Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Timed Mode Set 4
Test time: Dec 8 2023, 10h00 - 10h50 (00:50:00)
Score: 60/65 (92.3%):
- CDA – Development with AWS Services 91.67% (33/36)
- CDA – Security 90.91% (10/11)
- CDA – Deployment 80% (4/5)
- CDA – Troubleshooting and Optimization 100% (13/13)
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | Automatically watermark images uploaded to S3 | Use S3 Event Notification s3:ObjectCreate:Put . Send the event to Lambda function (destination) | |
2 | ✅ | Lambda function: access RDS in private subnet | Connect to the VPC | |
3 | ✅ | API Gateway + Lambda: Map incoming request to integration request & vice versa | AWS custom (Lambda custom) | |
4 | ✅ | Which cache strategy ensured cached data is always up-to-date & stale data are automatically deleted? | Write-through + With TTL | 1.4 |
5 | ✅ | DynamoDD: How to prevent data overwritten? | Optimistic locking + Conditional writes (check version number) | |
6 | ✅ | Database credential: How to encrypted & auto-rotate? | Use Secrets Manager + Enable Automatic Rotation | |
7 | ✅ | S3: Use SQL to filter & retrieve only a subset data of an object? | S3 Select (supports CSV, JSON, Apache Parquet & compressed CSV, JSON) | 1.7 |
8 | ❌ | DynamoDB - GSI: Consumed throughput; Consistency? | GSI has its own consumed throughput. GSI only supports eventually consistent read | |
9 | ✅ | DynamoDB - GSI: How much throughput to provision? | GSI WCU >= Base table WCU | |
10 | ✅ | DynamoDB: 2KB items - 10 writes/s - 20 eventually consistent reads/s. How much RCU/WCU? | 2KB ➡️ 1 strongly consistent read = 1 RCU ➡️ 1 eventually = 0.5 RCU ➡️ 20 eventually = 10 RCU | |
2KB ➡️ 1 write = 2 WCU ➡️ 10 writes = 20 WCU | ||||
11 | ✅ | 1 item = 17KB. 320 strongly consistent read/s. How much RCU? | 17KB/item ➡️ 5RCU/strongly consistent read ➡️ 320 strongly read = 320 x 5 = 1600 RCU | |
12 | ✅ | HTML, JS, image, video. How to server with lowest latency around the world? | S3 + CloudFront | |
13 | ✅ | AI-based app built with Lambda. How to modify the way invocation event are read form Lambda runtime API? | Use Lambda custom runtime | |
14 | ✅ | Migrate monolith on-premise app to Lambda. Best practice? | 1. Take advantage of execution runtime ; 2. Use environment variable… | 1.14 Lambda Best Practice |
15 | ❌ | ECS: Tasks are scheduled on instances with enough resources. Which task placement strategy? | Random | |
16 | ✅ | Online game - Sync app pref + state of player + Allow multiple player to share state | App Sync (Cognito Sync not support shared data) | |
17 | ✅ | AWS CLI in EC2 instance. How to easily switch role? | 1. Create a new CLI profile with credential; 2. Run aws CLI with --profile | |
18 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Ensure item is updated only some attribute meets some condition | Conditional writes | |
19 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Debug throughput of both base table & GSI when update item? | Call UpdateItem with ReturnConsumedCapacity set to None Total Indexes | 1.19 PutItem - ReturnConsumedCapacity |
20 | ✅ | DynamoDB Streams: How to integrate with Lambda? | 1. Create an EventSourceMapping to poll the DynamoDB stream, read & process records | |
2. Give Lambda function enough permission to interact with DynamoDB via ExecutionRole (AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole managed policy) | ||||
21 | ✅ | Serverless app: Which service can manage configuration & deploy the whole stack + simple? | AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) | |
22 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Table: ArticleName (PK) - Category (SK). Query ArticleName using another Sort Key + Strongly consistent read | Create a new table with Local Secondary Index (LSI). Migrate the existing data to new table (LSI cannot be created after the DynamoTB is created) | |
23 | ✅ | S3: Ensure all objects are encrypted with AE256 | Use bucket policy to deny any Create request doesn’t have x-amz-server-side-encryption: AE256 header | |
24 | ✅ | EC2: Shell script to get instance public/private IP | Use Instance Metadata Service endpoint | |
25 | ✅ | Lambda: Account concurrency limit 2000; 10 functions: 1 function 400, 1 function 200. The rest, the third? | The rest: 1400; the third: 1300. | |
26 | ✅ | Coordinate multiple services into serverless workflow. Which service? | AWS Step Functions | |
27 | ✅ | API Gateway: Enable caching. How to invalidate 1 key? | Send the request with Cache-Control: max-age=0 | |
28 | ✅ | Lambda: Connection refused. Why? | Maybe the invoke URL is wrong (http without s ) | |
29 | ✅ | Lambda: Improve performance? | Increase memory will increase CPU too. | |
30 | ✅ | Lambda: A function initialize DB connection every time it executes. How to optimize? | Move the DB connection to shared execution context (outside handler) | |
31 | ✅ | Lambda: Can the function built with Rust? | Yes. Use custom runtime | |
32 | ✅ | Lambda: A function fetch 20MB static data every time it executes. How to optimize? | Place the initialize outside Lambda handler; saved external file to /tmp | |
33 | ❌ | Deploy containerized apps? ECS, EKS or Elastic Beanstalk? | Under the hood, Elastic Beanstalk uses ECS (& ELB, ASG) | |
34 | ✅ | Online game. How to add feature to cross-sync profile data between device? | Use Cognito Sync (or App Sync) | |
35 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Which attribute to use as partition key? | The partition should uniquely identify each item | |
36 | ✅ | CodePipeline: Push build details into a DynamoDB? | Use EventBridge & Lambda |
1.4 Caching Strategies
What is it? | Pros | Cons | ||
Lazy-loading | Loads data into the cache only when necessary (catches cache misses on reads) | Only requested data is cached | Cache miss read penalty (3 trips) | |
Stale data | ||||
Write-through | Loads data into the cache whenever data is written to the database (populates data on writes) | No stale data | Missing data (empty nodes) | |
No read penalty | Cache churn (not re-used cache) | |||
Lazy-loading (with TTL) | An expired key is treated as not found | |||
Write-through (with TTL) |
Domain 2: Security
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | 1 bucket - many users. How to redact PII & manage access permission? | Use S3 Object Lambda (+) Access Point | |
2 | ✅ | SSM Parameter Store: Notify if param haven’t been rotated for 90 days | 1. Use Advanced tier / Parameter polices / Notification policies | |
- NoChangeNotification After xxx | ||||
- ExpirationNotification xxx | ||||
- Expiration | ||||
2. Use EventBridge rule to filter & send NoChangeNotification event to a SNS topic (target) | ||||
3 | ✅ | S3: Ensure data is encrypted at rest using the company key | 1. Client-Side Encryption (CSE) - Encrypt the data before send to S3 | |
2. Server-Side Encryption (SSE) - Send the data with the encryption key | ||||
2.1 For CLI, Use the request headers: x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer + algorithm /key /key-MD5 | ||||
2.2 Or use the SDK | ||||
4 | ✅ | KMS: Locally encrypt data (Envelope encryption) | 1. Use the GenerateDataKey API to get a data key . | |
2. Use the plaintext data key (GenerateDataKey response Plaintext ) to encrypt data locally, then erase the plaintext data key from memory. | ||||
3. Store the encrypted data key (GenerateDataKey response CiphertextBlob ) alongside the locally encrypted data. | ||||
5 | ✅ | API Gateway: Custom authorizer using bearer token (same as SAML, OAuth). How? | Use API Gateway Lambda authorizer (aka custom authorizer) | 2.5 |
- Token-based Lambda authorizer (aka TOKEN authorizer) 👈 THIS ONE | ||||
- Request parameter-based Lambda authorizer (aka REQUEST authorizer) | ||||
6 | ✅ | Database credential + Rotate | Secrets Manager + Auto Rotation (How? Secrets Manager run a Lambda function ) | 2.6 |
7 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Retrieve license key + cost-effective | Systems Manager Parameter Store + Secure String | |
8 | ✅ | Migrate on-premise to AWS. Integrate LDAP directory service (not compatible with SAML) | Implement a custom identity broker, which use STS to issue short-live AWS credentials | 2.8 |
9 | ✅ | Cognito: Additional authentication method | Integrate Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to Cognito User Pool | |
10 | ✅ | SQL Server. Migrate to RDS. Encrypt data before write to disk & vice versa. | Enable SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption | |
11 | ✅ | S3. Someone use your image without permission. | (Block public access) Use pre-signed URL / pre-signed cookies |
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | SAM deploy process (From local machine) | 1. Build (local); | |
2 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: HA, revert quickly? | 1. Use any EB deployment strategy, e.g. All-at-once (fastest) | |
2. Blue-Green deployment (EB calls it swap environment URLs) | 3.2 | |||
3 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Inline code in template | AWS::Lambda::Function / Code / ZipFile | |
4 | ✅ | Serverless app: Zip code, upload to S3, produce package deployment-ready template & deploy | sam deploy (which includes sam package ) | |
5 | ✅ | CloudFormation: Install packages, start services on EC2 after provisioned | cfn-init |
3.1 SAM deploy process
npm | sam | |
npm init | sam init | |
npm install | ||
npm build | sam build | |
npm publish | ||
npm start | sam deploy | |
- sam list endpoints | ||
- curl http//:localhost:3000 | - curl https//<>.execute-api.<>.amazonaws.com | |
nodemon index.js | sam sync –watch |
sam deploy
now implicitly performs the functionality of sam package
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | Send traces to X-ray? | Use X-Ray daemon (CloudWatch Agent can do this on EC2/On-Premise) | |
2 | ✅ | SQS: Duplicate message. Fix? | Use FIFO queue + provide deduplicationID | |
3 | ✅ | X-Ray: Filter trace? | 1. Use web console; 2. Use GetTraceSummaries (support search) | |
4 | ✅ | X-Ray: Send trace to X-Ray? | - 1. Use X-Ray SDK (through X-Ray daemon); 2. Use X-Ray/CLI (directly) | |
- PutTraceSegments API accepts a single segment document with many segments | ||||
5 | ✅ | Kinesis: Over-provision. Scale in? | Merge cold shards | |
6 | ✅ | API Gateway: Terminated Lambda. Why? | - Lambda timeout: max 15min ➡️ terminated | |
- API Gateway timeout: 30s for an integration ➡️ 504 Timeout | ||||
7 | ✅ | API Gateway: No metrics for CacheHitCount/CacheMissCount | API Gateway caching is not enabled | |
8 | ✅ | SQS injections, XSS attack. How to deal? | Use Web Application Firewall (WAF). It works with: CloudFront, ALB, API Gateway (REST API) | |
9 | ✅ | Kinesis: 10 shards - 10 EC2 instance. Increase to 20 shards, how many instances? | 20 instances, the number of instances match the number of shards by 1:1 ratio | |
10 | ✅ | RDS: Monitor memory, CPU usages of processes? | Use RDS enhanced monitoring | |
11 | ✅ | CodePipeline: Code review in each stage before move to next stage | Use a “manually approval” action, and send the approval request to a SNS topic | |
12 | ✅ | X-Ray: Record call to DB, other services, SQL queries & filter | Add annotations in the subsegment section of the segment document. | |
13 | ✅ | X-Ray: Permission to send trace to X-Ray? | AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess |
4.1 How to send traces to X-ray?
X-Ray daemon
The AWS X-Ray daemon is a software application that listens for traffic on UDP port 2000, gathers raw segment data, and relays it to the AWS X-Ray API.
The daemon works in conjunction with the AWS X-Ray SDKs and must be running so that data sent by the SDKs can reach the X-Ray service.
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Collector
(For EC2, On-premises) CloudWatch Agent can do this from
4.1 Setup X-Ray daemon
- Lambda: the deamon run automatically
- EC2:
- Elastic Beanstalk: Enable with
configuration option - EC2: Install/Run manually (May use user data)
- ECS:
- Use official Docker image
- Build custom Docker image
- Elastic Beanstalk: Enable with
- On-premise: Install/Run manually
4.2 SQS: Duplicate messages
https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2016/11/amazon-sqs-introduces-fifo-queues-with-exactly-once-processing-and-lower-prices-for-standard-queues/ https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_SendMessage.html#SQS-SendMessage-request-MessageDeduplicationId
4.8 AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced
4.9 Scale Kinesis Data Streams
To scale up processing in your application, you should test a combination of these approaches:
- Increasing the instance size (because all record processors run in parallel within a process)
- Increasing the number of instances up to the maximum number of open shards (because shards can be processed independently)
- Increasing the number of shards (which increases the level of parallelism)
4.10 Monitor RDS
- CloudWatch (default): RDS automatically sends metrics to CloudWatch every minute (from hypervisor for the DB instance - “outside”)
- RDS Enhanced Monitoring:
- Gather metrics about the OS: processes, memory… (from an agent on the DB instance - “inside”)
- Logs are sent to CloudWatch Logs
Differences between CloudWatch and Enhanced Monitoring metrics
4.11 Manage approval actions in CodePipeline