Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Timed Mode Set 3

Test time: Dec 7 2023, 9h45 - 10h28 (00:47:24)

Score: 56/65 (86.15%)

  • CDA – Development with AWS Services: 85.71%
  • CDA – Security: 100%
  • CDA – Deployment: 81.08%
  • CDA – Troubleshooting and Optimization: 91.67%

Domain 1: Development with AWS Services

1Replace spreadsheet-based tracking system. DynamoDB.EDA: DynamoDB Streams + Lambda + SNS
2Collect real-time user dataKinesis Data Streams
3API Gateway: Lambda Proxy integrationRecommend: Simple setup
4CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline. A central dashboard?CodeStar
5Cfn: Reuse value from a stack?Outputs/Export & Fn::ImportValue
6Hundreds of thousands of reads/writes per second. Which database?DynamoDB
7DynamoDB: Bidding system.DynamoDB Streams + Lambda + Conditional Write
8DynamoDB: Query a single tableLSI (when create the table)
9DynamoDB: Throttled. Hot partition. Fix minimal effort?Refactor to evenly distribute between partitions; Retries with exponential backoff
10CodeCommit: Setup?1. Git credential - HTTPS (username/password); 2. SSH connection (SSH key-pair)
11DynamoDB: 1.5KB. Write 100 items/s. WCU 100 but throttled. Fix?Increase WCU to 200.
12Deploy serverless app: Run C++Lambda doesn’t support C++ -> Create custom runtime
13SQS: Duplicate messageSQS FIFO + SendMessage with DeduplicationID
14SQS: postpone delivery messages to queueDelay queue (not using visibility timeout)
15ECS: Place task between AZs?Spread
16ECS: EC2. Task placement?1. Cluster constraint; 2. Task placement constraint; 3. Task placement strategy
17Sync user data without your backend.Cognito Sync (delegated use AppSync)
18Kinesis Data Streams: Resharding, Scaling, and Parallel Processing1. One worker can process many shards. 2. Optimal ratio is 1 worker : 1 shard
Enhanced Fan-out: stream consumers receive their own 2MB/second pipe of read throughput per shard
19DynamoDB: Concurrency writeOptimistic Locking + Conditional Writes
20DynamoDB: For each request, return WCU consumed (base table & GSI)ReturnConsumedCapacity: NONE (default), TOTAL, INDEXES
21SQS: Config Dead Letter QueueJust provide ARN of the queue to DeadLetterConfig
22Elastic Beanstalk: Web app process large number of items from DynamoDB. Overload. Easiest fix?Use Batch operations for Get, Put, Delete
23DynamoDB: Send welcome mail for new user. How?DynamoDB Streams + Lambda + SNS
24DynamoDB: Table - FighterID (PK) - FilterTitle (SK). Query by other attributes?Create a GSI
25DynamoDB: + Elasticache. Write data if cache miss. Improve?Add write-through + TTL
26Kinesis Data Streams: 100 shards, Lambda (10 seconds/request, 50 items/seconds)Maximum of 100 Lambda concurrency = number of shards
27Cfn: How to automate the process of getting latest AMI?Use System Managers Parameter Store
28SQS: Process tool long & messages appear twiceIncrease visibility timeout
29CloudFront: Slow to login & 504Authentication@Edge + Origin fail over
30Lambda: Increase CPU?By increasing memory
31API Gateway: Implement APIs form current Swagger spec.Just import the OpenAPI/Swagger file.
32Microservice using Docker + Fine-grain controlECS
33Quickly deploy Node app (provisioning, load balancing, ASG…)Elastic Beanstalk
34Amplify: config?amplify.yaml
35S3: Cross-Region Replication. Fail. Why?Maybe Object Versioning is not enable
36S3: Upload Terabytes of data from over the worlds. Slow. Improve speed?S3 Transfer Acceleration
37API Gateway: Reuse same function for different stage (different DynamoDB table)Stage variable

1.3 API Gateway API integration type

Choose an API Gateway API integration type

API Gateway - API integration types:

  • AWS
    • Lambda non-proxy integration (Lambda custom integration): Need to specify how to map between method & integration
  • AWS Proxy
    • Lambda proxy integration (Recommend): Simple setup
      • API Gateway maps the entire client request to the input event parameter of the backend Lambda function
  • HTTP
  • HTTP Proxy
  • Mock

1.16 ECS task placement

Alt text

Alt text ECS Task Placement

  • Task placement: Which container instances to place task?

    • “Cluster constraint”: Which one satisfy CPU, memory, port (in task definition)?

    • A task placement constraint is a rule that’s considered during task placement.

      • Constraint type

        • distinctInstance
        • memberOf
      • Expression: defined in cluster query language (subject operator [argument])

        • Attribute:
          • Build-in attribute: e.g. ecs.availability-zone, ecs.instance-type
          • Optional attribute:
          • Custom attribute: stack

        e.g. attribute:ecs.availability-zone == us-east-1a

    • A task placement strategy is an algorithm for selecting container instances for task placement or tasks for termination: ECS supports 3 type of task placement strategy:

      • binpack: min unused CPU, memory
      • random
      • spread: evenly based on
        • : instanceId/host, attribute:ecs.availability-zone, …


1.18 Kinesis Data Streams


1.19 DynamoDB: Concurrency write

  • Atomic Counter: 🛣️ Any one can writes (The database use the previous value)
  • Optimistic locking & Conditional write: ⚠️ Many writes at a time (based on some condition)
  • Pessimistic locking: 🛑 1 write at a time. Wait for your turn

Domain 2: Security

NoQ hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) value of the encryption key in order to validate future requests.ARef
1API Gateway: Lambda authorizer - accepts header, query stringsRequest parameter-based authorizer (REQUEST authorizer)
2On-premise KMS, migrate to AWS. Key is store in dedicated hardwareCloudHSM
3S3: Upload small file + Use KMS key: OK. Upload big file (100GB): not OKAWS CLI use multipart upload for big files. It’s required the kms:Decrypt permission
4S3: SSE with KMS (using default KMS key). Which header?- x-amz-server-side-encryption: aws:kms
- Omit x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id to use default KMS key for S3
5S3: SSE-C. How does it work?1. You manage key & give AWS the key each time you upload a file
1.1 x-amz-SSE-customer-algorithm/key/key-MD5
1.2 If you lose the key, you lose the object
2. AWS handle encryption:
2.1 AWS store a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) value of the encryption key in order to validate future requests.
2.2 When you need the object, you request the object (& provide the encryption key)
2.3 AWS decrypt & give you back the decrypted object
6KMS: A file encrypted with data encryption key (DEK). How to decrypt the files locally?1. Use KMS’s Decrypt to decrypt the DEK
2. Use the plaintext DEK to decrypt the file (immediately erase the plaintext from memory after used)
7CodeDeploy: Platform: ECS - appspec.yamlappspec.yaml for ECS needs: TaskDefinition, ContainerImage, ContainerPort
8Share DB connection endpointSystems Manager Parameter Store secure string
9SSL certificate from 3rd party. Which service can store?AWS Certificate Manager (for unsupported regions, use IAM certificate store)

Domain 3: Deployment

1EC2: EBS-backed root volume. How to detach the root-volume?Stop the EC2 instance, then detach the root volume
2Elastic Beanstalk: Maintain compute resource while deploying. No downtime.Rolling with additional batch, Immutable3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3
3DynamoDB: 3.5KB. 150 eventually consistent reads/second. How many RCU?1 strongly read -> 1 RCU
1 eventually read -> 0.5RCU => 150 -> 75
File 3.5KB -> 1:1 => 75 RCU
4Lambda: Deployment package 80MB. What to do now?Split the dependencies to a layer
5SAM: How to use Cfn & include SAM?Use Cfn Transform & AWS:Serverless macro to process SAM template to Cfn template
6CodeDeploy deployment type (How the latest revision is deployed to instance?)1. In-place (EC2/On-Premises); 2. Blue/green3.5
7Cfn: Different accounts. How to manage update across all accounts?Use StackSets

3.2 Elastic Beanstalk Deployment policies

  • Deployment policies (aka deployment methods/strategies):
    • AllAtOnce (Default)
    • Rolling
    • Rolling with additional batch
    • Immutable
    • Traffic splitting (aka Canary)
    • Blue-green (with Swap environment URLs)

3.6 CodeDeploy deployment type

Overview of CodeDeploy deployment types CodeDeploy concepts

CodeDeploy can deploy application to 3 platform (called deployment platform):

  • EC2/On-Premises <= Needs CodeDeploy agent
  • ECS
  • Lambda

CodeDeploy make the latest application revision available on instance in a deployment group (a group of instances)

  • In-place deployment: only support EC2/On-Premise
  • Blue/green deployment

CodeDeploy supports 3 ways of routing traffic (via deployment configuration)

  • All-at-once: 100%
  • Canary: 2 increments: 10% + 90%
  • Linear: n% x m times

3.7 StackSets vs nested stack vs cross-stack reference

  • StackSets: create stacks in AWS accounts across regions by using a single CloudFormation template
  • Nested stack: reuse a template in multiple Cfn template
  • cross-stack reference: export values from one stack and use them in another (Output/Export & Fn::ImportValue)


Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization

1Collect trace from multiple backends, AWS SDK, SQL queries…AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (supports collect from X-Ray)
2X-Ray: Insufficient permissions to use X-ray console to view service map, segments. Which manged policy?- AWSXrayReadOnlyAccess
- AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess
- AWSXrayFullAccess
3API Gateway: Fetch latest data without caching (using Cache-Control: max-age=0 header). Which permission?Resource-based policy for execute-api:InvalidateCache action
4DynamoDB: Streams, EventBridge + Lambda every 36 hours. Missing data?DynamoDB Streams retention period is 24 hour. Only last 24 hours data is available
5Kinesis Data Streams: Increasing data flow. Scale up?Split-shard + (increase numbers of worker)
6S3: CORS config: <AllowOrigin>, <AllowedMethod>, <AllowedHeader>, <MaxAgeSeconds>3600</MaxAgeSeconds>MaxAgeSeconds: time in seconds that your browser can cache the response for a preflight request4.6
7API Gateway: Lambda. 504. No errors in CW. Why?Lambda function takes more than 30s (API Gateway timeout)
8RDS: Slow response (in peak time). Already optimize queries. Resolve?- Add Read Replica
- Add caching with Elasticache
9Latency-sensitive service. AWS Fargate, CloudFront, ALB. Too much unauthenticated users, increase CPU of Fargate. Fix?Use CloudFront Function (attach to Viewer Request) to authenticate users
10EC2: Monitor memory, swap. How?Install CW Agent
11Elastic Beanstalk: EC2. CW doesn’t show memory. Why?By default, CW doesn’t track EC2 instance memory
12Kinesis Data Steams: Producers restart -> Duplicate record. Fix?Call PutRecord with SequenceNumberForOrdering param.