Don’t read the docs (of an CLI tool) without trying



tldr-pages1: Simplified and community-driven man pages

alt text

tldr-pages for a CLI tool can be available for many platforms, e.g. common, linux, osx, windows, …

tldr-pages can be accessed in a lot of ways2:

tldr (tl;dr) : short for too long; didn't read (also occasionally don't read) : (internet slang) used to introduce a summary of an online post or news article4


cheat5: cheatsheats for *nix commands that are used frequently, but not frequently enough to be remembered

cheat demo


xny6: A way to use Learn X in Y Minutes on the command line.

Terminal/shell completion feature

Warp’s completion

warp completion

zsh completion

zsh completion

zsh completion with fuzzy search zsh completion with fuzzy search

fish completion

fish completion

The new terminal of JetBrain’s IDEs (e.g. GoLand)

New Terminal of

For more information, see its Introduce Blog