Infrastructure as Code (CloudFormation)

CloudFormation Physical & Logical Resources (7:30)

[DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART1 (10:28)

[DEMO] Simple Non Portable Template - PART2 (11:28)

CloudFormation Template and Pseudo Parameters (6:53)

CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions (14:28)

CloudFormation Mappings (4:30)

CloudFormation Outputs (3:37)

[DEMO] Template v2 - Portable (13:34)

CloudFormation Conditions (7:24)

CloudFormation DependsOn (7:14)

CloudFormation Wait Conditions & cfn-signal (11:52)

CloudFormation Nested Stacks (13:55)

CloudFormation Cross-Stack References (10:05)

CloudFormation Stack Sets (9:12)

CloudFormation Deletion Policy (5:24)

CloudFormation Stack Roles (6:47)

CloudFormation Init (CFN-INIT) (8:48)

CloudFormation cfn-hup (4:13)

[DEMO] wait conditions, cfn-signal, cfn-init and cfn-hup - PART1 (12:51)

[DEMO] wait conditions, cfn-signal, cfn-init and cfn-hup - PART2 (14:42)

CloudFormation ChangeSets (11:03)

CloudFormation Custom Resources (11:03)

[DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART1 (9:12)

[DEMO] CloudFormation Custom Resources-PART2 (13:27)