50)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Add additional environment and config options - PART2 (10:53)
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Deployment Policies (11:40)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Deployment (8:30)
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Environments and RDS (4:34)
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Advanced Customization via .ebextensions (4:52)
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - HTTPS (1:51)
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Cloning (4:44)
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Docker (9:11)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Section Cleanup (1:40)
Section Quiz - Elastic Beanstalk
Exam Prep
[ALL] General AWS Exam Technique - 3 Phase Approach (8:56)
[ALL] General AWS Question Technique - PART1 (14:12)
[ALL] General AWS Question Technique - PART2 (9:01)
Exam Question #1 - Review (8:58)
Exam Question #2 - Review (8:10)
Practice Quiz #1
Finishing Up
Thanks! and a favour (3:15)
Public Introduction (Release DVA-C02) (5:47)
Finding and Using the Course Resources (14:31)
Site tools and features (8:36)
AWS Exams (17:32)
AWS Certifications - Foundational - Associate - Professional - Specialty
AWS Certifications - Role-based vs Specialty
AWS Certifications - Knowledge Pool
AWS Certifications - Path
Scenario - Animals4life (13:28)
Animals4life - Global Corp
Animals4life - Current Infrastructure
Animals4life - Global Architecture
Animals4life - Current Problems
Animals4life - Ideal Outcomes
Connect with other students and your instructor (3:10)
Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts
AWS Accounts - The Basics (11:33)
AWS Accounts: container for identities (users) and resources
[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP1 - Creating GENERAL AWS Account (14:44)
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) (8:25)
MFA: Know, Have, Are, Where
[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP2 - Securing GENERAL AWS Account (9:44)
[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP3 - Creating a Budget (6:46)
[DO_IT_YOURSELF] Creating the Production Account (4:59)
Identity and Access Management (IAM) Basics (13:01)
IAM - Why?
IAM - Full Trust of AWS Account
IAM: User - Group - Role & IAM Policy
IAM: What it does?
IAM: Summary
[DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP4 - Adding IAMADMIN to GENERAL Account (12:36)
IAM Access Keys (7:10)
IAM Access Keys: Long-Term Credentials
IAM Access Keys: An IAM user can have 2 access keys, which can be created, deleted, made inactive/active
IAM Access Keys: Example
[DEMO] Creating Access keys and setting up AWS CLI v2 tools (17:43)
Cloud, Networking and Technical Fundamentals (TECH FUNDAMENTALS - Course)
OSI 7-Layer Networking Model
OSI Model Introduction (4:46)
Layer 1 - Physical (10:00)
Layer 2 - DataLink - PART1 (8:47)
Layer 2 - DataLink - PART2 (14:24)
Layer 3 - Network - PART1 (12:06)
Layer 3 - Network - PART2 (19:13)
Layer 3 - Network - PART3 (15:15)
Layer 4&5 - Transport & Session - PART1 (15:39)
Layer 4&5 - Transport & Session - PART2 (13:54)
Other Networking
Network Address Translation (NAT) - PART1 (11:00)
Network Address Translation (NAT) - PART2 (9:38)
IP Address Space & Subnetting - PART1 (14:37)
IP Address Space & Subnetting - PART2 (10:32)
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Attacks (14:35)
VLANs, TRUNKS & QinQ (16:14)
Decimal to Binary Conversion (IP Addressing) (17:12)
SSL & TLS (11:19)
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) 101 (17:03)
Stateful vs Stateless Firewalls (14:04)
JumboFrames (4:35)
Layer 7 Firewalls (7:44)
IP Sec VPN Fundamentals (14:48)
Fibre Optic Cable 101 (11:21)
Encryption 101 - PART1 (13:56)
Encryption 101 - PART2 (6:42)
Envelope Encryption (8:06)
Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) (6:40)
Hash Functions & Hashing (13:19)
Digital Signatures (9:26)
DNS #1 - What does DNS do (2:56)
DNS #2 - Why does DNS need a complex architecture (13:19)
DNS #3 - How DNS actually works … walking the tree (8:46)
DNS #4 - What happens when a domain is registered? (4:27)
DNSSEC #1 - Why do we need DNSSEC (11:08)
DNSSEC #2 - How DNSSEC Works within a Zone (17:34)
DNSSEC #3 - DNSSEC Chain of Trust (8:16)
DNSSEC #4 - DNSSEC Root Signing Ceremony (7:53)
Containers & Virtualization
Kubernetes 101 (11:27)
Backups & DR
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) & Recovery Time Objective (RTO) (16:54)
Data Formats & Configuration Formats
YAML aint markup language (YAML) 101 (6:12)
Javascript Object Notation (JSON) 101 (4:25)
Cloud Computing 101
What is Cloud Computing? (13:30)
Public vs Private vs Multi vs Hybrid Cloud .. (8:38)
Cloud Service Models (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS) (10:25)
AWS Fundamentals
[ASSOCIATE] AWS Public vs Private Services (7:04)
[ASSOCIATE] AWS Global Infrastructure (14:53)
[ASSOCIATE] AWS Default Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (15:19)
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Basics (14:46)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] My First EC2 Instance - PART1 (10:58)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] My First EC2 Instance - PART2 (9:40)
[ASSOCIATE] Simple Storage Service (S3) Basics (15:48)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] My First S3 Bucket (18:34)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudFormation (CFN) Basics (12:28)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Simple Automation With CloudFormation (CFN) (15:52)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudWatch (CW) basics (13:45)
[ASSOCIATE] [Demo] Simple Monitoring with Cloudwatch (15:31)
[ASSOCIATE] Shared Responsibility Model (6:20)
[ASSOCIATE] High-Availability vs Fault-Tolerance vs Disaster Recovery (17:21)
[ASSOCIATE] Route 53 (R53) Fundamentals (6:29)
[ALL] [DEMO] Registering a Domain with Route 53 (9:49)
[ASSOCIATE] DNS Record Types (13:25)
Section Quiz - Fundamentals
[ASSOCIATE] IAM Identity Policies (15:52)
[ASSOCIATE] IAM Users and ARNs (13:49)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Simple Identity Permissions in AWS (16:06)
[ASSOCIATE] IAM Groups (7:48)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Permissions control using IAM Groups (9:24)
[ASSOCIATE] IAM Roles - The Tech (8:13)
[ASSOCIATE] When to use IAM Roles (15:27)
Service-linked Roles and PassRole (5:16)
[DVA-C02] AWS Security Token Service (STS) (6:53)
STS - Overview
STS - How it works?
[ASSOCIATE] AWS Organizations (12:56)
[ALL] [DEMO] AWS Organizations (19:48)
[ASSOCIATE] Service Control Policies (SCP) (12:43)
[ALL] [DEMO] Using Service Control Policies (16:45)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudWatch Logs (7:16)
[ASSOCIATE] CloudTrail (11:40)
[ALL] [DEMO] Implementing an Organizational Trail (18:23)
Section Quiz - IAM and ORGS
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Security (Resource Policies & ACLs) (18:19)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Static Hosting (10:36)
[ALL] [Demo] Creating a static website with S3 (17:55)
[ASSOCIATE] Object Versioning & MFA Delete (7:56)
[ALL] [DEMO] - S3 Versioning (15:45)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Performance Optimization (11:42)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] - S3 Performance (5:06)
[ASSOCIATE] Key Management Service (KMS) (18:38)
[ALL] [DEMO] KMS - Encrypting the battle-plans with KMS (12:43)
[ALL] S3 Object Encryption CSE/SSE (23:31)
[ALL] [DEMO] Object Encryption and Role Separation (14:50)
S3 Bucket Keys (5:59)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Object Storage Classes - PART1 (9:23)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Object Storage Classes - PART2 (11:41)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Lifecycle Configuration (8:13)
[202304UPDATE] [ALL] S3 Replication (13:59)
[ALL] [DEMO] Cross-Region Replication of an S3 Static Website (19:52)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 PreSigned URLs (11:11)
[ALL] [DEMO] Creating and using PresignedURLs (18:23)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Select and Glacier Select (5:32)
[ASSOCIATE] Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (9:26)
CORS: Same Origin vs Cross Origin
What is CORS?
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS):
- an HTTP-header based mechanism that
- allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own
- from which a browser should permit loading resources.
CORS also relies on a mechanism by which
browsers make a “preflight” request to the server hosting the cross-origin resource,
in order to check that the server will permit the actual request.
Access-Control-Request-Method: POST Access-Control-Request-Headers: X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type
the server response
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://foo.example Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
CORS Configuration on the Cross-Origin
CORS: Simple Request & Preflight Request
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Events (4:32)
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Access Logs (3:05)
S3 Requester Pays (4:36)
S3 Requester Pays: Requester pays for the requests and data transfer out from the bucket
[ASSOCIATE] S3 Object Lock (9:52)
Section Quiz - S3
Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 1 (10:23)
Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 2 (9:11)
Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 3 (10:59)
AWS Permissions Evaluation (10:25)
Policy Evaluation Logic - Same Account
Policy Evaluation Logic - Different Accounts
CloudHSM (14:36)
[ASSOCIATE] VPC Sizing and Structure - PART1 (11:48)
[ASSOCIATE] VPC Sizing and Structure - PART2 (11:16)
[ALL] Custom VPCs - PART1 - THEORY (10:10)
[ALL] [DEMO] Custom VPCs - PART2 - DEMO (5:40)
[ASSOCIATE] VPC Subnets (10:42)
[ALL] [DEMO] Implement multi-tier VPC subnets (15:24)
[ASSOCIATE] VPC Routing, Internet Gateway & Bastion Hosts (17:35)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Configuring A4l public subnets and Jump-box - PART1 (13:45)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Configuring A4l public subnets and Jump-box - PART2 (11:45)
[ASSOCIATE] Stateful vs Stateless Firewalls (14:04)
[ASSOCIATE] Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) (12:38)
[ASSOCIATE] Security Groups (SG) (11:48)
[ASSOCIATE] Network Address Translation (NAT) & NAT Gateway - PART1 (13:43)
[ASSOCIATE] Network Address Translation (NAT) & NAT Gateway - PART2 (11:08)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Implementing private internet access using NAT Gateways (19:25)
[ASSOCIATE] Virtualization 101 (12:27)
[ASSOCIATE] EC2 Architecture and Resilience (12:36)
[ASSOCIATE] EC2 Instance Types - PART1 (11:52)
[ASSOCIATE] EC2 Instance Types - PART2 (8:13)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] EC2 SSH vs EC2 Instance Connect (17:06)
[ASSOCIATE] Storage Refresher (14:16)
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] Elastic Block Store (EBS) Service Architecture (8:43)
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] EBS Volume Types - General Purpose (9:23)
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] EBS Volume Types - Provisioned IOPS (6:15)
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] EBS Volume Types - HDD-Based (4:32)
[ASSOCIATE] Instance Store Volumes - Architecture (9:00)
[ASSOCIATE] Choosing Between the EC2 Instance Store and EBS (8:49)
[ASSOCIATE] Snapshots, Restore & Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR) (10:55)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART1 (15:16)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART2 (14:13)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART3 (14:27)
[ASSOCIATE] EBS Encryption (8:22)
[ASSOCIATE] Network Interfaces, Instance IPs and DNS (15:58)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART1 (12:27)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Manual Install of Wordpress on EC2 - PART2 (12:36)
[ASSOCIATE] Amazon Machine Images (AMI) (13:58)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART1 (9:38)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Creating an Animals4life AMI - PART2 (10:57)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Copying & Sharing an AMI (8:35)
EC2 Purchase Options - PART1 (9:22)
EC2 Purchase Options - PART2 (11:56)
Reserved Instances - the rest (11:58)
[ASSOCIATE] Instance Status Checks & Auto Recovery (7:42)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Shutdown, Terminate & Termination Protection (5:40)
[ASSOCIATE] Horizontal & Vertical Scaling (11:23)
[ASSOCIATE] Instance Metadata [THEORY & DEMO] (15:46)
Section Quiz - EC2 Basics
Monitoring and Logging
CloudWatch Architecture - PART1 (9:44)
CloudWatch: Concepts
CloudWatch: Architecture
CloudWatch: Namespace, Data-point, Metric, Dimension
CloudWatch Architecture - PART2 (9:19)
CloudWatch: Resolution, Retention, Statistic, Percentile
CloudWatch: Alarms
CloudWatch: Data Architecture
CloudWatch Logs Architecture (13:44)
CloudWatch Logs - Ingestion
CloudWatch Logs - Log Group/Stream/Event
CloudWatch Logs - Subscriptions
CloudWatch Logs - Aggregation
CloudWatch Logs - Overview
AWS X-Ray (6:20)
AWS X-Ray: Concepts
AWS X-Ray: Service Map
AWS X-Ray: How to use?
[DEMO] Lambda & AWS X-ray (16:28)
[ASSOCIATE] VPC Flow logs (9:56)
VPC FLow Logs - Capture traffic metadata, NOT capture contents, NOT realtime
VPC FLow Logs - Architecture
VPC FLow Logs - Flow Log Records
[ASSOCIATE] Introduction to Containers (17:13)
[ALL] [DEMO] Creating ‘container of cats’ Docker Image (18:15)
[ASSOCIATE] ECS - Concepts (10:25)
[ASSOCIATE] ECS - Cluster Mode (13:09)
[ALL] [DEMO] - Deploying ‘container of cats’ using Fargate [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (13:13)
[DVA-C02] Elastic Container Registry (ECR) (4:14)
[ALL] Kubernetes 101 (11:27)
[ALL] Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 101 (6:14)
Advanced EC2
[ASSOCIATE] Bootstrapping EC2 using User Data (10:25)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART1 (15:00)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Bootstrapping Wordpress Installation - PART2 (6:45)
[ASSOCIATE] EC2 Instance Roles & Profile (4:18)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Using EC2 Instance Roles (13:31)
[ASSOCIATE] SSM Parameter Store (6:16)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Parameter Store (16:11)
[ASSOCIATE] System and Application Logging on EC2 (6:15)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART1 (11:51)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART2 (8:08)
[ASSOCIATE] EC2 Placement Groups (14:29)
[ASSOCIATE] Enhanced Networking & EBS Optimized (6:57)
Infrastructure as Code (CloudFormation)
CloudFormation Physical & Logical Resources (7:30)
[DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART1 (10:28)
[DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART2 (11:28)
CloudFormation Template and Pseudo Parameters (6:53)
CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions (14:28)
CloudFormation Mappings (4:30)
CloudFormation Outputs (3:37)
[DEMO] Template v2 - Portable (13:34)
CloudFormation Conditions (7:24)
CloudFormation DependsOn (7:14)
CloudFormation Wait Conditions & cfn-signal (11:52)
CloudFormation Nested Stacks (13:55)
CloudFormation Cross-Stack References (10:05)
CloudFormation Stack Sets (9:12)
CloudFormation Deletion Policy (5:24)
CloudFormation Stack Roles (6:47)
CloudFormation Init (CFN-INIT) (8:48)
CloudFormation cfn-hup (4:13)
[DEMO] wait conditions, cfn-signal, cfn-init and cfn-hup - PART1 (12:51)
[DEMO] wait conditions, cfn-signal, cfn-init and cfn-hup - PART2 (14:42)
CloudFormation ChangeSets (11:03)
CloudFormation Custom Resources (11:03)
[DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART1 (9:12)
[DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART2 (13:27)
Global Service Discovery and Content Delivery (R53 and CloudFront)
[ASSOCIATE] R53 Public Hosted Zones (6:28)
[ASSOCIATE] R53 Private Hosted Zones (5:10)
[ASSOCIATE] CNAME vs R53 Alias (5:19)
[ASSOCIATE] Simple Routing (2:17)
[ASSOCIATE] R53 Health Checks (12:41)
[ASSOCIATE] Failover Routing (1:53)
[ALL] [DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART1 (16:41)
[ALL] [DEMO] Using R53 and Failover Routing-PART2 (6:28)
[ASSOCIATE] Multi Value Routing (2:32)
[ASSOCIATE] Weighted Routing (3:24)
[ASSOCIATE] Latency Routing (2:44)
[ASSOCIATE] Geo-location Routing (5:02)
[ASSOCIATE] Geo-proximity Routing (4:50)
[ASSOCIATE] R53 Interoperability (11:50)
[ALL] CloudFront - Architecture (14:56)
[ALL] CloudFront (CF) - Behaviors (9:21)
[ALL] CloudFront - TTL and Invalidations (13:48)
[ALL] CloudFront - SSL/TLS (14:59)
[ALL] CloudFront (CF) - Origin Types & Origin Architecture (10:20)
AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) (11:21)
[ALL] [DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding a CDN to a static Website-PART1 (16:23)
[ALL] [DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding a CDN to a static Website-PART2 (12:24)
[ALL] [DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Adding an Alternate CNAME and SSL (11:12)
[ALL] CloudFront - Security - OAI & Custom Origins (8:50)
[ALL] [DEMO] CloudFront (CF) - Using Origin Access Control (OAC) (new version of OAI) (11:21)
[ALL] CloudFront - Security - Private Distributions (7:49)
[ALL] CloudFront - Geo-Restriction (9:40)
[ALL] CloudFront - Field Level Encryption (9:00)
[ALL] CloudFront - lambda@edge (8:03)
Section Quiz - R53 and CDN
[ASSOCIATE] Database Refresher & MODELS - PART1 (8:51)
[ASSOCIATE] Database Refresher & MODELS - PART2 (14:45)
[ASSOCIATE] Databases on EC2 (13:08)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Splitting Wordpress Monolith => APP & DB (18:01)
[ASSOCIATE] Relational Database Service (RDS) Architecture (11:39)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Migrating EC2 DB into RDS - PART1 (18:20)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Migrating EC2 DB into RDS - PART2 (12:58)
[ASSOCIATE] Relational Database Service (RDS) MultiAZ - Instance and Cluster (11:54)
[ASSOCIATE] RDS Automatic Backup, RDS Snapshots and Restore (8:52)
[ASSOCIATE] RDS Read-Replicas (6:36)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] MultiAZ & Snapshot Restore with RDS - PART1 (14:05)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] MultiAZ & Snapshot Restore with RDS - PART2 (12:07)
[ASSOCIATE] RDS Data Security (7:03)
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] Aurora Architecture (13:44)
[ASSOCIATE] Aurora Serverless (9:52)
[DEMO] Migrating to Aurora Serverless [DON’T DO THIS DEMO, IT WON’T WORK, UPDATING to SERVERLESSv2] (14:47)
[ASSOCIATE] Secrets Manager (7:44)
Section Quiz - RDS
Advanced Storage
[DVA-C02] [ASSOCIATE] EFS Architecture (9:05)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART1 (8:51)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Implementing EFS - PART2 (11:32)
[ASSOCIATE] [ DEMO] Using EFS with Wordpress (16:00)
FSx for Windows File Server (11:32)
FSx for Lustre (13:57)
AWS Storage Services
Storage Type | What is it? | What is it Optimized for? | Storage Services or Tools |
Block | Block storage is direct-attached to a compute instance with low-latency access. | Low-latency, high-performance durable storage for single EC2 instances or containers, e.g., databases and local instance storage | Amazon EBS, Amazon EC2 instance store |
File System | File-based storage is natively mountable from virtually any operating system, and can be shared across multiple compute instances. | Shared read and write access across multiple EC2 instances/containers or from multiple on-prem servers, e.g., team file shares, enterprise applications, analytics workloads, and ML training | Amazon EFS Amazon FSx, Amazon FSx for Lustre, Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP, Amazon FSx for OpenZFS, Amazon FSx for Windows File Server AWS Storage Gateway |
Object | Object storage provides easy access to data through an API)over the internet and is well-suited to read-heavy workloads | Read-heavy workloads, global data storage, access, and distribution over the internet, e.g., content distribution, web hosting, big data analytics, and ML workflows | Amazon S3 |
Cache | Managed, scalable, high-speed cache on AWS for processing file data stored in disparate locations, including on-premises NFS file systems, and/or in cloud file systems (Amazon FSx for OpenZFS, Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP), and Amazon S3 | Amazon File Cache, AWS Storage Gateway |
Scaling, Load Balancing & High-Availability
[ASSOCIATE] Regional and Global AWS Architecture (10:42)
[ASSOCIATE] Evolution of the Elastic Load Balancer (4:10)
[ALL] Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART1 (10:18)
[ASSOCIATE] Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART2 (12:49)
[ALL] Application Load balancing (ALB) vs Network Load Balancing (NLB) (16:20)
[ASSOCIATE] Launch Configuration and Templates (4:00)
[ASSOCIATE] Auto-Scaling Groups (16:01)
[ASSOCIATE] ASG Lifecycle Hooks (4:41)
[ASSOCIATE] ASG HealthCheck Comparison - EC2 vs ELB (3:38)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART1 (14:24)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE1 - PART2 (10:43)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE2 (12:58)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE3 (19:30)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE4 (18:04)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART1 (11:31)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE 5 - PART2 (14:56)
[ADVANCED_DEMO] Architecture Evolution - STAGE6 (5:48)
CI/CD using AWS Code (14:54)
Version Control System: Git
CI/CD with AWS
CD/CD Pileline
Code Deploy output
AWS CodeCommit (11:35)
AWS CodePipeline for Developers (4:08)
AWS CodePineline: The orchestator for CI/CD
AWS CodePineline: Concepts
AWS CodePineline: Architecture
AWS CodeBuild for Developers (6:23)
CodeBuild: Build & test code as-a-service (alternative to part of Jenkins)
CodeBuild: Architecture
CodeBuild: Architecture
CodeBuild: buildpsec.yml
AWS CodeDeploy for Developers (10:21)
CodeDeploy: Deploy code as-a-service (alternative to Jenkins, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Cfn)
CodeDeploy: appspec.yml
Elastic Container Registry (ECR) - Architecture (4:14)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE0 - INTRO (2:23)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE1 - CodeCommit (12:31)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE2 - Build a Docker Image w/ CodeBuild - PART1 (13:40)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE2 - Build a Docker Image w/ CodeBuild - PART2 (15:02)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE3 - Joining the dots - pipeline (15:31)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE4 - Deploy our Container w/ CodeDeploy - PART1 (11:29)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE4 - Deploy our Container w/ CodeDeploy - PART2 (7:42)
[DVA-C02] [ADVANCED_DEMO] - CatPipeline - STAGE5 - CLEANUP (4:07)
Application Services, Event-Driven & Serverless
[ASSOCIATE] Architecture Deep Dive - PART1 (8:52)
[ASSOCIATE] Architecture Deep Dive - PART2 (13:09)
[ALL] AWS Lambda - PART1 (11:25)
[ALL] AWS Lambda - PART2 (13:59)
[ALL] AWS Lambda - PART3 (17:03)
[ASSOCIATE] EventBridge (6:54)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART1 (13:44)
[ASSOCIATE] [DEMO] Automated EC2 Control using Lambda and Events - PART2 (18:49)
[ASSOCIATE] Simple Notification Service (7:49)
[ASSOCIATE] Simple Queue Service (15:30)
SQS Standard vs FIFO Queues (3:29)
SQS Extended Client Library (2:52)
SQS Delay Queues (4:38)
SQS Dead-Letter Queues (4:17)
[ASSOCIATE] Step Functions (16:09)
[ALL] API Gateway 101 (16:27)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART1 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (5:01)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART2 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (8:24)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART3 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (12:31)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART4 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (13:31)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART5 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (12:55)
[MINI_PROJECT] Build A Serverless App - Pet-Cuddle-o-Tron - PART6 [UI UPDATES IN PROGRESS] (2:39)
[ASSOCIATE] Kinesis Data Streams (7:52)
[ASSOCIATE] Kinesis Data Firehose (9:11)
[ASSOCIATE] Kinesis Data Analytics (8:51)
[ASSOCIATE] Amazon Cognito - User and Identity Pools (14:44)
[MINI_PROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEB-IDF) - PART1 (7:28)
[MINI_PROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEB-IDF) - PART2 (7:16)
[MINI_PROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEB-IDF) - PART3 (8:16)
[MINI_PROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEB-IDF) - PART4 (12:10)
[MINI_PROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEB-IDF) - PART5 (2:31)
AWS Lambda In-Depth
Lambda Handler Architecture & Overview - PART1 - Theory (7:52)
Lambda Function Execution Environment
Lambda Function Handler
Lambda Handler Architecture & Overview - PART2 - Walkthrough (10:07)
Lambda Versions (4:58)
Lambda Versions: Unqualified ARN ($LATEST) & Qualified ARN (1, 2, 3…)
Lambda Versions: Example
Lambda Aliases (4:11)
Lambda Alias: ~ Git Tag
Lambda Alias: Example
[DEMO] Lambda - Aliases and Versions (13:10)
Lambda Environment Variables (7:20)
Monitoring & Logging & Tracing Lambda Based Applications (13:24)
Lambda Monitoring
Lambda Logging
Lambda Tracing
[DEMO] Accessing Private VPC Resources using Lambda w/ TheCatAPI!!!! - PART1 (7:53)
[DEMO] Accessing Private VPC Resources using Lambda w/ TheCatAPI!!!! - PART2 (16:19)
Lambda Layers (8:29)
Lambda Container Images (4:14)
Lambda & ALB Integration (5:21)
Lambda Resource Policy (9:52)
Section Quiz - Lambda
APIs & API Gateway In-Depth
API Gateway - Methods and Resources (4:28)
API Gateway - [DEMO] Methods and Resources (17:04)
API Gateway - Integrations (14:02)
API Gateway Stages and Deployments (6:25)
Open API & Swagger (7:56)
[DVA-C02] [DVA_DEMO] API Gateway Integrations - Mock, Lambda, AWS Service (23:55)
Section Quiz - API Gateway
NoSQL Databases & DynamoDB
DynamoDB Architecture Basics (10:49)
DynamoDB Operations, Consistency and Performance - PART1 (13:06)
DynamoDB Operations, Consistency and Performance - PART2 (11:24)
DynamoDB Indexes (LSI and GSI) (12:35)
DynamoDB Streams and Triggers (9:10)
[DVA-C02] [DEMO] DynamoDB Triggers using Lambda (16:54)
DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) (10:58)
DynamoDB Global Tables (5:09)
DynamoDB Time-To-Live (TTL) (4:49)
ElastiCache Theory & Architecture (12:51)
[DVA-C02] Athena 101 (8:19)
[DVA-C02] [DEMO] Athena and large Datasets - PART1 (13:31)
[DVA-C02] [DEMO] Athena and large Datasets - PART2 (11:37)
Section Quiz - NoSQL
Elastic Beanstalk In-Depth
Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Architecture (18:12)
Elastic Beanstalk (EB): Overview
what is elastic beanstalk (el)?
Elastic Beanstalk is a Platform as a service (PaaS)
Developers provides code
EB handles the deployment
- capacity provisioning
- load balancing
- automatic scaling to web application health monitoring,
- with ongoing fully managed patch and security updates
- and many other things
- networking (VPC, subnets)
- EC2 instance: EBS, CloudWatch, Security Group
- database
- deployment strategy…
Elastic Beanstalk (EB): Platforms
EB provides:
- Managed Platform for many languages:
- Go, Java,
- .NET, .NET Code,
- Node, PHP, Python, Ruby
- Custom Platform via Docker
Elastic Beanstalk (EB): Architecture
how to use eb?
When working with EB, you:
- Create an EB application
- Bundle a deployable code (aka source bundle) as an application version that will be automatically deployed either as
One of two type of Environment tier:
- Web Server environment
- a Worker environment, that can be deployed with a message queue (SQS)
- Manage the environments
- Update new application version, and EB will deploy new versions of environments
Elastic Beanstalk (EB): Blue-Green Deployment
Elastic Beanstalk (EB): Summary
[DEMO] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Application & Environment - PART1 (11:50)
[DEMO] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Add additional environment and config options - PART2 (10:53)
Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Deployment Policies (11:40)
EB - Deployment Policies
EB - Deployment Policies: All at once
EB - Deployment Policies: Rolling
EB - Deployment Policies: Rolling with additional batch
EB - Deployment Policies: Immutable
EB - Deployment Policies: Traffic Splitting
EB & Blue-Green Deployment
[DEMO] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Deployment (8:30)
Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Environments and RDS (4:34)
Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Advanced Customization via .ebextensions (4:52)
elastic beanstalk is based on cloudformation>
Use can provide additional Cfn configuration via the .config
files inside .ebextensions
folder in the source bundle.
These config can:
- modify the EB application environment
- modify the EC2 instances
- deploy custom Cfn resources, make advance modification to Cfn resources
- …
Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - HTTPS (1:51)
Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Cloning (4:44)
Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Docker (9:11)
[DEMO] Elastic Beanstalk (EB) - Section Cleanup (1:40)
Section Quiz - Elastic Beanstalk
No | Exam | Score | Score Percent | Final | Exam Time | Test Date |
1 | Cantrill - Practical Quiz 1 | 40/64 | 62% | ❌ | 1h | Dec 4, 2023 (15:00 - 16:00) |
2 | Tutorials Dojo - Time Mode Set 1 2 | 45/65 | 69% | ❌ | 1h10m | Dec 5, 2023 (10:45 - 11:55) |
3 | Tutorials Dojo - Time Mode Set 2 | 50/65 | 76.9% | Passed | 45m | Dec 6, 2023 (9:45 - 10:30) |
4 | Tutorials Dojo - Time Mode Set 3 | 56/65 | 86.2% | Passed | 40m | Dec 7, 2023 (18:10 - 18:50) |
5 | Tutorials Dojo - Time Mode Set 4 | 60/65 | 92.3% | Passed | 50m | Dec 8, 2023 (10:00 - 10:50) |
6 | Tutorials Dojo - Time Mode Set 5 | 47/65 | 72% | Passed | 1h | Dec 9, 2023 (14:30 - 15h30) |
2 | Tutorials Dojo - Time Mode Set 1 - 2nd attempt | 63/65 | 96.92% | Passed | 1h | Dec 10, 2023 (16:20 - 17:20) |
7 | Tutorials Dojo - Final Test | 63/65 | 96.92% | Passed | 35m | Dec 10, 2023 (19:30 - 20:05) |
8 | REAL AWS EXAM | 59/65 (Maybe) | 911/100 | Passed | 2h | Dec 13, 2023 (9:00 - 11:00) |
Cantrill - Practical Quiz
No | Q | A | Ref |
1 | ELB - User login randomly | ELB Sticky Session + Store session in DynamoDB | |
2 | Config SQS Short/Long Polling | Queue’s ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds attribute ReceiveMessage call’s WaitTimeSeconds param | |
3 | DynamoDB TTL | 1 process using TTL attribute and mark expired another process delete these expired items | |
DynamoDB Streams | DynamoDB Stream is a 24h flow of item changes | ||
4 | Lambda function reuse execution environment between invocations | Cache static assets locally in the /tmp directory | Lambda Best Practice |
Initialize SDK clients and database connections outside of the function handler | |||
5 | Best practice to apply permissions to an EC2 instance | EC2 Instance Profile | |
6 | Serve private content with CloudFront & S3 | - Require users access private content by using CloudFront signed URL, signed cookies: | Serve Private Content |
👈️ This is implicit enabled after a signer is added | |||
- Require users access your content by using CloudFront URLs, not directly from origin: | |||
👈️ This is done with OAC (for S3 origin), or custom header (for custom origin) | |||
7 | Protect API Gateway & Lambda | Both run outside VPC, needs to use WAF | |
8 | S3 - Encryption in transit | It’s default | |
9 | Process orders in 48 hours (in the origin order) & Cost effective | 48 hours -> Not Lambda -> Step Function + Lambda | |
In order -> SQS FIFO | |||
10 | Using CWAgent to write logs to CloudWatch Logs from an EC2 instance in private subnet | - CloudWatch Logs is an public service, which can be access other AWS services, or on-premise servers. | |
- To send logs to CloudWatch Logs without sending them through the internet, | |||
1. A private connection needs to be established between your VPC and CloudWatch Logs | Using CloudWatch Logs with interface VPC endpoints | ||
2. The EC2 instance have enough permissions to send logs to CW Logs | |||
2a. EC2 instance profile (role) have permissions | Grant permissions that the CloudWatch agent needs to write metrics to CloudWatch | ||
2b. Endpoint allows access (by default, endpoint policy allow all access to it) | Default endpoint policy | ||
11 | API - Gateway - Use the same function for multiple stages? | Use stage variable to change the endpoint for each stage | API Gateway - Stage variable |
12 | How to give custom permissions to millions of users? | Use Cognito Federated Users + IAM policy variable | IAM Policy for federated users |
13 | RDS Replica endpoints | Each RDS Replica has its own endpoint. Except Aurora, RDS doesn’t provide a reader endpoint with load balancing | |
14 | Add sign up, sign in features | Cognito User Pool | |
15 | DynamoDB RCU/WRU calculation | 1 RCU = 4KB/s, 1 WRU = 1KB/s | |
16 | Where to store CW Agent config? | SSM Parameter Store | |
17 | Elastic Beanstalk deploy to brand new infrastructure | - EB immutable deployment | Elastic Beanstalk & Blue-Green deployment |
- Manually deploy to a new environment, EB supports swap DNS to the new environment | |||
18 | API Gateway - Legacy APIs required transformation | Use integration HTTP | |
19 | Delete all items in a DynamoDB table everyday? | ??? Use DynamoDB TTL | |
20 | Route traffic from ELB to Lambda functions | You can register your Lambda functions as targets of ELB listener | |
21 | SQS message size limit | 256KB. To work with larger files, offload it to S3 | |
22 | CloudFormation: Share stack vs share template | Share stacks with Stack Reference; Share template with Nested Stack | |
23 | Where is CORS applied? | CORS is applied to the origin being accessed, not the origin accessing. | |
24 | Which services use CloudFormation under the hood? | SAM, Elastic Beanstalk | |
25 | What is the size limit for data sent to AWS KMS? | 4KB. To encrypt larger file, use DEK and envelope encryption | |
26 | S3 encryption by S3 server, manage key by application | SSE-C | |
27 | ??? | ||
28 | Tracing between many AWS services | X-ray | |
29 | Host website on S3 | - Turn on Static Website Hosting | |
- Allow public access with bucket policy | |||
30 | Decouple apps & Serverless scaling | Use SQS + Lambda (config function concurrency) | |
31 | Give access to CodeCommit repo | CodeCommit control access via IAM users: Create HTTPs credential in IAM; or create SSH key & associate to IAM user | |
32 | Whenever a new comment added, send an email? | DynamoDB Stream + Lambda trigger + SNS | |
33 | SQS: Messages process twice? | VisibilityTimeout not long enough | |
34 | Import APIs to API Gateway | Import OpenAPI definitions | |
35 | Upload file to S3 - Improve performance? | Transfer Acceleration | |
36 | Kinesis: Improve performance? | Increase number of shards (shard splitting) | |
37 | Lambda: Share library | Lambda Layer | |
38 | Collect real time data | Kinesis Data Streams | |
39 | Reuse Lambda function for multi stages | Use stage variable | |
40 | Embed Lambda function in CloudFormation template | Code’s ZipFile | |
41 | Host static website | S3 + CloudFront | |
42 | Config/Update EC2 instance with CloudFormation | cfn-init + cfn-signal & cfn-hup | |
43 | Query only a part of data on S3 | S3 Select | |
44 | Attach an EBS volume to EC2 instance | Create file system; Mount it | |
45 | DynamoDB: Primary key | Student ID | |
46 | APIs to request temporary credentials with IAM | AssumeRole, AssumeRoleWithSAML, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity | |
47 | API Gateway: Ensure searchString parameter is in the request | Method Request | |
48 | Increase CPU allocation of a Lambda function | Increase memory allocation | |
49 | CloudWatch namespace & metrics | ||
50 | Run AWS CLI in EC2, what will happened? | It won’t run. AWS CLI use other credential first ??? | |
51 | DynamoDB WCU | Write operation is not strongly/eventually consistent. Only read has consistent problem. | |
52 | Send a message to user | SNS | |
53 | S3 ListAPI | max-items, page-size | |
54 | DynamoDB: Improve read performance | DAX | |
55 | Migrate microservice to AWS, low operation overhead | ECS Fargate | |
56 | DynamoDB eventually read | Use less RCU than strong consistent read, may receive outdated data | |
57 | Which S3 encryption option can be used with CloudHSM? | CSE | |
58 | CloudFront stale object | Invalidate | |
59 | Failover to an maintenance page on S3 | Route 53 + Health-check | |
60 | S3: Block all access except from CloudFront | OAC, OAI (legacy) | |
61 | Improve performance of app (using DynamoDB) without modify code | Increase RCU | |
62 | Application workflow take up to 45 min + Cost effective | Step Function + Lambda | |
63 | ASG: Instances started & terminated rapidly | Increase cooldown time | |
64 | SQS + 5 EC2 instances | Increase polling time; Use ASG for scaling based on queue length | |
65 | Check if a Spot instance is terminated | Use instance metadata service |
Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Timed Mode Set 1 - 2nd attempt
Test time: xx
Score: 63/65 (96.92%):
- CDA – Development with AWS Services 100% (27/27)
- CDA – Security 88.89% (8/9)
- CDA – Deployment 100% (7/7)
- CDA – Troubleshooting and Optimization 95.45% (21/22s)
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | |||
2 | ✅ | |||
3 | ✅ | |||
4 | ✅ | |||
5 | ✅ | |||
6 | ✅ | |||
7 | ✅ | |||
8 | ✅ | |||
9 | ✅ | |||
10 | ✅ | |||
11 | ✅ | |||
12 | ✅ | |||
13 | ✅ | |||
14 | ✅ | |||
15 | ✅ | |||
16 | ✅ | |||
17 | ✅ | |||
18 | ✅ | |||
19 | ✅ | |||
20 | ✅ | |||
21 | ✅ | |||
22 | ✅ | |||
23 | ✅ | |||
24 | ✅ | |||
25 | ✅ | |||
26 | ✅ | |||
27 | ✅ |
Domain 2: Security
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | |||
2 | ✅ | |||
3 | ✅ | |||
4 | ✅ | |||
5 | ✅ | |||
6 | ✅ | |||
7 | ✅ | |||
8 | ❌ | S3. SSE-KMS. Which header? | x-amz-server-side-encryption . If the header were not present, S3 use the default KMS key | |
9 | ✅ |
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | |||
2 | ✅ | |||
3 | ✅ | |||
4 | ✅ | |||
5 | ✅ | |||
6 | ✅ | |||
7 | ✅ |
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | |||
2 | ✅ | |||
3 | ✅ | |||
4 | ✅ | |||
5 | ✅ | |||
6 | ✅ | |||
7 | ✅ | |||
8 | ✅ | |||
9 | ✅ | |||
10 | ✅ | |||
11 | ✅ | |||
12 | ✅ | |||
13 | ✅ | |||
14 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Scan. Improve performance, cost-effective | Use Query , or still use Scan but with smaller page-size | |
15 | ✅ | |||
16 | ✅ | |||
17 | ✅ | |||
18 | ✅ | |||
19 | ✅ | |||
20 | ✅ | |||
21 | ✅ | |||
22 | ✅ |
Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Timed Mode Set 1
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | Improve performance of S3 upload | Multipart upload | |
2 | ✅ | Caching: Lazy-load & Write-through | ||
3 | ✅ | Lambda: Different parameter depends on environment | Environment variable (# Stage variable) | |
4 | ❌ | AWS SAM: shift traffic to new version | SAM Deployment strategy | SAM - Deploying gradually |
- AllAtOnce (1 deploy) | ||||
- Canary 10% 5, 10, 15, 30 min (2 deploys) | ||||
- Linear 10% Every 1, 2, 3, 10 min | ||||
5 | ✅ | API Gateway: same API Gateway for multiple environments | Stage variable | |
6 | ✅ | CloudWatch Alarm: When to alarm? | Period / Evaluation Periods / Data points to Alarm | |
7 | ✅ | SAM: Nested application | AWS::Serverless::Application | |
8 | ✅ | Lambda deploy: Graduate increase traffic to new version | Lambda supports traffic shifting for aliases (by setting traffic weight ). (That’s why SAM have canary , linear deployment strategy ) | |
9 | ✅ | API Gateway: Map data for microservice (in container) | Use HTTP integration (Not AWS or _PROXY ) | |
10 | ✅ | Database scale globally, handle frequent schema changes | DynamoDB (not Aurora) | |
11 | ✅ | API Gateway - TTL 300s. How client can invalidate cache? | Send request with Cache-Control: max-age=0 header | |
12 | ❌ | Lambda: Response to user after 5 min | Lambda Invoke API InvocationType | Invoke - InvocationType |
- RequestResponse : Synchronous invocation | ||||
- Event : Asynchronous invocation | ||||
- DryRun : Validate params/role | ||||
13 | ✅ | Session data store on DynamoDB. Delete session of logged out users? | Use DynamoDB TTL (when will an item is eligible for expiration - in epoch time) | |
14 | ❌ | S3: Remove PII before return to application | Use S3 Object Lambda to process object before return to application | S3 Object Lambda S3 Object Lambda Use with CloudFront |
15 | ✅ | Serve content based on location | - CloudFront can add header about viewer location’s location (based on the viewer’s IP address). | |
- Use a CloudFront function to return the URL base on these headers (e.g. CloudFront-Viewer-Country ) | ||||
16 | ✅ | What to do after update Cfn template of a Lambda function? | 1. aws cloudformation package : Uploads local artifacts to S3, update Cfn template to reference these artifacts | |
2. aws cloudformation deploy : Update (deploy) the Cfn stack | ||||
17 | ✅ | Multi-thread key-value cache store | Elasticache for Memcached | |
18 | ❌ | Only allow authorized clients to invalidate an API Gateway cache | - API Gateway Additional settings / Per-key cache invalidation / Require authorization | Invalidate an API Gateway cache entry |
- Client send request with Cache-Control: max-age=0 header. | ||||
19 | ✅ | Process long-running tasks | Elastic Beanstalk worker environment (an HTTP request handler that EB invokes with an SQS queue) | |
20 | ✅ | ECS: Where to config port for container? | Task definition | |
21 | ❌ | Lambda: 50 requests/s; 100 s/request 👉️ 5.000 concurrency execution | Default quota of Lambda concurrency execution: 1.000 (can be increased to 10.000) | |
22 | ✅ | Can Lambda handle 10 requests/s (each request take 50s) | 500 concurrent execution (Lambda can handles without doing anything. The default limit is 1.000) | |
23 | ✅ | DynamoDB table attributes: UserID (PK) - GameTitle (SK) - TopScore. Get max TopScore of each game? | Create a Global Secondary Index: GameTitle (PK) - TopScore (SK). Query 1 item for each game in descending order. | |
24 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Streams: How many worker is optimal to process a number of shards? | 1:1 ratio | |
25 | ✅ | AWS CLI timeout when list bucket with 10.000 objects | Add pagination parameter when use AWS CLI | |
26 | ✅ | Permission to Create/Delete GitCommit repos | codecommit:CreateRepository & codecommit:DeleteRepository | |
27 | ✅ | DynamoDB Streams: Send a copy of old item to S3 | StreamViewType : OLD_IMAGE |
Domain 2: Security
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | Give a program to AWS services | - Best practice: EC2 instance profile (IAM Role) | |
- On premise: Long-term credential | ||||
2 | ✅ | Share DB endpoint | Use System Manager Parameter Store secure string | |
3 | ❌ | Database credential - How to encrypt & auto rotate? | - AWS Secret Manager + Enable auto rotate | |
- IAM DB Authentication: Authenticate connection with IAM | ||||
4 | ✅ | API Gateway: Allow another account invoke via IAM Role | 1. From the other account, grant permission to interact with this API Gateway | Managing access to API Gateway |
2. From this account, attach a resource-policy to API Gateway that grant the IAM role from other account permission to invoke | Allow roles in another AWS account to use an API | |||
5 | ✅ | Grant permission to access only some path of a S3 bucket | Use S3 bucket policy, with the policy statement Resource including the path | |
6 | ✅ | Login with social site: Facebook…, then access to AWS service | Cognito Identity Pool (Federated Identity) | |
7 | ✅ | S3 - Encrypt AE256 | x-amz-server-side-encryption: AE256 | |
8 | ❌ | S3 - Ensure all objects are encryption at rest with SSE-KMS | Add a bucket policy which denies any s3:PutObject action unless the request includes the x-amz-server-side-encryption header. | |
9 | ✅ | KMS - Generate data key but not use immediately | GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext |
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | Implement subscription with API Gateway | Use usage plan to distribute APIs & throttle usages based on defined limit/quota | API Gateway - Usage plan |
2 | ❌ | Lambda, pause task & wait for external process | Step Function - Callback pattern (SQS + SNS + Lambda) | Step Function - Callback Pattern |
- waitForTaskToken | ||||
- SendTaskSuccess (with the task token) | ||||
3 | ✅ | Deploy Lambda with CodeDeploy | CodeDeploy deploy configuration: | |
- EC2, on-premise: AllAtOnce, HalfAtATime, OneAtATime (Can be Blue/Green or in-place) | ||||
- Lambda, ECS: AllAtOnce, Canary, Linear | ||||
4 | ✅ | Build, test, deploy serverless app | Serverless Application Model (SAM) | |
5 | ❌ | SAM template requires sections | Transform & Resources | |
6 | ❌ | Create Lambda function with CLI error InvalidParameterValueException | Invalid parameter: maybe a role can’t be assumed | |
7 | ❌ | ECS schedule task based on CPU/memory | ECS - Task placement strategy: binpack, spread, random |
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | Move session data to AWS, 100% CPU, HA | ElastiCache for Redis | |
2 | ✅ | sam local - Access denied | 1. aws configure --profile ; 2. sam local invoke --profile | |
3 | ✅ | Cost effective when using SQS | Long polling (config ReceiveMessage WaitTime ) | |
4 | ✅ | Record all changes to a DynamoDB table to another one | DynamoDB Streams + Lambda (write to another DynamoDB table) | |
5 | ✅ | DynamoDB - Reduce queries | DAX | |
6 | ❌ | Serve private content from CloudFront | 1. Use signed-URL, sign-cookies | |
2. Use Lambda@Edge + Cognito 👉️ Authentication@Edge | ||||
7 | ❌ | X-ray: How to debug? | _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID + AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING | |
8 | ✅ | ECS store data in DynamoDB, how to verify each new items? | DynamoDB Streams + Lambda | |
9 | ✅ | API Gateway - 504 | 504 Gateway timeout -> Integration timeout after 30s | |
10 | ✅ | RDS - Too many connections | RDS Proxy | |
11 | ✅ | API Gateway timeout - Which CW metrics to watch? | Latency , IntegrationLatency | |
12 | ❌ | CloudFront HTTPS | Viewer Protocol Policy: Only HTTPS or Redirect HTTP to HTTPS | |
13 | ✅ | CloudFront - end-to-end SSL | Viewer Protocol Policy, Origin Protocol Policy: HTTPS | |
14 | ❌ | DynamoDB Scan improve performance | - Default page size: 1MB (Max) -> Reduce page size | |
- Use Query instead of Scan | ||||
15 | ✅ | Capture IP in/out of an VPC | VPC Flow Log | |
16 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk config for cron-job | cron.yaml | |
17 | ✅ | DynamoDB - Fetch only some attributes | Use projection attributes | |
18 | ✅ | Lambda function download same big file | Use /tmp | |
19 | ❌ | Use Lambda function inside a VPC | - By default, Lambda is public (has internet access) | |
- After enable VPC for a Lambda function, it lose internet access, | ||||
- If you require internet access for Lambda function: | ||||
1. Add a NATGW to VPC | ||||
2. Allow outbound traffic with security group | ||||
20 | ❌ | X-Ray filter trace | 1. Add annotation to record data used to group traces (indexed to used with filter expression ) | |
(metadata is extra data about data that isn’t indexed ) | ||||
2. Use filter expression to group traces in the console | ||||
21 | ✅ | App deploy with Elastic Beanstalk - Config X-Ray | .ebextensions/xray-daemon.config | |
22 | ❌ | API Gateway: Lambda Proxy - 502 Bad Gateway | In Lambda proxy integration, the backend Lambda function must return output according a JSON format | Output format of a Lambda function for proxy integration |
Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Timed Mode Set 2
Test time: 9h45 - 10h28 (00:47:24)
Score: 50/65 (76.92%):
- CDA – Development with AWS Services 79.49%
- CDA – Security 77.78%
- CDA – Deployment 87.5%
- CDA – Troubleshooting and Optimization 55.56%
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | RDS + Lambda + Translate text with Amazone Translate. Improve performance, reduce load to RDS? | Use Lambda execution environemnt /tmp as cache store | |
2 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Employee info. Which attribute use as primary key? | employee_id | |
3 | ✅ | Run a Lambda function every 30min? | Use EventBridge Schedule Rule to create scheduled events -> target the Lambda function | |
4 | ✅ | ECS intergate with API Gateway. Which integration make no intervention? | HTTP_PROXY | |
5 | ✅ | Which API to call to get permission (from a IAM Role) to interact with S3 API | AWS STS AssumeRole API (or AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity , AssumeRoleWithSAML ) (optionally pass an SessionPolicy ) | |
6 | ✅ | Asynchronous invoke Lambda function with Invoke API | Pass parameter InvocationType - Event | |
7 | ❌ | Tracking number of visitors on website (use DynamoDB) | 1. (May over/under count) “Atomic counter” - just increase the counter without checking current value | |
2. Use condition write to only update the counter item if (…) - too complicated to know | Conditional Writes - DynamoDB Conditional Updates - DynamoDB | |||
8 | ❌ | Kinesis Data Streams: Duplicate Records | - Two primary reasons: 1. Producer retries; 2. Consumer retries. | Handling Duplicate Records - Kinesis |
- Manually assign sequence number to record with Kinesis PutRecord SequenceNumberForOrdering . | Adding a Single Record - Kinesis | |||
(Same idea as assign an ID to message SQS SendMessage MessageDeduplicationId ) | ||||
9 | ❌ | X-Ray: Include info about calls to AWS services | Include sub-segment in the segment document | |
10 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Forum (PK) - Subject (SK) - LastPostUpdateTime. Finds on posts of a forum in last 3 months | Add LSI: Forum (PK) - LastPostUpdatTime (SK). Use Query opeartion. | |
11 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Write heavy - ProvisionedThroughputExceededException . Why? | RCU/WCU of GSI is seperate from base table | |
- A Query on a GSI consume RCU from the GSI, not the base table. | Data synchronization between tables & GSIs | |||
- When you Put/Update/Delete items in a DynamoDB table, any GSIs on that table are also updated asynchronously (and consume RCU/WCU from the GSI). | Provisioned throughput considerations for GSIs | |||
12 | ✅ | CodeCommit: Permission to fetch , clone , push | codecommit:GitPull , codecommit:GitPush | |
13 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Deploy new version with CLI | Package app as zip /war file. Deploy with eb deploy (EB CLI is a different package. It’s not packaged with AWS CLI, not aws eb ) | |
14 | ✅ | Internal app: elastic, cost-effective | DynamoDB, EC2 Spot Fleet | |
15 | ✅ | Build an CI/CD to deploy to both EC2 & on-premise. Which service? | CodeDeploy | |
16 | ✅ | DynamoDB: 10 RCU, each item 4KB. How much read request/s the table can hanlde? | 10 RCU: 10 Strong Consistency Read - 20 Eventually Consistency Read | |
17 | ✅ | Prototype microservices on ECS. Which task placement minimize cost? | Binpack, | |
18 | ✅ | Temporary AWS credential for both authenticated/unauthenticated. Which service? | Cognito Identity Pool (Federated Identity) | |
19 | ❌ | Elastic Beanstalk: Deploy infrastructure has an RDS instance coupling with EB. How to migrate RDS? | 1. Create RDS snapshot; enable RDS deletion protection | |
2. Remove SG attached to RDS (before delete EB app’s environment) | ||||
3. Terminate the EB app’s environment | ||||
20 | ✅ | SQS: Duplicated messages. How to fix? | For SQS, when call SendMessage API, add MessageDeduplicationId param | |
(For Kinesis, when call PutRecord API, add SegmentID to SequenceNumberForOrdering param) | ||||
21 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Protect from overwritten? | Implement optimistic locking with version number (ensure update the right version item) | Optimistic locking with version number - DynamoDB |
22 | ✅ | Lambda: Asynchronous invoke, exponential back-off, then send un-processed messages to another service. | Lambda supports Dead Letter Queue (just as SQS DLQ) | |
23 | ✅ | Collect visistor click to ads. Which service? | DynamoDB: Use UpdateItem to implement atomic counter (Approximately ~ Add 1 to previous value) | |
24 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Read 100 items. Which API? | BatchGetItem (instead of GetItem ) then BatchWriteItem | |
25 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Store recent updated item automatically | 1. DynamoDB Streams + Lambda (not recommnend) | |
2. DynamoDB Streams + DynamoDB Streams Kinesis Adapter (recommend) | ||||
26 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Session data. Reduce storage without using provision throughput | Use DynamoDB TTL | |
27 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Streams: How to handle data flow (Scaling)? | 1. Split shards to increase stream capacity; 2. Merge shards to decrease stream capacity. | |
28 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Streams: Consumer process every other day & store to S3. S3 only has half of the data? | Kinesis Data Streams default retention period is 24h (up to 365 days) | |
29 | ✅ | An AWS account has 2 Lambda function. 1 works optimal, 1 is throttled. Why? | The reserve concurrency execution of function 1 is higher | |
30 | ✅ | Lambda: Process events from S3 Events. 10 events/s, each event takes 3s. How much concurrency? | Concurrency: number of in-flight request AWS Lambda function is handling at the same time. | |
Concurrency = (Number of request/s) x (Time to process a request) | ||||
31 | ❌ | Lambda: Concurrency quotas | - Account-level: 1.000 unit of concurrency | Lambda Concurrency Quotas |
- Function-level: Up-to 900 unit of concurrency. AWS reservers 100 for functions without reserved concurrency | ||||
32 | ✅ | Protect AWS APIs call with MFA | MFA-enabled IAM users must call GetSessionToken and submit an MFA code that is associated with their MFA device. | |
33 | ❌ | Elastic Beanstalk: Environment manifest (environment name, solution stack…) | - Environment manifest: /env.yaml | Environment manifest (env.yaml) - Elastic Beanstalk |
- Advance config: /.ebextensions/***.config (YAML or JSON) | Advanced environment customization with configuration files (.ebextensions) | |||
34 | ✅ | Website hosted on S3 bucket_A , make GET request to S3 bucket_B . API calls are blocked by browers? | Enable CORS on bucket_B | |
35 | ✅ | Migrate repos from Github to CodeCommit | 1. Create repos on CodeCommit; 2. Clone repos from Github; 3. Push to CodeCommit repos | |
36 | ✅ | Lambda: Increase CPU? | By increase memory | |
37 | ✅ | ECS: Integrate with X-Ray. How to provide more granular timing information? | Use sub-segment | |
38 | ✅ | Version control system. Which service? | CodeCommit | |
39 | ✅ | API Gateway: Non-proxy integration with Lambda. How to ensure consumer include a query tring? | Use method request |
Domain 2: Security
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | Cognito - Enforce MFA for suspicious login attempt | User Pool / Adaptive Authentication / Automatic risk response | Adaptive Authentication - User Pool |
2 | ✅ | EC2 instance - Upload images to S3. How to give EC2 instance permission? | IAM Role (Instance Profile) | |
3 | ✅ | Dev needs to access Test/Prod accounts. How to give permission? | Grant cross-account access: | |
- In Test/Prod accounts, create IAM Role (with permissons) | ||||
- In Dev account, grant access to assume that IAM Role | ||||
4 | ✅ | API Gateway - Lambda Authorizer: Implement one that same as OAuth, SAML | API Gateway - Lambda Authorizer (Custom Authorizer) has 2 types: | |
- Token-based Lambda Authorizer <= Bearer token: OAuth token, JWT | ||||
- Request parameter-based Lambda Authorizer <= aka REQUEST authorizer (supports a lot of data: headers, query string, stageVariales , $context …) | ||||
5 | ✅ | EC2 instance has both credentials & Instance Profile | AWS CLI credentials precedence: CLI options > ENVVAR > Assumed Role > IAM Idendity ( | AWS CLI Credentials Precedence |
6 | ❌ | Provide application in ECS access to the required AWS resources | Fargate: IAM Role -> attach to task | |
EC2: Container Instance Role | ||||
7 | ❌ | KMS: Envelope Encryption | 1. encrypt plaintext data with a data key | |
2. encrypt the data key with a top-level plaintext master key | ||||
8 | ✅ | S3 - Encryption using KMS-C. How to upload object? | Include the headers: x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer- + algorithm /key /key-MD5 | |
9 | ✅ | IAM, SCP - How to test IAM policy? | IAM Policy Simulator |
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | SAM: workflow redeploy | 1. sam build ; 2. sam deploy | |
2 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Dev/Test - Reploy ASAP | EB deployment strategy: AllAtOnce | |
3 | ✅ | SAM: deploy 10% every 10min | SAM Linear 10min | |
4 | ✅ | Lambda: package deployment take too much time to deploy? How increase deploy speed? | Lambda package deployment quota (for a function) is 50 MB (zipped; includes runtimes, layer…) | |
- Extract shared dependencies to layer . | ||||
- (Or upload to S3) | ||||
5 | ❌ | CodeDeploy AppSpec - Run a task before traffic is shifted to a Lambda function | AppSpec hook | |
- Lambda: (Before) - AllowTraffic - (After) | ||||
6 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Easiest way to deploy a hello_world lambda function | Incline the function in AWS::Lambda::Function Properties / Code / Zipfile | |
7 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Upgrade from Java 7 to 8. Shift all traffic to the new one, revert if something’s wrong | Blue/Green Deployment: EB AllAtOnce + EB swap environent URLs (EB will use Route 53 to swap CNAMEs) | Blue/Green deployments with Elastic Beanstalk |
8 | ✅ | CodeDeploy: Deploy to where? How? | CodeDeploy deploy configuration: | |
- EC2, on-premise: AllAtOnce, HalfAtATime, OneAtATime (Can be Blue/Green or in-place) | ||||
- Lambda, ECS: AllAtOnce, Canary, Linear |
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | DynamoDB: ProvisionedThroughputExceeded | Optimize DynamoDB: | |
1. Use Query instead of Scan | ||||
2. Use Eventually Consistent Read instead of Strongly Consistent Read | ||||
3. Use DAX | ||||
2 | ✅ | X-Ray: View full trace without using console | Use GetTraceSummaries , BatchGetTraces | |
3 | ✅ | ECS + Docker app: How to setup tracing with X-Ray? | - Run xray-daemon inside docker image | AWS X-Ray daemon |
- Config port mapping (UDP:2000) in ECS task definition | ||||
4 | ✅ | AWS CLI - Timeout | Use pagination: --page-size (request less items) --max-items (show less items) | AWS CLI pagination options |
5 | ❌ | Kinesis Data Streams: Not enough shards & Instances CPU 100% | 1. Increase number of shards (shard splitting). 2. Increase instance size | |
6 | ❌ | RDS can’t handle read | 1. Use RDS Multi-AZ Cluster (not Multi-AZ Instance) | |
2. Create Read Replica, then update app to read from replica | ||||
7 | ❌ | X-Ray - namespace, metadata | X-Ray namespace: distinguish AWS /remote | |
8 | ❌ | CloudWatch - namespace | CloudWatch namespace: container for metrics, e.g. aws/lambda | |
9 | ✅ | X-Ray: From where, IP address is fetch? | X-Forwarded-For header |
Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Timed Mode Set 3
Test time: Dec 7 2023, 9h45 - 10h28 (00:47:24)
Score: 56/65 (86.15%)
- CDA – Development with AWS Services: 85.71%
- CDA – Security: 100%
- CDA – Deployment: 81.08%
- CDA – Troubleshooting and Optimization: 91.67%
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | Replace spreadsheet-based tracking system. DynamoDB. | EDA: DynamoDB Streams + Lambda + SNS | |
2 | ✅ | Collect real-time user data | Kinesis Data Streams | |
3 | ❌ | API Gateway: Lambda Proxy integration | Recommend: Simple setup | |
4 | ✅ | CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline. A central dashboard? | CodeStar | |
5 | ✅ | Cfn: Reuse value from a stack? | Outputs/Export & Fn::ImportValue | |
6 | ✅ | Hundreds of thousands of reads/writes per second. Which database? | DynamoDB | |
7 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Bidding system. | DynamoDB Streams + Lambda + Conditional Write | |
8 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Query a single table | LSI (when create the table) | |
9 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Throttled. Hot partition. Fix minimal effort? | Refactor to evenly distribute between partitions; Retries with exponential backoff | |
10 | ✅ | CodeCommit: Setup? | 1. Git credential - HTTPS (username/password); 2. SSH connection (SSH key-pair) | |
11 | ✅ | DynamoDB: 1.5KB. Write 100 items/s. WCU 100 but throttled. Fix? | Increase WCU to 200. | |
12 | ❌ | Deploy serverless app: Run C++ | Lambda doesn’t support C++ -> Create custom runtime | |
13 | ✅ | SQS: Duplicate message | SQS FIFO + SendMessage with DeduplicationID | |
14 | ❌ | SQS: postpone delivery messages to queue | Delay queue (not using visibility timeout ) | |
15 | ✅ | ECS: Place task between AZs? | Spread | |
16 | ❌ | ECS: EC2. Task placement? | 1. Cluster constraint; 2. Task placement constraint; 3. Task placement strategy | |
17 | ✅ | Sync user data without your backend. | Cognito Sync (delegated use AppSync) | |
18 | ❌ | Kinesis Data Streams: Resharding, Scaling, and Parallel Processing | 1. One worker can process many shards. 2. Optimal ratio is 1 worker : 1 shard | |
Enhanced Fan-out: stream consumers receive their own 2MB/second pipe of read throughput per shard | ||||
19 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Concurrency write | Optimistic Locking + Conditional Writes | |
20 | ❌ | DynamoDB: For each request, return WCU consumed (base table & GSI) | ReturnConsumedCapacity : | |
21 | ✅ | SQS: Config Dead Letter Queue | Just provide ARN of the queue to DeadLetterConfig | |
22 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Web app process large number of items from DynamoDB. Overload. Easiest fix? | Use Batch operations for Get , Put , Delete | |
23 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Send welcome mail for new user. How? | DynamoDB Streams + Lambda + SNS | |
24 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Table - FighterID (PK) - FilterTitle (SK). Query by other attributes? | Create a GSI | |
25 | ✅ | DynamoDB: + Elasticache. Write data if cache miss. Improve? | Add write-through + TTL | |
26 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Streams: 100 shards, Lambda (10 seconds/request, 50 items/seconds) | Maximum of 100 Lambda concurrency = number of shards | |
27 | ✅ | Cfn: How to automate the process of getting latest AMI? | Use System Managers Parameter Store | |
28 | ✅ | SQS: Process tool long & messages appear twice | Increase visibility timeout | |
29 | ✅ | CloudFront: Slow to login & 504 | Authentication@Edge + Origin fail over | |
30 | ✅ | Lambda: Increase CPU? | By increasing memory | |
31 | ✅ | API Gateway: Implement APIs form current Swagger spec. | Just import the OpenAPI/Swagger file. | |
32 | ✅ | Microservice using Docker + Fine-grain control | ECS | |
33 | ✅ | Quickly deploy Node app (provisioning, load balancing, ASG…) | Elastic Beanstalk | |
34 | ✅ | Amplify: config? | amplify.yaml | |
35 | ✅ | S3: Cross-Region Replication. Fail. Why? | Maybe Object Versioning is not enable | |
36 | ✅ | S3: Upload Terabytes of data from over the worlds. Slow. Improve speed? | S3 Transfer Acceleration | |
37 | ✅ | API Gateway: Reuse same function for different stage (different DynamoDB table) | Stage variable |
1.3 API Gateway API integration type
Choose an API Gateway API integration type
API Gateway - API integration types:
Lambda non-proxy
integration (Lambda custom
integration): Need to specify how to map betweenmethod
AWS Proxy
Lambda proxy
integration (Recommend): Simple setup- API Gateway maps the entire client request to the input
parameter of the backend Lambda function
- API Gateway maps the entire client request to the input
HTTP Proxy
1.16 ECS task placement
ECS Task Placement
Task placement: Which container instances to place task?
“Cluster constraint”: Which one satisfy CPU, memory, port (in task definition)?
A task placement constraint is a rule that’s considered during task placement.
Constraint type
- distinctInstance
- memberOf
Expression: defined in
cluster query language
(subject operator [argument]
)- Attribute:
- Build-in attribute:
- Optional attribute:
- Custom attribute:
- Build-in attribute:
attribute:ecs.availability-zone == us-east-1a
- Attribute:
A task placement strategy is an algorithm for selecting container instances for task placement or tasks for termination: ECS supports 3 type of task placement strategy:
: min unused CPU, memoryrandom
: evenly based on- :
, …
- :
1.18 Kinesis Data Streams
1.19 DynamoDB: Concurrency write
- Atomic Counter: 🛣️ Any one can writes (The database use the previous value)
- Optimistic locking & Conditional write: ⚠️ Many writes at a time (based on some condition)
- Pessimistic locking: 🛑 1 write at a time. Wait for your turn
Domain 2: Security
No | Q hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) value of the encryption key in order to validate future requests. | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | API Gateway: Lambda authorizer - accepts header, query strings | Request parameter-based authorizer (REQUEST authorizer) | |
2 | ✅ | On-premise KMS, migrate to AWS. Key is store in dedicated hardware | CloudHSM | |
3 | ✅ | S3: Upload small file + Use KMS key: OK. Upload big file (100GB): not OK | AWS CLI use multipart upload for big files. It’s required the kms:Decrypt permission | |
4 | ✅ | S3: SSE with KMS (using default KMS key). Which header? | - x-amz-server-side-encryption: aws:kms | |
- Omit x-amz-server-side-encryption -aws-kms-key-id to use default KMS key for S3 | ||||
5 | ✅ | S3: SSE-C. How does it work? | 1. You manage key & give AWS the key each time you upload a file | |
1.1 x-amz-SSE -customer -algorithm /key /key-MD5 | ||||
1.2 If you lose the key, you lose the object | ||||
2. AWS handle encryption: | ||||
2.1 AWS store a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) value of the encryption key in order to validate future requests. | ||||
2.2 When you need the object, you request the object (& provide the encryption key) | ||||
2.3 AWS decrypt & give you back the decrypted object | ||||
6 | ✅ | KMS: A file encrypted with data encryption key (DEK). How to decrypt the files locally? | 1. Use KMS’s Decrypt to decrypt the DEK | |
2. Use the plaintext DEK to decrypt the file (immediately erase the plaintext from memory after used) | ||||
7 | ✅ | CodeDeploy: Platform: ECS - appspec.yaml | appspec.yaml for ECS needs: TaskDefinition , ContainerImage , ContainerPort | |
8 | ✅ | Share DB connection endpoint | Systems Manager Parameter Store secure string | |
9 | ✅ | SSL certificate from 3rd party. Which service can store? | AWS Certificate Manager (for unsupported regions, use IAM certificate store) |
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | EC2: EBS-backed root volume. How to detach the root-volume? | Stop the EC2 instance, then detach the root volume | |
2 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Maintain compute resource while deploying. No downtime. | Rolling with additional batch, Immutable | 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 |
3 | ✅ | DynamoDB: 3.5KB. 150 eventually consistent reads/second. How many RCU? | 1 strongly read -> 1 RCU | |
1 eventually read -> 0.5RCU => 150 -> 75 | ||||
File 3.5KB -> 1:1 => 75 RCU | ||||
4 | ✅ | Lambda: Deployment package 80MB. What to do now? | Split the dependencies to a layer | |
5 | ✅ | SAM: How to use Cfn & include SAM? | Use Cfn Transform & AWS:Serverless macro to process SAM template to Cfn template | |
6 | ❌ | CodeDeploy deployment type (How the latest revision is deployed to instance?) | 1. In-place (EC2/On-Premises); 2. Blue/green | 3.5 |
7 | ✅ | Cfn: Different accounts. How to manage update across all accounts? | Use StackSets |
3.2 Elastic Beanstalk Deployment policies
- Deployment policies (aka deployment methods/strategies):
- AllAtOnce (Default)
- Rolling
- Rolling with additional batch
- Immutable
- Traffic splitting (aka Canary)
- Blue-green (with
Swap environment URLs
3.6 CodeDeploy deployment type
Overview of CodeDeploy deployment types CodeDeploy concepts
CodeDeploy can deploy application to 3 platform (called deployment platform):
- EC2/On-Premises <= Needs CodeDeploy agent
- Lambda
CodeDeploy make the latest application revision available on instance in a deployment group (a group of instances)
- In-place deployment: only support EC2/On-Premise
- Blue/green deployment
CodeDeploy supports 3 ways of routing traffic (via deployment configuration)
- All-at-once: 100%
- Canary: 2 increments: 10% + 90%
- Linear: n% x m times
3.7 StackSets
vs nested stack
vs cross-stack reference
: create stacks in AWS accounts across regions by using a single CloudFormation template- Nested stack: reuse a template in multiple Cfn template
- cross-stack reference: export values from one stack and use them in another (Output/
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | Collect trace from multiple backends, AWS SDK, SQL queries… | AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (supports collect from X-Ray) | |
2 | ✅ | X-Ray: Insufficient permissions to use X-ray console to view service map, segments. Which manged policy? | - AWSXrayReadOnlyAccess | |
- AWSXRay | ||||
- AWSXray | ||||
3 | ✅ | API Gateway: Fetch latest data without caching (using Cache-Control: max-age=0 header). Which permission? | Resource-based policy for execute-api:InvalidateCache action | |
4 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Streams, EventBridge + Lambda every 36 hours. Missing data? | DynamoDB Streams retention period is 24 hour. Only last 24 hours data is available | |
5 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Streams: Increasing data flow. Scale up? | Split-shard + (increase numbers of worker) | |
6 | ✅ | S3: CORS config: <AllowOrigin> , <AllowedMethod> , <AllowedHeader> , <MaxAgeSeconds>3600</MaxAgeSeconds> | MaxAgeSeconds : time in seconds that your browser can cache the response for a preflight request | 4.6 |
7 | ✅ | API Gateway: Lambda. 504. No errors in CW. Why? | Lambda function takes more than 30s (API Gateway timeout) | |
8 | ✅ | RDS: Slow response (in peak time). Already optimize queries. Resolve? | - Add Read Replica | |
- Add caching with Elasticache | ||||
9 | ✅ | Latency-sensitive service. AWS Fargate, CloudFront, ALB. Too much unauthenticated users, increase CPU of Fargate. Fix? | Use CloudFront Function (attach to Viewer Request) to authenticate users | |
10 | ✅ | EC2: Monitor memory, swap. How? | Install CW Agent | |
11 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: EC2. CW doesn’t show memory. Why? | By default, CW doesn’t track EC2 instance memory | |
12 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Steams: Producers restart -> Duplicate record. Fix? | Call PutRecord with SequenceNumberForOrdering param. |
Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Timed Mode Set 4
Test time: Dec 8 2023, 10h00 - 10h50 (00:50:00)
Score: 60/65 (92.3%):
- CDA – Development with AWS Services 91.67% (33/36)
- CDA – Security 90.91% (10/11)
- CDA – Deployment 80% (4/5)
- CDA – Troubleshooting and Optimization 100% (13/13)
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | Automatically watermark images uploaded to S3 | Use S3 Event Notification s3:ObjectCreate:Put . Send the event to Lambda function (destination) | |
2 | ✅ | Lambda function: access RDS in private subnet | Connect to the VPC | |
3 | ✅ | API Gateway + Lambda: Map incoming request to integration request & vice versa | AWS custom (Lambda custom) | |
4 | ✅ | Which cache strategy ensured cached data is always up-to-date & stale data are automatically deleted? | Write-through + With TTL | 1.4 |
5 | ✅ | DynamoDD: How to prevent data overwritten? | Optimistic locking + Conditional writes (check version number) | |
6 | ✅ | Database credential: How to encrypted & auto-rotate? | Use Secrets Manager + Enable Automatic Rotation | |
7 | ✅ | S3: Use SQL to filter & retrieve only a subset data of an object? | S3 Select (supports CSV, JSON, Apache Parquet & compressed CSV, JSON) | 1.7 |
8 | ❌ | DynamoDB - GSI: Consumed throughput; Consistency? | GSI has its own consumed throughput. GSI only supports eventually consistent read | |
9 | ✅ | DynamoDB - GSI: How much throughput to provision? | GSI WCU >= Base table WCU | |
10 | ✅ | DynamoDB: 2KB items - 10 writes/s - 20 eventually consistent reads/s. How much RCU/WCU? | 2KB ➡️ 1 strongly consistent read = 1 RCU ➡️ 1 eventually = 0.5 RCU ➡️ 20 eventually = 10 RCU | |
2KB ➡️ 1 write = 2 WCU ➡️ 10 writes = 20 WCU | ||||
11 | ✅ | 1 item = 17KB. 320 strongly consistent read/s. How much RCU? | 17KB/item ➡️ 5RCU/strongly consistent read ➡️ 320 strongly read = 320 x 5 = 1600 RCU | |
12 | ✅ | HTML, JS, image, video. How to server with lowest latency around the world? | S3 + CloudFront | |
13 | ✅ | AI-based app built with Lambda. How to modify the way invocation event are read form Lambda runtime API? | Use Lambda custom runtime | |
14 | ✅ | Migrate monolith on-premise app to Lambda. Best practice? | 1. Take advantage of execution runtime ; 2. Use environment variable… | 1.14 Lambda Best Practice |
15 | ❌ | ECS: Tasks are scheduled on instances with enough resources. Which task placement strategy? | Random | |
16 | ✅ | Online game - Sync app pref + state of player + Allow multiple player to share state | App Sync (Cognito Sync not support shared data) | |
17 | ✅ | AWS CLI in EC2 instance. How to easily switch role? | 1. Create a new CLI profile with credential; 2. Run aws CLI with --profile | |
18 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Ensure item is updated only some attribute meets some condition | Conditional writes | |
19 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Debug throughput of both base table & GSI when update item? | Call UpdateItem with ReturnConsumedCapacity set to None Total Indexes | 1.19 PutItem - ReturnConsumedCapacity |
20 | ✅ | DynamoDB Streams: How to integrate with Lambda? | 1. Create an EventSourceMapping to poll the DynamoDB stream, read & process records | |
2. Give Lambda function enough permission to interact with DynamoDB via ExecutionRole (AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole managed policy) | ||||
21 | ✅ | Serverless app: Which service can manage configuration & deploy the whole stack + simple? | AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) | |
22 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Table: ArticleName (PK) - Category (SK). Query ArticleName using another Sort Key + Strongly consistent read | Create a new table with Local Secondary Index (LSI). Migrate the existing data to new table (LSI cannot be created after the DynamoTB is created) | |
23 | ✅ | S3: Ensure all objects are encrypted with AE256 | Use bucket policy to deny any Create request doesn’t have x-amz-server-side-encryption: AE256 header | |
24 | ✅ | EC2: Shell script to get instance public/private IP | Use Instance Metadata Service endpoint | |
25 | ✅ | Lambda: Account concurrency limit 2000; 10 functions: 1 function 400, 1 function 200. The rest, the third? | The rest: 1400; the third: 1300. | |
26 | ✅ | Coordinate multiple services into serverless workflow. Which service? | AWS Step Functions | |
27 | ✅ | API Gateway: Enable caching. How to invalidate 1 key? | Send the request with Cache-Control: max-age=0 | |
28 | ✅ | Lambda: Connection refused. Why? | Maybe the invoke URL is wrong (http without s ) | |
29 | ✅ | Lambda: Improve performance? | Increase memory will increase CPU too. | |
30 | ✅ | Lambda: A function initialize DB connection every time it executes. How to optimize? | Move the DB connection to shared execution context (outside handler) | |
31 | ✅ | Lambda: Can the function built with Rust? | Yes. Use custom runtime | |
32 | ✅ | Lambda: A function fetch 20MB static data every time it executes. How to optimize? | Place the initialize outside Lambda handler; saved external file to /tmp | |
33 | ❌ | Deploy containerized apps? ECS, EKS or Elastic Beanstalk? | Under the hood, Elastic Beanstalk uses ECS (& ELB, ASG) | |
34 | ✅ | Online game. How to add feature to cross-sync profile data between device? | Use Cognito Sync (or App Sync) | |
35 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Which attribute to use as partition key? | The partition should uniquely identify each item | |
36 | ✅ | CodePipeline: Push build details into a DynamoDB? | Use EventBridge & Lambda |
1.4 Caching Strategies
What is it? | Pros | Cons | ||
Lazy-loading | Loads data into the cache only when necessary (catches cache misses on reads) | Only requested data is cached | Cache miss read penalty (3 trips) | |
Stale data | ||||
Write-through | Loads data into the cache whenever data is written to the database (populates data on writes) | No stale data | Missing data (empty nodes) | |
No read penalty | Cache churn (not re-used cache) | |||
Lazy-loading (with TTL) | An expired key is treated as not found | |||
Write-through (with TTL) |
Domain 2: Security
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | 1 bucket - many users. How to redact PII & manage access permission? | Use S3 Object Lambda (+) Access Point | |
2 | ✅ | SSM Parameter Store: Notify if param haven’t been rotated for 90 days | 1. Use Advanced tier / Parameter polices / Notification policies | |
- NoChangeNotification After xxx | ||||
- ExpirationNotification xxx | ||||
- Expiration | ||||
2. Use EventBridge rule to filter & send NoChangeNotification event to a SNS topic (target) | ||||
3 | ✅ | S3: Ensure data is encrypted at rest using the company key | 1. Client-Side Encryption (CSE) - Encrypt the data before send to S3 | |
2. Server-Side Encryption (SSE) - Send the data with the encryption key | ||||
2.1 For CLI, Use the request headers: x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer + algorithm /key /key-MD5 | ||||
2.2 Or use the SDK | ||||
4 | ✅ | KMS: Locally encrypt data (Envelope encryption) | 1. Use the GenerateDataKey API to get a data key . | |
2. Use the plaintext data key (GenerateDataKey response Plaintext ) to encrypt data locally, then erase the plaintext data key from memory. | ||||
3. Store the encrypted data key (GenerateDataKey response CiphertextBlob ) alongside the locally encrypted data. | ||||
5 | ✅ | API Gateway: Custom authorizer using bearer token (same as SAML, OAuth). How? | Use API Gateway Lambda authorizer (aka custom authorizer) | 2.5 |
- Token-based Lambda authorizer (aka TOKEN authorizer) 👈 THIS ONE | ||||
- Request parameter-based Lambda authorizer (aka REQUEST authorizer) | ||||
6 | ✅ | Database credential + Rotate | Secrets Manager + Auto Rotation (How? Secrets Manager run a Lambda function ) | 2.6 |
7 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Retrieve license key + cost-effective | Systems Manager Parameter Store + Secure String | |
8 | ✅ | Migrate on-premise to AWS. Integrate LDAP directory service (not compatible with SAML) | Implement a custom identity broker, which use STS to issue short-live AWS credentials | 2.8 |
9 | ✅ | Cognito: Additional authentication method | Integrate Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to Cognito User Pool | |
10 | ✅ | SQL Server. Migrate to RDS. Encrypt data before write to disk & vice versa. | Enable SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption | |
11 | ✅ | S3. Someone use your image without permission. | (Block public access) Use pre-signed URL / pre-signed cookies |
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | SAM deploy process (From local machine) | 1. Build (local); | |
2 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: HA, revert quickly? | 1. Use any EB deployment strategy, e.g. All-at-once (fastest) | |
2. Blue-Green deployment (EB calls it swap environment URLs) | 3.2 | |||
3 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Inline code in template | AWS::Lambda::Function / Code / ZipFile | |
4 | ✅ | Serverless app: Zip code, upload to S3, produce package deployment-ready template & deploy | sam deploy (which includes sam package ) | |
5 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Install packages, start services on EC2 after provisioned | cfn-init |
3.1 SAM deploy process
npm | sam | |
npm init | sam init | |
npm install | ||
npm build | sam build | |
npm publish | ||
npm start | sam deploy | |
- sam list endpoints | ||
- curl http//:localhost:3000 | - curl https//<>.execute-api.<> | |
nodemon index.js | sam sync –watch |
sam deploy
now implicitly performs the functionality of sam package
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | Send traces to X-ray? | Use X-Ray daemon (CloudWatch Agent can do this on EC2/On-Premise) | |
2 | ✅ | SQS: Duplicate message. Fix? | Use FIFO queue + provide deduplicationID | |
3 | ✅ | X-Ray: Filter trace? | 1. Use web console; 2. Use GetTraceSummaries (support search) | |
4 | ✅ | X-Ray: Send trace to X-Ray? | - 1. Use X-Ray SDK (through X-Ray daemon); 2. Use X-Ray/CLI (directly) | |
- PutTraceSegments API accepts a single segment document with many segments | ||||
5 | ✅ | Kinesis: Over-provision. Scale in? | Merge cold shards | |
6 | ✅ | API Gateway: Terminated Lambda. Why? | - Lambda timeout: max 15min ➡️ terminated | |
- API Gateway timeout: 30s for an integration ➡️ 504 Timeout | ||||
7 | ✅ | API Gateway: No metrics for CacheHitCount/CacheMissCount | API Gateway caching is not enabled | |
8 | ✅ | SQS injections, XSS attack. How to deal? | Use Web Application Firewall (WAF). It works with: CloudFront, ALB, API Gateway (REST API) | |
9 | ✅ | Kinesis: 10 shards - 10 EC2 instance. Increase to 20 shards, how many instances? | 20 instances, the number of instances match the number of shards by 1:1 ratio | |
10 | ✅ | RDS: Monitor memory, CPU usages of processes? | Use RDS enhanced monitoring | |
11 | ✅ | CodePipeline: Code review in each stage before move to next stage | Use a “manually approval” action, and send the approval request to a SNS topic | |
12 | ✅ | X-Ray: Record call to DB, other services, SQL queries & filter | Add annotations in the subsegment section of the segment document. | |
13 | ✅ | X-Ray: Permission to send trace to X-Ray? | AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess |
4.1 How to send traces to X-ray?
X-Ray daemon
The AWS X-Ray daemon is a software application that listens for traffic on UDP port 2000, gathers raw segment data, and relays it to the AWS X-Ray API.
The daemon works in conjunction with the AWS X-Ray SDKs and must be running so that data sent by the SDKs can reach the X-Ray service.
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Collector
(For EC2, On-premises) CloudWatch Agent can do this from
4.1 Setup X-Ray daemon
- Lambda: the deamon run automatically
- EC2:
- Elastic Beanstalk: Enable with
configuration option - EC2: Install/Run manually (May use user data)
- ECS:
- Use official Docker image
- Build custom Docker image
- Elastic Beanstalk: Enable with
- On-premise: Install/Run manually
4.2 SQS: Duplicate messages
4.8 AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced
4.9 Scale Kinesis Data Streams
To scale up processing in your application, you should test a combination of these approaches:
- Increasing the instance size (because all record processors run in parallel within a process)
- Increasing the number of instances up to the maximum number of open shards (because shards can be processed independently)
- Increasing the number of shards (which increases the level of parallelism)
4.10 Monitor RDS
- CloudWatch (default): RDS automatically sends metrics to CloudWatch every minute (from hypervisor for the DB instance - “outside”)
- RDS Enhanced Monitoring:
- Gather metrics about the OS: processes, memory… (from an agent on the DB instance - “inside”)
- Logs are sent to CloudWatch Logs
Differences between CloudWatch and Enhanced Monitoring metrics
4.11 Manage approval actions in CodePipeline
Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Timed Mode Set 5
Test time: Dec 9, 2023 (14:30)
Score: 47/65 (72%):
- CDA – Development with AWS Services 76.92% (20/26)
- CDA – Security 61.54% (8/13)
- CDA – Deployment 66.67% (6/9)
- CDA – Troubleshooting and Optimization 76.47% (13/17)
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | Lambda: Debug - Return log stream for the function instance | Use context.logStreamName | |
2 | ✅ | API Gateway & Lambda: New version. Smooth migration | Update Lambda function -> Deploy new version. Specify new ARN in API Gateway integration. Redeploy to new stage. | |
3 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Path of config file | /.ebextensions/xxx.config | |
4 | ✅ | Lambda: Ephemeral storage | /tmp | |
5 | ✅ | Lambda: How to use Ruby? | Ruby’s natively support | |
6 | ✅ | CloudFront: Update image immediately | Use file name versioning | |
7 | ✅ | Cognito: Authentication with JWT | 1. Create User Pools | |
2. Create an authorizer with Cognito User Pool ID | ||||
3. Set token source for authorization (to the name of header store JWT) | ||||
8 | ❌ | X-Ray: Group the trace | Subsegment : breakdown segment & provide granular timing detail about downstream calls (to AWS services, HTTP APIs, SQL queries) | |
Annotations : key-pair values, indexed to used with filter expression 👉 group traces (with console) or call GetTraceSummaries API | ||||
Metadata : key-pair values (not-indexed) | ||||
9 | ✅ | S3: Lowest cost | Glacier Deep Archive | |
10 | ✅ | EC2: Run Apache web server | Use user-data to install and start Apache web server | |
11 | ✅ | App host in 1 region. Re-create on other regions using AMI & CloudFormation. How? | Use Cfn Mapping & FindInMap | |
12 | ✅ | Serverless app. Application code & infrastructure code in Python. How? | Use CDK and Python | |
13 | ✅ | Step Functions: Handle error? Aggregate data in different states? | Use Catch & ResultPath | |
14 | ❌ | Step Functions: Break a task into multiple tasks (process synchronously) | Step Functions state types: | 1.14 |
- Do some work: Task State & Parallel State | ||||
- Not do some work: Wait State, Pass State, Choice State, Map State, Success/Fail State. | ||||
15 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Control access to individual items & attributes? | Fine-grain access control with | 1.15 |
1. IAM policy | ||||
2. Condition keys, | ||||
2.1 dynamodb:LeadingKeys | ||||
2.2 dynamodb:Attributes | ||||
3. IAM substitution variable e.g. ${} , ${} , and ${} | ||||
16 | ✅ | Cognito: UI for login page missing brand logo | Cognito allows customization for: logo, CSS. | |
17 | ✅ | SQS queue: messages larger than 256KB. | Use Amazon S3, (for Java) Extended Client Library | |
18 | ❌ | Lambda: Provide a public HTTPS endpoint & ensure it executes only if the request’s from valid user | 1. Use Lambda function URL | 1.18 |
2. Auth type: | ||||
- AWS_IAM | ||||
- NONE : The URL endpoint will be public | ||||
3. Implement your own authenticator logic in your function. | ||||
19 | ❌ | In-house authentication system, support sync user data between devices/platforms | Cognito Identity Pools - Developer-authenticated identities: | |
- Use your own authenticated process | ||||
- Use Cognito to sync user data between devices/platforms | ||||
20 | ✅ | API Gateway: Integrate a XML-based SOAP API. How? | Use HTTP Integration: | |
- Integration Request: Map incoming request from JSON to XML (with mapping template ) | ||||
- Integration Response: Map API response from XML back to JSON (with mapping template ) | ||||
21 | ✅ | Serverless: Send newsletter at 7-day interval. How? | Use EventBridge Schedule Rule to create events at 7-day interval, sends the events to Lambda function target | |
22 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Python call BatchGetItem return partial data. Why? Fix? | - BatchGetItem use more than the provisioned throughput limit | |
- To fix this: | ||||
1. Increase provisioned throughput | ||||
2. Wait for the load to DynamoDB reduces & try again: | ||||
- Implement your own retries with exponential backoff algorithm | ||||
- Use AWS SDK to call BatchGetItem (comes with retries & exponential backoff) | ||||
23 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Group multiple actions to multiple items to a one-or-nothing operation? | Use TransactionWriteItems | |
24 | ✅ | DynamoDB: When an item added to Customer table, dynamically update Payment table. How do it in real time? | Enable DynamoDB Streams for Customer table, trigger a Lambda function to update Payment table | |
25 | ✅ | ALB: Obtain all value of identical query parameter key. | Enable multi-value headers | |
26 | ✅ | ECS: 2 containers share logs. How? | Define these 2 containers in 1 task definition, use EFS as a volume |
Domain 2: Security
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | S3: Encryption each files with different keys. Cost-effective, low overhead | - SSE-S3: use the same key for all files. | |
- SSE-C & use KMS to create CMK for each files (CreateKey ): not cost-effective (1CMK: 1$/month) | ||||
- SSE-KMS & Use KMS to generate DEK for each files (GenerateDataKey ): 👈 THIS | ||||
2 | ✅ | S3 bucket in production account. How to allow a user on dev account access? | 1. In prod acc, create an IAM role | 2.2 |
1.1 Give it just enough permission for its task) | ||||
2.2 Specify the dev account as a trusted entity | ||||
2. In dev acc, allow it to assume role of prod acc (created in step 1) | ||||
3. In dev acc, switch role to prod acc | ||||
3 | ✅ | S3. Which service to allow user register/sign-in & upload/access images on S3. | Cognito User Pools & Identity Pools | |
4 | ✅ | Allow temporary access to EC2 & but still enforce MFA? Which STS API? | STS GetSessionToken | |
5 | ❌ | KMS features | ||
6 | ✅ | API Gateway: Regulate access to API & charge based on usage | Usage Plan | |
7 | ✅ | Best practice to manage access key | Remote all access key of root account, use IAM role for applications | |
8 | ✅ | Most secure way to send CW logs in EC2 instance of ASG launch configuration | - Create a new IAM role for the new Launch Configuration | |
- Launch Configuration (deprecated), use Launch Template. | ||||
9 | ❌ | AWS CLI: UnauthorizedOperation error with encoded authorization message. What to do? | Decode the message with STS decode-authorization-message | 2.9 |
10 | ✅ | S3: Hundreds of thousands of objects. Turn on SSE-KMS. Performance degradation. Why? | Requests to KMS are exceeded quota | |
11 | ✅ | How to check permission of an IAM role? | 1. Use IAM Policy Simulator | |
2. Run AWS CLI with --dry-run | ||||
12 | ❌ | Serverless app defined with Cloud Development Kit (CDK). How to test local? | 1. (From CDK template) “Synthesize” & output Cfn template with cdk synth | 2.12 What is CDK? 2.12 CDK toolkit commands |
2. Invoke the Lambda function locally with sam invoke local (by emulating the Lambda execution environment.) | 2.12 sam local invoke | |||
13 | ❌ | Cognito Identity Pools: What does Cognito returns to authenticated/unauthenticated user? | - For authenticated users: Cognito returns the token | |
- For unauthenticated users: Cognito returns a Cognito ID |
2.4 Requesting temporary security credentials with Security Token Service (STS)
STS Token | What it does? | Notes |
AssumeRole | cross-account delegation and federation through a custom identity broker | Cross-account, MFA |
AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity | federation through a web-based identity provider | SSO |
AssumeRoleWithSAML | federation through an enterprise Identity Provider compatible with SAML 2.0 | |
GetFederationToken | federation through a custom identity broker | Proxy app |
GetSessionToken | temporary credentials for users in untrusted environments | MFA |
2.5 KMS features
KMS features:
- Create symmetric/asymmetric keys
- Import symmetric keys
- Rotate symmetric keys
- Disable/Enable keys
Not a KMS features:
- Import asymmetric keys
- Rotate key in custom stores
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | CodeDeploy: S3 source. Deploy to EC2 fail during DownloadBundle | The EC2 instance profile don’t have permission to access S3 bucket | |
2 | ❌ | CodeDeploy: Rollback | CodeDeploy rolls back deployments by redeploying a previously deployed revision of an application as a new deployment (with new deployment ID) | 3.2 |
3 | ✅ | Deploy to 3 environments: test , staging , production . How? | Use 3 deployment group s, each for 1 environment. | |
4 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Multi-container Docker. Which file to configure container definitions? | | |
5 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Multi developers deploy without upload the whole project? | Use eb deploy to deploy from local CodeCommit repo | |
6 | ✅ | Serverless app defined with CDK. Deploy to new account. NoSuchBucket error. Fix? | Run cdk bootstrap to provision resources for CDK deployment, e.g. IAM role, S3 bucket. | |
7 | ❌ | CodeCommit: How to setup for a new user? | Use AWS credential (with credential-helper ) | 3.7 |
8 | ✅ | CodeCommit: Forgot to pull master. Fix conflict? | git rebase feature branch on master branch. Then manually fix conflict. | |
9 | ❌ | SAM: How to deploy (& test)? | 1. (Once time) sam init | |
2. sam deploy |
3.7 CodeCommit: Setup for new user
HTTPs Git credential (use username & password)
SSH connections (use public-private key pair)
- Create public & private key pair on your local machine
- Associate the public key with IAM user
Use AWS credential (profile)
- Use
(recommended) - Use
aws codecommit
- Use
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | Lambda: Function created with Cfn doesn’t send logs to CW? | Modify ExecutionRole & add AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole managed policy | |
- (Attach to Lambda’s resourced-based policy won’t works) | ||||
- When created with Web Console, the console automatically add these policy to execution role for us | ||||
- With Cfn, we need to do it ourself. | ||||
2 | ❌ | ECS: EC2 launch type. Terminate an instance (after it’s stopped), but the container instance still appear in ECS cluster | Terminate an instance: | |
- In running state, it will be automatically deregistered with ECS cluster | ||||
= In stopped state, it won’t be | ||||
3 | ✅ | CodeBuild: Run on a proxy server. RequestError when CodeBuild is accessed. Fix? | ||
4 | ❌ | API Gateway: Enable API caching. How to test the function without caching? | 0. Create a resource-based policy to allows the API Gateway execution service to invalidate the cache for requests on the specified resource | 4.4 |
1. Make a request with Cache-Control: max-age=0 header | ||||
5 | ✅ | S3 - Event Notifications: Compress the images, but it takes too much time. Improve? | Increase memory ➡️ increase CPU | |
6 | ✅ | Debug latency of your app (with recently added function)? How to do with X-Ray? | Define sug-segments inside the function to “instrument” (measure) it | |
7 | ✅ | AWS CLI: Create snapshot of EC2 instance. InvalidInstanceID.NotFound . Why? | Maybe the AWS CLI is using a profile for a different region | |
8 | ✅ | Build a CI pipeline. Which AWS services? | CodeCommit, Lambda, CodeBuild | |
9 | ✅ | Step Functions: Handle & recover from State’s exception. | Use Catch & Retry fields in state machine definition | |
10 | ✅ | Lambda - Cold start: Optimize? | 1. Reduce pre-handler code | |
2. Increase CPU (by increasing memory) | ||||
11 | ✅ | LAMP stack. Migrate to AWS? | EC2 + Aurora/RDS | |
12 | ✅ | Lambda: process file (5min). So slow? | Change InvokeType to Event (asynchronous invocation) | |
13 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Optimize Scan in low-demand time? | Parallel scan: distribute workload across the partitions of the table (by passing Segment and TotalSegments parameters into the Scan operation) | 4.13 |
14 | ✅ | Website (hosted on S3) call API Gateway. No "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" error. Fix? | Config CORS for API Gateway to allow the website (S3) | |
15 | ✅ | API Gateway + Lambda: Publish a new version of AccService:Prod with the alias AccService:Beta . How to test before promote? | Create a BETA stage. Use stage variable to reference the beta function alias | |
16 | ✅ | Lambda: Unable to import module . Fix? | 1. Install the missing module locally. | |
2. Package it with the handler or in a layer | ||||
3. Re-upload to Lambda | ||||
17 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Keep the old code in S3 bucket. How? | Change Retention to Retain source bundle in S3 |
Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Timed Mode Set xx
Test time: xx
Score: xx/65 (xx%):
- CDA – Development with AWS Services xx%
- CDA – Security xx%
- CDA – Deployment xx%
- CDA – Troubleshooting and Optimization xx%
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
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Domain 2: Security
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Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
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Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
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Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Final Test
Test time: Dec 10, 2023 (19:30 - 20:05)
Score: 63/65 (96.92%):
- CDA – Development with AWS Services 96.97% (32/33)
- CDA – Security 90.91% (10/11)
- CDA – Deployment 100% (5/5)
- CDA – Troubleshooting and Optimization 100% (16/16)
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | |||
2 | ✅ | |||
3 | ✅ | |||
4 | ✅ | |||
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17 | ❌ | Lambda: Use C++ | Build a custom runtime for C++ | 1.17 |
18 | ✅ | |||
19 | ✅ | |||
20 | ✅ | |||
21 | ✅ | |||
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33 | ✅ |
1.17 Lambda Custom Runtime
Lambda support 6 languages (through runtimes): Node, Python, Ruby, Java, .NET, Go.
You can use runtimes that Lambda provides, or build your own.
Domain 2: Security
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | |||
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3 | ✅ | |||
4 | ✅ | |||
5 | ✅ | |||
6 | ✅ | |||
7 | ✅ | |||
8 | ❌ | System Managers Parameter Store: Notify if a parameter hasn’t been rotated in 90 days. | 1. Use Advanced tier / Parameter polices / Notification policies | |
- NoChangeNotification After xxx | ||||
- ExpirationNotification xxx | ||||
- Expiration | ||||
9 | ✅ | |||
10 | ✅ | |||
11 | ✅ |
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | |||
2 | ✅ | |||
3 | ✅ | |||
4 | ✅ | |||
5 | ✅ |
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | |||
2 | ✅ | |||
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16 | ✅ |
Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Summary
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | Ref | |
I.4 | ❌ | AWS SAM: shift traffic to new version | SAM Deployment strategy | [SAM - Deploying gradually] |
I.12 | ❌ | Lambda: Response to user after 5 min | Lambda Invoke API InvocationType | [Invoke - InvocationType] |
I.14 | ❌ | S3: Remove PII before return to application | Use S3 Object Lambda to process object before return to application | [S3 Object Lambda] [S3 Object Lambda Use with CloudFront] |
I.18 | ❌ | Only allow authorized clients to invalidate an API Gateway cache | - API Gateway Additional settings / Per-key cache invalidation / Require authorization | [Invalidate an API Gateway cache entry] |
I.21 | ❌ | Lambda: 50 requests/s; 100 s/request 👉️ 5.000 concurrency execution | Default quota of Lambda concurrency execution: 1.000 (can be increased to 10.000) | |
II.7 | ❌ | Tracking number of visitors on website (use DynamoDB) | 1. (May over/under count) “Atomic counter” - just increase the counter without checking current value | |
II.8 | ❌ | Kinesis Data Streams: Duplicate Records | - Two primary reasons: 1. Producer retries; 2. Consumer retries. | [Handling Duplicate Records - Kinesis] |
II.9 | ❌ | X-Ray: Include info about calls to AWS services | Include sub-segment in the segment document | |
II.10 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Forum (PK) - Subject (SK) - LastPostUpdateTime. Finds on posts of a forum in last 3 months | Add LSI: Forum (PK) - LastPostUpdateTime (SK). Use Query operation. | |
II.19 | ❌ | Elastic Beanstalk: Deploy infrastructure has an RDS instance coupling with EB. How to migrate RDS? | 1. Create RDS snapshot; enable RDS deletion protection | |
II.31 | ❌ | Lambda: Concurrency quotas | - Account-level: 1.000 unit of concurrency | [Lambda Concurrency Quotas] |
II.33 | ❌ | Elastic Beanstalk: Environment manifest (environment name, solution stack…) | - Environment manifest: /env.yaml | [Environment manifest (env.yaml) - Elastic Beanstalk] |
III.3 | ❌ | API Gateway: Lambda Proxy integration | Recommend: Simple setup | |
III.12 | ❌ | Deploy serverless app: Run C++ | Lambda doesn’t support C++ -> Create custom runtime | |
III.14 | ❌ | SQS: postpone delivery messages to queue | Delay queue (not using visibility timeout ) | |
III.16 | ❌ | ECS: EC2. Task placement? | 1. Cluster constraint; 2. Task placement constraint; 3. Task placement strategy | |
III.18 | ❌ | Kinesis Data Streams: Re-sharding, Scaling, and Parallel Processing | 1. One worker can process many shards. 2. Optimal ratio is 1 worker : 1 shard | |
III.19 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Concurrency write | Optimistic Locking + Conditional Writes | |
III.20 | ❌ | DynamoDB: For each request, return WCU consumed (base table & GSI) | ReturnConsumedCapacity : | |
IV.8 | ❌ | DynamoDB - GSI: Consumed throughput; Consistency? | GSI has its own consumed throughput. GSI only supports eventually consistent read | |
IV.15 | ❌ | ECS: Tasks are scheduled on instances with enough resources. Which task placement strategy? | Random | |
IV.33 | ❌ | Deploy containerized apps? ECS, EKS or Elastic Beanstalk? | Under the hood, Elastic Beanstalk uses ECS (& ELB, ASG) | |
V.1 | ❌ | Lambda: Debug - Return log stream for the function instance | Use context.logStreamName | |
V.8 | ❌ | X-Ray: Group the trace | Subsegment : breakdown segment & provide granular timing detail about downstream calls (to AWS services, HTTP APIs, SQL queries) | |
V.14 | ❌ | Step Functions: Break a task into multiple tasks (process synchronously) | Step Functions state types: | [1.14] |
V.18 | ❌ | Lambda: Provide a public HTTPS endpoint & ensure it executes only if the request’s from valid user | 1. Use Lambda function URL | [1.18] |
V.19 | ❌ | In-house authentication system, support sync user data between devices/platforms | Cognito Identity Pools - Developer-authenticated identities: | |
V.22 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Python call BatchGetItem return partial data. Why? Fix? | - BatchGetItem use more than the provisioned throughput limit | |
VI.17 | ❌ | Lambda: Use C++ | Build a custom runtime for C++ | [1.17] |
Domain 2: Security
No | Q | A | Ref | |
I.1 | ❌ | Give a program to AWS services | - Best practice: EC2 instance profile (IAM Role) | |
I.3 | ❌ | Database credential - How to encrypt & auto rotate? | - AWS Secret Manager + Enable auto rotate | |
I.8 | ❌ | S3 - Ensure all objects are encryption at rest with SSE-KMS | Add a bucket policy which denies any s3:PutObject action unless the request includes the x-amz-server-side-encryption header. | |
II.6 | ❌ | Provide application in ECS access to the required AWS resources | Fargate: IAM Role -> attach to task | |
II.7 | ❌ | KMS: Envelope Encryption | 1. encrypt plaintext data with a data key | |
IV.1 | ❌ | 1 bucket - many users. How to redact PII & manage access permission? | Use S3 Object Lambda (+) Access Point | |
V.1 | ❌ | S3: Encryption each files with different keys. Cost-effective, low overhead | - SSE-S3: use the same key for all files. | |
V.5 | ❌ | KMS features | ||
V.9 | ❌ | AWS CLI: UnauthorizedOperation error with encoded authorization message. What to do? | Decode the message with STS decode-authorization-message | [2.9] |
V.12 | ❌ | Serverless app defined with Cloud Development Kit (CDK). How to test local? | 1. (From CDK template) “Synthesize” & output Cfn template with cdk synth | [2.12 What is CDK?] [2.12 CDK toolkit commands] |
V.13 | ❌ | Cognito Identity Pools: What does Cognito returns to authenticated/unauthenticated user? | - For authenticated users: Cognito returns the token | |
VI.8 | ❌ | System Managers Parameter Store: Notify if a parameter hasn’t been rotated in 90 days. | 1. Use Advanced tier / Parameter polices / Notification policies |
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
I.1 | ❌ | Implement subscription with API Gateway | Use usage plan to distribute APIs & throttle usages based on defined limit/quota | [API Gateway - Usage plan] |
I.2 | ❌ | Lambda, pause task & wait for external process | Step Function - Callback pattern (SQS + SNS + Lambda) | [Step Function - Callback Pattern] |
I.5 | ❌ | SAM template requires sections | Transform & Resources | |
I.6 | ❌ | Create Lambda function with CLI error InvalidParameterValueException | Invalid parameter: maybe a role can’t be assumed | |
I.7 | ❌ | ECS schedule task based on CPU/memory | ECS - Task placement strategy: binpack, spread, random | |
II.5 | ❌ | CodeDeploy AppSpec - Run a task before traffic is shifted to a Lambda function | AppSpec hook | |
III.6 | ❌ | CodeDeploy deployment type (How the latest revision is deployed to instance?) | 1. In-place (EC2/On-Premises); 2. Blue/green | |
IV.1 | ❌ | SAM deploy process (From local machine) | 1. Build (local); | |
V.2 | ❌ | CodeDeploy: Rollback | CodeDeploy rolls back deployments by redeploying a previously deployed revision of an application as a new deployment (with new deployment ID) | [3.2] |
V.7 | ❌ | CodeCommit: How to setup for a new user? | Use AWS credential (with credential-helper ) | [3.7] |
V.9 | ❌ | SAM: How to deploy (& test)? | 1. (Once time) sam init |
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
I.6 | ❌ | Serve private content from CloudFront | 1. Use signed-URL, sign-cookies | |
I.7 | ❌ | X-ray: How to debug? | _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID + AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING | |
I.12 | ❌ | CloudFront HTTPS | Viewer Protocol Policy: Only HTTPS or Redirect HTTP to HTTPS | |
I.14 | ❌ | DynamoDB Scan improve performance | - Default page size: 1MB (Max) -> Reduce page size | |
I.19 | ❌ | Use Lambda function inside a VPC | - By default, Lambda is public (has internet access) | |
I.20 | ❌ | X-Ray filter trace | 1. Add annotation to record data used to group traces (indexed to used with filter expression ) | |
I.22 | ❌ | API Gateway: Lambda Proxy - 502 Bad Gateway | In Lambda proxy integration, the backend Lambda function must return output according a JSON format | [Output format of a Lambda function for proxy integration] |
II.5 | ❌ | Kinesis Data Streams: Not enough shards & Instances CPU 100% | 1. Increase number of shards (shard splitting). 2. Increase instance size | |
II.6 | ❌ | RDS can’t handle read | 1. Use RDS Multi-AZ Cluster (not Multi-AZ Instance) | |
II.7 | ❌ | X-Ray - namespace, metadata | X-Ray namespace: distinguish AWS /remote | |
II.8 | ❌ | CloudWatch - namespace | CloudWatch namespace: container for metrics, e.g. aws/lambda | |
III.1 | ❌ | Collect trace from multiple backends, AWS SDK, SQL queries… | AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (supports collect from X-Ray) | |
V.1 | ❌ | Lambda: Function created with Cfn doesn’t send logs to CW? | Modify ExecutionRole & add AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole managed policy | |
V.2 | ❌ | ECS: EC2 launch type. Terminate an instance (after it’s stopped), but the container instance still appear in ECS cluster | Terminate an instance: | |
V.4 | ❌ | API Gateway: Enable API caching. How to test the function without caching? | 0. Create a resource-based policy to allows the API Gateway execution service to invalidate the cache for requests on the specified resource | [4.4] |
V.13 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Optimize Scan in low-demand time? | Parallel scan: distribute workload across the partitions of the table (by passing Segment and TotalSegments parameters into the Scan operation) | [4.13] |
Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Summary
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | |
I.1 | ✅ | Improve performance of S3 upload | Multipart upload. How about Transfer Acceleration? |
I.2 | ✅ | Caching: Lazy-load & Write-through | |
I.3 | ✅ | Lambda: Different parameter depends on environment | Environment variable (# Stage variable) |
I.5 | ✅ | API Gateway: same API Gateway for multiple environments | Stage variable |
I.6 | ✅ | CloudWatch Alarm: When to alarm? | Period / Evaluation Periods / Data points to Alarm |
I.7 | ✅ | SAM: Nested application | AWS::Serverless::Application |
I.8 | ✅ | Lambda deploy: Graduate increase traffic to new version | Lambda supports traffic shifting for aliases (by setting traffic weight ). (That’s why SAM have canary , linear deployment strategy ) |
I.9 | ✅ | API Gateway: Map data for microservice (in container) | Use HTTP integration (Not AWS or _PROXY ) |
I.10 | ✅ | Database scale globally, handle frequent schema changes | DynamoDB (not Aurora) |
I.11 | ✅ | API Gateway - TTL 300s. How client can invalidate cache? | Send request with Cache-Control: max-age=0 header |
I.13 | ✅ | Session data store on DynamoDB. Delete session of logged out users? | Use DynamoDB TTL (when will an item is eligible for expiration - in epoch time) |
I.15 | ✅ | Serve content based on location | - CloudFront can add header about viewer location’s location (based on the viewer’s IP address). |
I.16 | ✅ | What to do after update Cfn template of a Lambda function? | 1. aws cloudformation package : Uploads local artifacts to S3, update Cfn template to reference these artifacts |
I.17 | ✅ | Multi-thread key-value cache store | Elasticache for Memcached |
I.19 | ✅ | Process long-running tasks | Elastic Beanstalk worker environment (an HTTP request handler that EB invokes with an SQS queue) |
I.20 | ✅ | ECS: Where to config port for container? | Task definition |
I.22 | ✅ | Can Lambda handle 10 requests/s (each request take 50s) | 500 concurrent execution (Lambda can handles without doing anything. The default limit is 1.000) |
I.23 | ✅ | DynamoDB table attributes: UserID (PK) - GameTitle (SK) - TopScore. Get max TopScore of each game? | Create a Global Secondary Index: GameTitle (PK) - TopScore (SK). Query 1 item for each game in descending order. |
I.24 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Streams: How many worker is optimal to process a number of shards? | 1:1 ratio |
I.25 | ✅ | AWS CLI timeout when list bucket with 10.000 objects | Add pagination parameter when use AWS CLI |
I.26 | ✅ | Permission to Create/Delete GitCommit repos | codecommit:CreateRepository & codecommit:DeleteRepository |
I.27 | ✅ | DynamoDB Streams: Send a copy of old item to S3 | StreamViewType : OLD_IMAGE |
II.1 | ✅ | RDS + Lambda + Translate text with Amazon Translate. Improve performance, reduce load to RDS? | Use Lambda execution environment /tmp as cache store |
II.2 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Employee info. Which attribute use as primary key? | employee_id |
II.3 | ✅ | Run a Lambda function every 30min? | Use EventBridge Schedule Rule to create scheduled events -> target the Lambda function |
II.4 | ✅ | ECS integrate with API Gateway. Which integration make no intervention? | HTTP_PROXY |
II.5 | ✅ | Which API to call to get permission (from a IAM Role) to interact with S3 API | AWS STS AssumeRole API (or AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity , AssumeRoleWithSAML ) (optionally pass an SessionPolicy ) |
II.6 | ✅ | Asynchronous invoke Lambda function with Invoke API | Pass parameter InvocationType - Event |
II.11 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Write heavy - ProvisionedThroughputExceededException . Why? | RCU/WCU of GSI is separate from base table |
II.12 | ✅ | CodeCommit: Permission to fetch , clone , push | codecommit:GitPull , codecommit:GitPush |
II.13 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Deploy new version with CLI | Package app as zip /war file. Deploy with eb deploy (EB CLI is a different package. It’s not packaged with AWS CLI, not aws eb ) |
II.14 | ✅ | Internal app: elastic, cost-effective | DynamoDB, EC2 Spot Fleet |
II.15 | ✅ | Build an CI/CD to deploy to both EC2 & on-premise. Which service? | CodeDeploy |
II.16 | ✅ | DynamoDB: 10 RCU, each item 4KB. How much read request/s the table can handle? | 10 RCU: 10 Strong Consistency Read - 20 Eventually Consistency Read |
II.17 | ✅ | Prototype microservices on ECS. Which task placement minimize cost? | Binpack, |
II.18 | ✅ | Temporary AWS credential for both authenticated/unauthenticated. Which service? | Cognito Identity Pool (Federated Identity) |
II.20 | ✅ | SQS: Duplicated messages. How to fix? | For SQS, when call SendMessage API, add MessageDeduplicationId param |
II.21 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Protect from overwritten? | Implement optimistic locking with version number (ensure update the right version item) |
II.22 | ✅ | Lambda: Asynchronous invoke, exponential back-off, then send un-processed messages to another service. | Lambda supports Dead Letter Queue (just as SQS DLQ) |
II.23 | ✅ | Collect visitor click to ads. Which service? | DynamoDB: Use UpdateItem to implement atomic counter (Approximately ~ Add 1 to previous value) |
II.24 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Read 100 items. Which API? | BatchGetItem (instead of GetItem ) then BatchWriteItem |
II.25 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Store recent updated item automatically | 1. DynamoDB Streams + Lambda (not recommend) |
II.26 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Session data. Reduce storage without using provision throughput | Use DynamoDB TTL |
II.27 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Streams: How to handle data flow (Scaling)? | 1. Split shards to increase stream capacity; 2. Merge shards to decrease stream capacity. |
II.28 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Streams: Consumer process every other day & store to S3. S3 only has half of the data? | Kinesis Data Streams default retention period is 24h (up to 365 days) |
II.29 | ✅ | An AWS account has 2 Lambda function. 1 works optimal, 1 is throttled. Why? | The reserve concurrency execution of function 1 is higher |
II.30 | ✅ | Lambda: Process events from S3 Events. 10 events/s, each event takes 3s. How much concurrency? | Concurrency: number of in-flight request AWS Lambda function is handling at the same time. |
II.32 | ✅ | Protect AWS APIs call with MFA | MFA-enabled IAM users must call GetSessionToken and submit an MFA code that is associated with their MFA device. |
II.34 | ✅ | Website hosted on S3 bucket_A , make GET request to S3 bucket_B . API calls are blocked by browsers? | Enable CORS on bucket_B |
II.35 | ✅ | Migrate repos from Github to CodeCommit | 1. Create repos on CodeCommit; 2. Clone repos from Github; 3. Push to CodeCommit repos |
II.36 | ✅ | Lambda: Increase CPU? | By increase memory |
II.37 | ✅ | ECS: Integrate with X-Ray. How to provide more granular timing information? | Use sub-segment |
II.38 | ✅ | Version control system. Which service? | CodeCommit |
II.39 | ✅ | API Gateway: Non-proxy integration with Lambda. How to ensure consumer include a query string? | Use method request |
III.1 | ✅ | Replace spreadsheet-based tracking system. DynamoDB. | EDA: DynamoDB Streams + Lambda + SNS |
III.2 | ✅ | Collect real-time user data | Kinesis Data Streams |
III.4 | ✅ | CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline. A central dashboard? | CodeStar |
III.5 | ✅ | Cfn: Reuse value from a stack? | Outputs/Export & Fn::ImportValue |
III.6 | ✅ | Hundreds of thousands of reads/writes per second. Which database? | DynamoDB |
III.7 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Bidding system. | DynamoDB Streams + Lambda + Conditional Write |
III.8 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Query a single table | LSI (when create the table) |
III.9 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Throttled. Hot partition. Fix minimal effort? | Refactor to evenly distribute between partitions; Retries with exponential backoff |
III.10 | ✅ | CodeCommit: Setup? | 1. Git credential - HTTPS (username/password); 2. SSH connection (SSH key-pair) |
III.11 | ✅ | DynamoDB: 1.5KB. Write 100 items/s. WCU 100 but throttled. Fix? | Increase WCU to 200. |
III.13 | ✅ | SQS: Duplicate message | SQS FIFO + SendMessage with DeduplicationID |
III.15 | ✅ | ECS: Place task between AZs? | Spread |
III.17 | ✅ | Sync user data without your backend. | Cognito Sync (delegated use AppSync) |
III.21 | ✅ | SQS: Config Dead Letter Queue | Just provide ARN of the queue to DeadLetterConfig |
III.22 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Web app process large number of items from DynamoDB. Overload. Easiest fix? | Use Batch operations for Get , Put , Delete |
III.23 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Send welcome mail for new user. How? | DynamoDB Streams + Lambda + SNS |
III.24 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Table - FighterID (PK) - FilterTitle (SK). Query by other attributes? | Create a GSI |
III.25 | ✅ | DynamoDB: + Elasticache. Write data if cache miss. Improve? | Add write-through + TTL |
III.26 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Streams: 100 shards, Lambda (10 seconds/request, 50 items/seconds) | Maximum of 100 Lambda concurrency = number of shards |
III.27 | ✅ | Cfn: How to automate the process of getting latest AMI? | Use System Managers Parameter Store |
III.28 | ✅ | SQS: Process tool long & messages appear twice | Increase visibility timeout |
III.29 | ✅ | CloudFront: Slow to login & 504 | Authentication@Edge + Origin fail over |
III.30 | ✅ | Lambda: Increase CPU? | By increasing memory |
III.31 | ✅ | API Gateway: Implement APIs form current Swagger spec. | Just import the OpenAPI/Swagger file. |
III.32 | ✅ | Microservice using Docker + Fine-grain control | ECS |
III.33 | ✅ | Quickly deploy Node app (provisioning, load balancing, ASG…) | Elastic Beanstalk |
III.34 | ✅ | Amplify: config? | amplify.yaml |
III.35 | ✅ | S3: Cross-Region Replication. Fail. Why? | Maybe Object Versioning is not enable |
III.36 | ✅ | S3: Upload Terabytes of data from over the worlds. Slow. Improve speed? | S3 Transfer Acceleration |
III.37 | ✅ | API Gateway: Reuse same function for different stage (different DynamoDB table) | Stage variable + mapping template |
IV.1 | ✅ | Automatically watermark images uploaded to S3 | Use S3 Event Notification s3:ObjectCreate:Put . Send the event to Lambda function (destination) (# S3 Object Lambda) |
IV.2 | ✅ | Lambda function: access RDS in private subnet | Connect to the VPC |
IV.3 | ✅ | API Gateway + Lambda: Map incoming request to integration request & vice versa | AWS custom (Lambda custom) |
IV.4 | ✅ | Which cache strategy ensured cached data is always up-to-date & stale data are automatically deleted? | Write-through + With TTL |
IV.5 | ✅ | DynamoDD: How to prevent data overwritten? | Optimistic locking + Conditional writes (check version number) |
IV.6 | ✅ | Database credential: How to encrypted & auto-rotate? | Use Secrets Manager + Enable Automatic Rotation |
IV.7 | ✅ | S3: Use SQL to filter & retrieve only a subset data of an object? | S3 Select (supports CSV, JSON, Apache Parquet & compressed CSV, JSON) |
IV.9 | ✅ | DynamoDB - GSI: How much throughput to provision? | GSI WCU >= Base table WCU |
IV.10 | ✅ | DynamoDB: 2KB items - 10 writes/s - 20 eventually consistent reads/s. How much RCU/WCU? | 2KB ➡️ 1 strongly consistent read = 1 RCU ➡️ 1 eventually = 0.5 RCU ➡️ 20 eventually = 10 RCU |
IV.11 | ✅ | 1 item = 17KB. 320 strongly consistent read/s. How much RCU? | 17KB/item ➡️ 5RCU/strongly consistent read ➡️ 320 strongly read = 320 x 5 = 1600 RCU |
IV.12 | ✅ | HTML, JS, image, video. How to server with lowest latency around the world? | S3 + CloudFront |
IV.13 | ✅ | AI-based app built with Lambda. How to modify the way invocation event are read form Lambda runtime API? | Use Lambda custom runtime |
IV.14 | ✅ | Migrate monolith on-premise app to Lambda. Best practice? | 1. Take advantage of execution runtime ; 2. Use environment variable… |
IV.16 | ✅ | Online game - Sync app pref + state of player + Allow multiple player to share state | App Sync (Cognito Sync not support shared data) |
IV.17 | ✅ | AWS CLI in EC2 instance. How to easily switch role? | 1. Create a new CLI profile with credential; 2. Run aws CLI with --profile |
IV.18 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Ensure item is updated only some attribute meets some condition | Conditional writes |
IV.19 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Debug throughput of both base table & GSI when update item? | Call UpdateItem with ReturnConsumedCapacity set to None Total Indexes |
IV.20 | ✅ | DynamoDB Streams: How to integrate with Lambda? | 1. Create an EventSourceMapping to poll the DynamoDB stream, read & process records |
IV.21 | ✅ | Serverless app: Which service can manage configuration & deploy the whole stack + simple? | AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) |
IV.22 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Table: ArticleName (PK) - Category (SK). Query ArticleName using another Sort Key + Strongly consistent read | Create a new table with Local Secondary Index (LSI). Migrate the existing data to new table (LSI cannot be created after the DynamoTB is created) |
IV.23 | ✅ | S3: Ensure all objects are encrypted with AE256 | Use bucket policy to deny any Create request doesn’t have x-amz-server-side-encryption: AE256 header |
IV.24 | ✅ | EC2: Shell script to get instance public/private IP | Use Instance Metadata Service endpoint |
IV.25 | ✅ | Lambda: Account concurrency limit 2000; 10 functions: 1 function 400, 1 function 200. The rest, the third? | The rest: 1400; the third: 1300. |
IV.26 | ✅ | Coordinate multiple services into serverless workflow. Which service? | AWS Step Functions |
IV.27 | ✅ | API Gateway: Enable caching. How to invalidate 1 key? | Send the request with Cache-Control: max-age=0 |
IV.28 | ✅ | Lambda: Connection refused. Why? | Maybe the invoke URL is wrong (http without s ) |
IV.29 | ✅ | Lambda: Improve performance? | Increase memory will increase CPU too. |
IV.30 | ✅ | Lambda: A function initialize DB connection every time it executes. How to optimize? | Move the DB connection to shared execution context (outside handler) |
IV.31 | ✅ | Lambda: Can the function built with Rust? | Yes. Use custom runtime |
IV.32 | ✅ | Lambda: A function fetch 20MB static data every time it executes. How to optimize? | Place the initialize outside Lambda handler; saved external file to /tmp |
IV.34 | ✅ | Online game. How to add feature to cross-sync profile data between device? | Use Cognito Sync (or App Sync) |
IV.35 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Which attribute to use as partition key? | The partition should uniquely identify each item |
IV.36 | ✅ | CodePipeline: Push build details into a DynamoDB? | Use EventBridge & Lambda |
V.2 | ✅ | API Gateway & Lambda: New version. Smooth migration | Update Lambda function -> Deploy new version. Specify new ARN in API Gateway integration. Redeploy to new stage. |
V.3 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Path of config file | /.ebextensions/xxx.config |
V.4 | ✅ | Lambda: Ephemeral storage | /tmp |
V.5 | ✅ | Lambda: How to use Ruby? | Ruby’s natively support |
V.6 | ✅ | CloudFront: Update image immediately | Use file name versioning |
V.7 | ✅ | Cognito: Authentication with JWT | 1. Create User Pools |
V.9 | ✅ | S3: Lowest cost | Glacier Deep Archive |
V.10 | ✅ | EC2: Run Apache web server | Use user-data to install and start Apache web server |
V.11 | ✅ | App host in 1 region. Re-create on other regions using AMI & CloudFormation. How? | Use Cfn Mapping & FindInMap |
V.12 | ✅ | Serverless app. Application code & infrastructure code in Python. How? | Use CDK and Python |
V.13 | ✅ | Step Functions: Handle error? Aggregate data in different states? | Use Catch & ResultPath |
V.15 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Control access to individual items & attributes? | Fine-grain access control with |
V.16 | ✅ | Cognito: UI for login page missing brand logo | Cognito allows customization for: logo, CSS. |
V.17 | ✅ | SQS queue: messages larger than 256KB. | Use Amazon S3, (for Java) Extended Client Library |
V.20 | ✅ | API Gateway: Integrate a XML-based SOAP API. How? | Use HTTP Integration: |
V.21 | ✅ | Serverless: Send newsletter at 7-day interval. How? | Use EventBridge Schedule Rule to create events at 7-day interval, sends the events to Lambda function target |
V.23 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Group multiple actions to multiple items to a one-or-nothing operation? | Use TransactionWriteItems |
V.24 | ✅ | DynamoDB: When an item added to Customer table, dynamically update Payment table. How do it in real time? | Enable DynamoDB Streams for Customer table, trigger a Lambda function to update Payment table |
V.25 | ✅ | ALB: Obtain all value of identical query parameter key. | Enable multi-value headers |
V.26 | ✅ | ECS: 2 containers share logs. How? | Define these 2 containers in 1 task definition, use EFS as a volume |
Domain 2: Security
No | Q | A | |
I.2 | ✅ | Share DB endpoint | Use System Manager Parameter Store secure string |
I.4 | ✅ | API Gateway: Allow another account invoke via IAM Role | 1. From the other account, grant permission to interact with this API Gateway |
I.5 | ✅ | Grant permission to access only some path of a S3 bucket | Use S3 bucket policy, with the policy statement Resource including the path |
I.6 | ✅ | Login with social site: Facebook…, then access to AWS service | Cognito Identity Pool (Federated Identity) |
I.7 | ✅ | S3 - Encrypt AE256 | x-amz-server-side-encryption: AE256 |
I.9 | ✅ | KMS - Generate data key but not use immediately | GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext |
II.1 | ✅ | Cognito - Enforce MFA for suspicious login attempt | User Pool / Adaptive Authentication / Automatic risk response |
II.2 | ✅ | EC2 instance - Upload images to S3. How to give EC2 instance permission? | IAM Role (Instance Profile) |
II.3 | ✅ | Dev needs to access Test/Prod accounts. How to give permission? | Grant cross-account access: |
II.4 | ✅ | API Gateway - Lambda Authorizer: Implement one that same as OAuth, SAML | API Gateway - Lambda Authorizer (Custom Authorizer) has 2 types: |
II.5 | ✅ | EC2 instance has both credentials & Instance Profile | AWS CLI credentials precedence: CLI options > ENVVAR > Assumed Role > IAM Identity ( |
II.8 | ✅ | S3 - Encryption using KMS-C. How to upload object? | Include the headers: x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer- + algorithm /key /key-MD5 |
II.9 | ✅ | IAM, SCP - How to test IAM policy? | IAM Policy Simulator |
III.1 | ✅ | API Gateway: Lambda authorizer - accepts header, query strings | Request parameter-based authorizer (REQUEST authorizer) |
III.2 | ✅ | On-premise KMS, migrate to AWS. Key is store in dedicated hardware | CloudHSM |
III.3 | ✅ | S3: Upload small file + Use KMS key: OK. Upload big file (100GB): not OK | AWS CLI use multipart upload for big files. It’s required the kms:Decrypt permission |
III.4 | ✅ | S3: SSE with KMS (using default KMS key). Which header? | - x-amz-server-side-encryption: aws:kms |
III.5 | ✅ | S3: SSE-C. How does it work? | 1. You manage key & give AWS the key each time you upload a file |
III.6 | ✅ | KMS: A file encrypted with data encryption key (DEK). How to decrypt the files locally? | 1. Use KMS’s Decrypt to decrypt the DEK |
III.7 | ✅ | CodeDeploy: Platform: ECS - appspec.yaml | appspec.yaml for ECS needs: TaskDefinition , ContainerImage , ContainerPort |
III.8 | ✅ | Share DB connection endpoint | Systems Manager Parameter Store secure string |
III.9 | ✅ | SSL certificate from 3rd party. Which service can store? | AWS Certificate Manager (for unsupported regions, use IAM certificate store) |
IV.2 | ✅ | SSM Parameter Store: Notify if param haven’t been rotated for 90 days | 1. Use Advanced tier / Parameter polices / Notification policies |
IV.3 | ✅ | S3: Ensure data is encrypted at rest using the company key | 1. Client-Side Encryption (CSE) - Encrypt the data before send to S3 |
IV.4 | ✅ | KMS: Locally encrypt data (Envelope encryption) | 1. Use the GenerateDataKey API to get a data key . |
IV.5 | ✅ | API Gateway: Custom authorizer using bearer token (same as SAML, OAuth). How? | Use API Gateway Lambda authorizer (aka custom authorizer) |
IV.6 | ✅ | Database credential + Rotate | Secrets Manager + Auto Rotation (How? Secrets Manager run a Lambda function ) |
IV.7 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Retrieve license key + cost-effective | Systems Manager Parameter Store + Secure String |
IV.8 | ✅ | Migrate on-premise to AWS. Integrate LDAP directory service (not compatible with SAML) | Implement a custom identity broker, which use STS to issue short-live AWS credentials |
IV.9 | ✅ | Cognito: Additional authentication method | Integrate Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to Cognito User Pool |
IV.10 | ✅ | SQL Server. Migrate to RDS. Encrypt data before write to disk & vice versa. | Enable SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption |
IV.11 | ✅ | S3. Someone use your image without permission. | (Block public access) Use pre-signed URL / pre-signed cookies |
V.2 | ✅ | S3 bucket in production account. How to allow a user on dev account access? | 1. In prod acc, create an IAM role |
V.3 | ✅ | S3. Which service to allow user register/sign-in & upload/access images on S3. | Cognito User Pools & Identity Pools |
V.4 | ✅ | Allow temporary access to EC2 & but still enforce MFA? Which STS API? | STS GetSessionToken |
V.6 | ✅ | API Gateway: Regulate access to API & charge based on usage | Usage Plan |
V.7 | ✅ | Best practice to manage access key | Remote all access key of root account, use IAM role for applications |
V.8 | ✅ | Most secure way to send CW logs in EC2 instance of ASG launch configuration | - Create a new IAM role for the new Launch Configuration |
V.10 | ✅ | S3: Hundreds of thousands of objects. Turn on SSE-KMS. Performance degradation. Why? | Requests to KMS are exceeded quota |
V.11 | ✅ | How to check permission of an IAM role? | 1. Use IAM Policy Simulator |
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | |
I.3 | ✅ | Deploy Lambda with CodeDeploy | CodeDeploy deploy configuration: |
I.4 | ✅ | Build, test, deploy serverless app | Serverless Application Model (SAM) |
II.1 | ✅ | SAM: workflow redeploy | 1. sam build ; 2. sam deploy |
II.2 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Dev/Test - Deploy ASAP | EB deployment strategy: AllAtOnce |
II.3 | ✅ | SAM: deploy 10% every 10min | SAM Linear 10min |
II.4 | ✅ | Lambda: package deployment take too much time to deploy? How increase deploy speed? | Lambda package deployment quota (for a function) is 50 MB (zipped; includes runtimes, layer…) |
II.6 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Easiest way to deploy a hello_world lambda function | Incline the function in AWS::Lambda::Function Properties / Code / Zipfile |
II.7 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Upgrade from Java 7 to 8. Shift all traffic to the new one, revert if something’s wrong | Blue/Green Deployment: EB AllAtOnce + EB swap environment URLs (EB will use Route 53 to swap CNAMEs) |
II.8 | ✅ | CodeDeploy: Deploy to where? How? | CodeDeploy deploy configuration: |
III.1 | ✅ | EC2: EBS-backed root volume. How to detach the root-volume? | Stop the EC2 instance, then detach the root volume |
III.2 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Maintain compute resource while deploying. No downtime. | Rolling with additional batch, Immutable |
III.3 | ✅ | DynamoDB: 3.5KB. 150 eventually consistent reads/second. How many RCU? | 1 strongly read -> 1 RCU |
III.4 | ✅ | Lambda: Deployment package 80MB. What to do now? | Split the dependencies to a layer |
III.5 | ✅ | SAM: How to use Cfn & include SAM? | Use Cfn Transform & AWS:Serverless macro to process SAM template to Cfn template |
III.7 | ✅ | Cfn: Different accounts. How to manage update across all accounts? | Use StackSets |
IV.2 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: HA, revert quickly? | 1. Use any EB deployment strategy, e.g. All-at-once (fastest) |
IV.3 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Inline code in template | AWS::Lambda::Function / Code / ZipFile |
IV.4 | ✅ | Serverless app: Zip code, upload to S3, produce package deployment-ready template & deploy | sam deploy (which includes sam package ) |
IV.5 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Install packages, start services on EC2 after provisioned | cfn-init |
V.1 | ✅ | CodeDeploy: S3 source. Deploy to EC2 fail during DownloadBundle | The EC2 instance profile don’t have permission to access S3 bucket |
V.3 | ✅ | Deploy to 3 environments: test , staging , production . How? | Use 3 deployment group s, each for 1 environment. |
V.4 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Multi-container Docker. Which file to configure container definitions? | |
V.5 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Multi developers deploy without upload the whole project? | Use eb deploy to deploy from local CodeCommit repo |
V.6 | ✅ | Serverless app defined with CDK. Deploy to new account. NoSuchBucket error. Fix? | Run cdk bootstrap to provision resources for CDK deployment, e.g. IAM role, S3 bucket. |
V.8 | ✅ | CodeCommit: Forgot to pull master. Fix conflict? | git rebase feature branch on master branch. Then manually fix conflict. |
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | |
I.1 | ✅ | Move session data to AWS, 100% CPU, HA | ElastiCache for Redis |
I.2 | ✅ | sam local - Access denied | 1. aws configure --profile ; 2. sam local invoke --profile |
I.3 | ✅ | Cost effective when using SQS | Long polling (config ReceiveMessage WaitTime ) |
I.4 | ✅ | Record all changes to a DynamoDB table to another one | DynamoDB Streams + Lambda (write to another DynamoDB table) |
I.5 | ✅ | DynamoDB - Reduce queries | DAX |
I.8 | ✅ | ECS store data in DynamoDB, how to verify each new items? | DynamoDB Streams + Lambda |
I.9 | ✅ | API Gateway - 504 | 504 Gateway timeout -> Integration timeout after 30s |
I.10 | ✅ | RDS - Too many connections | RDS Proxy |
I.11 | ✅ | API Gateway timeout - Which CW metrics to watch? | Latency , IntegrationLatency |
I.13 | ✅ | CloudFront - end-to-end SSL | Viewer Protocol Policy, Origin Protocol Policy: HTTPS |
I.15 | ✅ | Capture IP in/out of an VPC | VPC Flow Log |
I.16 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk config for cron-job | cron.yaml |
I.17 | ✅ | DynamoDB - Fetch only some attributes | Use projection attributes |
I.18 | ✅ | Lambda function download same big file | Use /tmp |
I.21 | ✅ | App deploy with Elastic Beanstalk - Config X-Ray | .ebextensions/xray-daemon.config |
II.1 | ✅ | DynamoDB: ProvisionedThroughputExceeded | Optimize DynamoDB: |
II.2 | ✅ | X-Ray: View full trace without using console | Use GetTraceSummaries , BatchGetTraces |
II.3 | ✅ | ECS + Docker app: How to setup tracing with X-Ray? | - Run xray-daemon inside docker image |
II.4 | ✅ | AWS CLI - Timeout | Use pagination: --page-size (request less items) --max-items (show less items) |
II.9 | ✅ | X-Ray: From where, IP address is fetch? | X-Forwarded-For header |
III.2 | ✅ | X-Ray: Insufficient permissions to use X-ray console to view service map, segments. Which manged policy? | - AWSXrayReadOnlyAccess |
III.3 | ✅ | API Gateway: Fetch latest data without caching (using Cache-Control: max-age=0 header). Which permission? | Resource-based policy for execute-api:InvalidateCache action |
III.4 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Streams, EventBridge + Lambda every 36 hours. Missing data? | DynamoDB Streams retention period is 24 hour. Only last 24 hours data is available |
III.5 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Streams: Increasing data flow. Scale up? | Split-shard + (increase numbers of worker) |
III.6 | ✅ | S3: CORS config: <AllowOrigin> , <AllowedMethod> , <AllowedHeader> , <MaxAgeSeconds>3600</MaxAgeSeconds> | MaxAgeSeconds : time in seconds that your browser can cache the response for a preflight request |
III.7 | ✅ | API Gateway: Lambda. 504. No errors in CW. Why? | Lambda function takes more than 30s (API Gateway timeout) |
III.8 | ✅ | RDS: Slow response (in peak time). Already optimize queries. Resolve? | - Add Read Replica |
III.9 | ✅ | Latency-sensitive service. AWS Fargate, CloudFront, ALB. Too much unauthenticated users, increase CPU of Fargate. Fix? | Use CloudFront Function (attach to Viewer Request) to authenticate users |
III.10 | ✅ | EC2: Monitor memory, swap. How? | Install CW Agent |
III.11 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: EC2. CW doesn’t show memory. Why? | By default, CW doesn’t track EC2 instance memory |
III.12 | ✅ | Kinesis Data Steams: Producers restart -> Duplicate record. Fix? | Call PutRecord with SequenceNumberForOrdering param. |
IV.1 | ✅ | Send traces to X-ray? | Use X-Ray daemon (CloudWatch Agent can do this on EC2/On-Premise) |
IV.2 | ✅ | SQS: Duplicate message. Fix? | Use FIFO queue + provide deduplicationID |
IV.3 | ✅ | X-Ray: Filter trace? | 1. Use web console; 2. Use GetTraceSummaries (support search) |
IV.4 | ✅ | X-Ray: Send trace to X-Ray? | - 1. Use X-Ray SDK (through X-Ray daemon); 2. Use X-Ray/CLI (directly) |
IV.5 | ✅ | Kinesis: Over-provision. Scale in? | Merge cold shards |
IV.6 | ✅ | API Gateway: Terminated Lambda. Why? | - Lambda timeout: max 15min ➡️ terminated |
IV.7 | ✅ | API Gateway: No metrics for CacheHitCount/CacheMissCount | API Gateway caching is not enabled |
IV.8 | ✅ | SQS injections, XSS attack. How to deal? | Use Web Application Firewall (WAF). It works with: CloudFront, ALB, API Gateway (REST API) |
IV.9 | ✅ | Kinesis: 10 shards - 10 EC2 instance. Increase to 20 shards, how many instances? | 20 instances, the number of instances match the number of shards by 1:1 ratio |
IV.10 | ✅ | RDS: Monitor memory, CPU usages of processes? | Use RDS enhanced monitoring |
IV.11 | ✅ | CodePipeline: Code review in each stage before move to next stage | Use a “manually approval” action, and send the approval request to a SNS topic |
IV.12 | ✅ | X-Ray: Record call to DB, other services, SQL queries & filter | Add annotations in the subsegment section of the segment document. |
IV.13 | ✅ | X-Ray: Permission to send trace to X-Ray? | AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess |
V.3 | ✅ | CodeBuild: Run on a proxy server. RequestError when CodeBuild is accessed. Fix? | |
V.5 | ✅ | S3 - Event Notifications: Compress the images, but it takes too much time. Improve? | Increase memory ➡️ increase CPU |
V.6 | ✅ | Debug latency of your app (with recently added function)? How to do with X-Ray? | Define sug-segments inside the function to “instrument” (measure) it |
V.7 | ✅ | AWS CLI: Create snapshot of EC2 instance. InvalidInstanceID.NotFound . Why? | Maybe the AWS CLI is using a profile for a different region |
V.8 | ✅ | Build a CI pipeline. Which AWS services? | CodeCommit, Lambda, CodeBuild |
V.9 | ✅ | Step Functions: Handle & recover from State’s exception. | Use Catch & Retry fields in state machine definition |
V.10 | ✅ | Lambda - Cold start: Optimize? | 1. Reduce pre-handler code |
V.11 | ✅ | LAMP stack. Migrate to AWS? | EC2 + Aurora/RDS |
V.12 | ✅ | Lambda: process file (5min). So slow? | Change InvokeType to Event (asynchronous invocation) |
V.14 | ✅ | Website (hosted on S3) call API Gateway. No "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" error. Fix? | Config CORS for API Gateway to allow the website (S3) |
V.15 | ✅ | API Gateway + Lambda: Publish a new version of AccService:Prod with the alias AccService:Beta . How to test before promote? | Create a BETA stage. Use stage variable to reference the beta function alias |
V.16 | ✅ | Lambda: Unable to import module . Fix? | 1. Install the missing module locally. |
V.17 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Keep the old code in S3 bucket. How? | Change Retention to Retain source bundle in S3 |
Exam note AWS DVA-C03
Queue/stream retention time
Queue | Min | Retention time (Default) | Max | Note |
SQS queue | 60s | 4 days | 14 days | No addition charging |
Kinesis Data Streams stream | 24h | 24h (One-day retention) | 365 days | Extended data retention: up to 7 days 💸 |
Long-term data retention: up to 365 days 💸💸 | ||||
DB Streams queue | - | 24h | - | Can’t be changed |
Deployment strategy
3.2 Elastic Beanstalk Deployment policies
- Deployment policies (aka deployment methods/strategies):
- AllAtOnce (Default)
- Rolling
- Rolling with additional batch
- Immutable
- Traffic splitting (aka Canary)
- Blue-green (with
Swap environment URLs
3.6 CodeDeploy deployment type
Overview of CodeDeploy deployment types CodeDeploy concepts
CodeDeploy can deploy application to 3 platform (called deployment platform):
- EC2/On-Premises <= Needs CodeDeploy agent
- Lambda
CodeDeploy make the latest application revision available on instance in a deployment group (a group of instances)
- In-place deployment: only support EC2/On-Premise
- Blue/green deployment
CodeDeploy supports 3 ways of routing traffic (via deployment configuration)
- All-at-once: 100%
- Canary: 2 increments: 10% + 90%
- Linear: n% x m times