Tutorial Dojo - DVA-C02 - Timed Mode Set 5
Test time: Dec 9, 2023 (14:30)
Score: 47/65 (72%):
- CDA – Development with AWS Services 76.92% (20/26)
- CDA – Security 61.54% (8/13)
- CDA – Deployment 66.67% (6/9)
- CDA – Troubleshooting and Optimization 76.47% (13/17)
Domain 1: Development with AWS Services
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | Lambda: Debug - Return log stream for the function instance | Use context.logStreamName | |
2 | ✅ | API Gateway & Lambda: New version. Smooth migration | Update Lambda function -> Deploy new version. Specify new ARN in API Gateway integration. Redeploy to new stage. | |
3 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Path of config file | /.ebextensions/xxx.config | |
4 | ✅ | Lambda: Ephemeral storage | /tmp | |
5 | ✅ | Lambda: How to use Ruby? | Ruby’s natively support | |
6 | ✅ | CloudFront: Update image immediately | Use file name versioning | |
7 | ✅ | Cognito: Authentication with JWT | 1. Create User Pools | |
2. Create an authorizer with Cognito User Pool ID | ||||
3. Set token source for authorization (to the name of header store JWT) | ||||
8 | ❌ | X-Ray: Group the trace | Subsegment : breakdown segment & provide granular timing detail about downstream calls (to AWS services, HTTP APIs, SQL queries) | |
Annotations : key-pair values, indexed to used with filter expression 👉 group traces (with console) or call GetTraceSummaries API | ||||
Metadata : key-pair values (not-indexed) | ||||
9 | ✅ | S3: Lowest cost | Glacier Deep Archive | |
10 | ✅ | EC2: Run Apache web server | Use user-data to install and start Apache web server | |
11 | ✅ | App host in 1 region. Re-create on other regions using AMI & CloudFormation. How? | Use Cfn Mapping & FindInMap | |
12 | ✅ | Serverless app. Application code & infrastructure code in Python. How? | Use CDK and Python | |
13 | ✅ | Step Functions: Handle error? Aggregate data in different states? | Use Catch & ResultPath | |
14 | ❌ | Step Functions: Break a task into multiple tasks (process synchronously) | Step Functions state types: | 1.14 |
- Do some work: Task State & Parallel State | ||||
- Not do some work: Wait State, Pass State, Choice State, Map State, Success/Fail State. | ||||
15 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Control access to individual items & attributes? | Fine-grain access control with | 1.15 |
1. IAM policy | ||||
2. Condition keys, | ||||
2.1 dynamodb:LeadingKeys | ||||
2.2 dynamodb:Attributes | ||||
3. IAM substitution variable e.g. ${www.amazon.com:user_id} , ${graph.facebook.com:id} , and ${accounts.google.com:sub} | ||||
16 | ✅ | Cognito: UI for login page missing brand logo | Cognito allows customization for: logo, CSS. | |
17 | ✅ | SQS queue: messages larger than 256KB. | Use Amazon S3, (for Java) Extended Client Library | |
18 | ❌ | Lambda: Provide a public HTTPS endpoint & ensure it executes only if the request’s from valid user | 1. Use Lambda function URL | 1.18 |
2. Auth type: | ||||
- AWS_IAM | ||||
- NONE : The URL endpoint will be public | ||||
3. Implement your own authenticator logic in your function. | ||||
19 | ❌ | In-house authentication system, support sync user data between devices/platforms | Cognito Identity Pools - Developer-authenticated identities: | |
- Use your own authenticated process | ||||
- Use Cognito to sync user data between devices/platforms | ||||
20 | ✅ | API Gateway: Integrate a XML-based SOAP API. How? | Use HTTP Integration: | |
- Integration Request: Map incoming request from JSON to XML (with mapping template ) | ||||
- Integration Response: Map API response from XML back to JSON (with mapping template ) | ||||
21 | ✅ | Serverless: Send newsletter at 7-day interval. How? | Use EventBridge Schedule Rule to create events at 7-day interval, sends the events to Lambda function target | |
22 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Python call BatchGetItem return partial data. Why? Fix? | - BatchGetItem use more than the provisioned throughput limit | |
- To fix this: | ||||
1. Increase provisioned throughput | ||||
2. Wait for the load to DynamoDB reduces & try again: | ||||
- Implement your own retries with exponential backoff algorithm | ||||
- Use AWS SDK to call BatchGetItem (comes with retries & exponential backoff) | ||||
23 | ✅ | DynamoDB: Group multiple actions to multiple items to a one-or-nothing operation? | Use TransactionWriteItems | |
24 | ✅ | DynamoDB: When an item added to Customer table, dynamically update Payment table. How do it in real time? | Enable DynamoDB Streams for Customer table, trigger a Lambda function to update Payment table | |
25 | ✅ | ALB: Obtain all value of identical query parameter key. | Enable multi-value headers | |
26 | ✅ | ECS: 2 containers share logs. How? | Define these 2 containers in 1 task definition, use EFS as a volume |
Domain 2: Security
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | S3: Encryption each files with different keys. Cost-effective, low overhead | - SSE-S3: use the same key for all files. | |
- SSE-C & use KMS to create CMK for each files (CreateKey ): not cost-effective (1CMK: 1$/month) | ||||
- SSE-KMS & Use KMS to generate DEK for each files (GenerateDataKey ): 👈 THIS | ||||
2 | ✅ | S3 bucket in production account. How to allow a user on dev account access? | 1. In prod acc, create an IAM role | 2.2 |
1.1 Give it just enough permission for its task) | ||||
2.2 Specify the dev account as a trusted entity | ||||
2. In dev acc, allow it to assume role of prod acc (created in step 1) | ||||
3. In dev acc, switch role to prod acc | ||||
3 | ✅ | S3. Which service to allow user register/sign-in & upload/access images on S3. | Cognito User Pools & Identity Pools | |
4 | ✅ | Allow temporary access to EC2 & but still enforce MFA? Which STS API? | STS GetSessionToken | |
5 | ❌ | KMS features | ||
6 | ✅ | API Gateway: Regulate access to API & charge based on usage | Usage Plan | |
7 | ✅ | Best practice to manage access key | Remote all access key of root account, use IAM role for applications | |
8 | ✅ | Most secure way to send CW logs in EC2 instance of ASG launch configuration | - Create a new IAM role for the new Launch Configuration | |
- Launch Configuration (deprecated), use Launch Template. | ||||
9 | ❌ | AWS CLI: UnauthorizedOperation error with encoded authorization message. What to do? | Decode the message with STS decode-authorization-message | 2.9 |
10 | ✅ | S3: Hundreds of thousands of objects. Turn on SSE-KMS. Performance degradation. Why? | Requests to KMS are exceeded quota | |
11 | ✅ | How to check permission of an IAM role? | 1. Use IAM Policy Simulator | |
2. Run AWS CLI with --dry-run | ||||
12 | ❌ | Serverless app defined with Cloud Development Kit (CDK). How to test local? | 1. (From CDK template) “Synthesize” & output Cfn template with cdk synth | 2.12 What is CDK? 2.12 CDK toolkit commands |
2. Invoke the Lambda function locally with sam invoke local (by emulating the Lambda execution environment.) | 2.12 sam local invoke | |||
13 | ❌ | Cognito Identity Pools: What does Cognito returns to authenticated/unauthenticated user? | - For authenticated users: Cognito returns the token | |
- For unauthenticated users: Cognito returns a Cognito ID |
2.4 Requesting temporary security credentials with Security Token Service (STS)
STS Token | What it does? | Notes |
AssumeRole | cross-account delegation and federation through a custom identity broker | Cross-account, MFA |
AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity | federation through a web-based identity provider | SSO |
AssumeRoleWithSAML | federation through an enterprise Identity Provider compatible with SAML 2.0 | |
GetFederationToken | federation through a custom identity broker | Proxy app |
GetSessionToken | temporary credentials for users in untrusted environments | MFA |
2.5 KMS features
KMS features:
- Create symmetric/asymmetric keys
- Import symmetric keys
- Rotate symmetric keys
- Disable/Enable keys
Not a KMS features:
- Import asymmetric keys
- Rotate key in custom stores
Domain 3: Deployment
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ✅ | CodeDeploy: S3 source. Deploy to EC2 fail during DownloadBundle | The EC2 instance profile don’t have permission to access S3 bucket | |
2 | ❌ | CodeDeploy: Rollback | CodeDeploy rolls back deployments by redeploying a previously deployed revision of an application as a new deployment (with new deployment ID) | 3.2 |
3 | ✅ | Deploy to 3 environments: test , staging , production . How? | Use 3 deployment group s, each for 1 environment. | |
4 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Multi-container Docker. Which file to configure container definitions? | Dockerrun.aws.json | |
5 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Multi developers deploy without upload the whole project? | Use eb deploy to deploy from local CodeCommit repo | |
6 | ✅ | Serverless app defined with CDK. Deploy to new account. NoSuchBucket error. Fix? | Run cdk bootstrap to provision resources for CDK deployment, e.g. IAM role, S3 bucket. | |
7 | ❌ | CodeCommit: How to setup for a new user? | Use AWS credential (with credential-helper ) | 3.7 |
8 | ✅ | CodeCommit: Forgot to pull master. Fix conflict? | git rebase feature branch on master branch. Then manually fix conflict. | |
9 | ❌ | SAM: How to deploy (& test)? | 1. (Once time) sam init | |
2. sam deploy |
3.7 CodeCommit: Setup for new user
HTTPs Git credential (use username & password)
SSH connections (use public-private key pair)
- Create public & private key pair on your local machine
- Associate the public key with IAM user
Use AWS credential (profile)
- Use
(recommended) - Use
aws codecommit
- Use
Domain 4: Troubleshooting and Optimization
No | Q | A | Ref | |
1 | ❌ | Lambda: Function created with Cfn doesn’t send logs to CW? | Modify ExecutionRole & add AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole managed policy | |
- (Attach to Lambda’s resourced-based policy won’t works) | ||||
- When created with Web Console, the console automatically add these policy to execution role for us | ||||
- With Cfn, we need to do it ourself. | ||||
2 | ❌ | ECS: EC2 launch type. Terminate an instance (after it’s stopped), but the container instance still appear in ECS cluster | Terminate an instance: | |
- In running state, it will be automatically deregistered with ECS cluster | ||||
= In stopped state, it won’t be | ||||
3 | ✅ | CodeBuild: Run on a proxy server. RequestError when CodeBuild is accessed. Fix? | ||
4 | ❌ | API Gateway: Enable API caching. How to test the function without caching? | 0. Create a resource-based policy to allows the API Gateway execution service to invalidate the cache for requests on the specified resource | 4.4 |
1. Make a request with Cache-Control: max-age=0 header | ||||
5 | ✅ | S3 - Event Notifications: Compress the images, but it takes too much time. Improve? | Increase memory ➡️ increase CPU | |
6 | ✅ | Debug latency of your app (with recently added function)? How to do with X-Ray? | Define sug-segments inside the function to “instrument” (measure) it | |
7 | ✅ | AWS CLI: Create snapshot of EC2 instance. InvalidInstanceID.NotFound . Why? | Maybe the AWS CLI is using a profile for a different region | |
8 | ✅ | Build a CI pipeline. Which AWS services? | CodeCommit, Lambda, CodeBuild | |
9 | ✅ | Step Functions: Handle & recover from State’s exception. | Use Catch & Retry fields in state machine definition | |
10 | ✅ | Lambda - Cold start: Optimize? | 1. Reduce pre-handler code | |
2. Increase CPU (by increasing memory) | ||||
11 | ✅ | LAMP stack. Migrate to AWS? | EC2 + Aurora/RDS | |
12 | ✅ | Lambda: process file (5min). So slow? | Change InvokeType to Event (asynchronous invocation) | |
13 | ❌ | DynamoDB: Optimize Scan in low-demand time? | Parallel scan: distribute workload across the partitions of the table (by passing Segment and TotalSegments parameters into the Scan operation) | 4.13 |
14 | ✅ | Website (hosted on S3) call API Gateway. No "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" error. Fix? | Config CORS for API Gateway to allow the website (S3) | |
15 | ✅ | API Gateway + Lambda: Publish a new version of AccService:Prod with the alias AccService:Beta . How to test before promote? | Create a BETA stage. Use stage variable to reference the beta function alias | |
16 | ✅ | Lambda: Unable to import module . Fix? | 1. Install the missing module locally. | |
2. Package it with the handler or in a layer | ||||
3. Re-upload to Lambda | ||||
17 | ✅ | Elastic Beanstalk: Keep the old code in S3 bucket. How? | Change Retention to Retain source bundle in S3 |